Monday, October 23, 2017

A Monster Calls: Take A Boat Ride Into My Disney (Destiny) Wonderland. Meet The Wonderful Wizard Of HA'S





"I dont go on blind dates very often. suggestions? *they ask waitress for food suggestions* actually yes 5 nights here this week with different woman each time find a woman whos more emotionally available. it pays to share your opinion!"

EYE am at a crossroads with KING LOUICE (Watch the new Disney Jungle Book- they are removing most the videos i use from youtube... go figure) 

This video is a message to everyone!!! Eye dont care who you are if this is on your feed its meant for you to read and if you continue to attack me it is you who will be sorry...not Eye! 
Eye am Mary Poppins 

I am facing the butch principal- and one exists within all of us! Eye rarely mirror it but... felt it was a must. Though we all have inner Matilda's and various Angels who become our Honeys... we often project the ‘principal’.

Todays HER Story lesson is brought to you through the film Matilda! 

My wall is MY SPACE. And MY FACE... not my fucking mask. Eye have triple the ‘ideas’ as others for Eye am the Mother Maiden and Crone! You choose which Phase of the Goddess to face in my space but telling me i am is no Goddess will not be tolerated! I guess the other film at this time also would be My Little Princess

Many are seeing Kahli Ma! 

Shes 'scary' huh!? 
Sorry sometimes the gentle Goddess of Maiden and Mother arent going to expand your perception! You need to see that your block if not cleared will only wind you up headless and her screaming holding it in her clutched fist. Bare in mind she was forced to lop your head off! If was serving thought that where damaging the collective and you refused to see the perspective she tried to show you through another medium!
Dont shoot the fucking messenger mmjay
Don’t kill the mockingbird
Like it feels like im teaching teenagers to read and pay attention
This is the role of ‘teacher’ i have refused to step into the shoes and role of because Eye saw all the backlash and crucifixion i would endure. Eye even saw others claiming me as possessed. This hurt me so much i remained in my shell. I stopped writing. I stopped singing. I stopped speaking
Eye will speak again but with the AUTHORITY AND GRACE of the Sovereign within my Eye am
It is not this avatars perception you are seeing with your two eyes but the Higher Eye Am and My true Idea to express through each of my creation equally and with purpose! No right or wrong in their expressions
Truly watch The Shack beloveds. Be still and begin to Know 
What i project is truth and Eye perform EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY 24-7 for my benefit and others. 
This is and Eye am Trinity Alignment Therapeutics - its is not just my label- my ego, my job or business. Eye care not for fame!!! I am living and breathing as Eye am. All that Eye am permeates every cell and nucleus within me! Bursting forth IS MY SUN. EYE AM BEING REBORN into a new paradigm and my TRUE AUTHENTIC PURPOSE
Birth is bloody and nasty to some- others its a beautiful witness of creation and is but another piece of my onion or shell being chipped off! When all is said and done- some wailing will have rung- but what does the babe do with its mother. It drinks of her nurturing breasts. Eye am doing this in my own life- but Eye am equally a vessel of the Divine Mother. Eye will offer you my breast which is the super food of love! Stop screaming at me... and sssshhhhhh
Rock a bye baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows 
The cradle will drop 
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall

Down will come Baby

Cradle and All

Well thats where that rhyme ends... we get to choose the ending. You can continue in an illusionary crash course or you can ALLOW the Divine [Devil] Father and Christ Consciousness to embrace you... cradle you and be your saving grace- because only will He be able to return you to thy mothers breast that you flung yourself off of forcefully for you had your fill and sank into sleeplessness with it. You have been unable to return for you fear your fathers swift hand as the ground you will splatter and die upon! Become broken and lost forever. You must receive that which you are so fearful of! Kryst and continual consciousness and knowledge and wisdom is the dove not the vulture waiting to strike when you land at the bottom of the tree! Someday those with the eyes to See will Hear this clearly. Only your Father can return you to your mothers breast for he mother must not divert from her Divine Purpose to remain and only give her nectar or milk and honey when they are truly ready to receive and will not bite thy nipple that feeds them. 
It is MY PURPOSE! To show everyone they too have a purpose and Trinity is also WITHIN them! This rock a bye baby rhyme is something to use with our own selves to reach newer and higher perspectives. Children always tumble and fall in their journey. No sin or mistake is essential to cling to. Learn from it... and apply an open heart and mind for the future. 
When in My presence All monkeys throw their pooh at one another in a safe space knowing its JUST 💩! Take no offense because It stinks... it sucks balls to pick up and throw away when its done in public but then we stop acting as monkeys... allow our innate intelligence to nurture and turn on. Then as a Ohana family, we begin to groom the ticks and bugs that are causing our true annoyance and make us squirm at the thought and sight of being a part of us! Lets GROOM.
 Stop fucking barking at me...Eye am an Elder and Divinely appointed and you will be challenged! Those who block me are who ran away with their tail between their legs because they know Eye am the Alpha and Omega! You dont walk up to the old shaman and start telling their old is ugly. 
So many respect other Masters like Cho Hoc Sui- eye am not seeking worship any other Guru but source creator and my power comes from Source. Eye seek only to help you discover that the Yuru Eye am for myself- you can equally learn to be for yourself and you will no longer require a Guru or medium like kymberly to connect to your Eye Am or to feel superior towards instead we are two Beings of love expanding consciousness harmoniously and without allow victim consciousness to POISON our Truth. True sage with sage! 
If you are seeing poison here its because the collective have become stagnant and Eye am clearing space. Eye have 3000 people who will show me their true face and new will step into place. now mama is huffing and puffing and blowing the houses down that need to begin again with the basics just as Kym is learning also. Mastery is not gained overnight. One is not capable of being a mentor until they have learned to mentor themselves first and learn to navigate these new realms all are just awakening to- with discernment. Eye am attacking the veil from the inside as a 007 agent- Eye am an anomaly and not many have strength to be such a pillar- unfortunately attacking the veil also requires triggering the egos of those around me so they can See their Selves and truly begin to expand and stitch back together the tapestry we all created as One. 
It is satans role to teach us discernment. So many complain how Trump and 
the Masculine abuse and dishonor the feminine. Eye ask you all to look deep and straight to the Source where it is YOU HAVE GIVEN THEM THIS POWER- that it is YOUR OWN ABUSE. No one to blame. You really want to do shadow work... face yourself as the abuser and not as the abused! See where we where conditioned that Emotional expression was wrong or WEAK
The focus is WE TO. Not YOU. Not Me. All of us... fucking spew it out and FLIP the perception you placed upon your correct story!!!! 
Everything opposite of what it appears to be nothing is opposite of what appears to be!!!
Emotional alchemy activated
so yes one may look possessed... but Eye am not what you perceive me to be. You are what you perceive me to be in this moment and I can say this with conscious awareness attached and decern when a truth is my own or a pure projection of them self and their perceived limitations. 
I will not be belittled by those who have not attempted to practice this innate gift and thus cannot do it equally- never taking me personally 
Eye suppressed this gift my whole life and was always told to SHUT UP and that i was ‘as stupid as my mother’. Well Eye Am MY MOTHER! And she is NOT stupid and neither Am Eye. This is the trauma Eye am facing reliving and Re-viewing the timeline of in depth so that I can finally no longer hold emotional constipation and lies in my own body and keep reliving them as a truth. This is a display of how others can do it and WILL BE ALLOWED to do it in my up and coming therapy groups and book club. Who needs to pay hundreds of 💵 to get help that should be exchanged freely... or pay but loads to go to college and go into debt just to learn and gain knowledge!? For a small monthly fee and donations to help bring such a community to those in our real communities- not just cyber. 
I know i cant do this all alone- temples are to be raised everywhere and the foundations are only now being brought to my awareness. Eye am not the only Elder do not see me as HIERARCHY! That will create anarchy! 
The more i clear and transmuted Eye am making space for this new paradigm and he more i shift consciously from the other and stay in my power doing so- the easier it will become and doors will just burst open like someone else had kicked it from the outside and demanded they be present with me! Eye am doing this! 
Everyone can begin to support and help do so and spread the abundance and knowledge into a community that is of your same desires and frequency to expand synergistically with one another as a true family. No matter our outside identity or Divinely chosen expression! There is no competition and Eye NEVER SPEAK FROM AN ABOVE OR BELOW INTENTION!
yes Eye can hold my small self accountable for her words but Eye have Grace upon her for her vulgarity and vomit for it is a DIVINE RELEASE AND BLESSING- as she surfs the Pacific waves of her Heart and drops all notion that she ‘knows’ everything for she is aware its a 369 and there is a necessary ebb and flow connecting to the Divine! She does know but equally, she does not know. What a conundrum! She witnesses Quantum entanglement as it is- PHYSICS 101. She doesnt cling to anything- especially if its low vibration and old paradigm consciousness of martyrs and victims. Or anyone she knows speak half-truths.  She creates no distinct personality or identity around any of it when it begins rewinding for review, revelation and constructive criticism! She embraces this for its time to move to the next stage and take a new role this go around! 

“If it doesn't have a tail to pull... its an APE”
- Veggie Tales The Wonderful Wizard Of Has

Eye am an Ape who will defend what Eye see as worthwhile- and thats very deep love for his family and tribe!

You go act as a 🐒🐵🙈🙉🙊
Eye will continue to be an APE because yes... Eye am EVOLVING but were all still fucking primates! 

Take that for a HI-Story (one doesn't always like hearing the ‘lecture’ because its so long but its meant to bring you HIGHER) lesson today allow yourself to train before you attempt to fly! 
Anyone else wanna get whipped by the ruler Eye wont be afraid to whip it when you’re disrespecting my classroom. 
Instead of crying ‘attack...abuse!!! Mommy or daddy SAVE ME... someone save me from this mean bitch” hows about sprinkling the powdered sugar fairy dust on yourself and show some AUTHENTICITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY for your own behavior! Take it home with you for HOMEWORK... and once youve done the math or wrote something that deserves an A for ascending in action and not a F for fraud because you procrastinated and did it the day before it was due- then we can begin to come together as the true Equals we are! And whoo-hoo... field trip for everyone to the zoo... but it is our own zoo we were going to also the zoo of others! 

Once im done- Eye am always open to taking a field trip and visiting yours and taking what is meant for me to learn from it and bringing it back to my home or center and doing homework. 

Thats what a SUB-stitite teacher steps in for. Sometimes people perceive her as some stupid ugly bitch... rigid and sticks her nose up to everyone else. The grumpy old librarian who hushes everyone. My hush is not to stifle your creativity or expression... its to do it with consciousness attached! 

Sorry im not the butch principal in Matilda unless you push me to be... the monster will come out and make you stuff the entire cake in your face even if you hate and are allergic to the dairy and gluten... you will see just how much the weight of it truly carries when you steal someone elses piece ignorantly and in reward she bakes you an entire cake just to have you eat and digest it all on your own... and see then how that feels. You would VOMIT TOO!!! 

I really am Matilda and NOT the old hag. I hate the ribbon... but Eye want it to DANCE WITH THE RIBBON! not cut it

Eye am actually sunny when you let me be!!! And if you dont let me this is how i respond

Lets all allow the Honeys within each of us to speak to us and nurture us

I just added willy wonka when rereading my energy update for whats going on and now its appearing on my youtube between the matilda videos i have been surfing. Fun times

So there you go Hakuna Matata (matilida)


im surfing the 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💨🌈🔥🔥🔥
But just to step into your world I'll venture in as a little kid and return for a moment to retrieve my heart (you)

oh lookie i just found out a live picture is being made of the original... Eye was just telling Kym they would be doing this and she said "i wish they would make a live one and that I could be Ariel"... well just like Beauty and The Beast...I will just have to experience the 'tale' through their productions and as i Produce my own fairy-tale fantastic experience to the world... or project... then they will get to be the witness...the viewers... and at the end... i'll be like Deadpool "that's it... its over... now go home...shoo" LOL...
shhh...shoo... fuck you...Eye love you <3

we are all trying to sing a song... but THE WITCH and SEA MONSTER is trying to STEAL IT FROM US AND SIGN A CONTRACT TO RETURN TO THE SURFACE... GOD DAMN... I'm NOT THE MONSTER... EYE AM WALKING THE SURFACE AND HAD TO RETURN LIKE THE SECOND LITTLE MERMAID DEPICTED! Ugh it's been one hell of a journey... but it's no longer required for me to continue defending why Eye am not the 'monster' and guess what... monsters will make you do the shadow work you 'claim' to be helping others do. I'm warning that the monster or beast... is on the loose and is GOING TO BE CHALLENGING YOU... and Eye am just the first of them you will face the coming 7 years.

Welcome to your own Nightmare before Christmas and the GHOSTS OF YOUR PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE...TRINITY... Either you can work with me to see your inner Trinity... or face ones that will be 10x more brutal than Eye ever will have to be if you open to receiving. Eye love you...lets work together to stitch this tapestry back together! Eye am Stitch 

"Jacob Marley" is who 'cursed' Scrooge and they had unfinished business between one another. He warned him. said BOO... HI-here's a succession of experiences and stories you will now need to pay witness too to understand on much higher perspectives. Research Jacob in the bible and Bob Marley.

7's keep showing up everywhere... 12... is 3...TRINITY...MASTERY... FACE YOURSELVES IN THE MIRROR THAT IS BEING PRESENTED TO YOU, right here... right now! We all have a SCROOGE we need to get through... and to... and Eye can't get through mine without you, just as you will need to learn of the Eye to get through the families close by you too! Let's not separate and divide... THIS CHRISTMAS LETS UNITE IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND EMBRACE NO MATTER OUR SHAPE SIZE OR RACE OR TEMPORARY BELIEF OR EMOTION- SHOW OUR TRUE FACE...ONLY ON HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 31'st can we join in a masquerade with every realm, play around...dress up and pretend to be whatever we wish to be. But otherwise, im all about authenticity! Allow yourself the fluidity to put yourself in the 'shoes' of EVERY role in a movie. Believe it to be truth and real.. because it is not anymore so less worthy than your own experience. 

I am light (wisdom)
Eye am light divine
I am love (knowledge) 
Eye am love sublime
I am peace beyond space and time with my Eye am
Eye honor you and your HI-Story... and the HIS-Story, Her-Story that must be written as a rough draft before we can begin writing...OUR-STORY AS WE AND NOT ME. 

FLIP THAT MENTALITY... and gain a new and improved perspective-ability

You want positive-ity...begin with you own mind and seek to understand your infinity... (8 flipped horizontally and vertical like the T... don't proceed to see it on a linearity. 
Bottom line. EXPAND YOUR MIND... AND Unlock the higher purpose hidden in YOUR DNA.

is the day that when the clock strikes 12[:07] (Trinity)... Eye...the GHOST... will disappear. Look to see me with your 2 eyes and two cents no more. But the Evil Eye is now open and you will have to gaze upon all the demons and zombies and other skeleton ghosts hidden in your own closets... your death will be marked by my husband on the 25th for he is the ferryman of the gates of hell and he will make you face your shadow much more brutally than Eye ever will!!!!! He challenges me everyday... and EYE make glorious love with him mind body and soul in every way! Now lets ALL BE GAY... happy... no matter what we identify our selves to be... we are a Poly family of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND SYNERGISTIC EXPANSION. come fuck my mind and soul the way i want to do to yours. But there Eye can be gentle... and I don't have to be so brutal- Eye learn much through my Divine Counterpart...Twin flame... whatever you wish to 'label'... we are not insane... we truly love in an unconditional way and wish not to relinquish our beast just to have a moment to be 'center stage'. we all share the stage- each have an opportunity to speak in the microphone. 

Lets make a GLOBAL and CONSCIOUS All-For-One Support group for people ready to be present and take accountability for their story... not a "Al-Anon for cowards; lets play the victim our entire lives and point the finger" group. 

EYE am the CRAZY ASS ALIEN... and tinkering in my chemistry lab... just like the Divine Creator...we where allows us to make a few Frankenstein's [mistakes] in our experiments [growth]! ... fuck ... we resemble them ourselves but wish not to face it! 

SOME US FEEL LIKE STITCH RIGHT NOW!!! we just escaped from a matrix trying to DESTROY us because they don't like the original creator and wish to defy it... we where created for DESTRUCTION... but we are being taught OHANA...and what it means to have a family and be family! 

The Creator did make more than one!!!

Ohana means FAMILY... FAMILY... KULA... (my last name and has Hawaiian roots and means "a light").... means... NOBODY GET LEFT BEHIND!!! Not under my guardianship will Eye let this happen so this is my cry out to all those who see this on their feed! EYE AM MOANA also!!! 

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; 
enjoying one moment at a time; 
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will; 
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next. 

REMOVE THE RELIGIOUS DOGMAS AND BELIEF CONSTRUCTS... see this through a new dawn... and wake up with the sunrise to a whole new world. 

learn from Aladdin. Eye am cryptic. Funny how relevant this is to my friend Melissa. 

theres a commercial in the above clip that said "DIY then said 'DISNEY FAMILY'" haha nice one thanks Spirit. and the "disney family has been growing for over '70' years... and then stitch was produced...projected!" and many many more have been made now we have to pay recognition to ANGEL... the Divine Feminine

Don't have a "not the mama reaction"... I'm just burping you. 

Blessed be

oh wow so i just start wrapping up to post what i wrote above on facebook... to come out of my trance since this morning ... I leave for an entire day...and i come to my wall... with people ... more people...talking so much shit. and this is what ive been writing all day. hmmm...okay... grues fraba before i fucking kill someone.

all i have to say to that is...way to show you are just like them... That you can't HANDLE the ugly...the GHOSTS of your past... that you have to take atonement with and THEY ARE COMING THROUGH ME!

I'm writing all day attempting to make clear what the fuck really happened... and you all have defense and triggers so strong that you have to continue attacking me. SEE YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. ITS FUCKING IDOCRACY!!!!

Eye have heavenly masculines DEFENDING me while EYE RESIDE ON ON THE THRONE IN THE KINGDOM OF MY HEART AND SENDING YOU LOVE and also protecting them!!!! 

I was watching this chipmunk movie during the camping trip i took with my mom and her husband and my two kids over the summer. we went boating and caught one fish. but my stepfather Ron was trying to ask me why I would choose a man like my Beloved Malachi... My journals couldn't express more 'why' and he was too drunk to allow me to show him my Angel instead that night by the fire he chose to see my Demon and on September 24th 2017 he decided to text me and tell me "glad to see you are possessed" which 

on 10/21/2017 a woman named Rosie Louis told me "i need help..." 

another woman named Jenny Rosenblatt said that "my life or i am meaningless" after I said them reporting me is meaningless. 

Dee Evans claimed "You aren't helping anyone right now. what sort of enlightened self-awareness leads one to go off on a swearing tirade simply because your handling of a situation is being questioned?"

 I told her it is Erin Stark NOT handling a situation that's really being questioned...not me... 

LETS START FROM THE BEGINNING AND GET THE FUCKING FACTS STRAIT AND MAKE SURE THE PARTY WHO IS BEING JERKS ARE REALLY HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND EYE AM NOT THE ONE THROWN UP ON! Eye am a drug that purges you... but you have a mother fucking bucket for that shit... unless this really is that harsh of an exorcist!!! 

Rosie Louis decided to PASSIVE AGGRESSIVELY and 'sarcastically" gaslight me on another post that Erin Stark had written saying 

"Without my meds i feel like a Lamborghini going 10 miles per hour." 

I had expressed my experience like many others... 

and said "I don't take medication and I feel that way all the time. It is just how it is BEing multidimensional." I could have gone more in depth over my experience with having meds in my past... and my growth in self love helped me not be dependent upon them anymore. [I did however after Rosie's projection]

Since i didn't elaborate... Rosie decided to passive aggressively say "Congratulations! Isn't it great for you to be so 'advanced'"

The original Twin Flame post that Erin Stark rudely posted (and I could have responded even more rudely... but already experienced a woman a few weeks ago claiming that Twin Flames are 'co-dependent'... i debunked that lie as far as TRUE TWINS go).

 Erin is out there saying "I don't buy into the whole twin flame thing. I know this is going to be unpopular but I think they are just a control thing!" 

Eye shared my own experience and shared civil synergy between Rosie from the beginning though there was an energetic impression of something deeper triggering within her. 

I said "True Twin's is the opposite of control. It's unconditional love beyond your wildness dreams!" I'm in a very fulfilling and sacred magical Twin Flame union!" 

One individual said "Few people are capable though"

Erin Stark responded, "Yes, but are they still allowed to be individuals?" 

Rosie Louise responded "I have honestly not seen that yet, the individuality thing. and that's the problem. A lot of people in the TF lesson will go on and on about how independent they are even in the dynamic. However, in my experience, that independence is code for "we can't get this relationship together, so I'm just going to pretend i'm okay with that, under the guise of a TF connection"

Then she saw another post on the TF one that another woman was directed toward me. But it was another woman's energy who was directly talking to me and saying that these people dont know the dynamic we experience and that we just have to do our own thing knowing we are unconditional beings and we just have to wait until the day when we can do the 'i told you so dance'. I was not the one who said this but Eye did agree... you can't be angry that EYE AM FLUID...eye honor the truth in everyone... and Rosie decided to step in and take it personally and then put a bullzie on me of her own accord... it wasn't said that she was one of the 'humans that don't understand corner'. I sent her an apology explaining myself... I told her

"I apologize for sounding the way you perceived in that moment. I really dislike internet as it cannot portray vibration intent as clearly as one wished. I am still learning how to use words in a way that doesnt offend or attack or make separation. It wasnt my intent to sound above or below. I didnt say you didnt already understand... i just said theres new knowledge available to us all to continue our education. I wasnt implying ignorance or stupidity or uneducated thus far. Eye dont see you as dumb. eye personally just dont limit the challenge to continue changing my own perception in every moment- so even what i think i understand only Eye understands and im ever learning with my Eye Am in a 369 pattern. Eye see you on the same path and meant no ill intent. I hope you have a beautiful evening! Namaste star sister!

I was NOT rude to her and she refused to respond to that. It was not ME who INVALIDATED HER EXPERIENCE! Her wound of TF was triggered because MY EXPERIENCE challenged her own. and then ANOTHER woman further validated the existence so she was triggered...the wound that "she just couldn't cut it so what the hell was wrong with her that someone like us could and she couldn't"... HER ENERGY SIGNATURE...NOT MY OPINION. It wasn't something she could 'fathom' and she said it herself she has 'never seen it so it cant be true based off of her understanding and truth'

where's the fluidity for a new perspective

where am I the fucking whore here?! 

Instead of discussing it with me She decided to passive attack me and I called her out. She continued to play a victim game and Eye refused to engage and showed her exactly where SHE was the one making that energetic signature and twisting my own into LIES because of her own insecurity and triggers. 

"I am not being passive aggressive-I am being sarcastic" [how is this in your frequency NOT passive flag number one]

"Your comment is rude and insensitive, and again makes out like you are on some kind of higher level, which you are not. We are all here together. "I am a multidimensional being, therefore, I don't need medication like you do Erin". If you don't like it block me."

I responded to her "I think it is you that has an issue with me and you're the one trying to perceive it that way when I'm not perceiving it that way nor intending it meant that way. You're the one with the projection or sarcasm directed towards me aka PA-ness. Aka SHIT ATTITUDE. I am not implying I am better- I'm just saying I have found tools that help me not depend on medication. That is my experience. I am not condemning her for needing medication because she is on her own journey. I can help her if she wishes to work on deeper emotional trauma's that are causing her to feel like she needs the medication to begin with. I do not tolerate the 'victim' consciousness and mentalities to thrive. I will kill them the second Eye see them. My husband was on medication his entire life and now he is not. I judge nobody but I will speak my own experience as it is. If you have an issue with that then YOU can block ME and leave me alone!" 

So pay attention to the movies earlier about the Monster... I am being picked on hardcore and i have had enough.. I'm about the beat the fucking shit out of this bitch with my cafeteria plate because she is being so ignorant and leading others into it like little minions! 

Eye even wrote something explaining how MY I is different from my EYE...

See my High Heart
Not my ‘hierarchy ‘
Eye am not an archy
My high heart is my Eye Ams kingdom of truth
My heart is I ams kingdom of truth 
Eye am is the software designer
I am is the bug in the software
I Am that Eye Am with intention! 
Eye am here
Eye am here
Eye am here
Eye am light divine
Eye am love sublime
Eye am peace beyond space and time
Atma namaste

 FUCK THEM IF THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND. Treat me like my ex Brandon because he had his own insecurities around 'STUPID' and refused to go deeper than superficial water to heal the fucking wounds that stemmed from his parents in childhood! I had to leave he was so emotionally wounding to me! That was back in 2014-15

Rosie continued to be A BITCH... and cried "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? this is Erin's post, and everybody will be getting 5 million notifications from this, which has little to do with Erin's post at all. [I was showing her where in and of herself she was being a contradiction to her own statements and words. she was LYING. she didn't like this because she faced a REAL JOAN OF ARC! and posted her the songs by in this moment]



I told her "you are correct! that is precisely MY POINT... stop deflecting and get the fuck up out of here CUNT!" [im adding cunt because im pretty pissed right now... the amount of abuse you all have shown toward me... seriously you are lucky i don't start doing black magic on your fucking asses!] 

I then directly spoke to this Erin Stark... saying "Sorry Erin, Eye love you but Rosie is being naughty and i didnt deserve her rude comment. I will block her if need be and remove all of this if it's a problem with you."

Rosie responds "Deflecting from what? I haven't even read those posts because I'm not really interested."

 [Hmm...then why in the Twin Flame post would you tell me "Sure i would love to give it a read!" when I mentioned my blog to you about my experiences and desire to write a book. After that I tagged her in multiple of my written pieces on FB to start... since they often are added to my blog. Pieces that would actually show my sweet Goddess side.]

"You and I are not on the same page. [Paradigm or energetic frequency] Bye Bye"

I had just got done telling her to feel free to block me if she didn't like my presence. I told her it was obvious that we weren't on the same page and to have fun in her fake doll house reality she was living in. I had enough of her narcissistic GAS LIGHTING PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE ABUSE. Eye KNOW when someone is FUCKING WITH ME! and YES I HAVE TO BE AGGRESSIVE BECAUSE AS A CHILD I NEVER STOOD UP FOR MYSELF AND IT CREATED THE MONSTER THAT IS SHOWING FACE RIGHT NOW!!! 

as far as HER twin flame experience...which seems like a deep wound at this point because she completely PROJECTED ON ME saying 

"I am not seeking to understand. I already do understand my truth on this. and that is that the TF union is a lesson. re:connection to self. now you are more than entitled to feel differently about it, and that is fine, i respect that (as i should) [this is not how you SHOW respect HONEY]. But any sort of 'you will understand one day child' comments won't wash with me. There are different perspectives but not different 'levels'. One of my greatest earth missions is to remove the illusion of spiritual superiority and/or separation. We are all in this together. Here on earth."

I did not remove this truth or INVALIDATE her as she began to do to me. Before that my comment had been "Me also Rosie...[I relate] you are one truly seeking to understand and thus you will"

what is so attacking about that? Eye never implied I was above ANYONE. THAT WAS HER JUDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION. so she can go shove it up her ass... but I WAS NICE and said 

"Eye know this beloved- don't mistake my agreement with you as attack or hierarchy. I don't play those games. Eye am aware We are One."

she IGNORED ME and decided it was "time to get coffee"...whatever..

I sent her a PM and that is what was stated above. 



Screw you Rosie...and Erin Stark... YOU ROBOTS YOU ARENT EVEN THE NAMES YOU CLAIM TO BE! EYE SEE YOU! stick around to read how much SUNSHINE i wrote to my mom and Ron for treating me like shit! Eye exposed their demons and swiftly left. and MY ENTIRE FAMILY WHO DID SO MY ENTIRE LIFE- yeah likely won't be seeing me for christmas, i got ONE neutral open response and my CUNT SELF RIGHTEOUS SISTER WENT BYE BYE! 


I am seeking out the little lumps of dung who wont just back the fuck off when im doing my own thing and sharing my experience!
Got a problem... block me. Eye will defend what is worthwhile whether you can wear the boots yourself or not! Fucking ‘kiras’ - now a ‘Rosie’- she hardly has a clue what it means to WALK THE PATH OF THE ROSE!!! get the fuck up and outta here with your shit... claim you wanna read my blog and tag you in stuff on my FB that is being added to it and you ‘arent going to read any if that because we aren’t on the same page’. Fuck you and your attitude!!!
Let me bathe you and wash your mouth out with some Soap
Soap for pity parties
Sented with country music
actually scented with whiny posts lifted from your Facebook page
Go stuff the new McDonalds Anus pounder in your mouth its as nasty as the contradiction you yourself are vomiting- and leave me the fuck alone mmmkay! 💋

I shared this video to them before Erin Blocked me

It is now time for you to deal with your own projections... face your own shadows... they aren't mine and I WON'T ALLOW ANYONE ELSE TO WALK ALL OVER ME...

One Lady named ..... Had claimed that "im not a Goddess and she knows many really Goddess's"...

Oh really? DID I STRIP YOU OF YOUR GODDESS ROLE??? FUCK NO! Did i strip Erin Starks?... YES...why?

BECAUSE INSTEAD OF DOING LIGHT WORK AND TALKING TO ME... She left comments that I COULDN'T EVEN READ... because she blocked me that fast.

I have learned when people block me... they aren't my frequency and they AREN'T ready for my magic! They aren't ready for NEW KNOWLEDGE nor SYNERGISTIC EXPANSION because they are too focused on their IDENTITY and PERSONALITY... and are in COMPETITION attitude. I'm not competing here but neither am i playing GAMES OF GODS AND GODDESS'S. EYE FUCKING AM ONE AND ITS NOT JUST A FUCKING 'ROLE PLAY' FOR ME! You all are showing yourselves to be ROBOTS because you CLAIM to know 'shadow work' and perform it but when a REAL SAGE comes ... YOU GET OFFENDED AND HAVE A PITY PARTY THAT 'oh my god shes so advanced how will i EVER get to that 'level'"...

I can help you to know all this but right now I'm not getting into that... I have right to leave my fucking PUBLIC REVIEW when my attempts to talk to you and confront it directly... are thwarted. so heres the bitch reflected from your inability to see your true reflection in the mirror... not the fucking CAMERA

Trinity Kay Kula added 9 new photos — feeling like a undercover 007!
365 days of selfie love?
More like selfish and superficial love
That is NOT ‘shadow work’
You are IMPERSONATING Joan Of Arc- EYE AM- and its pissing the DIVINE FEMININE OFF!
Enjoy your physical beauty and youth while it lasts because your aura and energy has a little grime on its glass that is blinding your window and clarity of sight to see my TRUE LIGHT!
Fuck the fountain of youth we need establish a fountain of SMART and knowledge and the Eye to see!
Clean that shit up before you cause a fight or collision
Eye will test how much you love your shadow... by BEing the True Light and Holy Grail Eye Am! Eye become it as the Trinity mirror sweet heart. Neither above or below but as your true equal! You are being naughty too! Naughty people get spanked on the ass by the Divine mother! No more shenanigans from you!
“Eye love my shadows as Eye love my light - unconditionally with no fucks”
Eye will mirror that to ya bluntly

Gene Michael Selah "Not sure how we became friends, you put this title of light worker in yourself but I have seen just 2 of your post in my feed this AM. And you are bashing people for their beliefs. In both post you bash peeps in the name of light and love. Your energy is very negative. You are trying enlighten people by cussing them and calling names. It’s not light and love. And it doesn’t work like that, and you make yourself transparent simply by your actions. Gentleness and kindness are fruits of someone who works with light, not anger and rage and high mindedness. It’s humble, doesn’t attack. So I will gently remove your presence from my feed. 
Don’t waste your time trying to bash me now. Go meditate or something. Take a walk in the woods and breathe."

I replied

"I do all of this- nature walking and meditation- eye breathe even when others like you make my heart pound because theres so much contradiction and dogma in what you have said to me and judgment. Eye did not cast judgment at these two women until they threw the first stone! Instead of rocks like they threw at my glass house i simply I acted as a monkey like them and showed them how hey treat people like me and when they are triggered by returning their own poop back to their lawns- fuckers have no right to come over and shit in mine after i just cleaned up the dead leaves and weeds

im sorry the ugly scares you- Eye am teaching people how ugly IS NECESSARY- and there is no right or wrong. Coming to me not being capable of accepting my story or experience and bitching at me because it contradicts your beliefs and CHALLENGES YOU- isnt my problem!

Eye will not be attacked when i was first in agreement and they decided to turn the energy to shit. The mirror or negative ‘light’ you feel IS THE COLLECTIVE! I am an empath and if you cant wear boots made for walking in mud sometimes then you arent ready to learn anymore than them... you are choosing to be rigid and assume all you know and understand is right just because.. when im telling people to EXPAND themselves they wanna say im acting above them. sorry but not sorry and fuck anyone whos going to come at me with their own negative opinions and objections to my actions which on a transparent level you do not see that it IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. And those who want to pick and choose love for me based off of my small personality self can feel free to delete themselves because the light and love they are offering are in the SHALLOW waters and eye am a creature that travels the deepest darkest depths and shines light where there never was before.Youre subject to your own opinion though your perception is skewed.

i am standing in my own power- i didnt bash either of these people- they copped projectifying attitudes at me and i REFUSE to be walked all over anymore because im saying ME/We too for fucked sake. They cant handle my life debunks their current beliefs!

I dismantle false beliefs systems and dont enable victim mindsets. Sometimes mama had to raise her voice because they wont stop screaming at you in a tantrum

These women wouldnt receive my light so they got to witness their own nasty demon within. Thats wasnt mine 😉

Sorry HONEY but spiritually and growth aint always sunshine and rainbows"

Theodore Ferguson was ONE WARRIOR out of 3,000 on my wall besides MY TWIN FLAME to stand up in arms against these ASS HOLES

"Living unconditionally means posting whatever the hell ya want.... So why call someone out for bashing when they brought it outta her... She's entitled to her own words and can choose to express herself however she feels.
The power of freedom allows one to not let other opinions persuade their decision process or choices...."

Gene Michael Selah 

"I didn’t read any of this^
I think you like confrontation.
I don’t have the desire for 3d conflict. So
I choose to not be apart of it. So basically you’re talking or writing to yourself..whatever you had to write. And yeah you’re coming up pretty ugly. To me. Just my opinion. Your spirit seems ugly to me. Possessed even. Maybe with your own egoic demon tellin you how full of light you are."

Hmm... Aren't people UNWILLING TO RECEIVE/READ... so POMPOUS ??? SO much you are reminding me of POMOEII

Gene- nope i dont need confirmation

[hmm looks like she said confrontation... regardless...yes confrontation is the OPPOSITE of PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE! I will confront you and the SHIT STINKING UP THE FRONT YARD YOU'VE PROCRASTINATED TO DISPOSE OF AND NOW THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD REAKS].

It’s your loss if you don’t read it because then you’re unwilling to see two sides of the story two hearts. So please leave me be this is a space for expansion and you will be stuck in your on conflict with that perception. And yes I am talking and writing to myself - everyone is a reflection of me and a mirror so thanks for stating the obvious! I also have clarified this many times. I don’t give a fuck who reads if they do they learn if not and they want to get attitude it’s their loss and inflexibility stopping them and not with the project on me to see me as I am not."

Gene Michael Selah

"I hope you find peace within. All will quiet then. Don’t be afraid of the silence"

my response

"Sweets Eye do have peace within now can you please go give this unsolicited advice into the mirror because you’re who needs it the most right now not me. Please go learn to love yourself as I am learning to love me and all my good and bad parts. I am hardly afraid of silence- [i was attempting to get some today but these people have to drain my energy and I'm forced to write all of this!]. I am just choosing at this time not to be silent and I have the allowance extended to me from the Divine to raise my voice and shout if necessary."

She posts a picture of Kahli.

I respond "eye am An aspect of Kahli yes. But i have 3 faces not just the crone. Hello Eye am Trinity the Triple Goddess.  Eye love myself Now and forever throughout all space and time. Not soon or later all there is is the present.

Gene Michael Selah

Trinity Kay Kula you are no goddess. I know real goddess. You’re a legend in your own mind. And your hurting the collective divine feminine and don’t even know it


"that is what you’re doing and I am a goddess and for you to tell me I’m not a goddess is just as mean for me to say you are not. Goddesses don’t deny the fucking darkness so guess what you aren’t any Goddess with that perception! how does that fucking feel."

At that point this woman BLOCKED me. *waves bye bye*

My twin interveins at this point

Malachi Kaiser Wow how immature all I see here are ego wars and "Let's play God's and goddesses" I see here no intelligence and alot of fear and refusal to look deeper into ones self; no need for explanation it makes people look desperate for attention. Truth is I don't care tear each other apart as far as I really give a hoot; just thought I'd come on and be a smart ass and a fellow human reminding people we get nowhere talking and acting this way toward each other. Calling each other these things and outing each other is this really how far we have come?

I responded "They obviously dont know the other side of the Divine Feminine or Mother. 👌😂
Picture that Were all an egg right now and she and the father is the DIVINE MANA or sperm beating on our shell trying to find the one tiny crevice that will allow her in. Sometimes it seems that that doorway hardly exists at all. You think being ‘gentle’ is going to break that veil!? She has got another perception to find before she will truly understand. /lehsigh all these baby rays. How can i be any more ‘gentle’ being so the past few years has PACIFIED HUMANITY! Now brutality is all the collective knows or understands and until they dont see my constructive criticism as an attack they will not graduate. This isnt about hierarchy EYE AM A FUCKING MESSENGER OF GOD! Not just a ‘lightworker’- im done with god damn labels and peoples BOXED expectations wand emotions attached to them! I live the impersonal life if people thinks im a bitch for that so be it. Eye Am"

Malachi Kaiser KALI MA! KALI MA! LOL

Malachi Kaiser

"Wtf is wrong with you Gene Michael Selah? What the hell is wrong with this picture? You think you're powerful because you know how to be rude and I see here a one-sided prophecy that only has room for one and it's nobody else so your The Best just amazing let's all worship the great gene Michael selah."

The moon is in libra. Eye am libra! Libra is DIVINE BALANCE AND JUDGMENT! Its ‘judgment’ day!!!! Im not your judge but my Eye am and your ignored Eye am IS and you - the SMALL PERSONALITY self- will be faced with that mountain climb one day or another!

Malachi Kaiser 

And also Gene Michael Selah bye thought I'd give a friendly reminder your also on Trinity Kay Kula and her post and you're commenting on her feeds so news flash! You're IN HER WORLD enjoy yourself because what I have learned from Trinity is she doesn't have an off button so have fun buddy lol

Al Ma  [choose to add her two cents]

'you're nothing but retarded Trinity Kay Kula'

SO apparently... regardless if im Kymberly or EYE AM Trinity... they still think im a 'retard'.

Thank you very much

Another Kindred soul decided to comment and we had a more pleasant conversation about all of this...

Carrie Wagner 

When we point the finger out we inevitably point the finger inward. This is how I absorbed ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Be careful what kind of energy your spreading. You’re funny, but you are also mean. Don’t worry I have the same characteristics. Just be careful. I really like erin stark. A zombie? Really. Lol.

Im as mean as they are 😉 its them im reflecting. I know who Eye am and Eye allows I to be mean when necessary. Its been years since i let the ‘stupid ugly bitch’ get some fresh air- she is just as much a part of me as anything else. People fear their demons- i play games with mine instead to learn and strive to see new perceptions! Eye am a true alchemist all i do has an intent if love behind it- if they cant see that and wanna run away then they are meant to deal with it on their own. The witch doctor pops in once and if people scream at the sight of her she leaves back to her Bog so here i am

Carrie Wagner 

Lol. Good news. I like myself too. I hardly feel a thing when I rip somebody a new ass.

ME: "I said, zombies, where going to EAT her not that she is one. She appears love and light- thats where she is deceiving herself and thus others! I can admit and take accountability that im a bitch- they wont!

u have to allow and let others have freedom of speech and NOT choose to nit pick every word and read it as the energy of haughtiness. it is not and they refuse to hear me say it wasnt written that way- but they want to stay in the BSG and fear mode with their own shadows. They can do that but im walking away and I aint about to take on what is their responsibility to clean up. Im dealing with me and now having FUN. Their sticks in the mud and would rather remain so and project on me. 

Eye liked Erin stark too... until she treated me like shit when i did not do so to her and im sorry it triggered her that EYE LEARNED AND HAVE GROWN to the point medication is not required and eye am perfect as eye am without them... they imo suppress and suffocate the soul! They want to keep relying on a crutch that’s their choice but being blunt about that aint my fault they perceive me as the meany head. Cry me a river

If i loose other friends because of this so be it- they arent vibrating at the same frequency and thats fine but ill part my ways and they can do the same if they choose. Doors open for anyone to come and go but this time they arent coming to trash my house just to leave and blame me for" 

Carrie Wagner 
I didn’t realize all this. Sounds kind of difficult. It makes us more powerful when we push against the grain. I’ve dealt in rejection my entire life and I’m grateful to it now. If I hadn’t had it idk if I could accept my crown. We earn every bit of power we have. And we just keep getting more powerful. It’s good you’ve healed. You heal so many others by all the work you’ve done.

 ME: "thank u so much for Seeing this Carrie and sticking around to witness it and not just jumping to the conclusion that Eye Am not light and love because i allow my emotional constipation leave my body! Eye cry when i do this work and if they allow themselves to put their ego and inner child or past failures aside to let me shine my light where it needs it the most- then they would be able to feel the Love of Christ our Divine Mother And Divine Father and find peace within. All these ppl are doing is mirroring their pain and trying to profile me by their own inner discord. I know where Eye am at- and they want to tell me how it is but i stand in my own truth that defies their own. That scares people. As i step into my true light power and gifts and Eye am

They abuse themselves and see me as the abuser. Eye see the HIGHER perspective and timeline. Their Eye is not open. Eye am Quantum not linear! Eye am the Goddess. The other woman wont face that her small self is speaking and seeing with the two eyes... not her Eye am and Eye. Yours is opening since you are letting me even attempt to describe why i effect my surroundings and trigger peoples and they will paint in the light as something ‘nasty’. I am not and my reputation is important to me and that is showing up with FULL AUTHENTICITY and breaking the confines of the BLAME SHAME GUILT AND FEAR victim consciousness. Its a battlefield with the mind we are going to face!

I live in the essence of Ohanah 

I dont expect to be honored anymore- my hell was what it was and i know Eye am that Eye am. Eye honor mySelf. The beautiful and the ugly. 

My DM helps DMs and Eye as a DF assist DFs on emotional levels. Eye am here to raise my sword to cut away these emotional hooks! I dont want to block them... they block me with their shield instead. Were shattering mirrors with the sword of truth and presence and tuning the collective to sing as a choir in harmony. Eye reflect where their rhythm is not in synch. Eye assist body mind and soul wholeness! Kymberly is just a vessel and has her small self-personality and is being tuned just as equally as the rest- she just has an allowance for Me to spread the Holy Fire and Spirit to them! She will always extend me allowance to cool them down if they give allowance to receive it. You will see the reflection that you are feeding into the most. That reflection is not Kymberly when Eye am invoked. Very often Kymberly is too nice and ignores and she puts the disease of others into her own body and takes them as her own. Begins to identify to it- Eye am teaching her how to protect from this type of self-abuse and hatred- to BE unconditional love toward self above all and in allowing change to occur and open space to not resist the necessary ebb and flow. Eye am encouraging her to challenge all of her own beliefs and perceptions she processes and always be open to higher ones which only if in allowance can they be received for they are whispers! All else is just monkey noise in the mind! They are being monkeys. Dancing around all oooh eee ooo ah aha ting tang walla walla bing bang
MINDLESS of their DIVINE PERFECTION even as a primate rabid and all! 

Im a warrioress willing to go to battle WITH someone... not against them. But most of them raise their sword at me seeing me as an Enemy and thus i must raise both my shield and sword in battle! Until they can see their own demon and realize its a reflection off my armor- they wont truly be ready to do battlefield with their minds and achieve Trinity Alignment. Until this point I refuse to engage and i will not fight till the death because it is Eye who will win and Eye do not wish to throw a baby ray off the cliff before its had a chance to learn to fly! i will return to sender 10fold what they projected and i have every right to release emotional constipation they transferred energetically to me. Its NOT MINE. And people are really beginning to see HOW UGLY THEY REALLY ARE AND HOW THERE IS A TRUMP IN ALL OF US! We must face that within! Stop focusing externally! 

ALL THEY CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT IS do emotional alchemy and true ‘shadow’ work which ive been learning to help others and myself the last 6 years! In the new paradigm I essentially I just graduated and ‘got a promotion’-earned my ‘doctorate’ and im ready to step out and synergistically expand with others! It is not based on hierarchy or arrogance or all the crap they are throwing at me. I check in with Myself. I learn just as much about my Eye am as they seek to discover their Eye Am and together we grow in a harmonious fashion ever learning and gaining greater knowledge and wisdom and ways to be unconditional love! 

Those who resist in this way and me putting on public display is to SHOW exactly where these emotional or egotistical splits start! Until both parties see this and take accountability Eye cant move forward in expansion for Eye can expand beyond limitations and this frightens them rather than seeing that what Eye am is within them also!

Eye am is the conductor of my actions right now. Sometimes the TRUMP card has to be thrown out for all to ‘See’ what truly has become of us all. The beast is out... it is not just up to Kymberly alone to learn to tame it so it doesnt feel like its being attacked when it is just being what The Divine created it to be in its Divine Perfection! There is no right or wrongness of the dark ugly or BITCH! Cruwella DaVille (cruel devil) taught us what!? Without her what the heck would you have learned in the fairytale!?

Eye do not have to be the devil. My Angel would rather engage. All focus on the Devil. Eye am here to help show them how to save themselves but i am not going to save them directly!"

They loved this and didn't respond anymore

Malachi Kaiser 

Trinity Kay Kula do not give up on your journey do not let anybody steer you and convince you of false things.

"Heed naught the wisdom of the fool for the fool is destined to die"

Vera Vanessa Saveljev I like Erin Stark she's rad. Period.

ME: "Yes Eye agree when she allows her Eye Am self to shine- she is in truth. But we must all shatter that glass roof that doesnt allow us to see a new perspective

Vera Vanessa Saveljev 

Holding space for people is precious.

Me: "That''s why Eye am here and im not perfect but Eye am trying to show them to love their ugly. It HURTS ME having to mirror the ugly when i wont take it on as my own dis-ease. Im a nurturer. My reflection is that they are not nurturing their selves the way their soul desires

Vera Vanessa Saveljev 

This all seems so complicated to me...💛

ME: "it Is a very complicated process and one very hard to explain to people because it involves quantum entanglement. It’s impossible to try to even talk about without offending people"

Vera Vanessa Saveljev No. No offense around here.

This post is in regards to those that are. It keeps happening so im using facebook as my chemistry lab right now. "Eye love you! For letting me"

Vera Vanessa Saveljev I thank you for a greater understanding.

Trinity Kay Kula That is all Eye am looking to be received as Eye grow to learn to understand from the Eye Am

VERA was also present on the TF post commenting to Erin

"AWESOME...YAY... hey i posted this under something someplace on your page. Im Venus in Sagittarius, your Mars in Virgo... your Venus. High Five! and yeah I won't even speak to my 'twin flame'. "

I had commented "It is a true journey of caring about yourself, many can't leave the ego barrier so its control and chaos and 3D paradigm. We expand beyond that-see ourselves as true mirrors. What we can't stand to face in one another challenges us to face the shadow within ourselves." Vera had briefly before spoken about force and twin flames and I responded to her "Forcing is no bueno! when one is ready for the true love they will appear and they will challenge you until you love yourself like no one else exists in the world but you." 

she kindly responded "And I may have found this love! I still have fear... he understands me well, i totally adore him!" I loved her comment and moved on and added her as a which she accepted the invitation. (Gotta love that when one door closes another opens!) 

NOW LET ME NOTE THAT THIS WOMAN 'LOVED' my "eye love you sister" energy... and Rosie back on the TF post when we had this following conversation and i ended with "Eye Love you SiStar"... she didn't like love or respond what so ever. *RED FLAG #2*

I had told Erin Stark that my Twin and I do allow individualism in our Dynamic. Not Co-Dependency or control. we make sure of it. I had responded to Rosie on her experience about twin flames not being able to move past a specific barrier.

"Yes Rosie these dynamics can hit that block! and I was just beginning to blog describing a TF pair I see this beginning to happen (who the day before I wrote about having a telepathic conversation with and this was after she had also BLOCKED me from speaking up with heartfelt concern). She wasn't happy when I brought it into the light. she blocked me and i wrote about her. My twin and I or rather i prefer Divine Partner or Counterpart- we challenge ourselves to shatter every block and go deep within each of ourselves and our experiences individually to see where we refuse to face our own demons and darkness. If he acts out-where is my inner child doing so; I help him see these barriers also. We have 'fights' but they arent really that. They are entanglements we unhook and it quantum leaps us to new stages! We always come back to love and remind one another to love ourselves first and foremost and any doubt blame shame or guilt either of us feel or have surface we do necessary Alchemy and Shadow work. Emotional Magnification" [which my blog is always speaking about if people actually read this thing. [hmm so many dont wish to expand... :(]

Rosie inquired
"why do you need another person to do all that?"

I replied to her that we don't but it helps accelerate the process of ascension and growth. We can't see by ourselves-not everything anyhow. One way you will see reflections and mirrors in everyone around you and you will have to do it regardless. Your Divine Counterpart or counselor or mentor and mirror... accelerate your growth if you choose that in this lifetime!"

She said "Yeah Fair enough"... yet there was this residual POISON and VENOM leaking off of her and I began protecting against her inner warefare since as an Empath EYE CAN feel it. I responded "Eye love you SiStar!" to no return of KIND and GENUINE ENERGY

She continues to talk crap with another woman named "Jennifer Suzanne" who hardly gave me even two seconds and claimed "TF 144k are the loudest ones. i had one trigger on a post of mine about for tonight. she blocked me"

I responded in like experience with "My best friend blocked me when I told her she is living out this dynamic and if she didn't realize that soon her TF relationship would fizzle out and be no more in a very short time. Rather I said she needed more education regarding the matter and she FLIPPED and blocked me"

The bitch saw that one but told Rosie to further put her into victim consciousness "Don't with this, it will get no where. Trust me"

And that is when she disappeared for "coffee". I guess thats what she consumes as a form of nurturer and she was desperately seeking it at the time.

Why would i try to continue nurturing said individuals and helping to expand with them... if they are just going to continue hurting me and saying all these cruel things!?

They treat me like shit so I VENT ON MY OWN FUCKING WALL... and people come to MY WALL and attack me. They also attack me on my review i left strait on her business wall with a 1 STAR because she blocked me! What the fuck did i say wrong that she couldn't compromise and find a middle perceptive!


Eye am a WITCH DOCTOR... and Eye have been writing about this for a few weeks now. No one wishes to See the Truth and Light EYE have been sharing... only fixating on all the negative... so I FOCUSED ON IT ATTEMPTING TO ALCHEMICALIZE IT... and now... Just literally picture the Divine Feminine shedding tears for how abused i have been by the collective for being courageous and strong to do this mutation for EVERYONE. and to SHARE it. Like any of you are actually sharing your TRUE story. I'm not sharing a pity party... I AM SHARING IT ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL. 

If you can't take the INITIATION BY FIRE all this requires... you will not receive the INITIATION OF WATER. so go read my actual posts and kindly fuck off

I will share instead my experiencing stepping OUT and taking my daughter to her dad's to carve some pumpkins around 6:30 tonight 10/22/2017. (will return later and write this up!) 

HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT...AND FIRE AWAY....come one "Fage's" - malachi's words haha. 

now there is a gosh damn single fly that will NOT PISS OFF... hmmm i wonder who this fly represents. my husband is on the prowl to swat it! YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES LEAVE ME ALONE. Face the fact the individuals I'm 'calling out' are actually being passive aggressive and sending me shit energy first... they are goading me and psychically attacking me for sharing my own experience and it triggered them. NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM. i will no longer tolerate this shit and Eye am SQUASHING THE SHIT TALKING HAPPENING ON MY PAGE. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE -REMOVE YOURSELF OR EYE WILL BRING THE GOD DAMN HAMMER DOWN ON ALL OF YOUR ASSES!


 think as you wish... if its negative about me... go fuck yourself. strait to the fucking HELL you are creating right now. Eye am sure your sweet little pixies you are defending are equally feeling the same toward me- and my Malachi and THEODORE are unsheathing their swords for battle. EYE WILL NOT ALLOW THE TYPE OF BATTLE THAT IS GOING ON HERE. ITS EXACTLY WHAT THE ELITES WANT... DIVIDE AND CONQUER... DO YOU NOT SEE HOW THEY ARE TRYING TO SEPARATELY YOU AND ME... there is no me... there is only WE.

Thank you my beloved warriors...but we need not DEFEND ourselves against those who CHOOSE NOT TO SEE! 

Now do not ever again return to my page and ATTACK ME! Eye have been here all along in AGREEMENT and was attacked first... EYE opened my heart and SHOWED MY TRUE SELF...and shared my story... WHY???!!! SO YOU COULD HAVE A FUCKING WAR OF THE GODS AND GODDESSES...



Eye do not need 'help' and Eye am not 'possessed'..."report" all your fucking wish...

want to know my inner 'issue'...wanna know my shadows and mirrors... how about ask me... dont attack me or assume me something evil.

mirrors of my mothers husbands and others who belittled me as a child telling me 'I'm not good enough'...telling me i'm 'a disease' or that 'I need help" and another even had the audacity to tell me that that "i am meaningless". I is meaningless all her babble sometimes yes it is... as was all of yours. Eye IS NOT... and to tell someone they are NOT a GODDESS... urgh...NONE OF WHAT WAS SPEWED TODAY IS TRUTH... and is why i allowed my mother to choose her newlywed husband  over me just as she did 10 years ago with her 2nd marriage (though this shouldnt have had to be a requirement)... and I walked away... will she get away without me sending her a letter of how much she hurt me in saying that i was a monster and my 'ugly' wasnt welcome. hell fucking no. Do Eye care if it hurts her... hell fucking no because its her pain I return to sender... Eye am moving on... and her hooks continue to snag on my scales. 

fuck all of you...hiding in your little glass fucking dollhouse realities. Eye will defend the worthwhile and none of you are showing that ANY OF WHAT YOU ARE PROJECTING... is fucking worthwhile... besides my two warriors. 

DON'T BLAME ME FOR THE POWERS BEYOND EVEN ME DECIDED TO RELEASE THE BEAST AND YOU GOT TO SEE HOW IT WAS FUCKING WARNED THROUGHOUT VARIOUS FILMS THROUGHOUT HISTORY! HOWS THAT FOR FUCKING STORY TIME 'bitches and assholes'... though Eye am seeing more Bitches being squirrels more so than the DM, and this is really really beginning ... as Eye displayed... beginning to cause problems. SO LETS FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP AND THEM THEM SPEAK TOO 


IT pisses me off further that these people would throw their poison onto me SO COLLECTIVELY and IGNORANTLY that a pretty long time friend of mine Simon Remiel saw me in such a negative light... KNOWING I AM NOT THIS! 

SO he blocked me also when I deflected his empathetic effect .

Simon Remiel 

"I see a ton of pointing fingers, shaming, blaming and bitching.. And during these shadow times you are doing the exact opposite of what any example of the Divine Feminine would do. 
Your posts kept being pushed on top of my feed. 

I distance myself from you for these very reasons because I am totally not resonating with this poisonous vibe and example that is being set by you. 

No more latching of my attention and intention. 


Trinity Kay Kula-  "To each their own beloved/"

Trinity Kay Kula- "There is a deeper Quantum reason why Eye appear at the top of your feed. What shadow are you running from!? Eye and kymberly will face it WITH you but i will no longer defend myself against you or them For what Eye am Divinely guided to do! If you must part then do so but please end the incessant projection

Simon Remiel 

"Look, projection is pushing your perspective on another...
And that's exactly what you have been doing for weeks now. 
Own it."

Trinity Kay Kula Eye - "I am asking them to own theirs- eye have and will continue to own my own. Energy that is stagnant needs to move

Al Ma
Al Ma you're fucking retarded, move your brain cells a little, how about that?? 10 hrs

*this bitch again? like WTF WHO ARE YOU!? GO AWAY FLY!*

Trinity Kay Kula-" the power of rice compels you 
[this is about the time i realized how much shit talking was being had on my page!... like way in the evening and i just got done writing my blog and got that tune and joke from a video... now its twice and long...!]


Break the Ice... Break THROUGH.... ICE BREAKERS... 'green screans and icy boosts'

"no dont get too close... you're chocolate and I'm a snack! If thats whats wrong i wanna be right... well hello...hi"

Simon Remiel Live up to your words. All of what has been said will come into effect.

Enjoy the seeds you've sown, and own them hard.
LikeShow more reactions · 2 · 15 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Eye am! 10 fold law now in effect for you also. With consciousness attached. See you in the astral
LikeShow more reactions · 15 hrs
Simon Remiel
Simon Remiel I have been living up to my own words for years now 😂 

Well played, thank you for enhancing it even more. 💚
Love · 1 · 15 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Likewise beloved
Like · 15 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula 10 fold love and Eye am consciousness returning
Like · 15 hrs
Simon Remiel
Simon Remiel Make it times infinite. 😘

They are forcing their perspective on me not me the other way around I simply express my own perspective in the way that I am joyfully doing so and they are having a problem with it and taking it as an attack. I am just saying my experience has to be theirs it is my own and im allowed it. I am not saying they are in the wrong for theirs but if mine triggers theirs they dont need to get snotty with me! Im just sick of it! I will help them through that block but i wont be projected upon! 

Boundaries. I wont tolorate victim consciousness or BSG aka FEAR to take the reins in me or the other party. I will squash it when that mask comes on to tango! I ‘can can’ only go the depth that they are letting me. I have an infinite depth if they allow. Their limits are not my own thus Eye see them and they wish not to receive the Eye Am that I am. So i removing myself from thats space- and I am doing my own thing with others and synchronistic expansion or hope there of and they are following me to my own wall where I have right to express and let go of my own emotional constipation they have transferred to me. My alchemy and written word act as a spell to burn and return their intention demon and energy back 10 fold with consciousness attached! 

My wall is an open diary in an open experience and open story. Eye am that also everywhere i travel my inner mastery will be a lighthouse! If people can’t handle the raw authenticity of it the doors open for them to leave but I am not going to dim my shine to tip toe around others victim consciousness!

Infinite indeed. Eye Am
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Returning with Love attached!!!
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Eye still Am with you even when you block me in the 3D

Trinity Kay Kula If you gaslight me Eye will show you how that game is really played
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 14 hrs
Al Ma
Al Ma God you're stupid, gaslightning has nothing to do with this but maybe your boyfriend is gaslightning you since you clicked on "11 signs of gaslightning in a relationship" 😂😂😂😂 too funny

 My wall is MY SPACE. And MY FACE... not my fucking mask. What i project is truth and Eye perform EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY 24/7 for my benefit and others. All monkeys throw their pooh at one another in a safe space knowing its JUST 💩! It stinks... it sucks balls to pick up and throw away when its done in public but then we stop acting as monkeys... allow our innate intelligence to nurture to turn on and we begin to groom the ticks and bugs that are causing our true annoyance

Brandy Eves This is very immature and flat out tacky and trashy. Bye!
LikeShow more reactions · 8 · 11 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson Can't handle the heat? Cool but don't dump your shade here neither. Just get out if ya can handle the fucking truth dumbass...

Dave Mathers No one is "forcing" anything upon you. You've ALLOWED yourself to become triggered by Erin Stark's choice of Self-Love/expression. If it doesn't resonate with you, just keep on keeping on. There's nothing to gain by throwing shade on another; we all have our own ways of doing things - that's what makes us silly humans mildly interesting. ;)

Brenda June Adams · 97 mutual friends
You forget we are mirrors here. What ever you feel from Erin is actually a reflection of yourself. I'm not here for your understanding of myself I'm here for your understanding of yourself. It's universal law. I hope you learn the lesson of yourself. Until then you will push your negative energy out into the world where it affects everyone. Erin is only a trigger to teach you.
HahaShow more reactions · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs
Brenda June Adams
Brenda June Adams · 97 mutual friends
Yes laughing at the truth is mature and also what I already knew you would do. Good luck to you I pray you get the healing you need and take care of your insecurities.

Trinity Kay Kula bwa hahahaha... okay... your insecurites are very clear on the surface . your epidermis is showing..maybe visit a bath house for detox and a nice body scrub then get a massage to deal with those TRIGGER POINTS? 

thanks for your unsolicited 'advice' and half truth... hope you enjoyed mine ...except its not a lie in any shape or form. 

Like · Reply · 4 mins · Edited
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula I laughed because you assumed i forgot the very thing I am screaming at them! and tried to tell them CIVILY but THEY REACTED! 

I laughed because you spoke the obvious and i was already DEALING with it. Eye learned 'my lesson' please speak to Erin for me since she blocked me and ask if she has equally? Unless you can do that then i think you should just shut up and move along and add your two cents where it might actually belong and you know what youre talking about because here you clearly do NOT and I don't need to play victim with you own lies and projections. go get some help. good luck i pray you get the healing you need and take care of your insecurities 10 fold. sending back with love consciousness attached 


Michelle Leeper · 10 mutual friends
You seem like a really nice person. And by nice I mean psychotic.
Love · Reply · 8 · 11 hrs
Dave Mathers
Dave Mathers I almost spit my coffee out!! 🤣
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson Can't handle the truth! Stupid cunt!
This is not the firsy time I see those who call themselves lightworkers pull shenanigans that trigger someone because of their hypocrisy. Fuck them they think their way is the supposed way or the "ideal". Coz surely blockimg someone means you're scared of something right. Well then keep proving us right with your immaturity and see where it takes you. In my opinion your conpressing your own sense of consideration and judge of character. #FuckOuttaHere
Love · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Michelle Leeper
Michelle Leeper · 10 mutual friends
You're woke AF BRAH!!!

Lisa Mikkelson You think you're so cool because you say EYE instead of I? I call phony.
Like · 5 · 11 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson You're a dick
Love · 1 · 11 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson In fact just for that one I'm blocking you too...

Malachi Kaiser Roflmao 😂 OMG! To think this thing is still on Fire wow people get offended way too easy. Seems it's all pity party bullshit where everyone gets triggered and feels sorry for themselves so let's all start a war over who's right and who's wrong or who's more deserving of the pain or who is deserving of blah blah or who did whst. Blame blame emotional Babel and nonsense. Point out the unity here? Where is there a people a family SOUL FAMILY wow like I'm not sure what's going on in the cosmos to incite this kind of stuff well it is Facebook afterall. LMAO just so funny that this post is still so active when at this point this sequence of events happened along time ago relitivly speaking but still a ghost of the past
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson They don't like people expressing themselves... #FuckThem
Love · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser I'm actually gullible to this kind of conflict I know the outside world is completely crazy but I don't usually expect supposed "light" workers or any awakened beings who hate expression? Like they talk about freedom but then when it comes down to achieving liberation people get scared and decide to caste their nasty bag of poop at those who they have deemed strong enough to handle. Are we not responsible for our own emotions? Accountability is a huge word. Like if I were to be cruel to someone then according to the law of equal exchange I will somewhere down the road receive cruelty back unto myself. So why then would I allow suppression of who I was fighting to become? In my opinion we all seriously need a hard reset and a jump start to these iceboxes we call hearts. As a HUMAN RACE were not going to make it much further in our current stste
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula

Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson I'm blocking some of these commenters coz they think they sound cool by being scared of the reality of the heat.... They're all cowards. Their behavior disgusts me too #FuckThem. Cunts

Malachi Kaiser All I know here is "attachment is the root to all suffering" how can we be free when mere words are sending us into a frenzy? 
The infinite mirror curse is doing a marvelous job creating a series of unfortunate events. 
In this circumstance tell me how anybody is flowing here? Name calling cruelty banishment finger pointing, gaslighting, bitching, bashing each other then there is the world full of ego centric self obsessed hypocritical two face backstabbers who take pride on being so hell-bent on demonizing and destroying one another. Whether for fame or for self recognition and perfection everybody is guilty of one thing and that is separating and dividing any piece of knowledge or omission of Truth for personal gain. We scream at each other for everything we give no quarter we give no mercy WE TAKE pride in putting each other to the Stake "BURN THE WITCH" like ARE WE NOT KIN HERE?

Al Ma
Al Ma omg you REEK of JEALOUSY Trinity Kay Kula

Theodore Ferguson You reek of stupidity. You proud of yourself moron...

Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser You look like a barbie! 🤣
Like · 9 hrs

Linde Griffis Erin Stark kicks ass! No need to be rude
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser Wow so much personality here. None of this is helping anything your just gonna get another burst of angry lmao I've learned with her it's good just to remain silent because even tho we all have shit to say we all have to get to that place on our own meaning NO inticement, NO judgment, NO Duality or being SARCASTIC. We all have the right to have an opinion but most of this is belittlement and ego revenge and everybody seems to just have to have 2 cents that has no true meaning; most of this is just to slander and bring harm out of spite. 
This is solving nothing you don't have to listen to me but it's freindly advice that.
Instead of exploiting each other's triggers WHY are we not helping each other GROW beyond the need for such outbursts?
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs · Edited
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula TY Theodore Ferguson haha my chipmunk in action for the Divine!!! haha... love you
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Kasara Haht
Kasara Haht · Friends with Nicole Marie and 177 others
Youre obviously insecure...Dont know wats going on inside you but I do not want it near me or my friends
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs · Edited
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson And calling someone on it doesn't come from a place insecurity? Evaluate your own statement fore you reserve yourself the right to judge realness being expressed from a genuine one! Why were none of y'all commenting when she wasn't purging...
Love · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser Insecure? as the one writing all the bullshit right? Aren't we special?

Malachi Kaiser Nobody cares about your friends the only ones who care are you and your friends it sounds like a personal problem

Kelly Datesman · 2 mutual friends
You trinity are a vicious Asshole close your mouth while you are at it. We will all be better off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha · Reply · 3 · 9 hrs
Hide 12 Replies
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser Vicious is sexy
Love · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Malachi Kaiser I love you my divine masculine
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser It's funny that you don't have the spine to just sit with this you feel the need to restrict expression
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser Hit me with your Best shot and fire away
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson Kelly you are a waste of typing space... Sit your Ozzy Osbourne looking ass down.. Shit you're a waste of cocaine too ol' dusty ass....
Haha · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula

My theodore shows up on time!

Witch Doctor - Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie Scene…
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Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula PARTAY
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula im the red... my husband Malachi Kaiser is blue and theodore is green
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Eye wrote about you Theo Eye love you
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes- We Are Family…
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Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula weeding out the ROBOTS
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson Don't have enough data get paid this week tho..
Love · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Trinity Kay Kula I’m as viscous as the bitches who wanted to be assholes to me first also . thanks for your opinion but it’s distorted and i will DEFLECT and make you face the reflect-TION
Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs · Edited
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula

Chipmunks & Chipettes - BAD ROMANCE Music Video | FOX…
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Perri Chase
Perri Chase It seems like you are giving this person way too much attention and energy.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula im actually not anymore but a lot of other people are :-P
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula a post is about to be presented that will squish this hell storm
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Theodore Ferguson
Theodore Ferguson Lolz! Fuck your opinion!
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Perri Chase
Perri Chase Theodore lolz

why are people still bitching
"'blah blah blah' kicks ass and is awesome, how dare you say so many 'mean' things!"
does it look like i give a shit? why the need to 'defend'...why care so fucking much about 'my opinion' come on my page and talk direct shit to me
are you being any more loving than me right now? fucking looks at your fucking planks before you judge the spec in my eye
EMOTIONAL MAGNIFICATION TIME... go fucking deal with your own shit just as i went and did so by myself today and sadly i had to come back to my facebook with people acting like baboons. if you're just going to project it onto me... all of you... the girls who are spreading lies about me... and wont face their own shadow and so Eye am mirroring that...and you all fail to understand the Alchemy and QUANTUM PHYSICS Eye am working with... and those minions of theirs now on my wall personally attacking me because they think im jealous or a bitch....
Eye have right to express my review of others freely... maybe they shouldnt be on SOCIAL MEDIA if they can't handle people who aren't worshipping them?! don't pretend to be something you are not. Eye am not sold and that is A THUMBS DOWN IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT!
think about that... im on here for me any everyone else can see the big ass FUCK YOU Im flashing... watch out for the shit you threw me...cuz it will be boomeranged right back at ya 10FOLD
Word Eye Am Word
And So it Is 
Blessed be
Do no harm, but take no shit. - exactly what Eye am doing. So feel free to delete yourselves and report me. Eye am doing nothing 'right' nor am i doing anything 'wrong' and i do not clockwork under your same fucking social working systems of conduct as you fucking ROBOTS. so kindly weed yourself out of my paradigm... THANK YOU FOR DOING IT SO EASILY FOR ME!
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula

Kelly Datesman · 2 mutual friends
You really are an asshole!
Haha · Reply · 3 · 7 hrs
Hide 13 Replies
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Why thank you; so are you! Hi- Eye love you asshole small personality self!
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Isn’t this the fun masquerade
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula It’s fun to listen to all the little piggies holding my phone up squealing whaaaa while im saying wheeee in glee not letting them effect me yet Eye effect you all so much you have to defend yourselves and leave me more harassing comments
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Kelly Datesman
Kelly Datesman · 2 mutual friends
Bigger and better than you will ever dream of being you not a light worker once again you are simply an asshole period
Haha · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Go you!
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula  ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟✨ on your forehead
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Kelly Datesman

Jonathan Thulin - Masquerade HD
All rights go to Dream Records…
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Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula Eye Do not label myself by anything so no I do not go by ‘light worker’ you may go by that I don’t know what your definition of that is but is not the definition I go by so yes you are correct but still your perception is skewed And I am neither right or wrong and you can call me an asshole all you want it it’s you who needs to face the asshole within yourself and stop projecting on me please thanks and bye
Love · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs · Edited
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula
No automatic alt text available.
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Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser
No automatic alt text available.
Love · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula You’re not helping assist to calm down typhoon 21 do you care about anyone but yourself to the Point that you will keep incessantly telling me I’m an asshole like it matters. Please focus your attention elsewhere and send energy toward who needs it the...See More
Like · Reply · 7 hrs · Edited
Malachi Kaiser
Malachi Kaiser Kelly Datesman I honestly can't understand why you feel the need to continue engaging and calling Trinity Kay Kula an asshole is by far the lamest attempt to give advice. At this point I think she knows she's an asshole the fact you act is if she gives...See More
Love · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Trinity Kay Kula
Trinity Kay Kula FIRE AWAY
Image may contain: text

Hello my 15 year old self... Let's heal what traumatized us so long ago so we don't repeat this cycle again
Eye am .
Number 15 is a blend of the vibrations of the number 1 and number 5. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, activity and assertiveness, tenacity, achievement and success. Number 5 resonates with the attributes of making life choices and important changes, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation, and idealism. Number 5 also relates to doing things your own way. Number 15 tells of independence, sensitivity, creativity, teaching others, and the energy of love.
Angel Number 15 is a message from your angels that your ideas and thoughts are prompting you to make some much needed changes in your life. Your angels are encouraging and guiding you to make positive life choices and are supporting you through these transitions. Have no fear about making these major life changes as in the long-term they will prove to be of great benefit to you and others. You will be ridding yourself of old restraints and constraints and will be making room for ‘new’ to enter your life.
Angel Number 15 is a message to keep your thoughts and actions focused upon your goals and aspirations in order to manifest your highest ideals. Use positive affirmations and visualizations in order to keep your outlook bright and receptive.
Angel Number 15 is also a message to use your initiative and personal tenacity when making choices that concern your own wellbeing and life path as only you know your true heart’s desires. You have the inner-wisdom, talents, and abilities to achieve all that you strive to.
Number 6 is related to the vibrations and energies of unconditional love, balance and harmony, home and family, domesticity, parenthood, guardianship, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, nurturing, care, empathy and sympathy, self-sacrifice, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, honesty and integrity, adjustment, stability, poise, protection, firmness, healing, idealism, just and justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, solution-finding, problem-solving, seeing clearly, teaching, convention, curiosity, peace and peacefulness, circulation, grace and dignity, simplicity, reliability, material needs and economy, providing and provision, agriculture and growth, musical talent. Number 6 relates to problem-solving and signifies the need for stability in all aspects of your life.
Angel Number 6 brings a message from the angels to keep a balance between your material goals and aspirations, and your spiritual, inner-self. Respect yourself and others by taking responsibility for your own life and be honest and fair in all of your dealings. Be grateful for what you have already, as an attitude of gratitude encourages further positive abundance into your life.
When the Angel Number 6 appears it tells of the ability to use the intellect to bring about positive outcomes in your life. Be open to angelic signs and signals, maintain a positive attitude, and trust that opportunities will present themselves that will allow you to meet your material and financial needs. Trust that all will be provided for as you take care of and serve yourself and others, and as you pursue your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
all the 15s... 6... means im finding balance and harmony amidst all this chaos im reliving before truly stepping into the new paradigm i get to consciously choose this lifetime. Eye feel bless for this experience. Everyone hates me... but that mean's I'm doing my job right. A mother has patience with her tantrumus children. no more blame shame guilt and fear... let it go...let that emotional constipation free. Eye am glad Eye am here to provide such a space.
those who fear 666... Eye am not in your paradigm
God and Goddess Bless All

MY IMMORTAL EVANESCENCE (ANOTHER BAND I have loved since guess what...2015!!!!

EYE AM HEALING not just when I was 15 or a teenager but also all the emotional splits in 2015 that partook in my reality and now need atonement. Eye am present...waiting for others to be. 

I sang Beauty And The Beast when I was in high school... little after the age of 15. 

commercial on showed up while watching the Beauty And The Beast Scenes 

Eye am a Purple-violet flame. 

My husband also told me tonight I remind him of the Dresser in this movie... which is why i started watching videos anyways. BWA HA HA... him and I always 8 around to BEAUTY and the BEAST. EYE am the BEAUTY and he is the BEAST! muah 


Here are the DARK SIDE of Disney


SNOW WHITE is coming in strong today though 😃 and Belle! She was 14 in her movie... THE THEME IS TO CLEAR OUR TEENAGE TRAUMAS... INNER CHILD...ALL AGES! NO MORE PAIN ATTACHED TO THE MEMORY! 

Commercials even have Divine Messages... I have been suffering from an outbreak of Eczema 

Conoco (rest stop like 711) is sending messages too... "ugh they are so distracted... they can't hear a thing... they need nature" 'your car/Eye Am knows'

'what if everyone could make everything matter'


there are so many storms SHOWING GAIA is changing... 12 years and most of our land will be lost to us. Atlantis is truly sinking for good (California). It seems all of this created a TYPHONE with all this. WATER WORLD IS COMING! 

Want TYPHONE #21 (3... TRINITY... BEGAN YESTERDAY) TO STOP; THEN STOP ATTACKING ME IGNORANT FOOLS OR GAIA WONT RELENT! Eye do not wish to hurt anymore from Humanity’s Ignorance! The pain has created a COSMIC TYPHONE!!!
Help calm this storm down. Help calm me down. Eye need the True Hearts to band together

Eye am crying for help Im about to obliterate Japan! Obviously you have been feeling the HEAT or COLD of my ferocious winds the last few days!

Go ahead people like Kelly Datesman can keep calling me a fucking ASSHOLE...they will just kill more people with their ignorance! ... Fuck Kelly's BTW I'm saying that now. Well not All for I know one know's pretty cool... but Kelly's like this... fuck them. 

When I was in 4th Grade we where all playing a game of cops and robbers. I was running around and was honestly getting bored and thinking of tagging out of the game. I had come to this decision right before a boy who was role playing as a Cop... I was a robber... had told me to freeze and when i didn't he began to chase me. I didn't like this chase much and like I said i was already worn out. So i looked at him and put my hands up in a T and said "im done!" ... he got PISSED at me.. 


Say what? I can't do what??? who the fuck are you to tell me the rules of the game... I was aware i could TAG OUT anytime i fucking damn well pleased. 

I told this boy to bug off and leave me alone but he chose instead to continue following me and harassing me until the point I was literally sitting in a corner by the door waiting for the bell to ring to go to class. Honestly BEGGING the universe to make it do so because this boy began blatantly screaming how WRONG i was in my ear and i screamed at him to GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!... he refused. Im in tears by now cradling myself while hes shoving me and kicking me against the brick wall... I look up and see a girl that i thought was my friend... who i looked up to and I loved her voice in choir and I truly just wanted to be her friend... but she was "popular" and "i wasnt"... I screamed to her to help me... she stared at me like a dear in headlights and then ran away saying nothing nor doing anything to help me. Everything after that is a blur but basically I had reported it or someone had reported it to the principal and this boy was reprimanded - suspended for a week and forced to write me an apology letter to me. I had been given a TY Beanie Babie of an otter recently for my birthday and had it for show and tell on my desk shortly after that... it went missing and someone had stolen it from me. It was a prized gift of mine. Eye didnt understand and it was beyond me why people had to push me to such lengths...why they had to be so cruel and see me as an easy individual to prey upon and walk all over

I soon grew up now to Know what and Who Eye am... and no longer will people corner me into a brick wall and fucking shove me against it again. NO WAY NO FUCKING HOW... I am so strong I will punch that fucking brick wall and throw the fucking bricks at you to see HOW BAD THAT FUCKING FEELS


Don't lecture me about mirror work. Don't fucking lecture me how i need to see the reflection here. EYE FUCKING SEE IT... AND EYE DONT DESERVE IT ANY LONGER. I didn't start this fucking domino effect... if you all want to continue fucking take it up with Erin... Rosie... and numerous other CUNTS who wanted to gang rape me with IGNORANCE. 


This is my white flag

Drop your shit and focus on FORGIVENESS


You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use

And did you think this fool could never win?
Well look at me, I'm coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah

Once I never could hope to win
You starting down the road leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah



"This fall we want to introduce you to women just like you—ready for anything and willing to defy whatever comes her way. "We’ve partnered with * eight * bold, confident females that each live to defy obstacles, the word ‘no’, and limitations."


I followed my heart into the fire
Got burned, got broken down by desire
I tried, I tried but the smoke in my eyes
Left me blurry, blurry and blind
I picked all the pieces up off the ground
I've burned all my fingers but that's gone now
Got the glue in my hands and stickin' to the plan
Stickin' to the plan that says "I can"
Do anything at all
I can do anything at all
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
Gonna let it all up
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see, it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free
I was a girl caught under your thumb
But my star's gonna shine brighter than your sun
And I will reach so high, shoot so far
Gonna hit, gonna hit, hit every target
It counts this time
I will make it count this time
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
I'm gonna let it all up
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see, it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free [x3]
This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
I'm gonna let it all up
Come on and say right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello
Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see, it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free [x5]


COMMERCIAL "OS Evolution of smooth"
"Reinventing THE SPHERE of softness"