Thursday, September 14, 2017

7-11 Is ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN; Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone and Become The Master You Are February 18 2017

(on the 25th of February 2017 this post mysteriously disappeared out of my evernote. just "poof" and gone the next morning i went to finish it. I was able to recover it through upgrading and looking at the "previous note history", if not for that majority of this post would have been lost.)


I wake up to my beloved on feb 18 2017 asking me "what time is it?" because my son was quietly playing on the couch next to us as that's around the time he naturally wakes up. And i looked and it was exactly 7-11. As if my dreams weren't screaming it at me enough. I laughed because that's our Twin Flame number. No irony we wake up at the same time and he asks me what I was thinking and it's our number this year and im starting to wonder if it represents a month and day that an event will happen or something deeper. Im certain a deeper meaning will emerge later. I answered him and then turned over apparently holding my head saying "Isis and the Goddess's won't leave me alone! 7-11 and 10:10 is on my mind like something fierce! and yesterdays song 'love sweet love' wont stop playing on rewind in my ears" I also wasn't writing down the messages they where sending me each time I woke up that night so that was my own fault I suppose because I know i consciously got the message after 3 attempts of me asking them to "clarify" because i thought they where just repeating the same message from the day before. however i knew also that if that truly was the case they wouldn't be so desperate to get it through to me. i knew i would forget it if i don't write it down right away after it was finally understood how this message would be different than the last one. I think it was as simple as looking up and actually reading the direct angel message of the numbers which i will include at the end of todays blog.

As far as yesterday goes though after dealing with the dreams dilemma; I decided just to pull another Universal Card of the day, my deck was just sitting there next to me. Yesterdays card and I am going to also consider "this weeks" card was #5 Angel Iahel & Labradorite which represents INDIVIDUALITY. 

 After talking all day about the Goddess of outcasts and the show Glee and honoring Goddess Tara; that show being all devoted to Individuality and its various expressions, was no coincidence that this would be the energy of the days following. I'd channeled a lot the day before so I felt it more important to spend time with my kids rather than get deep into conversation with all the guides around me, I didn't get to posting even the card the day it was pulled although the card synchronized well with a lot of the messages coming through me. I simply needed a break hence why the catch up on a later date.

We bring you the gift of individuality. As we move through the next week into the Eclipse of the Pisces New Moon please be receptive and open to this gift and plant it within your heart center as a seed to grow for the rest of the year, watering it with the reminders of this channeling brought to you through the full moon light of Leo  and this LOVE Stargate that is present at this time i bring you this message as the Oracle and Scribe of Isis. 

If you head this message you will feel safe enough to enjoy the aspects of yourself that truly make you unique. From particular interests, to your own way of expressing yourself, to what excites and inspires your spirit, your individuality is the way the Divine wishes to manifest itself through you this lifetime (I am acting in such ways in sharing a download I've been experiencing since the beginning of the Full Moon in Leo). The key to your divine life purpose is to know who you are, and to love and accept that self so that you allow natural development and expression in the world to take place. As you accept your individuality, you will understand how natural it is for you to fulfill your life purpose and divine destiny. You will instinctively gravitate towards people, places and energies that support you in being your bright true spirit (INNER SUN;Christ). You'll grow and express yourself more freely and authentically, and the divine light within shall shine brighter without a veil of fear, confusion or shame obscuring it. You have no need to compare yourself to any other. You are a unique child of the Universe with your own special path and destiny to fulfill. 

There are ways to live your life in service to love, light and power as there are stars in the sky. Even more! What matters more than whether another understands your lifestyle and choices is whether the choices you make reflect your own personal values. The first task you'll have on your path of discovering and honoring your individuality is to ask yourself "What has meaning for me?" If you don't take time to question and reflect upon what really means something to you, you'll simply be moved according to the values others impose upon you. Those values might not mean anything to you at a deeper level, yet you may be afraid to step outside of what others say is safe or true. Without pausing to reflect upon your own personal values you will miss an opportunity to get to know who you are and what you stand for, to discover your individuality.

When you do not know who you are, you will not be able to love and appreciate your divine beauty, nor understand what drives you and be able to commit unconditionally to your life purpose and divine destiny. Without unconditional commitment, you'll give up when things get difficult, even when you are strong enough to keep going. You'll place restrictions upon how the Universe can conspire to create your destiny in the best possible way by doubting when the timing or circumstances don't match your expectations. You'll not know what matters to you and so you will more easily become overwhelmed by distraction, and in that overwhelm, confusion and self doubt will undermine your progress. So your second task will be to use the courage within your heart to set priorities that match your inner values and act on them. It takes courage to live as your true self in all ways, to make choices that honor what you value more than what you might have been taught to fear. You are absolutely allowed to do this. It is your divine birthright to choose the values that feel most authentic, truthful, inspiring and exciting to you. Whatever excites your spirit, inspires your mind, moves your heart and awakens your body is a key to discovering who you are and why you are here. 

The only people that will have any power to judge you, control you or hold you back from your destiny are those whom you empower to do so. At any moment you can make a choice to liberate yourself from a fearful influence by deciding you shall LOVE YOURSELF, NO MATTER WHAT, and commit unconditionally to what has meaning for you. SEEK OUT that deeper meaning within you at all costs! When you love yourself enough to be open and forthright about who you are, without needing to convince anyone of anything, but just being willing to be yourself and share that with the world in your own particular way, you pathway to divine success materializes at your feet.  It may not look like any path you've seen another person take and that doesn't matter at all. In fact, the more unusual your path appears to be, and the more it seems to suit you (and perhaps no one else), the more the Universe is telling you that this is th way - your way. You'll feel as though you are a pioneer discovering new ground (hiking to various mountain peaks). You'll feel you are 'making it up as you go'. And this is how you know that what you are living is uniquely your life journey (I am making up this entire channeling as I go and its giving me many revelations one after the other), your own GLEE PERFORMANCE. NO ONE else can script it for you; it is a beautiful creation of your own making, in expression of your own unique relationship with the Universe. 

Your path and your purpose is as individual as you are - so dive deep into you, dear shining one! Ask yourself what you love, what matters to you, what you are willing to never, ever give up on. It's your time to discover more of your passionate purpose and divine beauty! 

After pulling this card yesterday my Beloved goes to check the mail. I received to packages that I was unable to open right away because I had to leave to take my daughter to see the new Lego Batman so my son; Elijah could have "man time" with Malachi. My daughter Grace seemed to get two awesome gifts from the Angels while we where out, A Red/Pink Carnation at Safeway; just randomly thrown on the ground; and on the way back I wanted to get a small soda at a fast food drive through and they accidentally heard "cone" rather than "coke" and so she received a free vanilla ice cream since it was already made and I don't eat ice cream. When we got back home I was excited to see what was in the packages. Another book by Alana Fairchild (The name fairchild showed up in a movie we where watching last night) called the Crystal Masters 333 and "The Book Of Mastery By Paul Selig". I feel these two books came in divine timing as well, both being "Master" books. I had mentioned yesterday about the "I Am The Word" book which is the Mission Statement leading into The Trilogy by Paul Selig and they revolve around becoming "the Christ" frequency. (are you seeing a trend with me on liking books in a series of Trilogy's...anything with 3 LOL) I wasn't expecting to receive these books until march. Just for fun I was playing with the 333 book and doing some divination with it. I look at the first page i flip to and its #163 (10). It's under chapter 8 of the book and it refers to Ascended Master Kuthumi who is representing Planetary Consciousness; He represents the vibration and frequency of the Crystal Moss Agate for Earth Healing. Given the fact I had just channeled a message from Tara of course this is their ultimate goal and message; to initiate the consciousness of Humanity into the consciousness of planetary healing. On page 163 it speaks about Kathumi helping us connect with our awakened [Christ] body. It goes further into directing the readers to refer back to "chapter 6" and work with Mary Magdalene (Divine Feminine ; and Aqua Aura Quartz to explore the healing process that will help allow this state to unfold more fully within your own individual body-souls.When we are connected with our awakened [Christ] body, we can plug that connection consciously into the Earth too. It is an advanced practice. We have begun the journey of awakening the body, bringing it to consciousness, we have delved into our talents (Glee and accepting ourselves as outcast misfits) , and become empowered to serve (using that pain and suffering we experiences as fire and passion and inspiration to others), the next step is that we stop identifying ourselves as *separate* individual beings. Even though in some ways we are individual and that's fine, we come to realize that is only a small part of the bigger story of what we are. we begin to learn the lessons of nature, the wisdom of the ecosystem, of interdependence of mutual enhancement and support. Like the group of "Glee" members it will take every single one of us always sticking up for each other and the Earth in support to really make a change and not being afraid to be our authentic selves, shine that light within and spread the word of God to every nation and mountaintop we can reach!
I wanted to share the direct meaning to the numbers being shown to me. I had a feeling of what the numbers represented but no words to describe it and felt guided to do the first universal reading I did regardless of really knowing "why". Just like i don't know why I'm being drawn to write so much about these experiences. All I know is Another message was trying to come through but i had swore id already written all about it yesterday and asked for her to stop but no she keep bumbarding me with this number so I had to investigate further. I really did want to understand this sequence in more depth because I am ALWAYS seeing it and I have a pretty basic understanding of what each number by themselves represent and can gather a message through correlating them together but describing those things out loud is more difficult for me and its easier for me to "look up a reference" and use that description rather than fish for the right words to describe the images or feelings that come to surface in the moment. (something im working on in my own growth) 

I finally looked up the direct correlation to the meaning of 10:10 and included links in yesterdays message. For me personally it concerns karmic lessons and conclusions, I'm detaching from a lot of painful things from my past, every single relationship ive experienced im cutting cords and doing energetic divorce and moving forward into the new energy of this year of the #10 and new beginnings. Blank slates and stepping into my individuality and spiritual gifts. Im kot going to allow this second chance to go to waste. I am Emerging more out of the closet into my true self and Inner Sun/Christ and expressing the love and light that is bottled up within me to help humanity and Gaia ascend into the Golden Age!

Number 10:10 is comprised of the vibrations and attributes of double number 1, plus the powerful energy of number 0 appearing twice, amplifying its qualities. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, initiative and assertiveness, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 1010 indicates that it is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose, and your elevated vibrations will attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use affirmations and maintain a positive attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path. Trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels and take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires. 

Angel Number 1010 encourages you to keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-set focused upon your spirituality and yourlife purpose as you are now creating your own reality. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance from the angelsand your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

The repeating Angel Number 10:10 urges you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance.  It encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided.  Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your true desires and know and believe that you will find success and happiness. 

Number 711 is a combination of the vibrations of number 7 and the attributes of number 1, as well as the karmic Master Number 11. Number 7 brings its energies of learning and education, faith, spiritual development and awakening, independence and individualism, understanding of others, philosophy and the philosophical, determination and persistence of purpose, inner-strength and inner-wisdom,empathic and psychic abilities. Number 1 promotes striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, ambition and tenacity, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The Master Number 11 relates to the Master Teacher, illumination and enlightenment, inspirational and idealism, symbols, expression, alternate consciousness, mysticism, the catalyst, prophecy, sensitivity, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity.

Angel Number 711 is a powerful, spiritual message from the angelic and spiritual realms. Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are giving you intuitive guidance in regards to the next steps on your Divine life path. It can suggest that new information or news of a positive nature is on its’ way, so listen to your intuition and heed its guidance. There may be some new opportunities for you to put your natural psychic and spiritual abilities to good use in service of those who need it. Your talents are unique to you and it is your responsibility to use them for the highest good of all. Believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings, and trust that your angels support you in your spiritual pursuits and endeavors.

Angel Number 711 brings a message that you are doing a great job and are on the right life path and you are encouraged to continue along as you are. Angel Number 711 is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and have made wise choices and decisions. 

You are reminded also that the emotion of gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations, so remember to acknowledge and be grateful for all the blessings entering your life.
Angel Number 711 encourages you to maintain a positive attitude towards your life’s happenings, and keep up your prayers, visualizations and positive affirmations.

So through all that I got the message that it is safe to continue in the direction  i am going, that we are making our way to the mountain top to become masters and to continue sharing and expressing my experience to the world. Watching so much Glee has been inspiring me to really take up my creative arts and lighting that spark that was dimmed out all of these years. I've been so busy with the responsibilities of life that I have had no fun. My fun is being a spiritual teacher, sharing and talking with other like minded individual, dancing, writing, reading, communing with other dimensions, and helping others THROUGH this means (not just physical labor as a massage therapist). My greatest fear I am learning is really stepping into my individuality and accepting my hidden or maybe not so hidden psychic abilities and not judging how messages are brought through just the fact that they are presented to the world. I will give credit to all avenues in which i breach these messages but I wont be afraid to use their words as i learn to utilize my own. 

This morning i woke up with the numbers 37 and 52, 72 on my mind

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