Friday, September 22, 2017

Trinity's Mad Hatter Garden Tea Party!

Welcome to Malachi and Kymberly's Mad Hatter Garden Tea Party! 
AKA Trinity's Wedding/Hand Fasting Ceremony!!

Please follow this Itinerary so we can all DANCE together harmoniously! 

Also we are playing a game with numbers: Communicating with the Divine. 
Pay close attention to synchronicities along the way; that would be sublime! 
This will be a FUN day of play and numerological riddle and rhyme! 
Now check the time because we don't want to fall behind like the White Rabbit now do Eye's

"I'm late I'm late 
For a very important date. 
No time to say "Hello, Goodbye". 
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. 
The White Rabbit Alice In Wonderland 1951 (7) 

[Bare in mind that EVERYONE was late. we didn't start until close to 6! ]

3:00 PM
1): Take GIFT BAG with YOUR NAME shared with TWIN or Brothers on it

2): With the papers and pencil attached please write WORDS OF WISDOM and on the 2nd page write down one of your favorite memories with Trinity, another memory of Malachi and a 3rd memory of the couple together that you share or hold dear! If you need more paper there is some in the Green Rose Binder

3): Place papers in the Green Rose Binder

4): A Wishing Angel with the Brides Wedding Ring will be passed around for Blessing

Whoever finishes with Angel Bowl first please give it to Elijah for wedding walk

3:33 PM
5): Begin wedding walk. Children of Bride as flower girl and ring boy. Father of the Bride escorts Daughter

6): Enjoy the song At The Beginning from The Anastasia Soundtrack Album 

7): High Priestess Sarah ceremonial opening

8): Father of the Bride blessings

9): 4 Guardians Invocation

10 (/1): Plant A Tree In A Pot Ritual: As an honor to Gaia and this beautiful planet we get to experience reality upon at this time we choose to honor the cosmic mother with this ritual as a complete family. Children of the bride, Groom and Bride will put dirt over the roots of the Unity Tree/Plant. 

*11*(11): Cleansing and washing of the Couples and children's hands with Purified and Blessed Liquid Crystal Water. Hands purified with Ganesha Lotus Salt and Essential Oil Blend

12(3): Join in the prayer to Quan Yin by holding your hands in the Matangi Madra or Namaste by the heart if you wish.

13(4): Groom Gifts To The Children. This is in honor of the three of them and their bond. To bless his new steps he now makes into Fatherhood taking the role as a Step Parent. 

14(5): High Priestess leads us into Saint Germain Liquid Crystal Wine Ritual

15(6) Trinity recites a quote by Rumi

16 (7): Guests are asked to partake in the communion with the Blessed Wine and at this time OPEN the LETTER on your GIFT BAG! 

17(8): Follow along as Trinity brings a channeled message from Rumi for the guests in regards to Sacred Convergence
18(9): Sit and listen to the song dedicated to all of you "Brothers Under The Sun by Bryan Adams"

19 (10/1): Written in your letter is a bolded Prayer; please recite this together!

20(2): Guided Meditation with High Priestess Chant the following with us 

"I call on those beings that love me unconditionally to be with me and help me manifest my spiritual destiny in the highest vibration possible for me in this body, this lifetime. I accept your divine help for my highest good and in unconditional love now, of my own free will as a sovereign being of light!"

21(3) High Priestess leads us into the Unity candle ritual where Bride and Groom light a third candle simultaneously; I will ask the Father of the Bride to join in lighting this candle with his own if allowed. 

22(4): Enjoy the songs Don't Let Go by Bryan Adams and Sarah McLachlan 

The following songs will play as you partake in the following ritual; pay attention to the lyrics if you can! 

Defying Gravity by Idina Menzel; 

I Will Always Return by Bryan Adams; 

Know Who You Are by Auli'i Carvalho; 

Beauty and the Beast by Ariana Grande; 

Here I Am by Bryan Adams

23(5): At this time please take out the white candle on your gift bag.visualize it with a purple flame of violet fire and RECITE THE PRAYER WRAPPED AROUND IT. 

24(6): Save this prayer to burn as a sacred ritual at home! PAY ATTENTION to the ANGELIC RIDDLE attached. 

Number 7 Appears; Refer to #34 below and that's another 7! We just went from the energy of the 24 aka 6 (harmony and balance) and transitioned into 7! 7 is repeated multiple times already and they keep coming.

25(7): Kym will have burnt her old marriage contract and other items she had in memory of her ex-husband. 
26(8): Ashes in the glass jar will be passed to every guest to sprinkle into the bed of the plant. Please go 2 at a time starting with and High Priestess Sarah and Mikel. Ruben and Ellie, Cathy and Deanne, ending with Father of the bride 

27(9): Please follow in this specific order, making sure to touch the dirt and mix the ashes in well during your turn. Pick one of the stones in the jar and place it where you buried the ashes. Use this moment to ground to Mother Earth and gain the amplified benefit of the stone you placed. Have the intention of burying the old to seed and nurture the new! 

28(10/1): Please use the Blue Gem Vessel to water your patch a little.

29 (11): When you finish with watering the soil please immediately move to the bowl of water in the same order and gently dampen your hands. Add some oil from the green jar; a small bit goes far. along with a teaspoon of Ganesha Lotus scrub and massage it into your hands. Receive the mana from above repeats the prayer that will be framed in front of you. Making sure to take deep breaths in through your noses; breathing in the aromas. And releasing with AUH-OMS with the exhale. Repeat three times. Wash your hands off gently and then dry them with the Butterfly towel. All will receive a special gift to place on their altar or in their Garden at home that will be a message from the Unity Plant and Angels. 
Please return to your seats. 

30(3): At this time Malachi will retrieve the wedding ring from the flower bowl and place it on Brides finger

31(4): High Priestess leads into the Hand Fasting Ceremony with the Ribbon and VOWS

32(5): Enjoy the song Forevermore by Broken Iris this is our Union song it is the song that came to me after we reunited! Marriage finale and the Big Kiss

33 (6): Applause, bubbles and bagpipes!!!

34 (7): FEEL FREE TO OPEN YOUR GIFTS AT THIS TIME! You will discover special talismans and goodies inside representing and bonding our relationships as a Tribe/Garden and family of One. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for joining in this celebratory event! If you have a box in your bag please do not open it until "Tea"and Toast Time! The mad hatter has a special story to share! Life Is A Box Or CeREAL and God Is The CeREAL Killer 

7 is a Angelic sign that we're all going in the right direction!

35(8): Time to STUFF FACE and eat yummy food! 

36 (9): TOAST'S and Mad Hatter story time! We will all partake in reciting the Quan Yin Prayer on the front of your bag before we eat. 

Enjoy the song Towards The Sun by Rihanna and 

Feel The Light by Jennifer Lopez From the Home Soundtrack. 

We will share all the words of wisdom written and the memories you all wrote for us! 

37(10/1): Cake IN YOUR FACE! Dessert and Tea/Coffee Time! I will give you all an Organic Third Street Peach Black Tea. Sip and Enjoy the songs Run To Me by Clarence *Coffee* Jr. 

and Red Balloon by Charli XCX 

following As Real As You And Me by Rihanna from the Home Soundtrack

38 (11): Sadly clock strikes at 9 the latest; marking our completion! Lets farewell with Dancing In The Dark from the Home Soundtrack. You will be missed, 
*Trinity blows you a kiss*

During Tea Time you are welcome to ask for the numerology Symbology guide explaining what each number represents. I will also at this time go into more depth on the message and synchronicities within. 

38 is 3+8 which equals 11. Between you can see 8/11 which is todays date and a 3 in the lead. 3 represents Trinity. Thank you for participating in Trinity's sacred Convergence on 8/11/2017!
All 11 of us are a lucky bunch to experience such within the 8:8 Lions gate Portal! Now go home and do some research about it when you have a moment: there are links provided in your gift bag otherwise utilize google how you choose or deem fit! 
Lets all try and gather again soon: Possibly on the new moon! My dream and wish is once a month or more: or at least this same date every year in Honor of our Divine Mother and Father and the Creatrix. Lets do something real for this Matrix together! 

Please go return home and listen to the songs listed on the Wedding Album; they all have deep meaning to us and there are messages within music that we should listen to from our Muses's. I do music divination and often the Divine speaks through the lyrics and even the names and artists while i write and compose! Along with this please share in the message from Goddess Isis and Sekhmet that is in the envelope near the Journal; If you can manage to join we will hold another ceremony in town. If you can't join please do the recommended ritual during the Eclipse New Moon August 21st and at this time burn the Prayer you where given with your candle to solidify what was done here today and carry it forth to manifest a timeline and paradigm that is harmonious and focused on unconditional love and most importantly; is set with intentions for the highest well-being of all! 
Atma Namaste Beloveds!

As the guests arrive I would like to hand each of them a special goody gift bag that will be used throughout the ceremony and opened at the end. While they are seated I would like to have them participate in the first activity/game I have for them. I would like them to take the sheet of papers and pencil attached to their gift bag and have them write down some words of wisdom or heartfelt words for the couple embarking upon their new life together. Once they are finished writing until their hearts are content they can place it into the Green Rose Binder I will have available: Each of them will have their own color to place it behind. When they are done writing, I will have my old wedding ring that is my Great Grandmother Grace's and was used for my previous marriage that I would love to use again to be passed around and blessed by all within the tribe who are present. To re-energize and polarize it to attract abundant love and prosperity for Malachi and I's union.

When the ceremony begins I would like to enter to the song At The Beginning from the Anastasia Soundtrack. I would like to have my daughter walk in front to throw some rose peddles, my son will take the ring from the last person blessing it and will walk behind Grace carrying my ring on the mini pillow (will hand off to my dad for him to keep in his pocket after my dad walks me down and Eli goes to sit down.)

High Priestess: Friends and family, welcome to this ceremony in which will unite two souls, two minds and two hearts in marriage. We have gathered here in celebration of the joining together of Kymberly Kay Kula and Malachi John Kaiser.

 There are many things to say about marriage. Much wisdom concerning the joining together of two souls has come our way through all paths of belief, and from many cultures. With each union, more knowledge is gained and more wisdom gathered. Though we are unable to give all this knowledge to those, who stand before us, we can hope to leave with them the knowledge of love and its strengths and the anticipation of the wisdom that comes with time. Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and its downs, its trials and its triumphs. With full understanding of this, (groom and bride) have come here today to be joined as one in marriage. Others would ask, at this time, who gives the bride in marriage, but, as a woman is not property to be bought and sold, given and taken, I ask simply if she comes of her own will and if she has her family's blessing. 

Kymberly Kay Kula, is it true that you come of your own free will and accord? Bride: Yes, it is true. 

High Priestess: With whom do you come and whose blessings accompany you? Father of bride: She comes with me, her father, and is accompanied by all of her family's blessings. My dad will then hand my hand over into Malachi's, I'll nod nicely at him and he will go sit down. 

High Priestess: The Celtic Trinity, which is a century old profession of faith, holds that trust in the soul, faith in the mind and belief in the heart, are all that is needed to lead an honorable, loving and fulfilled life. The Celtic conception of the soul encompasses far more than we traditionally think of today. The Celtic belief of the soul exists within and outside the individual; it is manifest in the trees, the rocks, the waters and the Sun. The relationship between humans and the world around them is intertwined. 

The soul is inextricably tied to the universal spirit of the Earth, embodied by the four elements: (The coven calls the 4 quarters. Lighting the four lanterns, calling the characteristics from the 4 elements. ) 

Guardian of the North: Powers of the North, we call to you. Join us today in celebrating this union. Bring your reassuring stability to their path, Your building blocks so they may construct a life together, And your sage advice mined from the depths of time. Let them roam safely through your wild hills and meadows, And open unto them new crevices and hollows to explore. When the ground rumbles and threatens to undermine their foundations, we ask you to fortify them and make them unshakeable. Bless them now with your strength, solidity, and dependability. Be here now, and remain by their side all the days they walk together. (Light the Green candle). 

Guardian of the East: Powers of the East, we call to you. Join us today in celebrating this union. Bring your clarity of vision to illuminate their path, Your inspiration to motivate them forward, And your creativity to encourage them to try new things together. Open their eyes to a future walked hand in hand, Yet with the freedom to each choose their own steps. When the inevitable winds of change blow upon them, We ask you to temper their force into a light, manageable breeze. Bless them with your insight, wisdom, and guidance. Be here now, and remain by their side all the days they walk together. (Light the White candle). 

Guardian of the South: Powers of the South, we call to you. Join us today in celebrating this union. Bring your sultry heat to fan their passion, Your enduring bonfires to warm their nights, And your shimmering fireworks to ignite their commitment. Guide them through love's fire walk, Teaching them to respect their individual flames Lest they be consumed by the light of the other. When tempers flare and threaten to erupt, We ask you to reduce the boiling heat to a slow simmer. Bless them now with your fervor, ecstasy, and bliss. Be here now, and remain by their side all the days they walk together. (Light the Purple candle). 

Guardian of the West: Powers of the West, we call to you. Join us today in celebrating this union. Bring your cleansing rains to renew them, Let your morning dew bring beauty to their world, And awe them with the mystery and wonder of your gentle mists. Show them the delight of diving deep into your depths, And the joy of sharing tidal flows of feelings. When the intense eddies of emotion swirl around them, We ask you to calm the waters so they will not be overwhelmed. Bless them now with your joy, intensity, and awareness. Be here now, and remain by their side all the days they walk together. 

Pot A Plant: I would like to take a moment to honor Gaia and this beautiful planet we get to experience a reality upon at this time! In honor of her as a Complete family I would like to have my children, myself and the groom all step aside to put dirt into the pot that a plant resides 

When we are finished; Purified and blessed water will be washed over our hands as we say the following prayer together

I call on those beings that love us unconditionally to be with us and help us manifest our spiritual destiny in the highest vibration possible for us in our bodies, this lifetime. So be it word we are word with this intention. We accept your Divine help for our highest good and in unconditional love now, of our own free will as sovereign beings of light, we now purify and cleans our Body Minds and Soul as we sanctify this Union in holy matrimony.
Blessed Quan Yin, in the Ashram of your Celestial Mountain, hear us and please help us to let go of any difficulties in receiving help, abundance, and prosperity in our future together. Help us release any and all feelings of worthlessness or distrust that prevent us from being guided, moved and placed in positions of Divine assistance for our greatest good. Allow us now to release any past emotional blocks, so both of us can enter our union with open hearts. Help us to feel worthy of help and support and help us receive this guidance and support which comes to us in unconditional love now. 
Thank you! 
Om Mani Pademe Hum

After this I would like Malachi to present special gifts to the kids. They will be to honor them and their new relationship and him stepping into "Fatherhood" through our union and becoming the roll of "Step Dad". 

HIGH PRIESTESS In marriage, your souls will join together so that your strengths shall be twice as great and your hardships will be only half as hard. As you share the drink from this wedding cup let it remind you to trust in your soul which is the universal spirit. Trust in its strength and it will strengthen the bond between you. 

[Priest/ess pours the wine or ale into the cup and hands it to the bride, who takes a sip and hands it to the groom who takes a sip, and hands it back to the officiant.]

Drinking Of Saint Germain Wine from Goblet will also be extended to guests - this is a blessing for everyone.

During this time I would like to recite a quote from
Rumi "Roaming about town, the master was holding a light, saying "I am weary of the demons and the beasts; a human is what I am longing for!" The human cannot be found; we have searched! "What cannot be found is what I am longing for!" Although poor and needy, I will not accept small pieces of ruby. The mine of the finest rubies is what I am longing for! One hand holding a cup of wine, and the other, the curls of the beloved. A dance like this, in the middle of the circle, is what I am longing for!"- Rumi

At the point that I begin to say curls; Malachi will be holding the cup and will gently grab a lock of my hair near my face and he will begin to circle around me in dance 7 times to break down any barriers between us, I will then dance a circle around him 7 times while I continue to say:

How I longed for you. My very own. Look no further, for the family beyond your family, the relationship beyond all other relationships, the great love that unveils all other loves to be mere reflections of the one great and true love, is here. For you. Now. It is I who have sought you through the stirrings of your own heart. Yes, 'twas I, hidden beneath every secret, yearning for something more, something special, something all-encompassing. Behind every yearning, always, I have hidden. Now I show myself to you, that you may become so filled with the same passionate devotion that I hold for you, that your mind will fall away, overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of love tossed into an ocean of silent unending bliss. Come to me. We are to be one now. In a sacred convergence of silent, Eternal Passion.

*As other members of the group are taking communion with the wine I would like to step in and recite the August Intentions and ceremonial intention

Sit for a moment and feel into the song that I have dedicated to all of you! Please close your eyes and relax with your hand resting on your heart.

*Brothers Under The Sun by Bryan Adams*

Please join in saying the following prayer that is written on the front of your Gift Bag.

"Rumi and all beings of unconditional love supporting us now, We open to your Grace. We hereby declare we are willing to release those connections that no longer serve our highest spiritual growth on the path of love. We release relationships based in fear and are open to those based in love. We surrender the need to know, to judge, to assert control and be "in the right". We open up to tolerance, intuition and honoring of our hearts. We open to love. Show us the way, brother of our soul; guide us through your grace into the sacred convergence of our souls and divine love in its most gracious expression, now and always. We call in our soul tribe of love, and we open our hearts to nourishing connections in all ways now. So be it! "

once the song is complete and everyone's eyes are watching the father of the bride will come up with his candle and combine their flames to light a 3rd larger candle.
I will ask everyone at this time to take the gifted candle attached to their gift bags and light theirs - joining in and reciting the following prayer wrapped around the candle

"Kuan Yin, Divine Ancient River Mother, Sacred Soul of the Yangtze, and all other Beings of unconditional love; as Trinity and Malachi have received the spiritual waters of your cleansing and illumination, as have we now; please bless our paths and process with your mercy and potency. May we all reveal and realize ourselves in a new way now, without fear or attachment to the past, may we allow the Sacred River to chart our course, carving out our highest divine destiny and path now, of our own free wills, so be it. Om Mani Padme Hum."

I will ask everyone to save the prayer to burn the prayer with the candle with this ritual at home 
Then I will also take my old marriage license I kept from Ben and I and With our Unity candle, I will use the flame to burn this old contract to solidify the release of the old and opening a pathway for full harmonic convergence with Malachi and add it to the bowl.

We then will all as a tribe pass around the bowl and sprinkle a small portion of the ashes and bury them in the plant together. All of our hands touching the soul and grounding with the plant. Burying the old to seed the new! Pheonix power!

Then everyone will water it together with the Blue Gemmed Vase. Following their turn of watering, they will use some oil and take the Ganesha Lotus Scrub to cleanse and purify their hands and wash off with the water with the water the groom and bride used.They will use the Butterfly towel to dry their hands and everyone can return to their seats.

I will have my father hand Malachi the ring and he will at this time place it on my finger

[Priestess  holds out the ribbon]

High Priestess: Your open hands placed over one another represent your hearts, the silk rope represents the belief which binds them together. Belief in your heart is a testament to the power of love and compassion. Belief in the heart is the constant desire to put your spouse before you in every way, to act mindfully and to allow love and patience to prevail. Belief in your heart will always guide your marriage and allow the power of love to grow, multiply and strengthen. At times, your souls may drift apart, but the belief in your heart will act as a silk tether, which will keep you together. [Priestess then binds together their hands by wrapping the silk rope around them  Then she places her hand over the bound hands of the couple and asks them to recite the following:].

Groom : I Malachi John Kaiser, do take Kymberly Kay Kula, for my wife and vow to be mindful in our journey together, to love her and to cherish her to trust in the universal soul, to have faith in my mind and belief in my heart From this day forward our souls will be as one.

*Malachis personal vows* 

And so it shall be eternal blessings to the Great Power of 3; Three becomes One, awakening the true power of the inner Sun; Eye love you now Eye Love you forever, beyond the realms of light through the depths of the Nether; we are heavier then the Earth yet lighter than a Feather, everything will be better as long as we are together; whatever happens we are free, Bringing the Dragon from the bottom of the Sea unto the Greatest Height within Eternity; there is no rhyme there is no reason, in this golden age it's always the best of each season; fear not the confines within the night, for the moon gives us the power of Cosmic sight; dreams are a platform to a new universe we should explore, we found a key to the final door, we never believed we'd get this far we thought it would end up like before; we look up at the endless stars endlessly seeking something beyond, something more; we twist and we turn, our souls ignite as they burn; our DNA spirals and intertwines while in play, Eye am so clueless on what to say; inside our minds they interweave, inside our hearts we get a major release; no longer are we caught in the crease, no longer are we trapped in realms in-between; together now we are free, we are one here by decree; a sacred bond without end, a warriors oath now to protect and defend; what words can truly be said? a sacred rite shall be written and shall be read, hand-fasting is a ritual that allows lovers to be wed, fusing our souls and making the same bed, awakening kundalini from the feet to the head, this transmutation creates gold out of lead, Feminine is Blue(Fire)Masculine is Red(fire); nothing more in the past to dredge, we are shadow workers standing on the hedge, looking at the infinite abyss while gazing over the ledge, sacred words now to pledge, delivering to us a very powerful message; we are sages of olde building a world anew, we weed out what's false and we seek what is true, setting new goals for this quest we pursue, making Violet(Fire) by unifying Red and Blue; a final push to make this special brew, careful with the ingredients or everything will go kaboom; it's time now we clean out our tomb, let the light shine in so the flowers can begin to bloom; in this story She is the Sun and He is the Flower, when She shines He is Empowered welcome now to the golden hour, together we have courage and will not cower; even as we falter we already know, the beginning and ending of above and below, we will always in the end reap what we sow, these things are permanently outside of our control; now that we are together we are one and whole, we may have two bodies but we have always had one soul; one of us is super hot the other is ice cold, one of us is subtle the other one is Bold; one of us creates diamond from the other who's heart is made of coal, unifying with All is the ultimate goal; the Beauty of Divine is something to behold, together we are one we have already been told; our spirits are simply waiting to explode, fully embracing these gifts that we have been bestowed, ending this series with a final episode; why stop now we are already on a roll bringing together the south and the North Pole, together now we are ready to go, together now we are ready to grow; together now we are ebb and we are flow, together now we are the Sacred fire inside the Soul; together now we will fly and take this journey home, together now we will shatter this heart of stone; together we will one day be free of these bodies made of bone, we will return to our people and never again be alone, all the pain will vanish after we atone; this is our last goodbye and our first Hello, practicing the fire breath using the lungs as a bellow; the final vows set are beyond space and beyond time, couldn't find regular words so here is a rhyme somewhere within these lines are hidden verses to change someone's perspective and paradigm; the secret truth will allow us to redefine, what we know to be truth and know to be just another lie; together now we say hello no more goodbyes, to end this chapter we say; Blessed Be and Namaste my Divine Bride

Bride: I , Kymberly Kay Kula do take Malachi John Kaiser, for my husband and vow to be mindful in our journey together, to love him and cherish him, to trust in the universal soul, to have faith in my mind and belief in my heart From this day forward our souls will be as one. I will say a poem written by a friend that i felt were perfect for my vows I did not write this myself but it put into words everything I wanted to say and I got permission from the writer Sherie to recite it!

TWIN FLAME REUNION "The Promise" she wrote it on 7-17-17 

When you came back into my life My world was reborn, as was I My breath catches in waves, My heart hammers in remembrance Of a somehow familiar love, Of an enchanting elusive dance Your voice strikes a familiar chord From my past and even lifetimes before There's a memory burned into my Soul A Promise of Unconditional Love Made so very long ago Two Luminescent beings of Light Souls melded into one Driven by destiny and fire of the Sun Let the promises of many lifetimes Be realized and together brought to Life Twin flame, Malachi, My beloved Divine Masculine; you found me In this new realm of time Hold me close to your Heart Let me draw from your Masculine strength Let our memories breathe life into each other Our Love is a Rainbow blazed into Eternity I have not forgotten or erased For it is written, embedded into our DNA The eternal promise that we made To Run as One among the Stars I long to touch your face, kiss your lips, Feel your warm sensuous embrace To taste the sacredness of you, A love so pure, so rare, and true A dream contemptuous of time. Come to me my Love, and wrap me up In endless dreams, caresses so sweet With gentleness and passion My aching heart, filled with desire Would gladly soar through time and space Just to dissolve into your embrace once more And melt into your soul's sweet fire. Ecstasy and Love Sublime Twin flames of Trinity would be incomplete alone Yet we are Magnificent and a Miracle as we became ONE

At this time please lightly have the song FOREVERMORE by BROKEN IRIS playing in the background

[Priestess holds up the branch.] High Priestess: To finalize the marriage between both of you, it is the tradition to jump over a branch together, which represents the transition into a new existence where you are committed to each other and to a life of growth and love. As a final symbol in the ceremony, hold each other's hands and jump over the branch into your new life together.

[Couple jumps over the branch.] 

High Priestess: I now declare you to be husband and wife.
You may kiss to seal the bond of your marriage.

Friends, family, and members of the community, please allow me to introduce Malachi John and Kymberly Kay Kaiser!
(Applause, bubbles, and bagpipes)

At this point I will want everyone to open their goody gift bag and discover the special talisman inside representing and bonding our relationship as a tribe/Garden and family of One! There will be letters and notes of synchronistic things we have experienced in our Union and personal articles written by myself including a very special Story channeled on 8/6/2017. I will also present a rose to each SiStar and Malachi will present a rose to my father, your twin, and Ruben.

Now we will want to round up the group of people and to bring out the Rose binder- to share what everyone wrote for the bride and groom and what memories they liked to share. after this we can all eat 

 I AM by Bryan Adams

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