Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Oct 15 2014


I am meant to fulfill a spiritual purpose in this life. That is my calling to make others aware of spirituality and teach it. That is why all this is important to me and my utmost importance than anything else. this is who I am what god is calling me to do and I cannot ignore it.
I live in a different multidimensional reality because that is TRUE reality. We live in a 3rd dimension of duality between masculine and feminine, the yin and yang, we wouldnt exist without both but we battle each other. Earth and human existence is a matrix, though. that we must break free of and eventually the veil will lift when we shift to the 5th dimension and it will make sense to everyone else because they will be forced to see it as well but for now as everyone lives among illusions and continually blindly mirror themselves, few have fully awakened like myself and a select few others I've luckily and graciously encountered, i just feel impatient and severely misunderstood in the meantime of trying to explain all these things to other people while still grasping the concept myself.
What I practice in my spiritual pursuit, am continuing to practice, is real, whether anyone cares about it or not,are interested in learning it too or not. I will only grow more into it because it is who I AM and what I'm supposed to be/do.
I am a powerful divine goddess and I will not continue to live life in fear and hide from my divine life purpose here on this planet. I am a healer and counselor with clairvoyant and oracculor (yes i made this word up) abilities. I am learning patience with others and myself as I grow into my new abilities and gifts and embrace them along with the wisdom and knowledge that is literally being downloaded into me and I have no control over it but I must accept it with gratitude and truth. In fact, I love it, I crave the communication and guidance. I would not have the blessings i currently have obtained if it weren't for my ACTION and DILIGENCE in the spiritual aspects of things. I wouldn't be as open to allowing life to unfold the way it currently is if I continued living with my old outdated belief system. I have changed so much in as little of one year that I have to relearn how to communicate and respond in relationships and with people around me in every aspect.
I'm just saying this spiritual quest of mine will never change, it is the light and essence that guides me, without it I have no purpose or will to live my life. Hope, god, archangels and spirit, have kept me away from committing suicide or being torchered\persecuted (so far) in this life, longer then in any other past life and I HAVE reached such a spiritual\life altering breakthrough that I just cannot simply explain to anyone else who hasnt experienced the shift themselves yet what is going on or to even comprehend what I'm becoming, visualizing, manifesting, healing and releasing.
People gotta flow with it or get out of my way so I can do what I need to do. Its not personal but I have a mission and you can jump on for the ride and enjoy it to the end but don't rock the boat and try to control my wheel, cuz I see WAY further into the distance and beyond space and can confidently continue to steer the way through with grace.
I can't explain it in the present moment because it is a LOT to learn in such a short time and even to process and incorporate into my entire life myself let alone explain everything and why I'm doing things the way I am on top of that is a bit overwhelming. I am in the developmental stages of learning and practicing. Pretend I am going to school and all these "tools" I'm using are showing me signs and synchronicity that help me gain confidence in MY OWN intuition and guidance. To heal and help myself along with others. I focus on my subconscious mind more then the conscious and using these tools helps me balance both, focus inwardly and on my SELF and break through illusions and anything in my life (past or present) that are holding me back or blocking me in the present to move forward in ascendance and change and heal this world.
Spiritual teachers, healers, guides of all realms are now guiding me to embrace this walk. I will not for any reason change the spiritual course I am following and it will be used in every decision, big or small because it is not just ME I'm looking out for, its everyone else joining and walking beside me in this life who will benefit as well. Hold my hand or go away from me.
The tools i use (cards, runez, pendulum, astrology, numerology, crystals, plants and flowers/herbs, alternative holistic health) TAKE ME OUT of my own ego based mentality, my pride. help me and everyone else balance their negative aspects that ARE greatly influenced by different planets and energies at different times and other factors. I'm not just talking about a bunch of mumbo jumbo or making a joke. It is VERY serious and REAL to me and it's not going to change. Its not something I'm willing or WANT to change because its what's begun the momentum I now have grabbed a hold of to change myself and the world around me. Its my ONLY means and ability to change. It makes me self aware.
I wont apologize for preferring spiritual counseling over wordly and choosing to make good conscious soul changing decisions in each moment based off of that then temporary choices that could effect me in a future lifetime that I could have otherwise avoided the karma from. I am not just focused on THIS life. I am an OLD soul who's had billions of lives who is finally re-birthed in full knowledge of its SELF.
ONCE AWAKENED THERE IS NO TURNING BACK OR SETTLING FOR THAT WHICH NO LONGER SERVES YOU OR OTHERS ANYMORE. Once the blind are healed with sight beyond a normal mans who would want to go back to walking in the dark blind when you certainly aren't so.
Knowing what you want and having the ability and blessing to achieve and receive it without struggle, it would be ignorant to consciously choose to turn back to circumstances that steal your power and bind you, being forced to just habitually "wing" it. I'm sorry but no thank you. Ive already experienced that and I'm not going to put myself in a situation to be drug through that again especially now that I'm manifesting my desires. I'm a healer, we get to the root issues first and heal them then we move forward together in alignment and in conscious understanding or if thats not achievable we will simply part ways in a loving manor for protection and the highest good of all involved.

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