Friday, January 5, 2018

The Age Of Aquarius Bringers Of The New Dawn: Signs Of Being A Star-The Starseed Contract-Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled- POLARITY AND SINGULARITY AND THE HUMAN CONDITION


I have been wondering why I've been seeing 7's all over the place! Well... TODAY IS THE DAY BABY'S! 

Today creates 811 (1/7/2018) which is the date my beloved and I did a Channelled Sabbath ceremony for SACRED CONVERGENCE at the Dragon Festival here in the Celestial Mountains of Colorado in 2017 and got married.

Stories to follow in my blog and a Two Part channel being written the past few weeks. you can view link here shortly (still uploading taking me time as i have my son this weekend and work the next two days. Tuesday will hopefully get YouTub going with my beloved friend Raven) 

I grew up hearing and singing this song but never really hearing the words! January 7,2018 
The moon is in the 7th house Jupiter aligns with mars. 
Peace will guild the planet! ☮💕🌏☥☯ 
Welcome to the age of Aquarius!! 
(Facebook written by Penny Morehart shared through Melissa Crull) 


1.) Star people are peace loving and very helpful although they don’t want the credit or any attention.

2.) They are very nice people who are friendly but distant, you can only get so close. Nobody really knows them as they are very shy and softly spoken.

3.) They don’t talk about themselves or their feelings.

4.) They don’t like competition or competitive sports.
5.) They are extra sensitive to harsh energy, violence and repulsed by fighting of any form. Most do not watch, listen to or read the news as it upsets them too much. They are highly sensitive to crowds, people and places.

6.) They have a fascination with certain star systems such as the Pleiades, Andromeda or Sirius and naturally have interests in UFO’s, life on other planets, space travel and ET’s. They love all kinds of science fiction, movies, video games, TV series like ‘Star Trek’ and anything else that relates to these themes and topics. It reminds them of being back home and they often have dreams or visions of space crafts or other planets.

7.) They love technology, are task orientated and are workaholics.

8.) They are usually viciously teased and bullied in childhood, sometimes into adulthood as well because of being different.

9.) They are seen as loners or outsiders and may well feel disconnected from their birth family parents and siblings. They don’t know the ropes so to speak

10.) They have an intuitive sense of spirituality over a religious form and love symbols, codes, runes and sacred geometry.

11.) They must live near water. They love the ocean and being in the ocean, underwater feeling free reminds them of home.

This is part of a service that I offer as a Certified Realm Reader.

Much love, 
Tiffany Stiles
The Mystical Lotus LLC


👽👽👽 The Starseed Contract 👽👽👽

There are six components to the Starseed contract of which you, as a Starseed, need to be reminded. They are known as the Invitation, the Shattering, the Repair, the Gift Giving, the Return and the Dissolution. I shall discuss these components, one by one

✴ The Invitation ✴

As a Starseed you arose to self-awareness from the matrix of a planetary civilization elsewhere in this galaxy, such as upon the Pleiades, Arcturian, Sirius, Andromeda, and Orion, and Lyran, for example. After the dawning of your consciousness upon that distant world, you evolved spiritually, raising yourself through the densities of consciousness through numerous incarnations upon your home planet. At some point you would have come to be considered an advanced soul; ready to graduate from incarnation at the density of consciousness upon your home planet to the next higher density of consciousness. And then you would have been offered an invitation; an opportunity to give back to Life a gift commensurate with all that you had received across your lifetimes. This is a rite of passage for all those who evolve along the Service To Other (STO) path. When you have received, you give back at least as much as you have received

There are many, many ways to give back at this juncture. One of these ways is to commit yourself to a Starseed contract: to agree to leave the comfort and security of your soul-family and spirit-home and to venture out and incarnate amongst a group utterly different to your own. In so doing you commit to first lowering your consciousness to the vibratory frequency of the civilization you will be visiting. You cannot be born amongst them if you are not of their density, after all. And then you agree to awaken, to return yourself, whilst there amongst them, to your previous state of consciousness. And that is the heart of the Starseed contract: that you will heal yourself to your previous state of awareness whilst there upon that alien planet and whilst living amongst that alien culture. Perhaps you will not now intuitively understand what a vast gift you give in so doing. But you see, since all is One, what you do to yourself, you do to the other also. And if you do this work of self-healing upon a planet, you make available to others upon the planet the same healing path that you have walked. You You don’t even need to speak a word of it to a single other. Just healing yourself whilst you are within their planetary consciousness grid is, in itself, a magnificent gift to their civilization

Of course it is so that you are a loving, kind, good-hearted being by nature. If you find something worth sharing with others, you will seek to share it. If you can help, you will. If you can serve, you will. If you can teach, you will. If you can offer healing, you will. Such is your basic nature, having evolved to a high level in a STO society. So you will not only heal yourself upon that alien planet, you will almost certainly also find yourself to be some kind of a gift-giver, as you do so.

Starseeds are a profound blessing wherever they go

And when you have concluded your process of returning yourself to your previous level of consciousness, and your incarnation upon that planet comes to a close, then you may return to your home soul-group, having a triumphant and joyous reunion with them at the higher level of consciousness that you now inhabit

 And so it is that you received an invitation. You were living amongst your soul family upon your
home planet. You had reached a high-point in your spiritual evolution. You were ready to move on to the next phase of your soul journey. And as you contemplated your Great Service, you were approached by a Returning Master. I shall tell you more about them in a little while. But a revered being of great wisdom and advancement approached you to let you know that you had been selected. If you were willing. You were found to be of the temperament and advancement to be suitable for the challenges and struggles of a Starseed contract to one of the many evolving planets within this galaxy

 After you agreed to this noble endeavour, a rigorous process of training and preparation began. You were told of the various planets in the galaxy that are in need of Starseeds. Planets whose planetary council had put out a call for contracts. And then you chose the destination for your Great Service!

Earth is, at this time, quite a focal destination. It is the single biggest destination for Pleiadian Starseeds. There are a number of reasons for this. One is the close familial relationship between Pleiadians and Earth Humans. Another is the great need, at this time, upon the Earth. Also there is the fact of the high degree of difficulty and challenge. Earth is, in fact, considered to be the very toughest assignment of all. And Pleiadians and others are by nature a brave lot. Some would say foolhardy. We are ever willing to give ourselves to the most challenging endeavours. But most of all we are here in great numbers because of the critical importance to the entire galaxy that Earth’s human population succeeds in the ascension process that is being attempted here. This has never been done before. And if it succeeds, it will irrevocably alter galactic relations. It will end, once and for all, the interplanetary wars that have raged since the beginning of time

The reason Earth is so very crucial is complex, but I will explain it as simply as I can in a moment. Right now I wish you to understand that this is a truly crucial mission of literally galactic importance! I cannot imagine a way in which you might give a greater service than a Starseed contract upon planet Earth at this particular juncture

So many, many Pleiadians and others are here, right now, serving out their Great Gift

Before coming here, contractors would have spent time under the tutelage of the aforementioned Returning Masters. These are beings who have already completed their Starseed contract, ascended their consciousness upon their destination planet and returned to teach what they know. You would be prepared, trained and taught by the most respected of all Returning Masters: those that had returned from duty upon Earth. They would have told you what to expect. They would have impressed upon you the great difficulties inherent in this enterprise. The risk of becoming lost in that reality for many lifetimes. The shock of acculturation from the harmonious Pleiadian culture and other worlds of pure love and light to the abrasive and aggressive Earth culture. The psychic noise upon the Earth that can drive you to the brink of insanity and disable your inherent spiritual abilities. The challenge of knowing that you are “different” from the Earth humans around, but not knowing why and not remembering your mission. The pain of isolation that most of you would experience as a result of incarnating “alone” amongst a sea of strangers. The pain of always being considered odd, strange and even deranged for simply speaking and acting in a way that is right, good and true for you

 All of this, and so much more, would you have been appraised of in your briefing. And you would also have been told of the incredible wonders of the Earth. The natural beauty and diversity that is beyond parallel, for example

 And then, duly prepared, you, the Starseed contractor, would leave to commence your Great Service.

✴ The Shattering ✴

The most difficult part of the fulfilment of a Starseed contract comes first. In order to lower ones spiritual vibration from the high 4th, 5th or perhaps even 6th density at which you resided prior to the commencement of your contract, to the low 3rd density at which you must enter your service upon the Earth, you first need to go through a process called The Shattering

 The terms of each Starseed’s shattering are agreed to upfront by the Starseed with their spirit guides and Returning Masters on hand to advise them. In principle one would have to have two experiences. One being a victim experience and the other being a perpetrator experience. But these would have to be sufficiently shocking to the Starseed that they would cause a shattering of their belief in their own goodness and the goodness of others. In essence, the Starseed’s belief in their own inherent divinity and the inherent divinity of all others is what is shattered. To cease to see yourself as a part of the eternal Oneness and to see oneself instead as a mere object of creation is the end-goal. And with that, of course, to believe that all others around you are similarly just mortal, lost, powerless little creations

 Without this Shattering you cannot lower your consciousness to the deep duality of the 3rd density – the vibratory frequency of Earth. And if you do not lower your frequency, you cannot be born upon the Earth as one of them: as an Earth human. And so it is that you agreed to this. You agreed to, and contracted for, the Shattering

To say that these experiences are traumatic is an understatement. But this is the only way to overlay a veneer of distrust and disconnect over the soul-deep knowing that resides within the Starseed's heart that all is love, that all is One, that all bear a spark of the divine within themselves. So the experience must, by its nature, be traumatic. Being brutalised by others. Raped, tortured, abused. Being burned at the stake as a witch. Being subjected to iterative atrocities as a soldier – or as a civilian caught in a war. Being buried alive. Being rejected by your tribe to starve alone in the wilderness. These kinds of victimising experiences are the first part of the shattering. A part that allows the Starseed to believe that others are evil, wicked, not to be trusted, not worthy of love

 Then, with their faith in others broken, the Starseed will be willing to defend themselves against the other. To lash out at the other in self-defence. And so, usually in a separate lifetime, Starseeds also find themselves perpetrating abuse and cruelty upon others. Using their natural gifts and powers to victimise others in their community. Leading others astray for their own ego gratification. Wreaking havoc. Causing harm. And arriving at the end of that lifetime with sufficient evidence to come to a belief that they themselves are wicked and unworthy of love

 And so The Shattering is concluded. It might take as little as a lifetime or two, but usually a few more. But the point is that Starseeds then find themselves inhabiting the same duality consciousness that everyone else inhabits at the 3rd density upon Earth. Then they are ready for the next phase

✴ The Repair ✴

At some point, when they are ready to hear it, each Starseed feels a call inside their hearts to Remember. To reach beyond the trauma of the Shattering for the transcendent awarenesses that bring healing. The truth of the Oneness of all. The deeply held ancient teachings of their people. The vibration of their home planet. These things, along with contracted promptings and reminders (such as this very transmission, of course!) all assist Starseeds to actively engage their own healing

 And so the Repair begins. It is slow, patient work. There are no short-cuts and no quick fixes. But I will say that the core of the process is self-love. Self-love which allows the Starseed to find their heart-connection again. To reach beyond the layer of hurt inflicted during the Shattering to their deepest, most ancient knowing

I will do this process a profound disservice if I pretend that this is not both complicated and difficult. Healing yourself in a place of such dire confusion as the duality sub-reality is far from easy. Finding your heart connection in a place of such psychic noise is a mammoth task

 But no Starseed was ever promised that it would be easy. Quite the opposite. It is a challenge worthy of the bravest of souls. And even the bravest are tested to their limits. Even the wisest and the most spiritually connected can get lost in this place. Sometimes wandering for tens, hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes in a state of deep amnesia and spiritual distress before they can be assisted to remember. It happens. But, whatever the case, those who stay the course all eventually do awaken, heal themselves right to their previous vibratory level and return Home

✴ The Gift Giving ✴

Before we can speak of The Return, I must first address The Gift Giving

 You see, healing yourself is, in itself, already a wondrous gift. When you do, you work a pathway in consciousness that then becomes easier for others to follow. By healing yourself, you heal others without even trying. And, as previously mentioned, most of you will, by default, also offer all kinds of wonderful and loving gifts to those who co-habit your reality just because that is the kind of being you are

 So it is so that, when healed, when ready to return, it will be easy to argue that you will already have given your greatest gift to the Earth and its inhabitants. But for many of you this will not be enough. Many of you will step across the threshold, passing out of that life and then, soon after, find yourself disappointed with yourself. Many of you will say something like, “Oh, no, there was something really important that I wanted to do while I was still alive on Earth. I could have done it. I was there. I had everything I needed to do it… but I didn’t.”

Many of you will feel strongly enough about this that you will ask to return to incarnation. Some will return to that same incarnation, others will begin a new incarnation and yet others will have some alternative experience such as being a “walk-in” for example

 But I don’t wish to get bogged down in such details, as interesting as many of you will find them. The point is that I am inviting you to already become aware of this issue so that you can think about it now. As you raise your consciousness and heal yourself, give some time, now and again, to the thought: what one thing would you LOVE to do for this world… what message do you have to deliver to this world… what gift can you leave behind that will leave you feeling satisfied and complete when you walk away from here?

When The Repair and The Gift Giving is complete, The Return begins…

✴ The Return ✴

With the Return, the doors to the galaxy (and beyond) are thrown open to you. After successfully returning from a Starseed contract, especially a difficult contract deep in the densities of forgetting such as upon Earth, you have endless options as to where you will go next

 You have, no doubt, heard of the Ascended Masters? Well, you will join their ranks! And as such you are deemed to be a useful and desirable co-creator in any one of a vast array of places in the galaxy, performing any one of a vast array of roles. Just one of which is to play the role of Returning Master back upon your home planet: teaching, advising and guiding the next generation of prospective candidate Starseeds

 Many Ascended Masters choose to remain involved with their adopted planetary culture… in this case choosing to remain active as guides and teachers for souls incarnated here upon Earth

 But, given what the returning Starseed has been through, given the deep self-knowledge, the profound compassion and wisdom they will, by definition, have attained, they are free to explore innumerable alternate options. Some like to take a sabbatical period in which they simply travel the galaxy as an emeritus Starseed at large. Visiting inhabited planets, as their heart calls them to do. Bringing their gifts and their wisdom wherever they are called. And then, usually, finding a situation that suits their particular interests and abilities… a place to call home for the next step in their evolution on the journey to Oneness

✴ The Dissolution ✴

But not every single Starseed completes their contract. Most do. But there is always a number who, for various reasons, do not

 As much as every Starseed is coached and prepared prior to their mission, I don’t think a single Starseed ever has completed their mission without many times crying out for assistance saying, “I didn’t know how hard this would be!” It is simply so that no amount of pre-mission coaching can fully prepare a soul for the shocks and rigours of, first, the Shattering and then the long lifetimes of deep isolation that come from being amongst those who are not of your own soul family

For this reason, it is only fair that Starseeds must be able to exit their contract. It must be possible for the Starseed to say, “This is too much, I cannot go through with it!” And indeed, there is provision made for such a situation
 Into the life-map of every incarnation of every Starseed, a number of Exit Events are engineered. This matter is dealt with in some depth by my esteemed colleague, Master 8, a being who watches over all soul contracts in this reality.

 Each life contains pre-planned moments in which you are removed from the flow of your life, taken to stand before your masters and guides, reminded of what you signed up for, reminded of the importance of what you are doing, and then asked to affirm that you would like to continue your mission

 If you agree to continue, you are returned to that life-stream at a suitable moment, perhaps sometime before the exit event, and this time you pass the exit event without being extracted. Which means that you will have no memory of the extraction. You will continue your mission without interference

 If you dissent and choose for the dissolution of your Starseed contract, then the Exit Event is fully enacted. That incarnation is terminated. To those who knew you in that life, it then appears that you died. Perhaps in some type of accident or some health trauma. You are then given a gentle and loving debrief and returned to incarnation amongst your own people in your native star system that you might return to your equilibrium and spiritual evolution

 This is not seen as failure and there is no ignominy inherent in taking an Exit Event. Much good would anyway have been accomplished by such a Starseed prior to that exit

 To avert confusion, I do wish to make it clear that no Exit Event is ever planned as a suicide. I have no judgment of suicide. But suicide does cause massive trauma to loved ones who remain behind. For this reason, Exit Events are not planned in this way

And so I have just outlined for you what a Starseed contract looks like. This is, in broad terms, what is to be found in all Starseed contracts, irrespective of where the contractor hails from. Aldebaran, Arcturus, the Pleiadians, Sirius… these and many other star systems regularly send Starseeds out into the galaxy to do their good work. And Starseeds have, across the ages, been incarnated onto a vast range of other planets. Earth is but one of many destinations that have been served. And, upon the Earth, yours is but the latest of a succession of civilizations to engage in its own ascension of consciousness and to, therefore, receive a contingent of Starseeds.

 So I wish you, first of all, to understand that this is an ancient and widespread practice. And then I wish you, secondly, to understand that what occurs now upon the Earth is also completely unique, very special and utterly crucial to the welfare and advancement of consciousness of the entire galaxy.

May this guidance serve you well


-Pleiaidan Conciousness channeled to you by Brian Sky Blaize

The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled

The God Of The Patriarchy

As the masculine aspect of the Divine had to be deprived of his feminine counterpart, the Goddess, for the duration of the patriarchy * our world had to make do with an all-male Divinity. That’s how in the consciousness of our world our Creator had to become something like an amputated God. This God had to be a reflection of humankind’s lower nature. He was portrayed as angry, wrathful and vengeance-seeking and capable of frightening the living daylights out of anyone, the right characteristics on which successful warmongering is built.

The Angels presented this impression of the Highest as the Lord of warfare and destruction. This kind of God was necessary for that particular phase of our race’s earthly education during which the lowest manifestations of human nature had to experienced on a large scale. The cruelty and bestiality against each other that every human being deep down is capable of had to be taken part in, sometimes at the giving and on other occasions at the receiving end. Without exception, the training of every human being starts as a young and inexperienced soul and in the course of many lifetimes eventually reaches the highest heights. What else could one expect for a young God in the making *? Even though we are unaware that this is what in truth every one of us is, that’s what we are.

One of the first in line for creating the impression of the amputated God is the Creation legend the Angels gave us through the book of Genesis, which is part of the joint heritage of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. For the sake of the patriarchy, the companion for the first man, who appeared in our world, in this tale was created from one of his ribs, out of all things. The higher esoteric meaning for this escapes me to this day and does not seem to have been found by anyone else either.

In some of our lifetimes we come as women and in others as men. For the sake of teaching us about the lower and lowest aspects of human nature, the creative masculine forces through large numbers of young and inexperienced souls whose desire nature, during their lifetimes as men, was given free reign. If, during these earthly sojourns, we suppress and exploit the women in our lives, the same will happen to us when we ourselves return as women. God’s justice is perfect, utterly fair and just.

The principle at the basis of this justice is a very simply one, the same as every other truly great idea *. Everything in the whole of Creation moves in circles and anything that goes out from somewhere in due course returns to its source. That’s the foundation on which the law of Karma rests and the reason why every one of our thoughts, words and actions returns to us in some form, either in this lifetime or a future one. They are our creations and therefore belong to us, for better as well as for worse. Whatever we hand out in one lifetime unfailingly returns to us in another one.

Even if it takes thousands of lifetimes, as soon as we have grown strong enough to cope with its demands *, back it comes. That’s why so many of us are struggling, including me. There are some in our midst who in their present lifetime are having a prolonged battle with the redemption of the karmic debts that were incurred by the abuse of power that brought about the downfall and destruction of Atlantis. You and I could be one of these people. There is no doubt in my mind that the events of Atlantis also took place under the supervision and guidance of God and the Angels. They were necessary for the sake of teaching our race some of the lessons that were right for our development at that time.

Much later it came about that for around six thousand years that we, in our earthly lifetimes as males of our species, were allowed to freely indulge the drives and urges of our lower nature. This includes killing, maiming and destroying anything that gets in its way, working very hard at suppressing and dominating, conquering and destroying each other in the course of taking possession of as great parts of our world as possible. Martin Luther, 1483-1546, was a professor of theology and composer, priest and monk who made a name for himself as father of the German Protestant Reformation. He wrote: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ * Wasn’t he a fine observer of human nature?

A fox breaking into a henhouse and massacring as many of the hens as possible, without having any intention of eating them is one of the finest examples of this kind of behaviour. For example, the testosterone driven warfare in which over 800,000 soldiers on both sides of World War I died in the blood and mud of the Ypres salient in Flanders, Belgium between 1914 and 1918. To this day the remains of dozens of men are found every year in the fields of this part of our world. By the colouring and markings of the boots in which they died it can be identified to which country they belonged.

The basic masculine drive, when allowed free reign, pursues brutally and mercilessly whatever it wants and takes it by force, if need be. Anything that gets in the way is removed in whichever fashion suits the chaser, without hesitating for a moment to kill and destroy at random. Every human being has this drive within. Without the balance of the love and wisdom of the feminine, disasters like wars and terrorist attacks are the result. Yet, there is no point sitting in judgement * over anyone who is still involved in such activities because in some of our early lifetimes all of us have taken part in such abominations. We have been there and thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for having brought us to where we are now.

It was during the time of the patriarchy when the Angels gave us the strangest story our world had ever experienced: the Jesus legend *. The strangeness of this tale is due to the fact that carefully and lovingly woven into its tapestry are symbolisms for the various initiations every human being has to undergo in the course of its long evolutionary journey through earthly life. The wisdom of the Great Mother, the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity gave us this wondrous story with the help of the Angels. How is that for utter unselfishness and boundless wisdom?

It was the Mother’s decision that the words of any new legend the Angels presented to our world should at first be understood literally. Only when the time was right should their higher esoteric meaning revealed. All along they have been hiding behind the surface words of every sacred teaching that ever appeared. The Mother did this so that her children of the Earth would know in thousands of years in Earth terms * what became of our world without the softening, balancing and civilising influence of the wisdom and love of the feminine forces of life.

Thoughtfully, the Angels built hints that something of this nature was going to happen at some future time into the Bible’s New Testament. They have always been there for all to see. Yet, only when the time was right would people understand what the following quotes were trying to tell us:

• Mark 4:22: ‘Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.’

• Luke 8:17: ‘For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.’

• Luke 12:2: ‘There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.’

• 1 Corinthians 4:5: ‘Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.’

Naturally, the Great Mother never went away. She merely removed Herself from our race’s conscious awareness, even though Her presence remained and continued to manifest itself in the shape of the females of every species of the animal kingdom, including humankind. Without the Mother there would be no material world anywhere. She IS the world, the physical manifestation of all worlds throughout the whole of Creation, as well as those who are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes.

A constant stream of ideas flows from the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Father. But it is the wisdom of the Mother who decides which ones should be given life and where and when they should manifest themselves, for example on the Earth. The masculine’s power and will then shapes and moulds them as close as possible to the prototype that exists in His mind of any given species. She lovingly responds and allows Herself to be moulded and shaped. As one complete unit the two aspects of Creation peacefully and harmoniously work together.

The form of everything that exists anywhere is the Mother. All sentient beings and inanimate objects alike in our world are part of the Mother and imbued by the Father. Whole Universes and every particle of matter that floats around in them, for example planets and everything they contain, are created from the Great Light, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Father/Mother, who through this is both father and mother of all that is.

* Recommended Reading:
• ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
• ‘Young Gods In The Making’
• ‘God – The Great Genius’
• ‘The Law Of Karma’
• ‘Sitting In Judgement’
• ‘The Jesus Mysteries’

From ‘War And Peace Between Nations’

My heart has been ripped to pieces;
It's been thrown out and stomped on;
It's gone numb more times than I care to count;
It's sworn to never love or trust again;
It's been beaten and stabbed in more ways than one;
I never thought I would open my heart the way I have;
Never thought I would make myself vulnerable once again;
Never thought I would or even could love someone so deeply;
And I never dreamed that I would make a profession out of helping others;
I am so grateful that God's plans are far greater than mine;
Because a healed heart , truly is a work of art!
Sleep in the arms of the Angels my friends
Sweet Dreams
(((hugs & love)))


Some of this data I have previously relayed at the time of experiencing. With more information NOW, I bring it all together in one post.

Polarity: an experienced state created as a result of an energy waveform as shown in Fig 1, of Third Dimensional experience. This wave is a repeated wave pattern, until a human transcends the pattern via ‘ascension’. The wave pattern, inherent within our PERCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCE as a consciousness, works within our human brain and is limited (10% used in third dimensional perceptional experience). Where we use limited nerves within brain and body. The wave pattern presents as a three day cycle. Then repeats. It works in conjunction with our sun, it’s photon light. Our sun works with Sirius, that works with the grand central sun etc...back to original point of all creation. In relation to human experience:

The sine wave cycle:
Day 1: lowest point: not knowing, low emotional state, unbalanced. This IS the GIFT point. For the human to investigate the truth of what is occurring within them. A choice point to find truth or not.
Day 2: mid point: no man’s land. The human is searching, or not searching for the answer to the difficulty (gift). False answers not of ultimate truth are seen here as a solution. Yet the truth is yet to reveal. Some humans settle for the lower untruth they perceive as a higher truth.
Day 3: highest point: the higher truth is seen, understood, integrated. Revelation. A human energetic shift occurs in human consciousness (gateway opens, see Flower of Life posts). The human can then experience, practice and adapt to a new energetic frequency level.

Those that do not see the higher truth at this point do not experience an energetic shift but will experience the same difficulty (problem) during another ‘future’ sine wave cycle. The difficulty keeps presenting until a higher truth is seen, risen from, and most importantly integrated at human living levels as the newer human version they are.

The three day cycle in continuous (Rise, fall, learn...rise, fall, learn). Ever present within an experience of Polarity. Every DIP in the sine wave is our opportunity to’s the gift to rise from. However, this sine wave of Polarity is One half of the WHOLE wave. It is one half of an infinite wave. It is one half of the INFINITY wave. As we work through the scenarios that are gifted to us at the ‘bottom’ section of the sine wave, we rise in energetic frequency which in turn creates new brain patterning, which in turn leads to higher consciousness for human experience. Generally speaking, this mass ascension for humanity is changing the brain patterning to go from a Polarity based conscious experience, to SINGULARITY based experience, from separation to ONEness. As human born, the state of Polarity works via a membrane within the human brain (the veil), whereby we can not see the reflected, mirrored part of the whole INFINITY wave we are a part of.

Is a consciousness experience of constructed light pattern. We choose to enter into this construct. Humans have accelerated and reiterated this very construct where we have relied heavily on the limited 10% of the human brain and in western world living, applied logic analysis to our experiential living. In Polarity we BELIEVE in opposites: black & white, day & night, sun & moon, north & south, positive & negative, wet & dry, good & bad, ying & yang etc all being supposed opposites. All ideas of opposites are a POLARISED human experience of a POLARISED constructed light pattern. Over time, humans have re-enforced this concept via communication with each other. The energetic sine wave that denotes POLARITY is as Fig 1.

In ultimate truth, there are NO opposites. Only the perception and belief of opposites. No ONE thing, is an opposite of another THING. They are just THINGS. Eg. There is night, an absence of the sun’s light. There is day, a presence of the sun’s light. There is rain, water pouring from the skies, there is also snow, sleet and the smallest water particles we label as dry. This is crucial to understanding Polarity and how it effects the human brain and our life experience.

The rain, is JUST that...RAIN. It is neither good, bad, miserable, happy. It is RAIN. It is water. Each person in this world will react differently to the RAIN. Some will moan, some will get frustrated, some will welcome it, others dance in it. The object or THING is what it is, but how we PERCEIVE it is ultimately based on POLARISED patterning. It’s a Judgement we make in a polarised experience and light pattern we travel on as a consciousness experiencing human form.

Most of us know emotions are the result of previous thought forms. They are the indicator of our state of balance within each of our NOW frequencies. Taking the Polarised construct further, we can see that we JUDGE outer THINGS based on the consciousness and construct that says there are opposites. It’s a very old belief system within a Polarised experience. The judging we go through example: we may feel a ‘guilt’ for judging another person. This means, we will create more situations to judge and feel guilty about. The same occurs for everything we experience through a JUDGEMENT eg, anger, worry, pain, sadness, stressfulness, anxiety, happiness, excitement, harmony, peace etc. We continually gauge and reassess people based on a barometer within a Polarised brain. The gauging is based on a perceptional experience of Polarised opposites and everything in between, all within a Polarised ENERGY field of consciousness. Because we are judging ‘right or wrong’ and everything in between, we create human constructs within us that can embed (if repetitious) as brain patterns within us that manifest as particular human sensitivities. It is our OWN patterned sensitivities that trigger us. The outer being purely ‘this’ or ‘that’ is not recognized within the human self. The human patterning is itself created by more or less a direct result of human experiences. On an awakening path, it is these ingrained patterns we undo by diving deeply in search of pure truth at the highest level we are capable of perceiving at, in that timeline. As we raise in energetic frequency, so higher and higher levels of truths reveal pertaining to our and behavior and observations.
allows our polarised brain to gauge things within a scale of the Polarisation construct. In polarisation, we use an inbuilt ‘barometer’ to gauge and judge outer things. This system of brain activity to gauge our outer surroundings is used further: we gauge and judge ourselves and all other human beings, based on a perceptional experience within a Polarised experience. We learn this method to gauge people. We learn this method within a Polarised construct. We learn this method due to the limited WAVE PATTERN tapped into by the limited polarised consciousness our brain and body experiences. And based on the law of attraction where like attracts like, we magnetize that which we think, feel, act out most predominantly (see Flower of Life posts). On an ascension path, and for many unawakened humans for

For ease of the next section here, please LOOK again at the POLARISED WAVE PATTERN Fig 1. We are Consciousness, experiencing being human, via this wave pattern.

Now look at Fig 2. Note THE VEIL. It’s a membrane within our brain. When any person begins an Awakening process, nerves within the brain BEGIN to activate. It’s the degree to which the person responds to ascension (thinks, talks, feels, acts as per the Flower of Life Law), that a person will keep activating these nerves and it’s process. As we progress the ‘path’, and go through Initiation Stages (see previous posts), more and more nerves respond within the brain and body. It’s a process, that culminates in fluids entering the brain, that release and activate the Pineal and Pituitary Glands. The process effects the whole body also, via the nervous and lymphatic systems. Hence symptoms and physical phenomena.

Note too the Mirror in Fig 2. We, experiencing in the Third Density do NOT see the mirror. We can read about it, yet it is not until SINGULARITY conscious perception is reached that the mirror dissolves. The mirror is created via the membrane/veil that masks the whole. In the meantime humans may pierce the veil via drugs, mediation, altered states and channelling. It is through the ascension process of the individual that the veil and mirror is dismantled for a permanent state of Oneness experienced in human form.

See Fig 3. At a certain stage of activation, SINGULARITY is reached and perceived, via the experience of an elevated consciousness. This state of consciousness was always there (as your Higher Self and Higher), it was just that we could not reach it for daily permanent perception within a human body. This stage occurs as parallel fields, where Polarity decreases as Singularity increases.

Within this SINGULARITY field of awareness, an entirely different experience to Polarisation occurs. We experience everything JUST as IT IS. Eg. The rain is water moving from sky to planet. The person who appears angry is an energy of specific frequency. The person of who is stressed we do not perceive as stressed, we perceive them merely an energy of certain frequency in motion. EVERYTHING is energy. Everything has frequency of variance within the Whole and of ITSelf. At this state, everything is seen as God in infinite form. Within this consciousness state, we can be misunderstood by other at lower frequency states, as being less human, less emotional. We can choose emotions here, where we will choose joy, harmony, peace, and not wish to choose anger, pain or sadness. We can choose our state also, dipping into lower consciousness, knowing we are at the same time, a higher consciousness. People of lower frequency will not understand this as a choose only because they can not see it yet. They will. To be judged as less emotional is true for we have understood the human emotional system and worked through it. What is staggering, is that SINGULARITY state experiences a purer and purer state of LOVE. The constructs and belief systems of Polarity consciousness are gone, as we lose the sensitivities that serve to DECREASE our LOVE and vibrational frequency. That which can be the cause of so much emotional human pain. We therefore reside in clearer OBSERVATION mode in an unwavering presence of Divine Love. Living in this state is living in a purity as God’s Love. As we go higher, we experience more and more a purer and purer Unconditional Love for all things. This stage of consciousness holding a human form then sees all things as God, all a celebration of God, where each observation and experience is ANOTHER reason to be and celebrate the Love of God. Just as they see God in ALL things, so they KNOW God within each human, regardless of their forgetfulness or state of being, and we also see and know God within our living state. The beauty of living in Singularity is that we experience living as a purer, and purer, and purer state of God’s Love.

It is also worth noting, that all humans regardless of an Aware Path, experience moments of Singularity. Singularity Consciousness IS when we are present in any present NOW moment.

The sine wave IS part of the INFINITY wave. We just don’t observe it in a Polarised state of consciousness. When a consciousness experiencing human form reaches the state of living in SINGULARITY, they are aware and of clear knowing of the wave form as in Fig 3. The reason so many are experiencing the INFINITY symbol vibrating within their human brain NOW and in recent months is because they are moving towards, and I stress NEARING, the onset of SINGULARITY consciousness. We are not there yet, but the ‘Infinity Loop’ physical brain sensation is due to the energetic process occurring in their brain via the on going nerve activations already described.

When SINGULARITY conscious perception is reached for the human, the continuous INFINITY wave formation looks remarkably like DNA configuration. Which is ironic as I have never received any data or experience, or therefore written about DNA activation within the human form.

For further understanding to newly awakened: Many nerves fire up within the brain during the ascension process. The nerves create electrical pulses throughout the brain. They create the necessary new brain patterning which in turn forms a higher conscious perception within the human experience. The physical brain sensations become clearer and clearer as we rise in frequency. The order of sensations within the brain, as far as I can tell are:
Initial tiny vibrations felt on the scalp (like ants crawling on the head).
Various and DIFFERENT vibrational sensations around all areas of the head. Start of small, then increase in area size.
Various and DIFFERENT vibrations felt between head and upper neck.
Circular rotation of energy around crown.
Piercing sensation to crown.
Pulsing at various stages of this whole process.
Front to back pulsing lines of sensation.
Cross formation sensation as well as Arcing of energy to front centre and middle centre brain.
Horizontal pulsing line sensation from left to right hemispheres (dissolving of the veil/membrane commences).
Infinity loop of differing proportion left and right (see Fig 3).
Infinity loop of equal proportion.
After this...I do not know...

All of the above can also be accompanied by physical body sensations and vibrations. Don’t we know it!

I know we're not rolling in dough
And what we had left has been blown
On bills and cheap merlot

The bedroom walls are so thin
A symphony of neighbors screaming
So we turn up the stereo

Oh, oh oh
We can make this hell heaven on earth
Oh, oh oh
We can make this hell heaven on earth

We could build a castle right here
With a couple blankets and chairs
This place could be magic

Honey if you look really hard
You could see planets and stars
Through the gaps in the fabric

We don't have a lot
But what we've got is enough

Oh, oh oh
We can make this hell heaven on earth
Oh, oh oh
We can make this hell heaven on, heaven on earth

Under the carpet there are streets of gold
Hey, hey
No one can know
What we started with the light we stole
Hey, hey
No one can know
No one can know
Ooh, yeah

Despite this information, I feel that it is helpful to fundamentally absorb the understanding of emotions, sensitivities, what causes them, why we react, how to balance them. It’s a widespread idea within humanity that emotions are good or bad, right or wrong. They are energy. And as humans WITHIN a Polarised Consciousness, WITH forgetfulness and lack of knowing of who/what we actually are, we can be hard on ourselves and others. We are energy. Our emotions are energy indicators showing us our state of balance at particular individual frequency. It is by working through OUR thought responses, that produce OUR emotional response, that allows us to see higher truth within us within any given three day cycle.

At this present NOW, of 7 January 2018, many ascending are being pushed hard to see the unseen falsehoods within, to be swiftly cleared. Just the last vestiges for those that will this year experience the SINGULARITY field of Christed Light Consciousness and Oneness with all things, and as all things, the difference between separation and unity. We’ve come a long way, and we will make it together, as ONE and back to the ONE we always are in truth. As we do this, more will follow as we shine the light for those that seek home.

So much love
Amanda Lorence 07/01/18

Juan José Vallejo Cívicos brought in light through Polly Kay Mannon

January 7th. 2018 – 19:01 C.E.T.

Beloved Human Family,

The Cosmic Surgery continues until the purification of the subtle bodies of Humanity has been completed for the energetic health of our home Planet. The cosmic surgeon can close the surgery, only when the risks of further infections in the organic form and the post-operative complications have been minimized. We are Divinely guided and it’s the cosmic surgeons responsibility to monitor the evolution of the collective energies and remove all residual pathogen sources of possible energetic infections. We restore the healthy energies for our Civilization.

There’re still ego-mind projections registered on the etherical levels. These thoughts are now found in higher levels of the collective subtle bodies of Humanity. We can describe 7 subtle bodies or higher dimensional projections of human energies: 1 Physical Etheric, 2 Emotional, 3 Mental, 4 Causal, 5 Atmic (Higher Will), 6 Monadic, 7 Divine.

We continue in Divine Coherence manifesting our Divine Mission on Mother Earth for Humanity. The Universe talks to humans in many different ways telepathically, visually, astrologically, numerically, geometrically, symbols, energies, frequencies, vibrations, through the different Kingdoms of Creation, the Mineral, the Vegetal, the Animal, the Human, the Angelical, Mother, Earth, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, the Galactic Family etc. When humans severed the connection with the Divine Source, the collective intuition, inspiration and imagination were drastically reduced, forcing the human ego to rely on the basic instincts of the lower chakras to survive on Mother Earth. Then is when Humanity lost the Universal Coherence.

Missing the Universal perspective, the ego-mind usually takes everything literally and personally. The ego-mind is very visual, depending almost exclusively on the image to understand and catalogue manifestations, especially during this presence of Christ Consciousness on Mother Earth.

This is the confusion that we experience from waking up after thousands of years of lethargy, due to the energetic downfall of Humanity. As consequence, the Divine Structures are not energetically on its place, the twin souls are displaced, some cultures invaded the homelands of other cultures. Divine Artefacts have been moved from the original position. Machines invade the ways collapsing the street and roads, meanwhile poisoning gases are liberated in the air that we all breathe. Humans cut pieces of their lungs to feed their stomachs, because there’s an uncontrolled overpopulation on the Planet, jeopardizing animal species and others are being extinguished by the commercial frenzy, also altering the global climate. The world situation got out of the hands of the ego-mind. The Universal Coherence takes responsibility to restore the Equilibrium.

The Divine Coherence reflects as a mirror the energies manifested in the organic form. The Universe provides the reliable Truth of the Divine Coherence and also provides the Energies for Humanity to live normally, naturally and familiarly in the Cosmos. Understanding the Divine Coherence will provide Humanity, the Force from Wisdom, the Control for Safety and the Power for the Divine Motion.

We can approach the global situation of Humanity from at least four different perspectives:
1.- Medical (Cosmic Surgery to Purify and Heal the collective energies)
2.- Educational (Learning the Exact Science of our Universal Spirituality)
3.- Motion (the Divine Journey of Humanity in the Cosmos)
4.- Communication (the Sacred Connection to the Universal Source)

Juan José Vallejo Cívicos
School of Universal Light & Spirituality (SOULS)
Mitakuye Oyasin

My Facebook Post January 3, 2014 ·
There should be no time limits for when you are or are not allowed to fall in love or with who; no when where and why. Love happens whether you're expecting it or not. Within minutes, days, months or years, it does not matter, and it's not something you should try to control or hide.

When you love someone, or feel love for them at any given time, tell them because no one knows how much longer we're gunna have together in life to do so and that's the most important thing anyone needs to hear or know. To be loved is a precious gift. So no matter what kind of love it is, spread it like a wildfire and make sure those you feel it for, know.

Love is the only power in this dimension that can change the world from the darkness it's had closed in for far too long. Proclaiming love and living in love is the only force that can truly heal. Love is an element all of its own! That's all Jesus did, and he started a revolution that I intend to continue. I have a Destiny and that Destiny is to spread love into every universe and bring it into consciousness.

With loving and proclaiming that love you're taking risks that should be taken to impact lives. Who cares where the love is coming from, show it and be open to receive it in all areas of your life with those who are as insync and sincere about it as you!

I am a loving being. That's what I'm here to do! I breath, practice and live in love. I am in love with love itself, and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. Honestly if people focused on love in any form more, we all wouldn't feel as dead as we do in life. Love brings us to life. LOVE IS THE MEANING TO LIFE. Without it there no point to living in the first place.

So I don't care who you are or what your doing right now people, know with my whole heart and soul that I love each and every one of you simply for who you are and soully because we are supposed to exist together and live in harmony! I won't ever be ashamed to proclaim my love! The world NEEDS more of it in my opinion.

God bless everyone, my life is truly blessed because of you being a part of it.


Someday I (Kymberly/Trinity) will sing with a group of women and dance like this. It's my souls desire as a Celtic Woman mySelf

"Anarchism is our only alternative" no... Synarchism

The Differences Between Book Smarts and True Intelligence

supreme atom creativity atomic dna upgrade-2015 metatron

(2014-15 I would have to say was the year I really began getting serious with these sort of transmissions and starting to apply them to my own life and I now 'channel' them myself.

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