Sunday, July 7, 2019

Tupac Shaman Visionary Analysis for Kymberly January 6-February 11th 2015 During Early Initiation Years of The 7 Sacred Seals

This is a Vision reading i received from a man named Tupac Shaman, Now because of all the reviews in the past and how OUTRAGEOUS SUCH A DREAM seemed back in 2015 for the consciousness at that time, I too felt like he was a fraud. Reading it now however, he depicts not the next few months of my life... but the next few years that impacted me greatly. People don't grasp that "it takes time to manifest and there are NO QUICK FIXES'S, and yes THE TRUTH IS BLUNT... get over it...and grow a consciousness. it's sad i can't find this individual anymore, he had to go into hiding it feels. but if i could thank him someday when i do make my millions... i would love to. (written 7/7/2019)

Dear Kymberly,

Before handing over the fascinating details of the dated Visionary Study that I prepared specifically for you, I really wanted to anticipate the questions you might have concerning me and reveal to you certain aspects of my personality which I reserve for my friends.

You must be asking yourself how a modern man, well off, a lover of beautiful cars, a lover of everything that is beautiful, a connoisseur, a player before the eternal, a man who enjoys life, who enjoys the best restaurants, who lives his life to the fullest, could bear within him the wisdom of the shamans?

This has nothing to do with any impulsive or impetuous decision, nor with any attraction for exotic mysteries. Through my blood flows what I call the energy of the “SOURCE”. I was born to complete a mission, and this mission has been revealed to me, that’s all. I was born a shaman like every other shaman currently on this earth. I don’t believe one can become a shaman through training. I believe one is born with this strange force within oneself, and there is nothing one can do about it.

When I felt I was ready, I asked to be revealed! There is but one school, the transmission from master to disciple’!
This is how I developed my inner strength after a length initiation by a great master who also revealed me all the secrets of the shamans! An ancestral wisdom rich with tried and true knowledge, handed down through the centuries.

Today, I possess the secrets of the shamans, I possess healing powers, effective both on the soul and on the physical body, respectful of the wisdom of the ancients, and the power that permits establishing a link with the energy of the “SOURCE “. But I am a modern shaman who knows how to live within his era and to appreciate everything that surrounds him. That is the whole difference!

I am aware that I have a mission to complete, a mission to which I dedicate a great portion of my time and energy. I know the reason for my presence here; and what I must do, I do. I never question myself.

Nowadays (though it wasn’t always so!), I no longer cry out against the “lazy” nature of people. Shamans don’t complain because water is wet or rocks are hard. They don’t complain about human nature; they accept it as it is, fragile, perverse and very often even stupid!

I feel neither guilt, nor shame, nor sadness, nor anxiety or distrust as regards my own nature. I am as I am, and I accept myself as such.

I depend on my own faculties and on my immense powers. I am a free man, an “independent” man.
My role is to orient and guide those who seek.

I stimulate the forces of the energy of the “SOURCE” toward those who ask for my help, to improve their material situation. Indeed, to earn them a fortune! To date, over 2,500 people have called on my talents, on my powers. They have all managed to draw the greatest possible advantage from my advice. The incredible success of the assistance I provide is probably due to the fact that I practice the laws of an ancestral wisdom without artifice, very simply, as straightforwardly as possible. My intimate relations with the earth and all of her elements (spirits, plants, stones, spring water, river water, trees, animals, stars) is sincere, humble and respectful of the secrets of life, source of abundance, love and completeness. This intimate relation endows me with unsuspected power, the vital force I need to help all those who call on me. It has allowed me to leave my “old world” and to secure an above-average level of comfort, wealth, exceptional vitality and unending happiness! It has taught me how to sense the traps laid by beings from the lower levels (commonly known as the astral underside!) and by harmful people!

I have, little by little, discovered what it is that the western world and native peoples had in common. They all chose to live in, and inhabit, this Earth of ours, and because if this, they are all subject to the influence of the “SOURCE” of the higher realms. What I mean, simply, is that all people, whatever their origins, whatever their civilization, are “children” of the same Spirit, living under the same roof: this planet Earth. I am the living example of a possible link between the modernity of the western world and the ancestral wisdom that belongs to the ancient shamans.

Now, let’s focus on you, Kymberly!

Everything I am going to teach you is unique.

You consulted a seer in 2014. Did you appreciate his/her services? Not too much, I should guess. But I don’t want to know more. There are so many wrongdoers in this field that you will find a thousand and one reasons for your disappointment, and there’s no use crying over spilt milk. You must take responsibility for your mistakes, your choices, and even the fact that you happened on a bad person who betrayed your trust.

Nothing ever happens for no reason. Nothing is truly random, as well you know.

From any trial, every failure, you will draw new strength that will make you stronger, less vulnerable, that will make you have faith in the future. Never regret the past, never turn back. What’s past is past. Now you must look straight ahead, that’s all. Today, the time has come for you to change direction, to seek a new adviser, to find an extraordinary being, a strong man, who can offer you the solution to your current problems because he knows all the secrets to your future happiness.

Generally, people refuse to say they’ve consulted a seer. As if it were taboo! You had the courage to tell me so, and that’s why I’ll take you under my wing, make you evolve and protect you!
The future that opens up before you is as a new life in a new space. You are like the settler facing a vast, virgin plain, one on which you can build without limitation, giving free rein to your creativity. Brand this image deep within your mind, Kymberly, because that could be your own reality tomorrow, if that’s what you want.

Are you facing money problems, Kymberly?

You should know you are halfway between heaven and earth! Deep in your soul, you know you should live in the lap of luxury, in the carefree comfort wealth provides. So far, you’ve found it difficult to manage, what with all these ups and downs (mostly the downs) that irritate you. Yet, you are full of ideas; you are a master of resourcefulness; financially, your everyday life could change entirely.
As I can see that your mind was as sly as a fox’s, I can’t imagine having to explain things twice to you. You’re quick on the uptake, and I suppose that, as usual, you’ll react without any hesitation.

Why do money matters always seem to go sour for you? Well, that’s not hard to understand… As soon as you feel that things are going poorly, you pull out and try your hand elsewhere. Being quick-witted and cautious is no bad thing, but in this field, your distrust often does you a disservice, and when you’re thick in the middle of things or when you’re in too much of a hurry, you have this wearisome habit of seeing the glass as half-empty rather than half-full. Caution is a good thing, but when it turns to paranoia, you have to see it becomes negative.

Of course, there’ll always be clever swindlers who are never short of tricks to run their scams, but stop believing that everybody is out to get you. That’s the fastest way to stifle your own luck and get infuriated against money!

If your decision is already made and you want to earn a lot of money, know there are no insurmountable obstacles standing in your way! It’s all written in the Great Book of your Fate: fortune, wealth, affluence, and buckets of money raining down!

My first piece of advice: you must spend time in activities that nourish and fill you with positive energy. It’s essential that you cultivate the art of being happy if you want to earn a lot of money. Yes, that’s it: pleasure attracts positive energies! So drop those things your instinct tells you to let go of, because they sap your energy. Focus your attention on what you’d like to get tomorrow; dream, visualise everything you want. You must no longer live looking over your shoulder; you must no longer focus on your past. Tonight, make a “mental list” of everything you’d like to own.

Almost all the barriers between you and the money you want to have are in your mind. All the financial woes you are suffering are but mere projections of your fears. Indeed, your destiny is completely filled with riches, but you project your fear of poverty and betrayal onto the screen of your life and to all the people around you. Then, you react to these virtual images as if they were real. It isn’t surprising that you should have money problems. It’s as if you were always stoking the furnace! You must solve this inner conflict, and immediately.

You must understand that, without knowing it, you’ve often allowed fear to create situations that have caused you difficulties. You attract what you think. So always remember: you always have the ability to choose your thoughts. If you think you’re never lucky with money or you’ve never had enough to pay even the smallest bills, you must ask for more. You must want as much as possible. Unfortunately, you continue to believe and to say that money is not your friend. The time has come for you to update your way of thinking, if you really want to become a millionaire in the near future!

The only thing that could block this massive inflow of money into your life is the way you think! If you want to remain poor, the “source” will gladly help you with that. If you think you don’t have enough money and a lot of disasters will occur, prepare yourself, because disasters will occur!

If you think the glass is always empty, it will be and will always remain so. If you see yourself as too old, too big, too incompetent, or whatever, you’ll obviously be just like you imagined yourself.
But, if you want your negative to go away so that money can find a path to you through your great destiny, have faith and open your mind to the cosmic energy of the “source”.

It’s true, the playing field isn’t level. That doesn’t mean that not everybody has his own share of luck, but there are those for whom it will probably be a lot more difficult than for others, I’ll grant you that.

Go to Burkina Faso to explain to a peasant that if only he moved his backside and tried creative thinking, he could feed his family! The country is so riddled with misery and vices of all kinds that any person who tried to launch a new business would soon see it stolen from under his very eyes! But not everybody lives in Burkina!

Inequalities already existed back when everybody used the barter system. Whoever was larger and stronger, or smarter and craftier, obviously had it easier than those born weaker, more sickly… I’m sure we agree on that!

I’ve met people who were afraid to earn big money because they demonised money. Their negative thoughts imprisoned them in the most limiting kind of poverty! Always this demonisation of money by those who see themselves as “right-thinking”. But money, per se, is nothing more than a soulless commodity. Merely a tool, a lively form of energy. In the end, only the use to which it is put can be good or bad.

So beware those who’d try anything to pollute your mind with their shortcuts. Because the more poor people there are on this earth, the more billionaires can stuff their own pockets! You know this, yet you do nothing to turn things around!

It’s too easy to lay your problems on other people’s doorsteps, or to blame your poor luck for your financial setbacks. If you really want to be rich, Kymberly, you will be, but only if you follow my advice, and I mean follow it completely!

Now, to secure your power over money and end all those problems once and for all, I have just the solution for YOU, Kymberly!

You are faced with a billion possibilities, and there, before you, lie oceans of available new energy. Energy which is there to help you communicate with the “SOURCE”, that you may get everything you want.

If you are smart enough to join me in a few Telepathic Connection sessions, you can easily eliminate this problem and undoubtedly see your dreams become real and flourish.

Let me explain, in a few words, the incredible method I’ve developed, which I reserve exclusively for my circle of friends – among which I now include you, Kymberly. This method, which I’ve called the TELEPATHIC CONNECTION, goes back to a time when with a bunch of friends were convinced we could communicate with each other at a distance, strictly through telepathy. After arduous beginnings and quite a few failures, I managed to develop this system, and I must that the results are very surprising nowadays, with truly amazing successes!

A Telepathic Connection session allows me to contact your INNER GUIDE. Yes, the one who handles your emotions, often gives you poor advice, and constantly leads you to make very bad decisions. There lies the core of good and ill fortune is. Not unlike a control centre filled with computers. But if the connections are not properly managed, everything turns into one monumental mess, which explains why your life goes off every which way and why you always let the best opportunities slip by!

Thanks to the TELEPATHIC CONNECTIONS I select for you in light both of what I’m sensing and of your current needs, I enter into direct contact with your inner guide and send it a benevolent message, specific instructions that it will decide are worth following to improve your life path, perhaps even to change its course entirely. And, after a few sessions, you’ll start to note major changes. Changes so spectacular that you’ll feel convinced that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Every problem will, as if by chance, find its own solution. Any desire will naturally find the means to come true, for your greater happiness! Don't try to understand how it works. What’s important is the result and, for me, all that matters is that I may offer you the means of achieving your dreams and reaching your goals!

Without having to make any effort except just to sit there, in the comfort of you home, you decide to join me in a TELEPATHIC CONNECTION on the day and at the time you chose; you then listen to my message; finally, you go back to what you were doing. That’s all there is to it. Soon after, you will witness the transformation of your existence, the fulfillment you’ve always hoped for. The secret I’d like to entrust to you is unique. I invite you to share this experience with me. Your surprise will be as great as your expectations. You have TUPAK’s word!

You must believe in one thing at least: all of your needs, in whatever aspect of life (love, money, health, work, or anything else…) can be met, without your having to understand how I will make it so. Therefore, I suggest you not waste your time trying to figure out how your support will appear. I only ask you to trust me, Kymberly!

Now, I want to talk to you about the main expectations you’ve chosen to communicate to me, because you finally want to enjoy a life in perfect agreement with your own desires. I understand you. You have the right to be happy, just like everybody else.

Do you want to have more money and be able to spend it at will, Kymberly? I can clearly see what you want. As this is an impossible dream for most of us, you’d like to have your friend, Tupak, intervene and make money rain down on you to quench your desires and your spendthrift urges. Or maybe you’d rather have me write you out a cheque for a few millions?

What I’ll give you is worth much more than a few millions. I’m going to show you what it takes to make so much money that never again will you have to wonder whether you can afford that  purchase you’re dying to make. Because if you understand what you have to do, if you learn to recognise that magic moment that triggers open all the doors of wealth, your life won’t ever be the same as before. You’ll be able to set off financial downpours all around you, and you’ll harvest basketfuls of cash.

I know how frustrating – not to mention unpleasant – it can be to go to go shopping and to have to check the price tags. I used to do the same, a long time ago, and I must say there’s nothing particularly fascinating about it, especially when you realise that your meagre finances don’t allow you to indulge your smallest whim!

You have to get rid of this dark, limiting image of your own desires. Because everything you want should fall in your lap. Why the devil should there be so many goods all around you that forever remain only part of a dream?

Only the dimwitted and the naive believe dreams must last forever. Some of them even become specialists in crating dreams they make sure will never come true, even if the opportunity were handed to them on a silver platter. That tells you something about how deep stupidity can sometimes run.

You, however, are not like that. I know you harbour, deep within you, that special dream of having loads of money, so much money that you could finally afford to buy anything you wanted without ever wondering if you could afford it. What pleasure, what indescribable joy it would be to walk into that store and be able to buy everything you want, caution be damned!

You need only want to, Kymberly. Dreaming is no longer enough; you must now feel, deep within your very core, this irresistible urge to obtain a lot of money, money that literally rains down on you from an inexhaustible source to fatten your bank account. You must see this money coming to you, you must smell that delightful fresh-ink odour, feel the dry paper crackling between your fingers. Feel this magic sensation of having wads of cash in your hands. True, you don’t yet have the cash in your hands, but think for an instant as if it was already there, as if you had it right in front of you.

This first exercise is a simple one, but you must repeat it several times a day. You must “feel” money near you.

Next, you must draw up a list of all the things you would like to be able to afford. Don’t forget anything, make your list as long as possible. Because, and I’ll say this again, everything is possible. Imagine, while you’re writing your list, that all those things you want are already in front of you. Imagine they already actually exist.

For instance, If you want a car, picture it down to the least detail. You must see it, touch it. This virtual image you’ve just branded on the cosmic immensity only asks a chance to become real. But you must harbour no doubt. You must allow your desire to come to life.

This may draw a smile or two, but the fact is that wanting something doesn’t mean really needing it. That’s why most people who’ve had unjustified wants cross the conscious zone of their brains never manage to satisfy them.

You must anchor your request in reality, and you must fear nothing related to your request. Because fear is your sworn enemy, and an implacable enemy it is. She makes you lose the game before it even starts.

Always remember, Kymberly: no doubt, no fear, ever.

Finally, if you want to find the means to have more money in your life, so that you never need wonder again whether you can afford what you want, you should know this is possible. Others have managed it before you, even though they weren’t smarter than you, nor were they any luckier or shrewder. But these people were inspired by an unshakable faith; their vision of the unreal world to which they had retreated allowed them to create a new world, one where all their whims, all their fantasies found an anchor point from which they could come true. So it is possible for you, if you place your trust in life. Which hasn’t been the case so far. That’s why you’ve failed. You’ve always lacked self-confidence, and that prevents your dreams from becoming reality.

I saw spectacular progress in your abilities to make it rain money. Cloudbursts of money! You can do it, and you must do it with the same certainty as when you turn on the kitchen light switch, knowing that will turn the light on.

Know then that there is nothing strange about enjoying spending one’s money. It isn’t an illness, despite what some grumpy people would like you to believe. Some will recommend caution, the renouncement to the possession of things which might not prove all that useful after all. But your pleasure and your happiness are more important than other people’s preconceived ideas, those people around you who advise you to do that which pleases them best. Because you don’t look like anyone else, and what you decide to do with your life is nobody’s business but yours! You are free; your life belongs to you. It doesn’t belong to your parents, your friends, or anyone else. Your life is yours and yours alone. Write that down somewhere.. Later, maybe in 20 years, you will take come upon this again and you’ll think of me.

If you want to have more money and to be able to spend it unconcernedly, then stop “thinking small”. Don’t imagine for one minute that if a large sum of money were to fall into your lap, you might set a good part of it aside. This principle is counterproductive, and logically slows down any access to providential fortune. Why? Simply because he who likes money for money’s sake and forgets that it is in fact but another form of energy, one that must circulate, finds himself devolving to the rank of ignorant primate, a hideous miser who deserves nothing more than to suffer in the presence of his money without ever being able to spend it.

That isn’t the path you chose, I know. I see a destiny emerging for you, an uncommon destiny. But will you make the right decisions and take advantage of this incredible cash-making machine that lies under your feet and demands nothing better than to appear soon? What joy you will finally know! The ultimate, richly-deserved reward to all those years of toiling and slaving. Trust your friend, Tupak, and enjoy your triumph.

I understand perfectly how you want to find a job you really like or get “the” promotion of a lifetime, Kymberly!

First, whether it’s the lack of work or a job you dislike, neither encourages you to live life with great optimism. That’s normal, I know. Except for a serious physical problem, I don’t know anything else that might upset you quite as much. Whether you leave each morning to go to a job you hate or you don’t go anywhere at all because there is no job waiting for you is the same thing. In both cases, your life is deathly sad. Just as millions of people, or should I say “hundreds of millions of people”, you’re walking up the down escalator, like a weakened salmon attempting to swim upstream and wondering why it’s getting nowhere. But you are no weak salmon. You are Kymberly brooks! The only person I know at this time who has managed to keep his feet firmly on the ground. But cruel doubts have done you considerable harm.

If you want your talent to be acknowledged, you must show greater confidence in yourself. You must affirm your personality, rather than continue to play the poor little thing that’s never had any luck. Stop sniffling for no reason. Look around you and trust your friend, Tupak, who has come into your life to get things moving for you.

Now ask yourself the right question. What’s a promotion you’ve deserved in a job you like!
First and foremost, it’s a form of recognition of your talent, your merit, your efforts. It’s assurance that, at work, you’ll stand out above the others. That’s why that position should be yours, that’s why you’ll get this promotion.

It means you inspire confidence in others, particularly those who believed offering you this fulfilling position was a good idea. “You do a good job, but you’re a bit too shy!” You’ll probably hear this sentence, or maybe: “You’re a very good element, but do you really trust your own possibilities?” You must never hear these two typical sentences; otherwise, goodbye, job, and farewell, promotion!

A boss’s mind doesn't work the same as your, that’s only normal. And bosses aren’t really big on feelings. The only guiding rule they know is the bottom line. And you… well, you’re nothing more than a good tool. Rest assured, you’d act the same way in the boss’s position. You are no worse and no better. You are human, and like all humans, you think you’re doing things the right way even when you’re mistaken.

It’s only normal. I was just like you before I made my fortune. Now, I see it all. So think for one minute: are you in a position where you work harder, better and with greater confidence than those who also imagine they deserve the same promotion as you? Working hard, with diligence and loyalty, sure, I know you can do that. You do all you can to ensure your work is as good as possible. But the professional world is pitiless, you know it. And the saddest thing is that quite often, promotions do not go to the most deserving!

Having looked into your future, I can tell you that you unfortunately won’t get this promotion, at least not as things currently stand. No, Heaven isn’t against you, I assure you. But there is still a grain of sand caught in the gear works. Yes, despite your fears, which are perfectly justified, your will to bounce back remains intact. That’s a good thing. It proves that, from now on, everything is possible, and you need but a spark to set off the powder keg.

I know where you must look to find that spark. It has been sleeping deep within you for far too long. You should speak to it to wake it up. You could recover all the confidence you’ve lost. This confidence is the key to your desires, to your suffering, to your current problems. Recover that self-confidence, and you’ll see emerge, before your very eyes, that person whom Lady Luck will want to visit once more. So little is needed, at times, to get things moving all around you. They say the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can create a storm on the other side of the world. I believe this is true. Because nothing is innocent. No action, however small, can be completely innocent or senseless. Everything on earth has existed since the world was created. Nothing is truly created, nothing is lost, but everything changes one day. It cannot be otherwise. Every time you dream, every time you think about your new job, this promotion you deserve, somewhere, a man or woman receives your message in his/her subconscious. Nothing happens immediately, but if you took the time to observe and understand, you’d see that you got things moving.

Imagine yourself going door to door. It’s only an example, and perhaps not the best one at that, I’ll admit. But imagine, all the same, that each day, you visit an entire building full of different people on all the floors. You knock on doors. Some are opened, others not. Imagine you’re selling products that require several appointments before a sale is made. Now imagine that this first appointment goes exactly as you thought it would. You think you’ll see this person today to offer a sales proposal. You know you’ll have to see him a second and perhaps even a third time before you make the sale. But you never go back the second time, much less the third. You don’t make the sale, and you wonder why!

The same applies to your current professional life. If you don’t believe in what you do, if you question your own abilities, if you get nervous just looking into the eyes of the person who can reward you, then you’ll never get the results you want. YOU MUST SHOW YOUR COMPOSURE, YOUR CONFIDENCE, YOUR OPTIMISM. YOU MUST HAVE UNSHAKABLE FAITH IN YOURSELF. UNLIMITED CONFIDENCE. BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE IN THE WORLD. WHAT YOU WANT, YOU CAN GET. THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN PREVENT YOU FROM BEING SUCCESSFUL IS YOU. Do you understand what I’m telling you?

You have all the aces if you plan to succeed, Kymberly. Don’t waste your time thinking in a vacuum. Act rather than just mulling your fate over. Tomorrow, the reward will be yours!

Ah, children! While uncovering the nature of one of your main expectations, I immediately understood your despair, Kymberly. I understood how urgent the situation was. It is true that nothing is more difficult in this world than raising one’s own children with dignity, instilling essential values in them (clumsily, at times), so that they can defend themselves in this pitiless world. This wish is the instinct of all living species. It is also the worse anguish there is if you can’t manage to do it!

You’ve tried everything, I can sense this. I see it all: sternness, understanding, explanations (“What I’m telling you is for your own good, not mine”), explanations (“If you won’t do it for me, at least do it for yourself”), threats (“If you go on like that, I’ll take you out of school and put you to work somewhere”). And then, of course, farewell to the dream of a better life, a different life, one – if possible – far better than yours. I know you’ve had to say at least one of the above sentences at some time.

And of course, there are the circumstances, the way you live. Material difficulties which don’t help things. Nothing has worked out. True, more money might fix some of those problems more easily. A better school, tutors, a better class of friends, a more comfortable home, a healthier, more favourable environment.

I spent the longest time peering into your future, looking for reasons to hope. I must tell you, Kymberly, that I found those reasons, but not where I thought I would. So there are now two things I must tell you.

First, the not-so-good news: you are neither responsible nor to be blamed for the difficulties you are currently going through. And without the key which I alone can communicate to you, nothing will change in your current difficulties. It’s as if you could neither hear nor speak. You’re stuck in a dialogue of the deaf, and you can’t do anything without outside help. Other experts, less honest than I, might be tempted to tell you the opposite and make you believe that a magic wand is all you need to change things. But nothing can change that easily and that quickly. Because the situation you are living, the difficult, chaotic period you’re going through, is by no means insignificant. Nothing in life happens by accident. Everything is planned down to the least detail. It’s as if trials were necessary to help you grow.

The good news is that you can change the course of your existence, and only if your life changes will dialogue once again is possible in perfect accordance with your desires and dreams.

You must wonder how this can be possible, when you’ve wasted your time for lo these many years. You should know that nothing is impossible in life. All you need is to want it and to know it. But at this point, you don’t know. Your neurons need a small adjustment, because they’re rather muddled right now. You’ve lost your bearings, you no longer know what to do or what to say. Each time you get caught in a stream of pointless talk, and each unnecessary word is systematically used against you.

What a curse, you say! But no, not at all. Just a bad phase you’d gladly do without, right? So what can you do to declare peace between you and those you love so much without being able to express it. That’s easy: all you need do is develop your mindset, your inner strength that knows – better than you do – what will be the right words that will hit the right spot, so that your expectations can finally be met.

So, without wasting any more time, you must do all you can to get in tune with your environment, Kymberly. You must develop your power and your ability to influence. Let me reassure you by telling you I’ve known quite a few people in the same situation as you. They were desperate, they cried at the thought of being cut off from the world because they were unable to restore true dialogue with their beloved children, who seemed to be going through hard times. These people were fortunate enough to meet me on their path, and I revealed to them the way to make themselves heard again. The results were amazing, so incredible in fact that, beyond my own intervention, their lives suddenly began to change.

Not only were they able to initiate a real dialogue with their children but, to their astonishment, it also worked with their spouse, their family, their friends, their colleagues at work. They had uncovered, in but a few weeks, the power of SPEECH!

I sense yours is a roguish soul, Kymberly! I tell you this because, to “succeed” in business, you have to be able to sell anyone anything, regardless of whether it’s actually useful to them. This applies in any sector you care to name.

Take the dealer who wants to sell you that freshly-minted Porsche, just out of the factory. He’ll greet you with a predator’s smile and praise the merits of the new car you dream of acquiring. For him, this is one more deal, nothing more. As long as the contract hasn’t been signed, he’ll stroke your fur the right way, he’ll bow before you, he’ll make you feel you’re a star for a day! The cherry on the cake is when he tells you about the options (that’s where the dealer gets the gravy!) and, to make sure you pick all of them, he’ll tell you how it will guarantee you can resell your used car more quickly and for a lot more money when you finally decide to get rid of it. Big mistake! Because the day you want to resell it, you’re going to discover that competition is rough, and that the market is saturated with fully-equipped cars like yours. So you go back to the dealer who sold it to you in the first place and promised you he’d take it back, swearing that “You know, if I had a single used car like that one, fully equipped, I’d sell it in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, and with one hand tied behind my back!” (…which was just the final touch needed to convince you and get you to sign the order form). The trap snaps shut. Later, when you go back with your used car, no one will want to buy it, and the seller, if he’s still there, will tell you, “You know, times have changed. People want something else these days…”.

Can’t believe it, can you? That’s normal, at first. Business is no charity work. You aren’t in it for fun, you’re in it to make money. You do want to go into business and make money, don’t you? The business world is serious stuff. It can be an art form or a real nightmare. If you do well, they might call you a swindler; if you fail, you’re incompetent! That’s the sad truth about the joys of business.

But you won’t know failure with the support of your friend, Tupak. Because I am an expert in success, and I know what you must do to reach the summits of success, to be a success.

Business isn’t complicated. All you need is a good idea and instilling in others the desire to buy. Many people fail because they are conceited or full of their own personality. They believe they’ve understood everything, and race head first into the claws of the lion who will devour them. All must happen in confidence. You must have unshakable faith in your project. You must “feel” success, everything in you and about you must spell “success”. Not that easy. Many are those who’ve come up short! They still understand nothing and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

So you can always check with your accountant and can ask him how to pay fewer taxes, because you think you’re on to a good deal and you’ll be able to make millions out of it. I never saw an accountant who managed to pull off the least little deal! He’ll just waste your time, take your money, and advise you on how to save money you haven’t even earned yet. Ain’t it grand?

How many people do you know who believe in miracles and lose all their savings even though they’ve received the blessings of the accountant God? 3 out of 5, on average. But don’t let that discourage you; what happens to others shouldn’t be your concern. The others don’t know Tupak, you do. It’s a solid-gold trump card, it’s your guarantee, your life insurance.

Because to succeed in business, to make money and get the recognition you need, what you must do most of all is speak to your inner guide, who knows precisely what you must do, how to do it and when to do it. But you don’t know how to speak to him, and what’s worse, you don’t even know he exists!

I do. So I’ll talk to him on your behalf, if you are willing, and I’ll ask him to show you the royal road you must take if your efforts are to be rewarded a hundredfold.

It isn’t complicated, but only your friend, Tupak, knows how to do it!

Imagine the business you’ll be opening soon, Kymberly. Visualise it in your mind. Picture as many details as possible. Look at all those customers who’ll be walking into your store, asking you for advice and small discounts. Imagine the pleasure you’ll get out of this marvellous business that I’m going to help you open in perfect tranquillity, safe from worries or setbacks. Because I have no interest in disappointing you or deceiving you. My only interest is to propel you to the summit and to see your eyes shine with joy when you gaze at the mountain of money that will soon flow before your feet. Because money will be flowing like a river, and you’ll soon be rich, in accordance with your own desires. No limit, nothing is impossible. I will propel you like a rocket, and nothing and no one will block your path. You will have total protection against everything. Especially against the jealousy of your future competitors, who will have difficulty accepting and especially understanding your impertinent success. IMPERTINENT, I said. That is what I want for you, and that is what you want deep within your soul.

So you lack confidence in yourself, Kymberly?

I really wonder what frightens you in your everyday life. It’s incredible how many people in this world panic for no reason when faced with the least little problem. It all started with your earliest childhood, from the very beginning of your upbringing. I should rather say from the very beginning of your “taming”. There’s no need to fear words, and Tupak fears nothing and no one, you know that! The first man who comes around looking for trouble from me is going to understand that immediately, and he can show me his rear end so that I can put my foot in it!

And yet, I was raised like you, in a family that wasn’t all that lovey-dovey. The school of hard knocks and my own experiences are what taught me to see things in a different light, to understand the enormous silliness we all bear on our shoulders and blindly transmit to our children, thinking we’re doing the right thing!

However, it’s never too late to realise our mistakes and the pain we’ve sowed. Any mistake can be fixed at any time in life, anywhere, under any circumstance. I just wanted you to know this.

Because if you have a communication problem, if you cruelly lack self-confidence, if you live in anguish, with stupid fears torturing you, then isn’t it time to do something about it?

I mean, you don’t intend to go on through life as if you bore on your back a large bag filled with leaden balls that weigh more than you do. I mean really, how far do you think you’ll get with that bag on your back?

And yet, that’s what’s going on in your life right now. You bear the weight of your past, your education, the mistakes your parents made, your mind’s weaknesses – that mind which, sponge-like, has absorbed all the resentment, all the bad ideas it didn’t have to accept. The damage is done and, like a worm growing within an apple, you find yourself sitting in cold water, crying your heart out like a baby in the darkest night, abandoned by all! THAT’S NOT YOU, Kymberly! Your friend, Tupak, is there to get you out of a tight spot.

And I must say, it’s about time, because if you kept moving around in the fog as you’ve been doing so far, it wouldn’t be surprising if, eventually, you were to find yourself in a brutal, irreparable accident. Nothing to do with fatality: I’d say that, having always imagined the worst scenarios, you’ll end up one day facing your nightmare, but for real this time. And in such a situation, you have but two solutions: either you accept the worse and buckle down like a sheep, or you face your fears and fight, your one and only goal being to defeat them!

Not everybody gets this chance, much less those who tremble at the idea of the smallest problem. It’s like those people who are always very neat, spotless down to their fingernails, scared before God should they exceed the speed limit on the highway, lest they see a traffic cop!

So they melt into the mass, follow their path as straight as possible, and spend their lives envying the fate of others. If that’s who you are, you must change your point of view and switch sides to be with the strong. The time has come for you to grow and awaken the forces that lie hidden deep within you!

You must bolster your mindset and breathe into it that energy you lack to recover the untiring self-confidence that will allow you to lift mountains. Fear must no longer be part of your vocabulary. You need the strength of the brave!

If you have a serious problem that needs to be solved and justice must decide, she might as well decide in your favour, right, Kymberly?

My father always taught me “Better a poor settlement than a good trial”. He wasn’t wrong, either, at least not on that point. Because legal proceedings are expensive and force you to invest a lot of energy. But if you’re already in one, it’s too late to step out of it.

Nothing can ever be taken for granted, especially where justice is concerned. You think you have a sure thing, and your opponent finds a contrary argument that turns your chances on their head. How many lawsuits are lost because of a small detail, a poor interpretation of the law, an uncommon day because the decision-maker was in a bad mood and his wife had refused to give him a little something!

Don’t believe that misfortune only happens to others, to those who don’t think things through, who are incompetent, clumsy, or just plain weak. No, where lawsuits are concerned, anything is possible, anything can happen. And not necessarily the best things!

That’s why you need protection. Not through a bulletproof jacket, but through an energy shield, an invisible shield that protects you both from the bad energies put forth by the minds of those who act and think against you and from fate itself, the well-known risks of life that always occur at the wrong time. I know how to create this virtual yet very powerful shield. I possess the supreme knowledge. Don’t forget that I am shaman!

So you’d like effective protection against the evil eye or any kind of jealousy?

But exactly what is the evil eye, Kymberly? It’s a strange impression that makes you vulnerable to every one of life’s dangers. As if your natural protective barrier had imploded, placing you at risk in all circumstances. Nothing goes as planned anymore, nothing works, all positive events are literally banished from your existence. The evil eye is permanent bad luck, stuck to you like glue you just can’t eliminate. Jealousy is the ideal medium for putting the evil eye on you. The smallest hatred born of a discussion is enough, and there you are, victim of a germ of spitefulness that attaches itself to you as would a louse. From then on, everything you do, every project you undertake, every desire you bear, turns into a series of more or less dramatic events. You don’t understand what’s happening, because there is nothing to understand. This goes beyond the realm of the normal. What's happening all of a sudden is anything but normal!

The evil eye is recurrent misfortune blocking your path, invisible, sneaky, and ever present. Each stride becomes a false step, each idea turns into a nightmare. The more you withdraw into yourself, the further you move from any chance of turning the situation around in your favour.

The evil eye is like a spy, anticipating your every move, observing you day and night, setting up a diabolical organisation meant only to harm you and to make you suffer.

You may choose to do nothing and wait. But you might wait a very long time, because the evil eye can’t be eliminated with the wave of a magic wand. You have to know how it works if you’re going to foil the numerous tricks it plans to play on you. You can’t do a thing without help. You need outside help from someone with considerable experience, someone who will know how to find the means to escape it and, more specifically, to remove it definitely from your existence.

If you accept the evil eye as something fate throws at you, it’s the same thing as if, after a medical check-up, you discovered you had cancer and refused to see to it.

The evil eye is not inevitable. It doesn’t happen to you by chance. It is planned, decided, calculated to harm you, and if you don’t eliminate it, it will eliminate all the happiness around you.

It will enter through your minor weaknesses and insidiously insinuate itself into your life. You’ll think, at first, that these are only minor day-to-day problems like anyone could get. But only at first because, little by little, your problems will start piling up in every aspect of your life, and in all kinds of circumstances. As if everything you did was constantly being monitored. All you need is for a jealous person to think ill of you, whether every day or on a regular basis, and your life can quickly turn to hell.

I know you believe in the evil eye but since you don’t know what it really means, you think it’s no worse than a headache. Except that, in your case, no aspirin will fix your problem. You’re going to need to react methodically and effectively.
If you follow my advice, Kymberly, your life will be completely transformed within 6 months.

Pay no more heed to those who have the bad habit of being negative
and seeing only the dark side of everything…
because they can steal your heart’s hopes!
Pay no more heed to the pessimist who can’t believe,
for a single instant, in the realization of your dreams!

Several cosmic energies have aligned and are ready to impel you toward a new reality within the next 6 months!

These forces will come. They lie dormant within you for now, but I can help you awaken them. With Tupak’s help, these hidden forces will emerge, blooming like a small flower under the morning’s dew. If you choose to act rather than merely react, consider my precious advice: the providential forces you’re waiting for will grow and, eventually, they will transform you.

Once, you were weak (as you can see, I don’t believe in doublespeak); now, you’ll become strong and rich. Yes, rich: that’s a fact! Stop pitying yourself. Don’t see yourself as a victim anymore. Lift your head. Reject negative thoughts, because the forces I speak of here will never harm you, much less betray you…

And as long as we’re on the topic of “forces“, I must now tell you of the influence of colours in all of our lives… this way, you can better face the incredible fate that was meant for you, Kymberly.

All colours influence your organism, whether directly or indirectly, as they do all human beings on earth. The simple fact that one colour attracts you more than others reveals your tastes, your way of life, your personality, your moods. So colour plays a major, if completely secret, role on your daily life.

For a very long time, we have known that certain colours impelled people into action; others seemed to have soothing virtues; in contrast, other colours debilitated people’s state of mind to the point where they entered into a deep depression. So, as you can see, the colour you chose, inasmuch as your answer was sincere, is not mere luck. It is a reflection of your true personality, the one you may hide from others, but not from me, Tupak!

Is your favourite colour PINK, Kymberly?

This colour, one of the most feminine of all, is the symbol of tenderness, gentleness, sweetness, sensual delight and, by extension, love. Pink calls to mind happiness, the calm after the storm, serenity, joie de vivre, self-satisfaction, sharing. Pink is a comforting colour, one that soothes emotions. It invites us to friendship, allows us to build new relationships in a reassuring, relaxed ambiance. Pink is, indeed, the colour of peace.

For you who like this colour, there may be 2 effects:

A negative effect that can move you to a certain detachment, or even a certain laxity in your everyday life. It can also provoke a search, an insatiable quest for pleasure. As always, excess is not without danger. You should attempt to find proper balance.

A positive effect that preserves, in you, ceaseless positive thoughts, a radiating optimism that allows you, after a dispute or misunderstanding, to choose the best middle ground on which the path to reconciliation may be found.

Pink drives away your black thoughts, it lights in you the hope of enjoying a better life, the hope of succeeding in your projects and of always believing, deep within you, in the achievement of your mission on earth. Because even though you can’t explain it, you know you’ve been charged with a mission, and that you must glide smoothly over those bothersome problems in your day-to-day life, those problems that hinder your full development. But rest assured, now Tupak is there to help you build the best life that can be!
You’re going to enter into a period of Transformation. The time for your great change has come. You’ve reached the end of the critical years, and the ball is now in your court! You will receive real support, more than you need. And in so many ways, because you are now about to create for yourself a new, easy, golden life. It won’t be long before you enter the phase that will lead you straight to the greatest worksite of your life. An amazing worksite, that will take away your pains and difficulties at a single stroke, to drive you all the way to the top, to spectacular success.

You need money; that’s normal.

So, when you tell me “I need a lot of money. Yes, I need over USD 1,000,000.00.” All I can say is “Congratulations”, Kymberly! You have pluck. You carry within you the courage of warriors, and you can get to the end of your dreams! Not everybody can.

So I’ll transmit the “energy of money” to you. You must no longer be the slave of money, as you still are today. Because money is what you lack, what you cruelly need, and it rules your life completely. You must rule money. I’ll show you how. At the very least, I’ll convert you into a real money magnet. You’re going to attract it so strongly you’ll wonder why you used to have so much difficulty earning it. If everything started at the end, wouldn’t it be simpler?

To move in this direction, I must speak to your inner guide and modify your mindset from afar. The way you look at things, the way you think, this isn’t the best by far; that’s why your dreams slip by you. It’s why your destiny hasn’t come true in accordance with your true, deep desires. It’s time to change all of that. It's time to discover the secret that will allow you to earn a lot of money.

So, you need a considerable sum, far in excess of one million, Kymberly? Such an amount doesn’t grow on trees, you know!

But you have a project that that’s dear to your heart, a project that can change not only your professional life but your entire life. Because if your project goes well, if your deal turns a tidy a profit, I can already see the large nuggets of gold that will be fattening your bank account. I can see the big smile on your face, feel the satisfaction invading your entire body, your pride showing on your cheeks, blushed with success.

You rejoice thinking of triumph you’ve waited so long to savour. That day is nearly here… well, almost here. Now, all you need do is hit that big jackpot. I’ll do everything needed to bolster your luck. Have faith!

Hey, did I tell that last night, around 3 a.m., I entered into a stealthy telepathic contact with you, Kymberly? It only lasted a few minutes, but I could see your mind was quite open to telepathy. You must already have noted how a lot of people are sceptical and wonder how it can work. You will also notice that these same people don’t question their television or cell phones! Someone should tell them telepathy is a lot less dangerous for the brain!

Scientists are very much aware that the human brain is capable of feats that remain completely inexplicable. Furthermore, the closer we are to nature, unpolluted by an environment charged by electric devices, the more we can emit powerful waves from afar. That is the real power of shamans.

The reason I can intervene directly and positively in those areas I’ve indicated you needed help with is thanks to my telepathic powers.

As you know, I am extremely sensitive to cosmic energy, and I woke up this morning with a strange feeling, an uncommon enthusiasm burned throughout my body, from head to feet. I was as hysterical as a young woman in front of a new pair of Jimmy CHOO shoes! Perhaps you don’t know this brand, which is reserved for the elite (of which you will soon be part, word of honour!), but these shoes cost a fortune! I could feel a great commotion, an agitation, a brutal movement, a real revolution getting ready: like an event about to drive you straight to where you must go, toward your future built with joy, good luck, wealth and happiness! Is this really what you want now, Kymberly?

Well, then, let’s get moving! You know I am a man of action, as straightforward in my actions as I am in my words. That’s why I won’t tell you who you’ll have become 10 years from now, or by next Saint Never. For the time being, that’s not your problem Nor is it mine, in fact: we have more urgent things to see to.

The following is a summary, as best as can be provided here, of the visions I’ve had during an intense shamanic trance, when I projected myself into your month-to-month life for the coming year. I am going to tell you what my visions were just as they came to me. Kymberly, these visions have allowed me to understand you better, to discover who you really are and the deeper nature of those problems you myst solve quickly, so that I might recommend the TELEPATHIC CONNECTIONS that best suit your specific case. HERE THEY ARE:

I project myself and concentrate, and I see what December will be like for you:
Throw yourself into the ordinary and accomplish some very routine things. There is some real value into just being down to earth and practical for a while. You will get back to reflection and ideas and your spiritual life in good time. You are allowed to put that aside for a while to do the dishes, mow the lawn or wash the dog. These chores carry with them a genuine joy because they are short term and you get a sense of accomplishment when they are done. Include in your checklist of physical chores to do that you do at least one thing for someone who lives with you. That smile you see on that special someone’s face when you did something thinking of him or her will add to the joy of your day.

You will soon go through a consciousness-raising period during which you will outgrow everything your past has burdened you with. A troubled, difficult past, filled with obstacles of all kinds that forged your character, tempered your nature, enriched you with experience, sharpened your curiosity, softened your outlook. You will be in perfect harmony with those who’ve claimed they sought your wellbeing: their silliness contributed to convert you into what you are today. With the arrival of a large amount of money, you will have everything you need, and so much more, to become the self-realised person you want to be! You will reach your dreams; you’ll be able to start scratching them off, one by one, from your long list. Because you are brimming with dreams which only want to appear.

You feel, more than ever, that you are the victim of some jealousy! Do you believe that or is it a certainty? Sometimes you can imagine things and believe a person close to you is jealous. If that’s the case, it’s always annoying, because jealousy is the vector of the evil eye. All you need is one person who has it in for you, and your problems start to multiply!

That’s why I suggest you avoid talking too much about your life to others, to those you know well, Kymberly. Making a big show of success, satisfaction, advantages, a coming journey, is enough to trigger a feeling of jealousy in whoever would like to be in your place. As the French put it, “If you want to be happy, hide”: truer words were never spoken.

In a world that shifts and spins backwards, you have to be tolerant and avoid displaying all things personal and intimate in public. Keep your small secrets to yourself. The beautiful flowers that must grow in your own garden are for your eyes only.

Mark my words!
In nature, your animal totem is an aggressive, creative and highly inquisitive creature. Your animal totem has a nature given to it by the universe that reflects your own. You too possess that limitless curiosity about the world around you. If there is something of interest to you next door or in the next field, you will fly there to learn of it and to discover the secrets is has to hold.  The curiosity and boldness of your animal totem means that you match your interest in all things around you with a fearlessness that even if what you learn is not good, you are not fulfilled until you learn all you can know. That quest for knowledge is one that has given you unusual wisdom and awareness of a vast assortment of topics and that is why so many people come to you for advice. Treat their high regard of your knowledge with humility and honor because you are funneling wisdom to them that came to you from the universe. As you serve as a vessel of the wisdom given you to be of service to others, you will find fulfillment.

Let’s move on to January now:

What do you feel when you’re about to enter your apartment, when you’re still in the hallway heading for your front door? Because you know that all you need is one jealous person and there you are, with the evil eye on you! The cause of your current problems may lie closer to home than you think. But I’m here now. You have a friend on whom you can always count, your great friend, Tupak.

The irritation that makes you so tired each day is coming from one particularly annoying individual. While there are always people in any classroom or work place that are unpleasant, this one individual is so difficult that it has tested your limits. The temptation to lash out physically has been in your mind which is unusual for your normal peace loving heart. Be strong and continue to maintain our peace loving ways. There is help on the way. Things are changing that you are not aware of. Through changes that have nothing to do with you, this person will be removed from your daily life. This is the universe at work taking out of your environment an irritant that is causing you serious problems maintaining your focus on your destiny and your inner spiritual life.  Hang in there because the changes will take some time. But as you find yourself cringing at the sound of that irritating person’s voice in the days ahead, comfort yourself that before long, you will never hear that voice again.

At the same time, I sense how your depressive nature is taking over. A brutal shock, a major disappointment, an unexpected problem, and there you are, sinking in a hellish depression that devastates your existence. Others flee from you because you could give a carful of clowns the blues. Optimists are luckier, everybody knows that.

You must take charge of your energies and draw on your inner strength to climb back up that slope. You must stop seeing everything upside-down, triggering harmful forces that prevent you from moving ahead. I know it feels like an uphill battle for you, because you don’t believe in your odds for a better life.

That’s too bad. You must change your way of thinking, Kymberly. You have to adjust your mindset. Depression isn’t fatal; you can find renewed optimism and see a huge smile brightening up your face. I’ll do everything I can to show you how. Because I sense real potential in you, potential that only asks a chance to express itself.

A recurrent lack of self-confidence creates interferences with your desires to believe in quick changes. You should rectify your way of thinking.

Let me remind you that my TELEPATHIC CONNECTIONS yield astonishing results. Regained confidence, the feeling of being in sync with your desires, these will lend you wings!

Take some time and think about things that have scared you in the past. You will find a wonderful surprise living your own mind and emotional system. As you visualize the things that you found frightening, suddenly they will not seem so fearful to you. The universe is healing your fears and turning those fears into fascination. Do not be surprised if what once scared you becomes something you want to explore. A fear of heights changes into a love of sky diving. A fear of small places evolves into a fascination with exploring caves. Delight in the thing you once feared because that new passion is one you have always deserved before that fear kept it from you.

"An animal totem need not bathe to make itself beautifully. Neither need you do anything but be yourself."  Like your animal totem, the beauty you bring to this world is not painted on or achieved through wardrobe or the car you drive.  It is a natural beauty and it is at is most glorious when others see it naturally.  Do not put so much effort into becoming something others want you to be. The images of beauty in advertising are not what appeals to people in real life. Let your warm and happy spirit shine out and any small flaws you think you have will disappear. Connect to your animal totem that makes no effort to be lovely and yet she is the most glorious sight in the wild. Be real to others and you will see that admiration in their eyes.  You will also be at ease because you do not have to maintain any pretense. That is an honest life worth living.

You feel the urge to travel, to discover. Your mind flies off to faraway regions. I sense anguish. You know, when people likes exoticism, mystery is around the corner of each crossroad. Personally, I’ve been around the world and faced danger very often: a permanent, sly, invisible danger. Cultures may differ but in many places, the magic – sometimes black magic – is palpable. Whether on you or not doesn’t change anything. Because the environment is so fully entirely with bad vibrations, with heavy, fat vibrations that stick to you like a second skin.

It’s a bit as if you were to spend hours sitting in a room filled with the smoke of thousands of cigarettes. A smoke so thick you could cut it with a knife! When you leave, your entire body is impregnated with a tenacious, unpleasant tobacco odour. In some places, without knowing it, you are charged with heavy vibrations that bear bad energy, the source of any number of disruptions in your daily life. Most people pay no attention to this and consider their worries are part of normal life.

But nothing disruptive can be good in one’s daily life. Isn’t the goal to live in peace, in harmony with others, in love, joy, abundance and absolute happiness? As regards the problems you face every day, look no farther. You certainly “caught” an evil spirit and the evil eye that comes with it is leading you down a slippery road. The banana peels abound and you find it difficult to understand everything that’s been happening to you recently. Fortunately, your friend, Tupak is there to protect you, Kymberly!
What will happen in February?

So you still believe in the evil eye, right? All right, Kymberly, that means you’re not one of those idiots who believe in blind fate. Because in life, in your life, few of the bad things that happen to you are due to chance. Remember that random chance doesn’t exist!

But the evil eye, as you sense it, is a curse, because it hits quickly and powerfully, and always without warning. It sticks to you as would a second skin, and if you don’t do anything to get rid of it, it consumes your luck as entirely as if it were incense paper. After some time, you can see the extent of the damages.

Each of your actions backfires, each of your words is taken in the wrong sense. You feel your problems are multiplying, that the world around you wants one single thing: to harm you. The evil eye is partly that, and partly many other, inexplicable things. A phenomenon so common it could almost pass unseen.

But you who believe in the evil eye, you know misfortune has been directed to you. Because of some stupid jealousy, a hostile environment, silly and unhealthy people who can do nothing better than criticise and hinder other people’s happiness. Fortunately for you, you can count once again on your friend, Tupak.
Someone from your past will reappear! He/she  has already caused you trouble, yet you are still sitting on the fence, alternating between agreeing and disagreeing with him/her . His/her  friendship is not an honest one. He/she  has ulterior motives; this you know, but you refuse to admit it. It’s time to put an end to this, and to terminate this relationship, since it contributes nothing to help you bring about the changes you want. You have definite problems when it comes to making the right choices, the wise choices, which will send you forward along the road to success! Don’t you? And don’t whine about how you couldn’t find a solution. It’s time for you to put an end to all these old relationships that will only drag you down in the new life that awaits you.

There is a magic in numbers that is not often appreciated. The science of numerology explores in detail how the numbers of your life can spell out your destiny.  I see a series of numbers that seem random but they have greater importance for you and for me. Their relationship to each other seems random but in the mystical communication system of numbers, they have power. Because of that power, giving you access to the magic of your numbers fulfills my calling in life.  So I fulfill that role now so I can sleep well tonight knowing you have been told what the universe wants you to hear. And the message it wants for you comes in numbers.
1 - 3 - 4 - 17 - 27 - 31 - 34 - 36
1 - 7 - 17 - 22 - 33 - 39 - 42 - 44
6 - 7 - 12 - 17 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 29

Concerning the evil spell someone cast on you, and which really worries you … To be quite honest, I seriously doubt it. People who have been cursed or hit with an evil spell are actually quite rare. Most of the time, they confuse the evil eye with an evil spell. And they’re not the same thing. The evil eye is common. A lot of people are so cursed even when they aren’t aware of it. Their existential difficulties feel normal to them. Their dreams, which never come true, eventually end up being forgotten, or they give up on them. You can easily get rid of the evil eye, so long as you’re in contact with a shaman like myself. As far as evil spells are concerned, that’s more difficult because they can go back several generations, and it’s nearly impossible to find the original source of whoever deliberately cast it.

But let me reassure you: you are not the victim of an evil spell, but rather of an evil spirit, one which my Telepathic Connection sessions would allow me to eliminate. I am at your service if you want. If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate one second!
You’ll feel as if you belonged nowhere, you’ll get the incorrect impression that there is nowhere on earth where you could belong, where you could feel at home! This confusing energy, which is contrary to any and all forms of expression conducive to joy and satisfaction, may force youn own a path other than the one I chose for you. Beware this volatile period. At the very first sign, grab the bull by the horns and don't let yourself be destabilized. Your life is rapidly mutating. Never let an ill-boding element cross your mood to such an extent as would leaf you to change your mind regarding the true mission you must accomplish.

Wow! You’re just swimming in anxiety, aren’t you? But why, Kymberly? What’s the reason for this obsessive fear that invades you every time you must make a step? I think you haven’t believed in your own luck for a very long time. You always imagine the worst, whereas you should be imagining the best. Why shouldn’t you have the right to make your dreams come true?
But why? What’s the reason for this obsessive fear that invades you every time you must make a step? I think you haven’t believed in your own luck for a very long time. You always imagine the worst, whereas you should be imagining the best. Why shouldn’t you have the right to make your dreams come true?
Explain to me the difference between you and the others. Every day sees winners and losers. But the losers are always those who doubt, who don’t believe in their own abilities. Trust me, and soon you’ll be doing a full 180. You’ll get back on the road to victory and, frankly, your performances will astonish even you.

Your dreams must be granted. There is nothing standing in your way, except for your own faltering mindset, which systematically rejects the idea of moving ahead of others. I’ll teach you to think positively, I’ll show you the path you must follow. If you listen to me, you’ll be able to transform your day-to-day existence and take advantage of favourable circumstances that will allow you to achieve all of your dreams.
The monthly calendar is full of numbers. Those series of numbers play a big role in your destiny in this period of time and throughout your life. The hands of a watch are carefully arranged numbers that dictate your behavior on a moment by moment basis. Numbers surround us, make our lives work and give us stability for planning and maintaining a life that is dependable and peaceful. I see numbers taking you to the next level.  Know them well because in their sequencing is your future.
6 - 15 - 20 - 22 - 27 - 29 - 38 - 44
1 - 2 - 19 - 24 - 25 - 30 - 33 - 42
1 - 2 - 3 - 7 - 30 - 33 - 40 - 44

Your fear of black magic is back! I know there’s nothing nice about black magic. Besides, those who practice it have serious psychological problems, a desperate life; they feel disgusted when faced with the happiness of others; they derive some sick satisfaction from causing pain for no reason. The face of such people is cold, sad, dry, repulsive. Yet, not always. I’ve known some who were as fair as angels, yet were black as coal inside! You should never trust appearances!

In any case, the fact that you fear black magic is a protection. Yes, because at the first sign of alarm, you will take precautions and, above all, you will follow the advice of your friend, TUPAK, who will always be there for you!
I see you being put to the test; you will feel as if all your efforts were pointless. This feeling of having actually moved backwards will not help your mood. Yet it will be but a mere illusion. The elements will have you expect a possible failure, even though everything will be set for your success.

Once again, you’re surrendering your life to chance. You’re wrong to believe in it. Nothing is ever random. A belief in fatality is a mistake, plain and simple. Everything is planned in advance, programmed, to shape your own evolution. If you accept trials without thinking and without asking yourself the right questions, you’ll move backward instead of forward, that’s a sure thing.

Yet that isn’t what you want, is it? You want the best, you would like to enjoy all the good things life has to offer, you would like to climb all the rungs without slipping on banana peels each time.

It’s up to you to see. You mustn’t keep trusting in blind fate anymore; rather, do everything to make sure to each of your desires finds a place of honour on the podium. The time has come to harvest the fruits of your efforts. The time has come to face your own fears and concretise your demands.

Because everything is possible, Kymberly. It’s all a question of will. If you don’t believe in yourself or in your lucky star (why, of course you have a lucky star!), then you surrender to chance, and the disappointment grows bigger each time.

It’s time to change the way you look at this. Everything changes, you must have noticed this. So I’ll help you take charge of your own fate. Thanks to me, you will have a positive vision of all coming events, you will rediscover real self-confidence, you will attract success everywhere, you will no longer let a single opportunity pass you by. Thanks to me, everything will start moving in the right direction. You’ll see how your performance takes off, your desires become reality. This is no miracle. This is the TUPAK effect, accompanied by a sincere desire to propel you to the summits of GOOD FORTUNE!
I strongly sense the presence of magic all around you. It will open the door to a very important event in your sentimental life. If you believe in the powers of magic, like all shamans do, you must understand that it is a part of life but it can’t change life anywhere, any which way.

I want to stress this, because people often believe they need only call on magic to fix a situation or solve a problem. That isn’t false, but it isn’t quite true either. Magic is not all powerful. It can’t replace an event that must take place, but it can change it in your favour if it was directed against you.

That’s what magic is! The power to substitute something good for a problem. But only a great practitioner or a shaman can do so, otherwise beware the boomerang effect! Sometimes the stakes aren’t worth it, and some get burnt in the process!

If you practice magic, you must first take a lot of precautions and make sure you have a first-class adviser by your side. Eventually, I’ll get back to you to offer you my magic recipes for amazing luck. It is a privilege, for you will be one of those rare people chosen above all to receive the true secrets of shamans which will turn your whole life upside down.

Luck, Love, Games, Family, Health, Protection… whatever the aspect of life, you will find a way to achieve your desires, Kymberly, even the most secret ones or those you may not even believe in anymore!
I feel the moon will also influence the course of your fate, Kymberly.  The moon, the symbol of femininity, has always had a direct influence on the planet’s human beings. She exercises a proven influence on all liquids. Doesn’t the human body consist of 80% water? There’s no doubt then that the moon acts directly on the human body.

Therapists who use plants know that the effectiveness of their treatments is reinforced by the phases of the moon. Again, you have to know their secrets.

The moon also influences the behaviour of animals. Strangely, for example, salmon are very discreet during the full moon, as are insects.

On a more anecdotic side, hairdressers know it is better to cut hair during the new moon, because it grows back stronger and faster. It is also during the new moon that you should rest your body and mind, eliminate toxins and other garbage stored in the organism by drinking depurative infusions.

During the first quarter and especially during the full moon, you have to be more cautious, because this “hot” period fosters conflicts in all kinds.

In short, the moon can modify your behaviour suddenly. Learning to know her well allows you to use her different phases to draw enormous benefits in many fields. We shamans know the moon well and we respect her as much as the sun.

I’ll get back to you soon, knowing that you believe in the influence of the moon, to allow you to participate in our great rituals, charged with power and intended to modify the course of your life favourably, in perfects harmony with your desires. You’ll see: the moon can do wondrous things for you!
Let’s look at March:

I feel opposing forces that prevent me from bringing you all my help at this time. I really don’t mind if someone else should advise you, but that must be the source of the problem. Generally, I prefer to avoid interferences caused by the transfers of energy flows between several people who are all seeking the same goal. But I respect your choices. I am a shaman, a man who loves and respects nature, a man who respects each person’s choices.

However, there’s something important you should know, Kymberly. There’s no point in having two life coaches at the same time. Our ideas will necessarily clash, and despite the respect I owe to the other person advising you, we certainly operate in very different ways.

Mixing these two energies can have an effect that will go against all the benefits you have the right to expect. That’s my opinion, and a very humble one it is, I do confess. But you should take it into consideration and make a choice. This isn’t a question of money, but rather one of logic. You must trust and work with the one who inspires the greatest confidence in you! I’ll say nothing more. I can see you are perfectly able of making your own choice; that is a very good thing, and I congratulate you for it…
I’ll say it again, because this is important for your future: money is power. It allows you to buy pleasures of all kinds, but more specifically, it also allows you to help others, those who really suffer greatly.

I see the healing power of work blessing you. Putting your hands to a task that results in something good fulfills something deep in your sense of purpose. Working with your hands touches that part of you that is striving to achieve great things in this world. The task does not have to be earth shattering.  Fix a broken piece of furniture, repair a toilet or make a batch of cookies.  Work in the garden so that before it was just unprepared land and after, it is a tilled and organized miniature farm ready to produce wonderful foods for your family. These simple acts of work make your worth better and fulfill you spiritually at the same time.

Your communication problem with others is peaking this month. You are always an inch away from succeeding but, at the last moment come doubts, panic, embarrassment, and nothing gets done! This problem damages your existence and doesn’t allow you to take advantage of opportunities that appear before your eyes. What a pity you can’t transmit your ideas at the appropriate moment.

How long do you believe you’ll be able to support such a handicap, Kymberly? Because it’s about time you reacted, took the bull by the horns and showed all those and who laugh at you. I’m here to help you. By calling on me, I can guarantee you that things will soon change for you. You must believe in your luck and especially in the enormous potential that sleeps deep within you. All you need do is wake it and you will sprout wings!

For now, I can tell that you couldn’t change anything without help. It seems essential that your positive energies be bolstered, to help you regain unflinching confidence. But, and you acknowledge this, you really lack self-confidence. I can re-establish that confidence from a distance, as I’ve told you before. You have everything to win!
You know, excessive distrust will chase good fortune away! You may not know this, but distrust is often the source of fear that generates plenty of bad vibrations. These vibrations systematically attract problems that could have been avoided, as sure as a lamp attracts mosquitoes at night. There’s no point in viewing every person around you as a potential danger.

Because he who fears the dog always ends up bitten! That’s a universal law. Fear and doubt attract the problems one dreads. The most successful always have great confidence in their environment and never worry of possible naysayers who might slow down their progress. That’s some way of thinking!

If you see hidden “enemies” everywhere, you’ll obviously meet many on your path. If you refuse to see them and show evidence of courage, your “enemies” will feel it and won’t be able to thwart your happiness. That’s why you must change your way of thinking. I can help you if you want me to. I’m here to bring you luck, success, victory in all your projects! Going through my Telepathic Connections would do you so much good, if you but knew! I invite you to click on this little button.
Take a moment and examine a dice. In many ways, it is a work of art. The elegant arrangement of the numbers is fascinating and beautiful. That relationship between the sides has a spiritual element to it because from the dice, destinies are often changed. Numbers can change your destiny as well. Numbers are more than just math elements. They are a cosmic significance in relation to each other. Small wonder numbers fascinate so many people and have a powerful influence over lives. I see that as part of your destiny as well.  These numbers play a mystical role in your destiny and that is why I have put them here for you.

2 - 8 - 14 - 20 - 21 - 24 - 28 - 37
11 - 14 - 23 - 30 - 32 - 37 - 38 - 40
9 - 12 - 14 - 21 - 27 - 35 - 41 - 45

At the same time, I see you surrounded by friends. That proves you are very sociable, you hate solitude, you simply love life. It is a good beginning. So you have a lot of trumps in your hand, and it won’t be very difficult to have your life evolve positively toward the desired goal.

Yes, you are currently having some problems, doubts beset you… You wonder how the world will turn, you ask yourself questions, as do most people who’ve come to me. Let me reassure you, because despite a tense situation in a hostile world where money has become king, and a lot of things will change in years to come.

But caution beckons, and you will never regret having trusted your friend, Tupak. I’ll do everything to help you discover the better things life can offer you. Follow my secrets of good fortune, the secrets that will make you forge ahead of the others. Trust your new friend, Tupak; you won’t regret it, Kymberly!

And now, April:

You are too trusting, Kymberly, and I see that this will cause you some grief, financially. You can’t trust everybody because there are a lot of people who are not like you, who don’t think as you do. You must follow your instinct above all, because it’s easy for you to find good people who will know how to guide you and show you the path you should follow.

Lucky by nature, without knowing it, it would seem that past years have shown you no great compassion. Everything remains to be done. All you need do is believe in your lucky star and accept certain trials meant to strengthen your mind. You need to have a strong psyche.

You should think about what I’ve said. Because if you strengthen your mind and your self-confidence, I do believe you will become invincible and triumph over all challenges.

You will find my Telepathic Connection sessions to be most helpful. Prepared specifically for you, they are meant for a single purpose: to get you to move ahead on the path you must follow. The path to good fortune and success. Click here or on this button. (I NEVER GOT ANOTHER SESSION FROM THIS MAN BUT THIS IS ALL COMING TRUE WITH MY GROWING MY TELEPATHIC CONNECTIONS)

You have strong feelings about certain issues. The reason your feelings are so powerful is that you connect to those issues because of family history or because those issues touch who you are and your reason for being deeply. Others you know well do not feel as strongly about the issues you hold dear. I see resentment building because you cannot use guilt to make them make the issues you live for their own. Put this resentment aside. The universe has other plans for the people in your life and they have issues they are passionate about as well.  Your calling to put your emotional and spiritual energy behind those issues is your calling. Continue to care for those who are friends and family even though they do not have the same passions you do. The universe put them in your life to give you love and support and for you to return that love and support to them. Don’t make them follow your dream with the same devotion as you do. It is your dream after all.

As with all animal lovers, you have a beautiful, pure and generous soul. Generally, people who like animals have a big heart. A heart too often hidden because of greedy, evil men who track hunt them like beasts of prey. Because not all good, pure beings are automatically seen as such by others who may, even if incorrectly, see them as dangerous. In this merciless world, you renew yourself with animals; they at least will never betray you, and they’ll always give you all the love you need to live.

I strongly encourage you to get closer to all elements of nature this month. More specifically, keep an honest eye on unwarranted ill treatments you may observe around you. Believe me, there will be many. Don’t hesitate to censure the scoundrels who make their animals suffer just for their own entertainment. Above all, don’t change and continue to believe in the living forces of nature!
There is an awkward partnership going that you are not part of at this time. That is about to change.  The personality conflicts between the two who are working toward a goal together are becoming too difficult.  The project they are working on is important and this bad match cannot be allowed to jeopardize that project. You have the skills and the knowledge to step in and make the project a success. You also have a good chemistry with both of the partners. Be prepared to be asked or told by management that you must step in and turn this failing project into a successful one. Be flexible and ready to replace one of the current members who are in conflict with the other or to serve the role of peacemaker to get things on the right track again.  Your ability to see the goal that is ahead and to make the project a success will be rewarded.

(I believe this was my experience with Krystal and Ben, they where teaching a really deep soul lesson and had no clue what roles they where playing but i was very aware. I had to help them split up (and see how they where treating one another), and then ease them into union again once their Daughter Scarlett was born)

Hey there, Kymberly! Beware your inclination for curiosity, which may well lead you to problems with those nearest you. You don’t have to stick your nose everywhere. You know this, because you’ve had to learn the lesson the hard way many times before.

You often want to know the end by jumping over the beginning. You remind me of the golf player who wanted to play on the green right away, forgetting he had to tee off first. (Reminds me of one of my favorite movies... "i liked the way we danced" and its funny the day im writing this post 7/7/2019 I remember just yesterday a man posting "tony woods" and sharing quantum awareness that I may some day teach him)

Things that seem easy are often far more complicated than you’d think. You must trust those who are more experienced, and never set out on an adventure without thought. I’ll show you what you should do to preserve your balance, what’s good for you, what will trigger an avalanche of pleasures for your greatest happiness!

I feel tensions with those nearest you. You can’t seem to keep your possessive nature under control. You want to own everything around you, people, animals, the earth, objects… You love to own, and you have trouble understanding anything that escapes your big, long claws.

You’re not a lobster! Your hands are not claws! Change your way of looking at things, change your way of thinking, and the world around you can only get better. You can believe my long experience in this matter. You must learn to trust life, to let go in all circumstances, to let time set things right instead of you, to free yourself of the power of possessions on your mind.

It won’t be easy. It will take time. But I’ll guide you, Kymberly. I’m here to help you because I deeply believe in you and I sincerely think you can improve your lot in life, find your freedom by freeing you from your main shortcoming. I invite you to click on this little button. The solution is within your reach. Hurry up and discover the amazing powers of my Telepathic Connections!

You should meditate, observe nature, hike in the forest, relax by breathing deeply. Discover the marvellous life that lies before you, let the pressure go. Soon, you will become aware of all the potential that sleeps deep within you. I’ll teach you to release the optimism that sleeps within you. Tomorrow, you will thank me for all the good things that will appear, and your life will truly taste like honey!

Linking my spirit to yours, I see, for May:

A thing that you depend on will fail you.  We become dependent on devices that are the outcome of work of tremendous creativity and genius of humans. Be mindful that things are not people and they do not deserve your emotion.  To separate your heart from the device does not mean giving it up. It just means being aware that it is just a device and it is not part of the spiritual environment that shapes your world. That is just as true of your car, cell phone or computer as it is of your TV or radio. These gadgets can reach in and begin to enslave the heart. Do not let them have access to your spiritual being. When that device fails you, fix it but keep your heart joyful and serene. In that way, you enjoy the inventions of modern life without risk to your spiritual well being.

Someone’s always trying to pick a fight with you, or trying to get you to lose your cool. But they can’t manage to do it. As always with you, you take your own sweet time to do things. This month, your sense of observation, more highly developed than other people’s, allows you once again to grasp those opportunities that appear before you.

Yes, you are a “lucky” person, Kymberly, even though you feel Lady Luck may have forgotten you recently. Don’t forget that time is on your side. You never make a decision on the fly, you mull it over before committing yourself.

But strangely enough, when D-Day comes around, you often go right by your goals. Maybe it’s doubts, a lack of self-confidence too, that prevent you from placing that damn chip on the winning number! You don’t have enough faith in your own luck. Certain fears and apprehensions, a legacy of your childhood or your education, come back, boomerang-like, to haunt you. You’ve never learned to manage the full potential that sleeps within you.

You can count on me to show you the path, to help you pursue your evolution so that your life is filled with joy and bathed in love and abundance.
I have a word for you and that word is – courage.  You associate that word with people who face danger like soldiers, fire fighters or law enforcement professionals. Courage is not just about facing death or injury each day.  My wise shaman grandfather said "A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live." Take your courage into daily life. Demonstrate your willingness to face dangers when you deal with family or financial problems with a cheerful heart. Do not respond with anger or frustration or by becoming impatient with those you love when life deals blows to your plans. That is a form of courage as well. Model taking challenges on head on for those who are learning about how to live from you. Don’t be deceived that others are not watching. People look up to you and how you solve problems is part of why you are admired. It is how you maintain your good nature and do not demonstrate fear in the face of danger that is just as admirable. Courage is not the lack of fear. It is facing down the fearful thing because it is the right thing to do. Model that courage in your life and yours will be a life worth living.

More insights into June:

I see numbers gyrating around you as in a spiral. The colour red dominates. This is a very good sign for luck in games.

For over 25 centuries, from Pythagoras to Plato, all wise men and scholars from around the world have been unanimous. Numbers have, after their own fashion, influence over you; not to mention the sacred numbers, which are shrouded in the greatest mysteries. Nothing on earth is unknown in the heavens. Everything found below is found above, all is one, according to a complex alchemy that only the arrogant claim to understand.

But there’s no doubt that numbers and figures emit vibrations that influence your life every day. If you learn to know them and to use their energy, you will avoid many a trap and forge ahead on an earth filled with riches and love. Your life won’t be an ordinary one, upset at everyone’s whim. Your life will be filled with joy, luck, abundance, crowned with success in each of your endeavors, in each of your experiences.

Thanks to the knowledge of numbers and figures that I will teach you in due time, you will never move backwards Again. Each day, you will take one more step toward the achievement of your goals and the realization of your dreams!
I see your personal charm as a great value in a public situation. When speaking to strangers, let that natural likeability that you are known for shine out. You may feel tempted to become fearful about an upcoming presentation.  The key to overcoming that fear is preparation and your past success. Put extra time in now in preparing what you want to talk about. Let the ideas you have a passion for fill you with fire so you are eager to tell them instead of fearful. Think of times of success speaking to others in the past. Recall the exhilaration of seeing those faces respond to your charm, your humor and your smooth presentation of the topic. The day of the event, prepare your look so when you step up to say what is in your heart, you look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside. Success is assured if you listen to this good advice.

There is much about you that is worthy of praise. You have that natural instinct to not brag on yourself and that is fitting to one who is on a quest to live a more evolved life on this planet. Better to error to the side of going unnoticed than be seen as one who brags too much. Be prepared to tell others what you have to offer because your skills and talents were given to you by the universe to be of value in life situations. If a task needs to be accomplished and you have the skills and resources to do the job right, let people know about it. Find a way to communicate the good in you in a humble way. Humility doesn’t mean you are not proud of you are. It simply means you understand your role in the universe and you are uniquely gifted to fill that role whenever called upon to do so.

I can see you holding a stone in your hand. This stone has a soothing effect on you. Stones carry incredible powers within them. For centuries, men have used them to heal themselves, to soothe emotional discomfort, to protect themselves against harmful vibrations, to purify themselves, to find new balance or harmony between their psychic and physical energies. Shamans all carry stones with them. They respect them and some, like me, speak to them!

I grow large crystals at home and I’ve noticed that a mere photograph of one of them, sent by computer, could distribute information and transmit specific beneficial vibrations. Now is not the time, but when the moment has come, I will show you how to capture and draw on their powers. If you are wise, I will teach you to savour my fire crystals from afar on your computer.

You will tell about it later. Thanks to my know-how, unique in the world, I will be able to transform your life and have you evolve in a fascinating world where you will no longer know failure. I will be able to re-energise your life like the small seed that works hard to sprout in spring, because I want your life to grow like the most beautiful flower in the world. Trust me. Together, we will build your future, the best of futures!
I am now projecting myself to July:

A good exercise I would have you do in the days ahead is to listen to your thoughts as they flow through your head. The thoughts seem to flow of their own will in free association.  For the exercise, simply take note of various thoughts and try to label them as positive or negative thoughts. Do this for a number of days because eventually you will also notice how the different thoughts affect your motivation to get out and get things done. Negative thoughts will kill that ambition where positive ones make you want to get things done. The lesson is to learn to think of any issue using that positive energy. You can think of any question, person or event using positive energy or negative energy and the outcome and decisions you make will be different depending on which kind of thoughts you use. So use this exercise to begin tapping the power of that positive energy in your life. The outcome will be powerful and effective to move you toward your goals more swiftly.

There is a wise proverb that says to guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. This is a worthwhile proverb to ponder for you especially in this current time of your emotional and spiritual development. Be careful how easily you open your heart to romance and give your trust to a new relationship. The universe would have you protect your spirit and not bond with another person if it might lead you away from your destiny. There is great joy and fun in romance but when you bond with another person without wisdom, that connection can create a loyalty that can harm you. Before you open your most precious inner life to another, be sure he or she understands your values, your morals and your ethics. The concept of a soul mate is popular in culture but dangerous to make happen in reality.
For August, I strongly sense that:

Your charm isn’t working the way you’d like it to? I believe encounters, the “true” ones at least, are accidental exceptions. But nature knows how to do things, so long as you learn to “see”, “read”,” and “feel” the messages it places before you. Happy accidents will always occur… more often than not, when you least expect them! Because there is a universal rule for all these happenstances of life, a rule that shamans understand very well. The rule is “let it go”. You must dream of the happiness that awaits you. The basic idea is to “live” with your wish as if it had already come true. Then, let your idea simmer in a remote corner of your mind. Don’t think of it anymore. The magic of the wish will work quietly behind the scenes, and suddenly, the miracle will appear! Don’t ask me why or how: I don’t know. I just know it work

In the days that are ahead, you will hear a public speaker who will be skilled at stirring your emotions. The issue being discussed in this speech will detail a very real need although not one that is in your private world. By the end of the presentation, you will feel as though you have to be part of an army to fix what has been described or something terrible will happen. Be alert that there are public speakers who can stir any crowd about anything. This one knows how to touch a compassionate heart like yours. If you are moved to action and that action is a realistic plan to fix the problem, then joining the movement is the right thing to do.  Make sure that the plan described by the speaker is a down to earth and a detailed plan that will bring a real solution to the problem he or she described. If the talk is all talk and no real leadership, walk away. Better to stay out of that army than to enlist only to find that you were manipulated.

I recommend you drink an infusion each evening of this month. It will fight the fire I feel is burning within you, even though you don’t want to show it. You know it, whether consumed in an infusion, worn, or consumed by fire, plants have possessed subtle powers since the dawn of times. Shamans have put them to good use for ages, and there’s no doubt today that they gave rise to life, merely crucial and vital for our survival.

Some plants are like men. Dangerous or beneficial. Sometimes both at the same time. Hence the interest in knowing them well and not playing the sorcerer’s apprentice with them.

When I can see that the time has come to let you discover the shamanic universe of miraculous plants and herbs, I will make let you know, Kymberly. I will then deliver to you the ancestral secrets that will allow you to open your knowledge and take advantage of new powers, the very existence of which you don’t even suspect yet! Then your life will take on beautiful colours. TUPAK’s word of honour!
I can see you in September:

The flames are burning bright and pointing in the right direction. Your mind is pumped up. You want to do away with your problems; you want to know joy, fulfillment, prosperity. You want to enjoy the better thing in life. Here you are, on the right path to savoring the pleasures, the ability to build a strong future, brimming with success in all the areas you choose.

I link my spirit to yours for October:

You can’t get a good night’s sleep. Nothing very serious, actually. But still, an underlying fear, a feeling of insecurity, especially at night. A latent lack of self-confidence that prevents you from progressing naturally in your life, and that you can’t manage to control, like when you’re facing a spider and no longer know whether to move ahead or step back.

I can see more clearly, now: once again, it becomes obvious that you must have greater faith in yourself.

The energy of others is strong around you right now. There are times when it is right to get on the wave and ride the energy of others because the universe is using that energy to take you in the right direction. That is the case when you have low reserves of creativity yourself and the universe has chosen to let you be the passenger instead of the captain of the ship. This is not that kind of situation. Your creative reserves are strong as well and you have the inner drive to take the reins and make things happen. While others wish to be the captain of the ship today, do not let them stage an uprising. Be strong and assert yourself. People will listen to you because you are known by your great ideas and the victories that have come from those ideas. Do not back down to the energies of others because this time, it is them that should get on your wave and ride it to success.

I slip under your skin and sense your apprehensive mind, disinclined to take on risks, weak-willed, fixed, ready to hide at the least sign of an obstacle. The problems of modern life, you find intolerable; depression is always stalking you. You are even more sensitive at night, as if mice were running around in your attic.

Self-confidence, now and forever.
You usually get excited for anything and everything, Kymberly, but now, things are even worse. You’d like to control your impulses,, but you can’t manage to; they’re stronger than you are. So you suffer some in silence. Your biggest problem is that you have a lot of potentials that you can’t express or release completely. You should practice meditation, take a hike in the woods, learn to breathe softly, communicate with nature.

Of course, you’re no shaman (But I AM now :); still, it’s easy to revitalize yourself in a tranquil setting. Learn to open your eyes to the world around you, watch the sky, the birds, the cows in the fields. Enjoy quiet places and, above all, flee loud places where nervousness is seen as aggression. Surround yourself with calm, relaxed people. Don’t eat too much red meat, focusing instead on green vegetables and fish.

It’s difficult to change your nature, but with a little effort and a few changes in your lifestyle, I’m certain you’ll find the way to a gentler, more harmonious life.

Finally, my visions for next November (Goose came to me in September 2014 when I moved into my first own apartments on Jewel St in Lakewood Colorado. By 2015, I had moved in mid June with Mellisa, Krystal, Ben and whoever was in the house we went to because my apartment had bed bugs), i left Brandon in July  unable to keep doing the emotional abuse and moved all my stuff to live 3 miles down from those apartments and in with Ellie in August, to help her at the tail end of her Pregnancy with her 4th child. I left due to emotional and hormonal abuse i endured from her and was back with my dad by September, who i also experienced much emotional abuse with and Malachi came in 2016 and helped me move out):

The spirit of the goose has been passed to you to empower success in goals and taking on challenges that seem impossible. Inner victory is your legacy because your soul takes on that grand quest in your ancestral connection to the goose. Do not fear being satisfied with less than the best.  That is not your way. By refusing to rest until utter victory is had, you will always find a new mountain to climb and then you will conquer it.  You connect to the goose because you too face with courage the challenges both now and unforeseen.

A wise statement can be found as a proverb in the holy writings that the universe has put eternity in your soul. This explains a lot. This explains why you have that silent yearning that is beyond ambitions or earthly appetites. It is a yearning for the universe and for the eternal. It explains why as much as it is repeated, you do not go around once in life, you are more than just an upright monkey. You have been put here by the universe for a purpose. This is not crazy talk. It is wisdom that comes down to us from the ancients which does not get old or change. It is eternal truth that will change how you live on this planet. Contemplate your own eternity.

Fortunately, your belief in my shamanic powers is intact! It would have been too bad to sense otherwise, with all the good energies I am transferring to you. Because if I believe in you and in your future, Kymberly, how could you not believe in the supernatural shamanic powers I can transmit to you.

Trust and faith are the essential bases on which the success of my entire program lies.

I don’t promise you miracles, but I do promise you I will help your existence evolve along the paths of success, accomplishment, abundance, everlasting love. Nothing and no one can ever again hinder your evolution because you will be in a real protective cocoon. The harmful vibrations that prevented you from reaching your goals will be eliminated; evil in whatever shape or form will immediately be destroyed.

I tell you, thanks to my shamanic powers, you will once again feel power within you. You will be able to face the outside world without fear and have good luck blossom in your life. Then you will understand that it is impossible to move ahead without outside help. You will discover, with eagerness, that not all men are here solely to take advantage of your weaknesses.
So there you are: you know all about the visions I’ve had concerning you. I hope you’ll keep an open mind and follow my advice with care. Now then, a closer look leads me to believe you should consider solving certain problems which are rooted deep within you, and which you will find most difficult to eliminate without specific assistance. Now you know me as a man who always gives good advice; and while it’s true that “advice is cheap to he who gives it”, I am totally convinced the merest trifle might suffice to have you surfing through a joyful new life, one absolutely brimming with good fortune! Do as you will, Kymberly, but if I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate one second.

If you do so, you will enjoy the coming months, so sweet, so constructive, so harmonious with those you hold dear. Your life will never be the same again. It will be fulfilled, blessed with this inexpressible joy of having true friends who will always be there for you.

Isn’t not ever being lonely again a sort of revolution in itself? That’s the message I wanted you to receive. I pray, with all my heart, that my mission is successful, and I wish to offer you all the best in life!

I cross my fingers in the hope I’ll soon see you shining at my side,

Your friend for Life,
Tupak and Source

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