Friday, October 6, 2017

Illumination Of Absolution Written 10/6/2015 posted 10/6/2017

Trinity K3

I gaze at the reflections in the mirror and finally see beauty, see and feel my own soul
How alive it is,  how bright and magnificent it is in its own Divine nature.

For this I am in such love with me. My beloved Trinity. I'm already having tears of release.

Such love pouring through, immense acceptance and grace and gratitude for all that I AM.

I could never imagine before, but blessings are streaming in through the door!

Soon my twin flame will love himself too. Realize his worth and will remember his own Divinity and truth.

When he is ready he will feel what he truly deserves, and in that will discover he has the other half of his soul right beside him, on reserve only for him.

Helping him, guiding him, cradling him in her arms, wrapping him in her wings to accelerate his healing.

Never again will he have to suffer the pain, agony, and coldness of this world alone.
With me he will feel and finally be at home.

We will set the world on fire, and no I am far from a liar.
I am a prophet, i see from the Higher Dimensions.

The veil is being lifted before our eyes, illusions fall from the skys.
What a magnificent high.

I Fly, fly, fly
Going bye bye bye

ascending as i chant and allow my kundalini to rise deep within
Let it begin, I keep twirling until I'm as free and wild as the wind blowing the trees

Such joy it will be when he chooses to follow my beckoning

When he awakens and recognizes me; feels the completeness of US and sees that we're meant to be a unity of One.

Until that moment our connection will never come undone, i will light and flow until I have won.

Until then, I will have fun and continue to sing my songs of love
Allow the Blue Dove to carry it somewhere up above

I will sore beside him as a pheonix, knowing I AM limitless
Expand beyond time and space, for the collective to embrace. Spreading peace, faith and hope

No, I'm not on dope
But walking a tight rope indeed
Watch me be me
In total multidimensionality

Nope wont stop and wish to rewind because there is NO time;
stop wishing to go "back", to change something you had to experience
To merge into the awesomeness you ARE The past and future doesnt exist, all we have is the present, and what a gift that is!

Take action NOW; For that is all we have
Go on beloved, take a bow
Be wowed
By the Divinity of your higher self

I honor you, and everything we are and do

We are a telepathic consciousness
Super magnetic, incredibly angelic

You forever will be on my mind and within my heart
Always where you where from the very start

Where you reignite my light over and over again
I die and am reborn again and again

Only to rise from the ashes to shine like a Herkimer Diamond; brighter than the full moon, sun and stars combined.

I am no longer confined in a dungeon made of coal
My Akash being mined, I am obtaining my goal

Illumination is sublime
In this transformation of mine

I am aligned

My body mind and soul
Has truly been made whole

No longer performing the balancing act
Of the karmatic racetrack

Jumped off that ride
No longer will I hide
Come join my tribe
I'll help introduce you to your guides

There is no fear here!
Stand up and cheer!
Slam down a beer
Come near and listen closely to me dear

I've had a total eclipse of the heart.
I am no longer suffocating in the dark.
I can't hold it in anymore
I must shout it from the rooftops to reach every door!
What a journey I have embarked upon
I have found freedom
I am truly bringing Earth to Heaven!

As above
So below
Now you know
Low and behold!

A revolution has begun, a solution has come!
Goddess Isis has sung, its time for initiation!
Unconditional love is the absolution!!!
Anything else is an ass-illusion!

Come join in
Allow your life to begin
Feel alive again
There is no such thing as sin

Let go
Let the waters flow
Let your colors show
Allow your radiant light inside to glow
Together, lets unite and create a majestic rainbow!

Stop staring out the window, pondering this rainbow; become the piece of it that you are.
You are a child of Source, the sun that clears all remours 
Remain on course

There are no shut doors you cannot unlock
The key is in your heart.

There are no more grey clouds here for they have cleared!
Do you hear, my dear!?

Be still and listen

Get the hint
There's no need to repent!

Keep repeating this out loud so we can continue to inspire the crowd we call humanity.
Dont loose your sanity
Just join in with this magical reality

Be happy!
Dance around and laugh with me
Let the inner child squeal
Go hee
hee hee
Hee ×333

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