Friday, September 22, 2017

The Mystical 22 Scriptures on a 10:10 Portal 7/22/2017

Posted at 1:59PM (15/6) Not fully finished for publishing until 7/22/2017 (11/10/1=111) 6+3=(9) @12:47AM 3:11(5) 14/(5)
5:5 Reflection making 10/1


I leave for work around 10:36 (10/1) and my Divine Masculine Malachi Kaiser received a rather ominous UNMARKED letter in the mail that morning on 7/20/2017:10/1 (10:10/11/22)

Its 2 pages of scriptures that are crazy cryptic but MESSAGE RECEIVED!

Main channeled Theme Songs: (The 3rd one is OUR SOUL SONG - Main song to be played on our wedding day! It's mirrored between 23% and 32%! (5:5) with 21%/3 presented at the top 10/1+3=13/4
3:30-34 @21% 7/21/2017 4:19 (5) Revolution By Treading Yesterday Yesterday
3:34-38 @23% 3:46 Mins (4) Without You By Ashes Remain WHAT IVE BECOME BECOME
3:40-43 @26% 3:11 Mins (5) Forevermore By Broken Iris Iris
4:06-10 @32% 4:24 Mins (10/1) Particle By I-Exist THROUGH IMAGINATION

*I just had a synchronicity with my Divinity Ellie telling her about our Union day on 8:11 and seeing if she can get this date cleared to be there. She was supposed to leave that day to go to Florida for her beloved to meet her family; but she is postponing! I will explain later in this why 8-11 is SO important to our unions! as we where texting over it she was parking her car and was 311 and she felt that was a confirmation! right after that she saw a license plate she doesn't normally see 777 (i see it a lot LOL). she normally sees 222,444,or 555 and lots of 1's. Then she saw a 111 License plate after sharing that with me. I was then looking for a YouTube video that links to listen to our song and the video is 3:11 minutes. Then we both just saw 4:11! talk about synchronized validation between twins!* 4:21pm- 7/21(7/10/1:711/9)


Line 6 Hebrews 11:11 (twin flame numbers) along with line 18/9 4:17(8)-21(3) (4:11(6)-another confirmation of twin partnership, conscious connections and crossroads and finding harmony, and it mentions "Sarah" twice! 2 is emphasized greatly! I started writing in my blog a lot back in February (2) on the 22nd. 22 was also coming in strong. This number has stuck with me even since i first began my awakening; often I would see 22 in my dreams. I am starting to believe that this is an introduction from my guides and such- how they present that they have something important to tell me and that i must share it with the world!

*6+4*=10/1: 11-11; if you pay close attention - together these two scriptures mirror/repeat each other

All very cryptic but basically getting the message that we shall continue to have faith- since february when we got engaged driving up to see my Goddess SiStar Krystal to leadville taking highway 285 (15/6) up the mountain. we have now had multiple synchronicities driving up this highway and into the mountain area's it passes by. That is when i really started recognizing how the 7-11 was significant to our individual journey and all other "":11 synchronicities! Since we visited Mount Shasta in September 2016 we have been mightily tested and guided through these different; what i would like to consider; octaves/harmonies/sequences/mountains! The creator is guiding and supporting us divinely and we need only trust for the universe is making miracles happen regardless of any circumstances we face!
Song playing currently 2:25 (9) pm 7/21 (10/1) The Chosen - by Nine (9) Lashes

We were made to fly
In a burning sky
We are fighters till the end
and we will pray for love
Cos there is hope for us
and you have shown us once again

We are
The chosen
The chosen
The chosen ones
The chosen ones

In the aftermath
When the sun turns black
and the ocean turns to rust
We could be the spark
In the darkest dark

Keep us rising from the dust
We were made to fly
In a burning sky

We are
The chosen
The chosen
The chosen ones
The chosen ones

I am so thankful for yesterday/Wednesday and excited for the future ahead!!! Our sweet sister/brother/mother Sarah has returned to us!!! Malachi now feels he has some sort of future to look forward to with our family reunion! A purpose! Hes actually excited and motivated now! We are all crying tears of joy! I couldnt have more appreciation for our beloved GODDESS Sarah!!! My beloved and I changed yesterday in Quantum ways!!!

"I'm weeping with joy. Yesterday, we aligned, reunited and it feels so good. Like my family has returned. I am crying today from the miracles and blessing that still pour from it and will be bestowed for us all because we're gonna heal our world. Even if that means we break off our own piece and keep it that way; Truth of spirit and divine lay in our hearts and souls yesterday. We are meant to be, you two are meant to be, my brother and daughter are returned to me :)"
-Sarah Abbott our Goddess Saraswatti (who i mentioned in my channeling on 2.22.2017)

(9/22/2017 notice all the 22 syncronicities... I wrote this 7/22 and it wasn't posted until 9/22 and i mention the chaneling of 2/22)

Song Playing 4:25 7/21 Telepathic by Starset -  very few lyrics stuck out mostly just the name and album cover got my attention
*insert photo*


Even line 8 James 5:14(10/1)-15/6 (5+1+5=11) 1+5+6= 12/3 TRINITY 8+3= 11 *8-11-2017/1 our wedding day!* explained what she did for my daughter yesterday with the oil in the ear post swimming! it "healed" her ailment as she said it would; And she is indeed a great elder like we are- just much more grounded into this Earth plane and here to teach us how to do the same!

Now referring back to line 6+ line 18=15/6 or 24/6 which represents harmony and balance and being centered in our knowing. I always ask "wheres the 6?" For that reason- look deep! Go deeper search for the 369 (spiral of life) hidden in the messages! They mirror and repeat within this letter too (refer to picture to visualize it- its not very verbally explainable! But you can see the numbers circled and written)

15/6+8=23/5 which represents great change coming our way and im so glad Sarah is painted within the same canvas as our own! "Ironically" she brought up the visual idea of a tattoo ive had in my minds eye for a while now- it just came to her but its similar to the tree of life with the divine masculine and Divine feminine interweaving with one another in a dance as the trunk of the tree. Both of us want this and wondered if Ellie's twin: Ruben could be the artist of such a piece! Even today synchronistically I commented on a piece he had created and was in awe- would love work from him and his beloved praised him and him her :-)

A lot of these scriptures speak of this tree! The Sacred Tree Of Life! (My flower of life seed outline was desperate to be colored apparently because when we where trying to get to Sarah's my GPS decided to take me to Boulder where my tattoo artist is at and I originally had scheduled to go at 11:45 over there but wanted to have pool fun with Sarah at Noon so I postponed to 8/23 (13/4). before I realized we where following the wrong directions as we where on the interstate 36; which made no sense since she lived in Westminister: we had gone 10 miles out of our way. When we turned around and got back on 36th to Wadsworth we saw a license plate that said 444)

Another few songs: 7/21
                          2:39pm (5)When You Feel The Most Alive by All Good Things
                          3:12pm (6)Weather the Storm By Danger Silent
                          3:13pm (7)Science By Framing Hanley/THE SUM OF WHO WE ARE
                                         18/9 completion

These lyrics stood out to me and I want to share them:

Bring Me Back To Life - Renegade Five

I found the *NOTES* with *THE WORD* enough to see
Could it been so right
If you could only see how much you mean to me
It's surprising in my heart, you came too close
You only pray for my life, no other choice
To save me from this night
Love was worth more that all this fear within

It's so hard to breathe since you were gone
Save me from this dark, and bring me back to life
Scream, girl, fight for the life
Waiting for the change that will bring me back to life
That bring me back to life
That bring me back to life

Nothing left to say, nothing left to do
Only you can bring me back to life
To the bitter end, together we will stand

Just bring me back to life"

She is bringing us back to life and making this union ceremony ALL POSSIBLE within a forest as i had envisioned in my wildest dreams; literally ive had dreams of being in the forest when i was dating Brandon in 2014/15 and i felt i was missing out on something special and it was emphasizing my discomfort in my current partnership and the imbalance and stress i was experiencing and the fact i was unable to establish any sort of boundaries with him. i felt like if i didnt break it off soon i would miss out on this grand celebration! Well it was around that time i really started listening to my intuition and guides and beginning dream divination and researching twin flames; now since i overcame those obstacles and fears and stepped into my power and demanded him into manifestation; everything is just falling so perfectly into place and the very celebration i would have missed was MY OWN REUNION WITH MY TRIBE!

A new child Sarah is birthing/marrying- impregnated with for YEARS: our Twin Flame foundation- when we thought we where to begin a new one on the barren ground alone! NOPE!!! The lost has been found!!! Our family inheritance/ cornucopia is abound! 6+5=11 TWINS. She knew to expect her brother FINALLY when she heared a "cling cling cling" in her right ear when we where on our way and felt pain (like his jaw) on her left jaw where his tooth was removed. She ended up telling me that before I ever mentioned him she saw a vision of him in her minds eye and she connected me to the mother energy when she saw my eyes; being that they look like the colors of a peacock and the Blue Pearl. It came up in conversation because i commented on her lighter that had both on it and i loved it. When we finally got there and to the pool and we all talked for an hour and figured out our ties- she had to run home for a few items for our lunch. While she was there magically she refound this iChing medallion that was very special to her- highly important and sacred; had been passed on before but it always returned to her magically. She had seen the necklaces my beloved was wearing and it came to her; what the "cling cling cling" was all about! It was the iChing clinging against his other sacred pieces. She was shocked to find this necklace that day! This medallion represents a sacred time when they fought in battle as warriors together! Many battles- its like a PURPLE HEART that is passed from one that has lost their physical vessels life to another to be handed down for generations as souls reincarnated. So that is how MK got his luck back!

In total we received *22* scriptures on 2 pages


plus the 2 is *6
4+6*=10/1 same as the date we read the letter

Date Read: 7/20/2017=9/10:1=10/1
we received this supposedly (its stamped this) on 7/17/2017=15/6+10/1=7 or 15+10=25:7.

 Our address has a 6 and 3 in it making a 9 (369 spiral of life) for completion stamped on front of the envelope. 9+7=16/7 We're completing our past: Starting a new story: a True Love story. creativity abounds and abundance with that!

7s is a sign were going the right direction and following heavenly guidance!

The "(...)" is the line number in conjunction to the scriptures we saw in order on the paper

Phillipians 2:13 (1)
                   4:6-7 (2)
II Timothy 1:7 (3)
Hebrew 10:23 (4) with placing the numbers with the line number we have 1234
               10:35 (5) adding numbers to 9 plus the line number 5 = 14/5 reflecting the #5
               11:11 (6) 4 or 2:2 added with the line number 6 = 10/1
               13:8 (7)
James     5:14-15 (8)
I PETER 2:24 (9)
I John    3:21-22 (10) all the numbers here add up to 10 just like the line number 10 (11=22/4)
III John  2 (11)
Revelations 12:11 (12)
Matthew 18:18-19 (13)
                 21:21 (14)
Mark        11:23-24 (15)
                 16:17-18 (16)
John         10:10 (17)
Romans    4:17-21 (18)
                  8:11 (19) Both 811 and the line number 19-10/1
II Corinthians 10:4-5 (20)
Galatians 3:13-14  (21) these numbers add up to 12 which mirrors the line number 21 making a 3
Ephesians 6:10-17 (22) adding the numbers to 15/6+22/4=28/10/1

So many blatant repeats of numbers!
I posted the page i did the quantum math on; here is the message we got in the letter:

1 and 2 are the highest repeated numbers in the sequence. 1 marking in at 36 (10/1) and 2 marking in at 14 (7); repeat of the date again.

Look at the numbers in the above paragraph 1,3,6,10,1,2,14,7 and then look at the numbers trickling down to the very end through Galatians 3:*13*-14 and Ephesians  *6:10*-17 and the 1, 14 and 7 mix themselves in?! To me its "ironic" they landed on lines 21 and 22 (7) :-P They are also shown in sequence at the very beginning in
Phillipians 2:13 (1)
4:6-7 (2)
II Timothy 1:7 (3) 
Hebrew 10:23 (4)

Lines 1,2,3 and 4 (10/1 or 11:11/22=4) :-P 7+4=11/22 or 7+1=8
(I ended up writing a mirror!)
1+7=8 which correlates to the date we opened it (not received) which is explained above! So same numbers interweaving in and out of one another consistently in a mirroring mannor. 87/78=15/6 which represents harmony. And 1987 (25/7) is my birth year; 25 is the date of birth of my beloved *9.25/16/7* year 1991 (20/2) 7+2=9 my birthdate is 9.23/14/5; 7+5=12/3 TRINITY! 9+3=12/3 WE are Trinity. We are 3x3x3! 369

Also in the numerological entirety, you will see the following sequence repeat

SIMPLE SEQUENCE (all numbers tallied up from groups)

-I got this within the grouped numbers *36(9)*, *14*(5),*8,7*,*4,*3*,5*,*5,1*,*6*This is where you can find the 369
53/*8*                                                     *3+6(9)*+*1+4*+*8+7*+*4+*3*+5*+*5+1*+*6*

Some main numbers to pay head to: DO NOT forget about the MIRROR numbers:

369/18/9                                                                                            963/81:6
14/5;                                                                                                    41
                     (9+5=14/5 1+4+5 or 14+5/19=10/1) Reflection
87/15/6                                                                                              78/51:"9"       87/51 MIRRORS in sequence above
43/7                                                                                                    34
74/11                                                                                                  47 HIDDEN DEEP WITHIN in sequence above
6                                                                                                          "9"
5*5*5/15/6 : 5*5*5/15/6 (6+6=12/3)
6666=24/6                                                                                         42

You can see in the sequence above how there are exactly four 6's. You can look up in google "Angel #6" to get the underlying energy of this message if you are curious enough.

98/1*7/*8* - I got this from adding every single individual number that showed up
6+8(17) +8+6+9+4+3(12)+7(16)+8+1(10)+2+1(28/10)+6+4(13)+6(24)+2+6(15)+1(10)+1(10)+3(12)+6(15)

All the numbers within the (...) were presented as the following

10:10 X2* which equal 2
12:12 X1*                       6
15:15 X1*                       3

263=11 TWIN FLAME (can count as a 2 in my opinion also)
(another mirror we have here Eye see!)
211 correlates back to the 2 pages and 22 scriptures.


Also equals 4 "..."
Adding the 4 from the one above with one you get *8* INFINITY- TRINITY- PORTAL/GATEWAY
3+4=*7* (MIRROR 43/34 and 41/14)

The lonely scattered numbers within the (...) 13+16+17+24+28 came out to Equal

35/*8*                                                                   1+3+1+6+1+7+2+4+2+8

In the conclusion of this message i saw how 89/17/8: 53/8 mirrored in the end with 98/17/8: 35:8 complete mirrors and with all the *8* within this math we get 8:8:8 (24/6) 8:8:8 (24/6)x11/2*mirror* 6+6=12/3

Validations tonight as I took my daughter home and we had a car in front of us that says "211-SEQ" and we were stopped at 64th street!

SEQ=Sequence validating the 211 (22)
It's exactly what have been writing about this entire time.

We get to the house (7/21) and I'm just noting that their address is 7114 (11:11) and my ex mother in law's car plate is 747 (711). It was about 7:41 (11:1) and my phone was at 96% (15/6) It was 72 (9) *MIRROR 96/69) Deg outside when i dropped her off in front of the house. As we're driving down the street post drop off I always notice the address 7111 when im turning left! Driving down Lamar RD we come up to some train tracks. The street barricades came down and my twin flame began to sigh and laugh at the universe for its attempts to slow us down. Normally he would have been screaming and cussing at it but this time he had a moment of surrender and while this happened it turned out to be a super short train and it was there and gone before we could blink an eye; we didnt even have to stop. I looked at MK and said "The sooner you surrender the faster you get back on *track*". We decided to go out to dinner for the evening and our bill was split. MK paid 15 (6) and my bill before tip was 23.87 (MY BIRTHDAY EXACTLY) with tip.  i gave 6 (3 each) and it was 29.87 (my current age and birthday). 11:6 (8) 5:6 (11) (MIRROR *116* and *611* with the 8:11 in center! MAKING 311(5 which is the very center number also). After we stuffed face on Fish and Chips with some Brustle Sprouts I decided I wanted dessert so we went to WallyWorld to get some Vegan Sherbet and a decadent piece of chocolate cake (almost that time of month for me and im craving it like a mad woman). Outside where we parked where 3 red cars LP# 010(1) 5193(18/9) and 980(17/8)  *89/98 MIRROR* and one single white car with 111(3) (1+9+8+3=21/3) put the single 1 with the other 3 you have 11:11/22. I noticed in another lane a white car with QDO-338(14/5) I took this as a message that KUDOS for you surrender! you are proving yourself faithful and trustworthy during this massive shift and change! During this time I text Ellie around 8:11 (10/1) phone at 91% (10/1) telling her we're out eating dinner and the waiter emphasizes that they are out of the Reuban sandwich. I had told them I wasn't wanting it anyways and thinking in my head "I have my own twin flame and Ruben is Ellies! bwa ha ha". She jokes back "that's so funny because when people say "Ruben like the sandwich?" and she would say "yeah I just want to eat him up!". ROFLMAO

We get home finally and I look at the microwave clock it says 9:23, I go to snap a screenshot on my phone but it says 9:25... both our birthdays showed simultaneously at the same "time"! How rare and divine! So I go to watch the movie we rented (some super bad alien in space fuckin shit up on a ship!) and it plays a preview that has a guy racing 3 red cars and they say "baby" in the entire trailer. The fact i witness 3 different sets of red cars they are trying to tell me something. 3+3+3 (369) - TRINITY ACTIVATION BABY: 123 READY SET GO... the masculine energy is ready to fly and letting their Divine Counterpart know they are taking the lead and doing what they need to expand their hearts and boy are they picking up speed!
10:10pm watching our movie and the new baby born was named "may". A final song I wanted to share to my beloved was "May I by Trading Yesterday: More than this" played around 4:46pm (14/5)
Video is 4:50 mins(9) *REFLECTION 45 and 45*

There you stand, opened heart, opened doors
Full of life with a world that's wanting more
But I can see when the lights start to fade
The day is done and your smile has gone away

Let me raise you up
Let me be your love

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe here
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down

All I want is to keep you safe from the cold
To give you all that your heart needs the most

Let me raise you up
Let me be your love

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe here
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down

All that's made me is all worth trading
Just to have one moment with you
So I will let go with all that I know
Knowing that you're here with me
For your love is changing me

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found

May I lay you down

Again i must emphasize the LIONSGATE PORTAL that opened today 7/21 which is also a 10:10 portal ... Trinity came to embody this vessel in the 8:8:8 Gageway of 2015: She has many messages to bring as the Scribe and Oracle of Isis/Mary Magdalene! If you can understand numerology and what she speaks here you are ready and she beckons you to join in tomorrow 7/22/2017 to join in a healing upon all unawakened masculine on Gaia - It is time to LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Driving home last night i saw a car "640 REQ". If you look a the beginning of this post you will see where i wrote *6
4 6* or i marked 64/46 with *- I was emphasizing that because this is mirroring itself and it has been emphasized to me for some time now. these two things together told me "64"- the iChing/flower of life and 64 Gene Keys are required focus in our journey!!! This year which is a 10/1 year (2017) is VERY important; we have a lot of magic going on and Mary Magdelene and Yeshua have BIG plans! The Trinity is powering up within all hearts minds and souls! TRINITY ACTIVATION INITIATED! That will set us on course! MK just got his magical medallion after i acquire this book - his GOOD LUCK CHARM and guide in alignment! He wears the i Ching permanently around his neck and it falls onto his solar plexus that eventually will be shining brightly again returning from its dark coaled entropy!

"'Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
 But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reason to start again

The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes
Let's forget who we are and dive into the dark
As we burst into color we turn into life"
 Arrows To Athens Jet Black Heart

Funny at 1:44 today my beloved said he saw REQ-844; that concludes that we are required to be harnessing the full potential of the LEO  lions-gate portal starting TOMORROW 7/21 on the new moon! It comes to a "close" on 8/8. 3 days before our wedding but the energy of it will trickle to us for the next month or longer! I am so ecstatic that all my favorite people will be gathered together right within 3 days of the FULL moon!

A small note i wanted to add which correlates to the beginning of this article; is that when I lived with Divinity Hernandez (Ellie) from July-august of 2015 i noticed every time it was "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12":11; she would send love and manifestation to her own beloved twin flame who she did not have in the physical 3D yet at the time. First moment i saw her do this it was "8:11" and i asked her what she was doing and since then i have done the same; especially at that time since during the 2015 888 gateway I discovered my Goddess within- I found Isis of 10,000 names and Trinity (and An-Ki) and then shortly the universe brought me Cathy Montemayor- another of my twins!) Now im getting "married" to mine on this date just 2 years later during a 10:10 portal and these beautiful Goddess's will be my "brides maids"! I have to mention my Goddess Deane who I met at the very beginning of my awakening who guided me into this whole twin flame amazingness and i couldn't extend more graciousness for her! She hopefully will also be joining!

In Lake Powell in August 2012 (which my twin and i are both deeply connected to this place of origin; both grew up vacationing there) i found a black 10 pound weight that i was urged for whatever reason to pick up and keep. Normally i find Feathers or heart shaped rocks - my kids found me those :-P It now resides on our alter and on top of it sits an EGG shaped MALACHIte stone! One of the first stones I was ever drawn to besides the Amethyst that Divinity gave me on 10/23 (33/3+3 or 1/5=6) and sits on the very same alter. i would have to say (#Synchronicity# As the lyrics playing in the background repeat "and say" when i was typing "say". The Letter Black - There'll Come A Day is very fitting.) that is OUR heart stone; our "marriage" stone. It is known as the ULTIMATE and most POTENT heart healing stones. The same year i found that weight i also saw "Jon ❤️ KulA" carved in stone. I was dating a Jon at the time but who knew that would be the middle name of my beloved down the line! I saw "Ellie" carved in stone also which I found to be no coincidence! Hee hee!

Around 1:33 2/20 my beloved saw these signs
License plate # 211 311 411 511 611 711 811 911 almost all of those were all in a row
And a plate that said "1 In Space"
Talk about ONE LOVE IN SPACE to conclude this!
And one of the scriptures along with that that stood out

Romans 8:11
And the spirit of him [Source] who raised Jesus/Yeshua from the dead is living in you; He [The Creator/Source] who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the [Creator] spirit, who lives within you.

Haha I have to add from 7/20-21 (9+10/1= 10/1) 1:36 am (10/1) phone battery 64% (10/1)
URK = Take a break and refuel!
FOR REAL says the angels and ascended masters urgently! Get some sleep right MEOW finish tomorrow (7/21)!"

2:11 (4) 38% (11) 4-11

Okay okay 👌!!!

So ill end the night with a kiss to my Divine Masculine and bless him good rest with a sublime promise i bid adieu. so mote it be by the powers of three this is my vows to thee Malachi Ki; sorry i didnt write it personally but it was ghostwritten perfectly!

"The Promise"
By Sherie

When you came back into my life
My world was reborn, as was I
My breath catches in waves,
My heart hammers in remembrance
Of a somehow familiar love,
Of an enchanting elusive dance
Your voice strikes a familiar chord
From my past and even lifetimes before
There's a memory burned into my Soul
A Promise of Unconditional Love
Made so very long ago
Two Luminescent beings of Light
Souls melded into one
Driven by destiny and fire of the Sun
Let the promises of many lifetimes
Be realized and together brought to Life
Twin flame {My glorious Divine Kindred Partner} you found me
In this new realm of time
Hold me close to your Heart
Let me draw from your Masculine strength
Let our memories breathe life into each other
Our Love is a Rainbow blazed into Eternity
I have not forgotten or erased
For it is written, embedded into our DNA
The eternal promise that we made
To Run as One among the Stars
I long to touch your face, kiss your lips,
Feel your warm sensuous embrace
To taste the sacredness of you,
A love so pure, so rare, and true
A dream contemptuous of time.
Come to me my Love, and wrap me up
In endless dreams, caresses so sweet
With gentleness and passion
My aching heart, filled with desire
Would gladly soar through time and space
Just to dissolve into your embrace once more
And melt into your soul's sweet fire.
Ecstasy and Love Sublime
Twin flames incomplete alone
Yet Magnificent and a Miracle as we became ONE.

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