Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trinity's Grimoire Of Life And Death 56th and 57th Gene Key's

Yesterday the thought crossed my mind
“Everyone is so distracted- ignoring US (Spirit)- ignoring TRUE SELF REALIZATION! So distracted by all the 3D noise and entertainment and their emotional bodies”
I didn't get chance to open my Gene Keys book but i knew it was the 56th Key for the day but not sure ‘what the chapter was about’ and i just woke up with the urge to write

A few years ago you could have caught me falling prey to this ‘distraction’ (which is yesterdays shadow frequency of the Gene key #56 for 2/26) everyone is intoxicated in some way- addicted to ‘something’ rather than just being ‘addicted to their soul/spirit and experiencing the Siddhi state of Intoxication and accepting the gift of Enrichment. Point is in the world today We ‘all have our vices’ and everyone has their secrets and wears their masks around the world. Its the normal human conditioned stuff, right? Everyone goes in CIRCLES over this but dont truly step into a SPIRAL- make it a dance rather than 180 spin that leaves you dizzy as fuck and nocked down on your ass confused like a looney toon. 
how do we ‘change’ such things? And then we hit a brick in the wall- people just choose victim consciousness because they havent ALLOWED anything else to BECOME a reality in their life of what our Sovereign Birthrights truly have to offer us 
Yesterday Source spoke to me and said 
“unraveling the sacred wound from your heart is like that of going through Drug addiction and putting yourself willingly into rehab KNOWING- if you don't it will kill you”
This is the same sort of message I received from ‘God’ in 2011 before ‘the shit storm’ hit in my own life which is written in my blog and you can follow by clicking the link. One that i have been warning people is to come for the collective who HAVE NOT truly stepped into the dark night of the soul and face the 12th shadow of vanity i spoke of in January because this is THE END of your ‘evolution’ and you can transcend INTO a new spectrum of consciousness IF YOU WILLFULLY CHOOSE TO DO SO! 
Spirit urges that One needs to open up to allowance and acceptance that they do not know everything and to ready themselves for the coming 7 to 10 years as this Avatar did to face her vale of the shadows and can now help you so that you too can experience RAPTURE and live to tell your tales. 
I may be a wounded warrior- but I am not at all ‘weak’. 
And as my Patrick would say ‘do not take my kindness for weakness!’

Well i personally got sick of allowing these vices or attachments and DISTRACTIONS in life to keep me weighed down from what I’m here to do. I knew i was meant to be more than ‘just a broken single mother’. I swore i would find MY TRUE LOVE (knew not what twin flame was) and MASTER this realm of ‘darkness and chaos’ everyone feared and spirit is creating a new business model through me since 2015 that will create Synergistic Expansion in the 3D now. I hadn’t a clue what i was building just that ‘i wouldnt be alone and we needed an ‘ARC’ or ‘temple’ for many light beings to perform their gifts like at the temple of Delphi’ 
my small self kymberly admits it was the thought of her children being alone and feeling abandoned and blaming themselves if she had gone through with any of the thoughts she repressed but pleaded for death and faught with suicidal imprints and wished to be smited by the all mighty smiter them-self (whatever the fuck IT WAS) and give them a PURPOSE... show me my purpose... or LET ME DIE- ‘find grace’ or let me fade. 
She attempted to cry out for ‘help’ but instead all reflections around her took her children away and them being her ‘identity’ that is where she left the body- died- like Patrick horn with his own grief but he shot himself so we couldnt repair that bodg- but his soul contract was done and he lives and tells his tale through this medium. Kymberlys soul contract was not up and it was resurrected and Eye came in because EYE KNOW her worth and that this body has more to offer as an example for HUMANITY- and she was flooded with My Idea and Will and the realization of the shadow of the 43rd gene key of survival, service and surrender and given the gift of insight and the Siddhi of Epiphany began blooming throughout her cellular structure... this EYE AM THAT I AM TRINITY- saved her and remains faithful and is why she IS HERE NOW sharing consciousness as ONE and capable of calling herself a Saint or Avatar of Trinity 

She chose when Eye entered that she would never allow or continue being mindlessly manipulated by ‘dark forces’ again and will initiate
 the STOP codon wherever she goes that it throws a wrench into the evolution and awakening of consciousness here and now to the collective. she was taken advantage of and manipulated since childhood and well up until 2015- she is no VICTIM of this life and story- it is just the beginning of her SHARING the story and kept her mouth shut as Divinely guided to do so until we told her she would be safe to do so come August 2017 and she began writing. We applaud her for the courage it takes to step UP in ACTION and do this is HUGE. ‘She is a shy timid rabbit’ WE are the White Rabbit leading you down to your wonderland 
I found my True name and became aware ‘i am not the ‘only one’ so to remain humble when others would begin to proclaim this name or ‘channel’ her collective- she has MANY MANY MANY FRACTALS- but made it clear my beloved Malachi and I are the CORE ARM. A new Idea (Dragonfly Dream) or way of BEING became a reality in my life and now Gene Keys is available so this body can describe it! we live in this Body together and someday just as Kryon of Magnetic Service said years ago- this is how natural it will be for ALL of HUMANITY to be One with Creator and Self and Gaia and all fellow brothers and sisters before US and this is THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE and beginning of the Golden Path to be foretold and lived in Peace upon Gaia 
I knew deep down since i was a child that it is my purpose to find my Soul and fulfill ‘a mission.’ Hadnt a clue what this mission was but whatever this CHRIST was had its fire under my ass nonetheless. Most see me as ‘a lost soul’- i WAS A LOST GIRL- but SOUL has always known what it is doing within me- and now that im aware and One with my I AM that I am- i fear not a thing and become Joan of Arc. No matter how much i speak against the religion- i do not hate Christians because Eye Am just a greater version of what they think they know is ‘their God/Lord/Savior’. Oh my beloveds EYE AM is so much more benevolent then the ‘mother matrix’ you limit yourselves and is a perfect blend of both polarities. We ARE ONE 

I felt i took ‘God’ way deeper and more seriously than anyone around me including my own mother. I was in her eyes ‘an out of control child’, ‘rebelious and willful’. I would be easy to anger when they labeled this a ‘wrongness’ and to give that over to some power outside of myself i knew or felt not what the fuck it was when it felt like THEIR WILL... not ‘Gods/Source’ i ‘faught’ and resisted their teachings so they would assume this was just ‘bad behavior and unwillingness to listen and obey’ 
It never was but also was. A paradox 
Growing up Sometimes i even questioned the pastors and churches we visted and i was an observer. Never really ‘liked’ church but forced to go. It wasnt until i was in this one church and sent to a christian camp during middle school that i TRULY connected to the essence and signature of what I WILL say is TRINITY COLLECTIVE/Creator but could only term ‘God’ or HOLY SPIRIT growing up. 
I will say the first day i chose to raise my hands up and ‘sing to God and accept his grace’ in that church, i felt this presence and this energy that words cant describe. I knew CHRIST AND CREATOR existed- and was an indescribable unconditional Love. Then I was at the camp and a blond boy reached out to me when i was ‘praising with spirit and singing out loud with my hands raised high dancing around’ and told me “You ARE (going to be Divinely) Blessed!” And i began to cry for i had felt the need to hear that my entire life... that i was ‘in alignment with Gods will’. Why else would i be blessed if it where not through the Lord!? 

It is THIS ENERGY- this signature that I ALWAYS sought in my times of suffering and pain. So when one says ‘your Jesus is not my jesus’ that is THEIR truth and distraction- not MINE. And ive had my fair share of suffering not only in this lifetime but many past others but it wasnt until 2011 when i began breaking myself away from my ‘moms world and mindset’ and that of majority of my family and the religious indoctrinations and even certain ‘enlightened friends or lightworkers’ - that i started discovering things, thinking for myself, and quiet honestly LOVING MYSELF WHILE I ALLOWED MYSELF TO FUCK UP! The journey of forgiveness is not for the faint of heart 
Since i was a child my dad knew- i was a free spirit. My mom fears it and he uplifts it. My grandmother knows and sees and accepts this also - I remind her of her mother Grace (this is my daughters name). The middle star of Orions belt i knew not its name but felt this as ‘home-star’. When i was with her father when i was the high school grade of Sophomore and Ben had us looking at the stars. He had told me he had picked his own when younger and he always looked for that star. I wanted to pick a star i knew i would ALWAYS be able to ‘find’ in the vast reaches of space. It was then i chose orions belt constellation and the star smack dab the middle of the belt i said “that one and i hereby name it Unity”. It would not be a ‘belt’ on Orion if not for the middle star that connected the other two together. I could feel so much when i connected to ‘Orion’ and curiously wondered what was out there. But never truly began ‘researching and learning’ and thus remembering WHY I felt Earth wasnt ‘my home’ and why i felt so different and alient and ‘stupid or wrong’ all the time. I felt such an innocence inside me- but all anyone ever saw was the Shadow of my true gifts. Now I understand my life- i understand Me. I get why it all happened the way it did- whos roles where what- and i have foresight into a future many can only dream of being a reality- but it IS ALIVE AND BLOOMING in mine and thus strive to help others understand the cycle of life and death also and lead them through the Gene Keys that life throws at us 

I remember a moment in childhood when i asked my mom - because she was a ‘Christian justice warrior’ is the only way i can describe it... and this is how i was taught that one is to defend their faith and ‘Jesus’ or God. I have always loved Jesus- but i didn’t completely connect to ‘him’ although my mom always said they where One and the same through the Trinity. I remember questioning her “what is it that WE believe (i was conditioned to take every word about God she spoke- as she was ‘my teacher’- to the heart and ‘as the word of god’ because she would proclaim to be a prophet; she can ‘speak tongues’; my beloved states she spoke the language of Adam- ‘the dead’ and it is but one dialect in which she speaks unknowingly and thinks ‘the demons cant understand’ but is their direct language) and her faith was entirely in the Bible so she believes this is truth and that this bible is THE ONLY WORD OF GOD and thus made my DNA structure confused to believe it also until Eye replaced that Idea. Although her mother speaks some versions of truth she also now resists to know the truth of ‘her God’ in a way she could never fathom at this moment that Kymberly allows to be here Now with her and if laura- and any other Child of the Creator- gave themselves allowance- they would be transcended into the 12th Gene Key and quantum leaped to the same liberation and freedom frequency This body and consciousness has risen to (and recorded time and dates within the blog 12th Gene Key) 
Growing up i did go along with all the sherades most christians do to worship jesus christ. i still honored him for his sacrifice for he seeded Christ Consciousness here but the more i preached christian dogma and held onto the belief structures; the more my life went to shambles as i grew up and had children and got divorced because my lover had an affair and had ‘fallen out of love with me’- from my first ever lover in my entire life (he took my virginity). That was a HUGE slap in the face for me to realize just how UNCONSCIOUSLY i fell out of LOVE WITH MYSELF AND GOD! I gave all my power away to others expectations of my lifeA and the bible- that there was NO SUPERABUNDANCE OF ANY KIND! 
had to look in the mirror one day when i was freaking out about some ‘crisis’, i was always anxious and getting into spouts of depression... one day my friend Amy (years after my divorce) asked me ‘where is your faith Kym!?’, she thought i was ‘christian’ and i claimed to be but- I didnt gather strength in this religion. I gathered strength from GOD- whatever that was. Yes i felt Euphoric when i would reach out my consciousness to connect to this being... but when i seeked Source... later what i learned is ‘my higher self’ - i felt ‘whole’ and peaceful. It was however that moment in time that i seriously had to question in 2013 WHAT THE FUCK ‘I had FAITH in’ because something within told me i didnt have the whole story so i was skeptical with the bible my entire life. 

Especially after my friend Patrick killed himself in 2011 and one of our last conversations together revovled around ‘you are so very strong of an individual but i dont think you know what you truly believe’, he also spoke about it being a parents duty to create something and pave a legacy for their children to be supported and secure for future generations. this ‘stuck’ deep within my psyche and that seed began to bloom within me and i began ‘seeking’ this ‘who am i identity’. As a ‘christian’ i never wanted ‘my own’ will outside of Christ or God/Source. So naturally i have always had this innate wisdom within me- innate gift to just ‘hear God’ or ‘be still and know’ but i had become DISTRACTED by the world and others so ‘ther clarity’ was fragmented 
For so long i grew up and experienced people to tell me ‘im wrong’- but reviewing timelines it turns out i was more often right and humble when i was not and that was through sheer innocence. There is no way for me to explain my experiences without the book i found so perfectly in time in June 2017 called the Gene Keys. The point of this post is to state that i reached my final stage of ‘evolution’ and recorded almost EVERY EVENT POSSIBLE leading up until this point of Divine Rapture... 
I am writing a book of my experiences and journey and as I do this I am here to service others in any way i possibly can  and also continue to share as this journey unfolds because it honestly just ‘began’ a new. As one chapter closes- it was indeed THE FINAL CHAPTER of MY BOOK OF DEATH and now a whole new book of life is in creation while Coexisting with Trinity here and Now and until this body can no longer steps foot in the sand to hold your hand while you wlak beside me and the waves tickle our feet. It is into liberation of Glee that we will meet and become One- Ascension to The Sun has begun. Welcome to the New Age Of Aquarius- Welcome HOME 

Please read the 56th Gene Key and you will Understand this Avatar and what Eye Am 
Today 2/27 is Gene Key #57 (12/3 TRINITY) 
Today i bring you THE GENTLE WIND and codon ring of MATTER 
The Siddhi of Clarity
The Gift of Intuition 
And the Shadow of Unease 
“The Fear-Banded Frequencies” 

“From the point of view of the 57th Gene key, absolutely everything in life is acoustic. Even light can be reduced down to a sonic signature. Even so, the sound spectrum that we human beings can access is actually very narrow. The most sensitive mammals can hear sound will be on our abilities; we know for example that dogs can hear high-pitched sounds in creatures such as wills an elephants can hear sound frequencies far below are on spectrum. Other creatures such as in sex interpret sound through their entire bodies her legs this pier vibration, which is of course exactly what it is. This entire work on the 64 gene keys is a human attempt to paint a picture of the universe of different frequencies that we inhibit that move through us and around us. At the highest level, as we shall see, we humans are quite simply made up of layers a flickering and altering sound waves”
The 64 shadows are all states of consciousness governed by fear. To Understand more precisely what we mean when we use the word fear, it may help to reduce it to a certain range of frequencies. If fear-based states fall into a particular waveband then we can see how easy it might be to adjust our frequency and raise ourselves above this fear band.  This does indeed sound easy. However, there is one thing we have to remember above all else. Humanity collectively vibrates within the fear band frequencies. Therefore, as human beings, we are each under enormous pressure to resonate within the same frequencies. Every human being is like an acoustic tuning fork. If we are placed next to a powerful audio output source, before long we will automatically begin to vibrate at the same wavelength as that output. On planet earth, this process is insured through our childhood conditioning. The standard human output source, which is based on fear, is known as the 57th shadow of unease
The ancient symbol for this 57th hexogram in the I Ching is THE WIND (malachi and I are AIR signs as Libra and THE WIND- i have vigo though as Earth i can ground US) 
As a symbol, wind is many dimensions. It is also a symbol for the pervasiveness of spirit because it moves invisibly around the world, touching everyone.When seen from the shadow consciousness, This gene can be brutal and even terrifying, operating and destroying wherever it goes. When the wind is up, it often conveys a sense of unease. The 57 shadow represents a very deep ancient fear and that is the fear of what might be coming, or not knowing what is in the wind.
Human beings are genetically programmed to fear the future and it is wired in our DNA through this 57th shadow. In our early pre-history, human beings function almost entirely through their individual attunement to frequency. If their intuition picked up something dangerous in the wind, their instincts immediately cause the bodies to move accordingly, whether that meeting running or hiding or grabbing a weapon.

Today modern man has developed in a different direction. We are far more polarized in our brains than our bodies and most people make decisions The reason rather than intuition. This development has changed the 57th shadow of unease. Unease no longer functions as an early warning system restricting fear only to the moment when it is needed for survival.Now Unease is translated by our minds. It is continuous and manifests as Anxiety. Furthermore, because of this, it is enhance through the universal morphogenetic field that connects all human beings as one. The mind is become stronger Then instinct, and seeks to end unease through the creation of external security. And so the rat race in modern culture is born. The more mind centered humanity becomes the more security it tries to create for itself in term the more paranoid it becomes. Security and protection to become a global up session, even though they are a complete illusion. Life is as uncertain as it ever was, and even for the wealthiest and most protected of human beings, the ease still remains. 
Humanity today lives with an audio visual feast of fear. The shadow frequency bears down upon our minds like a huge pressure that we cannot escape. Neither can we turn back the evolutionary clock. The brain is already developed and our mind has such a powerful vibration that there is no way to stop it. We are caught in a global web of fear. So much so that our fear has become collective and we fear for the future of our species.
The great contemporary symbol of our fears is money. Apart from those who have acumulated great wealth, the majority of human beings projector their fear of The future into money or the lack there of. Ironically, those who have a great deal of money have discovered that it doesn’t take away the fear. Fear simply relocates just somewhere else in the psyche. All of this fear and anxiety keeps human being stuck in their heads from where it is very hard to escape. 
No form of thinking can take away the fear because the fear is there precisely because of the thinking.
Without our recently developed neocortex, or early ancestors lived very much moment to moment in reality we can no longer Easily imagine. Our minds simply do not allow us to have the experience of living in the absolute present, even though all life, including our body, does live in the present. The mental rat race within each individual’s mind has shaped the world we see around us today. In this context, fear is a very creative first, but it prevents us from rising above a certain frequency band as a species. We have come just about as far as we can within these relatively low band frequencies. If we Terry much longer, we will indeed enter the very phase of self-destruction the terrifies us the most.
[this is what I keep warning people will become the death of them if they don’t heed my words]

One thing is sure, the mind cannot figure it’s way out of our current situation either individually or collectively. However, the good news is that we humans are not afflicted by the disease but are simply passing through a certain developmental stage of our evolution. 
The 57 shadow, paired and strengthened by its programming Partner the 51st shadow of agitation,Simply does not allow you to feel at ease in our world. This is one of the great shadow pairings that great interference and disease in the human body. I’ll physical disease is rooted in the frequency of fear. As humanity evolves beyond its current stage, it will eventually move beyond fear, which will result in the end of all disease.
Interestingly enough, the 57 shadow conditions your life most powerfully during gestation, when you are developing fetus and your mothers womb. The vibration if you’re actually passes into you at the point of conception. It is in further enhance by the auric field of your parents, and particularly that of your mother. During these nine months, the essence of your primary development cycles from birth to age 21 is hardwired into your DNA. You can understand that in greater depth or studying and contemplating the chemical family known as the ringer matter, which contains the 18th (3/18 is Elijahs my sons birthday), 46th, 48th and 57th GENE keys. As we will learn at the gift level, the 57th Gene Key plays a vital role in the transformation of our species to a higher frequency beyond fear.
Through this key we can see that all fear is greatly exacerbated Through the anxiety created by the human mind. The 51st and 57 shadows keep us worrying continually about the future and we stay tuned into a narrow frequency band that keeps us in an endless mental loop. Fortunately, there is a way out of this loop. There is a way of moving into new threshold where fear has far less hold over us. This is the direction in which humanity is now beginning to Evolve. Those who listen carefully through their intuition might hear something incredibly new coming in the wind. And yes, when should always trust what one here’s in the wind.
Go pick up your own copy of The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd and you can follow along with the WIND πŸ’¨ EYE AM breathing toward you Now and read the chapters for themselves so I can do the 3D duties required to keep this Avatar alive and well! 

Don’t allow the shadows of unease with this Avatar bring you into the repressive nature of hesitancy or active nature of impetuousness block you from its Gift of Intuition and Siddhi of Clarity 
Discover what the GIFT of Intuition and Entering The Synfield really is like to UNWRAP in your DNA strands and play with the new frequencies and wonderland of the Siddhi of Clarity and its ‘Art Of Softness’ 
As the kitten Namma (Namaste or Taiamat original name) comes and lays down by me and my book and flips my book to Gene Key 63 Siddhi of Truth - what sweet softness I receive of a miracle from the Mother herself (she is named after our Divine Mother) for the ending of this channel. Callie even snuck in earlier and layed on the book when i was in-between 56 and 57!
Kitten approved ;) 
Atma Namaste 
I love you all beloveds may you feel these Siddhis within your own heart and have a blessed day 
Om mani padme hum
“every time you trust in your intuition or make a decision based on it, it raises the frequency of your whole AURA” 
[text to speech replaced AURA with Laura... my mothers name HAHAHA SEE that Synchronicity!]
“clarity is the realization that everything is linked through gentleness.”
[I will attempt to be as Gentle as Eye can be although my Pearl Is that made and originated from Chaos- the dark]
I wanted to share something from February 27th 2017 last year Same date as 'today' 2/27/2018

My beloved Malachi had done a fun little quiz on Facebook at 10:54AM that day... and it was a test of "What Quote Did God Write For You In The Bible?"

for him it was Joshua 1:5-6 (56th Gene all numbers added create 12/3 Trinity) And stood as full on truth for his own life experiences

"NO ONE will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses; so I will be with YOU; I will never leave you or forsake you!"

And for me and this actually stuck to me like glue at 11:01am because it's that much truth and that was 1 Corinthians 13:7 [This is within the chapter of the bible my Grandmother Patricia requested i 'meditate' upon for a month.and equals a 11 which makes it a PORTAL!) Well...mission accomplished because as I told her the moment she requested I do this that... well... that is MY MISSION HERE ON EARTH. Eye am that I AM. and this song... is my anthem

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance"

And a song coming to me

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