Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Beginnings: Cheers to 2014!!!

So going into this new year, I didn't necessarily make the best decision, but I did one that brought me closure and clarity that I needed to move forward on a personal level for myself. And in the end of it, I thought I might loose someone I love, but from me communicating and being honest and open rather then hiding what I was going through, that someone told me they love me and that I'm amazing, and completely surprised me. Perfect beginning to a new year if you ask me. I didn't kiss "him" at midnight, I kissed someone else entirely, but hearing those three words today and not being entirely rejected, hmm... word's can't describe how I'm feeling at this point, my feeling for him just grew 100X stronger.

But I've also come to some other big realizations. Who knows where my love life will go, I'm hopeful in it right now, but things might change entirely by March 2015 so I'm trying to keep an open "mind" and that honestly won't be my full focus this year. I'm focusing on growing myself. If I don't stabilize myself first, and get myself back on track, there's no way any relationship I embark upon will work out or flourish. That being friends or more. So I'm working on me, and getting back in touch with my Higher Self. And in the meantime I'm running after my biggest dreams. Those dreams being vast and many things. But on the top of the list, it's my career path, and growing my business. This year, my goal is to become financially stable, secure and successful. And to finally move into my own... i pray house, or apartment with my two kids. Another goal is go get myself and my kids active in some sort of art activity. Whether that being modeling, acting, or music, we're going to express our inner creative passions together. My kids are going to grow with me and we'll flourish together. This year I'm working on my communication in all area's of my life, having true belief in myself that I can be a winner! I am going to diligently advance my education in subjects that have peaked my interest for quite some time. Such as the metaphysical, Ancient Civilizations, business management, music theory and practice, writing, drawing, travel, to list a few. I want to gain more knowledge and wisdom. I'm just aching to learn right now, and take what I learn and produce something that will influence others from it in a revitalizing, healing, and positive way!

So in the beginning of 2014, I have my final and last family therapy session with my daughter today at 5:30. They feel we have progressed and made great changes that we no longer need their assistance/help. This is such a blessing, to finally be moving forward, and the past not bogging us down anymore. Praise the Lord for our therapist Khara who helped us muddle through such darkness and brought light back into our life! God is good, and there is such hope for our future!