Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Defying Gravity: My Etheric Liberation through GLEE!

So I started channeling a message on February (2) 17 (8) 2017 (10)... in numerology that creates the energy of 10:10 and condensed further into an 11 (TWIN FLAME or alignment with Source);Below from the shared articles you can read what #10 and 10:10 represent

At another time I will get into the meaning of these numbers but not at this time. This blog was posted Feb 21/22 2017 (It took over 12 hours to write) 

I felt a call from my higher self to do an energy update or overall reading for the Twin Flame and Humanities Collective at this time and upcoming into the next week to the 26th. I pulled one card intentionally but during this posting I was guided to share two cards I had encountered in a Synchronicity with my Twin Flame when I first opened my new deck and book.

The energy and vibrations and downloads ive been receiving since the Leo full moon and Eclipse. I have been very high and very in alignment with the healing from the Divine Feminine into the Divine Masculine within us. I have been feeling the Lotus (flower of life) really start to open up and receive.  Isis, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Triple Goddess Trinity, Kuan Yin,Goddess  Matangi (Lady Nada), Goddess Gaia and Goddess Tara all very present right now along with Saint Germain offering his violet fire for purification and cleansing and Grace to ease our process through this transition. Through this energy our Divine Masculine is healing and rising and the Divine Feminine gaining further empowerment, lots of Grace pouring in. (my daughters name)

Most of this might sound like gibberish to some of you but Proceeding today I kept seeing the number 37 and mirrored 73, everywhere. Along with 10 and 11, 7, 6,5,4, lets just say they all keep coming at me. I work with numerology to commune with the Divine and track my progress with "God" so to speak. The number vibrations of the three cards I'm mentioning is #29 (my age; and 11), #43 (7 My Mystic Mission) and # 37 (10 this year and new beginnings). Concreting that this channeling and message was needed to be shared given I had already had these number synchronizations in many following ways; There was a name of a movie while i was scrolling through Netflix called "37", many license plates with that number wherever i drive and in sequence with other numbers like for example "370" "937" "073" etc. Many numbers in sequence equaling 10 or 11. Even signs saying "2 for 10" 2 or 10 equaling 1 and condensing down to 1. I shared my Valentines Day experience the other day in regards to my Twin Flame and I with the 10's and 7-11 experiences and us coming into the new vibration of 2017 being action and new beginnings of #10. all signs of TWIN FLAME, Divine Guidance, Sacred Flames, Love Rising and "winning", empowerment, stepping into our new rolls and shedding the old. Embracing who we are and letting the world see our authentic lotus's no matter how different we may seem to the rest of the world. (i will eventually put it in my blog and post a link)

Oh now the song comes on my show thats playing in the background; "Glee" singing "Love sweet love" in Season 6 Episode 7 (4 TWIN FLAME). Ironic not it is to me as im writing this; no coincidence; because that is exactly the energy channeling in at this time. Which is another synchronization for me given the past few weeks all i can watch is "Glee". The book I will be quoting from tonight actually directly spoke about this show and blew my mind away.  I've "ironically" been on a binge with the show for the past couple weeks, probably driving my poor Twin Flame nuts with so much drama and musicals just because i personally love the music and really identify with all the "black sheep" and "misfits" that are brought into light in the show. This is the passage in the book that stuck out for me and I feel is great to share. It was chapter 7 of the book! Page 172 (10) (which synchs with the bible verse i mentioned we received on valentines day Matthew 17:20)

"I started to see Goddess Matangi everywhere. I saw her on Glee, the television show featuring nerdy students with lots of artistic talent that get bullied by the "in" crowd at school. That show attracted millions of viewers and as i watched a documentary that charted its success, I was struck at how many people could relate to the content of the show. It seems that those who didn't fit in to the norm where more plentiful than those who did, and absolutely loved having a program that expressed something of their experience. The outcasts where being recognized and feeling empowered by that. Matangi was making her presence felt."

The new book I got is called "Crystal Goddesses 888 by Alana Fairchild" along with the new deck I used in todays reading called Crystal Mandala Oracle and it arrived in the mail on the 15th (day after valentines day when it was expected the 13th, but it was Divine Timing when it did arrive). After going through a huge shift and experiencing many synchronizations with my Twin Flame (a somewhat energetic marriage and at the same time an energetic divorce and letting go of or forgivance to all my past relationships during valentines day); I drew a Past Present and Future spread the day they arrived. The cards I received where all in alignment with me accepting and stepping into who I AM, letting go of any fears of heart strings attached to anyone in my past and starting to embody my Inner Christ so I can start to gain my voice, find my Rhythm and start expressing this inner Christ to the world and trusting that Spirit would help me do this with integrity, truth and love. I have been profoundly changing my vibration with a book i got about  2 months ago called "Word I AM Word by Paul Selig". It is helping  me to maintain and anchor the "Christ" frequency and to accept myself as the Divine Quirky being that I am and that Jesus was also like (With a huge Christian upbringing this was always important to me; To be Like Jesus). Helping me stay conscious of how powerful our words really are and what they manifest into our realities. naturally that gift of voice and spoken word is given to individuals i name "starseeds". I am learning that us starseeds are often depicted as the DIVINE REBELS, here to shake the world around us up, including our own with what we choose to project to the world. If we feel angry that is what we will experience and receive if we project and speak joy and love that is what we will experience and receive. 

After MANY validations and "ah ha moment's" and revelations with spirit through this new deck, yesterday I had some time to actually check out the Goddess book that coincides with a series of books written by Alana that go to this oracle deck. First page that I open to was #175 (4- another TWIN FLAME or also "the crossroads") and it represents the "Bloodstone;Heliotrope" (Christ's blood was split on the cross which #4 can be considered a crossroads)  and was talking about the "Inner Christ". at this moment in time the entire planet is at a Crossroads into ETHERIC LIBERATION and it is essential to decide wisely which direction we want to take just as Yeshua chose his fate, you can run from your sacrificial death or you can allow your death of old self  to come with no resistance and to liberate you into the Christ. As I was reading this section of the book because it caught my attention as my full focus has been on my inner Christ; my twin flame pulls the "Divine Rebel" card from the same deck and hands it to me. Right as I was reading about Christ "Yeshua" himself being a rebel. *jaw dropps*

The Divine Rebel does things that break stereotypes wide open. They dance when they are supposed to be sitting still; they argue when they are supposed to be quiet; they are serene when they are supposedly meant to be enraged; and they get angry when they are supposed to be calm. this is natural for a rebel. They are not trying to be different for the sake of it, they just go against the grain and don't play to type because this is how they were divinely designed. part of our life purpose as Twin Flames is to be the divine rebel. It's part of our destiny to is to show others there is always another way, that the conditions the mind places on the world about 'how things should be done' can and should be challenged. For example Yeshua trashed temples, thwarted authority and got angry instead of being obedient and placid and was rejected even scorned and scoffed at by most of those around him. he was difficult. he was mocked and misunderstood. He was also true to himself and sought to serve his divine mission even through moment of doubt. As an outcast he did not spurn society but understood his role in social evolution would require him to rock boats with new ideas and ways of being. He needed to challenge conventional beliefs and attitudes in order to free the spirits of those who were so enslaved by fear. We continue to work with the teachings of the Christ today, freeing society one heart at a time, into the loving Grace of the Divine. Aside from having been Isis or Mary Magdalene's Scribe and Oracle (Ancient Record Keeper) who is Sananda's/Jesus/Yeshua's Twin Flame I have always related to Yeshua in this intimate way of being such a rebel myself in the same way he was. My twin flame right next to me sharing the same soul is one even more fiercer than myself as an embodiment of Yeshua

I have been feeling that there are many twin flames out there and other individuals feeling suppressed and outcast because they can't ignore that inside of them is a REBEL,that they are different and most around them can't "handle them". I'm right there along with you and I relate deeply because i still hear the words of my mother "why are you so rebellious  or "you're in rebellion" or even from my sister "why are you so stubborn and willful; you won't take anyone else's advice!"... it used to be in "rebellion" of my father or her directly when i was under the age of 18 and HAD to listen to their
conditioning's "or else"; but once I "Grew up" and she was witnessing me go through my own custody battle and divorce with my ex husband who was also trying to force a thumb on me telling me "i can't just do whatever I want to do and that i would get custody back when im 'right' with God again." i believe she was "with" him on this stance (and i felt "betrayed" by her) when i do these things and blatantly DID them because HE would say such things because he was always a complete oxymoron unto himself . he'd done the same type of shit; was the one who TAUGHT ME. In the midst of what i will refer to as my "dark night of the soul" I had decided to get a few piercings; One on my lower lip and one on my right eyebrow (i like them and tattoos... i'm taboo LOL) and in her eyes this was a "rebellious" act. Sure a part of me was rebelling ... I WAS REVELING in rebellion in that moment, but not doing anything outside the norm of what I always enjoyed doing (id gotten such things done in the past).  Damn strait i was rebelling though given what i was being pressurized with. but another part of me was screaming at everyone "NO I AM ACTUALLY EXPRESSING WHO I REALLY AM AND NO ONE WILL ALLOW ME TO BE THAT OR FIGURE OUT WHO THE HELL THAT IS WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OR ANY ALLOWANCE WHEN THEY HAD AND DEMANDED ALLOWANCE AND LOVE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT THEY NEEDED TO EXPERIENCE IN THE PAST!"

so my belief all this time is that they where all hypocrites. My rebel loves to come out around them. Thats when the best mirror and alchemy work can be done. They couldn't handle that I would fall into a category of "enjoying" these things or experiences". They can't forgive themselves for all the similar things they might have done or that their belief system simply wont allow or accept and limit them to (and at one point i was stuck in the same or similar patterns and blocks); but I AM being a rebel and finding forgiveness EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY that I am not perfect, that NO ONE is. They seemed to treat me as if some how these parts of myself and these actions made me less "pure", and i digress that they are incorrect because in the eyes of God; I am Divinely Perfect. Most people don't see or recognize this Divine Perfection: They don't see the "apple in the tree" they see it as rotting on the ground, scared it's soul is going to burn and go to hell most the time and waste time wishing for it to return to the top of the same tree.

It's come to my knowledge that that fallen apple, once on the ground CANNOT and WILL not return to the same tree it was born. It must be eaten "devoured" and gestated through another being or it will be done so through fermentation of itself into the Earth or Tara/Gaia herself. The seeds within that apple will be seeded and gestated somewhere to bloom once again whether within the belly [seckmet] of others memories or continue through each of our incarnation but once a soul reaches completion it takes the route of allowing Tara to digest them within the Earth and that is where a new tree comes into form/birth. As the Tree grows it bears its's own Fruits Of Life for Humanity to gain nourishment.

 That is what is happening on individual personal levels and to the entire planet at this time.

I forgive all simply because I cannot hold judgment towards another who is going through the same process as me, especially those who are unawakened and unaware and unable to ease that process. We are in Etheric liberation, rebirth. We are turning from that "old apple" and using the seeds of our old self to become fertilized in new soil and with NEW light codes offered to us now and watered by our Divine Mother/Father (whichever you choose to call it) to become the garden of Eden God wished for from the very beginning. 

I felt the message given to me wasn't just for me personally but for all of us to pay attention to. We need to "OWN" and gain power through the knowing that we are outcasts. THIS IS A GREAT THING! It means we're doing something right! WE ARE fulfilling our divine purpose and the seeds planted so long ago are JUST NOW beginning to bud! 

There is a difference between having a soulful approach to the role of outcast and having an ego wound that leaves one feeling rejected by society. The difference can be found in our willingness and ability to engage with the world from a position of empowerment and self acceptance. Knowing inside our own hearts that we indeed hold value and worth in this cruel world.

I have been on both sides of this, just like Fairchild describes in her book. I am the "Glee performer". I have suffered the anxiety and shame of not fitting in (having "slushy's" thrown in my face) and being judged and ridiculed for it. To the very depths i was treated as such by family too.

 Through this Love Gateway Portal I have learned to let go of all that and any emotional attachments that kept me from embracing my whole inner Christ and being a Divine Rebel and allowing myself to manifest through the quirkiness that i innately am meant to express. I have learned to let go of all that because it is the issues of others, no longer are they issues of my own! I am now able to step forward into who I AM with power, love, light, and a spunky creative curiosity and a desire to share my gifts with as many people as I can possibly touch with that love, self and uniqueness and my voice. I hope I can encourage others along the way to do the same. This is the first time ever I've put myself on video and spoke my true voice into the world because before i was always afraid of being "too weird".

When it all comes down to it, there is NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL. there is only the extent to which we are willing to be differentiated, the extent to which we can accept the parts of us that we all have in common. The need for connection, to belong, to experience love and intimacy, to make a contribution or leave a legacy are important human drives.  The differences we have within us are unique tools that enable us to access these common needs and give expression to our divine light. This is the same divine light in all of creation, just expressed through many and varied lamps.

 Bloodstone;Heliotrope connects us to Goddess Matangi who is like Saraswati (I have a synchronicity with the name "sarah" that i will get at the end), she is just her somewhat less grubby sister-self and is also known as Lady Nada or to me our INNER CHRIST. She is the energy of sound that travels through the energy lines of the body. For those of us who work with sound for healing, especially in ways that are unconventional or unusual; Lady Nada will be working through us as the divine voice. I know in my heart of hearts personally this is becoming my calling, to share messages through my own voice and to eventually move into healing through music and books I know she is right here with me bringing the divine light alive through all that I do, no matter how scared I am to do it. Her Green Goddess energy is really showering down on us at this time so i am taking the opportunity to let my light shine.

In ancient tradition of India, she is the goddess of outcasts, of all that is rejected by society and considered to be outside of polite and respectable society. Such people where known as untouchables. In our society they would be the nerds, underdogs, homeless, imprisoned, diseased, mentally ill or anyone that doesn't quite fit in. Cultural conditioning has a lot to do with ones viewpoints. Lady Nada regardless is the patron goddess for social outcasts in any culture. She is often pictured as dark green (like Tara) but may also be blue or red in skin color and is honored by many as a protector, Saviour and bestower of healing and prosperity. As I stated before she is essentially the tantric version of Saraswati (which is no surprise since Twin Flames are here to live the Tantric Life). If we are going to understand Lady Nada as a tantric Goddess, we have to understand that although she may work with us to heal our sexuality, it not her primary focus. (The show Glee and that episode i was watching was all centered around sexuality and being accepted regardless of what others beliefs lock them away from accepting that sexuality.) Tantra is like a form of shamanism in the sense that it is a path dedicated to wholeness. The shaman seeks to know all worlds of existence and to learn to navigate through those worlds for healing. The practitioner of Tantra seeks to know all worlds of existence, not only to navigate through them but to integrate their experience of those worlds so that they may come to recognize the Divine as alive in all things and thereby find bliss and freedom from suffering.To this end, when we begin a tantric path, we actively seek out the rejected, lost, taboo parts of ourselves that we once would have avoided at all costs with the intention of accepting them and eventually discovering the sacredness of those parts of us. 

At the most sublime levels, Lady Nada helps us transcend pollutants and achieve divine liberation (I always speak about how Yeshua was a way shower of this liberation). It is said that when the digestion is powerful enough, one could digest a rock(in the past 7 months this is exactly what i seem to be doing) [Fairchild and myself] recommend you don't literally try this but the gist of it is that through the divine power of Lady Nada one can gain the strength to overcome toxicity and digest the indigestible. This is a metaphor for being able to ingrate the aspects of life that are hard to accept with peace and equanimity, moving beyond judgment and into acceptance of all of life as an expression of the divine presence that can nourish us all. That IS the Tantric way.

Now I had a personal experience to all this within my own body. Since I returned from Shasta in September 2016 and especially in December I have been having major digestive problems and working with my body to figure out what it is causing all my issues and constant illness's. Being sick repeatedly where i literally feel like i have food poisoning 24/7, it was getting old. Through this love portal and this message I am sharing, I am learning now why i experienced all of that suffering in my own body. I have been resisting coming into true myself out of fear and using Lady Nada's energy to help me "digest" all the pollution in my mind that keeps me from doing it. Her energy brings the practical gift of helping you to overcome poisons. Given the state of the world, this is useful. The use of pesticides and other chemicals means that the physical poisons are rampant in products we use daily (through this transition I have ultimately cut lots of foods out of my diet and I'm eating a LOT less then i used to, not that I "used" to eat much anyways, so little in fact my family believed me to be anorexic and always stated "you need more meat on your boned", but i have a "natural light body" and don't require that much food. . I am a future "wanna be" RAW vegan. I now can only eat ORGANIC meats, and all that i eat must be Gluten Free and Dairy Free. I live off of supplements, green drinks and shakes/smoothies most the time).
Word I am Word
I am Word through this intention 
Over any poison big or small 
I can heal and repair
May word have power over all
I do not entertain despair

I name the truth within and around me
With deep compassion and clarity
The pain of life bothers me no longer
I exercise with love my power to conjure
I am Word through this intention
Word I AM Word
-Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

Our bodies endure a somewhat unrelenting and increasing exposure to radiation from various technologies and this can become adverse to our wellbeing. On a psychic level, exposure to the psychological and emotional energies of others is increasing. It wasn't so long ago that communicating from a distance required a telephone or even a letter but now have instant email, on-line chat, facebook, twitter, instagram and other on-line social networking communities that can subject users to the constant influx of thoughts, opinions, feelings and intentions. Sometimes the stream of information will be uplifting and helpful. Even if it is helpful, the sheer volume of incoming data can be overwhelming to the system and risks becoming something akin to the poison that drains our life force and wellbeing. Working with Lady Nada to energetically overcome this state of affairs will help strengthen your energy field so that you can work to change what you can and learn to bear what you cannot. A Scene in Glee where Rachel Berry is so overcome with all the negative feedback online regarding her upcoming Broadway "Funny Girl" that she can't even get out of bed and stop crying no matter which friend came in to try and brighten her up before her first show, the ONLY one that could change her energy or attitude was Santana - the once upon a time biggest bitch cheerleader in school that made Rachael's life a living hell. 

Lady Nada showed herself to me in this show in that moment by stepping into the roll of "Santana". The actress Santana within 4 minutes comes in and reminds Rachael that regardless how much shit she ever gave her, she is a fantastic performer and the world needed her. No matter how much everyone hated Rachael as she fought to become the star she knew she was; sometimes tripping over her negative attributes and being selfish, regardless she always attempted to pick herself back up after her falls and do something "better" and to inspire millions.  I only hope i can follow in such a woman's footsteps! This goes to an even personal depth for me because after the divorce with my ex husband and our custody had been finalized that we have split custody; I had written a long letter to him expressing why I didn't feel it was in our children's best interest to be in his custody or that of his parents because often my kids complain he doesn't spend any time with them or tend to them (not his parents responsibility to raise "MY" children, it was mine; i gave birth to them), in the letter I had fully expressed to him that he has no power over me and that I will do whatever I wish to do, and that I am "MA MA BEAR". At the end of this letter and stating my demands etc (i was really fierce at the time) I had left him the lyrics to a few songs. I speak through music and songs and long before this year i was obsessed with Broadway, Disney, Drama and the show "Glee",

my ex husband always "joked" and rudely told me that that wasn't something i should have my dreams set on (this bothers me because i know my children have similar dreams and aspirations as i do). I always loved comedy or dramatic romance and love and relationships and DRAMA. Disney is my personality! He abhorred it all it seemed and even now its up to me to encourage our kids because he can't even remember to take her to her performance and lets her bring herself down with an attitude of "i have stage fright". Wasn't him who paid the $30 though and took off work for nothing. The sad thing was i couldn't fully and to my utmost potential express my whole self being in a romantic relationship with my ex husband, and my heart wants my children to be able to get over their stage fright and not have to stay locked into their fear like their father does. 

In his reality I had this "unrealistic reality around love that doesn't exist", he spoke truth but i myself was living in an unrealistic reality of love with him regardless. so our ideas of love was severely flip flopped... but something inside me always told me he was wrong.  i think that is when i always faced with the fact maybe "he wasnt my true soul mate" and that i had "the one" out there that would match perfectly to whatever I am, the idea of that is i guess what kept my spark within alive. I have now found my twin flames and felt and received the love i have always been looking for and now that i've obtained that I can move foreword in my mission to spread that love to everyone across the globe.

Pictures posted following depict the type of love I always craved and that I don't believe i would have achieved with my Karmic Ben aka the father of my children but I recently required on June 19 2016 with my twin flame Malachi

I know this type of relationship or union was "not too much to ask the universe for" because I have actually gotten to receive it and that is why I am beginning this story; so I can share my journey and experience of true love!

The song if we where in a "glee" setting I would have burst out in song with was 

Idina Menzel - Defying Gravity from the Broadway Wicked

*Please recognize the synchronicity that Idina is the Actress "Rachel berry"s biological mother in real life. (they actually had a Glee show all around it!) . She is the Broadway Star of MY FAVORITE and most inspiring Broadway show WICKED; I saw it once in New York and once here in Denver; which depicts a world of mistfits in and of itself and a GREEN WITCH (which i can visualize as both the Goddess's i mentioned) who NEVER WAS ACCEPTED nor would take shit and DEFIED THE ODDS. SHE DEFIED GRAVITY! 

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you won't bring me down

I'm through accepting limits 'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change but 'til I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you won't bring me down

Unlimited (unlimited)
My future is (future is) unlimited (unlimited)
And I've just had a vision
Almost like a prophecy
I know it sounds truly crazy
And true, the vision's hazy
But I swear, someday I'll be...

Flying so high! (defying gravity)
Kiss me goodbye! (defying gravity)

So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky!
As someone told me lately,
"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"

I'm defying gravity!
And you won't bring me down, bring me down, bring me down!
Ah, ah [echo]

That was my anthem to everyone in the beginning of my Dark Night Of The Soul and it will be my Anthem until the day i breath my last breath! 

I have more quantum knowledge now then i did back then, but as a christian i was loyal to my husband and the thought of divorce was so wrong that it literally took an affair and him "cheating" on me and EVERYONE rejecting me to such a deep degree for me to create the space to become what someday I know I will be. Yes I'm 29...I'm a little out of shape but with past life knowing how quickly i can pick up dance and such strength; i am not young just nearing my "prime years" but i am not so old that I can't obtain the goals and dreams I have always had onto. 
We are being called to become the Rachel Berries and "Lady Gaga's" of our time! This performer is another who I am constantly vibing to her beats and her song Bad Romance (although not my particular 'favorite' song') is always going through my head and I'm bumping to 

"Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga oh-la-la!
Want your "bad" romance" 

Low and behold that the same chapter mentions her too "I felt Matangi expressing herself through Lady Gaga, the left of center pop performer who has worn dresses made out of meat, is interested in unusual, shocking forms of visual self expression and performance and has legions of followers she calls her 'monsters'

Of course I can say this is the type of "romance" i had with my  own little monsters (children's) father and that is ever transforming as time goes by. My little monsters have had a shift in energy also. I feel the coming of "Elijah" in our future. Before I couldn't stop screaming at them for being so disrespectful that i felt i was still living with their father and experiencing this "BAD" romance time and time again; Before I couldn't stop screaming at them for being so disrespectful that i felt i was still living with their father and them seeming to hate me to now all they want is to be at my house and they have been so lovey dovey and sweet to me; all of a sudden so full of gratitude for me in their life. It's definitely helping my energy. My own daughter; Grace: mentioned Lady Gaga this week too. What she had said synchronized in the moment with all this energy I've been feeling. She alone with the name Grace is starting to become a reflection of my inner child/self. Both my children are. I am living proof that your intentions and vibrations can shift the world around you.

Serpent of Fire, Rise Above
Filled with unconditional love
From the base of my spine to my heart
Your ascending fire now does start
To cleanse, to release, begin, begin!
Rebirth of my self now from within
From my heart to the crown of my head
Burning away energies dying or dead
Igniting new life, new life, new fire
Serpent of fire, Rising, Rising Higher
- Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

"Man of Power, Man of Fire
Man who liberates heart's desire
Man within and Man without
Man stronger than fear or doubt
Father, Warrior, Leader, Love
Protector, Hunter, Teacher, Brother
Man Divine, Man of Love
Man of the Earth, Man of Heaven Above
Your Strength, My Strength
Your Power, My Power
Your Love, My Love
Integrity, Honor, Compassion, Protection
Tenderness, Stability, Passionate Attention
Man Divine, Man of Love
Man of the Earth, Man of Heave Above
--Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

As twin flames and Divine Warriors this is the very core of our mission.This is the path of divine healing and awakening. I know many have controversy with the above show and performer that I mentioned, or maybe this entire blog makes you trigger; in regards to sexuality, and individuality. Maybe they "defy gravity" for you and challenge some things within your soul and stir some things up. allow yourself to be stirred up; its what we're here to do. Rock you and shake you until you are the best most loving version of yourself!

"Warrior Strong, within my heart you beat
My highest Destiny I shall meet
Your power, focus and determination
Ends fear, doubt, and procrastination
Warrior Strong, within my heart you beat
Together my highest destiny we greet"
-Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

Sexuality and the yearning for a Twin Flame union or Kindred Soulmate can be a part of these things but more often it is about learning to face, accept and integrate other aspects of our emotional and physical experience so that we may bring ourselves to some sort of peace with our fears, such as abuse, poverty, illness and death. Tantra embraces all of life. For most of us there are parts of life that we love more easily than others. Tantra asks us to investigate that which we have turned away from and seek our acceptance of it. It is not an easy path. Fortunately, Lady Nada comes to those on the tantric path and can assist us up the mountain, back to the Himalaya's where her energy was born. Through her ability to support us as we reclaim the rejected aspects of ourselves and our existence and each piece we come into loving acceptance which brings us close and closer to union with ourSelves and/or Twins. Allow Matangi to play her role as tantric goddess and way-shower of your Inner Christ, as I have allowed her to do so through me.

"Lady Isis and Serepis Bey, shining bright; support my Mer Ka Ba, build my body of light
I am in your protection now and from harm I am free; Align me now with my inner Divinity
Through my own free will as a being of light; I now allow my Mer Ka Ba to alight
Arising from below and descending from above; Penetrate darkness too, with Divine Light and Love
Mer Ka Ba protection, body and spirit as one; Fragmentation and disconnection are now forever undone"
-Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

During meditation you can utilize the "Matangi Mudra" with Bloodstone;Heliotrope to bring in her energy to benefit you further. You can also use the Mandala shown on the card. Matangi and the crystal she represents helps us accept that The Christ within, the Divine Rebel and the ordinary human being are all wrapped up as God/Goddess in the sacred animal body, manifesting the unique life experience. We can be safe in knowing that we are all expressions and children of One God. 

She will help us feel grounded in our bodies and open to our spirits. I will go into more depth at another time but this is just so you can get a feel of her. Meditate and you will know her too *due to the long length of this post and it getting late I do not want to go into full detail of what Matangi represents, i can however send photos of the pages and you can inquire on those yourself*


The world needs love more than ever and the Universal Card i drew for all twin flames and humanity consciousness was Goddess Tara. Tibetan Quartz holds her vibration and frequency and this oracle card is representing "Her Eye Ever Open"

The messages coming through today is going out to all those who feel out of place in this world. All who need reminders of the Christ and purpose they hold within and that we where born to be misfits; its what will make us famous and leave behind a legacy!

Goddess Tara represents the Tibetan Quartz. Such crystals help all people who feel out of place within modern society realize a large part of their purpose is to help transform human society into a sustainable way of living, existing in balance and harmony with our beautiful, loving Earth Mother. They help enable this process through seeding a subtle yet powerful shift in human consciousness. It works with all the Chakra's and Zodiacs; it's main element is the storm and vibrates with the frequency of 5. I love that in the depicted card that the Mandala is a 5 pointed star, representing the 5 elements (a "storm" when all put together). These stones act as a psychic cleanser, clearing debris from the Aura and allowing more full spectrum light to fill our physical and energetic bodies. They help to rapidly expand our consciousness in order to release emotional attachment and commune with higher planes. They are very high vibration stones said to resonate to the sound of OM and have been traditionally used for spiritual protection and raising human consciousness.  This Quartz is mined in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet, one of the most sacred areas on Earth. (please note that "Nada" resides within these very mountains. So she appeared to me first and Tara came after her, but they come to me as "one with the same message and purpose to humanity" Although Nada is also the bloodstone, Tara is connected to her through this Quartz.  Nada is the OM) The mines are not easily accessible by machinery, so most Tibetan Quartz is mined by hand, sometimes by monks themselves, and carried out in sacks. The vibration of this highly spiritual area is imparted on the stones, making thousands of years of spiritual and healing knowledge more easily accessible. Their source also seems to give Tibetan Quartz Crystals an almost holy, enlightened vibration as well as very harmonious and balanced energy.

Om Isis Om Maha Isis
Isis of Ten Thousand Nominations
Om Isis Om Maha Isis
Isis of Endless Emanation

I live my true self in all its glory
I now release outdated story
I let go of  who I used to be
I let go of my history

I step forward into a new me 
Blossoming beyond identity
I receive the name of my self new born 
*to all out there my Government name is Kymberly But I am truly TRINITY*
I now let go of all that is outworn

Om Isis Om maha Isis
Isis of Ten Thousand Names and more
Om Isis Maha Isis
Bless me with Self Knowledge pure
-Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

I have a synchronicity and experience with the stone Azezulite Satyaloka ;my twin flame and I bought it shortly after Christmas this year. It was a rather exciting event when we discovered this stone and it's attributes. I'm tired so ill go into detail later but I just wanted to say that The stone i picked out was shaped like a "5 pointed star", i could not keep getting it out of my head when i was writing this and my guides kept depicting my stone to me with the picture of Tara's card and her Mandala being the 5 pointed star as well. I got a lot of emphasis to mention it now that im writing this on the 21st because they kept sending me "signs" of the 5 pointed star all over the place, my daughters shirt, the morning of the 16th (thursday) universal card of which i got to  posting but i didn't get to really discussing on that day all ive been experience but it was #5 representing "Individuality" and was the Angel Iahel. My daughters shirt on the 19th (10) and the 3rd synch on one of my clients tattoo on the 19th also (10) (10:10 again) named Isaac; he's mexican (this prophet keeps coming to my mind as well, but the name in general probably because of all the childhood memories i'm receiving and letting go and Isaac was the name of one of the first boys i ever had a heart string attachment to aka "crush"). This client was bursting with Christ energy i was so in awe. He had 4 of the stars on his right arm surrounded by naked angels, on his ribs was a mural of Mother Mary, on his left side chest was Jesus with the crown of thorns and on the right other side of his chest was a woman figure that to me was the depiction of Mary Magdalene whether that was who she was for him or not thats who she was for me. This was just special to me because Tara's card also had a blooming lotus within the 5 Pointed Mandala Star, and this mans entire body was screaming the same message the Divine Mother is bringing through this portal.

Satyaloka Azeztulites are wonderful Light tools; known as the doorway to power! They powerfully stimulate the third eye, crown and Soul Star chakras, emanating a beam of intense current through their terminations. The growth of these Satyaloka points lends them a focus and intensity that is quite remarkable. These are stones of a highly enlightened energy, and they invite us to work with them and awaken to the ecstatic state of full awareness. It opens the crown chakra with a tremendous flow of energy. When I worked with this stone, I felt it pouring downward through the crown as soon as I held it in  my hands. The crown chakra opened and a pulsing energy cascade thrust down again and again through the top of my head all the way to my heart. As it extended further, it seemed to be exploring or slowly penetrating the column of my chakras below the heart, with each pulse reaching a little deeper. Satyaloka Azeztulite placed upon the heart in a pouch produced a deep sense of reverence, an appreciation of the presence of the Holy in the heart. It became difficult to speak or form words as I allowed this vibration of the Holy to move into my heart center. This stone carries deep currents of what I would term the Holy Silence. It has a direct resonance with the vastness of consciousness at the site of Origin. It opens a stream via which one may venture toward the Source. It is a rather magnetic feeling, as the Source draws one toward itself. As one gets closer and closer to it, words are left behind, and as one approaches nearer, one is conscious only of the swirling White Light that whirls around the center void in a spiraling cloud.
Satyaloka Azeztulite is tremendously powerful. Throughout the entire mineral kingdom I know no currents more intense than these. It organizes and re-centers brain activity. It brings consciousness to a deepening sense of quiet and gives a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and streams of consciousness. It asks a great deal of the heart, for it pulls Light through the heart and into the rest of the body. It is not a difficult or painful thing at all; it is a lovely feeling. It is simply powerful.It is resonant with the energies described in Indias mystical traditions as sat-chit-ananda. Sat means truth, chit is consciousness and ananda is bliss, so this sat-chit-ananda is the quality of truth, consciousness and bliss as one whole pattern. Satyaloka Azeztulite can infuse the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix with the intense high frequencies of sat-chit-ananda. There is, I can only say, a tremendous Light in these stones. Satyaloka Azeztulite is a stone of powerful spiritual dedication. It can guide in purification of ones energy bodies, of ones intention, will, even of ones love activities and energies. It encourages one-pointed focus of consciousness through the will in the third chakra. This is an extremely powerful capacity, because one-pointed focus through the will is the most powerful inner posture for specific co-creating activity and manifestation of what one envisions. Satyaloka Azeztulite can be used to travel through the realms of Light to many higher planes of reality. It can be ridden all the way to the archetypal first emanations from Source. It is a powerful stone for conducting one on conscious journeys into the spiritual worlds via the geometries of Light. It enables one to more readily place the Light geometries along and within the body/temple. Satyaloka Azeztulite encourages us to envision ourselves and our world as temples, as holy places. Its adherence to the purpose of Light in the world is absolute, and it engenders absolute devotion to Spirit in the individual.

I feel this stone in conjunction with the Bloodstone, Tibetan Quartz, Pearl and Labradorite, even Aqua Aura Quartz could be great benefit for everyone at this time and following to the 26th! You can utilize the following stones in conjunction with the healing meditation provided below. (simply focusing on the cards i provided in the picture will help anchor in the light codes and vibrations needed for you at this time as well) 

"We bring you the empowerment of her eye ever open. The divine protection around you is absolute and complete. Your simple request for the Universal Mother to watch out for you, and to protect what has meaning for you, allows you to live our life, do your work, and know the most powerful one is caring for your well being on all levels. You can trust, be free from worry and remain open to the world with joy in your heart."

As you grow spiritually, the reach of your light increases. You become increasingly open and visible to more souls. You become as a shining spiritual sun bringing light to the Earth. Do you notice that people have different reactions to the sun? some worship, others respect, and some fear. These reactions are about the belief systems and consciousness of the people, not the nature of the sun itself. The sun is exactly the same whether it is recognized for its health giving properties or for being destructive to health. The sun is powerful, and it continues to shine and simply be what it is, unaffected by the reaction of those to its light.

For those on the path of love and light, there are lessons to be learned from this. If you decide whether or not to be who you are, to shine our light based on the reactions of those around you, then you will be forever confused. There will always be those that admire and support you in who you are, and those that for their own fearful reasons, will not.

If you allow the negativity of those in fear to become part of how you view yourself, you will undermine yourself. You will have allowed negativity to sabotage your spiritual light. This can happen when you take to heart the critical remark of another who is more interested in criticizing others than focusing on their own personal healing. You may not wish to do it. You may even realize what is happening, and yet their fear may still make you stumble a little, doubt yourself, or feel afraid that if you keep shining bright, you may suffer attacks from others. You may even wonder why you have attracted that situation to yourself, which is a way healers can unintentionally use their intention to assume spiritual responsibility to undermine themselves. Being responsible for your own responses to the world is appropriate; assuming that the consciousness that another chooses for themselves is your doing, is not. If you do this, you are colluding with the fear, agreeing that it is appropriate behavior for another to blame you for their pain. This is not wise, true or empowering for anyone.
As you learn to support your open and loving nature with strong boundaries and self respect, the universal Mother, Tara, with her eye ever open will always watch out for you. As you expand your light, she will create a field of fierce compassion and protective grace around you. If one fearful person attempting to attack you could cause you to lose your footing and prevent many people from benefiting from your light, she will step in, often without you even realizing that you need diving protection and support. You can relax and know that once you make a commitment to the Universal Mother to help nurture the world with love, you shall benefit from her unconditional Grace, protection and support. With her eye ever open, nothing shall go unnoticed and her notice stops fear in its tracks.

If you have fear about being seen, becoming visible or "coming out of the spiritual closet" out of concern for what others will think or do, or feel that perhaps an unresolved past life issue where you were harmed for your beliefs is coming up, take comfort. Tara brings you the Grace of Divine Mothers healing intervention. You are meant to overcome this and move trustingly into the light. It is what is meant for you and she will help you get there.

If you have been asking for protection for you or a loved one, or intervention in a matter where you know that fear and other negative energies are attempting to thwart the work of love in the world, know that the Divine Mother is speaking to you through this Medium. Do the following healing process with the intention to invoke Tara' protection and it shall be given. If you are wise enough to recognize where her help is needed, then you are powerful enough to ask for it on behalf of the greater good, with compassionate detachment. The healing process will empower you to do just that.

Sirius, Beacon of Unconditional Love
The hearts of the Goddess Shining Above
Your deepest peace and wisdom wild
I call you now, as your beloved star child
Let me rise above forgetfulness and fear
Help my true nature be strong and clear
So that no matter what seems to be
I am anchored within divinity
Nothing distracts me from my true face
Shining bright with endless peace and grace

I AM the light Divine, I AM the love sublime
I AM the peace beyond space and time
-Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

The scales are balanced with perfection
Feminine and Masculine in Divine Connection
Surrender and strength, Body and Soul
Together are loved, united and while
I know when ti act and when to rest
Scales of Balance allow harmony to vest
Deep within I am now at peace
As imbalance I effortlessly now release
I feel balance, wholeness and vitality
As I balance and heal my Divine Humanity
- Magic Of Isis By Alana Fairchild

To integrate this guidance you may like to say this invocation now:

I call upon the Crystal Angel of Tibetan Quartz and Goddess Tara who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing empowerment of her eye ever open. You surround me with your unconditional divine protection and field of fierce compassionate grace. I thank you for protecting the expression of my light in the world. May the love and light that serves you always be shielded from fear. Through your divine mercy and my own free will, SO BE IT. Word I AM Word

If you wish to further integrate this guidance focus on your crown chakra while connecting to the vibration and frequency of the depicted card and mandala. Relax and breath in and out several times; then say aloud:

I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to forgive, release and deflect all fearful reactions to light. I invoke the complete protection of the Universal Mother that my light may shine true and feed many. Through divine empowerment and unconditional love, SO BE IT. I AM word through this intention; Word I AM Word

Place your hands in the Matangi Mudra while focusing on your crown chakra and while connecting to the vibration and frequency of the depicted card and mandala. Bow your head and say:

May divine grace bring peace to the hearts of all beings. May all those on the path of serving love be protected, powered and supported to nourish light on Earth. May the Divine Mother's unconditional love and fierce grace be invoked now to serve love and light on this planet. May all those working for love on Earth be held in her protective field and empowered according to her compassion. In service to the Divine Feminine wisdom evolving through humanity at this time, SO BE IT. I AM Word through this intention; Word I AM Word. 

You can finish your healing process with the affirmation provided below and repeating it out loud 3 times.

Affirmation: I am protected and supported in the fierce empowering Grace of the Divine Mother; May I trust my journey is guided by the light of love. I am Word through this intention. Word I AM Word.

Feel free to add the following for more potency Invocation/Prayer to Goddess Isis

In conclusion I want to share another synchronicity I had in this experience. I work as a massage therapist at a Bath House here in Denver Colorado. I have a diligent client named Sarah "with an H - she's always insistent on that :-P" is one of my most valued and favored clients. She is known an OWL SHAMAN and follows the same Pagan values as I do with the Goddess's. I see her quite often and always enjoy our sessions together; the special thing about this session was that I got to witness the embodiment of "Lady Nada" through this Tantric Shaman  and through her name as "Sarah" being the same first 4 letters of Saraswati . On Feb 16th she brought her best friend along with her to enjoy a day at the spa. Her name was Tara; I got to meet the embodiment of this Goddess herself in person in the same day, she happened to have a tattoo on her Left calf (Left side represents the FEMININE) of Goddess Tara also. I felt blessed and lucky after pulling cards that resembled them the following day! These two women are part of my tribe and i love them for the love they bring into my life! I had a pure white cat at one point named Tara also (i do miss her terribly), and I recently purchased a "Statue" for my alter of the green Tara when I visited Shasta last year in September with my Twin Flame (yes we where as close to "on top of the mountain" as we could get out there). These energies and Goddess's are so lovingly making themselves known in my life. they both are safely guiding me through all my fears to fully embody the beautiful expression of Light (Knowledge) and Love (Wisdom) I know is within me as a Christed messenger of God.

This isn't the end or the last message you will be hearing from me for I already have more to come about my personal 7-11 (resting place) on top of the mountain! These two Goddess's are just pointing the way up and helping me begin my story. I know there is more to come from the given miracle/synchronicity received on the 20th when my client Holly came to visit me at 7PM. She is another massage therapist, on a very like minded path as I am who is actually giving me ideas as to new opportunities for places of employment. She has tattoos on her right arm of the flowers of life and sacred geometry along with some beautiful "San scrip" tattoo around her belly and hips. As I was telling her of my resent experience in as short of a description as i could even give it my male Twin texts me "7-11" at the time on the clock. I happen to notice my phone when he does this as I'm putting some meditation music on my Pandora Radio the first song that pops up is by Deuter and the Album is "Nada Himalaya" its #1 on the album and on the very top of the album it says "New Earth" in a rainbow. below i capture the picture when its at 00:53 and -30:26 and at 7:15 in numerology that is a 8 which is a message of infinity and on the other side is 11 which comes back to 1 and the energy of new beginnings as this whole channeling is guiding us to step into. together they create the 9 which equals completion. And at the top is 4 which is validation from angels. The 9+4=4 also so that's 44 circling back to 8:Infinity!

So step into this new vibration with me, the NEW EARTH that is upon us, become infinitus; sing with the same vibration of OM; as Nada and hold in our hearts the message she brings to use from the belly of Holly (A Double dose of "L" for extra LIGHT AND LOVE from the the holy of holy's): 
"Where women are worshiped, Goddess's prevail; where they are not, all actions are fruitless"

Join with me in singing the song Lady Nada and Tara simultaneously brought forth through me and begin the hike all humanity must journey up the mountains of the Himalaya's with Heliotrope Bloodstone on our hearts; Satyaloka Azeztulite as our Crowns and Tibetin Quartz at the tip of our staffs: Lets sing as a choir and have a Glee Performance for God whilst holding hands! Weave Peace and Grace unto our lands! To create the ring of Pearls that will begin the Revelation of the Rebels!

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone

Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross
Enough to last 'till the end of time

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone

Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh, listen, lord, if you want to know

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some, oh, but just for ever, every, everyone
What the world needs now is love, sweet love (oh, is love)x3

"I felt a message from Mother Earth [Tara/Gaia] when she came to me in Parrot form, "Seek out and reside in the sweetness of your heart". Over an array of emotionally challenging days that followed her appearance; as waves of grief *rose* and fell, I would bring myself gently but effectively back to happiness and peace by taking my awareness into my heart and feeling the sweetness there. The energy in my heart felt gentle, kind and serene and I found it relaxing and healing to drop into that place within my being. The message brought to me from Mother Earth were reminders to do this to support myself through the grieving process's"

- Alana Fairchild Crystal Goddess 888 Page 170

*Venture into your heart
Instead of a "rose" this year give yourself a lotus
because you deserve it.
Your performance was grandeur!
No need to fear for Tara is here with Matangi right beside her.
Both Goddess's depicted in Green.
They feel your tears becoming waves of grief.
Allow them to plant that Rose within your heart and the Lotus in your Root
Allow them to mend your tree of life until strife is no longer absolute
And nothing but happiness and peace is your new tune*
-Trinity K3 Whispering Wind: Oracle and Scribe of Isis the Queen of Angels

Yeshua/Jesus and Mary Magdalene supporting the Earth with their Christ Light and Twin Flame Lotus; 
Together creating their Mer-Ka-Ba; 
journeying up the mountain through their hearts to the Temple of God: 
where sweet love resides and transforms through the mystical 7
And with that Legacy left on Earth/Tara will forever be a Pillar of Light

Finished 10:26 PM 2/21/2017

Spirit of Isis enduring and bright; Your love more powerful than might; Your triumph assured in any fight; I center myself in the truth of your light; Your love makes the impossible real; I go into my heart and feel; The success coming to me at this time; I give thanks for you blessing Divine

Star of Sothis, you bless me with abundance and peace; My wealth on all levels does increase; through many channels I receive your flow; With wonder and gratitude I watch my wealth grow; I release all fear and doubt that would block your grace; Instead of focus on your shining stellar face; And realize the love and safety within; The flow of great abundance now does begin 

The ideology of the word "FEAR"; to most would be
in the Light Yin "Face Everything And Rise"
in the Dark Yang "Forget Everything And Run
I go by "Face everything and [w]rite whats right" assisting them to Unite
-  Twin Flames Kymberly Scheierman and Malachi Kaiser