Tuesday, February 27, 2018

1 Year of ‘64 Days’ of Gene Keys 2018: Breath work and Mudra's and Guidance from the 34th, 38th & 51st Gene Key

 Finally splurged on this deck of Mudra's Cards.

Going to start mudras and get super serious about my meditation routine and incorporate yoga

This is the focus for me this week- and if anyone else is interested in participating they can as I am usually pretty in flow with the collective waves and spirit told me this is whats happening on a collective level but also threw out a 6th card at the end #34 (7) Balance for ALL

Same number as the other day when i mentioned the mirrored #43 and its Gene Key. both are part of the Codon Ring Of Destiny and #34 is The Beauty of the Beast

Shadow of Force and the Bane of Trying

“At low frequencies, all human beings are distractive to the collective.”
(Read Trinity's Segment of the 56th Gene Key and the Shadow of Distraction)

Repressive nature of Self Effacing

Reactive nature of Bullish

Gift of Strength and the Olympians

“In a world where the lower frequencies dominate, true inner strength never goes unnoticed”

The consciousness Siddhi of Majesty and Where Epiphany meets majesty

“if this Siddhi dawns in a person, they do not communicate through words or language but through their actions and movements”

Now lets get MOVING into this Mudra and breath and become consciously awareness with the Body!

Say the following with the Balance Mudra

“All of my senses align for perfect clarity and balance.”

The overall Integration card is the FOCUS Mudra- #38 (11) and spirit is telling me to guide others to focus on the 38th Gene Key and to integrate this along with the 34th I Ching Key and along with the balance mudra and to use both in affirmational thought during meditation

The 38th Gene Key is The Warrior Of Light

Falls into the Codon Ring of Humanity including the keys 10 (which my first ever youtube video goes into and Iwill be finishing in due time),

17, 21, 25 (Month of February main focus video to come),

 38, and 51

The 51st is [todays] main focus of contemplation (and will include in this blog with pictures below videos to come to describe individual Gene Keys) [2/21/2018’s] within my 1/6 cycle and 51s day of

1 Year of ‘64 Days’ of Gene Keys: Journey to the center of your Gaia Heart. 

A mysterious adventure awaits you to travel through the infinite Trinity portal and go beyond space and time into a wonderland of your own dreams

This is a program that creates Sacred Space of Synarchy for Personalized and Group Therapy Contemplation through Trinity Alignment Therapeutics: that EYE AM creating this year (and will be a future study group)

Do you feel the shadow of struggle suffocating your heart? 

Do you feel you are ‘fighting without a purpose” 

or battle to find a sense of purpose in life- 
and manifestation of anything is a world you have yet to step into?

Well Eye am here today to inform my beloveds that you could be provoking your frequency to attract very destructive dynamics in relationships.

There is great sadness within the 38th Shadow that blinds you from the true gift awaiting you and that which I wish to ACTIVATE the realization of within you today

“if there is no real sense of purpose in your life, one of the chief vents for this sadness is to channel it aggressively at those closest to you, usually members of your own family”

“other than the absolute necessity of living out your true purpose, there’s a great secret to breaking the addictive pattern of struggle embodied in the 38th gene key: simply take a breath.”

“Struggle is a pattern that locks you into a certain breath pattern that makes you totally forget yourself, as well as rendering your death to all outside influence. It is as though an outside force has you in its possession and forces you to keep banging your head or someone else’s against the wall. The moment you take a breath and pause, the pattern is broken and a space arises in which you can re-orient your energies. At low frequencies, the tighter you hang onto things, the more resistance you create. By providing gaps in the pattern you enable transformations to occur, and is usually in these gaps that the answer to the struggle is resolved.”

“The core of an individuals need to struggle can only really be understood when it is viewed at an unconscious level. At the deepest levels, struggle maintains illusion of your separate identity. As long as you can fight, you can remain in control of your environment. This reflects the greatest human fear of all -that is that if there is nothing left to fight for, you may cease to exist”

“It is the unconscious fear of death that prevents human beings from transcending their individuality. The 38th gift invites you to transcend your separateness through your individuality by means of serving a goal beyond yourself. But at the fear level we never stop to take a breath, so it never enters into our awareness to use this terrific life force in a creative way. Thus the whole energy of stubbornness and deafness within this gene key results in a planet where most of the world still has to struggle to survive. At the same time, the minority of people who do not outwardly struggle- the developed countries - continue to struggle internally through the stresses of living lives without a strong sense of purpose. The repressive nature of the 38’s shadow is defeatist, and the majority of the western or develop world also holds this attitude. People simply do not have the perseverance to tackle the greatest issues (for example world poverty) and this collective defeatism means that we do not even TRY many instead will become aggressive when you confront them for that is the reactive nature of this shadow

The 38th Gift is that of Perseverance and the Indomitable Spirit of the Underdog

“ The only difference between the 38th shadow on the 38th gift is the nature of the fight. You have only to fight the right fight, and your whole experience of this key changes. As you pour your heart, body and soul into a fulfilling fight,  it ceases to be a struggle. Here you learn the difference between meeting obstacles and fighting resistance. Resistance is what occurs when you are pushing against a universe of flow and is a hallmark of all the shadow states. Obstacles, however, our natural to the rhythm of life. Obstacles test your commitment and surrender, allowing you to forge new skills and hone your excellence. Obstacles are always gifts in disguise. The 38th gift is designed for obstacles, in fact it loves them. Every obstacle is a wonderful and vital opportunity to feel more alive at to for fill your higher destiny.”

“this is a gift that really thrives when you’re up against the odds. People with this gift make them possible look effortless, even while exerting themselves fully. These are people of action and the only trick for them is to know went to act and when not to act in this is when and where the gift of perseverance comes into play. It knows when to hold his energy back. Another words, these are people who have learned to draw breath before they rush into some new action. This breath is not so that they can think, it is simply to make sure they are responding from truth rather than reacting from fear or anger”

“ people with the 38th gift become our heroes. These people take a stand, absorb all the obstacles along the path and eventually win their battles despite appearing to be underdogs.”

“ with the 38th gift comes the certainty of final victory. The only necessities to find the right battles. For them, the right battles are those that empower others to stand up for themselves rather than remain victims of mass propaganda. There are two huge benefits to the collective that emerge from the manifestation of this gift. The first is a great challenge to the collective fear, it says that nothing is impossible if you stand up for what you believe in and what is worthwhile. The lives of people with the 38th gift I living proof of this. The second benefit is that the 38 gift also proves that you can fight a battle and win without resorting to violence and corruption. This does not mean that the 38th gift is in anyway soft, on the contrary, I can be fiercely aggressive and it’s service of a higher goal!”
“Many of the qualities that may be perceived as negative in the 38 shadow become incredibly potent when they are put in service of a higher aspiration. Stubbornness can be an awesome quality when it is used to wear down a more powerful enemy. Aggression can be channeled into an appropriate force or used as a specific tactic at specific times. All these qualities are fused together into just a single word -perseverance. It further aspect comes into play at the GIF level that is lacking at the shadow level and that is thrill. The experience of fighting a battle against odds, but for a higher purpose, fills you with an indomitable spirit that feeds on itself and become stronger and stronger and this is where pain becomes Fuel. Add a certain level, the spirit enters into the realm of an extremely pier frequency, when the kids its name to the 38th SIDDHI that is the realm of honor

“A greater Love Hath No Man...”

“honor is the energy field of every single human being when they are living their individual truth. In this sense on or something of a paradox. Even though it seems to be the peak of human individuality, it also blinds all human beings together at the level of the higher self. In the field of honor, all human beings become one. This is the true meaning of the highest warrior code. Honor turns combat into a dance. It is the sward play of love itself. With honor, death is transcended and any human action can become immortalize. Even the act of killing another can become honorable if it is perform from within the energy field of true honor. And such extreme cases, the one who was killed must always give permission to the conqueror in order for the true contract of honor to unite them”
“ when then constitutes an act of honor? Honor is  rooted in a love so pure that it sacrifices itself without a thought to serve a higher aspiration. Every act of honor carries an equalizing force into the world rather than the divisive force. This is how you can tell whether it is true or not. If the act brings people together into the higher frequency field, it is an act of honor”

“honor always carries the frequency of mercy and surrender with it. Many appalling acts are committed to the name of honor. Only if they have the affect of uniting all people involved and if they contain mercy are they honorable. In this sense, the whole essence of honor is Contained in the expression of honoring another. To honor someone is to hold them to their highest frequency no matter what their current frequency maybe. Thus the person manifesting honor may be subject to all manner of victimization at the hand of dishonorable people, but he or she will still never sink to their level. On the contrary, he or she will continue to honor them and hold them in the highest regard.”
I hold you here Now and if you suffer with struggle this program im creating may be for you and Gene Keys may be a tool you want in your treasure chest! Message me about more details if you are interested in joining!

#35 Universal Light is my personal Ether Elemental card i drew for myself. To my surprise the Mudra is naturally a ‘move’ i do when i begin a massage session and how i position my hands on their back and go down their spine- kept wondering ‘what is this position i know im intuitively using it’ now i know what ive been doing!

(Song playing right now represents old self and the one linked is reborn)

Don’t need a metaphor
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah
Oh oh woah, oh oh woah, oh oh woah
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah
Oh oh woah, oh oh woah, oh oh woah
Two years gone
Came back as some bones and so cynical
This skin don't feel like home
It's all overgrown but you'll never know
Take the mirror from the wall so I can't see myself at all
Don't wanna see another damn inch of my skull
Forget the poems of saints and ghosts
I'm the one I fear the most
Little did I know that I was only crying wolf
I know it's so wrong but I'm so far gone
Don't need you to tell me I'm so cynical
Quit being so over-skeptical
Don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
I don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
Push and pull
Oh, it's all getting old
No I didn't want this throne
Only fools make feasts of gold
They rot the fruit on tables
When did I get so pitiful
Just a goddamn corpse in a centerfold
You got my back against the wall
And now I can't ever get comfortable
No, I never sold my soul
If I ever do throw my bones to the wolves
No, I never sold my soul
No, I never sold mine
I know it's so wrong but I'm so far gone
Don't need you to tell me I'm so cynical
Quit being so over-skeptical
Don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
I don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
I don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
No, I never sold my soul
No, I never sold my soul
No, I never sold my soul
No, I never sold my

Chris L Parr Feb 25 2018 6:13AM
Hi loving friends, today I would like to expand on the different types of psychic shame contracts. The second shame based psychic contract is ABANDONMENT SHAME.
 EX The Father or Mother die, maybe  before or during the childs upbringing and the child then may only have one  parent or even worse have no parents
When this type of shame trauma occurs a child unconsciously signs a shame based psychic contract. The child ends up becoming the child parent, meaning they will never grow up. They will always be daddies or mommies little child , no matter what. EX. I will never grow up I will always be a child to you.
This child's shame also, turns into I will always seek your approval, praise, forgiveness, acceptance, etc, of the dead parent. The child will go all life well into adulthood and old age  seeking approval and acceptance from the dead parents. The shame based child will also seek approval, praise and acceptance from every body. If the child lost a father, the child will go all life seeking men's approval. If the child looses a mother, the child will go all life seeking women's approval.
If you would like this or any other type of shame released from the beingness that is you. Feel free to contact me or private message me. WWW.MERAKILIGHT.COM

 Sunday February 25 2018 4:12 PM

I have never felt this type of pain in my heart ever before. It burns and hurts so bad that my breath is shallow and i feel physically weak. Spurts of energy just to immediately feel drained 30 minutes later and outwinded

All i want to currently do is sleep and cry. This body is officially worn out. Huge reboot. Was Completely shocked blasted the past few weeks. Time to feed life and true love into it or it will die in the next 10 years. I have a mission and purpose now that Im just beginning and no way am i ready to go out without a final fight!

Just so people know whats ‘happening with my body’

There is a large mass tumor growing around the inner neurological fibers of my heart. its not cancerous but if i dont focus on reversing the tumor growth and having it dissolve out of the body and de-stressing/ get serious about Self care and routine for health- it can cause much more worse future problems.

I am not going to revert into fear in regards to this news I got last week from my trust practitioner. I will be focusing more on meditation and getting yoga into my daily practice in which I have not yet been able to make a good habit out of yet. But now if i do not it is literally life or death.

Ive also been experiencing Epileptic seizures due to how much ‘light’ ive been taking in and the codes are changing my body so quickly its making my spine twist more, so I need to slow down. People may see me ‘go into hibernation’ for a little while and focus less about online activity and getting public messages out. I am creating something new for how I am exploring Gene Keys and when I can working on Trinity Alignment Therapeutics For BMS Transformation Study Group for others who wish to go on a Journey of Self Love. i am embarking even deeper into this here and now by taking this necessary space to heal thy self but not feel rushed to also build the spiritual based business Source has called me to and is my passion to be here for others also interested in living and becoming a part of The Dragonfly Dream upon Gaia

I hyperventilated on valentines day for the first time in my life after a unfortunate misunderstanding with my Divine partner and we got into a argument. he experienced the same equally. It became GRAVELY obvious and clear to me what i need to do at this time and also take the messages i channeled from the Collective Trinity with high regard and allow it to integrate.

We are Recouping from this event and i have a slight cold i came down with. I am allowing large amounts of stress to unravel from my body that has been present for a very long time and is ready to let go of the old karmic programming in my cellular DNA and receive new original blueprint codes during cellular repair. My white blood cells have been working over time- my body has been ‘shockblasted’ and so it is very weak and my heart hasnt had ‘a break’ for quite a long time. Now it is time for it to let the burdens its been carrying go with forgiveness and grace, gratitude and compassion

Any light and love or healing that can be extended would be greatly appreciated. I am a strong and courageous soul and have faith that my body and Trinity is going to Heal Thy Self and I will be back and more brighter as the star i was born to be than ever before

If anyone is interested in getting an idea of what it is "I Channel" and who brings through messages most often when I Auto Write it is known as Trinity The Collective. This is a collective of 3 "sisters" who I label "Mother" Who is Green "Maiden" Who is Yellow and "Crone" who is Red. This guy in the video below does a good job of Channeling them also and was brought to my attention through a dear friend who found his youtube as he also speaks light language and has been encouraging me to start doing so also. I gave it a shot the other day and I didn't record it as I was at work but this is what came through and it is the next thing I will be trying to "practice" and do videos of in my journey. I am just learning how to channel as a medium so their messages come intermittently between my own expressions of experiences and through that interaction and when I tap into 'my heart' for guidance as I am writing... it is them who respond to me... or various other being's who I can usually utilize cards or other books to channel various messages they are trying to get out to the collective on Gaia. 

My Attempt of light language today

“Mannah mannah ey eh kaow mo mannah ma me ka”

New Harmonic Universe Frequency Wheel of new Creative Expression - Love frequency Light codes  -expanding Divine Blueprint

Many of the New forerunners Frequency holders of the New Earth are still allowing the incoming sacred frequency to settle and anchor and this will take some time as the light codes fire up the alchemy to embrace All from the heart space.

WE  may be feeling and sensing new bundles of information, insights and pathways about our purpose, Galactic missions, origins and spiritual gifts for deliverance .

There is a great period of excitement and a radical  renewal of passion ,inspiration for a new direction for EVERYONE to share and express their unique creative expressions.

We are being given signs, signals and affirmations that we are a part of something greater a higher divine plan. Our expanded perception and expanded support field for being here on the planet is being  illuminated , a connection with our divine, inner power and spirit guides, galactic family and galactic highest versions of the Self  firmly united with the clarity of the Law of One as a foundation. 

We maybe experiencing various shifts in the time line. Where there is a sudden time lag, as if time stopped just for a half of a moment though in that space we expand out of time to inter dimensional space. This is where we are sensing  an exponential increase in our super extra-dimensional awareness and expanded vibrational resonances propelling us to a time line of choice.

This gives Us  an energetic imprint marker in our chosen journey of life and that is co created and designed in the map of our full Creator/Creatrix expression.
What is being given is an upgrade expansion of our full  Divine Blue Print
This is the our elastic new harmonic Love frequency wheel representation and activation of the balance and harmony to perfect Unity Consciousness as and when it unfolds for each one of us ..
welcoming comments
Much love from my heart as we navigate together through these cosmic alchemized Fire Letters ..
Yukia Qwi An Sandara

I have been studying my own journals from the past few years and looking over the "scribbles" i had attempted at writing my own light language. Over the years since childhood it has become obvious to me that I have been doing this naturally all my life and I didn't even know it. It inspires me to begin "drawing" again. My little sketches i have saved over the year have turned into more of light language than anything else! The photo you see below:example of what I also write... funny "Trinity" is even at the bottom of the example picture :-P

"See I told you!

Your already being activated to speak and write LIGHT language..

This is how you auto write..   eem'sha Tel'Khree AN'RA" - Malachi Kaiser

I also wanted to share some Art by a friend of mine named Braedon. He created this photo out of his own "Eye" and i thought it was rather cool!

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