Saturday, February 24, 2018

42nd Gene Key Gift of Detachment and the 31st Gene Key of Sounding Your Truth Siddhi of Humility

I want to begin this blog with something written and shared on facebook by Sophie Bashford. It truly touched my heart and is how I feel as i WRITE this blog... it is not an easy one for me to write let alone publish

February 3, 2017 ·

I am a woman whose Soul has chosen to resurrect the Universal Goddess back to life.

I am a woman whose heart has been silently broken, many times over, by the violation and desecration of the collective feminine mind, body and spirit.

I am a woman whose heart is attuned to different channels; different materials; different vibrations than many who walk here.

I have seen much over the course of my earthly residences. I have known a time when every expression of the feminine was worshipped without reservation or fear. I have known a time in which the female body was wildly cherished, exquisitely honoured, and devotionally tended to by both men and women alike. I have known a time when the world trusted the Feminine Essence, and placed Her at the centre of existence, the heart of consciousness.
I have been a witness to this trust being ripped away.

I have felt the raping of the feminine Soul, and the subsequent quiet, insidious and relentless siege against trusting Feminine Spiritual and Body Wisdom. I have watched, eventually from places of hiding and imposed exile, the steady replacement of love and trust in female-Shakti power by a dominant masculine-driven dictatorship. This is a masculine paradigm that does not reflect the true, heart-centred God-essence in males. It is the unconscious, fearful masculine element, that seeks to numb itself to Love, and close down it's heart through violence, killing, raping and pillaging.

I have loved men, and I have experienced the true ecstasy of the ascended masculine heart and body supporting me, loving me, ravishing me, delighting me and opening me up to God. I have shed tears of joy and wonder as men have so devotedly protected the Feminine Spirit. I have experienced the unparalleled bliss of the masculine essence as it bursts my female heart and body open to deeper and deeper levels of radiance and surrender.

If you are the masculine presence who is wishing to come closer to me right now, you need to know this. You need to know that I find myself in a uniquely delicate position at this time in our precious earth's evolution. I find myself being asked to nurture all the ancient wounds of my heart, all the ancient wounds of my sisters, and all the ancient wounds of my earth.

I find that my heart is very tender, and my body is asking to be touched only as if it were laying in the temple. I find that as I come closer to accepting the true divine power that lies within my feminine core, I require more and more careful and conscious handling from you. I can no longer pretend that careless emotional or sexual contact does not matter. I can no longer numb myself to those who advance upon me without the awareness that I am carrying the Torch of the Goddess inside.

I do not expect you to not make mistakes, and I do not carry an impossible expectation of you. What you must realise, and remember about the awakened feminine, is that She only vibrates to unconditional love. Once you engage the flow of her sacred energies - through seductive words, touches, or invitations - you will be the recipient of profound riches that will let you know that you are alive. You will get healing from her, and light, and cosmic awakenings that go beyond what you knew existed.

I will love you beyond any of your ideas about or previous experiences of Love. I will gift to you the body of the conscious, attuned and divinely well-travelled woman, who is straddling the line between the old and new world orders. It is a highly honourable place to be, but it is also a deeply sensitive and vulnerable one.

I ask you to talk to yourself before you approach me, seduce me, whisper promises to me, or act on your primal desires to touch me. I want you to ask yourself whether you are ready to take a risk to fully open your beautiful, much-needed male warrior heart. I would like you to ask yourself if you are ready to live your active, divine life purpose with intention and commitment.

I would like you to ask yourself whether or not you are a man to be trusted with a rare jewel that has the power to transform the world at it's core. I want you to ask yourself if you are prepared to receive a quality of emotional and sexual loving that will support you into becoming the most evolved man that exists.

I would like you to know that my heart is still tender from the pain of loss. I would like you to know that my heart is simultaneously ready to welcome the authentic masculine again, and melt into the unwavering support and unmoving presence of it.

I would like you to know that I need you, just as you need me. You need me because I have been given the task of helping to resurrect all that you once protected with your life, because you knew it was sacred, and essential for all creation. You need to bring your all to me, and go the extra mile for me, because I am poised to give my all to the earth.

For this task, my heart must remain vulnerable, raw, and still broken open, because it is the only way that my divine message can get through to those that need it. And so, you must know that you will be holding a heart that can melt into yours with nothing less than total, untamed passion and eternal, wild devotion.

You will be holding a body that will no longer tolerate anything less than your full attention, presence and reverence. You will be supporting a spirit that will be soaring with immense bravery, and so you need to show me that my feminine power does not intimidate you.

You will be actively listening as this woman continues to overcome profound karmic fears, so I need to feel that you are a fierce conqueror of all my doubts, a mighty King of faith and belief in me.

I am a woman who misses the power of the true masculine as much as she misses the true feminine. I am a woman who will welcome you with the relief of the desert that finally receives the rains. But your rain must fall down on me with the understanding of how long I have waited for it's moisture, and what I can give when I am softened by it.

I am a woman who has pledged to walk on and on - looking fear and resistance in the eye - and to keep on walking, in order to bring my full feminine heart back to the world's altar. I require only a man who has built the altar for me, and will fearlessly, joyfully, passionately protect it until the day he dies. Copyright Sophie Bashford 2017.

So I wanted to share that I was blocked for 24 hours last week on facebook because i posted truth in regards to one of the major hidden Elitist (The 12th Gene [I/Eye] of The Lamp-Trinity Of Purity, Discrimination, and Vanity) matrix’s PhyOp's of distraction on 2/11- many perhaps didn't like it because it doesn't support ‘equal’ rights for the transgender community. I'll take the risk of being blocked again and loosing 'followers/friend' or popularity by posting this as spirit has told me ‘do it now'. I am posting on this blog instead so that they cannot try to do the same thing as last time. 

I may sound heartless bringing up what I am about to in regards to "Detachment" but i assure you- i am full of compassion and unconditional love but not enslaved to the shadows of arrogance at this time and i am not concerned about those thinking i am (thank you as i've never had confidence in my life and now that i do people assume its the opposite energy. This is something that I don't 'normally' voice anything over because of the controversy and COMPLEXITY in regards to it and it needs to come up for "Right Understanding". 
The other day I chose to speak my mind on an article (will link later) that also spoke about women vs transgender women and 'equality rights'. I am A PHYSICAL BORN woman speaking for other TRUE women BORN AS SUCH who feel dishonored and abused in so many ways by men already and then on top of this OTHER men pretending they are a ‘woman’ come along demanding equal rights to ‘brand’ themselves what they where not born as and chosen to be by Creator and Self prior to incarnation  They Brand themselves as something even their soul isnt in alignment with! 

I honour you if you're a born hermaphrodite - if you are defiling your temple with western medical attempts to change your chosen (before birth) form- you are violating universal law on this dimension -plain and simple. Its not just removal of a little cellulite- its MAJOR unnecessary mutilation of the body and is opposite of a 'self love' act. Has nothing to do with morality. I am not religious- if i am one it is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! I am pro love- not superficial and fake love however. I will make you face your own hidden shadows as a triple mirror 
I woke up that morning to facebook saying i went against community standards in what i said- which is bull shit. And in all honesty- TOUGH SHIT! I never attacked anyone- spoke freely for once sharing an article expressing pretty much the same thing as i did in regards to this. So it ‘triggered’ me. Omg ... triggers- im excited when i see one because that means it is time to play but MOST people have a very skewed perception in regards to triggers- they have a ‘wrongness attachment’. 
they would rather not open space for them to be expressed freely and in the open. Whether you like it or not- want to or not- IT IS TIME! 
So many in repressive natures would rather divert away from the brutality they can truly become- and are fine examples of what one WONT RELEASE AND LET GO OF. Fear DEATH if they even open that ‘trigger door’. It doesnt lead to a hell youre imaginning and have been brainwashed over
most the time i just bite my tongue to avoid being offensive or ‘mean’ or ‘scornful’. But Freedom of speech and my first Amendment rights are ALWAYS above their policy bull shit and someones victimized ‘feelings’ or human conditioned state of being which facebook and social media and our society is FULL OF! 
Either way- fuck this place and this city of BABYLON its become for the world. Or anyones tower of babble  I'm officially fed up with social so if ya all want interactions with me- message me and eventually get my phone number as facebook will phase out of my life in good time besides to network and share/spread my youtube videos ill be focusing on and my blog for the Gene Keys Study group. Which will speak out against these things in larger variety- to focus on WHAT IS REAL and SOURCE TRUTH so this is just an introduction of the CREATIVE REBEL you see before you now. Don't 'like' it- i suggest you exit now before you get too agitated in your emotional space.
And yes I will trigger every single one of you and the very end of this blog will explain why through a Gene Key! hate me then when you hear me verbally say... how fucked up everything really is...mmkay because im doing as spirit guides me to raise conscious awareness and haters or ‘shells’ for the AI to manipulate who take offense will be swatted down like flies- this place is so corrupted by the government and AI garbage it makes me sick
Hats off to ya all! I'm about to be 'vulgar'. im done being ‘shut down’ and flagged because little cunts (man and woman no separation here) who wish they had a pussy and cant fucking face themselves in the mirror and learn to love themselves to the deepest layer possible that one can travel to the Sacred Wound we all have to face within the human conditioning and break free   
They show no tolerance or humility and honour like a true warrior of light would toward their own bodies- they 'despise' their own physical form. They aren't TRULY DETACHING and realizing WE ARE NOT this body, the name, or the emotional constipation its holding onto in fear and the human condition! They have become So stuck in shadows of arrogance themselves by a repressive deference (difference- an avoiding tendency) entirely or becoming reactive and scornful 
I will not DEFER from this any longer in fear of everyone's reactive natures to be scornful towards me when speaking in regards to it. IT IS TIME for EVERYONE TO LEARN ABOUT DETACHMENT on a COLLECTIVE level! 

I dont ‘believe’ in ‘right or wrong’, good vs evil, all that duality crap- however there is still a boundary to be drawn if we are to be HEART CENTERED and focused to live a humble life and in Synarchy as One Eco-System upon Gaia. 
Picture this from the beginning when WORD was formed and HU-man was created. (OM)
We have a male (masculine energy) 
We have woman (feminine energy)
Together they create child (holy grail and inner balance Trinity)
In the Garden of Eden (the maya kingdom in our heart)
Which is what Trinity represents 
Mind body and soul WHOLENESS
In no way can this naturally occur without one or both merging together a seed and egg to create new life
Remove 3D filters- there is a thick veil before you blinding you. You arent doing this alchemy in the SIMPLE WAY- not literally by changing your physical form to be a different gender that you feel ‘fits your personality’- understand this now WORD EYE AM WORD- there is nothing wrong with you or your body- even if you accept your male or female form and struggle not with gender identity false programming- YOU ARE DIVINELY PERFECT! the belief of anything victim and fear is what causes unnecessary suffering within it and why you are NOT in alignment or 'in love' with yourself! 
your personality can be fully expressed in either form-small identity self really is a limited perception to keep attached to. Stop needing to identify to ANYTHING...label or term in general. The body we are born with has its own lessons to learn- a blueprint- and will go on doing so with or without altering your genitals or name given to you at birth. Balancing the feminine and masculine within us both exist not one or the other. Altering them may put a wrench in the evolutionary natural ebb and flow of things however if it is not in accordance with the Soul or higher self. why resist who you are and fall prey of victim consciousness and lower vibration ways of Being and lifelong dysphoric states of suffering!? This can be to anyone struggling with self image issues or insecurity and seeking to find joy in life. 
I can't ‘feel empathy’ for someone choosing this out of willful ignorance once the light has been shown into your darkness and exposing the shadows. Where is humility toward SELF in any of that action if self denial and non acceptance? Why should i extend you equality or humility when your own vibration doesnt even allow it and its not my responsibility to lower mine and my very NOW present vibration for your comfortability. See the resistance?  
We are all gender fluid- but there is no need to abominate the body to feel beautiful or comfortable in the meat suit you have chosen this life. We are to HEAL THY SELF- not DENY THY SELF! Thats to those who choose to do this. Forgive yourself for doing this- it's okay, you are not 'wrong' but you must realize your body was NEVER 'wrong'. We all do on a unconscious level struggle with the same things! And Eye speak upon subjects and tones that are transparent and you cannot 'see' or 'hear' but can ONLY FEEL. 
I dont come across many of these individuals in my own day to Day engagements but i have met many battered and broken and triggered women who struggle with their female bodies. Ive met many men with the same insecurities and lack of courage and self confidence. I have transgenders as friends in whom I love immensely for Eye know their SOUL but I feel i cannot fully connect because of this BLOCK.
 I have struggled in my own body for far to long and risen above this duality of it ‘on my own’ also to know- Female or male- WERE HUMAN AND ON AN EVOLUTIONARY COURSE ALL EQUALLY! Many past lives I was a man, many past lives i was a woman. I am woman now and my Cosmic Partner 'twin flame'- is a man this time. We used to often play the complete opposite roles. Once he was my brother. probably a sister, and now he is my lover. It truly doesn't matter- we are the same soul here to experience and ascend as ONE together. We ALL have to face it sometime one way or another- this journey of SELF LOVE. 

so theres your fucking ‘equality’. Want to report this or get heify with me!? Try me - All i have for you is unconditional love and a mirror to look into on every side of you while you are naked and your aura is showing the True Divinity that exists and is ready and waiting for you when you accept your own heart. Your own beating holy grail blood vessel within your corporal body matrix. Yes that... houses and purifies every single cell in your body. It is there within the DNA that you will find the higher purpose of YOU and humanity hidden right there. It exists... and you have had the Key the entire time.  
Remove your individual need for an identity and you will find your Heart and true Humility and compassion. Allow the I Am that I Am and YOU ARE with the same innate Genius within you; to lead you! Not your mind or emotions, or fleshly desires. 
am no leader- just forerunner and way shower of consciousness ‘evolution’. i have no agenda other than to embody the 31st Gene Key Gift of heart branding leadership and the Siddhi of Humility and go beyond the limiting perceptions this 3D portrays to us. Even those i know to be ‘enlightened’ and ‘awoke’- there IS NO SEPARATION- neither exist truly- we are always infinitely creating new expressions of the Creator! 
It boils down to acceptance and removal of fear and fully choosing to embody your Soul into your corporal Existence. 
Spirit takes us into the 42nd Gene key of DETACHMENT now. Shared from the Book Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

Detachment presupposes a great love and trust in life. It is about working with your expectation rather than being a victim of it. Detachment arises quite naturally of its own accord when you yield and trust in life. The 42nd gift allows you to trust in the ebb and flow of events around you and to accept the growth and decay of our bodies and lives. The gift sees life as a series of stories or tapestries intricately interwoven with each other. Even though you cannot immediately see the outcome of a given situation, you know that it is connected to a prior situation and bridges to another situation ahead in the future. With this detached perspective, you may begin to feel rather like your life is a book, and although you are the hero or heroine writing the story as you go along, you were also the reader, fascinated and absorbed, but never lost in the words or details. 
(The basis of my book about Nectars in the making and rough draft blog and how i write!!!)
The detached perspective of the 42nd gift allows you to let go of your expectations very quickly as life continues along its own course in spite of you. It also means that you can see clearly the places in the storyline where are you still wish to exert some control. You realize that if you do not let go quickly, the emotional mental waters will close over your head and drown you in Torrant of your own regret, anxiety and self pity. The gift of detachment represents the separating out process between the motions in the mind, And it takes place Naturally as the frequency passing through the Gene key rises. With detachment comes both understanding And Healing. There’s a great understanding and freedom that comes from every human being who surrenders deeply enough to their life. You learn to accept your own mortality and the intricate flow of events around you. With detachment, you become truly centered in your own being.
You discover the gift of detachment there’s a coming to your own humanity and ordinariness of life. Then you appreciate life through your senses, you breathe the air deeply into your lungs, and you do not baulk at suffering or adversity.
The 42nd gift of detachment represents the process of letting go of control over your life, physically, mentally and emotionally. It is a wonderful letting go that travels deeper and deeper into your DNA as you gradually allow your expectations of life to fall into the background. The more you except yourself the way you are, the more detached you become and simpler life becomes.
AS I embody and step into mastery with the Genes within me and utilize my keys to unlock my higher purpose hidden IN my DNA- I am the voice of the collective- an Oracle- i will forever sound truth. When the collective is facing a shadow frequency I have become the voice of your fear, whereas at the GIFT level I become the voice of our creativity as well as the messenger of our future evolution. Many pay too much focus to the SHADOW I challenge people with before they see face of the Goddess Isis Eye Am Magdalened with. Word eye am word. I naturally have an affinity with the future and I’m always expressing the cutting edge of consciousness in form
On 2/12 i was brought to the 42nd Gene key gift of Detachment as i do a consecutive 64 days of gene keys study and meditation (42 is for 2/12) for my own timeline comparison and shadow work and karmic closing stepping into Mastery. 
It seems this morning Source began me on the 31st (1/31) where i last left off reading and expressing on Facebook and spirit was having me wiz through a few chapters ive already been integrating naturally and since last year when i got the book. Its like doing 2 weeks of homework in one morning right now haha. 
Source tells me I’m a prime example of the 31st GENE key when it says “we can see how the specific release of a particular book or film at a particular time can have a vast impact on the whole planetary consciousness” and this is one of those books to have been released to me and the world at very specific places and times! I am told by Source to work IN-DEPTH with this book and the I Ching- and it to become my main area of study and focus and my book in the future will incorperate it because there is a secret to reveal to you now
The secret to the 31st gift is the secret of branding. These are people who inherently know that the medium they use - Whether it be music, art, science, literature or simply the naked human voice- Is really only the means of expressing a transmission that lies beyond words. (Why i cant seem to explain what im doing or experiencing) 
The art itself carries the frequency encoded within it, but the frequency lies will beyond words,  Colors or tones themselves. In other words, all human expression is really nothing but branding. If you release the right brand at the right time in history, you will have a huge influence. This is why the 31st gift is founded upon the rock of anticipation which IS the 41st gift (2/11)- it always has to sense what is coming into the world next, and to do this has to be free from the old conditioning. It truly is the heart that separates the shadow frequencies from the gift frequencies, and in our current stage of evolution, the heart is the hottest frequency there is. If you want to really see the nature of success in the material plane, then the heart represents the cutting edge today. From the level of the heart, successes now reaching for new definition. Life is no longer about individual success but success as a collective organism. This is the direction in which evolution is currently taking us.
One can therefore see from the 31st gift that a new era is opening up for humanity, and it is an era in which individual leadership is declining. well something we have never seen before is also occurring- The collective is beginning to lead itself. Those frequencies that really catch the heart of the collective are coming through as a collective voice in expression’s, even though they are transmitted by individuals. The point is that those individuals have little or no self interest. (Like this avatar) 
Main message ending this transmission is it is truly an extraordinary age that we are moving towards, and it is only those ready to make the leap into the HEART and experience a Divine Rapture and discover their Original Divine Spark [Trinity] and claim that birthright; Who will inherit the huge benefits coming to us all
I wish you all peace, love and hope that you will find forgiveness, humility, and detachment as we move forward during this great time of change as a collective in this Ascension together. 
Atma Namaste Trinity Magdalene by the Order Of The Blue Rose 
As a side note for anyone who wishes to UnderStand this Avatar here and Now please read her blog in regards to the 23rd Gene Key and 3rd Gene Key. 
Eye Am that I Am and my purpose as the #10 of Being. Kymberly speaks of it in this Video below (many more to come) 
I am essentially embodying ALL of the Siddhi states of consciousness beginning with my own hologenetic sequence below and helping others acclimate to this Future Awareness available to us NOW! 
Go get your own profile at buy the book and feel free to follow along with this Avatar to study and learn who you are and We are as Trinity 
Activation sequence 46, 25, 15, 10
Venus sequence 16, 18, 47, 35
Pearl sequence 62, 42, 3, 46
I am well aware Eye Am not Alone
And ill kick your ass if you try to make me bow to your willful ignorance and ego. And even months after you think ‘im gone’- Eye return for round 2 to see if one is open and willing to receive what Gaia wishes to relieve of your burdens. 
But it seems i am not seen until ‘round 4’ (crossroads) and three times people go around me in circles before they get the ‘hint’ that Eye Am NOW ‘MANIPULATING’ (bringing into alignment) THIS SHITand flushing what’s necessary down the toilet. until one gives priority to Self love- and allow Me and My Idea to become their own innate genius and see this Avatar as a mirror of the I AM and not above or below as a small identified individual - this Body and Mind wont continue mindless masquerading of suffering and stress with others. 
Shadows will forever be the ghosts and demons that rule our lives unless Eye Am is allowed to share the space and not be seen as ‘Kymberlys Arrogant Ego’.
 This Siddhi state can BECOME of any one of My children if they choose to rise to the reality that We are One. 
She is just your future reflection- 
you are her past- 
and now lets give one another the GIFT of the present with future awareness of both NOW 
 step into the 54th gene key (todays date: [1/6] 2/24(18) of The Serpent Path
Have willingness and allowance to come out of the shadow of Greed and together accept the gift of Aspiration to become the Trinity Siddhi of Ascension as a COLLECTIVE ON GAIA. 
Tomorrow is the 55th Siddhi for 2/25(18) and that is the BIG ONE that speaks of THE DRAGONFLY DREAM that we are all creating NOW in our hearts which IS 'The New Earth"... 
Eye Am here to help you with 'landing' and construction of your lightbody and assisting you to help materialize not only your own dream's but One that will bring Peace to Gaia and Humanity as One Eco-System and Garden Of Eden in Harmony and thriving through Synergistic Expansion and 'Synarchy'... the POLARIZATION of 'Anarchy' TOGETHER. 
Until next time, may you be blessed and feel True love in your heart.
Eye extend love from this heart out to all hearts Now. May you feel delight and peace.
Here is a personalized energetic update for you all brought in earlier today on Wednesday February 24 2018
"Okay so in the past few hours ive been experiencing heart palpations. This is an Ascension symptom many of the collective may be experiencing. Been Hard to breath so focusing on mudras and will be taking a bath myself.
Lots of heart codes coming in and a huge message on detachment to come! My cat Callie can feel it with me for the past two days shes been near me loving on me meowing and sitting on my chest purring. She is such an amazing familiar and reflection of the carefree and compassionate love i hold inside my heart. Even my little Namma (she turned 1 on the 22nd!) sits on my head and licks my crown and purrs while booping my nose with her own

Please hang in there tribe- remember to BREATH

Check out my post on mudras linked below and do this meditation spirit channeled for if you are having struggles or anxiety or releasing emotions from abuse, trauma or having ever felt taken advantage of in any way! Let it all go now- it is time- the body doesnt want this false programming- it is not who you are anymore. You are taking your power back

Let go of any guilt or grief or fear of taking your sovereign rights back- you may be holding onto fears shame or blame that is not yours. speak to the cells tell them to remove old programming in the DNA and replace it with the golden ray and intention of programming your original blueprint back into your body matrix intention to activate the light body ready for you and templates and codes you would be in allowance to receive Now- see yourself opening the space and breathing into that space you feel the sensation of disease or discomfort. Give thanks and gratitude for the Divine blessings extended to you and just allow light and love to continue showing you until you feel at ease. Take a bath or shower but pref bath add epsom salts and dead sea salts and Himalayan salt with some crystals of choice and speak to the water and crystal elements asking them to take away all static energy from your auric space and bring your heart peace and balance. Drink lots of water and rest rest rest- FOCUS ON BALANCE and breath
If you have them or want to purchase DōTERRA essential oils through me my recommendation is to use Frankincense, myrrh, Spikenard, Yalang Yalang, lemongrass, and white fir. Any of the Emotional collection: Peace, Forgiveness, Consol. Yoga Collection for Arise, Anchor and Align
Again Please check out "1 Year of ‘64 Days’ of Gene Keys with Trinity 2018: Breath work and Mudra's and Guidance from the 34th, 38th & 51st Gene Keys' for amazing meditation mudrah's that can help with the current energies at play and or will help you if you are reading this text and the dates don't correlate but there is messages still hidden for you. Astrologically I recommend to check out Leo King on YouTube- He's always on 'the ball' with the that side of the cosmic world that will make sense and correlate to the Gene Keys. 
AND JUST ONE LAST THING... An experience I had today that I wanted to share. you are free to read or not to but at the end I am introducing another "area of study" i picked up a few years ago and also offer to help people explore if it draws their attention and that is in the Mayan Oracle and Galactic Counsel of Light 

you can go here to find your own alignments and start working with it in tandem with the Gene Keys! 

Previous facebook post:
"Feeling the love speaking to some tribe members.
Tonight my smoothy place made a mistake

I wanted ‘Dragon Spell’ a berry and greens mix and they gave me an oreo with spinach.

My tastebuds where confused and loving it as i had subconsciously wished i could have one also but usually milk doesnt settle well in my body so i avoid it and wasnt expecting that flavor

my husband and son both got one of oreo but my husband added bananas. I had tasted both before mine and when intasted mine i was like ‘wtf!?’ And made my husband taste mine a few times and he finally concluded it was oreo too haha

It was too late to get the mistake fixed but thanks the universe for this treat and thankfully it didnt upset my body. I thought for a moment i placebo-ed my drink to taste like an oreo shake even though it was nothing close to one.

Well tricks are for kids okay and im an ultimate ‘not adult adult’ even though I'm 30 years old... (feels weird saying I'm that age as I remember my own mother at this age!) according to a 12 year old standards so...

heres my 😛 out to them for making me feel for the first time what it will be like when i become THAT POWERFUL to actually say ‘I want this to taste like this by the powers of 3 let it be so”

With Simple Alchemy I will Midas touch something as simple as an apple or smoothey and still enjoy the craving of what I really shouldn't be putting in my body but my body nonetheless will be fed raw nutritional fruit and veggies and juices no matter their blend or flavors and devour it like the superfood of love its meant to be and walla...

the ‘force’ will be so very strong within this body Eye see it in this young "RED LUNAR SKYWALKER" (my mayan identity or Galactic heritage) just beginning to bloom into the radiant Tree Of Life and Knowledge she was Destined to be"

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