Friday, September 22, 2017

The Mystical 22 Scriptures on a 10:10 Portal 7/22/2017

Posted at 1:59PM (15/6) Not fully finished for publishing until 7/22/2017 (11/10/1=111) 6+3=(9) @12:47AM 3:11(5) 14/(5)
5:5 Reflection making 10/1


I leave for work around 10:36 (10/1) and my Divine Masculine Malachi Kaiser received a rather ominous UNMARKED letter in the mail that morning on 7/20/2017:10/1 (10:10/11/22)

Its 2 pages of scriptures that are crazy cryptic but MESSAGE RECEIVED!

Main channeled Theme Songs: (The 3rd one is OUR SOUL SONG - Main song to be played on our wedding day! It's mirrored between 23% and 32%! (5:5) with 21%/3 presented at the top 10/1+3=13/4
3:30-34 @21% 7/21/2017 4:19 (5) Revolution By Treading Yesterday Yesterday
3:34-38 @23% 3:46 Mins (4) Without You By Ashes Remain WHAT IVE BECOME BECOME
3:40-43 @26% 3:11 Mins (5) Forevermore By Broken Iris Iris
4:06-10 @32% 4:24 Mins (10/1) Particle By I-Exist THROUGH IMAGINATION

*I just had a synchronicity with my Divinity Ellie telling her about our Union day on 8:11 and seeing if she can get this date cleared to be there. She was supposed to leave that day to go to Florida for her beloved to meet her family; but she is postponing! I will explain later in this why 8-11 is SO important to our unions! as we where texting over it she was parking her car and was 311 and she felt that was a confirmation! right after that she saw a license plate she doesn't normally see 777 (i see it a lot LOL). she normally sees 222,444,or 555 and lots of 1's. Then she saw a 111 License plate after sharing that with me. I was then looking for a YouTube video that links to listen to our song and the video is 3:11 minutes. Then we both just saw 4:11! talk about synchronized validation between twins!* 4:21pm- 7/21(7/10/1:711/9)


Line 6 Hebrews 11:11 (twin flame numbers) along with line 18/9 4:17(8)-21(3) (4:11(6)-another confirmation of twin partnership, conscious connections and crossroads and finding harmony, and it mentions "Sarah" twice! 2 is emphasized greatly! I started writing in my blog a lot back in February (2) on the 22nd. 22 was also coming in strong. This number has stuck with me even since i first began my awakening; often I would see 22 in my dreams. I am starting to believe that this is an introduction from my guides and such- how they present that they have something important to tell me and that i must share it with the world!

*6+4*=10/1: 11-11; if you pay close attention - together these two scriptures mirror/repeat each other

All very cryptic but basically getting the message that we shall continue to have faith- since february when we got engaged driving up to see my Goddess SiStar Krystal to leadville taking highway 285 (15/6) up the mountain. we have now had multiple synchronicities driving up this highway and into the mountain area's it passes by. That is when i really started recognizing how the 7-11 was significant to our individual journey and all other "":11 synchronicities! Since we visited Mount Shasta in September 2016 we have been mightily tested and guided through these different; what i would like to consider; octaves/harmonies/sequences/mountains! The creator is guiding and supporting us divinely and we need only trust for the universe is making miracles happen regardless of any circumstances we face!
Song playing currently 2:25 (9) pm 7/21 (10/1) The Chosen - by Nine (9) Lashes

We were made to fly
In a burning sky
We are fighters till the end
and we will pray for love
Cos there is hope for us
and you have shown us once again

We are
The chosen
The chosen
The chosen ones
The chosen ones

In the aftermath
When the sun turns black
and the ocean turns to rust
We could be the spark
In the darkest dark

Keep us rising from the dust
We were made to fly
In a burning sky

We are
The chosen
The chosen
The chosen ones
The chosen ones

I am so thankful for yesterday/Wednesday and excited for the future ahead!!! Our sweet sister/brother/mother Sarah has returned to us!!! Malachi now feels he has some sort of future to look forward to with our family reunion! A purpose! Hes actually excited and motivated now! We are all crying tears of joy! I couldnt have more appreciation for our beloved GODDESS Sarah!!! My beloved and I changed yesterday in Quantum ways!!!

"I'm weeping with joy. Yesterday, we aligned, reunited and it feels so good. Like my family has returned. I am crying today from the miracles and blessing that still pour from it and will be bestowed for us all because we're gonna heal our world. Even if that means we break off our own piece and keep it that way; Truth of spirit and divine lay in our hearts and souls yesterday. We are meant to be, you two are meant to be, my brother and daughter are returned to me :)"
-Sarah Abbott our Goddess Saraswatti (who i mentioned in my channeling on 2.22.2017)

(9/22/2017 notice all the 22 syncronicities... I wrote this 7/22 and it wasn't posted until 9/22 and i mention the chaneling of 2/22)

Song Playing 4:25 7/21 Telepathic by Starset -  very few lyrics stuck out mostly just the name and album cover got my attention
*insert photo*


Even line 8 James 5:14(10/1)-15/6 (5+1+5=11) 1+5+6= 12/3 TRINITY 8+3= 11 *8-11-2017/1 our wedding day!* explained what she did for my daughter yesterday with the oil in the ear post swimming! it "healed" her ailment as she said it would; And she is indeed a great elder like we are- just much more grounded into this Earth plane and here to teach us how to do the same!

Now referring back to line 6+ line 18=15/6 or 24/6 which represents harmony and balance and being centered in our knowing. I always ask "wheres the 6?" For that reason- look deep! Go deeper search for the 369 (spiral of life) hidden in the messages! They mirror and repeat within this letter too (refer to picture to visualize it- its not very verbally explainable! But you can see the numbers circled and written)

15/6+8=23/5 which represents great change coming our way and im so glad Sarah is painted within the same canvas as our own! "Ironically" she brought up the visual idea of a tattoo ive had in my minds eye for a while now- it just came to her but its similar to the tree of life with the divine masculine and Divine feminine interweaving with one another in a dance as the trunk of the tree. Both of us want this and wondered if Ellie's twin: Ruben could be the artist of such a piece! Even today synchronistically I commented on a piece he had created and was in awe- would love work from him and his beloved praised him and him her :-)

A lot of these scriptures speak of this tree! The Sacred Tree Of Life! (My flower of life seed outline was desperate to be colored apparently because when we where trying to get to Sarah's my GPS decided to take me to Boulder where my tattoo artist is at and I originally had scheduled to go at 11:45 over there but wanted to have pool fun with Sarah at Noon so I postponed to 8/23 (13/4). before I realized we where following the wrong directions as we where on the interstate 36; which made no sense since she lived in Westminister: we had gone 10 miles out of our way. When we turned around and got back on 36th to Wadsworth we saw a license plate that said 444)

Another few songs: 7/21
                          2:39pm (5)When You Feel The Most Alive by All Good Things
                          3:12pm (6)Weather the Storm By Danger Silent
                          3:13pm (7)Science By Framing Hanley/THE SUM OF WHO WE ARE
                                         18/9 completion

These lyrics stood out to me and I want to share them:

Bring Me Back To Life - Renegade Five

I found the *NOTES* with *THE WORD* enough to see
Could it been so right
If you could only see how much you mean to me
It's surprising in my heart, you came too close
You only pray for my life, no other choice
To save me from this night
Love was worth more that all this fear within

It's so hard to breathe since you were gone
Save me from this dark, and bring me back to life
Scream, girl, fight for the life
Waiting for the change that will bring me back to life
That bring me back to life
That bring me back to life

Nothing left to say, nothing left to do
Only you can bring me back to life
To the bitter end, together we will stand

Just bring me back to life"

She is bringing us back to life and making this union ceremony ALL POSSIBLE within a forest as i had envisioned in my wildest dreams; literally ive had dreams of being in the forest when i was dating Brandon in 2014/15 and i felt i was missing out on something special and it was emphasizing my discomfort in my current partnership and the imbalance and stress i was experiencing and the fact i was unable to establish any sort of boundaries with him. i felt like if i didnt break it off soon i would miss out on this grand celebration! Well it was around that time i really started listening to my intuition and guides and beginning dream divination and researching twin flames; now since i overcame those obstacles and fears and stepped into my power and demanded him into manifestation; everything is just falling so perfectly into place and the very celebration i would have missed was MY OWN REUNION WITH MY TRIBE!

A new child Sarah is birthing/marrying- impregnated with for YEARS: our Twin Flame foundation- when we thought we where to begin a new one on the barren ground alone! NOPE!!! The lost has been found!!! Our family inheritance/ cornucopia is abound! 6+5=11 TWINS. She knew to expect her brother FINALLY when she heared a "cling cling cling" in her right ear when we where on our way and felt pain (like his jaw) on her left jaw where his tooth was removed. She ended up telling me that before I ever mentioned him she saw a vision of him in her minds eye and she connected me to the mother energy when she saw my eyes; being that they look like the colors of a peacock and the Blue Pearl. It came up in conversation because i commented on her lighter that had both on it and i loved it. When we finally got there and to the pool and we all talked for an hour and figured out our ties- she had to run home for a few items for our lunch. While she was there magically she refound this iChing medallion that was very special to her- highly important and sacred; had been passed on before but it always returned to her magically. She had seen the necklaces my beloved was wearing and it came to her; what the "cling cling cling" was all about! It was the iChing clinging against his other sacred pieces. She was shocked to find this necklace that day! This medallion represents a sacred time when they fought in battle as warriors together! Many battles- its like a PURPLE HEART that is passed from one that has lost their physical vessels life to another to be handed down for generations as souls reincarnated. So that is how MK got his luck back!

In total we received *22* scriptures on 2 pages


plus the 2 is *6
4+6*=10/1 same as the date we read the letter

Date Read: 7/20/2017=9/10:1=10/1
we received this supposedly (its stamped this) on 7/17/2017=15/6+10/1=7 or 15+10=25:7.

 Our address has a 6 and 3 in it making a 9 (369 spiral of life) for completion stamped on front of the envelope. 9+7=16/7 We're completing our past: Starting a new story: a True Love story. creativity abounds and abundance with that!

7s is a sign were going the right direction and following heavenly guidance!

The "(...)" is the line number in conjunction to the scriptures we saw in order on the paper

Phillipians 2:13 (1)
                   4:6-7 (2)
II Timothy 1:7 (3)
Hebrew 10:23 (4) with placing the numbers with the line number we have 1234
               10:35 (5) adding numbers to 9 plus the line number 5 = 14/5 reflecting the #5
               11:11 (6) 4 or 2:2 added with the line number 6 = 10/1
               13:8 (7)
James     5:14-15 (8)
I PETER 2:24 (9)
I John    3:21-22 (10) all the numbers here add up to 10 just like the line number 10 (11=22/4)
III John  2 (11)
Revelations 12:11 (12)
Matthew 18:18-19 (13)
                 21:21 (14)
Mark        11:23-24 (15)
                 16:17-18 (16)
John         10:10 (17)
Romans    4:17-21 (18)
                  8:11 (19) Both 811 and the line number 19-10/1
II Corinthians 10:4-5 (20)
Galatians 3:13-14  (21) these numbers add up to 12 which mirrors the line number 21 making a 3
Ephesians 6:10-17 (22) adding the numbers to 15/6+22/4=28/10/1

So many blatant repeats of numbers!
I posted the page i did the quantum math on; here is the message we got in the letter:

1 and 2 are the highest repeated numbers in the sequence. 1 marking in at 36 (10/1) and 2 marking in at 14 (7); repeat of the date again.

Look at the numbers in the above paragraph 1,3,6,10,1,2,14,7 and then look at the numbers trickling down to the very end through Galatians 3:*13*-14 and Ephesians  *6:10*-17 and the 1, 14 and 7 mix themselves in?! To me its "ironic" they landed on lines 21 and 22 (7) :-P They are also shown in sequence at the very beginning in
Phillipians 2:13 (1)
4:6-7 (2)
II Timothy 1:7 (3) 
Hebrew 10:23 (4)

Lines 1,2,3 and 4 (10/1 or 11:11/22=4) :-P 7+4=11/22 or 7+1=8
(I ended up writing a mirror!)
1+7=8 which correlates to the date we opened it (not received) which is explained above! So same numbers interweaving in and out of one another consistently in a mirroring mannor. 87/78=15/6 which represents harmony. And 1987 (25/7) is my birth year; 25 is the date of birth of my beloved *9.25/16/7* year 1991 (20/2) 7+2=9 my birthdate is 9.23/14/5; 7+5=12/3 TRINITY! 9+3=12/3 WE are Trinity. We are 3x3x3! 369

Also in the numerological entirety, you will see the following sequence repeat

SIMPLE SEQUENCE (all numbers tallied up from groups)

-I got this within the grouped numbers *36(9)*, *14*(5),*8,7*,*4,*3*,5*,*5,1*,*6*This is where you can find the 369
53/*8*                                                     *3+6(9)*+*1+4*+*8+7*+*4+*3*+5*+*5+1*+*6*

Some main numbers to pay head to: DO NOT forget about the MIRROR numbers:

369/18/9                                                                                            963/81:6
14/5;                                                                                                    41
                     (9+5=14/5 1+4+5 or 14+5/19=10/1) Reflection
87/15/6                                                                                              78/51:"9"       87/51 MIRRORS in sequence above
43/7                                                                                                    34
74/11                                                                                                  47 HIDDEN DEEP WITHIN in sequence above
6                                                                                                          "9"
5*5*5/15/6 : 5*5*5/15/6 (6+6=12/3)
6666=24/6                                                                                         42

You can see in the sequence above how there are exactly four 6's. You can look up in google "Angel #6" to get the underlying energy of this message if you are curious enough.

98/1*7/*8* - I got this from adding every single individual number that showed up
6+8(17) +8+6+9+4+3(12)+7(16)+8+1(10)+2+1(28/10)+6+4(13)+6(24)+2+6(15)+1(10)+1(10)+3(12)+6(15)

All the numbers within the (...) were presented as the following

10:10 X2* which equal 2
12:12 X1*                       6
15:15 X1*                       3

263=11 TWIN FLAME (can count as a 2 in my opinion also)
(another mirror we have here Eye see!)
211 correlates back to the 2 pages and 22 scriptures.


Also equals 4 "..."
Adding the 4 from the one above with one you get *8* INFINITY- TRINITY- PORTAL/GATEWAY
3+4=*7* (MIRROR 43/34 and 41/14)

The lonely scattered numbers within the (...) 13+16+17+24+28 came out to Equal

35/*8*                                                                   1+3+1+6+1+7+2+4+2+8

In the conclusion of this message i saw how 89/17/8: 53/8 mirrored in the end with 98/17/8: 35:8 complete mirrors and with all the *8* within this math we get 8:8:8 (24/6) 8:8:8 (24/6)x11/2*mirror* 6+6=12/3

Validations tonight as I took my daughter home and we had a car in front of us that says "211-SEQ" and we were stopped at 64th street!

SEQ=Sequence validating the 211 (22)
It's exactly what have been writing about this entire time.

We get to the house (7/21) and I'm just noting that their address is 7114 (11:11) and my ex mother in law's car plate is 747 (711). It was about 7:41 (11:1) and my phone was at 96% (15/6) It was 72 (9) *MIRROR 96/69) Deg outside when i dropped her off in front of the house. As we're driving down the street post drop off I always notice the address 7111 when im turning left! Driving down Lamar RD we come up to some train tracks. The street barricades came down and my twin flame began to sigh and laugh at the universe for its attempts to slow us down. Normally he would have been screaming and cussing at it but this time he had a moment of surrender and while this happened it turned out to be a super short train and it was there and gone before we could blink an eye; we didnt even have to stop. I looked at MK and said "The sooner you surrender the faster you get back on *track*". We decided to go out to dinner for the evening and our bill was split. MK paid 15 (6) and my bill before tip was 23.87 (MY BIRTHDAY EXACTLY) with tip.  i gave 6 (3 each) and it was 29.87 (my current age and birthday). 11:6 (8) 5:6 (11) (MIRROR *116* and *611* with the 8:11 in center! MAKING 311(5 which is the very center number also). After we stuffed face on Fish and Chips with some Brustle Sprouts I decided I wanted dessert so we went to WallyWorld to get some Vegan Sherbet and a decadent piece of chocolate cake (almost that time of month for me and im craving it like a mad woman). Outside where we parked where 3 red cars LP# 010(1) 5193(18/9) and 980(17/8)  *89/98 MIRROR* and one single white car with 111(3) (1+9+8+3=21/3) put the single 1 with the other 3 you have 11:11/22. I noticed in another lane a white car with QDO-338(14/5) I took this as a message that KUDOS for you surrender! you are proving yourself faithful and trustworthy during this massive shift and change! During this time I text Ellie around 8:11 (10/1) phone at 91% (10/1) telling her we're out eating dinner and the waiter emphasizes that they are out of the Reuban sandwich. I had told them I wasn't wanting it anyways and thinking in my head "I have my own twin flame and Ruben is Ellies! bwa ha ha". She jokes back "that's so funny because when people say "Ruben like the sandwich?" and she would say "yeah I just want to eat him up!". ROFLMAO

We get home finally and I look at the microwave clock it says 9:23, I go to snap a screenshot on my phone but it says 9:25... both our birthdays showed simultaneously at the same "time"! How rare and divine! So I go to watch the movie we rented (some super bad alien in space fuckin shit up on a ship!) and it plays a preview that has a guy racing 3 red cars and they say "baby" in the entire trailer. The fact i witness 3 different sets of red cars they are trying to tell me something. 3+3+3 (369) - TRINITY ACTIVATION BABY: 123 READY SET GO... the masculine energy is ready to fly and letting their Divine Counterpart know they are taking the lead and doing what they need to expand their hearts and boy are they picking up speed!
10:10pm watching our movie and the new baby born was named "may". A final song I wanted to share to my beloved was "May I by Trading Yesterday: More than this" played around 4:46pm (14/5)
Video is 4:50 mins(9) *REFLECTION 45 and 45*

There you stand, opened heart, opened doors
Full of life with a world that's wanting more
But I can see when the lights start to fade
The day is done and your smile has gone away

Let me raise you up
Let me be your love

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe here
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down

All I want is to keep you safe from the cold
To give you all that your heart needs the most

Let me raise you up
Let me be your love

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe here
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found
May I lay you down

All that's made me is all worth trading
Just to have one moment with you
So I will let go with all that I know
Knowing that you're here with me
For your love is changing me

May I hold you as you fall to sleep
When the world is closing in
And you can't breathe
May I love you, may I be your shield
When no one can be found

May I lay you down

Again i must emphasize the LIONSGATE PORTAL that opened today 7/21 which is also a 10:10 portal ... Trinity came to embody this vessel in the 8:8:8 Gageway of 2015: She has many messages to bring as the Scribe and Oracle of Isis/Mary Magdalene! If you can understand numerology and what she speaks here you are ready and she beckons you to join in tomorrow 7/22/2017 to join in a healing upon all unawakened masculine on Gaia - It is time to LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Driving home last night i saw a car "640 REQ". If you look a the beginning of this post you will see where i wrote *6
4 6* or i marked 64/46 with *- I was emphasizing that because this is mirroring itself and it has been emphasized to me for some time now. these two things together told me "64"- the iChing/flower of life and 64 Gene Keys are required focus in our journey!!! This year which is a 10/1 year (2017) is VERY important; we have a lot of magic going on and Mary Magdelene and Yeshua have BIG plans! The Trinity is powering up within all hearts minds and souls! TRINITY ACTIVATION INITIATED! That will set us on course! MK just got his magical medallion after i acquire this book - his GOOD LUCK CHARM and guide in alignment! He wears the i Ching permanently around his neck and it falls onto his solar plexus that eventually will be shining brightly again returning from its dark coaled entropy!

"'Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
 But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reason to start again

The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes
Let's forget who we are and dive into the dark
As we burst into color we turn into life"
 Arrows To Athens Jet Black Heart

Funny at 1:44 today my beloved said he saw REQ-844; that concludes that we are required to be harnessing the full potential of the LEO  lions-gate portal starting TOMORROW 7/21 on the new moon! It comes to a "close" on 8/8. 3 days before our wedding but the energy of it will trickle to us for the next month or longer! I am so ecstatic that all my favorite people will be gathered together right within 3 days of the FULL moon!

A small note i wanted to add which correlates to the beginning of this article; is that when I lived with Divinity Hernandez (Ellie) from July-august of 2015 i noticed every time it was "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12":11; she would send love and manifestation to her own beloved twin flame who she did not have in the physical 3D yet at the time. First moment i saw her do this it was "8:11" and i asked her what she was doing and since then i have done the same; especially at that time since during the 2015 888 gateway I discovered my Goddess within- I found Isis of 10,000 names and Trinity (and An-Ki) and then shortly the universe brought me Cathy Montemayor- another of my twins!) Now im getting "married" to mine on this date just 2 years later during a 10:10 portal and these beautiful Goddess's will be my "brides maids"! I have to mention my Goddess Deane who I met at the very beginning of my awakening who guided me into this whole twin flame amazingness and i couldn't extend more graciousness for her! She hopefully will also be joining!

In Lake Powell in August 2012 (which my twin and i are both deeply connected to this place of origin; both grew up vacationing there) i found a black 10 pound weight that i was urged for whatever reason to pick up and keep. Normally i find Feathers or heart shaped rocks - my kids found me those :-P It now resides on our alter and on top of it sits an EGG shaped MALACHIte stone! One of the first stones I was ever drawn to besides the Amethyst that Divinity gave me on 10/23 (33/3+3 or 1/5=6) and sits on the very same alter. i would have to say (#Synchronicity# As the lyrics playing in the background repeat "and say" when i was typing "say". The Letter Black - There'll Come A Day is very fitting.) that is OUR heart stone; our "marriage" stone. It is known as the ULTIMATE and most POTENT heart healing stones. The same year i found that weight i also saw "Jon ❤️ KulA" carved in stone. I was dating a Jon at the time but who knew that would be the middle name of my beloved down the line! I saw "Ellie" carved in stone also which I found to be no coincidence! Hee hee!

Around 1:33 2/20 my beloved saw these signs
License plate # 211 311 411 511 611 711 811 911 almost all of those were all in a row
And a plate that said "1 In Space"
Talk about ONE LOVE IN SPACE to conclude this!
And one of the scriptures along with that that stood out

Romans 8:11
And the spirit of him [Source] who raised Jesus/Yeshua from the dead is living in you; He [The Creator/Source] who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through the [Creator] spirit, who lives within you.

Haha I have to add from 7/20-21 (9+10/1= 10/1) 1:36 am (10/1) phone battery 64% (10/1)
URK = Take a break and refuel!
FOR REAL says the angels and ascended masters urgently! Get some sleep right MEOW finish tomorrow (7/21)!"

2:11 (4) 38% (11) 4-11

Okay okay 👌!!!

So ill end the night with a kiss to my Divine Masculine and bless him good rest with a sublime promise i bid adieu. so mote it be by the powers of three this is my vows to thee Malachi Ki; sorry i didnt write it personally but it was ghostwritten perfectly!

"The Promise"
By Sherie

When you came back into my life
My world was reborn, as was I
My breath catches in waves,
My heart hammers in remembrance
Of a somehow familiar love,
Of an enchanting elusive dance
Your voice strikes a familiar chord
From my past and even lifetimes before
There's a memory burned into my Soul
A Promise of Unconditional Love
Made so very long ago
Two Luminescent beings of Light
Souls melded into one
Driven by destiny and fire of the Sun
Let the promises of many lifetimes
Be realized and together brought to Life
Twin flame {My glorious Divine Kindred Partner} you found me
In this new realm of time
Hold me close to your Heart
Let me draw from your Masculine strength
Let our memories breathe life into each other
Our Love is a Rainbow blazed into Eternity
I have not forgotten or erased
For it is written, embedded into our DNA
The eternal promise that we made
To Run as One among the Stars
I long to touch your face, kiss your lips,
Feel your warm sensuous embrace
To taste the sacredness of you,
A love so pure, so rare, and true
A dream contemptuous of time.
Come to me my Love, and wrap me up
In endless dreams, caresses so sweet
With gentleness and passion
My aching heart, filled with desire
Would gladly soar through time and space
Just to dissolve into your embrace once more
And melt into your soul's sweet fire.
Ecstasy and Love Sublime
Twin flames incomplete alone
Yet Magnificent and a Miracle as we became ONE.

Dear Mother (and the collective Broken Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine)

Dear Mother (and the collective Broken Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine),

This is possibly the most important letter I will ever write you in my entire life. If you are open enough to listen to my heart, and hear some of my profound experiences that I have not been able to talk to you about then feel free to read it. if you are not ready at this time know that, that is okay, i honor you in our vibrational space. regardless I have to end this chapter in my own life so I can begin the one that is beginning to unfold and it requires this letter to be wrote.

 In regard to Sunday February 26th, the day of the Solar Eclipse in Pisces, a very emotionally energetic day: and I warned you of this when we stepped foot onto your place.

This was the day i shared with you a song called "The Final Chapter" written by Malachi, the first song he composed for me; before he left to pick up what we needed for your massage. This is possibly the stepping stone to a new beginning, or large pause on our relationship (i will not choose an ending unless that is your wishes)... we'll see how far you get through this letter before being in resistance to finishing it at all and getting to know your daughter on a level you have never been offered before, no matter how "concerning" i might seem to you.

You wont ever have to hear me say "fuck" again, that i can guarantee, though i don't personally view it as a "sin". I wont come and disrupt your life and harmony with my expressive self in your furture, not that it was all intentional to begin with. I always seem to do that, its part of who i am and my gift in this world, being abnormal, weird and "rebellious". I will choose to stay away unless you come visit me because i sence you or at least Ron cant handle that, and I'd rather not disrupt his home any further. just like Gregg couldn't handle many things in regards to my life and choices, i think he will struggle with this also, and along with him you might as well: but i refuse to supress myself because of your beliefs and judgments or whatever you so wish to label it. Ron can hang around a ton of bikers, and boast about his "once upon a time bad boy days", but he cant handle his future daughter in law saying FUCK a few times in a row because she got flustered over the cell phone! "what would Jesus do", i doubt he would have responded in the way Ron did that day. I honestly don't know how comfortable I will feel around him from this moment forward.

I'm facing my past with the support of God and Jesus regardless of my beliefs being in full alignment with that of the two of yours or not. We live in a new paradigm now, it's not the one you grew up with. Things have changed and shifted dramatically and what you thought was once "the truth" really was not what it seems. I dont feel either of you are ready to accept my journey or discoveries let alone hear it so that is why you havent a clue what is happening "with me" and it  shocked you when Malachi revealed a glimmer of the truth to you about me. Its not that i feel abandoned by God, that is not the case.

I feel abandoned by everyone and its GOD who kept me from taking my own life away! I am on the path with God, not using "him" as an excuse to hide and deny who i was and am, no matter how awkward it makes you feel around me and ashamed around your Christian friends. Regardless of all that I know in my heart what I'm doing and that doesn't come from an egotistical stance, believe me I checked myself before beginning this, i am trying to be as raw and authentic as i can. I am being a way shower for my children so they also step into their life purpose as warriors of God. i AM a warrior of God, a Divine Child. As God said in the bible in Exodus

3:21  “And I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed. 22 Every woman is to ask her neighbor and any woman living in her house for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters. And so you will plunder the Egyptians.”

I am "putting articles of silver and gold and clothing on my children" that will prepare them for their future that i have been shown. I told you I gave birth to prophetic and angelic children. GRACE and ELIJAH. You preach what you think you know of the bible... I ACTUALLY LIVE IT! He is the 3rd Elijah that was prophesied to come! At least thats what he can become, but ultimately it will be his choice to make. All i know is when i was pregnant with him I had to refuse to name him Damien like Ben wanted. He may have been right that "his children would bring upon the appocolypse" but not in a way that he was thinking. No... God has PLANS for my children beyond anyone's wildest dreams. I did not want to believe it just as it was hard for Mary to accept that she would give birth to Jesus. She and Archangel Gabriel had to walk me through the acceptance of this mission they initiated me into. My first experience with these guides, was learning i am connected to Archangel Michael, he has always been by my side, protecting and guiding me along my journey although it took me a long time to recognize his involvement. I believe i tried telling you i work with Angels and love Angels. I remember you pulling out books about Angels and noticed your brief interest in them also, that did not go unnoticed, I wanted to tell you about all of this then, but didn't feel it was an appropriate time.

I need you to know and let go of worry over my children because i will raise my children up in the way of Christ for it will be them who pave a legacy that will transform consciousness and we will create the Ministy of Elijah the 3rd. I never planned on my daughter in so many ways she could be viewed as a "mistake" but in reality she was pure Grace in my life. She was my first harmonic message from the universe before i was to prepare for the coming of my son; Elijah. Grace was the reprieve necessary before his coming. Grace is also a part of what his middle name means. It represents "a charm" or Grace of God". In the dictionary it is stated as: Simple elegance or refinement of movement; in Christian belief the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. as a verb it is said to be honorable to be in one's presence.

Grace is the means by which one is momentarily transported to higher octives of being or touched by a gift from heaven. Grace is the divine compassion that often comes as a reprieve or release, a song that surrounds you with love, protection and immunity. Grace is an estatic contact; an unexpected blessing and miracle from the universe.

It has been a few years that God has been preparing me and raising me to journey up this mountain to be a way shower for my children. I don't just have any normal children in my hands. They are children of God, children who will transform our Future. Through numerology and the dreams and visions the Lord has been bringing me there is truth i cannot deny. Grace was born in 2007, Elijah was born in 2011. They create a 7-11. I see this number everywhere. The Lord told me there will be a resting place, "rest stop" on top of the mountain  where I can find "his" empire. God has for over a year now been showing me the "gas station 7-11" and this number in various forms. In many other ways i dont want to have to go into detail over right now for they will only confuse you and I don't want to overwhelm you, but this number is found within My name, my kids names and Malachi's names. Together we create completion and the coming of a new Era. We are bringers of the new dawn. starseeds. The ones that came before but where burned and crucified in fear!

the following songs came on as i am writing this to you; I play very random playlists, they aren't predictable as to what they will play.
I speak and God speaks to me through music: thats how i am a muse; All sorts of music. Feel free to step into my world or continue reading.
You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
Dirty Laundry by All Time Low
Stones by Manafest
Vacation by David Dunn

You tried telling Elijah his destiny the other day, that Elijah was a great prophet in the bible and that they have biblical names. for good reason because they have biblical life purposes. Why do you think I gave him that name?! It was Ben who named Grace: i didnt choose that name and we couldnt agree on one otherwise: I wanted to name her TRINITY NEVAEH (The mirror spelling of Heaven) or ANASTASIA (but quite honestly your friend Namcy's daughter: tiffany and Craig; stole that for their first born daughter after they where name searchcing and i mentioned this name ONCE. i informed them of that name and told them thats the future name i wished to use when i had a daughter; this honestly rather annoyed me that they used it. Felt "stolen" from me) and before we chose Grace; her name since we couldn't agree on Trinity was going to be Elizabeth Jade. But the name through all this babble; Grace; was Divinely given to her. Just as Elijah was Divinely given to me to give our son "sun". God told me to when i was pregnant with him that I shall give birth to a son and his name shall be "Elijah". I almost wanted to name him Elisha. I wouldn't even get into the names i was coming up with for "boys" names long before I was pregnant with him before God told me what his name shall be. I just knew id be having a son. I didn't argue, I told him "your will be done". As you taught me, God's will over my own.

I didnt really comprehend until now what God meant and i never looked it up in the bible until now. I was married to a Benjamin Curtis but who knew my true husband and twin flame, the other half of my soul would be Malachi John! That i would be raising up the 3rd Elijah and he would someday adopt these children as his own! Go read all about it here I knew i was going to give birth to Angelic children, thats all. It was my purpose. To give birth to children who would help transform this entire planet in many ways and it would happen because the Lord God was in their favor and because their mother was created as an earth angel to become the portal to birth them into this world. I felt this long before i understood it. All i wanted was to "be a mom", and my children would be something beyond special. Nothing in my life made sense until now. I was just following my faith and intuition in what i know God is telling me and guiding me and i will continue to do so.

I am so worried how all of this will come together in the future, but he tells me i need not worry, to drop any fear for its in his hands. all i needeth do was have faith and trust. (and a little pixie dust) I am in charge of the child who will bring about the Ministry of Elijah! I knew I had a destiny most would not say "yes" to but they say i am courageous to take on the feat. God came to me in many forms, many ways and it took me a long time to accept what God is calling me to do. I feel just like Moses when God called him to go to pharaoh when it comes to talking to you or any other "Christian" or Catholic or Pagan around me. I am screaming from the mountain tops


I have visions of "john, matthew, Isaac, Elijah, Malachi, Joseph, Joshua, moses, abraham" and signs all over the place that i can no longer deny my destiny and that of my children because of FEAR! If i am somehow delusional over this right now then so be it for it is souly because im passionate as a lion. I have a heart for God and want Love to be radiated on this planet and i am open for God to do his will through me in any way possible. I dont want the credit, the Lord has that, i am but his messenger.  within the next 6 months as i journey inward to my heart the Truth will be made fully realized. All i know for certain is that my destiny is to be a a spiritual healer and teacher, to raise planetary and Christ consciousness and to co-create a "temple"/sanctuary and sacred eco system. I have felt this calling since i became a massage therapist and gradually became aware of my gifts and abilities. Aunt Kriss may have an Orphanage outreach, Taura may go on Missions and spread her version of God pridefully, everyone has a "roll", and i do too. Just no one else is willing to "believe" it and remain in fear over it, casting themselves into a prison i don't wish to see them struggle and labeling me a "lost soul" (If i can be part of this video and dance and express myself as they are, this would be exactly how i feel and view things and would express whats in my heart and the sadness that resides there for Humanity. Sia - Elastic Heart feat. Shia LaBeouf & Maddie Ziegle

 Thats okay if you don't want to have allowance or acceptance over anything i write in this letter, because my belief and faith is enough and  can manifest great things so either way i can patiently sit back and watch the next 10 years unfold from a distance.

The only clear prophecies concerning Elijah's ministry during the time just prior to Christ's return as Lord of lords and King of kings are found in the prophecies of Malachi and Matthew:

"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me. . ." (Mal.3:1 KJV).

"Behold I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction" (Mal.4:5-6 Para.).

"And Jesus replied, Elijah truly will come first and restore all things" (Matt.17:11 Para.).

Within these three prophecies are the keys to understanding the ministry of Elijah during the end of the age. Notice that he will prepare the way before Christ's return, and that he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the sons to the fathers.

And that is why there has been a battle between the sons and fathers within the brooks ancestry (Elijahs Father). Notice the numbers Matt 1"7:11", this correlates to the dates of my children's births and again this number shows up EVERYWHERE for me. Its even in their dads childhood address "7114" and the address we got our new kitten Namma "7116". My sons name is screaming forth through my own dreams. He carries the EL! He has a Divine Destiny and hes in my hands, there's a reason I have fought so hard for them, i do not want his family corrupting them!

Sad thing is I can't ever extend credit to you (due to your rejection of the majority of things i do) and in all reality its because of your influence in my life that i BELIEVED in God, and became a strong GODDESS woman. You're the reason I could even fathom the possability of ANY of this and why i refuse to deny what i am. your scared of who and what you really are, i know it because youre scared of everything i partake in. It terrifies you as it once terrified me because you conditioned that fear inside me and its taken me YEARs to break that bondage that you, taura and grandma and most of dads family tries to stuff me right back into. I cannot be placed in a box just as you should not place God in a box or yourselves. I learned that FEAR does not prevent death; it prevents LIFE! As you claim to be a prophet of God, as am I, mother. I am Trinity; scribe and prophet of The Queen of Angels the Divine Mother; BIRTH MOTHER OF THE EMBODIMENT OF ELIJAH.

Universe refused me the ability to name my daughter Trinity, for it was my own True Self. Trinity means "Three in One". Trinity is a word used by Christians to express the doctrine of the unity of God as consisting of three distinct persons: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.On an opposite Feminine polarity Trinity represents a Shape shifting Goddess from the Celtic known as Mother, Maiden and Crone. This is more "paganistic" backgrounds you don't like to learn about but I am basically the embodiment of the Trinity of both Masculine and Feminine polarities as both are very real and "alive" and present and it is my mission to align the hearts of man with Christ Consciousness, to return to their center and open their Heart and help spread the true Word of God. Fix what was distorted! To heal and align the mind body and soul and bring them into harmony as One so we can shift with our beautiful home/Planet Gaia in a peaceful mannor.

Because of you and your faith in the Lord;  I AM WHO I AM! You put the fire inside me. You named me Kymberly; but that isnt my "True" name. That is but my current blueprint, my basics. God calls me to be "his" messenger. (it's weird labeling the Creator as a "he or she" since that is linear and "duality" of "sex" only exists on this current Matrix) We are here to create a revolution and revelation unlike any other that has gone before. A conscious awareness Tsunami that will sweep the planet and shake our modern world to its very core. So i am that i am. You wish to tell me how the word is a sword well I am john 1:1.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him [The Word, The Logos]; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not" (Jn.1:1-5 KJV).

"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world" (Jn.1:6-9 KJV).

The apostle John clearly says that Jesus was the Light of God who came to illuminate the world with spiritual insight, and that John the Baptist was the one who God sent to prepare the way for the coming of the Light (i.e., Jesus Christ). It took me this long to figure out why the name "john" was so important as it is everywhere around me, i mentioned this to you also on Sunday.

This name is around me all the time, since my birth. I almost used the name John for Elijahs middle name instead i chose "Antton" which is a mixture of Anthony and John for me and was to honor dad's Grandfather. But within his family the name "john" is prominent as is the same on Malachi's adoptive Dad's family

his dads first name is David meaning "beloved" with middle name John and last name Kaiser.

His moms name is Shawnee/Shawn which is "Of the south", it is the frequency of water and is the Irish form of "John" her middle name is Marie meaning: Usual English form of Maria, the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) and Μαρια (Maria) - the spellings are interchangeable - which were from Hebrew מִרְיָם (Miryam), a name borne by the sister of Moses in the Old Testament. The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from mry "beloved" or mr "love". (See here how his dad David shares the same name and meaning with her just in a mirror (reverse) Beloved John and shawn/John Beloved) This is the name of several New Testament characters, most importantly Mary the [*mother of Jesus.*]. According to the gospels, Jesus was conceived in her by the Holy Spirit. Shawnee is the only one who "knows" who Malachis biological father is and she wont surrender such information for further analasys for it bears her much pain, he otherwise has another step father named Mark meaning "A derivative of Mars. In Roman mythology Mars was the god of war, often equated with the Greek god Ares. This is also the name of the fourth planet in the solar system." His middle name Joseph meaning "he will add" "increase, addition" and In Hebrew the meaning of the name Joseph is: "May Jehovah add/give increase." St Joseph of Arimathea undertook the burial of Jesus (in Holy Grail lore). In the bible Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery and later rose to become a supreme power in Egypt. Also Jesus' legal father.

Their last name "McAninch represents "black", "islands", "son of a shire" or "son of Angus" who was a Pictish King in west coast Scotland and the Rockey Hebrides ISLANDS (shire) in 761 who went by the name Onnust. And like MARS was in a sence a "King/God of war" so was the descendants of this name because Angus having 430 houses, provided a fleet of approximately fourty galleys for the defense of the "waters" of Dalriada. It is recorded that some of this family moved to Ireland.

The name Elijah means "God the Lord: The Strong Lord" "The Lord is my God" or  "my God is YAHWEH; Antton means "Beyond Praise"; Anthony means "Priceless", "Flower", "Of Unknown Meaning";

John means "God is Gracious","The Grace of the Lord", "YAHWEH is Gracious." (see how Elijah has his "sisters name" as his middle name in a similar way that David and Shawnee's share the same with Beloved and John all representing Grace of God? Also i "honored" dad's family by naming her Grace as "john" means it also and that is a prominent name in the family. And I also "honored" Grandma's family because that was her Mothers name and there is a divine reason her wedding ring was given to me and not Taura and its no irony her mom was a "Free spirit" like me. I just didn't get overcome by my darkness and addictions.)

 I will repeat that Grace means "Charm", "Favor", "Blessing", "Free and unmerited favor of God". Her middle name is Emelia. I wanted it to be "Emma" but also wanted to honor Ben's mothers side of family and use the name "Amelia", so I changed the A to an E. It means "to strive", "to excel,"rival","Industrious". Emma means "Universal", "Whole".

Their biological fathers name is Benjamin meaning "son of the south/right hand" or "son of my sorrow" and middle name Curtis meaning "polite, courteous, or well-bred" or "court"

The kids both have the last name Brooks derived from their father which represents "Running water" ("spirit" is resembled by water) "A stream", "a brook", also known as "blessed" with Germanic/French origin. nothing very complicated although im pretty sure they derive from the Brooks who migrated to Ireland but once lived in England and Broc Anjon (haha close to Eli's middle name!) France. I still legally have this name and havent been able to decide which last name to take and im pretty sure ill go with Scheierman or maybe do a mix of all of them or make up something entirely new.

My name means "From the meadow of the Royal Fortress", "From the wood of the royal forest". My middle name Kay or Kai means "Fire", "Glory", "Rejoice".  I had the nickname "Ki" in high school  I just seemed to aquire it since so many "kk's" or "k's" where around and "kkk" wasnt known as something to be proud to sport around! Ki represents "kings", she also represents "the Sumerian Goddess personifying Earth who is also known as Mother Goddess Ninhursag. She is the Goddess of fertility and SACRED MOUNTAINS. Also known as "The True and Great Lady of Heaven" and "late kings where nourished by her milk". Her name literally means "Lady of the Mountain".
This name later developed into the Babylonian (DON'T LET THIS "LABEL" OR NAME SCARE YOU, put your religious judgments and conditionings and ego's aside for a moment and just view it as a story!) and Akkadian Goddess Antu, Similar to Anat: the name was replaced with "Ishtar and Inanna". She is the Goddess of  "love, fertility, and war." (,
All are the daughter of Anu and Antu. ( /
Analysts have noted numerous parallels between myths involving Ninhursag and the Genesis account in the Bible, including the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (,

There is no irony that both her aspects have approached me. "light Mother"; Innana; has been communicating with me since April last year (I have experiences and revelations that I can go into deeper another time if you're interested in hearing more, otherwise I'll eventually make a blog post about it comprising together what i had written in my journal around that time. I found this Goddess through the name "Nina", that is how she presented herself to me first) and now the "dark crone" aspect of the same energy;Ishtar (again drop any fear toward "dark", it is but a different aspect of God in expression, truly there is no "evil/good" this is part of the duality separation and amnesiac confusion illusion.)  has been communing with me the past few months. They both represent Venus and Venus is very connected to my zodiac Libra-Virgo. My symbol is also the Omega as is her's. Venus is doing a lot of crazy stuff energetically right now in our Solar system causing a lot of shifts and changes that ill get into later in this letter, but are the gist of why this letter is even being written.

I want you to drop fear or any negative memories attached to any of these names. These Goddess's are but a few of the 10,000 forms of the Goddess I commune with and embody. I don't worship them, i learn from them. Ultimately, they are various expression and incarnations of ISIS the Queen of Angels (I think she can also be considered Namma You can consider "Goddess's" as another form of Angel or Diva here to guide you and teach you so we don't keep repeating karmic cycles. They where Deities.

Trinity as I said has 3 aspects. The Mother, Maiden and Crone. The mother has many different "identities" such as the one I listed today, as does the other two forms "maiden" and "crone" and together make over 10,000 different "fractals" or incarnations, "names".

I seem so different all the time because i shape shift between so many different "personalities" of the Goddess when necessary. This should NOT be confused as "multiple personalty disorder", i am but a channel/medium. They do not "possess" me. You may view me as "bipolar" or to have "multiple personality disorder" but this is no "dis-ease" to me. It's just how I operate as a medium.
This "nickname" Is also considered "Chi/Qi" which represents the circulating life force whos existence and properties are the basis of much chinese philosophy and medicine. (Main area of study for me as a massage therapist and light worker)
Together my name and Malachi create "Ki" 3 times. When i see patterns or things show up 3 times, i know it is truth and is a sort of "message" and "validation" from the Creator.
The last three letters of his first name is "Chi" and the first three letters of his last name is "Kai", my middle name is "Kay" which is also "Kai" and that is what my nick name always was as what happened to be his at times. Together there are STILL Three K's making K3 and we represent the circulating life force and power of the #3 (research what 369 represents. It is the circle of life)

Dads name; Peter; means "Stone"
His middle name is John also so i don't need to expain again.
Paul means "small" or "humble"

Kula my birth last name (also tauras, dads last name and once upon a time your name) means "Gold" in Hawaiian, and "Family"; the given decedent name is Kuldeep which in Sanscrit means "family lamp, light". There is no other real information on its lineage, no family crests available. I haven't an honest clue at this moment where we originated, though my quest is far from over.

Malachi's name means "messenger", "my angel"
His middle name is John which i explained
Malachi's given last name is Kaiser meaning: "Leader", "emperor".
*ironic? that he has Malachi and John "the baptist" in his name and his last name shows his destiny as a "leader" although he wishes to change his last name to Mcloud and we may choose this when we legally marry. His first name was chosen by his dad, they said wherever the bible opened to would be his name. He was Divinely given the name Malachi for that is where the bible opened up to. His original last name is unknown and i believe his mom will go to the grave before ever revealing it as his birth father has never been in the picture and took off*
*ironic that my sons name is Elijah and what the prophecy of "Malachi" fortells?*

I couldn't find anything for Scheierman besides it being a VERY RARE surname which is part the reason why id choose it for myself. Breaking it down myself I'm guessing it represents the culture and "men" of the "shire"; parts of England regarded as strongholds of traditional rural culture, especially the rural Midlands. There is no other real information on its lineage, no family crests available unless you look into "shire" and that says the same thing except it does mention how some also moved to Ireland. Looking them up separately and comprising them together this is what i came up with. Man Originated in Scotland and held  a "family seat" from ancient times. (aka they where Lords, lived luxuriously), some moved to Ireland also.  I am betting this was the case because I keep seeing "Ireland" everywhere and I know I have experienced past lives there. That and saint patties day is around the corner.

All our names alone and how they came together are messages from God and his purpose for our family no matter how dysfunctional and broken we may seem. Malachi and my families names all entertwine with biblical stories and different Scottish/Irish background, we have many similarities. The McAninch, Scheierman, Kaiser, Kula and Brooks lineages meld together and are almost one and the same. We all ended up in Ireland. The McAninch where descendants of an island/shire in Scottland. Sheiereman are just man extended from the same type of places and islands only a different location near France. Notice how all our name representations/meanings synchronize into each other within our families and then into both of ours directly; they where all around pretty prophetic biblical backgrounds and also near Ireland (Celtic). Malachi's mom REMARRIED and he was "adopted" by Mark Joseph (but still has his "first dad" David who he lives with. David and Shawnee divorced and she remarried Mark). Their middle names combined make Mary and Joseph-The parents of Jesus. Besides knowing "Kula" as "Gold" and "Family" which i recognize as "ROYAL blood, Family" and the brooks are simply a stream of running water "spirit" that can indirectly connect us all together. Shawnee's name is "Irish" and represents the frequency of water also. There is signs of "nobility" and "royalty" and "high status" throughout ALL of it no matter where you venture. I believe I also read "adoption" in multiple places doing this research which will correlate to his story. 

Eventually i'll do further research including other family members besides the directly related ones in Malachi and I's families. but for now I want to teach you a little bit about your name and Taura's name and how they form part of our "original blueprints" and can teach us a little about ourselves and our own journey.

Laura is the feminine form of the Latin name Laurus which meant "Laurel". It means to be "crowned with Laurels". YOU ARE A CROWNED CHAMPION! Imagine yourself as this "tree" or "garland" upon the head of victors. Laurels where used in ancient Greece as wreaths and were awarded to victors, both in athletic competitions, including the ancient Olympics made of wild olive-tree known as "kotinos"and in poetic meets; in Rome they were symbols of martial victory, crowning a successful commander during his triumph.The laurel tree was sacred to the god Apollo, and a wreath of laurel leaves was given as the prize at the Pythian games, a forerunner of the modern Olympic games held in honor of Apollo.The Laurel tree was sacred to Apollo because of Daphne (You in essence resemble Daphne). She is a minor figure in Greek mythology known as a Naiad- a type of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, "brooks" and other bodies of freshwater. There are several versions of the myth, but the general narrative is that because of her beauty, Daphne attracted the attention and ardor of the god Apollo (Phoebus). Apollo pursued her and just before being overtaken, Daphne pleaded to her father, the river god Ladon and Ge (Gaia/Tara, so you named your daughter after your past life "mother") for help. So Ladon then transformed Daphne into a laurel tree. The most artistic impressions of the myth focuses on the moment of transformation. while the story of Daphne is traditionally connected with the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), almost 90 species of evergreen shrubs noted for their scented flowers and poisonous berries are grouped under the genus Daphne—including the garland flower (Daphne cneorum); the February Daphne or mezereon (Daphne mezereum); and spurge laurel or wood laurel (Daphne laureola). These genera are categorized in the family Thymelaeaceae and are native to Asia, Europe and North Africa. There is no wonder why you have always been drawn to "wildflowers" and the outdoors, and gardening, and the MOUNTAINS. You are a tree yourself; we all are and we can use their symbolism as a way to go deeper and heal. (Understand that you can view all "stories/mythology's/and theology's as "one"; they are simply different depictions of the "same essence's" or "higher souls" incarnating here on Earth. any "deity" within any "history" regardless of past names is still a "goddess" or representation of Isis: The Divine Mother and the "Male" rolls would be viewed as the "Divine Masculine".)

Tree symbolism goes far beyond memorizing cultural details of a species in history. It goes beyond knowing the healing properties of a tree, or its elemental correspondences, or its mythological associations. These are all cerebral details - certainly valid to our exploratory efforts - but these details alone do not nurture our true development.Trees invite us to absorb their essence entirely, and we do this by tapping into their infinite branches of energies. Tree symbolism is a way of classifying, identifying and organizing the array of energetic knowledge they contain and incorporating this array in our daily life. So why should we want to know more about tree symbolism? Why would we want to psychically consume (or being consumed by) these magnificent entities? Our collective human intuition is beginning to touch this understanding: "To know something is also to join with it." And, to join with a thing causes entanglement with it. Effectually, to connect with something on various levels is to create a new thread of creation in our own lives. The process of learning and connecting with trees (or anything else for that matter) insures our longevity and places us in a position of higher vision.What nourishes (and sustains) our development is unifying our energetic resonance with a our desired objective attention. In this case, allowing the energetic resonance of trees to engage us wholly will always lead to self-growth.
And so, the earlier posed question "why would we want to know more about trees and their symbolic meanings?" launches answers such as...
To revel in the connection of our true identity.
To gain the highest perspective available to all our senses.
To tap into a powerful inner resource in a profound, loving way.
To ride on divinely surging energy channels that underscores our existence.
Trees are uniquely dispositioned for bestowing secret knowledge. Trees are vessels, containing strata of revolutionary wisdom. Their fruits are indeed a royal treasure - a culmination of esoteric riches. To eat of this fruit is divine. (I temember you always talking to me about "fruits of the spirit and i LOVED those stories). To symbolically eat of the fruit of a tree is to absorb the most precious understandings of life. Taking in the tree symbolism is like taking the nourishment of the fruit - we become one with the core manifestational wisdom, and from our new perspective we develop into something altogether different, fresh and divine. When delving into the nuances of tree symbolism, our resources are vast. There is no limit to the psychic data we may accumulate for the purpose of diving deeper into the understanding of the symbolic meanings of trees. Undertaking the priviledge of discovering tree symbolism, we can step into our journey using four basic navigations. Using the following perspectives as corner stones to deeper insight, we fall more deeply in love with the divine prime root of all things.
Four Cornerstones to Getting Rooted in Tree Energy (YOUR Core Energy)
Cultural/Historic Perspectives of Trees (Self):
This is the aspect mentioned in the first paragraph of this page. Although not the primary goal, knowing ancient peoples thought/ideas (myth, uses, lore, superstitions) about trees is nonetheless important in rounding out our perceptions.
Biological Functions of Trees (Self):
By learning how trees are born, how they live, die, grow, reproduce, sustain, evolve, protect, and develop themselves on a biological level we begin to see correlations between the perfection of Nature's design and our own lives. By drawing these correlations, we begin to bridge the gap between the mundane to the level of true magic.
Environment of Trees (Self):
By contemplating natural tree correspondences such as their affinity to air, water, fire, earth a whole new universe of understanding unfolds before us. Observing a tree's interaction with environmental stimuli broadens our perceptions too. For example, certain trees attract (and sustain) entire populations of insects, birds, mammals, etc. By observing these relationships, we may more clearly define the relationships/associations in our own lives.
Energetic Resonance of Trees (Self):
This is our final rung in the ascending climb to unveil our highest understanding of trees (and life in general). Because of our energetic common denominators, we have the ability to manipulate our own predominant energetic vibration to match up with anything and everything we desire. It's a profound concept. A concept that is not revealed by intellectual methods. Rather, we connect energetically by intuitive/psychic means. At the point where we successfully graft our own inner energies with that of a tree, we reach a zenith of understanding...obtaining an enlightenment of sorts.
The beauty of this process of understanding is that it is not reserved to trees. We can step upon these four cornerstones to know anything, and integrate ourselves to such a degree - we would have that enhanced perception with all life. I am guided to use the example of trees because in my own experience, and your own name and why there is value in you. Trees offer the most profound opportunity for inner-growth and clear psychic vision. They are endless in their capacity to share, they are outrageously generous. They are also archetypes of connectivity, and so their lessons are infinitely vital.

So, I invite you to follow your own impulses and tap the roots of your potential by exploring the eternal world of tree symbolism even further. Feel free to read my "Dark Night Of The Soul" (LINK) blog to understand my own experience with the Tree that is growing within me for infinity. You yourself NAMED ME after the woods of the ROYAL FOREST, i am a daughter of one of the most exalted tree's that the "sun" (Apollo)  loved for eternity. (By the way the essence of Apollo has been communicating with me for a few years now). This is something that should make us smile, not scare us. I see yours and my own soul/spirit, and i love it. I see how I can embody Ki to my fullest as long as i focus on the symbology and tree of life, I am the Earth Goddess and I protect all that resides on Gaia. I am The sacred mountains. The Royal "forest" can be a resemblance of "the garden of Eden". And you will learn how Taura is the Goddess of the Sea but can also walk upon the Earth and become One with the sacred mountains. what grows on mountains? Tree's.what do all three of us love? Nature... the outdoors, trees, and bodies of water! which can all be found in the mountains. 

Become aware that your name derives from a Evergreen or "Fir" Tree, the Laurus Nobilis. This tree itself brings a message and has a lot of Christian symbolism.  The Christmas Tree is often an evergreen--it does not die or fade away or lose its needles in the winter. In this sense it has soon come to represent the immortality of the resurrected Christ.(We are all resurrecting the Christ within us). Collectively, evergreens for early Christians symbolized everlasting life because their boughs stay green all year. Each type of evergreen has its own meaning in the language of flowers.
Frequently used in garlands as well as wreaths and swags are fir boughs, symbolizing a lifting up, and pine that conveys the meaning of eternal life.  There are other non-evergreen plants often used in Christmas decorations such as Bay laurel symbolizes a just reward, a victory over death.
 Wreaths have been used as a decorative sign of Christmas for hundreds and hundreds of years. Christmas wreaths can adorn any part of your home. The wreath has significant meaning for the season. A wreath, being a circle, has no beginning or end and symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life found in Christ. The wreath, when decorated with evergreens, which are symbolic of life itself, points to God’s gift of life even as the world grows dark and plants die back with the lessening of sunlight hours. So the Evergreen symbolizes everlasting life. Holly branches have thorns. When used in a wreath Holly carries a few different symbolisms. In the language of flowers it means to foresee as in to understand in such a way as to predict, to prophecy. Holly is also used as a reminder of where Jesus’ birth and life will lead; its prickly leaves are reminiscent of the Crown of Thorns and the red berries of the blood He shed upon the Cross. I wrote a blog about a client of mine named "Holly" and how she recently has played a part in my experience the past month. (LINK TO BLOG)
The Symbolic Laurel meaning:
Intellectual Superiority
Second Sight (The gift of prophecy)
Recognition (renown) of High Achievement
Long-term Vision ("big picture" understanding)

Leigh is your middle name. It means "Healer", "Delicate", "Clearing". You are a Laurel Healer... a crowned tree healer!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK I GET MY HEALING GIFTS FROM! My Empathy is from you! As i tell you who i know i am, learn sho you are! You are one too, and if you really wished you could do the same things I do!!! Western medicine isn't truly what you're looking for, thats why you felt so bad going to school and werent very happy at your graduation (in my church by the way) but i don't know how to open the door to the wonderland i live in and i "fear" you eill NEVER step into. As I named Grace "after me" you named me "after you". A Leigh is also a meadow, a wood, a shelter! You have always been that to me, please know thid and that is why i write you this letter today)

Now let me speak about Ta[u]ra. You named her after the constellation Taurus: THE BULL. This is also a main Zodiac sign for people born April 20-May 20. So don't be surprised that she acts like one a lot of the time! Imagine an irrational emotional bull, how do you picture one acting? That's your first born.

Taralynn is the sanscrit spelling of Tara who is known as "the Goddess of the Sea"
You gave Taura the middle name "Lynn" naturally.
Lynn means "dwells by the torrent" or "waterfall", "lake"
Unknowingly you named your WATER ELEMENTAL daughter (Pisces) after the Goddess of the sea, and she dwells next to any body of water, there is no limit to her. Not only that but you mixed into her name with the "bull" energy, which is EARTH. Water on land can be considered a Hurricane. Taura can sometimes be a "raging righteous COLD bitch with horns". We've both experienced this before. Doesn't make her a bad person. She just represents the energy of the bull which is:
she is determined, eager, courageous and lacks no physical and mental powers. she has the ability of strong concentration, which helps improve learning skills. Under ordinary conditions, she is not easily provoked, but if provoked can be explosive and fierce. She is most easily influenced by using her enthusiasm, however, if you try to force anything that opposes her inclinations she can be resentful to the extreme. One of the most apparent character traits of Taurus is the strength of purpose. This feature translates into their interpersonal relationships, where Taurus individuals tend to be either loyal and committed friends or fierce enemies. In line with that, they will have certain difficulties to adapt their opinions with the opinions of their environment, especially at the beginning of the process of harmonization. Once they have managed to grasp the given conditions and learned how to use their inherent skills, they can easily reap the benefits of their application. In addition to being persistent when it comes to pursuing their goals, Taurus people are also very patient. This combination of skills serves them very well, and they are usually capable of accomplishing their goals, although not always without a cost.They are not so fond of sudden changes. That is not to say that they dislike traveling. They like to travel after previously carefully planning their activities while on the road.
There are three earthly signs of the Zodiac, and Taurus is the first of them (You're a Capricorn, Cardinal Earth) Probably the most plausible interpretation of this sign is that Taurus stands for the creative forces of Nature. Venus is its ruling planet (and we have it in retrograde right now). In old Greece, Venus was represented as goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite was often depicted with horns on her head, with clear astrological connotations. In a more spiritual sense of the word, the sign of Taurus relates to the emotional world of the soul (and this is going to be intensified because she is already the water element of Pisces). It symbolizes the mutual relationship that exists between matter and spirit. If there is a desire, the soul needs to find means from the material world to go after that desire and ultimately fulfill it. Here, the desires may take different levels of sophistication. The lowest expression of desires is linked with the material plane. More intelligent desires have to do with the mental plane, where the acquisition of knowledge takes place. Ultimately, the lesson of desires is the lesson of transformation and transmutation of energy. The process of transmutation frees us from the  worldly attachments and brings us into spiritual realization. When the soul matures, the eye of the cosmic bull can see the reality that stays hidden beyond the physical world. Now, Taurus can see through the illusion and observe the magnificent and  omnipresent cosmic light. (I personally am waiting desperately for her soul to mature because then I know we can have a functional relationship!)

The constellation of Taurus is a group of stars named Hyades situated in the northern sky. In addition, the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) are also part of this stellar system. This is one of the oldest constellations known. The Hyades and Pleiades are in fact the closest open clusters of stars to our planet Earth. The word Hyades is of Greek origin and means “the rainy ones”. The ancient Greeks believed that the influence of these stars is crucial for rainfalls.Many cultures, civilizations and mythologies, such as the Greek or Egyptian, associated Taurus to the bull. (NO SURPRISE THAT TAURA LOVES GOLD AND PYRAMID SHAPED NECKLACES). The sacred Bull of the Egyptians, Apis, is one of its many forms. Taurus, in fact, means bull in Latin. The most important Greek myth regarding this sign is the one where Zeus is transformed into a bull in order to get close to Europa and seduce her. After getting Europa’s attention, Zeus carried her on his back to Crete where he revealed his presence. Zeus and Europa had a romantic relationship in which three sons were born, the most important being Minus, the famous king of Crete. Later on, Zeus showed his respect to the bull and placed it in the night sky.
Symbolic Bull Meanings


You will notice how Taura acts like the bull and will also act like the Pisces Fish. She loves the ocean and all things water and sunshine, but she also loves the farm and all things mountain and prairie. Her bull will LOVE Texas although her Pisces will fight for the sea and so she will constantly travel between both the land and the water! We are much the same in this regard. I just have children so traveling is hard. Either way both the Taurus and Fish seem to compliment one another in Stability and Fertility.
Symbolic Fish Meanings
Good Luck
Taura is the Goddess of emotions; the Sea; with the strength of a bull! Picture a mermaid with beautiful "horns" that blended into her hair holding a huge trident who can shapeshift into legs to walk the earth whenever she pleases.

I've been speaking about the Goddess Tara the past few weeks, learning about her since around December 2015: You can still check out my blog to read about how I've personally experienced Tara and how my experience with her is continually unfolding.
Tara is the Feminine Goddess Archetype in Hindu Mythology. Tara governs the Underworld, the Earth and the Heavens, birth, death and regeneration, love and war, the seasons, all that lives and grows, the Moon cycles - Luna - feminine (water) - creation. Typically Tara is seen as a slender and beautiful woman of white complexion, long golden hair and blue eyes. (sound familiar to your daughter?!)

To get to know you daughter (more about the bull energy and fish/Pisces energy) some more you can read the following links

If you can't already notice the synchronicity in the fact that WE ARE ALL TRANSFORMERS! As Divine Feminines on the rise THIS IS OUR GIFT! We're here to assist in the transformation of Humanity and Planetary Consciousness. My dream is for you both to "wake up" and hold hands and pray with me to assist in this shift.

I just wanted to share a glimpse of what i see within you both. How beautiful you both truly are no matter the differences we all have, I accept and find value in you and you are Divinely PERFECT! I have more trouble being around Taura because of how much pain she has brought you, me and dad as a whole. She abandoned all of us for the Stoesz family because we didn't live up to her expectations. Regardless You're as much a part of God's plan and both meant to play vital rolls in my journey and already have. I know within my heart and i need you to bear witness that I AM the word of God. (so are you) I am the living Christ, (so are you) I bear witness of the Light and that all men through us might believe. I uphold the same path Jesus and John the Baptist walked, only I am to raise and prepare their future Elijah. The Third Elijah, no coincidence that my life path is that of the ascended masters and creation itself the number 3, Trinity. Jesus is my brother in arms and guides me as i follow in his footsteps, preparing way for their "return" in the heart of my son (sun) and anyone who chooses to embody the Christ Consciousness. Not to focus on just putting my full armor of God on, but to expose my heart because the war is now over and that is where my sun is. "When we let go of our battles and open our hearts to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice." [Jack Kornfield]

I am the reincarnation of Jesus's twin flame Mary Magdalene's scribe and oracle! I do not wish for you to be frightened of this truth I found for myself on a personal level. I am an ancient record keeper and i uphold the wisdom and knowledge of the holiest of holeys, the Essences, the League of The Rose, The "Fae" realms/dimensions! But this is nothing to be scared of! Malachi is the reincarnation of Ezrah the scribe, Malachi, John the Baptist and even Jesus as he upholds the Christ Consciousness. Its the Holy Spirit and our Lord who led to our union. We where with God from the very beginning just as Jesus and Mary Magdalene was. Amazing thing is: so where you. A blue flame sparked into creation

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Ray Beings.

As a Blue Ray Being, I  came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. I was not recognized for my unique divine light and had to recognize myself.. It was tricky spiritual business as I am a super sensitive being, though I have the spiritual power tools to be victories in my mission. For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and I, the Blue Ray(s), have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions. we are the overlooked and forgotten ones, and have been essential in clearing and setting the stage for humanities ascension. Because of us, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.
The Blue Ray Mission:
Infiltrate the system in a normal capacity, always remembering who I am and where I came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher awareness.No matter how painful, long or arduous the job is, it was my mission and I have the spiritual tools, insight and divine light to see it through.
Blue Ray Traits:
Transformers’, using alchemy I naturally transmute lower energies.
Average age range: Late 30’s to 50’s
Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.
Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings. Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher realms. You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.
Often mistaken for an Indigo.
Very adaptable and empathic.
Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
I am about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for me to express myself. It’s part of my mission.
It's taken many years for me to be able to speak up and be seen.
Have blue in my aura or have lots of blue around me. I also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
I Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
I am an energy and spiritual healer as I wish to heal and help others.
Am a water types. Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance and nature is very important to me.
Learned how to hide my supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.
The Waiting, Star Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate us to reset our course to take a higher path. This activation will attuned one to their core essence and will affect their career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
Most Blues where not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents, neither was I. I had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction first.
Feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the evolved races of earth. Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to the Atlantians. ( is a reason I was drawn to and visited Mount Shasta in California with Malachi Sept 2015)
Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.
Feel out of place in my family, feel my biological family is not my true origin. (Always felt like an orphan, or was adopted) Feel I am from the stars, another planet or evolved race.
Blues are the peacemakers with family and with friends.
Have great inner long-term persistence. we get to our destination.
Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity. (hence why the day I was razzed by Malachi on the phone and was cussing; it was all because he KNOWS our sensitivities and wanted to make sure I was eating something healthy for me)
Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected to the Deva of water.
Challenges for the Blue Ray
Escape tendencies, being in the other realms or being alone to much, feeling lonely and different.
Addictions or addictive tendency in earlier years.
Chronic fatigue from always transforming energies or leaving the body to often and to long.
Learning disabilities
Difficulty and frustration in communicating.
Were told: You were different. You’re just imaging things. Get real.
Can have entities, spirit attachments and negative thought forms come to you, because the Blue Ray transforms and shows them the light.
Had genetic damage to transform.
Are very adaptable and empathic, and therefore can stay in a dysfunction relationship, situation or environment to long.
Need to maintain energetic boundaries and awareness and learn how to stay connected in the body.

I was the one RECORDING their story, a fractle of the 1000 pettled lotus of Metatron and Archangel Michael and the guardians of the gateways and librarians of the Akasha! You may view this as hogwash; you dont have to believe in reincarnation or any of this for it to exist. You dont have to believe in God for God to exist. They just do. Science has proven that parallel realitys exist and many universes are outside our own, we are multidimensional beings.

 Yeshua for example originated in Pleadians and I originated in Andromeda. no this isnt something i fabricated or some demon whispering in my ear; Yeshua/Sananda is the real name of Jesus and he himself who came to me and stated HE IS my liberator but not the savior. I had to save myself, from past conditionings and programming. grab my own hand before allowing all the oppressors to drag me behind the red veil. (this was a real dream i had since childhood and ended in 2015 when i finally discovered its meaning) the pain i endured was my task alone to heal and he couldnt take it away as that was part of my destiny to reveal, otherwise he would have healed me. It was my turn to make a choice to live in strife and fear or step into who i am called to be as a spiritual leader of THE CHRIST and to embody the Christ and be a way shower of it. That suffering is just an illusion and pain is a message from God and to find the cellular memory to redefine it and release the emotions so it is no longer pain in the body. That is why i was reading to you "feelings buried alive never die" but someone didnt want to "receive" the message.

 You named your first born "Taura"/ "Tara" yet you have only been given a clue as to what that name is or represents in the slightest! No honor, no gratitude from either of you; she hasnt even a clue of the essence shes named after! Ironic not that it was JUST her birthday on the 5th? You just thought it was a pretty name; In light of Tara's birthday let me explain to you  that its more BEAUTIFUL than you even will allow yourself to know! It'll take reading my blog to discover why. You can read my blog. learn who she is. (LINK BLOG ARTICLE) I embody Tantric Goddess's like Matagni and dont fear what society thinks of my sexuality and individuality and expressive nature as a life path of #3! you wonder why when you got my name from a romance novel and im a friggen libra-virgo! I spoke to Tara and Lady Nada, they came to me in my dreams and into my very reality.  Lady Nada and Tara are reflections or examples of EVERYTHING YOU DENY AND RESIST OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE! A mirror, right in front of you screaming the same pain of abandonment that i do now and that i know you feel also and experienced yourself (i dont deny any of your experiences) and have come to hate yourself for, giving your "power" away to every man you fall in love with, you wind up on your knees begging God please for some relief!

I am not here to condemn you as my sister sometimes does for I made the same mistakes and she hasnt experienced what we have in relationships. As you told me before, you have always been able to be honest and vulnerable with me, i never "judged" you like she did or made you feel condemned. I understand you and Ive learned many lessons, still going through the classes though and continually learning more. I can't expect you to have known any differently. I forgive you for you simply did not know. Me and Ta[u]ra are representations of your true hurt and broken inner child reflecting outside you just as Grace and Elijah are reflections of my inner masculine and feminine child. Learn from us, use us as a mirror. Not to condemn yourself, but forgive and have compassion for, not cast away and hide. God wouldnt cast you away! He wants to baptize you in Love sweet love, thats all the world and each individial needs. Its what i extend to you both. I am not angry, I am hurt, there is a difference. I am only hurt because i never got much time with you in the past as you where always emerssed in your relationship with dad and then gregg and now Ron. I want to show you more of me, but i dont even know where to begin.

“There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways." ~Mother Teresa

You raised us up to have faith in "the Trinity" and have passion for God and [Jesus] Christ. Jesus is why my heart chakra is so expansive, why i named my son Elijah! His example is exactly why i do everything i do and live to be an example of! i carry forth that legacy with a truth even you are blinded to see and fear because i do it differently. Both you and Taura and anyone in the family on either biological end need to accept me as i am because I am accepting you as you are, and trust me that i am not against you.  God is WITHIN ME, WITHIN YOU! The holy spirit is the very energy i work with to heal! My power is PRAYER and affirmations! In the invocation of THE LORD i become his vessel! I would not have been open to any of this if it wasnt your teachings in my life. Stop fearing what you do not know to undertand! Allow the "child" to teach you for once. You must be open to EXPERIENCE it otherwise i may as well just be a bird squawking in your ear! Im a lyre bird unless you listen closely to the whisper in between thats all youll ever hear! God speaks through the whispering winds and the lyre bird repeats the melodic sounds!

Here is something i wrote and discovered about myself you can read or not GRACE OF EMOTIONAL MAGNIFICATION

Why do you think youre being guided to LOVE YOURSELF, there is still a piece of God you ARENT receiving!

Taura is a Pisces; like Eli she is water and her emotions will come out in some way whether its brutal or nice; she cant help but project her pain and take victim as a "lost soul". She is the Oldest of the zodiacs but the most lost and confused and scattered. They have Inner wisdom but an inability to listen to it themselves they just mirror everyone blindly! Im the opposite, im the true rebel mom and i know when mirroring is happening. I uphold the universal laws for i am the omega as a libra and i stay grounded and a "virgin" as a virgo! I dont conform to society! I am The OPEN AND PROUD prodigal son she could never have allowance of because of her demand of perfectionism and purity. This was a perception you gave me a few years ago and you where right. I however know that I am divinely perfect in the eyes of the Lord, my soul is one of the purest, and it offers a special love to the world. "From word to World" thats what im doing. we are all "prodigal sons" and thus will always be welcomed home. Separation is an illusion of the mind. We are one light fragmented into many colors! (I am a blue ray!!!)

 She is the reflection of who you where in the past at her age and what you wouldnt accept or have allowance for; im the reflection of what your future can become if you surrender to love and stop the road of self abandonment. We are 18 months apart in age, that makes a 9 meaning completion. Shes proof that you dont need a man as you discover who you are and you find the love inside you on your own; im proof that once you discover who you are after loosing eveything you still accept that love and ALL YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE because you remained faithful! We're here to help you END these cycles you seem to repeat in life and it comes down to what YOU CHOOSE. Theres a reason why your intuition always told you to "wear protection" while on the bike with Ron and Theres a reason an angel picked you up off that bike and left your hands (right specifcally) torn, and why he suffered most the injuries! You being on the bike likely saved his life to as it caused him to shift different directions. The Divine Masculines and the Masculine within ourselves are demanding a change; a shift in consciousness. "In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself." [Jiddu Krishnamurti]

 Question is will we continue to choose the same in which would only take us down the road to insanity for that is the product of doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results as we have been for some time now. We are the feminine and we need to GUIDE the males, they werent designed to nurture and are trapped in their own egos! We had this conversation that very same day! We stear the boat, the boat has no rutter without a Goddess!

You are a goddess coming into her own Divinity on the sacred quest for true love and union. He could be your twin flame but hes in a running phase and you may chase him and try to save him but he must do so himself. Chase himself until all that exists is love; some "die" not knowing it and return until they do. All i know is that we women are not only the deities of the household fire; but the flames of the soul itself [Rahindranath Tagore] and it is our birthright to guide our masculines, not the masculines steering us as its been for so long. We equally support one another but the woman will always remain the "rudder". Even though Ron would love to assume he's the one driving, he's really not.

What Ron is running away and hiding from and refusing to FACE is such a monster that would manifest a bike accident to try and take his life away. His own name represents "song", he hates the tune of his own beat. I dont believe on accidents or coincidences; i wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for divine reason. Youre choosing to ride with him now although you are just now stepping into the "self love" journey; HE is steering the bike currently as you naturally give your power away to your "husband". i am simply asking you to be aware and listen closely to your heart. He can take you down a distructive path no matter how much he preaches about jesus or goes to church or sings jesus songs for people. You can both go down a road similar to what you experienced with Greg. Everything you two do are amazing acts of "good will" but that can keep one in denial. if he continues lying to himself you can watch the world around him crumble and you will just be drug down in the process. He can choose to begin healing and admit hes not as "right" or "knowing" with God as he pounds into his chest like a gorilla in "certainty" that he is, and go deeper.

I didnt like when God sent the message to me that ill receive my cornucopia when i surrender and become "right with God", there is no being "right" with God but there is this thing called hatred towards our self. If we hate ourselfs in any way we arent right with God for God wants us to love who we are! He does because WE ARE DIVINELY PERFECT!

I dont feel he loves himself any more than you love yoursef but at least you are coming into this realization. i resisted and hated the very person who related this type of message to me in the past because he was the largest monster of the lot and as the christian at that time i believed whole heartedly i was the one right with God, but i wasnt at that time, but neither was he, thats where most my anger stemmed from. I didnt love myself at all, i felt "disconnected" from God although i went through the act that we where best friends. so how in the hell could i even grasp what the Love of God really felt like and realize that i am NEVER separated from our Lord and Creator; no amount of "sin" would ever separate me from the Divine. No "mistake", no "trauma", NOTHING. Yeshua confirmed it to me. God was always there but to truly accept and find God i had to accept my brokenness in those moments, but not wallow in them, FIND TRUE SURRENDER. Lay my own cross down. i had to forgive myself and love myself although every reflection outside of me, slandered me and demanded i apologize for being vulnerable and expressing my truth in the only way i knew.

 you both have suffocated your own souls, this is what i know because its exactly what i did to myself so i can witness it in others when they are doing the same. What everyone has been doing for eons now and what the government/elites have done to our pineal glads and immune systems. I cant idley stand by and continue watching people suffer; knowing what i know can help them out of the illusions they reside trapped; yet i keep my mouth shut in fear of your religious egos starting a war belittling me and rejecting me and i certainly don't want to do that to them in return. I am neither "accepted" by pagans nor christians because i am the complete balance of BOTH as it should be. I dont just get resistance from your kind. I want us all to be able to speak our truths in a space of allowance and love and genuine openness. If I couldn't even talk to Ron about a simple subject regarding milk and allergies without him getting offended, there's no way in hell I'm ever going be able to talk to him about anything else regrading Spirituality or God. Apparently hes the only one whos "all knowing". Why because his body is old and hes lived a fairly long life thus far? Cant read a book by its cover, thats all im saying. I'm young but I'm wise, please keep that in mind.

Jesus at this point isnt "saving" you, thats an illusion to baindaid your suffering while youre admist a battle with yourself using a double edged sword and everyone else including god weilding the same weapon: youre killing yourself and eventually everyone/thing around you will fade away and die too. You where told "in three months time your life is going to change", thats the only way God can send you a "hint" that you are "disconnected" in any way. Instead of being offended use this to put a fire under your ass to get even CLOSER to yourself/God! Realize its okay to be fucked up and take care of yourself and rest! Ron is being FORCED to REST because THERES A MESSAGE FROM GOD HE IS REFUSING TO LISTEN TO! If hes going going going theres no way spirit will ever be truly felt or realized. I know hes been through some dark things like loosing his son etc, i am here to try and help him as much as i am you, but i wont force you to do the therapy. I opened the door that day, it shattered in my face, literally, hes more upset over his damn door than whats festering inside him and leaking like a radioactive bomb; because SOMEONE there (didnt feel it from you) wants nothing to do with ANY of it! I can talk till im blue in the face about what will come of my future and he still wont believe, and as a "Christian woman" you will stand by his side and defend him. Mostly because you likely feel like you will fail on your own: financially you have been "drowning" in poverty mindsets for a long time now. Ron want's to hide it, but I've seen your pattern for a long time that you can't hide it.

"Our understanding of security has shifted dramatically. Having security in the workplace, with finances, having a home, with a relationship, and even with our well being, is becoming more and more challenged with the changing times. However, the truth is, our security on an individual level could never be determined or created by other people or institutions. The key to security is within ourselves. It’s the relationship we have with Who We Are and the way we perceive our reality.Discover the areas with BRUTAL honesty that you no longer feel secure in. What are they, and what do they reflect from the outside world? Look within.Trust in your ability to FULLY ground with the Earth under your feet. Realize that your health is in your hands. Understand that the dangers of the physical world are a reflection of the fear of living in a mortal body. The people and situations may be physically real, but the internal processes that generate situations that never happened ARE illusions. Let them go.
Understand you are safe, and be at peace being in the present moment. Despite the chaos around you, resolve to no longer attract these situations to your reality. The world will shift along with your state of consciousness.Let go of old perceptions of what it means to be a “man” or a “woman”. Both qualities exist within both sexes, and are meant to be accepted within us. Get in touch with your sensuality, for it is the seat of your creativity. Reclaim your ability to create and manifest.FEEL your abundance. You ARE deserving of receiving money without feeling guilt or being the “noble struggler”. You are a powerful, radiant human being capable of moving mountains with love. Your attractor factor will be reflected in your relationship with yourself and your desire to serve humankind.These are the gates to abundance, and they cannot be discovered outside of you. All will be attracted to you the moment you CHOOSE to shift. Let that moment be today. Here and Now." [Gabriel Laracuente]

Whether you want to face it or not Im the inner reflection of you that you have secretly feared would never return from the "dark"; the woman scorned and cast out of the church for being a rebel of any sort. But i have gained strength from this rather than allow it to hold me behind! You are no different than me, i am like you more than you know, the same fire within us glows; you just dont see the value in it with the rose colored glasses sitting on top of your nose. You fear magic when it has value because magic is what we are, the vessels the holy spirit can channel through! I know i am not what my opa said i was "as stupid as my mother" because i KNOW my mother was NEVER STUPID! Her soul was the same as mine, the rebel, the prophet, the one no one wanted to listen to who tapped into her intuition and did as God directed her no matter the risk! The loudest and most annoying laugh wasnt given to us by mistake. Our voice is an instrument of God and he SPEAKS THROUGH US! There is value; we have value. Lada Nada/Matangi taugh me this this week! We arent fucking crazy!!! it was essential to go there, observe the darkness and find where it gave value. the dark scarey crevices we normally avoid in our heart are the inner hurt children that need love and acceptance and nurturment the most.

i WONT fear it; neither should you! i refused to be a lost soul; i am not here to live the lost and broken way and neither are you! I will feed my inner child love that no one was ever willing or able to nurture into it! I wont blame you for being unable to extend it to me, i forgive you because you simply didnt know any different! You still had my highest good at heart! I wont be a victim i CHOOSE to rise above all of it! My dark nights of the soul are ending, i am coming to conclusion of all the illusions. The veil lifting before my eyes. That chapter is the ending of my book. I dont need to be broken; I turned that brokeness into something more. Took Jesus to be my greatest example to follow in the footsteps of. God is mending me whole. I have become the white dove. The darkness i endured through my brokenness sent me on a quest to LOVE MYSELF DEEPER AND STRONGER AND TO REMAIN PERSISTENT IN MY RELATIONSHIP AND CONNECTION WITH GOD/SOURCE/CREATOR AND TO FIND JOY PEACE AND HAPPINESS AT ALL COSTS FOR MYSELF, HUMANITY AND GAIA!

 Now that im experiencing it i wish to declare to the world that GOD IS NOT DEAD and love is winning, the light is engulphing the world! Imagine the part in the movie Prince of Egypt where Moses is with God and the Burning Bush (tree of life) and how the holy spirit whisps him up into the air and cradles him in the milky white and golden essence and says to him Exodus 3-21.

3 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. 3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”

4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

And Moses said, “Here I am.”

5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”

11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

12 And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you[b] will worship God on this mountain.”

13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’Then what shall I tell them?”

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[c] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,[d] the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
“This is my name forever,the name you shall call me. from generation to generation.
16 “Go, assemble the elders of Israel and say to them, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—appeared to me and said: I have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you in Egypt. 17 And I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—a land flowing with milk and honey.’

18 “The elders of Israel will listen to you. Then you and the elders are to go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. Let us take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God.’19 But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him. 20 So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go.

21 “And I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed. 22 Every woman is to ask her neighbor and any woman living in her house for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters. And so you will plunder the Egyptians.”

 Stop seeing this as linear, dare to experience it through a different perspective for this is what is happening to the entire creation now against the oppressors and darkness weve ALL been tricked by! That is what I have been experiencing and that OUR GOD calls me to carry forth and be an example of! To help lead others out of their inner "Egypt" through the mountains to the land of milk and honey. This is where The LORD led me and what I must do. Are you going to stand in defiance and tell me not to follow through with what GOD THE FATHER DEMANDS!?

 I am not some demon: I am the beautiful expression of light and love! I am Christ in expression. Im sorry if it scares you to know your daughter and her twin flame has a mission just as profound as that of Moses and we have to repeate what they did because humanity "havent got it" the past 2,000 years. They do not understand the war is won within your own heart! Truly allow yourself to be baptized in the light of God and DROP the weight of the sins you think you carry. Jesus sacraficed his own life trying to show how death is the beginning of life! His second coming comes THROUGH YOU before the coming of the 3rd Elijah is due, that will be your key to rapture, stop waiting for him to appear again as he did before! He never left! This whole story depicts and mirrors our inner wars and spiritual battles we wage on our own to find a balance in loving ALL THAT IS and practicing true surrender! Reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Myer is what really started to change my life when i began this journey. I realized i would remain lost in the wilderness and none of it can be obtained until you SOUL-heartedly accept every aspect of who and what we are. We come to a crossroads and The journey up the mountain is not for the faint of heart. It had nothing to do with the seperation and duality between two faiths and beliefs, who was more right or wrong, it was all One; only "some" abused the power God gave us to weild with balance and the feminine and masculin in equality. The feminine was severly suppressed the past 2,000 years and all stories twisted, forced to bow down to men. So when i say forget EVERYTHING you think you know, take me seriously because the truth is not easy to swallow.

Regardless of your faith or belief structures; You wont "know" God until you truly come to unconditionally love and accept yourself and everyone else around you no matter how big of a "monster" or how "dark" they come acrost, or how stinky their pants are; fact is they are still a child of God, God is waiting for every single one of us on top of the mountain; we must choose to deliver ourselves "out of Egypt", and make this journey up the mountain and realize WE ARE WORTHY of love and the land of milk and honey and no matter how "lost" in ones eyes and how putrid ones shit stinks; all are welcome back if we take the journey up the mountain where our unified Empire is being built in co creation with our Lord, there he resides in his Temple on top of the mountain.

 In time as we hike up; We learn to just "be still and know", enjoy the scenery, breathe in the fresh air, hug a tree and to just BE the love you will feel from the dirt beneath your feet. gain nourishment from the light of the sun and illumination of the moon, in every moment. Eat a few berries and look into the eyes of nature and sing a gleeful tune. Be Christ. Its when we stop having a reaction to anything, (a boulder tumbling down blocking our path, a thorn in our foot, dehydrated because we havent reached a stream in a while) when we have no offence at all that is when we have truly mastered this and step into the master that Jesus was and carry the legacy forth and radiate LOVE. We and you are also John 3:16, Yeshua and many others (Krishna, Buddah) just paved the way and seeded the consciousness into the human collective matrix and Tara/Gaia/Earth. Now we become wayshowers also and help humanity become aware of their thoughts and guide them into the vibration of the Christ Consciousness and assist in their remembrance and awakening of planetary consciousness so we can ascend together in harmony.

"Love is not something you win; it is something you breathe,something that shines through your skin,illuminating this wounded world.There is a pain greater than pain,and that is self-abandonment.So breathe into your fear.Inhale into the very centre of your sorrow.Oxygenate your doubts, uncertainties.Give your anger room.Bow to your present experience.Stand courageously in your moment,every moment of your precious life.For you are worthy, and complete,and you have the right to exist exactly as you are.No more turning away, friend.Those days are over."~ Jeff Foster

You need to realize that i am NOT lost, i am closer to God than i ever was when i chose to label myself as a "christian". I don't need to go to Red Rocks or Faith Bible Chapel or Crossroads to receive fellowship with others and messages from the Lord; My "church" Mile High spiritual center fulfills that roll whether you believe that can be so or not. I dont need labels otherwise i would say i am still so to fan your egos but my truths of "Christ" and knowing that sin is an illusion; dont align completey with what your christian bible threatens we do. its beyond contradicting and thus i feel that it was manipulated so i still wont view it as the whole truth and only word of God; God is everywhere, everything, every molecule and atom we breath.

It is hard for a christian to digest and this took me a long time to intigrate but The bible is not the true story of Yeshua, that is within the Gnostic texts you fear but that your own "religion" is derived from. You say you dont support religion, yet you still place yourself within the box of one. You'll see me as a heathen either way i try to explain it so im not going to continue trying.I will tell you one thing; I know Christ, i have felt Christ and i live as Christ no matter what labe is placed on me. That is my clarion call; my mission to uphold. I have done nothing but step into the faith and love and unconditional Grace of the God you INSTILLED within me as a child. That same God has taught and demanded i do this. I was warned even by you as a young child that I would be "persecuted" and mocked for doing so. Always was, doesnt phase me when in the now. I will be loved or feared, either way I AM WHO I AM. Jesus was treated the same, so was Moses. All those of "christ" would be. Even you where and where your pain stems from and that im begging you to LAY YOUR OWN CROSS DOWN AND LET IT GO and recognize your true purpose.

All these years youve done nothing but hate yourself and allow the world around you to ABUSE you! Ive done the same and my story starts out explaining this. Everyone is a reflection of what you refuse to face in your own heart! We are the nurturers and instead of nurturing yourself and the Goddess within you have demanded that love be given and shown to you from without. That is not possible because Through law of attraction youve been given the opposite of your desires by focusing on what you dont want and remain in resistance to anything beyond what you currently are conditioned to hold as a limiting belief. Nothing can bring you happiness other than having love in your self and belief in your own Soul that is where true manifestation power resides!

Love wont be manifested until you first love yourself and acknowledge that you have an INFINITE and eternal soul, it never truly dies and you are never separated from it and its your true connection to God our Father who "art in heaven" (your heart). You did not want to hear this before in refusing to read a simple scientific article on facebook and i wont force you into discovery of yourself. What harm would come to you for reading one article? None. So why refuse to even take a peak? Fear. Science is the "study of God" for truths sake. Stop living under the rock when you are supposed to be using it as your foundation! Death is truly an illusion and that is what Jesus taught us through his sacrifice, he didnt "save you". It will take equal amounts of courage faith and strength to do so to love and "save" yourself and no because of THE CHRIST and Divine you wont be alone or doing it alone, God will assist you in every step you take. You need only forgive yourself and then those extensions of the self that you see as monsters or unacceptable, as abominations, heathens. Jesus cant love you back to life but he can be your example and way shower as he is mine. I have in relatable ways "sacraficed" myself also, as have you. I am you, we are one as we are in Christ. This is about giving an appology to your own soul, not to me. Your own souls and "higher selves" need reckognition and love from you. My soul will not appologize to the arrogant, but it will embrace them them when their knees have bent to their own egostistical wills. "Bow down and pick up your shit up". Lay your burdens down at the cross youve chosen to bear and in consciously knowing you already chose this the suffering will be lifted and your mind transformed. I found God when i did this for he transformed my mind in that moment. All things where not the same that moment forward.

Dear child you are just beginning to learn what love truly is, what the Christ represents, and how desperate God wants you to fall in love with him and go deeper by seeking out what truly would bring YOU joy. His will is your true values that hide within your heart; They are pure and you can trust them!- this is not "kym" speaking

Kym speaking: "I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me" i have it as a tattoo for a reason. Christ will never forsake me, this i know in my soul to be truth. I also know i shall not judge a plank in anothers eye wihout first discovering the spec in my own and that with faith as small as a mustard seed God WILL move mountains, and my power resides in the WORDS I SPEAK, that God is The word and i am that i am as knowing i am word also! Through my intentions and words i can destroy or catalize the world around me. I choose to help others reckognize the beauty in chaos and distruction. Either way i will create great change as a messenger and the challenger for God! You speak scriptures of revolution 19 (10, i said ive been given visions and signs of 10's): well i am here NOW, and im telling you the revolution happens within!

"Be present as the watcher of your mind - of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations. Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react. Notice also how often your attention is in the past or future. Don't judge or analyze what you observe. Watch the thought, feel the emotion, observe the reaction. Don't make a personal problem out of them. You will then feel something more powerful than any of those things that you observe: the still, observing presence itself behind the content of your mind, the silent watcher." Eckhart Tolle, from The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

I cant continue to carry around all this baggage that isnt mine. I know inside i am Divine although my light is so bright you remain blind. You either accept me and love me or i leave you "behind" to experience your own karmatic lessons until you come to a place in time that you raise in vibration and can find acceptance and allowance and extend me UNCONDITIONAL love as i have been attempting to extend towards you and wish to even more so! I know You wont be able to until you learn it and extend it toward your own self so i probably will be waiting another 9 year cycle for you to be in alignment to receive me fully. Im okay with that, might take me that long to finish my book and raise my son into the Divine Masculine hes destined to be; because im still learning to master many things and this is JUST the beginning of my rough draft! God finally downloaded me the outline, it seems to require a letter to my mother so here I am following guidance from the Divine to SPEAK UP and only when i write do i not trip over my words and stutter and can say what i need to say how exactly i wish to so there is less confusion.

You need to understand that I worship one God, the God in all of us, the ONE and same god that is your God. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. No i do not worship My Self, no matter how Divine and powerful I can become, i know it is from God and thus will not abuse it for myself. I worship God/Source who created me and everyone of us at the very beginning of time (when that began is irrelevant to me, for time does not exist... this is the only place "time" can manifest, and is not the same as outside the Matrix, because outside of this place, everything comes instantaneously). God cannot in my opinion be linierated or placed in a Box as most religions try and place God.

I dont "worship or idolize" Michael, Lucifer or any other angels or "god's/goddess's" or even demons. regardless of any energies "origins". we each can be guides for one another, like family, teach different things on both sides of the spectrum that are vital for our own self love/acceptance, growth, spirituality, alignment, and ascension. I extend honor and gratitude, not worship. This war of good and evil is simply one we wage wihin our own minds and hearts and make a reality because its our thoughts and conditionings that create it from the start. We are now reprogramming ourselves and our cells and DNA out of certain memory matrix's we've as a collective have been trapped in. Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create a needed change. If you wish for the holy spirit or magic to flow in your life all thoughts of it being "evil" paranormal or supernatural must be forgotten. Fear must let go or you will be dragged in this awakening process.

No matter what, we come from the same Source, we're all extensions of God and that part of God's soul is experiencing and expressing itself through each and every one of us.There is no right or wrong. Try and linearate that all you want... regardless we are all One, light and dark all have purpose when looking at the big picture of Divinity and both play vital rolls. I choose not to fear any roll, i try them on to put myself in their shoes to learn a new perspective in which will teach me and raise me into new octaves and fill me with more light.

"There is only Love and The story of Lucifer demonstrates how far the Heart is willing to go in order to have it's pain of separation recognized, seen, felt, heard. The demon in all of us is rooted in our pain of feeling a fractal moment of infinity in endless agony. This too is the pain of knowing Love, for the sake of true Union between Mortal and Divine. How can we know Love and Union without that concept of Union being challenged. Blessed is s/he who explores the Shadows of the Heart for clearer will be their definition and cultivation of the Light" (this was shown to me through a close friend i know her by the name Meta Leta)

As a Heyoka Empath; which is what makes me such a good massage therapist and healer (and i believe you are one also because you have the gift of "empathy", it's why people naturally "trust" you):

"There are many levels of fakeness and many reasons for it. In the early days of discovering of one’s Empathic abilities it may not always be easy to pinpoint just why someone feels so bad to you.
Here are some traits and behaviors that may leave you feeling awful:
Someone who wants to be loved by everyone they meet acts overly nice to get adoration.
Someone being filled with hate or anger yet working hard to convince the world otherwise.
Someone having had an emotionally destructive childhood leaving them insecure and in pain, yet playing the tough guy.
Someone building a totally new personality to hide the person they believe will not be accepted by society.
Someone being full of insincere praise for you.
Someone making up stories to make themselves sound interesting
And this is how you may find yourself reacting:
Avoiding being in their presence, yet not really having a reason to do so (as in they did not say or do anything to hurt you).
Not being able to talk to them. Sentences literally won’t form in your mouth and your brain acts like you have no memory. You find yourself just asking questions and if you do talk it feels like it makes no sense.
Having a sense of dread in the pit of stomach that won’t go until you are no longer in said person’s presence.
Any more than an hour spent in their company will drain you and leave you feeling ill.
Feeling guilty because you may like person but dislike how it feels to be with them.
Feeling helpless around them.

Now just because an Empath feels fakeness and untruths in another does not mean they do not fake themselves. For some, when they feel bad around a faker it may mean they are picking up a trait they do not like about themselves and they too hide it from the world. We all have to put a face on and act fake at some point in our lives, but for some it’s everyday. We may have to be upbeat and happy when we feel sad or depressed, we may have to act annoyed when we are actually indifferent or we may have to pretend to love a job we actually detest. In some cases faking it can get us through difficult situations, but living it daily is not healthy. It is important for the Empath to uncover any hidden traits and emotions, because whilst we bury a side of us we do not like we will never be happy or feel complete. However, the problem we have is that many of us do not know the root cause. One of the biggest causes of unhappiness on this planet is people not knowing themselves and when we hide a side of us from others without knowing the reason, it will cause us pain. Being true and authentic is emotionally freeing. Quite often, many of the traits we buried have in fact been inherited and passed down the family line or they may even be from a past life. Wherever they stemmed from it is important for us to uncover these traits, and if they can’t be changed (some traits are hardwired), accept and learn to live with them. Sensitive people will bury negative traits because we know how destructive they are but burying them does not lose them. They will always show up and cause damage. Hate, anger, jealousy and fear of rejection are four traits most often buried. We may hate someone for the way they have behaved towards us. Anger may have been inherited from an angry parent. Praise and attention being bestowed on a childhood friend or sibling may have led to a jealous streak and being rejected as a child, by an unknowing parent for instance, may have built up inside as an intense fear of rejection. All very simple and innocent triggers, but all of which can snowball and lead us to have deep set insecurities that we feel have to remain hidden. When we recognize and accept a trait in self, it loses its hold.

I am basically a walking LIE DETECTOR. Both Malachi and I are. i sensed resistance in Ron, he wants to hide and sugar coat your struggles, yet i can read you both like the palm of my hand. hes full of much pride, but i feel you on so many levels desperate to let go of your own past and heal the strife. To be forgiven. I was there to help you. I feel you and i know how to manage the suffering that comes from the pain we endure. I found God going through the pits of hell. I went through the same thing energetically that Jesus did, what you will be experiencing the next fee years, only i didn't have to physically bear my own life, time's have changed but the process is the same. I am being supported by Heaven and they are helping me heal my past and that isnt easy when in the present i still am just viewed as a broken monster and im actually much stronger, i am an Earth Angel. You ask me how i massage so well. Well it my intuition my innate knowing that comes from God. I cant tell you or explain how, it is simply God and the holy spirit, Reiki, pranah that moves through me. I am who i am. I know where pain resides and how to bring it renewed life when i lay my hands on them. You have a semilarngift to make others feel better.

I dont forsee you ever reading my blogs, or anything i tag or send to you. You wont really try to relate to my experience that you only know half of because ive had to hide the other half from you in fear of ultimate abandonment and rejection for it not aligning with your own beliefs and conditionings, or your husband or any masculine you will be confronted with in this lifetime until you accept your own Divinity. And im not going to change who i am to fit into your life. I am ever changing but some things i was MEANT TO BE and i will forgive myself through them as others reject me because of them. You being in fear of what i do or discover and not in allowance to "hear it" causes seperation, which i am a challenger of. Im here to unify not continue the war with duality and the sexes! I use the sword not as a weapon, i use it only to stop negativity in its tracks, it will not be used to seperate where there needs to be understanding and unification and love. Archangel michael will protect me and "cut" anything that is not of unconditional love and the Divine, he is the sword i wield and my power is with my tongue. I speak the word of God and have Christ in my heart so my tongue sings truth. I understand spiritual warefare far more than you assume. I was exorcised of Jezzabel last year but that is a story i dont dare tell.

My greatest and perhaps one of my only lingering fears in the here and now is that You wont ever be able to fully receive and accept me for who I AM! Ron certainly never will as none of your husbands have been able to, my own father deep down assumes im a whore; screamed it at Malachi while he was drunk and stoned claiming to "beware of the raging bitch" i supposedly am is what he warned. Ive detached majorily from him because He wont go deeper to heal his life and stays an alchoholic and i cant remain in stangnent places so i moved on and left him to his own demise. Unless he chooses to love himself also. I love him from the side lines and we visit him because he actually does understand a lot of what I've written you today so i can at least connect and talk to him on a level i never can with you or Taura. Dad was all i had for a while. your previous husband treated me as a Leper and im glad hes gone forever because that brought me the most pain ever. now this one views me as full blow monster and i dont know how he will allow us to move forward. Your man always comes before your daughters when they need you the most, always have and the cycle continues. How long will we repeat this venue? Pride ALWAYS comes before the fall, thats whats on the menu. I don't want to tell you I told you so in 10 more years, no matter what lies he seeps into yours and grandma's ears or how much i wish i could Trust him, something is making me put distance between us.

I heard his mind, i felt his energy and i felt his German pride and ego (similar to that of dad's family) confronted and like in the past when my stubborn and will-full nature embarrassed you when i was a child in the store, i "embarrassed" him. you cannot tell me it isnt so because his own skin turned a glow of red and i felt his mind and that is why i left and malachi stayed behind! After that i did not feel i could be kind and express all that is written here. I knew I was not welcome, i was not wanted, i was REJECTED! And you did NOTHING but hide behind a fucking cigarette! You tell me to confide in you, take to you, BUT WHERE ARE YOU DOSH DAMN IT!!!! YOU ARENT HERE!!! I "KNOW" MY MOM AND YOU ARE NOT HER, BUT I DO KNOW YOU NEED TO FIND HER AGAIN YOURSELF!

 I will not sit around and give lenience to men who wish to act like this. I am a true GODDESS! no longer will i say "they are men thats why" and that give them excuse to continue behave as they do! Theres no exuse plausable for it anymore, its bull shit. Make us feel like monsters for being taboo! Its no longer a duality game "men are from mars and women from venus". No longer will that be truth for the collective mind because we are meant to be equal and one! VENUS RETROGRADE IN ARIES HAS BEGUN! In other words "The bitch is back".

When Venus is retrograde, her normally social and friendly nature can become shy, withdrawn or quiet. There is a deeper sense of value in one's experiences which must be found without outer distractions or disruptions. Relationships can be turned inside-out, as the two people find they need to explore the hidden undercurrents of their relationship. When the hidden, suppressed, minimized or ignored dynamics finally come out, it can disrupt the status quo of the relationship – which may or may not be a bad thing! The Goddess of love, beauty, fairness and pleasure can show a side that is more like a Goddess of war, sabotage, pretense and compulsion. Hidden desire and hunger may surface, which can disrupt the balance of one's life. This can ultimately be for the better, since it is only by bringing these dynamics up to consciousness and awareness that they can be untangled, healed and re-integrated into the whole. Unfortunately, it can also create a lot of turmoil in the process, and there is no guarantee that a relationship will survive this transformation.Relationships may undergo a lot of stress during the retrograde period, sometimes falling apart if the people can't come to more a workable agreement. Conversely, Venus retrograde can bring a new relationship into your life, especially if you've been resisting the allure of an intimate connection. Either way, retrograde Venus is tempting us to reconsider our approach to relationships. What's important to us? What (and who) we want, and why? And what we have to offer? In Venus's world of love, intimacy must ultimately be negotiated to determine where each person's boundaries are and whether we can (or can't or won't) meet each other's needs. Under Venus retrograde, financial affairs might also require a fresh strategy in planning and budgeting, often brought on by a change in income or cash flow (which could be either an increase or decrease). Creative projects may need to be redone or approached from a different direction, as new inspiration is brought to the surface. Matters of diplomacy, harmony and social interaction could become unstable and require re-negotiation. On the other hand, the retrograde can also be a good time for negotiations, since the energy is already in a direction of reflection and exploration of the internal or unseen side of the situation.Venus retrograde can be a time when the weak links in a relationship are strained and sometimes break. Issues that have been swept under the rug and avoided may surface and demand to be dealt with. Undercurrents of hostility or frustration can erupt into full-blown conflict. And if the relationship has been running on fumes or just hanging on by its fingernails, Venus retrograde could create a "make it or break it" situation. Lurking problems may have to be dealt with or choices made to bring the relationship to an end. On the other hand, if two people have been going through a difficult time of struggling with problems, they could also find those problems "going underground" for a while and taking a rest. There may be a "ceasefire" of sorts, as Venus retrograde brings the individuals into the eye of the storm where they can revaluate and reconsider the issues. It is not always possible to predict which way relationship problems might go – taking a breather or taking aim – but Venus retrograde will usually stir up the pot so that the usual habitual dynamics don't function in quite the same way for a while. If you are in a close relationship that is having serious problems, it can really help to consult an astrologer or counselor, to get a better understanding of what is happening. By gaining more awareness of the dynamics and shifting of energy, you are in a better position to make choices that are in your best interests and that move you toward growth and healing. We may encounter a hidden side of our values and desires, during the retrograde. These need to be brought out in the open and eventually integrated back into our usual approach to the material world. the spending and investment of our money, time, energy and commitment. Values tell us what's important to us. They are the yardstick by which we determine whether something is "worth it." This could mean material worth (dollar value), or it could mean determining what we need to invest ourselves in to get the return we want on that investment. Venus retrograde is a time when we may be forced to re-examine what we consider "worth it." We may be called upon to take stock of whether the activities, people and things in which we have invested our time, energy, commitment and money are giving us the rewards we thought we had bargained for. We might have to renegotiate under the retrograde to reach a better win-win arrangement. Or we might decide that our resources are better spent elsewhere. Sensuality, pleasure and beauty are also areas that can get stirred up during Venus retrograde. We should always aim to be good to ourselves, but often with the pressure of everyday life we forget to put ourselves on our own priority list, or else we keep pushing our own needs aside. Venus retrograde can be a time when we have the opportunity (and perhaps the necessity) to slow down and pamper ourselves with some pleasurable "R&R" (rest and relaxation). On the other hand, sometimes we slip too easily or too far into Venusian ways of coping (leisure, partying, food, spending, glamour, sex, intimacy, seduction, etc.) In this case we can easily overdo the luxuries and pleasures of life. Problems with addiction or overindulging in a substance or activity can become aggravated under Venus retrograde, since the pleasure principle is often at a higher volume than usual. However, the retrograde cycle can also become an opportunity to learn more about the ways that we use (or abuse) that pleasure principle – in either healing or destructive ways
She will be this way for the next 6 weeks!

A lot of my dreams lately have correlated to the astrological events happenings. I keep a dream journal. I have been seeing the yin/yang, and water and dolphins and fish in pairs of Two everywhere. And many numerology numbers that corelate to energy updates. I was seeing "my children" in dance together   because Elijah is a pieces (turns 6 this coming week on the 18th and thus hes also very close to his fathers zodiac sign "Aries" birthday march 26th. He was supposed to be born near the 23rd (3 days away from his dad as grace is 3 days away (9/20) from my birthday 9/23) but he apparently demanded to be a pisces. Before he was born his dad Ben; "knew" or predicted hed be born on the 18th, i then shortly after he stated this was shown the number while massaging a client and "knew" he would come that day as well, and he did! This was just the early stages of our psychic abilities immurging!) and Grace is a Virgo-Libra.

In 2015 my guides and the Lord insisted me to begin repairing my relationship between my mother and father (which is the only reason why a few years ago i didnt continue my seperation from you and dad completely) because i am a "Medicine Woman" and am here to be help them. They showed me that i needed to watch and pay close attention to my children and "learn from them" for i would learn who i am through them. I have learned immense amounts through thenview of ky kids as a relfection of myself or inner child. It sure helps along the lessons of patience ill tell you that.

I came to learn yesterday that Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance, will enter into the mutable and intuitive sign of Pisces on March 12 until April 5. This is what my dreams have been showing me.I was being prepared for this shift.

The energies that we are going to receive from this cosmic and magical encounter between these two loving Forces are formidable healing ones for both, the unresolved healing issues with our own selves and with our relationships. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, hence, it invites every planet that dwells in its deep Waters, to dive deep into its visionary and healing frequency to realize if it has transcended all the challenges from the previous signs of the zodiac, and if not, to integrate all the experiences and wisdom acquired in order to move forward by being renewed and with an open heart. At this time, we are being asked to move inward and unify all that is still fragmented within which impedes us to fully flow with our soul true path and with the new companions that are meant to share this new phase of our journey with us and that we are not allowing due to our attachments to old relationships. The Eclipses are going to be helping us during the next six months, to release, heal and integrate at the same time that we anchor our new reality, but inner work should always follow, as nothing from the outside can really do this task for us.
For those of you who have already integrated the knowledge received from past challenges and its wounds, it is going to be a time to go deeper into your unique process of alchemical union, as the inner process of soul integration never ends, and start anchoring all the magic, manifestations and encounters desired from this same place of openness and wholeness, by knowing that you need no one else or any other external thing to make it happen. For others that have not yet integrated all the fragments of their souls, this is a cosmic gift for you to work with self-love/acceptance, and forgiveness when the echoes of the past begin to come back again. without judging the self or any other soul involved in this process. It is a time to surrender, to become the observer of all the past relationships we maintained that served a purpose and that for some reason, we have not released yet and are not allowing us to fully step into a new path. Visualize and surround them within Golden/White Light, feel the heat of the love, become aware of the perfection that these souls, in Essence are, see them as Divine beings and not as someone who hurt you. Speak to their souls, their human body may not be present, but their souls are fully aware of this healing process of integration and the recognition that you both are equals beings helping each others into this earthly realm to embody higher levels of love and consciousness. It is only after remembering that no one has ever done anything to you - but being a Light assisting you in your path - that true forgiveness will be embodied. And you will be able to finally transcend what was not coming from a total place of integrity, authenticity and alignment and be fully anchored in your new live. When we realize that we are not here to fulfill anyone's expectations - neither are they here to satisfy ours - it is that we can finally set them free, as we become aware that they were not here to fill our own voids and challenges to begin with, and start manifesting enlightened and authentic relationships with others based on total freedom and gratitude for the gift to reunite and give birth to our inner visions together - mastering the art of co-creating with others by being totally whole, healed and ready to embrace new experiences even if yet unknown to us .

Venusian energies, together with the powerful ones of Neptune into this Water sign, connect us with our inner creator, helping us to give birth to our new visions, expanding ourselves into our soul desires and other realms of existence, as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves into our inner senses - connecting to our souls, listening to our own guidance and Divine inspirations more than focusing on the outer. Venus together with the asteroid Chiron in this Water sign too is also going to assist us to heal and restore our relationships, by dissolving everything that is not pure and authentic within our own being, leading us to an inner synthesis, and helping us to establish a deeper connection with all the aspects of who we are - loving each one of them as unique and equals without any judgments - before we could love and accept others as they truly are as well and embrace new relationships. It is essential that even if we are eager to manifest new relationships, we first go within in order to clearly feel if this is an egoic wish, or if this is a pure soul desire of giving form with others, from a place of non-attachment and equality, a new reality based on authenticity and Divine love. We have to take into account that at this time with so many Planets in Pisces, we may fall into the trap of being delusional, idealizing our relationships, instead of seeing with clarity what Is, and getting more attached to a certain person or outcome that is not meant to occur. So it is pivotal that we move inward, so we do not confuse human passion - the impulse to be with someone else just because we do not feel whole yet - with soul resonance - the conscious and genuine reunion of two equal souls who hold the pure desire to co-create within this New Era something that will benefit All [Natalia Alba]

And we also have a Full moon in Virgo (mine and Grace's cusped Zodiac) that begins today (3/12) this is what we can expect and that i am experiencing you can become conscious of the enegy by reading the following articles. They will help if you wish for deeper understanding

"Wheres number 6" i wrote about the other day (LINK BLOG ENTRY WROTE). I woke up morning of the 11th dreaming about my son "sun" and my daughter "moon" and the Morning Star. I realized Elijah turns 6 this year. 6 can represent the spiral i mention in the blog above. It represents "returning to center to unlock a head over heart matter. Today I learned that VENUS is known as the 3rd brightest star and is referred to as "The morning star" and "the evening star".  Malachi had interesting profound dreams that correlated to what mine felt like. We were guided to go more in depth in numerology for each of our names when we woke up, and I was given the message

"Already there is value, from word to world, the Goddess shall always prevail, with her eye ever open." My daughter keeps begging me to buy the Disney movie Moana, I've had to wait because it didnt release until the 7th which was yesterday; i tried getting it last weekend to watch with the kids. I had told you when we saw it in theaters how it's about a Demigod who stole "the heart of the Goddess Gaia/Tara" and when this happened she became enraged and sad and a "demon" that plagued the Earth; until her heart was returned all the islands would dry up and they would find no nourishment. This movie made me cry, i related to it on such a deep level in how the masculine have treated the feminine the last 2,000 years.

We must find our hearts again. I was drawn to a picture with a woman who looks like a mountain "rising" up out of the mountain. On it said "When sleeping women wake, mountains move" it is an old Chinese proverb. I find out that on (3.8.2017) was "national womens day", so i planned to buy that movie and watch it again and what is a better day to continue writing this letter to my mom. the one letter I've resisted writing for a very long time out of fear of what it would bring. I always believed in "Divine timing" and the Divine is demanding.

 I told you, Malachi and i DO NOT FIGHT (we right). This was God TESTING us and you guys! You think the other day was malachi talking to you? No i USED HIM as a medium and chanelled the message i was texting you in that very moment but i chose otherwise to wait for later to send now in this message. This is years ive kept hidden! Grandma when we had lunch on Friday told me to appologize to you guys and that honestly upset me because thats already what you where given!

 Malachi is the "equally yoked man of God" you told me to never give up on finding. He Is my "prince charming". he became the man of Spirit i begged God for my entire life; that one i needed to heal all that was shattered since the day i was born and lifetimes before. He delivered my message to you in that moment for i was too scared at that time and he is my voice when i cannot express my inner truth and mind. He feels me deeper than ANYONE on this planet. He is me in masculine form as i am him in feminine form, we are one Soul with the same Destiny and heart vibration that will uphold the word of God until the day our bodies take their last breath, even then for infinity and beyond as the stars we always where; we will radiate love out into the entire universe for God is the vibration of love and love is my only "religion". And "god so loved the world that he gave his only begoten sun" becomes an I AM THAT I AM. I was a star; a "begotten" Sun; and i answered his call to be the sun that shines faith in God and light of the Lord on Tara and i will not be The only one as Jesus was not meant to be the only one. this is where you guys are severly confused. "It is an evolved woman who Lights the way for a man to Connect to his heart. It is an awakened man who hears her call and Sees her for the Goddess that she is."- Daniel Nielsen -

I get anywhere close to bonding with you again and all i hear is "go away"because THEY FEAR ME; and all you do is hide trying not to offend your lover because your daughter isnt "normal". I "sin" in your eyes and you cant defend my actions let alone see a deffense to give. it eventually happens with every one of your husbands. I was just waiting for a moment like this, the moment i finally couldn't stop HIDING myself! I dont need anger management therapy like grandma thinks, i am not angey, I AM SAD! I NEED MY MOM TO HONOR ME as i wish to honor her. Stop telling me im a great mom and showcasing my kids and their existence  if you can't even honor me. Don't just post photos of Taura on your facebook and showcase her photography and when you go visit her and the beach, but maybe be proud and not be scared to show the world THAT I EXIST TOO! Yes I CUSS, I make nasty jokes and i show my "bad" self: I DONT HIDE; but i love God with a passion if not even stronger than Tauras, not that anyone should be "comparing" their faith to another! I just know that I'm not FAKE!!!! yet i am less "recognized" because its not all bible talk and sunshine 24/7. Im not as perfect as her, but i seem to be the only one able to accept and love you regardless of your mistakes and possible forthcomings. Taura has always taken the limelight in the past trying to be the saint and depict me as just the sinner; now Goddess Tara will be the limelight of my future showing me how i was CREATED to be a balance of BOTH and how that is a limited belief within duality. I will not allow those who hurt me destroy me and stear me off course of my destiny.

I am the rebel for a cause; Normal is an illusion; what is normal for a spider is chaos for the fly! I am a free spirit; they are defined as; A person with a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination; nonconformist. a person who lives according to his or her own wishes and beliefs, unconstrained by society's conventions. "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel." [George Orwell].  I will never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild myself the way i wish i had been all along. I am not afraid of others falling apart or this country. To become the woman/Goddess of the Lord that I was meant to be, I will stand strong amongst any storm. please accept these things or stay out of my life and stop pretending or living an illusion that you love a version of your daughter who doesnt exist anymore and for good reason DIED a long time ago and you should understand your own involvment in that death and why it was necessary! Youre only now beginning to understand what the prodigal son experienced. What i have felt and experienced WITH GOD. Everything you and Taura are just now beginning to step into in your life, i started to DO after the birth of Elijah and my divorce in 2012 and i refused to fake it until i made it, now the Goddess Tara herself is helping me become love sweet love and forgive and accept the Goddess that is within for the DIVINE REBEL she is!

Now i get to show you the ropes if you ALLOW me in. Ive been on the quest of self love since i was born. I will never fake it, i am authentic and people will either hate me or love me for how i express and embrace it. Either way i dont give a shit because i know damn strait God will never abandon me; i can throw a tantrum in his front yard and he will still hold me in his arms! no matter how many times i say fuck, smoke a joint or kiss a girlfriend; ones parents and best friends even ones husband might betray or abandon them for their lack of acceptance and allowance; but Goddess never will. Who by The way is the ONLY one i care about the continual friendship and relationship with. For God is the self within my own heart! I love God and therefor am called to LOVE MYSELF, even the monster.

Ron thinks because hes a christian and reads the bible that he knows God...that there is no monster inside him, no demons to stop hugging or clinging onto. he thinks he knows his body and himself, he has much pride he holds and conditionings hes programmed around and must let go of. He wasnt ready for this message! I am not denouncing his faith but I hate to break it to him that it is now being tested. he hasnt even begun the journey of self acceptance and unconditional love, humility and compassion. Being "like" Christ. He is just beginning. If he cant fathom the thought of "any of this happening again" hes in for a wild FUCKING ride! Jesus's life wasnt one depicted with sunshine and rainbows! He hasnt experienced the true strength God can bring to the divine masculines. Hes running from himself seeing it all as evil and you are JUST beginning to face how much you hated yourself also so dont say you arent doing it too. Hes as much a reflection of you as i am or taura. You two are just beginning the first stage of seeing your own inner monsters, and learning to embrace them, not shun them away or tell them to keep their shit hidden because supposedly "thats what Jesus would have done"! JESUS WAS A FUCKING REBEL!!!!

Ive reckonized my inner monster my whole life and God has shown me how to guide others through this dark night of the soul and and bring them into Trinity Alignment. Why do u think my business name is what it is! I didnt choose it GOD DID because i am only the hands of the potter, the real potter is the Divine and God that channels through me and performs miracles! I have lived it and experienced it, now im told to "preach" it and teach it to the world and show them how IT IS POSSIBLE to love unconditionally and follow your intuition/higher self/knowing which is OF GOD and live in harmony with anyone and everyone who will not be the same shape of snowflake as you are. Every water molecule needs the word; word and vibration of love and positive encouragement; anything else will "destroy" it. I got lucky not many are given the gift i have been presented with; once in a great while there are two of the same snowflake, two that hold the same exact soundwave; a twin vibration, and that is what Malachi is to me. We are one, we are the same. We are here to change the world, sorry unlike Taura out on mission trips, taking pictures and living off the funding of others, I AM doing my best where I AM and eventually i will travel and reach the nations with my books and music and whatever else God calls me to pursue! Eventually our dream is to have a temple for ALL the "lost souls" to find refuge and where healers of all kinds can offer their assistance and GIFTS to ease their journey up their own mountain for God put us here as wayshowers for them to discover how to do it themselves and have faith and courage! We are a 7-11 resting stop for their weary and beaten souls to be refueled with the LOVE AND WORD OF CHRIST! Right now i am creating my rough draft. You have no clue what God has in store for me nor should you fear whether i am "right" with your God or not.

I know I am not limited. I know that I am light divine,love sublime and i will help be the pillar of grace that God needs to bring peace that extends beyond space and time to Tara/Gaia/Planet Earth. You say "aliens" dont exist but one speaks to you right now; are you going to step into fear and "face everything and run" or "face everything and rise". I will no longer live in a fearful state. Most certainly not against our God as you tried to condition me for he IS the resonance of LOVE; not against our government, not against "satan", not against ANY negative vibration. They have no power over me because Christ is within me! I am a child of God, I AM ROYALTY. I will not be of the vibration of fear and hate and nonallowance; i will be the vibration of if the Christ. those who wish to wallow in dense vibrations  and manifest such a reality i WILL open the door to leave and when that fear is gone you will always be welcome back, for i am the bridge in which your scales will be weighed to pass; until then i choose to live in a different paradigm that raises up in this new age with Christ Consciousness not one that descends back into the old age; the age That will be known as the "barbarian" age in future Their-stories.

So i guess here we are again, at a crossroads and its your choice whether you want to be involved in my life and my kids life and the future we will have with Malachi. If Ron cant handle ALL of us around, we simply wont come around just as i did with Gregg. I will set boundaries. He is "not a Gregg" but he still holds a similar vibration to a "gregg" who wont let go of his pride and surrender to love and truth. All masculines do right now, many in full resistance. I am here to catalyze them. I want to be around TRUE DIVINE MEN of CHRIST, not cowards. What is he holding onto! IT IS TIME TO LET IT GO! Get down on his knees and cry. "The core of your true self is never lost. Let go of all the pretending and the becoming you've done just to belong. Curl up with your rawness and come home. You don't have to find yourself; you just have to let yourself in." (D. Antoinette Foy). "When you are broken, you need to be reborn. Do not fight the pain; embrace it. Accept it. Live it. Don't rush the process, you need to swim in the deep end for a while to build your muscles. Learn. Keep swimming (Like Dorey: Just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming, all you gotta do is swim swim swim). You will be stronger for it." [Caitlin Cooper] 

Dont bother asking us to hang out if hes going to have an attitude and demand me to appologize. I dont appologize to arrogant men and i will not appologize to you either. Everything we do is based on the choices we make. It's not ones parents, past relationship, job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or ones age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period. If you want involvment with me and You want to be a part of my life then put forth the effort. make some time to come over once and a while to MY home or go out to lunch somewhere, or perhaps come spend time at the bath house spa i work at and actually see what i do for a living and spend my time healing! I can include you, the doors open on my end but you have to be willing to step through the threshhold regardless of any man standing in the doorway doing a gorilla dance blocking you from doing so because youre caught up in another romance and if thats what you choose i cant and wont stop you from that, its your life and journey. Youre writing your own story,  i wont take the pen and quill away just have awareness that a chapter of your book bleeds into mine and for me it will become my finale, a final chapter: (i tried to share it with you through a melody Malachi created for me) my prologue to the Book I am now co writing with God in Christ Consciousness, announcing the coming of Elijah the 3rd. I will describe to the world how "being a slave to the conditioned mind causes us to keep cycling through periods of pain and pleasure, joy and suffering, love and hate" [Dan Brule].

Im not condemning you, i want peace but an apology isnt going to bring that. Peace can only be obtained from within ones own heart. Im here when youre ready to choose something different. I am choosing different. This is not me making you choose between me and Ron; this is your own crossroads; i knew it was coming and it was inevitable; I've said my piece and now I will choose to be silent and give space to allow you to contemplate. I am always around and I can coexist either way, and i am patient, but i will not reside where i do not feel welcome and allowed to be alive. I dont chase people anymore, i learned that i'm here, and i'm important. I'm not going to run after people to prove that I matter.

Sometimes shit happens so that a shift can happen. We're all going through shit. each one of us, in our own way. Let's remember that, when we see each [othe ron] the street, in stores, at work and at home, everywhere. Being human comes with lots of complications and probably to many hardships. We all struggle. So let's be good to one another, and cut each other some slack. Inconveniences and frustrations only indicate how profoundly we are healing and how deeply we're growing. Don't fight it; work with it! [Matt Kahn] Put your ears down close to your soul and listen hard. Blow your mind by opening your heart because there Everything eventually connects. Like i told you on Sunday, you have been "guarding your heart" and you need to allow it to be expressive! Love yourself enough to listen to your intuition. Listen to what yo know to be true even when it doesn't make logical sense. Even when others do not understand. [Anna Grace Taylor]. There is no truth except the truth that exists within you. Everything else is what someone is telling you. [Neale Donald Walsch]. Train your eyes to see the good because we are all one...only egos, beliefs and fears separate us. Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported. Mother you are a Goddess and once you know what that truly means, I pray for anyone who tries to hurt you because when sleeping women wake, mountains move. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance together.

The song just came on Moana Medley sang by Anthem Lights ( by the way grace can't stop singing this song over and over. like "Frozen-Let It Go" when it released.
How Far I'll Go:

I've been staring at the edge of the water,
Long as I can remember,
Never really knowing why,
I wish I could be the perfect daughter,
But I come back to the water (my Blue Ray- emotions, the very depth, the core of who i am)
No matter how hard I try

Every turn I take, every trail I track
Every path I make, every road leads back
To the place I know where I cannot go (because of your own fears)
Where I long to be (fulfilling my mission as a chosen one!)
See the light where the sky meets the sea. It calls me. No one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know. If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
I know everybody on this island. Seems so happy on this island. Everything is by design, I know everybody on this island, Has a role on this island, So maybe I can roll with mine
I can lead with pride
I can make us strong
I'll be satisfied if I play along
But the voice inside sings a different song
What is "wrong" with me
See the light as it shines on the sea, It's blinding. But no one knows how deep it goes. And it seems like it's calling out to me. So come find me. And let me know. What's beyond that line. Will I cross that line. See the light where the sky meets the sea. It calls me. And no one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know. How far I'll go

Know Who You Are
and following this song was Heavy (feat Kiiara) by Linkin Park (
And before these two played Sad Song by We The Kings (;
Mad World by Kyle Olthoff (
and Reaction by The Unlikely Candidates ( played in sequence.
I feel all of them hold messages.

I felt like doing my part to change the world, so I started giving thanks for all the blessings in my life, rather than bemoaning all that was missing from it. Then i complimented my reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as i usually did. Next I walked into my neighborhoods and offered my smile to everyone i passed, whether or not they offered theirs to me. Each day I did these things, and soon they became habit. Each day I live with more gratitude, more acceptance, more kindness. And sure enough the world around me is beginning to change. Because I had decided so, i am single handedly doing my part to change it [Scott Stabile] but I alone cannot change society for the better. But i can radically transform my own consciousness, overturning the conditioning that limits my potential. We can do this one by one. Over time we can change ourselves with Christ Consciousness to the degree that society changes from the inside out. Giving birth to a new way of BEing. Manifesting our birthright of living in a peaceful and abundant world. Have no fear. Trust yourself. Live your full potential and know that i love you.
So now i must say
So mote it be
I am the light divine
I am the love sublime
I am the peace beyond space and time
I pay witness to the Light
...and "if the essence of my being has caused a smile upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart  then in living - i have made my mark." [Thomas L. Odem jr.]

Dear God,
Enlighten what's dark in me...Strengthen what's weak in me...Mend what's broken in me,Bind what's bruised in me, Heal what's sick in me,and lastly...Revive whatever peace and love has died in me...

I just wanted to leave some "food for thought" (as if i havent left enough) but these came to me and felt relevant

Disappointment is how Life gives you back the power you unknowingly gave away. You thought that maybe this person, place, or thing is going to make me feel the way I want to feel. When they disappoint you, that Life’s way of saying, “Oh, the power belongs to you. I didn’t know I gave my power away. So, when you don’t know you have given your power away, disappointment reminds you and gives it back.Literally the feeling of disappointment is power being returned, the visceral sensation. See part of the spiritual journey is so misunderstood because we don’t understand the energetics of it. All these interpretations of disappointment, grief, sadness etc. when understood then everything seems different.When we don’t understand energetics, it’s superstitious. Shadow is not evil yuckyness. Shadow is the Light of divinity in its most repressed form. What is that we open up to experience divinity in its most expressed form, our emotional body.The journey of going to repressed shadow to expressed divinity is being more in tune with your emotions which is why we do the selflove, the “ I love you (s). The emotional body is what takes the transcendent eternal self and grounds it into physical form and brings you into understanding of your own energetic reality- the bridge between the spirit world and the physical material world is your emotional body. Every emotion you experience is feedback from eternal self trying to remind you what needs to be to be done to bring more balance into your physical world to bring forth the energetic reality of your true nature.
Everything is giving you a message, a sign of a spiritual precedent, a healing, awakening, an expansion in progress. Nothing is here to hurt you. Everything is here to help you.
Witnessing Violence
How is witnessing violence in the world helpful?
We do not wish to do harm to beings and we do not like watching it or hearing about it. As an emerging spirit guide in the form of the one you are guiding, Life is a play of polarity and whatever you witness in the world showing you what still exists on the collective level and the emerging individual expression of spirit says, “I recognize what I see in the collective and I respond to that energy by affirming the opposite. When you see violence you simply respond by saying, “May all beings be blessed with peace.”
Life in a holographic form are flashcards and you are only seeing manifestations of reality that ask you what is the opposite and may I stop and bless the world with that. (why the Buddha under the Bodhi tree sits and blesses the world with the opposite of that is seen until the world matches that which is within). When you are affected by the violence you see and are feeling like a victim within it or are someone debating the injustice of it, you are not participating in the eradication of it. Disparaging remarks made to you (form of violence) are met by speaking to the person as the god they are, thanking them and giving them a blessing- may all beings be loved to their flashcard suffering. A teacher corrects the student. A master blesses.[Matt Kahn “Embracing Your Humanity”]
Many of you will think that this is too bizarre to believe and where quite pre-occupied with the elections. Some of you might believe that the hour that Jesus is returning is nigh. So what would you think if I told you that it isn't so much that Jesus is returning, but more like we are merging with the dimension where he resides (the 5th dimension). And your other Loved ones whom have passed this realm you currently reside in also? That it is more like we are given the opportunity to become more like Jesus, and the other Ascended Masters, with an awakened Consciousness and ability to 'see' and 'do' without need for much technology that is external to us. No, I am not talking about putting in microchips or becoming hybridized with technology, because you ALREADY ARE DIVINE TECHNOLOGY. The Consciousness that resides within you is God witnessing Itself, and a truly expansive frontier of realization this strange place of war and wonder this place has been. It is now happening...  Our Earth Ship is starting to cruise us through the aetheric nature of the 4th dimension. You know where the Google Drive and the Internet and Faeries live....LOL. Sounds like I made it up, right? That is why it is called the Storybook dimension. And yes, just like Google drive, this dimension provides sort of an Akashic Record for all the Thought-forms that we create. Every thought and deed you have ever had is literally stored there. It is a slowwww ride. But that is for your protection, because it will be necessary for our vibrations to gradually increase.  Those of us who are mostly awake already will begin to especially feel this. Those who are not are going to be feeling extra emotional and starting to notice more unexplainable phenomenon such as telepathy, deja vu, sensations, ear ringing, syncs that are difficult to just write off, seeing recurring numbers and signs sent from their guidance (future Selves) to wake up, be aware and tune into the resonance of your heart flow and more. This is not in any sort of rejection toward to the Lower densities or Darker Emotions, but rather an embrace of them, thanks to the development of Cosmic Grace which is the epic integration of all things through Zero Point Love. A new wave of Consciousness is entering our atmosphere. It is here to help us remember that our Shadow moments, while equally valid as our Light, are here to serve and define our Bliss, our Joy, the enrich the texture of the painting that we are co-creating in this Life. We are still creatures who depend on the Sun for Life. The Shadow was never meant to keep us in a prison of suffering, and the elements of that matrix which benefited from such arrangements will slowly be passing away. It is time to trust Mother Earth that she is calling her children to awaken and inhabit their new home in the 5th dimension where we finally know our true Divine Essence, we live in the graceful compassion of our Heartspace, we feel the unmistakable power and connection with our Mother's Living Spirit and know that we are not 'separate' Beings, but One Human organism. Instead of being distracted by all the horrible things we see going on in the world, we will choose to BELIEVE in our power to create our future in every shimmering blissful realization of the NOW. We are holding the imprints of Our future Selves right here within our eternal heartbeats. They are holding our hands to show us the way into our Future Earth.  Do not fear and Do not dismay from the reality you are told to believe. Gaia is already resting in the path of Our future, healed and un-maimed from our past Selves ignorant abuses. She is now beckoning us to rise in our Ascension to join her. Accept her in your heart, and she will guide you there. Become sensitive to what your intuition tells you, play in nature, do yoga, practice still mindfulness and listen to the Consciousness speaking within you. YOU are more than enough!!!!  YOU are a Divine creature who is preparing to meet your truest essence in unfathomable Bliss.[MeTa LeTa]

V. The Function of Reason

T-21.V.1. Perception selects, and makes the world you see. 2 It literally picks it out as the mind directs. 3 The laws of size and shape and brightness would hold, perhaps, if other things were equal. 4 They are not equal. 5 For what you look for you are far more likely to discover than what you would prefer to overlook. 6 The still, small Voice for God is not drowned out by all the ego's raucous screams and senseless ravings to those who want to hear It. 7 Perception is a choice and not a fact. 8 But on this choice depends far more than you may realize as yet. 9 For on the voice you choose to hear, and on the sights you choose to see, depends entirely your whole belief in what you are. 10 Perception is a witness but to this, and never to reality. 11 Yet it can show you the conditions in which awareness of reality is possible, or those where it could never be.
T-21.V.2. Reality needs no cooperation from you to be itself. 2 But your awareness of it needs your help, because it is your choice. 3 Listen to what the ego says, and see what it directs you see, and it is sure that you will see yourself as tiny, vulnerable and afraid. 4 You will experience depression, a sense of worthlessness, and feelings of impermanence and unreality. 5 You will believe that you are helpless prey to forces far beyond your own control, and far more powerful than you. 6 And you will think the world you made directs your destiny. 7 For this will be your faith. 8 But never believe because it is your faith it makes reality.
T-21.V.3. There is another vision and another Voice in which your freedom lies, awaiting but your choice. 2 And if you place your faith in Them, you will perceive another self in you. 3 This other self sees miracles as natural. 4 They are as simple and as natural to it as breathing to the body. 5 They are the obvious response to calls for help, the only one it makes. 6 Miracles seem unnatural to the ego because it does not understand how separate minds can influence each other. 7 Nor could they do so. 8 But minds cannot be separate. 9 This other self is perfectly aware of this. 10 And thus it recognizes that miracles do not affect another's mind, only its own. 11 They always change your mind. 12 There is no other.
T-21.V.4. You do not realize the whole extent to which the idea of separation has interfered with reason. 2 Reason lies in the other self you have cut off from your awareness. 3 And nothing you have allowed to stay in your awareness is capable of reason. 4 How can the segment of the mind devoid of reason understand what reason is, or grasp the information it would give? 5 All sorts of questions may arise in it, but if the basic question stems from reason, it will not ask it. 6 Like all that stems from reason, the basic question is obvious, simple and remains unasked. 7 But think not reason could not answer it.
T-21.V.5. God's plan for your salvation could not have been established without your will and your consent. 2 It must have been accepted by the Son of God, for what God wills for him he must receive. 3 For God wills not apart from him, nor does the Will of God wait upon time to be accomplished. 4 Therefore, what joined the Will of God must be in you now, being eternal. 5 You must have set aside a place in which the Holy Spirit can abide, and where He is. 6 He must have been there since the need for Him arose, and was fulfilled in the same instant. 7 Such would your reason tell you, if you listened. 8 Yet such is clearly not the ego's reasoning. 9 Your reason's alien nature to the ego is proof you will not find the answer there. 10 Yet if it must be so, it must exist. 11 And if it exists for you, and has your freedom as the purpose given it, you must be free to find it.
T-21.V.6. God's plan is simple; never circular and never self-defeating. 2 He has no Thoughts except the Self-extending, and in this your will must be included. 3 Thus, there must be a part of you that knows His Will and shares it. 4 It is not meaningful to ask if what must be is so. 5 But it is meaningful to ask why you are unaware of what is so, for this must have an answer if the plan of God for your salvation is complete. 6 And it must be complete, because its Source knows not of incompletion.
T-21.V.7. Where would the answer be but in the Source? 2 And where are you but there, where this same answer is? 3 Your Identity, as much a true Effect of this same Source as is the answer, must therefore be together and the same. 4 O yes, you know this, and more than this alone. 5 Yet any part of knowledge threatens dissociation as much as all of it. 6 And all of it will come with any part. 7 Here is the part you can accept. 8 What reason points to you can see, because the witnesses on its behalf are clear. 9 Only the totally insane can disregard them, and you have gone past this. 10 Reason is a means that serves the Holy Spirit's purpose in its own right. 11 It is not reinterpreted and redirected from the goal of sin, as are the others. 12 For reason is beyond the ego's range of means.
T-21.V.8. Faith and perception and belief can be misplaced, and serve the great deceiver's needs as well as truth. 2 But reason has no place at all in madness, nor can it be adjusted to fit its end. 3 Faith and belief are strong in madness, guiding perception toward what the mind has valued. 4 But reason enters not at all in this. 5 For the perception would fall away at once, if reason were applied. 6 There is no reason in insanity, for it depends entirely on reason's absence. 7 The ego never uses it, because it does not realize that it exists. 8 The partially insane have access to it, and only they have need of it. 9 Knowledge does not depend on it, and madness keeps it out.
T-21.V.9. The part of mind where reason lies was dedicated, by your will in union with your Father's, to the undoing of insanity. 2 Here was the Holy Spirit's purpose accepted and accomplished, both at once. 3 Reason is alien to insanity, and those who use it have gained a means which cannot be applied to sin. 4 Knowledge is far beyond attainment of any kind. 5 But reason can serve to open doors you closed against it.
T-21.V.10. You have come very close to this. 2 Faith and belief have shifted, and you have asked the question the ego will never ask. 3 Does not your reason tell you now the question must have come from something that you do not know, but must belong to you? 4 Faith and belief, upheld by reason, cannot fail to lead to changed perception. 5 And in this change is room made way for vision. 6 Vision extends beyond itself, as does the purpose that it serves, and all the means for its accomplishment.
Source Materials; Text -
ACIM TEXT 21_6_The Function of Reason -


Oh yes the merge between twin flames is happening i realized it on the 26th when my twin stayed behind to talk to my parents because we had a misscommunication in the front yard that got loud and vocal. I guess i razzed my step dad ron and i felt intense negative energy from him. Like we or i was some kind of monster but he couldnt dare say anything about me being so because my mom would probably get pissed off. The cops came and everything i didnt even know it but i FELT it, everything that happened and i actually channelled right through him and he basically said everything to my step dad before he left that "if you think im a monster, if so than fine, stay on that illusion of fear because if we never see you again after this, were fine with that" he said my mom teared up because ive been at a crossroads with her before like this and she usually always chooses her boyfriend. over the years ive dealt with hidden pain and anger towards my moms previous husband, to him i was a leper and now this new guy whos supposedly an open fun loving christian, didnt show an ounce of unconditional love to us when i was over there to give my mom a massage and really wanted to help her release some past crap so she can move into the end of pisces age and really embrace the aquarian even though i barely bring up with her anything regarding astrology or astronomy because she doesnt "believe it" and thinks its all evil. My twin isnt scared to voice ANYTHING, with him i cant "hide" anymore and my mom just came into the awareness that "her daughter isnt as okay as she might seem nor the christian she wishes she still was". So many masculines have come in with their own religious egos and have thwarted my attempts to help my mom anytime i get a window to try. I was reading her "feelings buried alive" to her and the whole time could feel my soon to be step dad get more and more "rigid" and contract into resistance with what was being said in truth and love. My twin was on the road grabbing something from home for me n my mom, we where on the phone together because he left and we both werent sure what he was doing on different pages. On his way back he calls and we get into a heated miss understanding, take note i curse a lot. The F word is a main part of my vocab and I normally keep it under control around the family folks but that day I did not and it triggered my stepdad like something fierce. My mom said "he doesnt like that word" and i looked at her and said im just going to leave then because i cant promise i wont say it again. I was feeling empathic vibes to leave and like im some sort of monster. My twin unaware of my trigger was trying to calm me down but after our flip out i felt like they saw "the monster" i usually hide and like i was screwed. Like they will never accept and value me for who i am. I flipped out and drove home. He stayed behind to try and explain the situation. Turns out the cops got called and he stood ground for me. by the time he got home I somehow Already "knew" everything that happened and it turns out I channeled right through him and said exactly what I needed to say to My step dad and his energy around thinking were monsters to allow any of that to happen. Im sick of being seen as a monster and its a major trigger for me all my previous step dad thought was i was one also and im just sick of it. The moment i get a little too expressive and they want to damn me to hell. That day they learned how im really feeling. Its crazy how more sensitive we are. My twin said in the moment he asked him if he thought we where monsters that he was just about to leave was wrapping everything up but a sudden urge to call the man out as i was texting my mom this "You wont ever have to hear me say "fuck" again. I wont come and disrupt your life and harmony with my expressive self anymore. I will stay far away as i did in my past because i know you and ron cant handle it. Im facing my past and dont feel either of you are ready to. I cant continue to carry around all this baggage that isnt mine. I felt resistance in ron, hes full of much pride, but i feel you on so many levels desperate to let go of your own past and heal. I found God going through the pits of hell, hes helping me heal my past and that isnt easy when in the present i still am just viewed as a broken monster and im actually much stronger, i am an Earth Angel. You wont ever read my blogs, or really try and relate to my experience that you only know half of because ive had to hide the other half from you in fear of ultimate abandonment and rejection for it not aligning with your own beliefs and conditioning's. I fear You wont ever be able to fully receive and accept me for who i am. Ron certainly never will as none of your husband have been able to, my own father deep down assumes im a whore, your previous husband treated me as a Leper and now this one a full blow monster. I get anywhere close to bonding with you again and all i hear is "go away"; it eventually happens with every one of your husbands." I had decided not to send it but after he got home and told me how he wasnt even himself in that moment and basically said those things to them. I still felt compelled to write this letter.