Saturday, June 29, 2019

Trinity Alignment Energy Forecast & Attunement: Cancer New Moon and Eclipse Season July 2nd -Dec 26th 2019 up coming 6 months

 Artist / @emilythefunkypriestess 
Music 🎶 @deyadova to below video

I want to share this ASCENSION ENERGY UPDATE FROM By @moonchildmomentsxx 
Simply because it is so profound and on SPOT with this Transmission, you are about to engage with. And it will assist you in just that which it says you should do: Step into service of your higher heart and your illusion's. 
The expanding and integrating of our higher aspect is increasing with the influx of beautiful galactic waves which are creating platinum and blue spiral helixes within our energy body, starseeds are receiving data upgrades through the causal chakra and experiencing headaches and tingling within the back of the head as the downloads integrate.

We are being presented with the awareness of our higher fifth-dimensional reality as we move into the frequency of our upgraded cellular template, we are stretching between our lower and higher vibrational aspects simultaneously to further dissolve the illusionary definitions we have carried to create a humanized construct within this matrix simulation.

The tri-fold flame is ascending within our circuitry, waves of golden, magenta and turquoise light weaving within our sacred vessel to anchor the fullness and unification codes of our core essence which is one of unconditional love.

We are experiencing a discord between the calling to step into service and step out of illusion, old programs fears, unworthiness and validation themes are being purged from the root, base and sacral. 
Deep held illusionary armor which served to lead us through incarnational cycles into the well of all human experience as we sought to explore separation consciousness within this dense physical vessel is untethering, dissolving and delayering, each petal within our higher heart Is opening to receive the light of our divine essence.

Anxiety, abandonment, betrayal, rejection and separation themes are being released through the collective particularly within souls who align with a feminine frequency, these blocks are no longer able to sustain their presence within our emotional field and upgraded chakra circuitry as we step into the next energetic wave of unity consciousness.

Old scripts are no longer operational within this energetic field of expansion, logical process belongs within the 3D mindset, we are called to operate from a place of surrender to honor the higher heart as our primary navigation system and hold the vibration of love as trust.

This shift requires the release of our illusions, the cessation of limitation scripts which we have hidden behind for fear of dissolving our identity.

Separation from source as we embodied human form created an identity as an extension of source light, a facet of the crystalline heart of the universe, we are transcending the ego, the identity, we are recognizing through awakening the wholeness of our interconnectedness and integrating all extensions of our own light which is an extension of source light.

We are Carrying the spark of source light within we forged matter and form to embody the seeds of our Galactic origin, these seeds are growing, stretching and expanding towards the light seeking fullness in order to bloom into a collective frequency of unconditional love.

Step into service of the higher heart and our of illusion.

The purge is beginning beloved lightworkers... 5 planets are going retrograde- OH MY!

Buckle up. i got a transmission for you to ride the coming 6 months with!


Im ready for this! Are you!?

No fake high vibes here that is based on conditional positivity and light and love

We are HIGH VIBE but we will take absolutely NO BULL SHIT!

in space with me all will be placed onto the wheel of equality when it comes to respect! 31st gene key in effect big time!

Join me here 888 Delphi Temple~TRINITY Alignment Academy 4 LIGHT WARRIOR’s Bootcamp 2222 (Gaia's Dragonfly Choir & Orchestra Of Synergistic Harmonic Convergence- TAT) to get a (free) taste of the Space of Grace for the Awakened and Awakening Light Warriors and Omni-Weavers that i have cultivated since 2017-18 and will continue growing.

There will be a group i will be forming for 1:1 engagement potential clients who wish to have me at their fingertips during these shifts ahead to be of service to mentor furing waves that will bring mass confusion and to help you unplug from mass consciousness -but it will be available for a small donation of $88.11 and anyone in this group will get discount healing and attunement sessions for a bomb price! Your membership will be paid per month and you arent commited to commune for any specific time frame. You go per month and in organic nature will come and go as you please, im here ANYTIME you wish to donate! (And often help out when i first meet someone even if you havent)

So if you want to be part of it and begin living your life by design and get tour Chakras alligned then PM me and we will at this point figure out what ‘comeing to meet’ for synthesis purpose together monthly is ‘worth’ to you of you cant afford $88.11 and well start there.

This is for those who cant afford a full mentorship at this time due to prosperity blocks or those who simply dont need to pay for an entire apprenticeship with me because they are masters of their own body purification and need me as a simple ‘reflector’ to see where they cannot see in the tunnel of light where it ‘bends’ and is but shadows to our own lens. THIS is for those who just require a safe space for sacred play and tantra with the body-free to EMOTE what has been suppressed within us and as we express IT we RISE INTO GIFT OCTAVES and quantum leap into oneness of the Siddhi

Interested? PM me!

There will be another group formed for those ‘in full apprenticeship’ but it will be separated from the ‘collective’ one ill be launching this month. You can taste what ill be offering in my Eclipse and New Moon update recently channlened and released a few days ago in prep of the wave hitting us this evening. The apprenticeship would be 6 months; 24 1:1 & 1-2hr sessions for $2400-4,800 (24th and 48th gene key) (depends on if a session is 1-2 hrs).

I will alongside that have a small group for those ‘in energetic movement with me’ in THAT way to have a small oneness community which will offer support among one another and a space to learn to trust again as a whole. To trust In one another and our unique designs/blueprints and lift each other as Warriors up up and away beyond the 5th dimension!!!

We are HERE TO CHANGE- This is not a time or WAVE for cherry picking people!

Discernment IS KEY!

Deal with your fucking genetic karma and OLD PROGRAMMING and listen to what YOUR BODY IS COMMUNICATING TO YOU- or be open to allow yourselves to receive insight from others!

Do not fall for the tricks of the carrot on the stick and tumble into an unexpected rabbit hole of your own ego or others! The Small NOT SELF (ego) WILL be terrified and in complete victim projection as involution of grace PRESSES UPON YOU to UPGRADE! Surrender... it will serve you in this time of Death and Rebirth.

Grace is going to penetrate your awareness and is NEW in regards to ENERGY. Although the basic of chakra knowing and 12-24 strand DNA repair is important- were taking kundalini to a whole other level.

No more bull shit of the mind for it TIME TO LISTEN TO THE HEART! We are from now until August going to be venturing into the depths of the Codon Ring Of Union for our higher benefit of the whole and come January 11 2020– THE NEW FOUNDATION FOR THE 5th DIMENSION WILL BE CONCRETE. The concrete is still drying and wet- and fluid like- do the maintenance necessary to make sure you arent dragging all OLD NOT SELF baggage into the NEW PARADIGM REALITY!

Time to be devoured by the ‘monsters’ and ‘dragons’ you fear!

Time to surrender, trust those here ready to assist and help and get serious about getting back into balance and in tune with ones G CENTER (Higher Monopole Identity or Trinity!)


The TRI FLAME of my 3rd pearl is now here to elevate and uplift one and all into the delight and ecstasy that the NEW WORLD through MY SUPER POWER OF MUTATION... has to offer us come January 11th 2020!

Change - Raise up to the 5D heart-centered vibe and Siddhi knowing of truth or choose the 3D MIND psychosis and shadow/victim-centered paradigm and continue to suffer while Essenes like myself plant a STOP CODON (or TRUTH BOMBER) in your root to bloom. its all up to you truly 😉 and i know you are Truly Scrumptious

Gunna go boohoo or turn it into a WOO HOO

Are you claiming ‘I’m fucked’ or do you wanna turn that into OM FUCKED!?

Make a choice then hit me up! Or join my group on Facebook!
Crystals are speaking to me again- now that im actually getting back into balance and flow. I haven't done a transmission in a while now- and so many of the crystal devas are communicating and trying to get my attention and so are the Mayan archetypes and guides who have a message that want to come through various other oracle decks i work with! 
This stone im about to mention is a must during the waves ahead! And/or the individual 5 stones that make up this one I’m about to introduce! (Can read in picture's below) 
Quantum Quattro wants me to find one of its stones (may be the first i ever buy online however i own most its mineral makeup in individual stones) as it will help me achieve all thing 'Synergy' related (which is what we're dealing with for the New Cancer Moon and Eclipse's) and happens to be the Sacred Geometry card that is crystal gridded on my Alter and brings us a special message in which Quantum Quattro can assist us in anchoring into the higher chakra's. 

"The origin of the word SYNERGY (45th Gene Key) comes from 'working together', and it can be described as the result of something that is greater than the simple sum of its individual parts. In the new energy, we can expect synergy to not only refer to a process with an outcome that is greater but to one that involves uniting elements, energies, and even undefined attributes to create something that is completely new, different, and unexpected (Like my transmissions). This brings a wondrous element of magic to the whole process. In THIS ACTIVATION, synergy is represented through the uncommon and rather bold choice of color combinations. By itself, pink represents the Divine Feminine attributes of love, nurturing, stillness, and receptivity; and the bright yellow-green color represents the new energy through clarity, beauty, and exhilaration. Purple brings in consciousness and insight, while the opening at the top represents the channel that allows input from a higher place. This communication is taken in, brought to the CORE/ROOT, surrounded by loving pink and light (Send this light from the palm of your hands into your sacral and root and solar plexus Chakras... within your palms is the 11th point that will activate your healing abilities), and transcended for release into the Earth plane in an appropriate energy that is in alignment with the consciousness there. The effects of this release's a ripple through the emotional planes (the water), the mental planes (the blue), and can even affect us on the DNA level (the coding in the background)."

I noticed that the number vibration of this card/stone was the #41, that equals a 5 and as i wrote this transmission i noticed the repetition of the numbers 5, 41, and 7. Since completing it and even before it the 555 kept coming to me very strongly. I will be going into depth of what this energy brings forth for this wave/portal/gateway we are entering for the next 6 months. just know that GREAT CHANGE IS HERE... 'The Event' is about to truly kick off...and our first wave preparing us enters the evening of 6/29/2019 


I am sensing a HUGE Incoming Wave will occur TONIGHT. It is approx 0930am here right now. I feel STRONGLY, the Wave will be massive, arriving within 12 hours from Now for All.
This is ALL about God. We are in a HUGE timeline. The ONLY way, is through our Hearts. It matters not what we know, what we believe, where we have been, where we have walked, what we think...the ONLY way, is through our divine heart portal. It was always the KEY.
Profound times, massive juncture to get through. For the Forerunners, expect a body purge, as cells change, spin faster, as we alter again and upgrade the system. The forerunners are at penultimate stage, prior to enlightenment or said another way, where their Consciousness changes, to be in a body, with the embodied consciousness of God. How long this penultimate stage lasts I do not know. Just that we are there, in service, to divine Will.
Stay true to your self, allowing all others their journey. The only through the heart. As the innocence of the child.
One Love, I love you all.

29 June 2019

Try this exercise:

Take a moment to go INSIDE yourself and think about a situation when seemingly very different people came together and worked toward a wonderful result.

Now think about a personal goal of yours. Who can you bring together to help you accomplish your goal? What about a global goal- can you think about it and od the same?

I know a few individuals such as myself and a woman named Johanna Burkhardt (The Soul Shaman) who's doing just this and she is a massive inspiration to me! check out her transmissions -> and see if anything she has to offer resonates with you!

I will only have two offerings in July besides my private 1:1 long terms clients.
And they are:
A space for grace: $222 for a whole month of me in your corner and being there for you!
The Soul Purification Process Preview.
This will be 6 week beta group who will be led through the process that can be applied to any wound, any block, any memory, past life, relationship, or struggle including money issues.
If you would like more info on this and what this is, please message me and let’s have a conversation.
6 weeks for $222; A single session with me is normally $250
To get enrolled in either of these message me on Facebook. No links - no fancy pages... just me saying hey, you want help here is an inexpensive way. If not I am okay with that too. July is always a pivotal month in the year. Let’s make it super transformative as well!

 We are here to make love- not war...come and feel the love with us, shed tear's with us... and move your body with us!

Sneak Peak: I AM AWAKE means I claim my Mystical Powers & am living life by the integrity of my unique design! It means I AM an empowered, Passionate and Compassionate Holy Trinty Grail Goddess in Union with ALL that IS! 

As we wrap up the end of June and come into the Cancer New Moon of July, and the coming 6 months- Quantum Quatro is a Very potent stone. Its one I keep being guided to upon my journey as im stepping into radiance and my higher purpose! Spirit is telling me that I should go find this stone and purchase multiple of them and "make talismans for people who are interested in my jewelry crafting of necklaces"...a new creative art that is bursting forth from the work i've been doing the past few years and all the compliments I receive around me of the pieces I crafted only for myself. I was randomly nudged to pick up my Crystal Wisdom Oracle book and just flip to a page, and this stone keeps on coming to me, but i have pretty much ignored it for quite a while it seems. It is now time to introduce it for WE as a collective are completely ready for it and i personally have worked with many of the minerals contained within its 5 element makeup!
"The stones frequency is very high and energizes all chakras. It’s a great assistance for Taurus Gemini and Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius and Capricorn (when in galactic transit we move through these energies also assists anchoring them). The social path with the stone is holistic healing for the soul" (TRINITY!) 
Quantum Quattro Is a powerful, synergistic combination of five Crystals that have amazing healing power and dramatic effect on Physical vitality. It facilitates information flowing through multiple dimensions to bring about an energetic shift and integration.
Here is the message for the collective that shares the space of grace that I provide as Trinity:
“You are an extremely complex person who is seeking wholeness within yourself. Examine all facets of your personality, especially those you hide from yourself and others. Accept those of value and transform deficits by finding the gift hidden deep within them or forgiving yourself and letting go. Heal your inner child. Recognize the many resources you have to draw on.
In divination, you can recognize the many facets of whatever question you have at this time. It is nowhere near as straightforward as it seems, so did deep and see all sides from the root. Karmic aspects need healing before the situation resolves. Remember that the power of the whole (Trinity Monopole) is much better than its Component parts (fractals). Once you have all the information you are invincible and evolve rapidly.”
This is what my Higher Guidance Tri-Flame is sharing with your consciousness in synergy. I am simultaneously taking this knowing and advice and acting upon it in the present now alongside you- as a refresher of integration i have undergone the past 7 years. 
Haha as im scoping this stone out im waiting for my ‘milo thatch’ moment to arrive- when he gets everything he needs to journey to Atlantis... thats what this feels like for me haha

Have you experienced this essence yet!? If so share! (if a song of a video comes to mind for expression of it for you then i love for you to share that also!) Id love to hear or if you have synchronicity with it in any form! Or if you are interested in a Talisman Crystal Necklace then hit me up!
In the meantime, Saturn and Chiron are channeling in- and my beloved Malachi is interfacing with their consciousness right now. He works with planetary sentience.  He’s literally within Saturn right now while simultaneously on earth. Hes doing that while im channeling this transmission LOL! Probably best to check out LEO KING to get a total scope on what the heck Saturn is doing...we love David! 

His LIVE special Mid 2019 Eclipse Master Astrology Presentation being filmed Monday July 1 2019 is now available on HighVibe.TV you will not want to miss this! It’s a whole new world, random occurrences, random events and excitement for the future is here as we get ready for this next Eclipse. If we drop our ego and are willing to push through into new dimensions, the Universe will reward you greatly, don’t fight for the past… Try something new! Relationships are transforming, our finances are transforming… You are no longer who you were, we can no longer live with a veil over our eyes. If you think about life and the approach you take on a day to day basis you will notice that we have certain situations that we have constantly been trying to fix and failing time after time… I know I’m sick of that… Are you?

Leo king also mentions that the spirit animal energy that is present is "the cow", which isnt ironic because last year during my personal 'liberation' experience... the energy of the cow was showing up then for me... and i was going off on the mass victim consciousness that was showing up everywhere and i had complete "awareness turrets" but wasnt coherent of what the fuck was going on!

June 25 at 12:19 PM  Trinity Alignment Oracle Energy Update

Chiron, Saturn, and Pluto are addressing the wounded healer within, so pay attention to intuition and take time to rest,relax, play and just find gratitude in whatever you are engaging in the now. The Solar Plexus meditation/transmission from Johanna above will also assist you at this time to get your emotions under check!
Connect to your higher I AM and allow the inner child to play and use its voice! Journal time! Sacred ritual time. Self love and focus! Be gentle and tender with yourself and others its a very emotional wave bringing up THE ROOTS of your ‘suffering’.
Stones of assistance: Aventurine, black moonstone, penolith, bumblebee jasper, ocean jasper, *amethyst, *carnelian, *garnet, celestite, pyrite, *Crocite *Cat's Eye *Quantum Quatro *Sodalite  *Green Chrysoprase *Fire Agite
So many astrological transits- we are being activated by our galactic relatives and teachers if you're connected or guardian/keeper you can FEEL THIS.
Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are dancing with the moons and the Music of the spheres are ringing in my ears.
Time to purge- dont get caught on the trap of the stick and the carrot of resentment! Time to get out of those phyop not self themed loops and get back on track - challenge your beliefs and adventure beyond their limitations.
Spirit says be steadfast and forgiving! Abundance and prosperity is on the way as long as you let go rather than be dragged. Ascended Master Hilarion comes to us saying to use Discernment and to pay attention to synchronicity because that's where the flow is at and where you come into Divine alignment with your higher purpose.
"We bring you the blessing of discernment. There is an expression that all that glitters is not gold, and that appearances can deceive. This does not mean you must greet the world and all its appearances with suspicion and distrust. It does mean it is wise to trust what you feel and sense happening beneath the surface, even if that seems to directly oppose what is being said or what many others may believe. The world is filled with opportunities for you to practice sensing truth behind the mask. You will do this most accurately when you allow your instincts and intuition to inform you without rationalizing the information so it matches the superficial appearance of things. If intuition or instinct is niggling (nudging) you, then it is trying to communicate something. LISTEN. Take your time to feel for your authentic response (you can learn where in your body this comes from in your human design  Discernment helps you cut through illusion, manipulation and deception and get to the heart of the matters at hand. It is the intelligent use of your intuition and instinct that will help you navigate through the multitude of choices available to you every day and choose what best serves your life journey."

 Hilarion is courting us into the Codon Ring Of Purification.

This is also speaking upon the 13th gene key's gift of Discernment (the programming partner is the 7th gene key).

7th ICHING Programming Partner 13: Fellowship Of Man
Fire Rises Up To Heaven

The longing For Union Fuels Creativity Purifying The Past To Discern The Present

Empathy is the Beauty of Rapture
Discernment is Fresh Light
Discord is the Entropy of Desire
Here we are Creating PASSION

"Distinguishing things according to their kinds and classes. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream. It will be advantageous to maintain the firm correctness of the superior man" ****THIS SEEMS TO BE EMPHASIZE TWICE TO US***

“To be empathic is to have access to the egg out of which all the great myths have sprung. Empathy alone goes further and deeper than a myth because it reunites the opposites and brings an end to the stories themselves. Empathy is a state of consciousness outside of time, even though it enfolds time. Again this is symbolized by the mystery of the number thirteen, which stands for the hub of the great wheel of twelve, the mystic number of the grail at the center of the Round Table, or the Christ encircled by his twelve disciples. It is the number of Arachne, the spider, the mystical thirteenth sign of the zodiac. She sits at the heart of the web of creation and through her legs she remains in constant empathy with all that" - Richard Rudd
The stillness of the 52nd Gene key can be obtained and Grace of the 22nd can be received NOW as the 13th begins to purify us.
Do the following ritual available to us from Alana Fairchild and this will anchor this into the body

I call upon the crystal angel of Green Chrysoprase and Ascended Master Hilarion who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing blessing of discernment. May I open my perception, detached and neutral, to discern the truth in all people, situations and events. May I be blessed with the knowledge of what is true and what to do. My discernment brings my inner security, empowerment and confidence to trust myself now. Through my own free will, so be it, by the powers of three so mote it be. I choose now of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire BEING, to release any shame, fear, guilt and doubt about my ability to discern truthfully, or about the content of what i perceive and how i choose to express it. I forgive and release all involved in any such matters completely now. I ask for the healing grace required to fully awaken and experience my divine discernment now so I may always feel what is true and what to do, in accordance with divine wisdom. Through divine grace and unconditional love, so be it! word I AM WORD with this intention! May Divine LOVE shine its truth through the discerning eye awakened within. May all beings see and know the truth, free from judgment and fear, so that Divine and Love's will may effortlessly prevail upon the Earth. According to divine compassion and in service to the great divine plan of love unfolding, SO BE IT. 

Now AFFIRM: "It is natural for me to discern truth and I trust in the clarity of my inner intuitive instinctual knowing!"

Rumi is sneaking in “You are such that besides this physical body, you have another astral body. do not, therefore, be afraid of getting out of the mortal frame. Though you appear in earthly form your essence is pure consciousness. You are the fearless guardian of Divine Light. So come, return to the ROOT of the ROOT of your own soul!”

Now release all the toxic crap that has accumulated and stagnated the past 2 years or more. Core wound work is necessary!
Main message from Ganesha (Elephant Gift in Dream Arc)

"If you have been working hard or putting extra effort into something, it will definitely be worth all the work. You will see the results and rewards for your labor. You may have been working on something quite challenging and important for the last few months and this is likely to come to a conclusion soon. Ganesha is guiding you to not lose faith while you wait for things to come to fruition. Be patient and appreciate the progress you have made so far. If your hard work has not yet paid off as planned, consider that your expectations may need modifying. There are no guarantees. Be grateful, focus on the present and do what you can with what you have. There will be an ending to a difficult period of financial or material struggle.
I'm Here to help and hold space (for donations Paypal if you need, just PM me and ill help in my free time. But many changes in my world and services from Trinity Alignment to be offered will come very soon and between now and the end of the year (closer to the lionsgate portal of 88 and my birthday LOL) so keep your eye out for the fun and transformative things to come from my corner of the world.

Ascension Update:

Welcome to July

This month is our first month of action in the ascended line for those who have made it across

roughly 18k of you are now ready to build the projects and prepare the way for the mass migration in August,.
[On August 23rd there will be a massive migration from transit line to Ascended line somewhere between 300m-500m currently is estimated then Jan 11th 2020 is when the whole world moves over and 10 year countdown begins].
there are a few really cool things to note, our natural data point is now 52 per hour and will only enhance from here by end of July its set to be 56 natural.
[Time is understood as 1 data point an hour, so 52 is like compressing a little over 2 days into a single hour]
[See the movie 'Contact' to understand more about dimensionality and the depth of a moment]

the first step to build the new world begins in July but the supplies and resources needed wont fully be made available till end of august so do the best you can with what you have and know you will have more soon and with July we have several dates to be aware of which i will write out underneath this.
Influxes: (spike in data), July 3rd (3points per extra hour), July 5th (1pt), July 8th (5pt), July 17th (3pt), July 19th (4pt)
Ascended Master Gift: Sacred Sexuality July 15-18th.
[Its the ascending perspective around sexuality will be shared to the Collective template, whatever that means will be fun to watch]
Exploration Container(future self(10 year) access):21st-28th [will update on this further into the month]
While it may seem daunting looking at all this that's going on know you have what you need to handle this and there is a part of you who will make it through this who is great, you are that greatness
this month will just help you unlock it from within,
this is one of the last major pushes we will have leading up to the full landing of the rest of the world on January 11th.
breathe and know you are enough ::hugs:: ❤ ~ Jason Estes
And the TRINITY ALIGNMENT ORACLE Energy Update offered for June New Moon and Eclipse season I am about to go deep into weave with now. The Alter Card's I had at the beginning of the month of June coincide with this coming energy for July so i am going to make a separate blog of it and share it along with this for anyone's inquiry.
So when I recently pulled a card on what energies WE are all going through; the Mayan glyph CHICCHAN (cheek’ chan) showed up. 
This Glyph assists with the following: Vitality, passion, sensing body wisdom, motivation, desire, instinct, creativity, the serpent, kundalini, integration, purification, intimacy, and patterns that connect. It brings with it a Meditation for us known as ‘the Flint and tinder of the sacred fire.’ 
"In the great mystery, Flint and tinder represent Intrinsic combustion that initiates movement in the physical body towards union with spirit or soul. When they are brought together, the spark of divinity awakens and ignites the fire of one’s essence. We are inviting the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align and integrate the body mind and soul. This glyph can help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras and to clear and aligned them. If you’re working on a process of purification invite CHICCHAN to assist you. (I guess in this case Quantum Quattro is our flint and CHICCHAN (along with Crocite) is our tinder)  
“There are two aspects of the kundalini force a.k.a. the energy that moves up from the base of the spine and out through the crown chakra. The aspects are ADI and the PINGALA, representing it’s male and female polarities. One of the secrets of CHICCHAN is the activation of a higher state of consciousness to activating and balancing these two Polarities so that they dance within us as one. (With, in, and AS consciousness)
The 3rd Gene key of innocence, innovation and chaos speak's about this very melding within. And this is my pearl that I have to offer you. Your Pearl in the Golden Path Sequence represents a great harvest in your life. This Gene Key brings you rewards and grace once you have let go of its
underlying Shadow pattern.

The Shadow of this Gene Key makes you tight, especially when you allow stress to lead you away from the beautiful and the simple.

You become tight when you succumb to the status quo, and compromise a life that could be exquisite for a life of drudgery and monotony. The Gift and Siddhi of this Gene Key remind you of what is essential in your life. When you bring your full awareness onto these Gifts, you will experience clarity that most people can only dream of.

“Another metaphor for the serpent energy comes from the Mayan words LUK’ UMEN TUN BEN CAN, Or Those absorbed by the serpent of the sacred knowledge.
When the seven (7) chakras are fully activated, one experiences an enlightened state.”

The energy we are working with combining CHICCHAN/Crocite and Quantum Quattro would help us in the integration of our Multidimensional Lightbodies- Earthship Merkabah Or Torus field that emits from our auras. (All chakras in congruence with one another in expression aka Trinity Alignment/balance) 

While quantum Quattro will assist in all things quantum and higher chakras activation; CHICCHAN will cover the basics in full synthesis. CHICCHAN Represents the basic structural apparatus of one’s Motivations, instincts, desires, and ones innate (genius) movement towards wholeness  (G center Monopole awareness/surrender/alignment/attunement= Trinity)
"We are being asked at this time to shed the skin of your past by stepping consciously into the ***fires of alchemical transmutation*** (surrender sacrifice and service)  In this, ***rebirth*** is revealed! A desire for wholeness (Trinity Alignment) is an innate response and coded in the depths of our being! 

With the energy present here you can learn to use any intelligence of the body to perceive wholeness. And culture today you may have become separated from this wisdom. But it works like this..."
“When you suppress and ignore your issues, your body receives and retains The unconscious metaphors of that which is ignored. This may be expressed by physical symptoms that bring your unconscious issues to conscious awareness. When this happens, work towards a more conscious relationship with your body- And work with the physical metaphors to heal yourself on all levels!!! 
(Im witnessing this in my beloved and what ive been doing since 2012 and coming into completion as we learn some new fun Chakra tools and i use them on myself and also him and he's having fun with them too! we're here to synthesize these basic tools... and bring them into something so much greater!) 
“The body has a specific kind of consciousness through which messages are clearly delivered. In fact, your body itself is a living metaphor that mirror is your mind, emotions and spirit. However, the body also remembers all it has experienced, and consequently holds the consciousness of the past within it, including past WOUNDS and traumas(dramas 💗). In Healing these, the levels remember the innocence of your body." (THE 3rd GENE KEY!) 
"Please treat it with love and respect. Open yourself to be aware of its messages and metaphors rather than storing them continually. Be willing to look at the positive intent beneath any symptoms or physical process your body is using to communicate. Explore whatever it may be asking you to see deeper! 
In this alignment process, you can use images or energies that come to you in Meditation or dreams. Journey through your body to catalyze and explore any sensations, colors, shapes, or images."
I have done this and continue to do this in many forms but my favorite is through auto-writing and allowing my inner child to express through its own voice and then addressing what is been expressed in a neutral state with the higher self. Basically conversations between me and “God”, through the means of light letters or channels daring to be divine. 
You can take a look or follow along in my blog to see how I’ve done this and how I continue to do this in my own environment and reality (a book to come in the future) as i continue to do the genetic laundering of this vessel and address collective and personal shadows for purification purposes. There are links further down to my blog that can assist you after this transmission into further light body integration and chakra/purification assistance. 
“In these times right now we have a profound opportunity to transcend both our physical and our spiritual genetics.”
that is exactly what my design and Soul (A Core Arm of the Holy Trinity) came here to help and assist others in doing and holding space of grace FOR THEM during this great time of change. I am here to assist with the dance of body integration while sharing how i DO THIS Trinity Alignment process! 
“The bodies integration provides an unparalleled opportunity for personal evolution. Learn to expand and utilize her senses to except your body is wisdom in vitality. Don’t “think” about it; Simply allow your body to sans intuitively the solution is necessary for change and growth.” 
"CHICCHAN Also represents the connection between powerful physical or static experiences in the light of higher consciousness"

 No coincidence that my life’s work revolves around ecstasy and delight 46th gene key as does my Sacred Partner share this Brand: Your Life’s Work/Brand: This aspect of your Profile and its relevant Gene Key highlights the ideal arena of your external work in the world. This is the role that most suits your creative expression and that allows you the full freedom to be yourself without compromise. The Shadow of this Gene Key describes what tends to occur around you when you lose touch with your true self. At the other end of the spectrum, the Siddhi or highest potential of this Gene Key describes you living at the absolute zenith of your genetic potential. In your Pearl Sequence, this Sphere is known as your ‘Brand’, as it guides you in how best to express your highest Gifts, in order that you can achieve true recognition in life.
Brothers and sisters know this now ...through me and my beloved, you come into the initiation of awakening through the body and senses, rather than in negation Of them. 

As a man named Jose Arguelles Says in the Mayan factor, “Like the Maya, We shall understand that the path to the stars is through the senses.”
“Within the body are held the keys or Genes (ICHING) to fully awakening our consciousness! This deeper understanding is Expressed in Tantric practices (Which such ceremonies i will have to offer in 2020). Where spirituality and sexuality are integrated and honored as a means of enlightenment.”
CHICCHAN represents the integration of mind body and spirit and that is the mission of Trinity Alignment Therapeutics and its global Divine Movement to bring this into reality to the WHOLE COLLECTIVE here on Gaia. 
CHICCHAN is associated with the sacred tools of the drum and the rattle. 
Which innately I utilize both in the work that I do with any of my clients or those in apprenticeship. I have a sacred drum on my own with a very special story to share with it and I use it with intention of emotional magnification. It’s Essence is connected to the tattoo on the Top of my left shoulder which in totality is a cosmic flower Or seed of life. Are used my drum (will acquire a rattle eventually but have energy techniques that act as one already) And rattle because they hold the intent to break down old patterns well bringing Energy into alignment
So funny that the quantum Quattro has five elements to it and that CHICCHIN is representative of the number five Which is the vibration of Center and change!!! 
"Your center is represented by the central axis of your spine, Around which universal energy spirals. This bar symbolizes the human foundation within the individual self, the foundation from which wholeness is awake and then remembered. Five also represents the human hand, the grasp of humanity."

My wrists and hands aka ‘grasp’ this past month has been excruciatingly painful in my body and now the message is received as to ‘why’ this is showing up; even spending all day writing this up has enflamed them 
"The colors we are working with is flaming Vermilion, representing passion, vitality, and the fires of purification. The main word if you please for this red-orange energy Is CHACLA. It is the color of awakening and endurance, the color of molten Lava "

I am a Reiki Attuned Master (can attune you if you wish) and i am being called to share some magic with you today. I feel using a symbol in Karuna Reiki known as Iava will assist the collective in self-healing. I love to mix Shambala Multidimentional Reiki with Karuna (fire) and Usuki Reiki into one synthesis. This symbol specifically represents this like energy of molten lava so use it on your chakras and areas of the body you feel stagnation! Combining the symbol along with This color and help the nervous system prepare for a higher state of consciousness. 
So if you wish to access this energy and totality, visualize the color of red-orange flames within each of your chakra and human design centers. (Use the stone Crocite and Quantum Quattro while doing this also, if you can obtain them otherwise simply ask the devas to work in your favor and anchor in their vibrations through intention. 
We will begin alignment today by starting our focus upon the earth star chakra and then moving the energy up your spine using the following channeled method from Trinity; while focusing on any center you will be declaring I AM light divine love sublime and peace beyond space and time, Jyorei Jyorei Jyorei Raku Ki LUK’ UMEN TUN BEN CAN“
You will repeat this 3 times per each center, but Prior to doing this with each center and to ‘wake it up and activate the energy’- tap the top of your head 3x and then your heart 3x THEN proceed to place the following symbols 

Midas, Veshudah, Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Iave, Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma, Shanti, Rama, OM, Kriya, Hulu, Harth, Hosanna, Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Veshuda Midas

in THAT ORDER (look them up online if u dont know them or check them out in photos here)- visually send this color therapy with these symbols in subsequent order to each of the following; 

earth star chakra, root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, head chakra (Ajna), crown chakra and finally the soul star chakra. 

Following this you can do a "Reiki healing session" on yourself using any of the diagrams i provide
At the end of the above exercise repeat the following 
“Spirit or super conscious please locate the origin of my feeling or thought of ***fill in the blank of whatever pertains to you***(Shadow nature or archetype) 
Take each and every level, layer, Area and aspect of my Be-ing To this origin. Analyze and resolve it perfectly, with God/goddess truth. Come through all generations of time and eternity healing every incident and it’s Appendages Based on the origin. Do it according to Higher self Divine Will until I AM at the present- Filled with ‘light and truth’, inner peace and love, forgiveness for my incorrect perceptions, forgiveness of every person, place, circumstance an event which card to be at it to the feeling and or thought. So it is word i am word with this intention. 
With total forgiveness and unconditional love I allow every physical, mental and emotional and spiritual problem, and inappropriate behavior based on the negative origin recorded in my DNA to transform. 

I choose BE-ing ***fill in the blank of whatever pertains to you*** (of a gift nature)
I feel ***fill in the blank of whatever pertains to you*** (of a gift nature) 
I AM ***fill in the blank of whatever pertains to you*** (of a Siddhi nature) 
Repeat “it is done, it is healed; it is accomplished NOW! Word I am word with this intention. Om Mani Padme Hum”
Upon completion, give gratitude and thank your higher self and guides for assisting in all DNA and cellular repair necessary for the next 180 days (or however long u wish it to benefit in your favor). 
Repeat “Thank you spirit, for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you and Devout myself to Divinity/higher self from whom all blessings flow.” 
You're now FIN 
Try to make time for such medication daily- 20 minutes minimum spending time in sacred space with yourself is the self care your soul craves. 

Guidance was brought to us as i drew The Wisdom Keeper (Gene Key) cards and the 5th key of Patience presented itself (another 5) as our primary Masculine Energy, along with the 41st of Anticipation (and another 5) as our primary Feminine Energy. 

5th ICHING: Waiting- Clouds Rise Above Heaven
Pregnant With The Waters Of Life

Timelessness is Devotion to Beauty
Patience is Commitment to Freshness
Impatience is Half-Heartedness with Entropy
Bringing us into Communicating Creation
"Waiting intimates that with sincerity and firmness there will be a brilliant success and good fortune. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream"

“Containing all the codes and patterns of life, the 5th Gene Key represents the great digital library of consciousness in form. These codes lie coiled and concealed within every single living cell, wound into the famous helical patterns of your DNA. The 5th Gene Key is also one of those Gene Keys that is found in all life forms since it alone maintains the very rhythmical patterns that allow an organism to stabilize within its particular environment. The 5th Gene Key is a great mystical chess piece within the genome since it also unites all these separate organisms into one great universal rhythm — the pulse of life.”-Richard Rudd

Now the 5th gene key is programmed by it's partner the 35th Key, which is "my love point" or "my spiritual insight" within my designs Venus sequence. I open up a bridge between heaven and earth and can tap directly into The Codon Ring Of Miracles through my unique design and channel of experience. My greatest gift to offer is laughter! Such delight and Esctasy carries us into a stream of fulfillment! This all becomes activated through my Throat Chakra. Quite often because my heart is the programming partner of the 5th this number and key will sneak up and constantly remind me to be Patient as I rest within the stillness of timelessness and observe the shadows of impatience.

The Venus Sequence is the path of courageous emotional opening through relationships. It is a journey that expands your heart through the correct aligning of your attractor field and the gradual release of your defense patterns. Catalyzing a gentle emotional cascade in your life, the Venus Sequence supports you to let go of the pain of separation and invites you to master the great art of returning non-love with love. The Venus Sequence describes the strength of your aloneness and the particular gifts that emerge through your relationship with others. Taking you through a passage of inner revelations that are directly applicable to your life, the Venus Sequence unfolds in cascades and leaps of awareness that progressively soften the defenses around your heart. The inner realizations in these leaps are called Dharma, Karma, Intelligence, Love, and Realization. Each of these pathways contain specific emotional challenges that when accepted and understood brings about a deep expression of your core essence. As understanding of your own Venus Sequence unfolds, you will see how many aspects of your higher nature were shut down while you were very young. The most challenging patterns of your relationships can then be seen as holding the highest possibilities for unlocking these hidden gifts inside you.

5th ICHING Programming Partner 35: Progress - Blazing Fire Atop The Fertile Earth 

That is what my heart does and is the depth of my heart branded business Trinity Alignment Therapeutics. This is MY SQ Sphere in Gene Keys Profiles/Human Design: Your SQ: Also known as the ‘Love Point’, this Sphere relates to your first seven-year cycle from birth to age 7. As this is our physical developmental cycle, this Gene Key governs the primary physiological rhythms and structural patterns that are the basis of your identity. When your awareness reaches deep down into your Love Point, you are on the cusp of the permanent reopening of your heart for the first time since early childhood. The Shadow of this Gene Key is an unconscious pattern that undermines your self-esteem. Working through this Shadow and opening up the Gift and Siddhi of this Gene Key ensures that all your relationships can finally become deeply fulfilling and transparent.

Reaching Beyond While Rooting Beneath
Boundlessness is Rapturous Unity
Adventure is Light Orientation
Hunger is Desiring Dislocation
Bringing us into Passionate Receptivity

"The Superior man reflects in his person the glory of heaven's virtue"

“Adventure is what happens when the human spirit breaks free of the mind. Adventure is a state of being that comes from the realization of the oneness of all being.”-Richard Rudd 35th Gene Key
Ultimately what the 5th key is here to remind us of is: 
"Patience is about Trust. if you trust in life, you will trust life in every moment, even the challenging moments, and in so doing you will always remain in the flow." - Richard Rudd
Now that's what this whole channel is all about, creating FLOW in the body! 

The 41st (another 5) key comes forth as an extra lens for us. Her programming partner is that of the 31st Key which mirrors the 13th gene key we have from transmission above.   

She comes to tell us of her gift of Anticipation: The Ring of Origin. She's here to bring awareness of the shadow of Fantasy and The Genetic Wheel of Samsara; and as an expression of the true beauty, we are in wholeness as the unique Siddhi of Emanation (The Ouroboros). 

This Gene Key ITSELF brings us to the point and Codon Ring of its OWN known as ORIGIN. 

It's primarily here to remind us that 

"Genius manifests whilst non-genius dreams." - Richard Rudd
Together here is their unified Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine message for us
"I am the voice and gift of Patience; It is time to soften your shoulders and relax your breath. Get quiet. Listen to your own heartbeat. There is nothing you have to do right now. Life is deeply intelligent. Its timing is impeccable; it always knows what's best for you. and you, my friend, are an intricate part of life, forever-connected to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING around you. I am here to remind you that nothing happens by accident or without a potential GIFT. A delayed train can lead to an unexpected encounter. (Taking a risk and voicing your truth with another can lead to an unexpected potential partnership in my case). A personal crisis can birth a healing opportunity (My experience with Olivia and my beloved the other day). An individual's pain can unleash collective transformation (the epitome of what i can offer). All with perfect timing. So take another deep breath beloved starseed, step OUT OF THE WAY, and befriend patience. Your SOUL will thank you for it! 
I am the voice of and gift of Anticipation; I come when it is time for a new experience. A NEW WORLD or life chapter is beckoning you. Every CELL in your BODY is INTRICATELY linked, just as EVERY IMPULSE within you is communicating to the whole of creation. If you listen carefully, you can anticipate what is coming, as well as what is truly needed. You hold the key to your dreams in your own hand, and it is your responsibility to turn that KEY. But remember, you are not here to manifest your dreams on your OWN! ALLOW others to participate. Take one small step at a time. Pace yourself. Ask for help. Rest when you need it. Don't over-do or under-do (Trinity Balance). Do not expect things to turn out exactly as you imagine (give details over to the Divine Hands). Then embrace the thrill of Anticipation." 
Here is some brain yoga and questions to contemplate and record in your journal:
Where in your life-and with whom- are you feeling most impatient? 
If you fully trusted in Life's perfect timing, and that nothing happens accidentally, how might your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and relationships change? What might you do- or not do- differently?
Remember the last time you experienced a sense of Timelessness. Where were you?
See if you can BE more and hurry (and worry!) less today? If you experience and uncomfortable feeling, tell yourself, "I'm embracing this feeling for all of humanity." 
 (SO FUNNY as i was just working with my beloved on this today and we where having just this sort of conversation over lunch)
Where in your life do you tend to feel 'too full' or 'too empty'? Do you tend to go back and forth between the two?
Do you fantasize a lot, but have difficulty making things happen?
Are you so driven to manifest your dreams that you burn out? 
Track your thoughts in your journal today: How much time did you spend obsessing about the future? Or rehashing the past? 
Share a dream with someone you trust. Let them in. Let them influence the shape and direction of your dream. 
As a collective (as i have completed this in my own individual experience and am now a Self Mastery Mentor. However; personally am just tying up loose ends and covering the basics to assist in this wave ahead and energies to follow before 2020) we are now coming into union and beginning to purge hardcore. I personally have gone through a 7-year purge in preparation for this collective alignment, and I am here now to assist anyone who feels drawn to connect to me and have questions or want assistance in their journey. A Space of Grace will be necessary if you need support during this time; Many are available through various mentors (if you need one i can direct you to who i think would benefit you whether that be myself or another amazing entrepreneur). 
During this purging period, we will be facing the deep wounding of the human condition that has affected us all on individual and collective levels. Utilizing the Violet Fire and any symbology of Fire/flame will be beneficial. As we begin to ALL JOIN IN ON THE COLLECTIVE MOVEMENT/PURIFICATION that is presently being stirred up in the evolutionary cauldron- we are given a fresh slate to ALL start from 'ground zero' and take a refresher course or for the first time ever start with the basics and foundations that CHICCHIN is offering us. as we integrate the Trinity and bring into alignment the Mind Body and Soul into One, this is just the NEW BEGINNING.  in one of my older blogs from 2017, i was shown what it is i am preparing for and to begin attuning others into... through my numerology deck they revealed the same colors to me of reds representing "new beggings" that we are going to be working with primarily today to align our lower chakra's and the Quantum Quatro will assist for the other 'half' of the process of alignment of the higher chakra's
 We Will soon be moving into octave with Ahau (Mayan Glyph) (the mind of light- codon ring of light 5, 9, 11 and 26th keys), and the 5th Gene key is kick-starting us into it...bringing forth the Siddhi of Timelessness and here is where we will be HITTING the SPEED of BE-ING together. As we recognize the gift of Patience before us we are opening the grand Library Of Light! We will learn about the seed of Impatience and what connection it plays with the New Genetic Code that is coming into movement in humanity and our DNA. But just so we remain focused we will speak of most of that Gene Key in depth another time (sensing another transmission to come; in fact its already 'half' done long time ago you can find the link further into this transmission and ill start making video's so its easier for those who have difficulty reading long channels)...
The basic message at this time is that it is important to take care of YOU at this time and DETACH from the collective 'mass consciousness' as it will get very turbulent if you continue to plug into it and the fear it brews.

As you are coming into your Mystical powers and recognizing the key of the 7th Gene within you, remain persistent and steadfast upon your passions. The 7th Key brings with it the gift of Guidance, highest vibration of Virtue and exposes the shadow of Division. We are treading whereabouts virtue becomes our reward.

"Wherever you recognize another as an authority or guide, the 7th Gene Key is at play…Most people who are recognized as leaders do not want you to stop being a victim because they unconsciously fear that it will put them out of business. In this way, the leader is as much a victim of the 7th Shadow as the follower…True leadership, like true education, does not impose itself on anyone. It is the gift of being able to help others find their own way forward in life, rather than taking away their individual power…At the Gift level of frequency, we see the move away from fear towards service.”-Richard Rudd

7th I CHING: DISCIPLINE-Water Beneath the Earth
Trust and Follow The Current Of Love Inside To Lead Others With The Heart.

Virtue is Unity with Devotion
Guidance is Orienting Commitment
Division is Dislocated Half-Heartedness
Here we enter Receiving Communication

"Discipline indicates that with firm correctness and a leader of age and experience, there will be good fortune and no error."

I have a message from the Lightworker Oracle by Alana Fairchild to help us UNPLUG FROM MASS CONSCIOUSNESS at this time and connect even deeper to the '7'. 
"There is a belief system on fear, doubt and distrust that is known as 'mass consciousness' (or the human condition/Shadow archetype). It says it is safer to stay with the crowd, not to question what you have been taught. It says you cannot trust the Divine to take care of your financial well being or your emotional needs. It says that if you dare to stand up and live your truth, you'll be lost and alone, humiliated, rejected and even destroyed. You are being guided to unplug from that system of beliefs. You are capable of a more creative, loving, and soul-satisfying way of living. To access this, let go of the way that is too small for your soul. You are brave and aware enough to think outside the square, beyond what society or your peers may consider 'normal'. You are supposed to be questioning things right now (like the questions to contemplate previously mentioned). You are in a transition from one way of thinking to another, opening up to a new world which you can TRUST enough to live in with peace and happiness because of the upgraded new beliefs you are cultivating. No matter how others may resist or criticize your choices (perhaps your new ideas take you away from the world they feel comfortable in), your higher guidance encourages you to keep opening your mind to a more loving, higher reality. If you have been thinking along new lines and wonder if you are going crazy; your guidance tells you that you are doing a great job! You are NOT CRAZY! Trust YOURSELF! You are thinking in ways that do NOT belong to mass consciousness. It can seem scary at first, but once you realize the benefits gained from unplugging, you will enjoy the process much more. It will free you and empower you to live a life of your own choosing. Opportunities and connections can open up to you in ways that defy your old beliefs. (i too am experiencing this continually). Sometimes breaking from the accepted norm, doing things differently, or being considered weird to family, colleagues, and friends is a sign that you are breaking away from the consciousness of the masses, which is not compatible with your own higher frequency consciousness. 
You were born to bring a new vibration of awareness to this planet. You will find those who can benefit and even love you for this difference and those who are challenged or fearful of you for it. Either way, you can love and approve of yourself, nourish relationships that support you and have a compassionate detachment from those that do not, without compromising who you are in truth. So keep unplugging yourself, one layer, thought, word and deed at a time, from that which the mass consciousness would have you buy into! More stuff, more fear, more competition, more doubt and more suffering. YOU can change your world and the world we live in as a result, one liberating thought at at time!!!"
Speak the following Invocation to reclaim your power
"Of my own free will, I now ask for spiritual intervention and divine protection through the guidance that loves me unconditionally. I now request the thorough and complete removal of any entity, thought-form, belief system, cord, attachment, or conditioning from my body, mind, and soul that does NOT resonate with the PURE frequency of UNCONDITIONAL UNIVERSAL LOVE. I ask for this process to happen with divine mercy, wisdom, and blessing. I call upon my own inner power and strength to listen for my truths and stand in the light of those truths at the perfect time and in the perfect way, with the loving and empowering assistance of my spiritual team (TRINITY). Through divine Grace and my own inner spiritual authority, so be it, word i am word with this intention. May all beings be blessed by divine love, may all beings be happy and free. Om Mani Padme Hum."
Another CRYSTAL has come forth, and with it's Deva Ulu-Ra-El it brings with it the light language number of 7! Hathor is present and ready to offer us assistance alongside this Deva of the Crocite Stone. This stone in and of itself has been working with me, and my beloved "ghost friend" (he died in 2011) always brings this energy alive within me. He was a "twin flame" of mine and he forever is by my side assisting me in my journey and his memory and essence remains in my heart- just last September he really turned the fire up inside me. The amount of Passion he had coursing through my veins was INSANE... i wrote a short book about it. 
Here is what Master Crystal Deva Ulu-Ra-El has to say
"Mine is the domain of passion, take my hand beloved. See a red flame above your crown, call it down to the base and feel the serpent stir, let an erupting column of fire towards the crown be my welcome and in your rediscovery and embrace of me, let us create! Expression of perfection in Feminine power through the Masculine avenue is my domain, I stimulate the Animal and Primal nature of Humanity which is too easily lost in modern life.  I AM LOVE EXPRESSED as INSTINCT; feel me run through you, I am the breath in the LIONS ROAR. Together now, hand in hand as serpents entwined, let the earthly gift co-creation be your guiding light to eternal happiness and joy. Embrace your creative spark and live, for only those that express pure passion will knowingly hold the HOLY GRAIL and swim in its SACRED WATER."
Wow that just made me start crying. Because i have a whole masterclass brewing on the "Holy Grail" Subject the past two years. I am finally seeing the basis of what I am to be sharing with people. 
So here is how we utilize Crocite in healing
"Crocite is a bright, Fiery, Orange-Red stone (like CHICCHEN) that can be quite transparent, its crystals are slender and quite needle-like, usually disorganized to the eye, cutting and running through each other. It is not found in many localities around the world and the nicest pieces come from Tasmania, displaying a bright, orange-red color that is rare in the mineral kingdom. (and that is why you will utilize the card itself which you can obtain a copy of The Liquid Crystals and use it directly through that medium or bring the card I have posted for viewing pleasure in a visual during meditation. 
Crocite is the crystal of passion. It empowers animalistic expression through sexuality and creativity (TRANTRA), more than ANY other crystal on Earth. It is able to carry FIRE into old relationships, correct impotence and infertility, open up the pathways of creativity and allow the recovery of personal power after distress. Of the minerals available to us that address sexuality, no other addresses the primal instinct as directly as this one, even increasing the sensitivity of the reproductive organs and aiding in the tone of the muscles in the area. 
Everything that Crocite does it does in a very powerful, physically active way, its addresses passion at many levels not just in relation to sexuality, thus can be called into action when the flame has gone out for anything that makes up an important part of your existence. (like my book...) 
This crystal calls the highest energies into BASE and LOWER energy centers to facilitate movement and transition when needed and is able to FACILITATE MOVEMENT from one state to another. In Atlantian times, Crocite was utilized with Amethyst and Garnet as a euthanasia stone FACILITATING the movement from one life to the next. (My team literally had me looking at my older transmissions and blogs...and i mention BOTH of these in one of my primary collective energy updates that are intended to assist many well past 2020-2027
At the physical level, Crocite is a master of male and female reproductive disorders including infertility, ovarian cysts, and hormonal imbalance. 

"When paired with black Obsidian it becomes a doorway stone to the ancient Egyptian cat Goddess Bast"  (which we own a fricken TON of from Mount Shasta Colorado and its around the base and on top of our alter)
This is the Goddess Who paid us personally a visit 2 years ago and has been guiding us ever since...when we got our cat Namma and her twin sister who we named Bast as little kittens and they where born February 22nd, but Bast didn't survive, (and i had a sync where Callie came into my dreams and warned me that she Baste was ill and emphasized that 'we keep blacky' and she came to me as 'kali' who represents black obsidian also) she passed away and our hearts broke. Then she "returned to us" as a Gemini in the body of a kitten that looks just like our older cat Callie (a calico) and returned with the same grey M on her forehead that she left us with and matches her sister Namma! She showed up in our backyard when she was about 7 weeks old! We now call her"scarab" because she wanted a "reincarnated fresh name' and she wanted to represent ALL FACES of the Goddess and Egyptian bloodlines, and my daughter GRACE just blurted out that name and it stuck. This is another story i share but will have to add to my blog... its a book of its own (will add pictures of Bast when i can find it in my archives) 
"The lady of the SUN will answer in the stones presence"
"If Crocite has come to you today, it is time to look at the lower Chakra system from the Solar Plexus down tot he Base for the balance of Passion. Passion is crucial to the Solar Plexus for direction, self love and identification in the world. Passion is crucial at the sacral for co-creation, creativity, freedom and choice. Passion is crucial at the base root Chakra for sexuality, raw physical direction and physical life mastery. Remember as you explore Passion, that blind passion shows a lack of mastery and the presence of ego. Addiction (24th gene key) is the extreme of blind passion unchecked, while depression is the extreme of a lack of passion, expressed in life. As with all things, BALANCE  IS THE KEY, the principal rule, is do what YOU LOVE, NOT WHAT THE WORLD WOULD HAVE YOU DO! Passion is PERSONAL, SHARE IT with those you LOVE, and those who LOVE YOU!"
Affirmation: "My FIRE shines BRIGHTLY, I Express PASSIONATELY!" 
So since Crocite and CHICCHAN go 'hand in hand' i wish to share the shadow wisdom that CHICCHAN brings along with it. IT also helps bring some harmonic wisdom in regards to "mass consciousness" also, which i will share following the Affirmation and Meditation you should doe with CHICCHAN alongside the Crocite.
"I am the Flint and tinder of the sacred fire. I joyfully access and experience the wisdom and vitality held in my body!"
Mudra: Hands coming together at abdomen and interweaving in snakelike movements at the chakra's, ending with the hands together above the head. 

(i recommend you do these with a song of choice that will be shared soon, it personally felt awesome when i did this to Pliato)
"CHICCHAN represents the reptilian brain. This part of the brain thrives on routine, pattern, and predictability. If you are in the shadow of this glyph, you may be living your life on "automatic pilot", appearing to be separated from choices motivated by your Essence Self. Utilize the power of this Glyph to create spontaneity and novelty, freeing the predictability of the routine and habitual. The shadow of this Glyph (5) can also be seen as adherence to cultural beliefs. One example of this is having the "right" diet, car, house, meditation practice, and so on. Another is wanting others to fit your picture of desirability or fulfill your desires, to create a feeling of security and self worth. 
Transform these PATTERNS
Discover YOUR OWN real motives (values and morals)
Sense the novel choices available to you.
Practice making decisions intuitively and spontaneously! 
You are being asked to connect instinct with essence (divinity) 
Another shadow is being attached to the physical body or being enmeshed in its sensual desires. Perhaps you IDENTIFY so much with your body and how it LOOKS that you THINK your body IS you. This can support the illusion of separation from the larger constellation of your Essence Self. Work with the ISSUES and PHYSICAL DESIRES held within your body. Step aside from your SELF JUDGEMENT'S and ISSUES of SEXUAL EXPRESSION. (For we are no longer 7 CENTERED BEINGS who learn through sexuality... but now we are 9 Centered Beings who learn through Awareness!) 
Utilize CHICCHAN to fully experience sexuality in alignment WITH LOVE. (this is what my beloved and my soul in union have to offer everyone... a very special love)
"Step ASIDE from judging the sexual preferences and expressions of yourself and others."
"HIDDEN in the DARK recesses of this shadow are issues of sexual dysfunction, sexual harassment, rape, sexual abuse, and the fear around AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. (Truth because i have a STD: Herpies and it is KARMIC, got in my first marriage and this was the first man i ever slept with; I also have lifetimes after lifetimes of various forms of persecution that i am healing and dealing within my root and womb). Chicchan offers transformation and healing. Revealed in these shadow issues of sexuality is a desire for deeper UNION, love and intimacy (Tantra; Tao) Some people feel intimacy only during infatuation or romantic interludes and lovemaking; however, intimacy is actually the desire to share the innermost part of ourselves. Intimacy (which is the 59th Gene key and is my beloved Sacred Partner's PEARL (59.3) is the mutual connection between essences. It is the ability to acknowledge the depths of another person, and it can be fostered through many kinds of sharing, including those of feelings and vulnerabilities, warmth and affection, and hopes and fears. If you are caught up in reactive patterns of anger, similar to my beloved Sacred Partner Malachi, and often myself (we're more prone to frustration and conditioning of others anger), be willing to look at how your desire for intimacy may not be fulfilled. Explore what it means to be intimate with another, remembering that intimacy is an open door to higher states of consciousness." 
And that last sentence is EXACTLY what my beloved and I ARE doing together... my 3rd Gene PEARL combined with his 59th Gene Pearl... we're a force to be reckoned with when it comes to all of this stuff! We're here to be way-showers of Tantra and express through us transmissions of pure light language and help ourselves and the Whole evolve into universal love (25th GK) through delight and as an Essene Expression of Ecstasy (46th Gene key) which is our unified "activation sequence"! And our unique Radiance and Purpose Spheres also meld so perfectly together that teaching these things will be fun because are such living libraries ourselves! Please go to the link provided to read about the Trinity Sequence of the Golden Path in Gene Keys so that I do not have to extend this transmission longer than it needs to be just to describe "glossary terms" beyond what i already have today. 
"In exploring the USE OF THE BODY as a SACRED TOOL, issues about the meaning of "love" (our wounds also) will arise. We have been culturally conditioned to operate from a place of conditional love, which implies the fulfillment of some expectation station. Conditional love has MANY 'strings' attached and it often creates jealousy, manipulation, and judgment."
I can attest to this because I have felt this and had to reprogram my body to stop emitting this sort of frequency and continually constricting into this limited pattern. It is actually what in the past couple weeks i have done the most work on UP-ROOTING within my own lower chakra's (With the assistance of Olivia)  and bringing myself back into Trinity alignment. 
"The transformation offered in this shadow is found in learning to LOVE YOURSELF and OTHERS UNCONDITIONALLY!" 
Removing the ideas of "I will only love you if..." mentality. 
"THIS IS THE UNDERLYING framework for becoming who you truly are as THE MIND OF LIGHT (Glyph Ahau shared in
SO the HARMONIC WISDOM today (and i will give a few channeled songs one can dance, and harmonize to lyrics of) is this:
"The harmonic wisdom of Chicchan is TEMPO, the rate at which a given piece of music is played. This rate of Natural unfoldment is found in the temp set by the intrinsic nature of each orgasm. Every living thing has an "internal clock", a natural rhythm (in the human design I have the channel of rhythm fully active from the 5th gate to the 15th gate) of spiritual unfoldment much like that encoded in a SEED. The natural timing for the DANCE of the KUNDALINI SERPENT is as UNIQUE as the timing for the opening of any blossom. (so much of my book and my blog revolve around this). In musical terms, Chicchan represents the HARMONY of the 5th which contains the paradox of resolution and point of departure. Resolution and integration have to do with completing a stage of growth. The 5th tone gives the listener a feeling of satisfaction that the chord is whole or complete, yet it also represents a point of departure: from the 5th radiates every association within the entire tone complex, like a web extending indefinitely from the central point."
Ironic, but not that i feel like this is the first transmission in a long time that i have been able to BRING into full coherent completion and be a good example of it. It has given me a full CLEAR IDEA of what the BASIS of my book is going to be ABOUT.  
Here is the last bit of what CHICCHAN wishes to express with us today: 
"Into a passionate pyre your flame grows; lit lotus crown it will expose!"
"Chicchan is the vital life fore that encourages you to act intuitively in the moment! Follow your GUT-LEVEL instincts and intuition. Sense the SOUL-utions to your concerns. What do you instinctively sense about your current situation? What motivates your choices? Listen to the temple of wisdom in your body. Allow it to integrate ALL levels of your BEING. Create a relationship with your body that will free you of the entrapments of past patterns. The Vital Fire of Purification can serve your clearing process at this time. Chicchan's instinctual transformation is available to ignite and purify your body with Crocite. Listen to the teachings and insights of the energy of each chakra. Utilize your passion in the tangible expression of your creativity. Bring your entire being into ATTUNEMENT with YOUR SACRED FIRE. 
Beloved Magical Child
molten magma of pure life force, vibrant, vermillion flame of awakening and purification. 
I AM the heat, power, and vitality of creative Essence. I AM instinctual wisdom. 
I sense solutions and secrets within the belly of your being.
I AM the flame of pure purpose galvanized within you!
I AM the promise of awakening and the luminous lotus, crown of illumination. 
I AM the sacred fire of the serpent's dance; lying coiled within you, until stirred to wakefulness in lightning quickness of serpentine grace.
My sacred river will ignite your whiling wheels of splendor, setting them spinning into a dance of their own divine timing. 
As I dance with you, I gently light the pathway of your natural unfoldment. 
Fulfill your desire for sacramental intimacy and transcendent union in the divine dance with the Eternal Beloved. 
When summoned in love, I AM the flint and tinder of the sacred fire, the potent energy that unifies the instinctual passion of being with their divine nature. 
It is I who provide the serpent feathers with which to make wings.
Open to your enlivened PASSION!
I AM the sacred serpent, and it is my effulgent light flowing vitally through your being that initiates you into the sacred chamber wherein abides the crown of purest love, awaiting, like a silken lotus, adorns you." 
Here are the songs of support and to dance in expression to. Get up and get jiggy with it
 Broken Iris- Where The Butterflies Never Die
 Plaito - Finding My Heart
i'm shifting my attention
beyond the simulation
im setting my intention
at the highest vibration
this is the ascensionx2
the ascension to the 5th dimension x2
im fading away
im letting go
im living the dream
now im in the flow
transcending this world
right back to the stars
im loosing my mind and finding my heart
to find all the balance you start again
to find mother the goddess with rise again
i feel your heart connection
transition to the age of the feminine
this is the ascension
the asencsion to the 5th dimentionx2

im fading away
im letting it go
im living the dream
now im in the flow
transcending this world
right back to the stars
im loosing my mind and im finding my heart
im fading away im letting it go
im living the dream
now im in the flow
transending this world
right back to the stars
im losing my mind and im finding my heart
  Plaito - Different Drum
 Plaito - In With The New
 Plaito - We Are The Children From The Stars
 Plaito - Dance Until We Die
 Plaito - That Feeling

  Omnia Child Poem
Omnia Dance Until We Die
 Mother Medicine - Existence by Shylah Ray Sunshine
Not only is the 7th key here to assist all of us but so is the 31st gene key. Which is the programming partner of the Anticipation (Previously mentioned).

The 31st gene is the Siddhi of Humility; The Ring Of No Return, the gift of Leadership; Heart Branding and the Shadow of Arrogance; The World Wide Web Of Words.

This is THE KEY of Sounding Your Truth and in human design, it activates us into the channel of Facilitation through the Throat aka Expression center (Siddhi Emergence, a gift of Metamorphosis and shadow of distortion). 
“The 31st Gift naturally has an affinity with the future and is always expressing the cutting edge of consciousness in form. Those with the 31st Gift can literally become the voice of the collective. At the Shadow frequency, they become the voice of our fear, whereas at the Gift level they become the voice of our creativity as well as the messengers of our future evolution.”- Richard Rudd
In The ICHING book of changes the 31st Key represents
Influence-Sacred Lake Atop the Mountain Peak (and the sun currently is focusing just on the mountain of the 52nd key)

Receiving the wisdom of the highest good to influence the world below

Humility is the Bliss (58th key/Our Earths present Position) of Stillness (52nd key/our Sun present position)
Leadership is the vitality of Restraint
Arrogance is the Dissatisfaction of stress
Here we enter into the Elation of Appreciation
"The superior man free's his mind of preoccupation so that he is open to the influence of others."
It is within this key/gate that the Codon Ring of NO Return is formed and the Programming Partner of the 31st GK is the 62nd Gene Key which is MY VOCATION combine and creates this codon ring. 

The Sphere of your Core/Vocation relates to the 9-month gestation period when all your life’s patterns – physical, emotional and mental were imprinted inside your mother’s womb. Your Core reveals the final layer of your deepest potential. Woven into your DNA is an ancient wound that you share with all humanity. As your awareness penetrates this place inside yourself, so you will paradoxically experience your unity with all beings. The Shadow of this Gene Key conceals your highest Vocation – that great Gift that can one day motivate you to excel in life. As you unlock this Gene Key through following your Venus Sequence back through your childhood, you can one day bring your awareness back to the point of conception, to this wonderful mystery in which all your suffering is transformed into your Divinity.); and these two primary gates/keys make up this single codon within the Throat and Amino Acid Tyrosine. It has importance for the quoted purpose below
"Awakening is magical in its ability to bring about a natural balance within your being. As the Gift of Precision grows stronger, it may seem as though the world gradually begins to come alive again. As your language becomes purer, you expose your heart to others and to the world. You are taking the greatest step – the leap from worship to embodiment.”-Richard Rudd
This is the TRUE language of LIGHT- true Cosmometry and the language of perfection through the Siddhi of Impeccability. The gift of Precision is the greatest step we will ever take and the shadow of Intellect exposes the mass consciousness's stupidity of ever trying to be clever.

The 62nd ICHING comes alive within this codon and one's SMALL POWERS are activated. Thunder Appears in the hilltops and "The Spiritual Transmission Channels Through Mindful Stillness And Heartfelt Gratitude!"
Impeccability is Awakening in Stillness (58th Earth)
Precision is Initiative with Restraint 
Intellect is Agitated Stress
Here we come into Realization With Appreciation
"The Superior man, in accordance with this, in his conduct exceeds in humility, in mourning exceeds in sorrow, and in his expenditure exceeds in the economy."
Anyway back to the 7/31 in Human Design. This channel of 7/31 creates "The Alpha" which becomes the Siddhi of Omnipotence, gift of Facilitation and Shadow of Command. In human design, it is connected to the Identity (G-Center) representing Oneness, Self and shadow of "me/my." This is creating the STREAM OF SERVICE bringing out the Siddhi of Truth, Gift of Service and shadow of Dissatisfaction. This brings out a DESIGN of Leadership for 'good or bad'. 
"The Channel of the Alpha links the G Center to the Throat Center through the Gate of the Role of the Self (7) and the Gate of Influence (31). This is a design of logical collective leadership looking towards the future. Logical leadership is based on tested and established patterns that can be followed with certainty. The 31st gate is the Collective Leader and its voice carries the quality of influence. The 7th gate provides the logical role needed to lead and guide society; it is described as the power behind the throne. It's six line keynotes name the leadership roles we most often use when interacting with others, such as the authoritarian, the general and the administrator. (My Sacred Partner Malachi, 2 children and some acquaintances have the 7th gate; The Role of The Self in interaction; active in their designs, however it isn't in my own, but i am always highly influenced by this regardless.) 
Now never mind if all of this is confusing you, allow your mind to step out of the way and just receive the transmission as it is light encoded words and coherence will come in 'time', as you learn and educate yourself with it. Allow the words just to penetrate your cells. 
Envision that you are a caterpillar listening to butterfly language, its foreign to you, however, the cocoon you are within will soon unfold and you will emerge as a radiant butterfly, understanding all sorts of light languages and being able to 'bandwidth' them, you're just listening to the ABC's. 
As we use our Fire Breath technique shared previously it is helping us bring body focus on the physiology of the Diaphragm and the amino acid Valine which governs the 7th Gene Key (our mystical powers). 

Here is where we step into service and begin REPAIRING THE WORLD (through Pranic touch and Arhatic breath and fire of purification). The gift available before us now as we journey deep into this Trinity Oracle Update is: 

Guidance (The Power behind the throne) and exposing of the shadow/lie of Division (A world divided). Here is where we ENTER THE CODON RING OF UNION as a COLLECTIVE come January 11 2020) and the Amino Acid Valine is our ultimate superhero. 
"The ultimate role of the Ring of Union is in the purification of human relationships across our planet. Containing the collective codes to bring the human family into realization of its state of higher union, the Four Keys 4, 7, 29 and 59 have long governed human relationship patterns (and their dysfunction) on our planet. The combined dynamic of virtue with forgiveness, devotion and transparency sets the stage for a completely new phenomenon to be seeded in humanity- collective leadership (vs mass consciousness). This Codon Ring is currently undergoing a great deal of spontaneous mutations in our DNA and is directly responsible for a huge shift in the way in which we humans relate, particularly through our sexuality and gender." - The Living Library
New codes for divine masculine and feminine harmonising.
We are going deep into unity.
Merging monadic aspects with Earthly awareness streams.
Holy virtues unfolding like flowers in our vibrational framework.
For unity to begin there must be all aspects of our being in the landscape.
Ignore the wounds and shadows and they will simply continue to manifest more loudly.
The human programming is deep.
Inner discernment is the new way of being, it is our greatest challenge to remain in unconditional love vibration while the templates of victim/perp/hero or peacemaker are playing out, or shame, guilt, judgement and grief are the energies at play.
You are NO LESS divine or holy in these moments.
Stay present, stay centred, keep your perspectives as wide as possible, even if you 'fall in' to the story.
Own your bullshit.
Own your deviations.
Own those wounded parts.
Its programming...and YOU CAN love it too.
You cannot shovel the shit away and hope nobody will find it.
With great compassion, radical truth and presence these templates are up for us when we open to divine love.
Take responsibility for yourself and watch the magic unfolding as your multidimensional aspects assist.
When we are in flow it feels like the wind is in our sails and the Universe is orchestrating real time...there is peace, perspective, clarity an stillness inside. Every thought is emerging from the fountain of unconditional love harmonics.
How do we stay in flow?
S i m p l i c i t y 
C o m m i t m e n t
T r u s t
S u r r e n d e r
Knowing that as we unfold more inside and the vibration of our being is moving to love harmonics, that which is not resonant or not aligned will SHOW UP.
The original human default (false) program is denial, rejection, shaming, judgment, displaced or self blame, shame, guilt, fear etc.
F e a r and L a c k in all its many forms.
Illusionary separation and isolation.
Getting lost in the drama of outside....oooo we love drama.
Self identifying...lost in our own story created on social media...we become that story and forget the many aspects crying out for attention and love.
We displace, distract or bypass.
Time for authenticity as default.
R a d i c a l T r u t h
YOUniversal Love

CONCLUSION OF 52nd and 58th GENE KEY TRANSIT moving INTO the 39th hexagram on SUNDAY 6/30/2019! (will add pictures another time) Its so cool that this hexagram is active for "the United States" on Independence day! Last year I had my own INNER-Dependence experience and you can check it out here! I liberated myself from the inside out and now it is time for the country i live in and many of you!

Hexagram 52 - Big Mountain: Human Design For Everyone

The ability to see the “big” picture and to have a holistic viewpoint.


The stillness of my concentration allows patterns and order to be revealed to me. My understanding of this order gives me the power to continue to create effectively.
The stillness of my concentration is the source of my power this week.

52nd Gene Key (SUN):
Keeping Still- Back Straight and Solid Like a Mountain
The Heart Opens Through Stillness. When it is time to rest, rest. time to act, act.

Stillness is the Center Point
Restraint is the Torque for Great Change
Stress is Constricted Breathing

Here we enter into Grounded Appreciation

 "The Superior man keeping his back still so that he no longer feels his body. He goes into his courtyard and does not see his people. The superior man, in accordance with this, does not allow his thoughts to go beyond the duties of his immediate circumstances" (AKA... we don't allow ourselves to get distracted with the whole mass consciousness on purge)

“If you begin something from a place of fear, that seed of fear will infect every aspect of the expansion of that activity. If you begin with the right intention, then everything will follow, but you must resist the temptation to interfere with the process out of fear.”-Richard Rudd

The 52nd Gene Key Programming Partner 58 (EARTH): The Joyous
Serene Still Waters Nourish LIfe- Bliss Exists In The Serenity Of Nature Nourishing Life Force Brings Enthusiasm To Thrive

Bliss is the Eternal Spring of Life
Vitality Swims in the Joyous Water of Service
Dissatisfaction Thrives in the Murky Marsh of Stagnancy

Here we raise up into the Energy Of Elation

"The Superior Man encourages the conversations of friends and the stimulus of the common practice"
“The 58th Gift is an unstoppable force that once set in motion cannot be turned back. Not only does your life take on a new shape, but a far deeper process overtakes you – the process of moving into the heart.”-Richard Rudd
I wanted to introduce an amazing woman I have been engaging with for a while now and I love her transmissions! She will have another amazing Energy Update on her end come July 2nd, so don't hesitate to check it out to compliment this!

I am VERY Connected to Metatron and often i will receive messages from others that he wants me to see and i am often guided to others transmissions or channels to 'get the message'. i was the other day directed to the one i am going to share because it is so relative to this transmission also.

I am Archangel Metatron, I extend the most sacred angelic energies, vibration and consciousness to you now, drawing from the abundant generosity, love and devotion of the angelic kingdom. We, angelic beings, are the loving heart of the Creator and we encapsulate you now in the immense purity and love that we hold. We are a symbol to you of the sacred wealth of love that you hold within your being, which is your essence and truth. Allow yourself to open your heart to us and the symbol of love that we exist as, know that as you do so you are awakening to the powerful love that you naturally manifest as.

The Impact of Fear

When you allow yourself to become unbalanced or out of alignment with the Creator you see that an additional energy or existence manifests, this is the energy of fear which brings forth a mind of or concentration on illusions and false impressions. It is almost as if you create a reality for yourself that is a complete illusion as it does not hold the truth of the Creator. This reality feels so real and can mean that you question the existence and will of the Creator, because through fear you blame external sources for any pain or misfortune you experience. The false reality that humanity creates is one that offers numerous lessons and realisations of growth that lead the individual away from their false reality born from fear to the truth of their being and the Creator.

It can be a terrifying experience when you realise that the reality you experience and have created for yourself through your mind and thought processes holds so many illusions and fears. This notion can cause a period of disturbance, in this time it is essential to request the truth and purity of the Creator to flood into your being and reality bringing forth a mind of truth, balance and perfection. When you are aligned to and embody the light and consciousness of the Creator it is as if you are viewing a crystal-clear lake; everything has a reason and a purpose in your reality and being.

After experiencing a reality and state of mind that is crowded with fear and illusions to exist as the truth of the Creator with clear thoughts of love and clarity within your reality can be somewhat overwhelming as if you are standing naked within a reality that is bare, but once this is overcome you begin to see the immense wealth of love that is available to you and within you. In my opinion, Archangel Metatron, this is the greatest journey of all; the shedding of fear and the reality of illusion, because it allows the truth of your being to be shown and examined, with the opportunity to gain a complete oneness with the Creator.

Through my communication today I wish to assist in the shedding of fear and illusion within your reality and from the planet Earth also. This has the possibility to create such a transformation within your being and on the Earth, allowing tremendous healing light and divine consciousness to anchor.

Please be aware that the delusions that I am speaking of within your reality are the delusional beliefs of the mind, it is these that need to be examined in order to manifest a reality that is born from the truth of the Creator.

The Process of Shedding Fear for Yourself and Humanity

I Archangel Metatron and the Angelic Kingdom stand before you as the truth and purity of the Creator, allow yourself to feel and acknowledge our presence as we blend our energies into the atmosphere around you, creating a haven that is protective, calming and healing for your entire being.

 Allow yourself to affirm, ‘I am open and receptive to the truth of the Creator.’

Feel as if all your channels and senses are opening and activating allowing our sacred angelic light to pour from all directions into your being, flooding to the centre of your heart chakra and soul. The angelic beings gather around you to share their light and loving vibration with you now. Allow yourself to trust in your ability to accept the purity of our love and support, bathe in our light completely as it encapsulates your being in a light that conceives liberation and freedom from all limitations that fear and false beliefs manifest. We are raising your vibration, anchoring greater light into your being and lifting you from the lower vibrations and any addictive thoughts of fear. Allow yourself to be elevated through the power of the love that we share with you, feel a significant rise and shift occurring in your entire being.

We now invoke the truth of the Creator to descend from the core of the Creator into your being. Allow this pearlescent and translucent light to shine so brightly into your crown chakra at the top of your head. The light so vibrant and powerful instantly brings forth the perspective of truth and begins to dissolve fears.

 Affirm, ‘With every thought that I generate I am creating my reality and embodying the truth of the Creator and my soul.’

Feel, sense or acknowledge that with our support the pearlescent and translucent light shines deeply and powerfully into your third eye chakra and bathes your mind in a light that is simultaneously powerful and soothing. Feel that fears and false beliefs are being shed or are falling away from your mind guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. The light is so powerful, you are aware of the Creator’s presence and truth alone.

 Affirm, ‘With every word I speak I express the truth of the Creator and my soul.’

The pearlescent and translucent light of truth flows into your throat chakra and clears all fears and false beliefs that you have spoken in your current life time and past life times, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Feel or acknowledge your throat chakra opening up to the truth of the Creator and projecting truth into your reality.

 Affirm, ‘Within my heart chakra the truth of the Creator exists, from my heart chakra the truth of the Creator flows, positively influencing my reality with a pure love.’

Let the light of the Creator to flow into your heart chakra dissolving and allowing all fears and false beliefs to be shed, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Let all attachments to fear be severed and healed with the power of the angelic kingdom’s love, let your heart chakra open with an abundance of love and purity pouring in all directions.

 Affirm, ‘My solar plexus chakra and emotional body now hold the purity of the Creator’s truth, a deep cleansing has now occurred.’

The pearlescent and translucent light of truth will now flow into your solar plexus chakra just above your waist, let the light assist in the shedding of all fears and false beliefs held in this area as well as those linked to your emotional body, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Let all emotional attachments to fear be severed and healed with the power of the angelic kingdom’s love.

 Affirm, ‘My sacral chakra is the truth of the Creator; I am the truth of the Creator.’

The light of truth pours into your sacral chakra below your waist, let the peace and tranquillity of truth anchor into your sacral chakra, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul.

 Affirm, ‘My root chakra holds the truth of the Creator which manifests with love into my entire reality.’

Finally, allow the Creator’s light of truth to flow into your root chakra at the base of your spine, many fears can be held in this area or anchored into your physical reality. As we allow the pearlescent and translucent light of truth to flow into your root chakra, we allow all fears and false beliefs to be shed with ease, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. We ask that the root chakra assists in anchoring the truth of the Creator into your reality in the most appropriate way and with the most divine timing.

 Affirm, ‘The Earth and its humanity now exist as a beacon of Creator truth, all fears and false beliefs have been shed guided by the will of the Creator.’

Let the light of truth flow from your root chakra down into the Earth, feel this pearlescent and translucent light of truth blend with the energies of the Earth, sinking through the layers of the Earth’s physical and spiritual of energy. The light of truth from the Creator links into the soul ofMother Earth. Allow yourself to take a moment and visualize yourself existing as the truthful light of the Creator and then Mother Earth existing as the truthful light of the Creator, emanating and radiating pearlescent and translucent light.

Let your light and the light of Mother Earth radiate to surround the entire planet. Acknowledge that this sacred light is dissolving fear and false beliefs held within the many energy levels of the Earth. The light is assisting humanity in reaching a state of mind and existence where they are ready to shed their fears and false beliefs guided by the will of the Creator and their souls. You may wish to imagine or acknowledge that every soul on the Earth is existing as you are now; as a beacon of truthful light on the Earth. Due to this every person’s reality is gradually transforming from a reality of delusion to a reality of truth and oneness with the Creator.

Allow yourself to comprehend the impact that this would have on your reality and the realities of humanity. This is a practice that you can achieve as often as you wish.

When you wish to return to your existence on the Earth imagine your energy flowing in all directions from your being especially into the Earth and know that the energy of truth and love is in abundance within your reality.

This is a blissful service to all, thank you,

I am Archangel Metatron.