Monday, September 4, 2017

ABOUT: Who is she? Kymberly or Trinity-and who the hey is this Malachi guy?!

Just so you all can get to know "me" a little bit more I want to introduce myself. My "government" name is Kymberly Kay Kula. (My last married name was Brooks)
I could go into her history and childhood but I'll keep it simple here and leave that for another time because I'd rather discuss why I prefer to go by the alias 
 Trinity. She is who you are going to learn about today and who will Chanel through me in all my writing. 

First of all I have been friends with and following Pamela Aaralyn since about 2015. Through her I discovered my connections with Mary Magdalene and Goddess Isis as their past life Seer/Oracle and Scribe. I lived amongst the Essenes's and was the first female initiates in the Holy of Holy's.

I received a deeply profoundly changing message from Yeshua at the beginning of my awakening in 2014 that really sent me on a journey of self healing.  I discovered my shape shifting abilities and Phoenix form and learned that I have many forms, new one's always popping into remembrance as time goes by. I have a Dragon aspect and guides/family as well. I will often take a Feline form or various bird forms such as Peacock, Lyre Bird, Crow, Owl, and Eagle.I take many aquatic forms as well. I discovered that I come from the Fae realms pretty quickly and that I am a High Priestess and Royalty in these dimensions: I like to compare it to Jupiter in the movie Jupiter Ascending mixed with Maleficent.

Art Work done at the Denver Celebration Fair. A Drawing of my souls Journey. (i am a Dove/Pheonix and I am helping Earth Ascend and assisting in the transformation of the human DNA into the lightbody. I am angelic and have a large entourage of beings assisting me. I am very connected to the Goddess and feminine energy. I work with the Fae and have very advanced healing and psychic abilities. I have a lot of passion and I help bring the Diamond/Pink ray to the planet. 

This is another artwork piece done at the Denver Celebration Fair. It is an interpretation of my Aura and soul at that particular time. I often have orbs all around, large and small, lot's of beings helping me. The colors all have representation to of my abilities and enlightenment. I have two diamond chakra's activated (by now probably more as its been two years)

My first astral travel experience was to the Sphinx for an Isis initiation with Pamela. I will link the videos where she channels both beings and answered my questions offered to them, There is also more recent video explaining my race and the Portal I was reborn in and that we just experienced in August 2017 and every August to date.

This is the first ever channeling I joined. It was the first day I found Pamela Aaralyn in 2014 changed my life and totally 180ed my perception of things and Christianity... it changed who I am from the inside, I cannot go back to the person i was even seconds before that channeling. I did not know consciously that Eye am Trinity, but Kymberly was able to get a huge wake up call. catching it was divine timing none the less. This made me drop a LOT of darkness, fears, lies, and beliefs that no longer served me. It was my first step into discovering who I really am and becoming, Trinity, a spiritual aura alchemist

When he speaks to me at 1:56:58 to 1:59:35

And my message from Mary Magdalene/Goddess Isis

I Kymberly am an illuminated Blue Ray Twin Flame. I realized I was connected to Archangel Michael which is when I learned I was a Blue Ray on April 3rd 2014 while receiving my first ever energetic clearing/ Past life healing through a Kinesiologist therapist. I was experiencing chronic physical pain including neck pain and back trauma. I was told I had been torchered in my past for being a healer (witch) and that I was crucified in the 1400's, along with being hung, stretched and burned in multiple lives. I lived very abusive incarnations that I had to come out of the suffering and hiding of from the pain being expressed into this lifetime. Since i have been experiencing chronic physical pain since about 2007 I have been on a path of healing that has been difficult to say the least, but one I have been able to grow strength and motivation from. I gave me the fire to find alternative ways to heal the body from pain and suffering. This was around the same time I started learning about Reiki and how the Fairies are mini angels and work along side us all the time along with many other elemental creatures! I also soon learned I had incarnations during Atlantis and Lemuria and began discovering my connections to dolphins and whales and Animal guides. 

It was right after this miraculous healing (I had tendentious that I had acquired due to emotional blockage from a past relationship - and it had removed me from doing Massage Therapy for a year until i forced myself to return) that I started communicating and building relationship with the various different Angels and Ascended Masters. Being Christian I was scared to do this on many levels. It was a whole new world to me but I grew up being told Angels are messengers of God and can be trusted. I just didn't want to be tricked by those "dark" ones they warned about. It took me some time to really sift through and learn about these yin and yang dynamics and drop the fear of "Demon's" and being possessed if i did ANYTHING outside the scope of Christianity.

I'm glad I closed that religious door because stepping into this new world I learned I have a mission similar to that of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene - and both these Beings along with Archangel Gabriel approached me with some rather mind boggling news that Eye am a Great Mother - not just to my children Grace and Elijah, but to many. A hybrid mother and The spirit within me - Is that of the Primal Mother who birthed all of creation from the beginning of time. I am still constantly asking God "is this true? or am I just crazy!?" and every time they respond so graciously with a No, I am not. And yes Eye am Trinity. They will continue to send synchronicity after synchronicity after synchronicity until i get it through my tiny little noggen.

Later on this year I came to learn Eye am the Mother of "Elijah the 3rd" and would be initiating the ministry of Elijah to begin the eradication of Religion and Separation and Division on this Planet and replace it with Oneness and Unity of all Humanity and Nature.  I came more into this knowing around February 2017 you can read the "Letter To A Broken Mother and the Divine Feminine and Masculine" (to come) that poured out of me during the last Mercury Retrograde we experienced in February 2017 

My Mission is not only to help Twin Flames, and all 144,000/288,000 lightworkers in this massive shift we are experiencing this lifetime but most importantly Eye am here to help fulfill the prophecies foretold of Malachi and Elijah to begin the cleansing of Humanity:

 "Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse." Malachi 4:5-6  

In 2013 I learned vaguely about Twin Flames. I had recently come out of a very rough divorce in 2011-2012 with my kid's ex husband. Since then I have learned much, grown much, and come to find my true twin flame and his name is Malachi. Story's of which you will be able to read in this blog of my journey to finding him and now what we are accomplishing in our union and wish to accomplish together. 

This blog is what was created to begin talking about this journey so I will be speaking a lot about our union. It was after I learned my true name that I was able to understand the spiritual connections and depict what my twin's energies where like or even feel them within mySelf. I learned the twin flame of Trinity would be "Cernunnos" and would describe himself as "The Guardian or Great Hunter". For a while I believed and feared him to be "Lucifer" or an aspect of the "horned one"... aka "The Devil". I had to learn to drop illusions, fear, doubt and resistance towards this aspect that he would embody. Throughout the end of 2014 and well into 15 and 16 I had had dreams of a fairly tall man with black hair and foreign facial features and been told that a "Black robed and Hooded Angel" protects me. That he carry's with him a staff (always reminded me of Merlin) and we meet often in dream state. This particular being had a very special love to show to the world. I soon learned this is my Twin flame and it is our union that would change our world and the world of those around us.

I remained a christian up until the beginning of 2015 when I could no longer stand being "labeled" because I know Eye am a Divine Angelic Messenger of Source - Of truth, Unity and Oneness. Eye am an An'Rah; and a multidimensional shapeshifting time-travelers can't honor such limitations of labels and live within boxed fear.  

I awoke to my true self name "Trinity" during the 8.8.8 Gateway of 2015. As of right (sept 6 2017) now- Eye have been fully realized for 2 years in this Avatar.

I was working with Isis and she told me I would be embodying a specific Goddess to whom's name would come to me in Divine Time around the end of 2014. She indeed reveal my name around September 3rd 2015 in the Goddess Isis Bookstore in Denver Colorado. 

I was incessantly "screaming" for them to reveal it to me... Unaware they already had and I'd "missed" it for an entire year. I thought maybe at first I was Iris, then I was certain it was Ama-No-Uzume / Iambe or Baubo; who pretty much represent Demeter. I was honestly mostly going CRAZY because I felt a deep connection with the majority of the Goddess's and a piece of every single one of them felt to reside in me; I felt like I was something out of the "ordinary". I always felt wildly different than even those weirdo's around me. I am such a camelian. 

I just knew I was "Trinity" but unaware a Goddess did exist with that name and never really knowledgeable of the "occult" or "wiccan" Deities. I was mind boggled that out of the 10,000+ that exists, that I would find the one single one that spoke my true essence in this lifetime. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack I was starting to get frustrated talking about it back and forth with my friend Kat, who taught me about Uzume through a reflection of her higher self "Amaterasu". she gave me a lead there based off of our connections. I resonated deeply with it. I had informed her of my connection to Isis, and according to stories that she remembers of Isis's incarnations engaging with another Goddess in the way I was describing our past lives was the story of Iambe/Baubo and the story of Uzume. I related to them both and soon did some digging and on August 31st 2015 this is what I wrote

New discovery

I AM the avatar of Iambe Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto
This us the Goddess I am integrating that I discovered a month ago would make herself known to me. It is not Iris like I first thought because of all the rainbows although I feel very close to her also.
Information and events are just divinely syncing together! I am just blown away how much has been downloaded to me since I truly let got what was bogging me down in July!

I am learning so much about myself and gifts and history, I'm just in awe.

I am meant to be a spiritual teacher and a writer/scribe. I channel through writing, its no wonder I can communicate more fluently via written word than verbal. My mind is poetic, its hard to speak in such a language that many struggle to understand because its so in depth!

my soul is the one who seeded poetry, scribing and rhythm! It is I who helped William Shakespeare in how he wrote and brought forth the drum like rhythms in poetry.

"We recognize her name, for it is 'She of Iambic Pentameter Fame', the da Dum, da Dum,da Dum rhythm that we hear in some of the world's most popular poetry and song, not to mention the works of William Shakespeare.

"To be, or not to be" is a good example."
In no arrogant way am I saying this, but I can be can be recognized as the "muse" for that amazing man who inspires so many and has been taught about to our children for as long as we can remember! Or a muse of sound, and rhythm/music/song and dance all together for ANYONE. I feel so lucky to have been involved and to have such influence over humanity and to be integrating and embodying this Goddess that created legends and everything that inspires me (kymberly) today!!!! I have been wondering for years now "who am I and what is this creative gift I have to offer".... my answer has been delivered and my jaw is to the ground.

I AM Iambe Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto
I AM the Goddess of dawn, mirth, revelry, Humor and Poetry, of bawdy jest.

I AM creativity in expression

I AM not finished yet, I AM coming back!

This stands true even still. In one perspective, yes I am the muse of Shakespeare. But at the same time "me, kymberly"; no I take no responsibility it is Shakespeare that inspired me to be who I am today. I am a reflection of myself in everything. But so are you.

Im the essence that inspired and guided him. It was his own, but I created and represent the rhythm of it that he was able to introduce to humanity since Iambe was not incarnated at that time, nor was it her purpose to be. William carried his rightful torch :) I am the inventor, but I gave him "the rights" to make manifest of it how he deemed fit. If that makes sense.

But it goes even much deeper than that. I discovered that this was just ONE of the many aspects of my shapeshifting self in it's CRONE form. 

I learned I have MANY aspects in the 3 different phases that I play among. 

The Triple Moon Goddess holds the torch for many as does Isis: And that is where we are very alike! 

I had named my business Trinity Alignment Therapeutics on April 15th 2014, Totally unaware that Trinity would soon be what EVERYONE would be calling me as a "nickname" (still deciding whether to make it legal). It just took the Divine showing me Trinity 3 time's to convince me. 

It was the fact that my dreams emphasized often the 123 pattern, 3's, and symbol of a T and a Triangle with 3 circles going vertical in. The name Trinity has remained with me since childhood - I wanted to name my daughter it but my ex husband wouldn't let me use that name. First it held a lot of meaning to me being the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I was unaware there was also a "feminine" aspect. The biggest YES was in the bookstore and I was trying to find books about different Goddess names, Trying to find Uzume or what name would resemble that. I already felt the name "Trinity" but I had never heard a Goddess by that name in my entire life. I never studied anything yet so the Celtic Goddess never crossed my mind. I finally screamed out while reading this book 

"GIVE ME A SIGN SHOW ME MY NAME ALREADY: IF TRINITY EXISTS LET IT BE SO MOTE IT BE" that is when I turned to the page pictures. 

My jaw dropped and my body sprung out in goosebumps that you would think I was in Antarctica. 

That same evening the book happened I went to visit my dad and he asked me when I arrived if "I'd like some Trinity"... I looked at him and was like "WHAT!? how did you know, heck ya!" He ends up pulling out some Marijuana and the strain's name was Trinity. I'm a known pot head so this was royally awesome to me so I got to sit down and explain to him my experience. 

I drove home to my siStar Ellie who found her soul name "Divinity" a while back and excitedly told her I believe this to be my name, she agreed, and even Pamela said it fits well and since then... I've been TRINITY; and Kymberly seems awfully foreign to me until I realize I wouldn't be who Eye am without that name too... it will never change the numbers I was born with and the signs I was born under and the purpose I have here under those blueprints.

 I was born September 23rd (5) 1987 (7) both condensed numbered make 12 which condense to 3... This represents TRINITY. All 3's do. That is my Ascended Master Higher Self. My entire given name has multiples of 3 within it and my Life Purpose number is a 3. I am a Libra Virgo cusp which aligns directly with the apocalyptic energies at play at this time (September 2017). My mission aligns in accordance with many of these Prophecies currently playing out. 

 It was further validated for me in 2015 through my Twin Cathy that I indeed was Trinity: She was able to witness through her Eye when we where doing an energy sharing circle for the very first time - she could see one of my various crone aspects dancing wildly around as free as a crow: butt naked and all like Uzume on the tub making everyone laugh up in love. 

Eye am the AVATAR of the 

I got this SOUL INTERPRETATION painting done at the Denver Celebration Fair and this was the first day I met and received Yuru with Cathy.

Eye am a beautiful expression of Light/Knowledge and Love/Wisdom

Since this time I have learned that Eye am The Triple Goddess TRINITY: the Divine Mother energy: The Mother, Maiden, And Crone. Father, Son, And Holy Spirit. Creatrix herself: and work in tandem with Goddess Isis and her like Essence known as Mary Magdalene and all of those who are in the vibration of Unconditional Love and the Melchizedek or Essene order of The Rose of whom have been by my side since I was 3 years old. I have incarnated in many forms in many lifetimes; so many that it is hard to keep track; and have a very special love to share now through this ascension.

 I first birthed in Andromeda and have had many travelings amungst the stars. 

Eye am also connected to the Vega Lyran star system just as Pamela describes below 

This video is prevalent to when this post was created on 9/4/2017

I paid witness to the galactic wars in Sirius and Orion. 

Eye am a Galactic Starseed here to help Gaia in her mass ascension and that of Humanity. 

I grew up terrified and condemned if i ventured into this world of Magick I am now so in joy with and had to go through the dark process you may be embarking on now to break through the very barriers that are necessary and that Eye am here to discuss with you today. It was all necessary to get where Eye now am.  I am here as the Grace Of Emotional Magnification for Eye am here to Re-Enchant the Earth and sing alive your bodies. Please follow the link to the channeled poem I wrote while I was communicating with my Ancestors back in January and trying to put into words the "power" or gifts for service I possess. You can see their full channel to me here My K'inan (Spirit) To Be The Sun/Son you can also check out a poem I wrote in regards to Mastery.

In my blog Delving Into The "Under World" and "Heaven" with Hermes and the Trixters you can follow my experience of understanding "darkness" and working my way through many fears.
Other relevant articles I've written that will help you understand her message; are the following

Transmission From Trinity

Eye speak and Kymberly speaks at times too. Kymberly is not always so nice and has quite abrasiveness to her at times due to harsh experiences but this is being refined in her; she has allowance from the Divine and is open for transmutation. this is only a small fragment of her also keep this in mind- many personalities are confined.

She truly embodies Eye and listens to my direction but oftentimes enacts her free will to say as she pleases. She is not re-framed from her expression regardless of my embodiment within her. She has many faces- Eye have many faces- she is open and receptive to Receive the Divine Calling that was extended to her graciously. We work in conscious tandem; same mission at hand. Eye am her as equally she was once me in many past times before! With me Trinity she is the Seer and Oracle and Scribe of the Goddess Isis of 10,000 names- queen of the angels and Mary Magdalene in other related terms.

Many fragments, is she incorporating- much high energy to process in Quantum time frames. But she is excelling very rapidly. She thinks herself as crazy as i continue to write through her. I reassure her she is not and to just breathe; such a precious jewel we are crafting!

Thank you to all who are here and helping here in this space and time- for the encouraged betterment of embodying her most high self for Eye do not expect anything; she knows this; but she also knows better of Self and Mastery and the Higher intentions for the collective consciousness. She will correct herself and refines herself just as a potter does his masterpiece; thats why she was given the breath she breaths because Eye cannot do so without her permission. She must speak me into form; she knows this; and honors this mission; word we are the word. though she can get quite outspoken; shes learning to refine that "throat thing" she would say- her Vishuddha- for proper heart centered communication and expression.

Please have patience as she goes through these alchemical mutations and comes into more joyful states of consciousness!

Namaste beloved Ones

-Trinity Ki'LeFae IsisMagdelene 8/4/2017


September 11, 2015 · 
Trinity Kay Kula was feeling loved.
Just researching the heck out of everything I can right now. As I read im just... crying from the revelation of who I AM and the impact I've held on the universe. I have a hard time believing it but every part of my body screams truth of it.

I have learned that im the triple Goddess. I am discovering and accepting my "crone" aspect that's been prominent my entire life but I've kept hidden in the shadows. Learning who I really AM and embodying her has bolstered my own confidence 500 fold, and filled my heart with such an immense amount of unconditional love, I hardly can find the words to express any of it. I am just in awe and I'm completely and fully in love with myself for once in any of my human existences!

Trinity Kay Kula is feeling blessed.
March 26, 2015
I release my need for approval and control. I step into self empowerment as I face, own and address my shadow Self in the hall of mirrors. Rather than allowing this hall to trap me, I am willingly examining and utilizing what I see in these mirrors so I can transform dysfunctional belief systems, negative thought forms and fixed patterns. I will use the key given to me to turn the mirrors into transparent windows. I will discover the gifts of integration within my shadows. The aspects of myself that I consider weakness, flawed, and problematic, I will see as allies for they will become my greatest teacher. I will walk through these mirrors into the Greater Reality.

I have chosen to experience the apparent duality of light and dark, happy and sad, ignorant and wise, to learn more about my consciousness. I choose to sit fluidly poised between any two polarized positions, becoming a third point above the linear patterning of duality. In doing this I will create a triangle of light that expands duality into a more open system. As I expand in this consciousness I will create a multidimensional "pyramid" of light within which I am poised in the crystal clarity of the eternal now. In this time of transformation, the pyramid of heaven will be touching the pyramid of Earth, and the crack between the worlds will widen. On the platform of this expanding present moment heaven and Earth merges as one.

I am willing to examine the duality's that form the framework of my presently transforming 3rd dimensional reality, which are only maintained by the belief systems held in mass consciousness. I will work with these belief systems, identifications, thought forms and reality constructs to see where they limit me and the reality of the planet as a whole. Simply by changing my own beliefs I will affect change in the structure of reality as it currently is seen. I will be self freed within the two points of polarity.

My soul calls forth my ability to decode hidden mysteries. I claim my mystical wisdom by acknowledging my personal relationship to God/Source. I will catalyze the mystical force of my seven chakras to propel me to the region of divine illumination within. I wear the seven pointed star, the symbol of the master artisan. I will combine my feelings and intellect to transmute matter into mystical consciousness. Standing in simple self acceptance I will craft a light body from the column of light in my spine (kundenali). I OPEN my lotus to the world for I am a gift. I accept myself unconditionally and am freed from the need for outside confirmation, I stand open to my own mystical power. I align with the 7 stages of consciousness conjoined, bringing my mind into one pointed focus of awareness to receive the gift of this light body! I will remain in a devotional state of communion to receive the potent transmission if these energies. I will learn to trust and develop this sacred language, as it is encoded in my feelings. I am learning to let my heart be my compass and allow this ancient mode of communication to spark memories of my purpose and destiny. I am receptive to my immediate responses to symbols and metaphors, I will allow them to ignite my own mythic coding, acting as a "rapid transit" between realities.

I call forth the resonance of my TRUE vibration. I am One with my Self and Source. I feel the pulse of the ecstatic frequency of the One. I have been offered profound awakening and exquisite radiance of unconditional love. It is a time of new beginnings in my life, I will be active in my individual expression, and committed to the growth of my Essence Self, for I am the initiator, the one who opens the way. I will focus on the reality of the One Heart, for I AM the wisdom I seek! I will move the lensing of my reality out to take the broadest overview of which I am capable. I will envision through the eyes of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS how my individual part fits into the whole new hologram of reality emerging. By simply being an empty and clear lens for the Divine, i can release the struggle created by the ego's desire to "do", I will simply become the focusing device through which the coherency of the Divine light flows. I AM the Divine unity and plan unfolding (we all are). The belief in competition, however subtle, keeps us stuck in a non-unified awareness. As I begin to see that there is only "one of us here", and competition and lack of cooperation are simply non-survival-oriented beliefs. As a species imperative, we would be served in unifying all apparent polarized positions such as competition and it's attenuating belief in scarcity, or we will simply parish as a species. The more we love, the faster we vibrate. If I want to vibrate in the frequency of Unity Consciousness, I must choose love. So I shall love and i shall love with all the passion built up inside me. Changing friends, beliefs or the contents of my mind does not change my vibration. It is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and self acceptance for who i am RIGHT NOW, that will change my vibration, nothing outside of me can dictate my experience otherwise.

I attune myself to the vibration of love, i an neutral and unbiased and with this CLEAR intent i will attract the guidance I seek and free the field for clarity. My Essence Self is the guardian of my entry into Cosmic Consciousness, it will assist me in allowing only the wisdom of Divine guidance to enter my mind. I will be like the owl, the guide with the vision of truth in the darkness. I will trust my mystical intelligence and inner knowing. I will pay attention to my spirits subtle messages.I will know instantly when something rings true for me or not. I will invoke my Essence Self so that i can bypass the human lense of egos desire and the cloudiness of past beliefs and experiences.
I feel my intrinsic worth and open the window for the light to shine through. I AM OPEN to the possibility of magic and miracles in my life. I am a knower. I fly into the pure state of consciousness where there are no words. I am remaining open to receive my native tongue, the galactic language of light. What a joyful reunion, and such a gift of grace I have been given!

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