Thursday, January 11, 2018

Part II Calling ALL Rainbow Warrior's: CONSCIOUSLY AWARE AND AWAKENED Beings of the 'Light' to the Cosmic Convergence!

This is the song they wanted me to begin with that I found on 1/7. This is the song I'm seeing between Divine Feminines and Divine Masculines (within and twin flames couples) It has come to my attention that Demi Lovito had a rough experience and I can so relate! It was amazing to come across her video and experience this morning 10:35

Orion is the 8 in the sky to infinity- our portal- remembrance, and wormhole to Sirius and the 7 sisters! Our blue pearls.

My husband found this article on Crystallinks about The Maiden Voyage of the 12 Fibonacci Goddess's. To my surprise #7 has the picture of the Original Triple Goddess that awoke me to my True Self- Trinity which is also on my About Me Blog. I will share the text here because it's so beautiful. 

It Makes me want to go into detail with the 7th and 8th Gene Keys that speak upon the (7) Shadow of Division the GIFT of Guidance and the Siddhi Embodiment of Virtue 

along with the (8) shadow of Mediocrity the GIFT of Style (a message within to Tiffany Stiles and her In5D Clan with Michelle Walling which I'll share in due time and likely in my wedding ceremony blog to come- describing more in depth messages I received on 8/11 before the Winter Solstice came about) and Siddhi embodiment of Exquisiteness. 

Given it is talking about the 8th month of the year I think speaking of the 8th Gene Key would be fitting. For January I pulled a 10/19(10) which is guiding me to make a January energy report speaking on the energy in and of itself as this channel is long as it is. There I will speak upon the 10th Gene Key of Self Obsession, Naturalness and BEing.

Recently I watched Valerian the city of 1,000 planets and it hit home like something fierce and i correlate those blue pearls to our own Divinity- our Blue Apples and the Blue Star Kachina Prophecy that Janet now has revealed! Watch the trailer by clicking on photo below by description 

Facebook Post from December 29, 2017 at 10:07pm 

Wanted to watch 2012 because its so prevalent and coming in our near future 21-2027 and then i found THIS movie and cant wait to watch it


Wow this movie The Valerian: city of 1000 planets) hits a home chord and memories of my galactic life! This stuff is so real. I’m not only shapeshifting muse actress alien with no identity but by the end I realize I’m the blue pearl/ray/fisherman aquatic race more than anything and i can picture what happened to my people. my husband and i are the 2005 (007) destiny agents as human incarnates now- helping our race escape the prideful elite bastards who want to hide the fact they greedily destroyed us and obliterated our planet

If you want to know truly the battle raging here on this planet now- watch this movie and Jupiter Ascending along with 2012 and the day after tomorrow. So many movies are not fiction and in so many ways foretell the prophecy we are creating!

Another movie to come in March (lots seeming to happen in March globally!) A Wrinkle In Time which I have been wondering when they would remake this movie since 2003 as it reminds me so much of all that is happening now! Kat of all people posted about it and it got me all excited; of course, she never responded to my comments! 

I’ve been begging the universe to remake this series of books! They are my FAVORITE

On January 2nd I watched one of my all time favorite movies that lead to my inspiration since childhood to be a writer and "tell my story"... somehow i knew i would have one to tell eventually. However I’ve had to wait 20 years to be ready to do so now. 

And last night 1/4 I put on Where The Heart Is which is a book and a movie that will be on my top favorite list. My husband even loved it. He said "her naming her daughter Amaricus Nation really put a twist into showing how fucked up it is. All around this little girl is a mother who was abandoned and forced to give birth in a Wal-Mart which afterward her birth mother shows up only to rob her and she ends up having to come across people who 'adopt' her so to speak. Sister Husband and Brother Husband where the main two along with her Nurse Friend she made following the birth of the baby and waking up in the hospital. this woman named her kids off of food and is a character that gets beaten- her children raped- and she has to learn to trust men and rebuild her life after being taken advantage of. Along with Novalie and her daughter Americus they all tell an amazing tale of how you can start with nothing and even battle a tornado who takes the ones you love away just to rebuild as an entire community and heal the wounds of the past. 

I also have to mention a final film brought to my attention that is perfect for what i am speaking about today it's called "Your's Mine and Ours" 16 kids=7 another 7 synchronicity

And finally BEWITCHED with Nichole Kidman and Will Farrell which I'm sure many are familiar with already

I'm sorry-not sorry people that I am a 'WITCH'... I won't hide anymore. I'm just lucky Malachi is a 'warlock' and I'm not stuck with a muggle like Brandon anymore!  

Also from December 29, 2017 at 9:04pm that are relevant to this post

New levels of remembrance

I am reincarnation of The Oracle Delphi and High priestess Pythia

Dating back to 1400 BC, which was the era i was crucified and I found this out through a healing done to me by a woman named Kristy when I worked at Hand And Stone. She was who told me I was a Blue Ray- Brought me into the world of multidimensionality and healed me of much dis-ease and pain in my body. She rebirthed me, awakened me to who I truly was. She healed me of being hanged, stretched, crucified for my healing arts. 

the Oracle of Delphi was the most important shrine in all Greece, and in theory all Greeks respected its independence. Built around a sacred spring, Delphi was considered to be the omphalos - the center (literally navel) of the world.

People came from all over Greece and beyond to have their questions about the future answered by the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo. And her answers, usually cryptic, could determine the course of everything from when a farmer planted his seedlings, to when an empire declared war.

Arguments over the correct interpretation of an oracle were common, but the oracle was always happy to give another prophecy if more gold was provided. A good example is a famous incident before the Battle of Salamis when the Pythia first predicted doom and later predicted that a 'wooden wall' (interpreted by the Athenians to mean their ships) would save them.

(I MET THE WOMAN IN THIS VIDEO SINGING. When she was brand new in the industry of music she visited Faith Bible Chapel! this song is AMAZING!!!! take the 10 minutes to watch it!!!!) 

The lack of a strict religious dogma associated with the worship of Greek gods also encouraged scholars to congregate at Delphi, and it became a focal point for intellectual inquiry, as well as an occasional meeting place where rivals could negotiate.

Delphi became a fantastic showcase of art treasures and all Greek states would send rich gifts to keep the Oracle on their side. It finally came to an end in the 4th century AD when a newly Christian Rome proscribed its prophesying.

The Pythia (/ˈpɪθiə/,[1] Ancient Greek: Πῡθίᾱ [pyːˈtʰi.aː]) was the name of the High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi who also served as the oracle, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi.

The name Pythia is derived from Pytho, which in myth was the original name of Delphi. In etymology, the Greeks derived this place name from the verb, πύθειν (púthein) "to rot", which refers to the sickly sweet smell of the decomposition of the body of the monstrous Python after she was slain by Apollo.[2] Pythia was the House of Snakes.

The Pythia was established at the latest in the 8th century BC,[3] and was widely credited for her prophecies inspired by being filled by the spirit of the god (or enthusiasmos), in this case Apollo. The Pythian priestess emerged pre-eminent by the end of 7th century BC and would continue to be consulted until the 4th century AD.[4] During this period the Delphic Oracle was the most prestigious and authoritative oracle among the Greeks, and she was, without doubt, the most powerful woman of the classical world. The Oracle is one of the best-documented religious institutions of the classical Greeks. Authors who mention the oracle include Aeschylus, Aristotle, Clement of Alexandria, Diodorus, Diogenes, Euripides, Herodotus, Julian, Justin, Livy, Lucan, Nepos, Ovid, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Plutarch, Sophocles, Strabo, Thucydides and Xenophon.

Nevertheless, details of how the Pythia operated are missing as authors from the classical period (6th to 4th centuries BC) treat the process as common knowledge with no need to explain. Those who discussed the oracle in any detail are from 1st century BC to 4th century AD and give conflicting stories.[5] One of the main stories claimed that the Pythia delivered oracles in a frenzied state induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock and that she spoke gibberish which priests interpreted as the enigmatic prophecies and turned them into poetic dactylic hexameters preserved in Greek literature.[6] 

This idea, however, has been challenged by scholars such as Joseph Fontenrose and Lisa Maurizio, who argue that the ancient sources uniformly represent the Pythia speaking intelligibly, and giving prophecies in her own voice.[7] Herodotus, writing in the fifth century BC describes the Pythia speaking in dactylic hexameters.[8][9]

I am the one you can listen to. You should heed my riddles and rhymes and prophecies with discernment and allow Me the Gift of Discrimination and Siddhi of Purity in regards to you.

My daughter was asking “mom was this a blood moon i love blood moons!” I told her no i don’t know when the next one is; they are very rare so i doubt it- this one on the 31st is THE BLUE BLOOD MOON! Its a super moon and blood moon blended into one! So no wonder all the pearls and blues- she’s already seeing this moon and I’m being given visions in regards to it now also but we also have to keep our awareness on 

Jupiter in Scorpio squares the North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius exactly in the next 24 hours. This is a pretty unique alignment. I haven´t been able to find it repeated in the 1900-2017 period....

Pay attention as you can save yourself a lot of time, energy, and effort in the year ahead as it focuses so much upon the fixed signs. Doing the deep work now sets the stage for you to develop your own brand of leadership.

My message this morning 1/2/2018







I’m not the only one standing up as a catalyst
Wake up
Stop being puss in boots
Be a fucking LION
Or live in fear as willfully ignorant ‘light-workers’ being wine-o’s LYING to themselves and the collective

I knew come January I needed to begin banding my TRIBE AND PACK together! 

I spoke with Robert Vilches; Raven this morning and we are banding together to create a space to CREATE SYNERGISTIC EXPANSION! I already started this platform for FB at the Galactic Transit Hub I keep attempting to get people to check out and 'sign up' on the welcome post to introduce themselves to the tribe. Robert will be able to create a website community that is not FB related that we ALL as "fractal hubs" can come to and collaborate with one another, cross reference and expand together-creating global Energetic updates all in one place of AMAZING 'individuals' who are working for the same Core Fractal of Trinity. If you have been having dreams and visions of keys, or "trinity" or triangles, or rainbows, or spirals, tree of life, blues, teals, greens, gold and yellow, bridges, needles, butterflies, dragonflies, animals of any kind are guiding you, specific stones, these are signs you are ready for this journey among the stars and HIGHER states of consciousness and into Self Discovery! You are ready to create the Dragonfly Dream

THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE BUTTERFLY and I wrote about it in the blog below

Mutant Phoenix Butterfly's Re birthing Into the Dragons-Flying FREE and Boundless for 2018

(photo is of my wall in front of my desk. My daughter made the full moon painting and I put all the butterflies up about a year ago.)

(we have a synch with 4th of july and independence day also... a "split" of sorts with some my my twins soul members) 

Ive been manifesting many of the 144,000 TRIBE out of the woodworks since 2013! Janet is part of it; so is Robert Vilches (raven) and Cathy Montemayor, solei Larkson (and her love Jennifer), star/Cheryl S, wendy turner, melissa walker, Sarah Abbott (kimber mikael and Morgan and dragon fest clans), corey durocher, Deanne Mollerud, Denise Soyers, portia and kimber from our bathhouse, Donna Miller Hollie, Mimi Kannisto along with her twin Arun Chopda and their friend MeTa, Amanda Lorence, kaelah vavak, Missy montclaire and her beloved ken Best, jennifer lucas, angel queen, angel ariel, angel carver, rachael rececca ernst, bryan bowen, Annie McAulay, tami felch kieffer, andrew l hicks, eddie hensley, nikki wall, arcturis seth, colleen mcdonnell, christina braden rigney, tonya danita walker, draconia akasha-El, raven alejandro, linsday leigh, laura matsu,  robin markowitz and her beloved, twinflame1111 lady and her beloved, bliss golden finch, rory campbell shaman poet and his beloved, shamanic hunting owl and her clan she built from IAmTwinFlame, Candace of mystic moontribe, pixi eagle heart, Brandaleen johnson, tawsha lynn johnson and Quin her beloved, nichole marie, beatriz Musick, kea banks, monique sharlow, melissa crull, Stephany Curtis, Stiina Luedtke, wayne Lander, suzanne randall, Bairavee Balasubramaniam, lanora steinbacher, vanessa inman, andrew Garrett, lindy alberts, Yavaun swanson, lyra jade waite, luis Ramirez, paulette kimbrough, koko love, and kheyah, tim doidge,Andee Smith, d’oyen foster, david hopkins, ally duff, dena gould, krystal Kimball, blooming from within project, in5d’ers, 

TIFFANY STILES: who i will be also channeling a message to in consort to in my next blog as spirit has guided me to share with her the 8th Gene Key and her GIFT of Style. and she has been brought up in conversation with my beloved many times and someone I adore but wish to work even more closely with and synergistically expand beyond a "hey here and like/love there"- along with Michelle Walling as i stated at the beginning of this channel- who already received a private message from me attempting to connect but was ignored similar to the like of Kat In Boots (who i actually never PMed but gave a public 'apology' to her in regards to not have done so and continue to try and engage in other groups with her that we are both still a part of but do not PM her as I feel that is the "next step" she needs to take to engage with me. I will just leave what i said to her in a separate blog also since this is so long. but can be read here *will eventually create and add...*)

This is also for anyone else- so many names i did not list but once i clean out my friends list those who remain and see these feeds I am speaking to you; who feels drawn to any of us or the messages we deliver and wish to be a part of a real consciously aware community! 

Take my hand, let's try and stretch the tide we're dancing in
In the sand, waves rushing over where the shore begins
I place my hand beneath the water as it slips away
And looking up, I try and trace the sky in gorgeous shades
All dressed up for the wedding of the sun and the emerald sea
Feel your breath over me, traveling on the salty breeze
In this place forever, but it's always escaping me
All dressed up for the wedding forever
Falling sand from the hourglass inside my head
I warm my hands and start to feel the winter closing in
All dressed up for the wedding of the sun and the emerald sea
Feel your breath over me, traveling on the salty breeze
In this place forever, but it's always escaping me (Feel your breath)
All dressed up for the wedding forever (In this place forever)
All dressed up for the wedding of the sun and the emerald sea (Forever)
Feel your breath over me, traveling on the salty breeze (Of the sun and the emerald sea)
In this place forever, but it's always escaping me (Feel your breath, in this place, in this place, forever)
All dressed up for the wedding forever (But it's always escaping me)
All dressed up (Forever)

You said “come on, let's go down that yellow brick road”
But that path was primrose and led back to black and white
And now I know, since that day you chose to let me know
My hearts been tangled with thorns that choke the light
Oh, here I go, collecting roses to me from you
Oh, here I go, a dozen red for every wound
Oh, now I stop and smell the roses when they’re blue
Gonna find my way, break the lock on the emerald city gates
It could be simple, but we’re only half-awake
I feel the pain set in when I think of you and grip the stems
I feel my head begin to spin, I'm not alright
Oh, here I go, collecting roses to me from you
Oh, here I go, a dozen red for every wound
Oh, now I stop and smell the roses when they’re blue
Let go of the stems, free to bloom again
Let go of the stems, free to bloom again
Oh, here I go, collecting roses to me from you
Oh, here I go, a dozen red for every wound
Oh, now I stop and smell the roses when they’re blue
(Stop, stop, stop…)
Let go of the stems, free to bloom again
Free to bloom again when they're blue

I have so many ready to be with family and reunite! 

Its time!!! If you sincerely are not interested in what I'm bringing to the table and proposing to say something to me now and I will move along and not waste another moment. 

Kat In Boots (tree of life) and Nancy (and even my estranged siStar Ellie Hernandez and her beloved Ruben) is part of it too but she (Kat) has to stop ignoring the CAL of her own tree of life remembrance and Nancy needs to stop enabling her in her victim consciousness and also fearing me (removed me as a friend). 

Shanti Zimmerman was also to be part of the fold but she chose to block me as did a woman named Kira Ellis for my ordained discrimination upon her 3D limited view of things and spew of emotion constipation all over her Facebook (Kira came up with the "Stupid Ugly Bitch: Shadow Of A Woman Book idea when I was already writing such in a way) all the while Shanti was pretending she knows how to teach how to NOT get drowned or entrapped into the blame shame guilt and fear game- failing epically herself as in my view she is nothing other than a person feeding off of and benefiting and gaining profit off of other's states of Victim Consciousness including her own. 

All the while for the few months I observed her she was showing her greedy intentions within her 'emotional alchemy work" and was attempting to charge $7,777 for a Sedona Retreat or $200+ per session of Re-Parenting courses which appalled me (and the 45th Gene Key will explain why) and I voiced as much publicly to her when she decided to get attitude with me for engaging in an open conversation on her wall in regards to "narcissism" in which she wanted to have direct control over and did not like anything i brought as advice to the table and yet others had until that moment of 'confrontation'- and she couldn't stand that I was there synergizing with her 'hub'.

I did meet a few people from that including a man named Andrew Garret while observing her: who I've got to witness grow with and through My Transparency with this Avatar and her writing or "passive aggressive flakiness" since we did a phone therapy session and I wasn't interested in continuing as I am only hoping to gather many in one area and he was one of those people Spirit told me to tap on the shoulder. He didn't like how I dealt with Shanti originally and eventually apologized for some exchange of words left via messenger  But I stood with unwavering trust and love with my shadow as it did it's bidding of choosing of discrimination. Which is the 12th Gene key I am about to discuss

Anyone who's going to play hierarchy and willfully ignorant games such as that or feel competition with me which I have mentioned here today... i will not continue to engage with; nor will i be ignored; and I will leave my 'two cents' upon my departure whether they want to hear it or not this Goddess will leave them with a wedgey from "Hela" to come to an end with their Ragnarök tower of babble being erected in this new paradigm/timeline. 

"being shanti" is beyond 3D Emotional Alchemy. It's about becoming BOUNDLESS like i began to write in this blog and what i can see as the creation of my first book. 

I posted this-the synchronization of messages around us on December 30th 2017

"911 NWG" license plate 
Awesome message

2 the new generation (race). A chapter in my book and blog to come. 911 was the catalyst date for what is happening in our shifting tides as we speak across the globe and is also a synchronicity on top of the Celestial Mountains of Colorado where my beloved Malachi began initiation to heal his inner child with his Father(s)

I have healed and found my Jaded heart of Te Fiti and helping him journey to recover his own Malachite stone/Heart and return it to him and regain his power! Together we weave the future golden with Kuan Yin


This is your CUE to answer the CAL of your own Soul and Divine Life Purpose


This is telling me to GO WRITE VOLUMES as the Oracle Of Delphi! Begin book 1 of my Wonderland series! 

Get started building my dreams because THEY ARE COMING TRUE

The way I 'Style" I guess the only way to explain is that I auto write (How To Channel Your Soul Through Automatic Writing)  and use Divination with everything around me. I use Tarot Analytics which is a holistic approach to Oracle and tarot decks to bring wisdom i see as visions through. How I work with it brings in and teaches an Integrative approach to using tarot for personal growth. A book I came across yesterday and would recommend checking out is "Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to using tarot for personal growth by Benebell Wen"

No fake here- I give energetic updates however as consciousness is fluid in its evolutionary growth- as will be the information brought in-can change upon the collective involvements and timelines  I do not do fortune telling so to speak- however, I do Divination but the two to me are NOT the same. Divination can be used holistically as well. I want to help and i know many others who do also! We can together! LETS END THE DIVISION and competition. we want serious people ready to be ambassadors over their own lives and be way showers to others of higher frequency and consciousness  

I’ve been going on and on about removing the mask now for months and to get ready as IT IS TIME and come 2021 twin flames that’s your deadline- as Janet said this is our 5th attempt after 4 EPIC FAILURES to keep this place from destroying the rest of the universe... it's why we answered the CAL and why it was blasted throughout space and time to help here and now. no longer after this shift will we have to keep fighting and our future generations can carry forth the Christ Consciousness legacy as they should have been able to before Jesus! 

The war is going to end here. narrow is the way through the gates of heaven and it is in the heart that this kingdom resides! We hold them open and guard them but after 2021 get ready for the great change to truly anchor in the 55th Gene Key of the Dragonfly dream; by then I hope to have everyone in my paradigm on this Conscious Timeline.  I am here to get the attention of twin flames and ‘lightworkers’ who NEED TO PREPARE AND BAND TOGETHER now to accomplish and create the FOUNDATIONS for this GREAT CHANGE in like mind/idea/consciousness TOGETHER. 

Like Janet its taken me since 2012 until 2016 to dig myself out of the romantic façade but it was the Goddess Isis and Christ Consciousness along with most recently the Gene Keys that showed me the ultimate change trajectory that our collective consciousness is headed! I don’t know what book she found but this one is the one i found and whether you have heard of it or not or looked at it and passed it off as 'no' for you'; I am going to continue sharing it until you get so tired of seeing it that you actually give it a shot. guess we went from 3x a charm to 5x for change (words of Raven)?! 

Get in the ACT people... I don't want to have to 'defend' myself against the likes of Erin Starks and Rosie's, Linda's and other minions of the unconscious matrix when My transparency is no longer so 'transparent' but completely ONE with this Avatar's Vessel of the Holy Grail and Body of Christ as AL describes below. Not 'better' by any means- just a very high frequency and HIGHER state of consciousness. Instead of getting jealous or defensive; go on an adventure and quest for True love- eventually, you will return the heart of Te Fiti just to realize that Te Ka within just needed to REMEMBER who they are. 

(remember Never Ending Story)

My husband begins reading to me The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and says ‘this is you, beloved’

“the end of my story Takes me to the Pyramid over New York City”

No wonder im always speaking of Broadway and wicked and was sent to New York in 2009 for a cousins wedding. While there I got a little name tag that says "New York Kim" which on 1/3 we went to my dad's house and my daughter Grace had found it in a box and put it out in my room which is her new "creative space" since we don't live there and she likes to spend time with her Opa (grandpa), She found a ton of my stuff that I have had since I was her age and older and where special to me! I brought the little name tag home and placed it on 1/4 above my note/manifestation board. Ironically it says "keep calm and carry on around a picture of the full moon behind the ocean at midnight that my daughter drew. Now it says "Keep Calm New York Kim"... haha... this is my expressive self... the one so eager to connect to everyone and inadvertently scaring everyone away like Rachael Berry did in Glee

Please take the time to listen to these songs, let them sink in. This is my favorite inspiring show... Glee. 

 (haha i dated a Toni in high school- referring to video above) 


I love you all... you have no clue how much until now...let everything change 'like that'... we will last forever... here’s to us... here’s to love... all the times we messed up. 

 (for my daddy since he knows what is like to 'hear the bells')

 (7 again)

Pretty much me as a "Forerunner"

and finally, this song comes to me and is what woke me up the other day

I was reading and adding more to this blog on the 3rd and updated the following on Facebook

January 3 at 6:34am 

Wide awake
Song by Katie Perry pops in my mind
wish i could sleep but my brain is on cloud 9

and all i can think of is revisions and new chapters of Volume 1 of my Book:
The Dynastic Mother & Return Of Te Fiti’s Heart; A True Twin Flame Love Story

All while when Tiffany updated that Ascension symptoms are acting like the Flu. It seemed within one hour of receiving this information I got weird stomach pains and gas around 11:40PM. it was hurting my stomach and guts. I took this as an upgrade and drank tea, water and kept to light meals also spent the day detoxing with my MaMa Sarah, brother Morgan and my Twin flame Malachi

“The soul who oversees this Pyramid goes by the frequency Isis. she is the feminine aspect and all that moves through the matrix”

This is Eye and the mission of this Avatar with her True Twin and i have been preparing myself for this mission since i began waking in 2012! My beloved ended up finding another article that points to another Isis Temple in THE GRAND CANYON... no wonder I am drawn to that region and Lake Powell- It's where my heart is!!! 

“it is she who expresses herself in the form of the earth mother. She, who is the creator of life in evolution. She who sends energy to the matrix that perpetuates the reality in which souls may manifest.”
The echo of Gaia is the same as my own Soul. 
We are One 
and unlike Linda Dalton- we do not Force but allow Divine Mercy and Grace to flow forth

“She, who has no permanent form, but that of light. It is she that you knew a Sekhmet, Hathor, among other creational forces.”

Eye AM that I AM 
Christ Consciousness 
Eye AM light Divine
Eye AM love sublime
Eye AM peace beyond space and time

“It is she who creates from her Pyramid, weaving her creation to the fabric of time. Her energies move through the matrix touching all that is in creation, all that flows through consciousness, all and everything that is. both old and new, for they are one in the same. From her pyramid, She brings the matrix full circle, creator and destroy all in one.”

The ouroboros wheel of life has been spun- Trinity is ready to have some fun 

“travel with me to the Pyramid of the feminine, she who now returns to the planet earth to express yourself in the light harmonics of creation.”
-12/12 pyramids of Thoth in the Emerald Tablets-

Today i was discussing a woman named Kat In Boots with the tribe (particularly my friend Mi Mi who did a journey with her in the past and has noticed her 'retreat' energy, as have two other friends of mine Stephany and Lindsay have called her out on her passiveness.) I have been gathering and described how she is part of the tribe but is severely upset the Goddess because she has been passive-aggressively ignoring me since she decided not to see my pure heart for what it is and realize that I am the GIFT of this Siddhi to others. She is one of those who are a tick into the matrix of fear templates and thus cant see her own elitist and malicious energy frequency. My beloved did divination with the Gene Keys book and pulled to the 12th key! 

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