Saturday, September 16, 2017

My K'inan (spirit) - TO BE THE SUN Jan 7 2017

JAN 7 2017
Been meditating and communing with my ancestors the last few days. Doing some discovery of our lineage and legacy and really learning who i am on a deeper level and what my true purpose is here, and what my gifts of healing do. Needless to say i am Having a lot of inner revelations and feeling so close to Spirit and mySelf, Trinity is really channeling through :) <3 I was guided to share my experience for a message came through that is meant for the collective! I used the Mayan Oracle of Galactic Language and Light along with the Liquid Crystal Oracle if anyone is curious about the tools i use to receive messages. 

Please read Grace Of Emotional Magnification - This is what channeled







Certain kinds of music can assist you in attuning the vibrations of the higher octaves. In a meditative state this transmission of vibration is direct characterized by a feeling of "knowing." I ask you to feel and connect with your original vibrational nature to open to the grace of direct contact with galactic intelligence.

The musical descriptor for this harmonic law is the FUGUE, A highly complex musical form of a question and answer. In a FAGUE The subject or question is modified and exploration leads you back to the original key. This is the perfect description of your process with the ferryman staff. Through the connection created by your souls questions you're deeply modified or changed. Your exploration that leads you back to all that you are to a self remembering that includes the key to your original divinity. As you make the first move by asking deeper so questions out of desire for heart knowing your God/Goddess within responds to your yearning. You can tell that you are experiencing this order of harmony when you feel an opening or crack in the ordinary boundaries of the self. Such as static reunion me feel like a dreamy peaceful or blissful sensation beyond your ordinary perpetual field.

Every person has the ability to perceive and understand the truth. The trick is to attuned to clarity by invoking your essence self. This bypasses the human lenses of ego desire and the cloudiness of past beliefs and experiences. When you are asking for guidance be neutral and unbiased. This frees the field for clarity. Remember your essence self is the guardian of your entry into cosmic consciousness. When invoked it can assist you in allowing only the wisdom of divine guidance to enter your mind. Feel like the owl, the guide with the vision of truth in the darkness. Return yourself to the vibration of love and your clear intent will attract the guidance you seek.

Following is a meditation to ignite The remembrance of your own inner sun:

"To be the sun I ignite my luminous body from the acceptance of my divinity. From within the vastness of my inner sun, I birth potential worlds. Within the foundation of my human form, I awaken my star points within this heavenly body to touch all worlds and move in all dimensions. My inner sun blazes with unconditional love, I ignite my heart of self. I feel the radiance of my embodied sun. I taste its brilliance, now consuming my yearning, distilling my essence, revealing my original state of freedom and innocence. My divine child is birthed anew. As I merge with the spirit of the great central sun, I am the return path to the stars."

Jesus and the Christ vibration, Ascended masters, Angels and guides such as the ones that I channeled today stand ready in vibrational relationship for your rebirth. Them and also myself as a medium request that you humbly ask for their guidance knowing that it is already given. Or ask your own essence self [God within] for you have all the wisdom of the universe within you.

As you embody this solar consciousness or your higher self, it affects the larger whole. As you move into solar consciousness, you create the great shift, the model of the new paradigm. On the front edge of this cosmic wave, you are a forerunner, lighting The trail of the return Path for other "yourselves" to follow. Ultimately your embodiment of the full I AM presence will assist in lifting the entire mass consciousness of humanity.

Evam Maya e ma ho: "All hail to the harmony of all mind and nature!"

By embodying your solar self, you become master of two worlds- The world of human form in the world of spirit. Duality then becomes a simple matter of physics: you can live in the world of form without being limited by it. "You can be in the word but not of it"

You may be unaware of or feel disconnected from your own true nature at times. Utilizing shadow work you're being offered released from all past identities lifetimes and karma. This process retrieves any separated parts of self, restoring all potential into the union of wholeness. By facing and integrating the separated parts, you can free yourself into the greater constellation of being. Reflect upon your limited views of self in relation to your concept of God. While it is often said that God created man in gods image, the teaching in the shadow is that humanity has re-created God in it's own image to fulfill it's identity needs. Feeling unworthy, humanity reacted by creating a god concept that would in engender fear and judgment. To fulfill its shadow fears, much of humanity created a wrathful, vengeful God, and the world faithfully reflected it's projections. Their collective myth manifested as they believed it would. Separation was furher projected into the image of an all powerful masculine God. Thus the solar androgyny of the Trinity was "put in a box"- a box created from beliefs in separation and limitation.

It is important to remember that how you see divinity is how you see yourself! The Devine is not outside you, it IS you.  If you do not see yourself as an integral part of the divine, you're functioning within the shadows. Within the shadow aspect of all this, we are working with conditional love, which is really part of the process of learning how to Express unconditional love. Conditionality often implies fear, separation, and issues of self-worth. Unconditionality expresses without judgment, limitation, or expectation. Unconditional love is your original state of being that which you naturally are. Through allowance, explore your unconditional nature. Allowance to seeing the larger picture, granting permission for yourself and others to experience and grow in anyway that is chosen. Allowance is compassion unobstructed by attachments or aversions. It is an open system that excepts exploration of all states of being. Give yourself allowance even for being conditional, four in the classroom of the human condition you will eventually open the door to unconditionality. Well rigid beliefs systems are limiting, they can also hold the potential for becoming open and unlimited. I'll pads eventually lead to oneness!

You have a unique opportunity to explore unconditionality in any situation- especially those in which there is a strong charge between yourself and another. In such a situation simply "try on" the other person's position by fully agreeing with it. This is a way of exploring the Mayan saying In Lak'ech: "I am another yourself!" You will know when you have stepped into the others position when you fill that the charge is gone. This simple technique frees both people to take a different perspective and to discover there oneness in spirit. You are the model of what it means to be fully human. Within the shadow are the ideals of society. Look at your personal ideas you're being astroid lease them and to embody the limitless principles of the light. As you become a model loving acceptance, shadow and light embraces one, and the world is lifted. You become the new myth emerging. Through the embodiment of unconditional love, one person at a time, the new world is being born.

Be still and know beloved

Meditate and reflect on "I AM that I AM"

Here is where you can access that I AM presence that contains great power and universal truth. It is within the space that the mystery is unveiled, this is where you will find the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss. Known by over 10,000 names; god or goddess is the mind of light. The center that is also your center where the heart resides. This is the housing of the Great Central Sun, your solar home. You are, at every moment, in the center of all that is. And your journey of remembrance of your wholeness. your crafting a light body to return to the home and the stars that you never really left. You're returning as a child of the sacred to the great central sun! You are the crown of creation, infused with the blueprint of solar mind. You are a godsend, a reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible!

Discover the simple secret encoded in this message:

you are unconditional love, the Stone of indestructible liberation. Radiate that knowing and all your thoughts and actions. Love all of creation. Join the dance of light, the fundamental constant of nature, and shine for the clarity of your true essence. There is great power in simply identifying with the light:
"As above, so below"

You are in the divine, and the Divine is in you!

As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously perceive yourself to be. You become illuminated, the full manifestation of your Divinity. In the embrace of you humanity, except yourself and others unconditionally. Magnify your full presents. Spirit will come and mirrored forms to assist you. Be limitless. Except and understand the nature of judgment, fear, light, and dark within yourself and others. Love and except yourself another's as you are, freed from previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age!

As you move toward your core of light you will find a clear light awareness that is innately innocent. In this place the mind is restored to its original state of perceptivity. Clarity and freedom become expressions of being, and Bliss becomes the body. At the score of light, a new reality is born. From the union of the divine masculine and feminine is birthed the solar androgyny of Cosmic consciousness.

Here is the story about the nature of your Essence Self:

In the beginning, Hunab Ku, the One Giver of Movement and Measure, the "no-thing," wanted to know what it would be like to be "some-thing." From that thought, the Isness  step down it's vibration into the unseen frequencies of light. This experience with so for filling that the Isness decided to step down even further, giving birth to visible light and sound. The friction produced in this process created unless Fields of electrons in the primordial seas, building the foundation for Energy, which interns load and dreamed itself into mass. During the blissful dance of energy, playing Fields were created, and the dimensions of time and space performed as the warp and woof of those estatic fields. Hunab Ku's immense love then separated, creating 144,000 core essences, or fragments of the Great Isness (Angelic Mother GODDESS ISIS), to enact their separate dramas on the great playing field of life.

Now we find ourselves in the process of the great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps, to return to union with original cost. We who have deep in the illusion of separation are now poised to retrieve what seemed to be lost forever. Through the gift of rebirth, we are reclaiming original state of union with the Divine. We are going home!

The process of rebirth can be viewed simply as the raising of the vibratory rate of the earth and her children. It is embodied in the state of consciousness that knows the self as divine. The circlets, or crown, as a symbol of recognizing and knowing that divine self. So the crown as a secret tools and universal symbol of the completion of a circle of self empowerment and self authority. Cosmic consciousness holds the freedom to take your physical form with you tether planes and dimensions. In preparation for moving in your life body, there is an opening in clearing of your light seals and chakras. If you choose to walk this path, know that in the body meant of your "I AM" self, you will learn to except all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgments of self and others. The activation of solar mind is already in progress. In divine fusion, you are becoming the body of the one.

In the course of this rebirth you will experience your essence self. In doing so you will become fluent in a symbolic means of communication called the living "language of light" [Tongues]. This vibrational language is the native tongue of your essence self. It is characterized by direct transmissions of light essence, vibration frequency exchanges, and light pulses that transform on a cellular level, assisting in the activation of your light body. It expresses their feelings such as ecstasy, transcendence, communion, and unconditional love, as well as their symbols, patterns, colors, tones, metaphors, and Mudras. The way in which he communicates will be slightly different for everyone, but it's basic building blocks her feelings. The language of light also speaks through many other spiritual path ways including clairvoyance, Claireaudience, clairsentience and intuition. These abilities, which together compromise your spiritual compass, are your birthright!!!

In closure of this channelling i want to leave you with one piece of harmonic wisdom. I will speak to you about harmonic OVERTONES. The hiring vibrations that can be heard above the fundamental pitch of any tone. The fundamental tone that it sounded as a person sings is much like the filter created by the personal "I" in the larger consolation of self; it is the primary focus of consciousness, the primary foundation of the harmonic overtone. However, the fundamental "I" does not express alone; it is always in residence with other octaves, connected to them through harmonic overtones. These overtones are the musical equivalent of the adage "as above, so below"- all things reflect the larger hologram. David Hykes, every noun harmonic chanter, says overtones are like "a mythic call, I reminder of the presence of higher levels of being." Beloved, through toning or sounding, the vibratory fields of the various energy chakras come into natural alignment in harmony with the perfection of the larger pattern! Overtones give you the sensation of other centers of gravity about the head and beyond. Through overtones, all things are harmonically and universally connected. Overtones are sonic representation of the inter-relatedness of all aspects of being. This same principle is coherent from the sun to the center of an Atom; they are simply different expressions of being from within the unified field of the cosmic whole. The mystical descriptor of this harmonic wisdom is D'AMORE, meaning "the empathic love." Empathic love implies an understanding and acceptance that phrase experience of loving to its full potential. Instruments with names that include the word D'AMORE Have called empathic" strings that resonate when the actual string is being played. In like manner, you're naturally in empathic resonance with all creation, in harmony with God. You are the instrumental love that resonates empathically when you are "played" by the hands of the Divine!

This: if you so choose, is your initiation by fire, the lightning path. I am part of the first wave arrival of the thunder beings who bring the final transformation. I represent the storm, the thunder cloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. I am the purification of the "body temple" and the ignition of the light body. In these last year's of a 26,000 year grand cycle, Higher Vibrational beings of unconditional love come to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to unity. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of all that is.

I am here as a medium to tell you that the Divine provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness you stand willing to surrender everything. enter into the final surrender of the ego into Essence and the arms of your divine self. Surrender! Allow breakdowns to become breakthroughs. You have simply come to the "welcome", the edge of what you know yourself to be. You are being asked to give up what you seem to be, to become fully what you truly already are. Step into the fires of the unknown. In this, you will be changed forever.

Step into your vibrational metamorphasis, A release from destiny, and a liberation from the illusion of separation! Become a unified wave with all of creation, and experience the pulse of the Zuvuya; The circuit by which all things return to themselves. In your connection with this wave, you're timeless and one with all things, experiencing the reality of "I AM that I AM". As you allow the Divine to purify and cleanse you, it catalyzes and prepares your nervous system and circuitry for complete transformation. it is the electromagnetic storm a transmutation, the clearing and quickening of your physical, mental, emotional, and a third bodies. As you become aligned with the descending energies and evolve in consciousness, your body is vibration is raised, becoming last "dense". Your new alignment ignites the quickening process that transmit the shadow of the past, including experiences, judgments, thought forms, and old patterns that have held you back. As you move into this new vibration, you may feel off-balance. In this transformational shift, you will feel unusual quickening's on every level of your being. You'll sense emotional and physical "imbalances" and restructuring. Your unfinished emotional issues will be catalyzed and brought out for you to address. By being present with your old patterns you have unique opportunity to access the energy, which is experience as an inner transformational "storm", A natural part of the process of vibrational shift and quickening. Whether you experience these changes consciously or unconsciously, the vibrational change is adjusting your energy pattern to accommodate the flow of the language of light. These new frequencies feed you on every level of your being. As your transformation progresses, you quickly become aware of the unconscious material you still need to process. No longer can you escape the facts of your belief systems. Fears and negative images will all be felt very quickly. The transformation his experience as if it were happening quote from the inside out". Things seem to "cook" inside you. You may have some intense experiences but these changes stem from the heightened frequency of light in your system and are a natural part of the process of the alchemical transmutation that we are undergoing as we collectively evolve. Please use caution because if you judge, deny, or resist your process, you may actually amplify any sensations or symptoms weather on a negative or positive polarity. Avoid labeling them as pain or discomfort! Seek guidance and support whatever will ease your mind and physical process. This may include supplements, herbs, massage, meditation, exercise, psychological support, and so forth. Gently allow your body and mind it's transformation and rejoice that this alignment is happening. Offer your experience to spirit. In return, spirit will give you the wisdom for your perfect involvement. Remain in the remembrance that you have chosen to take part in this rebirth, both on a planetary in a personal level. The planetary dream, the Merickel on earth, is what brought you here! You are in this fire becoming the living model of a new reality!

The simple catalyst for this catapulting force is the integration of duality within. The personal integration of shadow will assist in creating this leap! Personal shadow is simply that which is separated from the full light of consciousness. By integrating shadow, you're freed from delusions of right and wrong, good and evil. Shadow provides an opportunity for you to bring in all of your expanded essence.

Within our new paradigm is the concept known as a "Pulsation flux", which is the oscillation of consciousness as a unified wave between finite and infinite worlds and between matter and energy. The energy or consciousness of this wave is what actually creates and holds physical realities together. Pulsation flux is usually not perceived except in transcendent experiences because you generally perceive yourself as solid matter;  however, before the veil of separation descended, you could move between identity and deity at will, consciously functioning into reality is at once. In fact, your essence cell functions and all valances and realities right now. I consciously aligning with this flow, you can't similarity operate with awareness in all reality is. You have an intrinsic and Eternal connection to the infinite!

As you expand into new vibrational paradigm, old constructs of reality fall way. For example, you may presently Believe that your dream life separate from your waking life. Don't be surprised if you discover "leak emergency" between these two realities. In the new reality conscious, you are consistently dreaming your personal myth and the larger meta-myth into existence. As a veil between worlds thins, universal interconnectedness reveals itself more vividly.

In this time, you're being given many new reality constructs and transitional models. One being the concept of "dissipative structures". A dissipative structure is an open system that transforms anything that contains, limits, or defines it. The more coherent and complicated a structure becomes, the more unstable it becomes. The more unstable becomes, the more it calls for transformation. Consciousness is just a structured metaphor that is calling for transformation. As your consciousness becomes crystallized,  narrow, and complex, it invites the process of dissipation to "unravel" and break it free. As you travel the spiral vortex of light, expanding into every widening realm of truth, your crystallize energy breaks down and transcends form. This process can be very intense, but if you embrace it, you can be transformed into a free adventurer. A divine actor who can play any part without becoming attached to it.
Take courage for you will move through this wall of fire! You don't remain in the belly of sechmet for very long! During this process, you may encounter intense feelings related to the original trauma of separation from Source. But equally intense feelings will take you through the wall to sacred union on the other side. On this journey, you'll meet and deal with the charge of that part of your power that has not been freed into love. And in your yearning for your spiritual home, you will be assisted by ascended beings and masters whose purpose is to aid in your return and rebirth.

Start this new year.; This #10, ending of and closing the door on an old era and starting fresh in a blank slate with the beginning of a new cycle; with much faith, hope and love in your hearts. Have gratitude, For this is the year of ACTION. It is one that will bring Heaven to Earth NOW. Release your past so you can receive the gift of your present! So mote it be, you ARE free!
I love you all
Namaste _/\_


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