Monday, July 2, 2018

My Freedom Tale of Radiance and The Business's Budding Stage

My Freedom Tale of Radiance and
The Business’s Budding Stage

 ‘What is FREEDOM/Health and a purified heart worth to you?!’ 

I could tell you every dime I spent to heal my body and mind (and I'm not finished, I still have a ways to go but I do not have a defeatist attitude). In the end itll matter not- how much or little- i stopped keeping track for one reason and that reason is this... money will NEVER DEFINE ME. My bank account balance is no one's business but my own... and I am not "stingy" with it when i see someone in need and spirit tells me "you can manage to help and offer a little something or your touch" and so I DO. 

I  Would rather share about the individuals who made everything a possibility for me to bloom and no dollar difference of investment mattered or how we "pay it forward" between one another. 
It is the SOUL if these individuals- not their EGOS- who altered my reality- not the money dedication to me using them as a mirror and having equal currency exchange as desired. it sucked paying then what i had to and in poverty consciousness where majority of our clientele WILL BE BEGINNING-  it felt like i would die just in attempt to save my own life and get the nurturment i needed and was depleted of from another kind hearted, caring and humble spirit. 

 What it takes to heal yourself from where our parents or families lacked ability to extend empathy and we received superficial love- is a lot of blood, sweat and tears in the course of 7 years... or more..we are 'never finished' so to speak but pain doesn't have to be perceived so harshly as it was when we first experienced it and created habitual patterning of lies into our matrix just because of our inability to 'let it go' and 'stop remembering it' in that pattern. If this keeps reoccurring- a pattern is ready to be addressed. 

 Our cells took such as a memory of abandonment and reversing this should not cost literally one of your arms or legs! i felt what should be innate and natural should not BE AS MUCH AS A COLLEGE DEGREE to get back into alignment to achieve freedom and unconditional love and acceptance for YOURSELF and others. How twisted both spectrum of duality have before. Some people need to get of their fucking unicorns while others need to actually recognize THEY HAVE ONE! It should not rack up A lifetime of bills to maintain our health especially with rising prices of produce, utilities, entertainment, but no rise to the minimum wages of everyone who become trapped in this very muddy and dense vibrational frequency of victim consciousness towards it. Truly it is an illusion- and we can begin to dismantle how it has any power or control over our futures what so ever. People fear the apocalypse but dont realize its necessary to annihilate their own minds with a fucking machine gun with every thought that tell’s it that it is going to die! 
stepping into such a prison loop was not an option for me - but stepping out of it WAS! I wanted OUT of the MAD WORLD of financial and societal expectations! Why... because fuck it all and all that stress.

in the long run every dime i spent for ‘me’ was so worth it! Screw this government that almost suffocated me in debt and told me to consume more, buy buy buy! I SAID NO! Now I’m not dead! I have less than $1,000 in my name at any given time and breadwinner for 4 but i live life TRUSTING in the Divine to deliver in its perfect timing ALL that i ever need to ‘survive’ and i dont see us as surviving- we truly are thriving no matter what life hits us with because we are SOLID IN KNOWING OF DIVINE WILL OVER OUR LIVES. We are not going to waste time worrying- or listening to schmucks who want to profess we are wrong and full of bull shit... because THATS THEIR OWN LIES- im innovating when the going gets tough and my beloved supports every decision i make as the creatrix of this family! Were hustlers to the max when it comes to fulfilling our spiritual destiny- fuck money and ‘the American dream’. 

Now i am where i am this very moment designing this far too long mission and services explanation and its 2:31 on a Friday 6/29/18! I am starting this business and instead of throwing my money at a woman who’s presently in my life and cares only about collecting her money she came to my room on Thursday evening close to 8PM to inquire about “an overdue balance” I had with her. She assumes i made an agreement to 'pay' for a weekend of which during my visitation I did not feel equilibrium but utter abuse and corruption/contradiction. I attempted to save up for this weekend in the course of 2 years- but i was not feeling much "harmony" with them by the end of the two weekends I got to finally spend to with them to "test the waters" if we would have good 'orientation' together or not. The more detailed aspects of the tale will be revealed further in my book about my Metamorphoses and Remembrance and/or epiphanies of Trinity. I have ‘worried’ that they where too revolved around 'money and time' and it didn't take long for a spiritual confirmation to be made for me to make a decision and manifest a course of action.

These women where not concerned about discovering how much i love art and to draw and my attraction to birds/bugs, singing and dancing... i had to go against my own morals and lie to them to leave me alone while at work in avoidance of telling one of them (who is the more greedy one; the other just has a control problem) i havent called her girlfriend back because I don't feel comfortable speaking without a third party present. i know i will be attacked and that i will not be paying $600 to them. Why!? Well they wont want to know and likely many will hate me because i wont walk away silently this time and will expose what i see as wicked. I am not afraid to tell the Davids of the world to fuck off and get their heads out of their ass’s (a crack head ex of mine from way back when, my ex boss at Hand and Stone and my Beloved's Father) neither am i afraid to tell any woman whos imbalanced as anyone else and lack feminine YIN where to shove a cactus. They have become far too isolated and comfortable as a masculine frequency to allow it to rise into a balanced union within themselves. Whether man or woman it is necessary to maintain a "twin heart with Gaia and balanced 1 and 2. The one represents "From entropy to Syntropy". Such is the Dance of Shiva with the Codon Ring of Fire and ushers in the shadow of Entropy, brings a gift of freshness and can help us obtain the Siddhi of Beauty (when they hire a zoo keeper for the beast). The two represents "Returning to The One". So as you 'see it, so it changes' with the Codon Ring Of Water and ushers in the shadow of Dislocation, brings a gift of Orientation and can help us obtain the Siddhi of Unity. Without the 1 as the programming partner, the 2 cannot activate; when they collide magic happens. 

This is trinity Alignment’s greatest gift to offer... and education if none of it made any sense what so ever. To learn the depth of the following will change one's life. the balance of both 1 and 2 to come into the 3 (Trinity Alignment) is essential be be aware, mindful and conscious over to make a collective shift and bring upon the Dragonfly Dream (Explained in the 55th key and represents FREEDOM)!

 If these individuals can get beyond what I’m about to say and approach me with a new attitude and gift of generosity to not put the weight of owing them $600 over my head and move forward- then we will have a future friendship to encounter; otherwise in and as of this moment I decline invitation to be of any further acquaintance to them- and this is the beginning of ME CHOOSING FREEDOM. 
Such was a corrupt group I joined in attempt to see if we would make a good business partnership- this book will go in depth of the experience regardless of offense’s of this Prequel.
Ii came to realize they arent even in alignment with themselves and do not live by integrity of word and the language they speak to boast enlightenment- this constricted me in their shadows and drug me deeply into my own- which i am thankful for the challenge; However will make it known to them I do not need to be challenged in regards to whether “im am choosing freedom” or not. I was before the class liberated already by Divine Intervention- not by their Yuru Class’s. they told my rabbit self to shut up and i could not speak the light language that is my vocation of my pearl sequence (you can learn what this is) and it challenged me greatly to STEP INTO FULL EMBODIMENT and remove the last bit of fear that is even lingering making me hesitate to write even these first few chapters. 
I had to make a quick decision to continue saying yes to abuse in my life or for the final time say NO and move away from it. I have to now leave a place and many other therapist that I LOVE and enjoyed entirely mingling with every monday and Thursday; because I won’t tolerate being among what I term as energetic vampires. Doing so will be the death of me when it is death lingering over them… not myself. I dealt with the plague… the ball of darkness… the curse that followed me since birth and for a long time I assumed was the Devil wanting to possess me. Until I realized it was nothing to fear- that it was indeed just ‘myself’… that is when the change began to quicken within my cells in 2015. Let’s say I am 2 years into a 7 year cellular cycle I became ‘re-programming/scripting’since 2015. And what a tale of freedom do I have to share.
I’ve been observing a few healers I invited there with my spirit of generosity- this place was like a goddess temple- now it feels like a ‘whore house’- no offence to the business manager who is a doll and took a huge weight onto her shoulders after her husband passed almost three years ago but certain energies really effect it as a whole collective and i must state what I’m paying witness to.
 One woman in specific and by not naming names I’m trying to salvage relations- but we met in 2015 when i received my first ‘monkey mind yuru session’ at the Celebration Expo in Denver and my encounter of it was with another woman who instantly became a best friend who is someone i know and has experienced more abuse than anyone should have to- I being one of the few she has even trusted to be vulnerable with- took her heart seriously and have been holding it tenderly in my own hands for some time now and sadly she’s addicted to abuse to a point that she cannot see it continues and is not ascending her with these two women she puts her full faith and trust into. For a year before I met Malachi; I saw her every week and we ‘traded’- there was considerable amount of discord between her and this mentor of hers quite often but she kept this discord hidden for over 10 years. This is her own mentor she was with when i met her at the booth, this woman helped ground me and ive never had conscious awareness work done by her nor was I very familiar with her girlfriend and the both of them have a supposed miracle dog. That’s about all I knew before I began engaging with them. My best friends mentor boasts about her girlfriend she met over a decade ago and her great abilities. i have yet to witness anything profound to pay $700 worth for her time or $200 for a session i should have received when I volunteered to be of service in one of their booths this past June. Up until now she has been giving detox treatments at this bath house and ‘touching’ the minds and hearts of many through the technology she has obtained to utilize a 4D space and manipulate cellular or auric matrix’s. Such as a bio mat, aura star, and LIFE System. She sells various products to help with the gut and detox of the body and is knowledgeable of these things offering advice while servicing women with an Ionic Foot detox system. I Love these tools but honestly I’m willing to give up all this amazing stuff (material world) simply over one thing. Her greed. 

I have however been observing her auric and vibrational frequency and it truly is revolving in a circle that i cannot continue to spin and become dizzy and confused as we continue our dance of indifference in regards to it. It feels as if it is creating cancer in my own heart that she will not face is a virus to everyone she is influencing around us who are otherwise oblivious to the fact she is so toxic. Especially after the loss of her renound miracle dog. Now a fake level of joy has returned all in hype that they found a reincarnated version of this same dog who died of a blood clot reaching her tongue leaving her thrashing around trying to tear it off and leading ultimately to her final breaths. I cried hearing the story and find legitimate genuine heartfelt expression as her girlfriend spoke upon it at the pueblo expo. She said she is writing a book to be released in November… I too have a book I have been writing now for 2 years. I never got to share this with her as I still felt indifference with her no matter how i observed and tried to come to a means and perfect timing to express that i have the golden ticket out if she wishes to receive it. Such a individual appeared on my schedule one day for a massage at the spa just to disappear off of it ‘coincidentally’. 

I see the cancer this dog had and where it originated and the seed of the creation is the one washing my feet, I feel great empathy for her but will not align myself to her victim story through sympathy regarding any of her actions. mary once anointed oils on Jesus’s feet and so i honor her when she does this for me- it is the respectful thing to do to someone bowing before you in service even if they aren’t aware it is of “Divine Will”. This is when i see her soul truly dance and lay its touch upon me. I have wished to touch her and her beloved just as equally but they are too guarded. There are many I have come across… in my day to day life and online… that are also guarded and I struggle and pull my hair out wondering how to communicate with them.

I see the effects of these women boiling up in my beloved Best Friend and Sister and my heart is legitimately breaking as i have to separate myself from a group that my heartfelt intention was to unify and all of us to heal.  And maybe it will... but as all begins to unfold of my experience and destiny i write all of it with intent to have impeccability with word.  i joined this weekend adventure and stayed for the whole three day experience only to monitor my beloved Sister and her ‘charge’ who was another sweet soul who found her way into the bathhouse through my sisters mentor. I felt Shekina over me and guidance to watch over her the moment she arrived and i began praying for her liberation as i have been for my other sister and she innocently and as a cancer soul would took heart to assisting this charge of hers during a troubled time between them both and had genuine intention of love but she too i could sense was being drained by something! My attempts to tell her who or what brought only confrontation and contradiction. We had a fight a few months prior, a miss communication that also I needed her mentors help to get her to understand why I just needed to her ‘listen’ to what happened to me and a ‘breakup’ I had with another Sistar who I was experience one heck of an attachment curse with. I had to go through my “Energetic Divorce Technique” and bid farewell to her because we where just toxic in one another’s lives; and my other beloved in the moment; this this woman was at my hand fasting on 8/11/2017 couldn’t fathom why this was happening. And We got into a fight when I tried telling her and I was left leaving her house in tears that she would project such abuse towards me saying “im creating my own reality”- when really I already know this… and I just needed to share the ‘conclusion’ of an outdated programming process I HAD to decode and needed support as I did the hardest part of moving into a higher vibration- and that was detachment and “separation” because that is what THEY required. I have an eternally open heart and my door is open to such individuals whenever they wish to align to the greater dream with me; but until then; I am doing what I need to do to obtain freedom. We didn’t have much of a ‘reconciliation’ yet and she’s been so busy with her own timeline’s and I know if I put too much pressure on her as I did my other friend I tried talking to her about- that I too would loose her. I did not want this. I did not yearn for separation- I yearned for equality and Equilibrium to remain- for ALL OF US to find Harmony.

I felt instant connection with this individual who was her Charge and Shekina told me to be guardian of her long before she came to the bath house and she is a free spirit indeed. Liberation is in her own profile and she is one of the few who opened up to this in my life and let me introduce it to her thus far. I witnessed her on the first day already get screamed at and ordered out of these two ‘mentors’ apartment during the yuru weekend of hell and contradictory mirrors. I wasn’t there to hear or SEE the fight but i felt every bit of it as it was happening, texting both these beloved women of mine what symptoms or emotions they where feeling for i felt such rage... in regards to money... in my solar plexus and my right abdominal area cramped up. I had texted and met with this individual shortly after who had the contradictory encounter with the two women after the class. I already felt need after trading with her during Yuru practice to speak privately with her about this woman who i also was the entire day being told to shut up by and proclaimed the second i told her i had a vast awareness id like to express- shut me down and told me just like my entire family ever did growing up- that i was just full of bull shit. I stayed silent the first day- then i feel what happens to another woman speaking her truth of freedom to them and the energetic attack or spiritual warfare I experienced after and then the next two days. 

I only returned for the next two days to show them I AM SERIOUS AND DID MAKE THE CHOICE TWO YEARS AGO- but i stayed to see how their true colors and vibration presented themselves. I wished to try and make space to talk about it and bring equilibrium and harmony to the group but one woman just kept telling me to shut up anytime i even breached the subjects she was making a mess of presenting because she herself is a victim and hasnt obtained true freedom. How can one possibly approach someone who is so full of pride and comfortably tell them a truth they arent willing to hear or accept themselves but is the actual reality of a circumstance at hand? 
See my predicament- i do not wish to lie to anyone or seem wishy washy but i have not been given the green go sign that the vehicles I’m traveling with wont pollute the environment while we journey forth upon an adventure together. I will travel with those I trust and who DON’T GASLIGHT ME… or my friends.

I have to throw this at them and send a massive wedgie; maybe then they will see im not a push over and have some big girl panties on that CANT BE TWISTED like i know they will attempt to twist with their egos but I AM too present for them to do so as is my beloved and he wont hesitate to stand as my guardian. I cannot stop him from telling the world how much they have harmed myself and plenty other bystander's as they  live in denial of this they are corrupting many while deceiving Themselves. 

Im refusing to run and hide like i have my entire life. Im branding my heart as my wings are ready to stretch out and im on the runway ready for lift off! Whether i wanted to stay in acquaintance with anyone in that specific space, which has become energetically suffocating with the present vibration of the collective there, it is not possible for me to obtain equilibrium as it is now. And opportunity to leave abruptly has made itself manifest. If a few come visit me and have open hearts and space to reconcile then my door is always open; and we can continue our co creations together on grander scales then ever imagined possible- or they can ignore me as i step into my true Radiance with or without paying them $600.00. already paid $100, even that was more than Source expected of me and their puppy chewed up the page i wrote the vision down upon and while it happened her owner mocked "guess whatever was on that page is no longer relevant or matters"
Precisely-words out of the devils mouth herself. 
because this month i paid $100 for my Reiki Mastery to my own mentor who took me under her wing in 2014 before I met any of them; and I also had to accept ownership of a Private Business (my inheritance from great sweat equity) from my previous mentor who was moving to Ohio! So here’s the ‘synchronicty’ about Ohio. I guess the Detox woman once told this Charge a story that when a woman who lived in Ohio had confronted her about her greedy vibration and intentions- she retaliated and told the woman to practically go fuck herself… told us she ‘sent her kill energy’ and told her to high tail herself back to Ohio and DIE there. Ya I don’t need such a curse placed upon me because I am now also confronting this very thing she chooses to be defensive about rather than address. And its HARMING EVERYONE around her.  

Such was divine timing of it all- i love everyone even those who hurt me (for they teach me my greatest of lessons and how to turn them into blessings) and multiple others in their own poverty crisis. i am sick of hearing and running into a collective of women who have been effected and abused by these two women facilitating ‘yuru’. My mastery training was the weekend following the Yuru Abuse and the Reiki love i received was so very necessary to process the events of the previous two years and also felt more the essence of Yuru then those proclaiming to have downloaded the modality identified as Yuru and in Sanscript simply means ‘Guru. But being your own. Not rocket science and not worth $700 to share a weekend of with a group of people who do wish to change their lives but the narcissists can't see this. 

i come to the temporary conclusion (because i never conclude anything just spiral up in consciousness) that i cant consciously co create with people who have ulterior, selfish and greedy motives. On top of that refuse to witness this in and as themselves- and dont do anything to take accountability for their own vibration and frequency- especially when the ego and fear is calling the shots. I dont need to be shot anymore behind my back or cursed or from religious stand points ‘prayed for’ when their concepts are being challenged and i witnessed what it is they do to someone who does challenge them and i do not wish to be treated that same way so i threaded LIGHTLY... i was very silent; but VERY present as i indeed began weaving the macro into the micro... as i attempted to tell others about the ant's who where showing us how to do this. Everyone else was just annoyed by them. Fear doesn't annoy me... but grasshoppers keeping the little ants who want to break free of their own fear... does bother me. It’s one thing to fuck with ME… I can honestly handle anything… I bend and don’t break under pressure. I just choose not to engage with abuse and will deal with them from a distance.

I had to pick up the messes of these two women and catch them in their own manipulation and entities controlled them left and right even though they judge two women who smoke MMJ daily in their lives- and they proclaim ability to clear them of others and act as if "they don't have those problems" themselves. I DETERMINED THAT IS A LIE. somehow when were both combined (myself and the other 'smoker') MAGIC HAPPENS- she gets clients when im at a booth in the other room (so does the goddess who stood up to them the first day as I wanted to and thus she spoke truth for a collective that day feeling their pressure upon us all to 'break this limitation in our lives' when truly it is THEM who needed to break such limitation of their ego's and I stood behind and SHOWED UP with ONE purpose... to be with my beloved sister in the moment she polorized to CELEBRATE FOR HER! I wrote it down... 9:06 AM

seems she needed their abuse to do so- I don't learn from abuse anymore nor choose to attract this into my life- but i knew it was necessary for her to experience this workshop herself so that we could come into equilibrium in regards to an encounter of contradiction we both experienced a few months prior that I already explained briefly and also i witnessed a similar contradiction between her and her Charge when we where returning from Pueblo in June. I had to help them both process some very HEAVY DENSE energy- and because of the twisted teachings or ‘tricks’ that where taught by her mentor to her for years- it created another “abusive situation” that made everyone in the car feel contradiction and constriction out the wazzoo! Now I know how to handle these situations; I can tell my energy from anothers and pin point who’s is who’s and in this moment these two women taught me a great deal of what I have to offer others… and that I am safe to be vulnerable with- and I can help when PTSD triggers flare up. I just need others to trust me to “do my magic”. I have to say even though the two still haven’t made amends- mainly because my best friend keeps turning to these two other women for advice and they aren’t the one’s she should be talking to about it- I must state that I AM SO PROUD of the Goddess who liberated herself on the first day of yuru by simply standing up and saying "no i wont tolerate this treatment... how about this concept!?" and she walked out with COURAGE in her veins to continue facing the barbaric and TOXIC energy at our communal workplace. I honestly feel as if I have to walk around on egg shells- and I feel need to avoid her because of how shocked I still am.

So now i ask them "Where do YOU throw the prostitute under the bus?"

They will know what I mean when I ask this because it was discussed on the final day of class- and I took detailed notes for a reason. They will get copies of them all for full authentic revelations. (and scripting of this current chapter may shift or alter depending upon their future actions)

I can see where their own NO's are stronger than their YES... and how that is sabotaging us and killing my best friend, and completely drained her innocent Charge. 

My best friend is doing quantum readings and touch from a pure heart who knows the ways of manifestation and together we create much synchronicity of abundance and prosperity of various currency's. I chose not to “put out as much manifestation energy” at the pueblo fair as I did at the Denver one I magically got a booth at and it low and behold came to me on 9/8/2017! When I receive from someone I bring them prosperity also with intention that other's magnetize to them as well. This is no rocket science of the holistic 'trades' to me; and yet I felt spoken to like I am an ignorant fool the entire time I volunteered to be with them. I did perfectly fine attracting clients with my own card table- there is a reason I didn’t manifest as much ‘flow’ to their booth at the Pueblo Fair… It was a test… The Charge got very very busy yet I was still questioned “where can you offer your spirit of generocity to help her during a rush rather than sitting here just hanging out”. I will be the one to demand when I enact my spirit of generocity- I need no one to tell me how and when to look for opportune moment to do so. I now return to sender the same task. How can SHE now return the spirit of generocity this Charge brought to the booth and didn’t even get paid HALF the revenue of the service performed. They can’t offer this service- it is NOT THEIR TALENT- and she hasn’t received ANY clientele nor any “promises” by them where fulfilled to teach her Reiki if she came once a week and worked on the both of them for 2 hours at a time clearing their meridians and helping with the detox woman’s “cancer”. And yet they wish to ignore her entirely when she confronts them about what REAL “give and receiving” looks like. What REAL KINDNESS is and what MEANNESS is.  
I witness however for years now how they get money and prosperity feeding off other innocent women's open hearts and efforts. They almost got me- but I have my trusty Malachi as my walking lie detector when others try to throw me through a loop. I truly am my pearl of innocence and can be manipulated… but I’m learning how to CATCH people in the ACT… and BE A STOP CODON. They feed off the energetic rewards those individuals should be receiving as their own abundance! I see such selfish intentions; old Hags tired and worn out with no other resources and desperate for money as their clients dwindle, but ABUSING those still willing to service with a heart of generosity- and managing them through FEAR. I AM HERE TO TEACH HAPPINESS and EMPOWERMENT! These type of vibrational drag's in any sense would appear to be vampires... and anyone i discuss this situation with agree. Vampires are NOT something here to help CO CREATE ONENESS. They are here to create Separation with fear tactic's and this is a form of ABUSE. it's called GAS LIGHTING and it one of the most HIDDEN and DANGEROUS forms of EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL ABUSE as far as im concerned. I have watched my mother be abused through these tactics by men, I have been abused by such tactics also in my own relationships and I KNOW A NARCISSIST WHEN I SEE ONE!

 I see people in business’s world wide act like this and all of the 'leaders' scapegoat as much as possible when they are confronted. Just like governmental leaders… CORRUPT THE LOT OF THEM!

What will it take the entire collapse of your business (our society) for you to get it through your head that YOU ARE ATTRACTING such decay yourself through your own fear of it! My question to a whole array of business owners is WHERE IS YOUR HUMILITY AND BACK BONE- YOUR BALANCE OF MIND AND HEART- if such is LACKING what gives you the IDEA that you are capable of properly be MANAGING ANYTHING on the equality wheel rather than the abuse- if you don’t even know how to navigate these spectrum's of consciousness, and relationship building 101’s!? if you can't even manage your own vehicle... DON'T even try to hold space for anyone else because you will just corrupt their lives too as you crash and burn! 

ive worked at one too many corporate owned and small business managed practices under others for far too long and all i've witnessed everywhere I go is the amount of money, and time wasted on them training their employees... or for independent contractors don't even get a say about the innovation of the environment they volunteer their services- or even rent a room for outrageous percentages. just to watch them walk out the door less than 6 months later... because of POOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT and greed. And those don’t give a shit… because they are SO EASY “to replace”. Tell you what… my contractors… WILL NOT BE EASY TO REPLACE AND I WOULD BE HEARTBROKEN IF THEY ABANDONED THE BUSINESS!

I have left one too many jobs... because I won't tolerate how 'the world works' in business. Thus I’m stepping up to be one that IS INNOVATING BUSINESS AS WE KNOW IT FOR THE GREATER GOOD. It's high time SOMETHING STARTED TO CHANGE and SOMEONE STOOD UP AND MADE A STATEMENT AND LEFT A REVIEW OF WHAT IT TRULY HAS TURN INTO! 

 i am entirely sick of the corruption many do enact with and how they manipulate 'the sheeple'. They don't liberate them... or themselves... they just POKE THEM and chase them in circles until they are too dizzy to defend themselves. These individuals are SAVAGES against those truly innocent in their ignorance rather than EDUCATING them..something’s gotta give. im ready to make a difference.  and doing so might create a massive tsunami of INDIFFERENCE. but I'm okay with that. 
Because it's going to be a gigantic one. 

I cant keep witnessing and saying nothing as an activist of WORLD CHANGE AND PEACEFUL REIGN and for all those of shadow frequency to recognize THE HORRORS OF THEIR ACTIONS- even of those who play to be so entirely innocent-and as a Siddhi they would be but they wont even accept gifts of innovation from those who LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY to see how we all are! I want to love unconditionally. Be a spirit of generosity unto all.

 Wanna know the shadow of the 3rd gene key? Which is my pearl... what i have to offer others and is a constant ‘struggle’ or challenge to face in my life... that is the shadow of Chaos. I was born of it- and its the seed that will become a volcano in ones heart in the near future and they will have no other option but to contact me and say Namaste. I am bound and determined to succeed and help others succeed in life too. But to create Synarchy... NOT ANARCHY. Equality not abuse. These women will not be capable of escaping myself or my beloved in the future; I will not be intimidated by them in the public collective where  we BOTH service the WHOLE because they choose to remain and hold onto indifference's. 

They where a group who where attempting to show me how to be a proper business or fair booth manager- i felt i needed guidance and began building relationship but have only been allowed to open up a fraction of who i am and have been doing the last three years. Even my ‘sister’ fell out of contact in fear and victim that she has not fully gotten to experience my new vibration and its thanks so much to HER therapy- not her mentors resistance to adopting me as part of the team! Which took two years for her to say yes to all because she didnt want to work with someone that reminded her of herself at a younger age. Until now- and even now unless its business related and makes them money- They dont make the time other than when im paying them to ‘care’ about me. 

No woman who is at their booth makes a fraction of the gross income made; given promises that arent fulfilled unless ‘they pay’ or they tell them its their creation if they mention anything of struggle in their own lives. These women seem to assume they dont have the same problems or struggles but their actions and words do not vibrate at a level any higher than the ones they are attempting to train. Truth of the matter is right here in my hands- the keys- and They spin death into them. They spun it into me and i am doing much work to UNWIND it! As im attempting to do so they Drain and feed off of me and others- i have pictures of my aura beginning a day with them and ending a day with them! 
Also i have my beloved as witness when i had given permission for Yuru to be extended to him remotely during our class by one of the women- and he felt the vampiric intentions the second she connected to him. He left a resovore in his solar plexus but had a sigil guarding anything beyond this space within him and if she had access she would have drained his life force as she was me and many others for the past 2 years (or longer shes been doing this over 14 years). Such women are sucking off others wisdom and vibrance. Many people are doing this and a stop codon must become of some of us to end it! They are nothing but Old hags and worthy only of the two cents i will be leaving them with! 

Im Here to expose the ‘witches’ - for WE AS A TRINITY ARE GODDESS’S because EYE am making it so! I will do everything in my power of the holy spirit and burning bush within me to burn them with the holy violet fire and get them spinning like a figure 8 in the codon ring of purification! I wish such EVIL to cease- such entropy- decay- selfishness- greed and FEAR!I
 forgive all for THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Though we walk through the valley of the shadows of death- i will fear NO EVIL- for Shakti  is with me and my inner Rod and Staff comfort me! 
So i do forgive and TRUST
I am that I am
Word i am word with this intention
I know who i am
i know how i serve
i am here
i am here
i am here
Eye Am

Distraction, division, and diversion is only existent for the ego to separate and create an identity! i wont continue sitting by silently. Ill leave the toxic space and as a journalist /soon to be author i will expose the DARKNESS i witness around me as i begin creating my own reality in LIVE SCRIPT. I fear it not for it is my own creation- your own creation and the MUD that we can use to MOLD a vessel of light into a radiant MERKABA DIAMOND BODY 

The thing is these women run a booth at the mind body and spirit expo in pueblo and i felt such hierarchical expectation and attitudes that lacked spiritual generosity to such a degree that i am not wanting to engage further under such vibrations under their ‘rule’. I will as of next year just pay for my own booth and see what other therapists i can get there with me to be part of Trinity Alignment Therapeutics- i will be at the Celebration Expos in Denver (main one) and may extend myself in the future to be at colorado springs and pueblo so these women can’t really hide from me. I am shown vision being in the limelight whether they wish to be kind or mean is up to them. I choose to hold true to the Reiki way

Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind every living being.

this makes me scared as i dont want the worlds expectations placed upon me to be or present myself as a celebrity or Master (like Cho himself) a certain way and it also takes me out of my shy and timid old pattern of insecure behavior by stepping up and telling my story. I am taking action to break the patterns in our lives that created discord to begin with and this alchemy and mystical path is not for the faint of heart!

rather than paying these women $600 that they came to collect on thursday 6/28 as i sensed they would and was hoping to avoid but allas im forced to use my voice to quicken them for the letter and two cents i am indeed going to be delivering on monday. She came assuming we have a verbal agreement that i pay them $200 a day for the three day course and spirit already made it clear I WAS NOT to pay them a cent-a story to be foretold in the book or through me via questioning of individuals but they got $100 which was my wish to respect and honor them with their demand of money as equal exchange currency. i am and many others are not allow to extend currency of the heart through massage or quantum touch or for others bookkeeping and booth engagement/volunteer work- in exchange and ‘trade’ in their mind is ‘poverty mindset’ which is exactly where we will forever butt heads. This mindset feels entirely betraying of them since such ‘trade’ is yuru itself in action. I have nothing to create synergistic expansion with at this point if their primary focus is their revenue stream. 

 all money i now have has to be put into this private practice and i will be making a donation go fund me account for anyone who wishes to make this dream a reality a LOT quicker and help me get what i need to make my clinic a success - we would appreciate all offerings from generous spirits that are willing to give us such currency to make it a dream come true! I am investing in this private practice with every dime i can muster up- to leave where i have spent the past 3 years come November 2018 investing sweat equity into and building many relationships to network with and waiting for the opportune moment to spread my angel wings and fly

The women i just spoke upon i got jobs there- and yet she questioned me on my ‘spirit of generosity’ while im freely with them on a weekend purely to offer my culture this in and of itself. She said five years ago she muscle tested whether she’s here to live a life offering that or not and SHE received a NO- i dare her to retest. If its still a no- we have no reason to be acquainted. 

She challenge my ability of ‘presence’ by making her tone of voice so quiet i cant even understand a thing shes every trying to say so i have to continually ask ‘WHAT?!’ And feel like a moron! They cant seem to understand i had injury during childhood that took a good percentage of my hearing away in my left ear and its hard to strain my right to listen to people who demand using a low tone to make themselves look enlightened! I have learned to use my eyes like a set of Binoculars. I am someone who KNOWS the importance of looking rationally at the broader picture. I analyze most of the things i come across, using my eyes more than my ears-I HAD TO ADAPT BECAUSE I AM PARTIALLY DEAF- so I am rather skilled also in "lip reading"... and i know when the tongue is lying. So i have given these women a massive dose of their own poison's. I am not Mary Poppins and yes the suger helps the medicine go down but ITS ALSO RE-FINED. So instead of me 'owing' any money... they are 'fined' by me the equal amount in return for their negligence and abuse. aka their MASSIVE MESS OF OUR HEARTS thinking they have tapped into the greatest secrets of the YOU AND I VERSE'S! There is no equality wheel with them, they will just tell you to shut up or kick you out of their house telling you that YOU aren't free. Instead of suing them; Id rather show and represent what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF SOURCE truly is. I extend Shakti
 I waited around for 6 months+ longer then i had to to get to know these individuals and wait for a divine sign because it was made aware to me i will be expected to ‘move’ and i would be making such in my career before 2019. I was patient- sort of- I honestly have a difficult time 'waiting' for people to 'see the light' and get their own heads out of their abyssal assholes. I mean come on... this 'lightworking' and concepts of the MER KA BA is COMMON SENSE to me. but that died out of the human race a LONG time ago...aaaannnndd... welcome my sarcastic sense of humor. maybe "comedian" will be added to my list of success's. 

I have survived; myself; through the same old mediocre bull shit and all aside of getting heify with a few people who would rather live in their state of victim hood rather than rise above and heal their lives a year ago, i managed to GROW to be humble. Patience is a virtue after all. I challenged my family also, and this book will take my clients through almost every detail of this metamorphosis i experienced and must share to the world. 

I grew to feel as if i had wasted my time and was not receiving back even a fraction of what i was putting out in manifestation power. I feel at this place i work that i do not earn what i feel i am worth nor can i change the prices and upgrade the old booking and scheduling system that the owner out of her own fears of it ‘making the family focused facility go out of hand and crazy or the latter of loosing very long term clientele to return of she raises service prices for the fact that services are so cheap or in their mind ‘affordable’.  Once upon a time entry was $5 and a massage $11- i hear one too many ‘whine’ over paying their therapists for far too long! 

so in the past 3 years there i got opportunity to detox and listen to some of the most profound victim consciousness of women today and women who would rather bath in their emotions (fat) as a superficial whales rather than go to the depths and loose the ‘weight’! I love them as their souls are voluptuous but they are not treating their own bodies, minds and souls (hearts) with the damn respect their temple deserves. Their 'fat' shows how much the HATE themselves on a cellular level. how 'dead' they have become. And if such lifestyle choices continue... at least I'm setting a limit and stating I won't die right along side with you by choice. I'll make 'money' somewhere else because THAT is not the focus here. 

 I wont sacrifice anymore. Nor will i allow ANYONE to be a victim to such pettyness! That is sympathy; we can be empathic beings but SYMPATHY WILL ONLY ALIGN YOU TO THEIR VICTIM STORIES.

 I will only work on the women or men willing TO DO THE HOMEWORK so im not wasting all my energy when they come for alignment. Its a waste of MY SOUL AND TOUCH to be a temporary band aid for your pain! This is where people will see any 'attitude' from me. There is a level where I feel taken advantage of over the years and so many people are of poverty consciousness that it has been entirely the largest challenge in my life to escape it myself and step up to make a difference.
 if you truly don't want to make a difference... then let it dawn on you that 

loosing 10 pounds out of 200 is nothing to brag about; in doing so  you might just collapse the table while you are telling me I give the best massages in the world 20 minutes later

... I attempt to catch your heavy ass while it falls- but I am not "strong enough physically" to even DO SO. So i have to literally let you fall and risk you injuring your head. nonetheless the outcome is this:

That you're present enough to avoid the Karmic Wheel when it's about to hit you in the face: or be completely ignorant of it.

Now this is an actual experience i had recently with a real woman- but i didn't SAY these things to her; as i contemplated the symbology behind the entire encounter this is what came to my awareness.
 And who know's if I will see her before I am gone from there for women's days to invite her to my new private practice because she is a women i see a fire within that WOULD want to shed this weight and do it with STYLE! I have a table that is my own and has never collapsed on me unlike the one I was forced to use in the bathhouse. Such table 

was left behind by the male therapist who changed rooms and he abandoned me with it to 'clean up and throw in the dumpster' (I hadn't already because IT WASNT MY PROPERTY; but following this traumatic event of DUMPING ONE OF MY MOST WEIGHTY CLIENTS ONTO THE FLOOR and i felt HORRIBLE because it happened 3 minutes before the end of her session!

However embarrassing it was I still charged her the full amount for the session ($52.00 for 90 minutes) because it was not anyones fault and my time and pressure was still just as valuable. And this was a lesson she needed to learn- I am just the transparent miracle worker touching the DNA and watching the ego react in the most peculiar of ways. And thus i am always in eternal delight because I'm always laughing. Not at them... but in soul perspective... our human ego's who hold onto such identity as it does... are too entertaining not to. 
Such was a Karmic manifestation of 

her own ego and spirit being Shakti upon her to send message that "Hey you have some shit to deal with... and Gaia can help you get grounded with that!" 

If there is even a potential of this "chaos" to abrupt it is obvious one needs to make a change in their vibration and thoughts and to begin holding them selves accountable to shed the emotional bull shit they hold onto or stress over and focus on their goals with sheer determination to succeed achieving them! 

I faced all my own PAIN AND TRAUMA in this place- so much so the only time i swear it ever got smudged was a year ago after I BLEW UP over my attachment and judgments towards my ex husband. This same woman who demands money from me did somewhat help me break this barrier but claimed 8 minutes of this technique is worth $250 but she would do it for me for free if i was serious

about dropping it then and there- and i was so i said YES. I didnt see the effects of it (and she honestly in the moment pissed me off i went home angrier than before because i knew i created my own reality but that is ALL she would throw at me when i found myself to be blocked by my ex husband as i actually was making the change! Her repeat of this when i knew i was doing it only made me go into a sever bout of depression. I went through a few momentary dips but each one made me stronger. This women would call such ‘a wedgy’ and so here i am- my thanks to her is not paying money but giving her one right back- because thats what fucked me up enough to motivate me to get my shit strait in the head! And now that it is... i cannot be manipulated. 

I faced many mirrors and deep seeded fears of lack and survival and  as i waited for the unfolding i become neutral with it all. I leave with calm and peace in my heart- fully innocent as i leave a seed of chaos that the gift of innovation will only be seen by those with the eyes to see and ears to hear and step up to make a change for the better. If not- im out of harms way of the Yellowstone eruption about to go off- at least until winter when im at the bathhouse for the two open sundays per month- that is all i can offer with my spirit of generosity to the collective there. If they want all that I AM- then they can come visit me and get attunement alignments.

 For me time doesnt really exist (and thus some clients may just have to get used to the fact i may be 5-15 mins behind some days so their patience and expectation with ‘time’ will be tested greatly) and the paradox of being in the now is very obvious and so is the fact that i have a momentum to manifest some pretty magical things and i am not going to throw such an opportunity as this away. 
Point is i am following my intuition- innate genius- and all unfolding is because of my Higher self- that which unites us all into oneness. No matter who you are. My Higher self when I asked it what it's 'name' or 'title' was... responded more times than i can count... as "Trinity". So ... Here i Kymberly, present to you embodiment of my higher source known as TRINITY. 

this mindless chaos (not intentional for greater growth as i use) is what these women are stirring the pot with of their own ignorant egos. I can thank them for one thing- such is just helping me break free of my own and the resistance ive had to step fully into my own radiance, purpose and lifes work. Fact is i WOULD give them $600 right now if i had it; but all the clients they have now are thanks to me- we have equal exchange already happening between us and ‘my time’ given contemplating this for a month already paid for it all so iI have no debt or overdue balance with them in currency of any kind. If they want more money i do not barter with this currency for a reason with them because that will only enable their vamperic patterns. I offer an upgrade of Yuru- I give it innovation with a Midas Touch

If you believe you are worth $200 for one hour; So am I so please have at least $100 in hand and then we'll be even. 

my heart is open to ‘trade’ our services in the future and such will be free to receive between the both when they too remove their attitudes and 'knowing'. when they take off their own heads- we can sit down and have a talk. I am not here to lie to them- to avoid them- to hide; but I do demand they uphold the principles of courtesy, fairness, generosity, inclusiveness, Integrity, Patience, and Transparency then we can begin to build a REAL relationship...whether that be business related or personal. 

when one says they will come in three weeks to get a massage and receive ME i hold them to it- and if they CHOOSE NOT TO- and make me pay $50 for services I was under the impression we would "do a trade for"... This rather agitated me. They do not wish to receive what I have to offer so I simply mirror them what they are feeding everyone else so that they taste their own medicine with a dash of my RE-FINED sugar. And karma takes care of them for me (there is a reason their dog died) 
since they are choosing to spin on that wheel and at this point they are just enjoyment of watching hampsters on a wheel like a cat would. I've done and got OUT of the damn maze; I am not in no way going to allow anyone to drag me back into that again! I am not a mouse and neither do I SPEAK LIKE ONE- my voice is loud and was always meant to be! I may have to witness these individual kill another animal; or maybe they will choose to change their minds and vibrations; and save a life they seem to eternally boast about giving them joy and NEEDING to survive.

Attachment curse's SUCK I learned this within the past 7 years but the gift of this is that wedgies unfold in due time and then everyone receives their piece of the pie months later. 

I'll be as cruel as them; that if they don't choose then this is their ‘own death’ to deal with and I won't be around much longer nor will have much "time to wait around for them" because I'm about to get super busy where as... they have had the past 2 years to make a change in their own lives; and I HAVE been actually re scripting my story- not just writing a book of boasting of fake “great joy”- I see my paradox shifting but I see them standing in the same place. 

 Hey you two; you're creating your own life- take a look at this; I'm on a mountain peak chanting OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA witnessing every sunrise and sunset from dusk until dawn. What are you doing? walking your dog and sending death energy to anyone who opposes you or tells you that you're full of greed. 

i have nothing more to offer other than delight with the body and i think my touch is worth an hour (or $200 also) with gadgets they acquired and now that i know of their existence I will make them manifest in my own 'healing light clinic" for the enjoyment of anyone who wishes to Incorporated it into their lives. It will also be offered at HALF THE RATE- they ever would even think to grace upon humanity. 

 someday i will afford to have all on my own- not because I pride fully obtain it of my own means and for selfish means of gain but because Spirit gives me faith to know it will bring me people who will want to help build a greater dream together and pitch in for it! I'm just waiting for them to hit the donation button and start receiving holistic Care and be guided through holistic means of health that would be best for their bodies at this time. (Diet is irrelevant) 

Stop buying into the notion that ALL your limitations... or thoughts of death... ARE TRUE! I will AWAKEN the codon Ring of Life And Death is is my birthright because I ALREADY went through those wormholes!

I AM seeking mutually satisfying interactions even if i don't get what i want- I am accepting change, and know when i am becoming a doormat! I AM A GATEWAY... I have keys to MANY doors and wormholes through the BLUE APPLE OF MY EYE; this represents my Ajna, my third eye... my pearl...and it is very open... Peacocks follow me for a reason because the represent the BLUE PEARL. 
and yes... 

Birds surround me because I am the one leading the flock as a Phoenix DOVE (and one of my beloved best friends will be joining in my private practice and she is my 'lost dove' who is worth taking a drive to the mountains to visit) 

The Owl forever is one of my guardians and i work in tandem with an Owl Shaman. I am a Fox Shaman... that is the medicine I use and that is why my logo represents Trinity Alignment Therapeutics with such. But All of the Animal and insect kingdoms speak to me and I dance with them. I see their messages... and the Dream Arc they form together. It's them who see my needs and fill my needs for conscious awareness and keep me present and authentic. 

all doors that are opening is thanks to my intention of awakening those around me into their greatest potential to create an economic partnership where by ALL partners benefit; not just two. 
 I take gratitude but I don't take "credit"... My will is unified with Divine Will and I have a pure heart. 

I may stutter and show signs of dyslexia (confusion) does not mean you can prey upon that 'weakness' and my insecurity when i do make attempt  to use my voice in self assurance but with a stutter (because I AM AFRAID...everyone shuts me down and hence why i repeatedly express that "I AM TOO MUCH FOR PEOPLE"- and yet they keep saying " you can never be too much you are safe"... however why did i NOT FEEL SAFE?! I am not lying; this is their own perception of outdated concept's in which their ego has  held onto and the cell's need reprogramming to script a NEW STORY and create a new memory.

Just because someone holds space for a group does not give one a hierarchical right to abuse others within that circle: and give themselves permission to extend such abuse to others in sake of enlightenment. 

I have had this autistic problem since I was a young child. I will in the future be looking into working with and counseling (while also offering holistic massage and reiki) to such ANGELS as I am in hopes that i can deter them from a future of programmed self sabotage and victim consciousness that may begin to become memory of abandonment, trauma, rejection, blame, shame or guilt- or attaching to any of the fears they will be tempted to succumb to  when they come face to face with such a cruel world as we witness around us. 

The only way to change anything is to become the change. the only way to help the planet and humanity as we know it is to go within and find peace in our own hearts... and one by one the world will bloom into a new radiant Eden on Gaia. Then the Autistic's will be truly understood for what they are as miracles. 

I am done with bullies.With intellectuals. With 'know it alls" and anyone who wants to proclaim a single ounce of ENTITLEMENT or ownership to ANYTHING based off of their education or LACK OF assumption that they 'dont need any because i arrogantly depend only on myself for answers'. 
There is a fine balance and with duality of this dimension and its current collective vibrations:  bringing both into a neutrality of Oneness and evolve into Universal Love will be the legacy I leave behind if I truly do succeed as this is the intentions within my own DNA... to make a reality before I die. I truly will be a tree of life, wisdom and knowledge... and if you try to cut me down... i'll swing a branch at you... 

 The great thing about autistic people... (some are self functioning and others need assistance... i am in the middle of this as is my beloved and my two children) is that to us Shaman's... they are the greatest of teachers and truly the most free of us all because they battle not with an identity and truly embody the mind of a child well into adult hood. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. As the Gene key of Innocence is MY PEARL- this is the greatest gift to bring to one and all. Seeing the world through the eyes of the children. 

Autistics  have too many persona's and are far too OPEN to embody just one. That's is why they are so unique...why they seem they can't be controlled. Because guess what...we can't. and it doesn't matter how much medication you shove down our throats... label us as "schizophrenic" or belittle us with terms like "multi personality disorder". When will humanity realize... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH US.... the belief in WRONGNESS is what creates HELL. 

NOW LET US  bring about great change in peoples lives; into your own life.

 There is a reason that SUICIDE is hitting an all time high... and mental wards barely having vacancies  because those who ARE awakening are being OPPRESSED that than seen as EQUALS to the other's who claim to be 'genius's and have degrees of whatever'. YOUR DEGREE DOESN'T MATTER. Neither does my certificate on my wall stating i did "such amount of study in any one subject of interest". I am so much more than a massage therapist... and a degree won't change the innate intelligence i was born with and I don't need something on my wall flaunting that "i achieved an education". EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO FREELY! 

when we try to find outlets to share what is happening to us and the METAMORPHOSIS we are experiencing in our bodies-and there is no where to go; we get told we're MAD, CRAZY, and mentally ill. WRONG. 

Whether i was 'on board' with this destiny before me or not... it was to become of my own human design regardless. In my experiences alone i would have been driven to become a "therapist" and I have always been NATURAL at it. Now that i understand my life's work and purpose... I don't need nothing else to further PROVE "my potential and gifts/talents". Maybe people should at this point simple trust that im not am imbecile and can think for myself and act as a minister upon the masses. It is MY FUTURE and it is already been shown to me for a very long time, that i will work with autistic children and other adults who struggle with addiction, mental illness, and abuse of all kinds (whether that be physical, mental or emotional). And i will help them HEAL THEIR LIVES. I can't reach such a spectrum of people staying in a little ole bathhouse twice a week all day long when all im able to do there is burn up during the summer and freeze during the winter and bend over women who literally have NO want to do anything more than what they are to thrive. And those who do... will follow me to my Private Practice and won't mind actually honoring me with a currency that is more equal in quality of exchange for the transformational touch i have to offer. 

 So I will be departing from this collective of women. The two in particular in which i leave with a concerned hesitancy because I care about every therapist there that they are hooking into-through my quantum workings and transparent involvement- i hope they understand at this point that they got more than $700 with my love currency and so i think they got a bargain. I love everyone that comes in and out of that bathhouse no matter their shape or size- and i DO NOT WANT to hear another 'rumor' (no wonder they came to hate gossip and tried to 'teach us a lesson about it' in Pueblo) that THEY ARE NEGATIVELY EFFECTING SOMEONE'S ENERGY BODY through FEAR TACTICS- these are NOT NECESSARY for the 'detoxification' process that people come to them for assistance. 

 I will not hesitate to inform the business owner of the corruption at large if it doesn't come to a stop immediately. 

If they want more currency from myself - a new contract will have to be signed or else its a simple buh bye

one must CHOOSE the new vibration.

If they do; I hope to receive a text saying

 ‘I am choosing this new vibration will you share time with me in your new office so i can in kind receive the gift of equilibrium so once again harmony can be obtained between the group”. If not- again i have little birdies everywhere keeping their eyes out for ANY CORRUPT MOVEMENT beyond this moment... and individuals creating such toxicity... will be brought to the managements attention of whom's facility they are allowed to operate their independent practice at this current time
After such I would only expect that proper motions of action will be taken being the following 
Addressment of abusive attitudes towards multiple practitioners (god knows how many clients) and proper "firing" if it is not otherwise taken with accountability and acknowledged accordingly 
further servicing under said facility will come with newly innovated guidelines; Guidelines by which the following principles are to be extended between every one of the independent contractors and transparently with the clients! 

***Do not make a jokes about death or seed fear into one another of any kind. Always uphold and focus upon:

Courtesy, Fairness, Generosity, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Patience, and Transparency.***

any breach of this agreement will terminate their opportunity to be part of the community that has been there for a very long time and to maintain it as a stable unit- such protocols must be enacted amung the Society. The business manager may also decide not to “get involved”- there are many “timelines and parallel realties” to take into account but…

If they choose to not even have to attract all that other drama- they can arrange a meeting with myself, Malachi and “the Charge”. this meeting will be to celebrate with me and 'will be free'. Such will be a time set aside to not waste upon  stupid criticisms but of delight and to laugh at all the stupidity up until this point- of the no point- to the no matters - of word and for us all to begin having right understanding to the light language ready to awaken in us all! 

Please Realize I AM the cookie... and im about to crumble on everyone! But some think they are the milk and honey and the cookie will get lost in the half full cup of Mucus (sickness) if they arent careful and choose to have impeccability with tone and word - as to them ‘this is a sign of truth, and even they stated one “has to honor what is in print”… well… I’m putting my entire LIFE into print… and I’m hiding NOTHING because I HAVE NO DESIRE to hide.

the next time they speak to me I would hope they change their approach. So far their own tones and choice of words- has created an entire MESS of things- so much so one woman during the yuru weekend the first two days spilled two glasses... one of coffee and the next day a shake. And she said ‘hmm looks like everyone is cleaning up my messes for me this weekend’ especially her girlfriend (who is the main detox one who works at the spa) who was cleaning up her messes because she couldn't being busy ‘teaching’ or running the workshop for us and ‘had a time frame to end at 12pm’. Also a little birdy told me along the way that they heard this woman saying something that "massage therapy is useless; it doesn't do anything it just moves it around"... I entirely after 10 years of BEING ONE- BEG TO DIFFER. And i ask "what is YOUR PURPOSE being in a bathhouse that makes most of its revenue off of the independent massage therapists and body workers. Ya this woman who LOVES the word FUCK... can go as her own glasses rims state and 'FCUK' HER OWN VAGINA (she loves that word too) - I personally don't see myself as one and i certainly don't need to be treated like a whore as I was by far too many men in my life already! This shows me how Femininely IMBALANCED one is- and so i write my letters of pressure. And a mission statement that will bring great pressure upon many.  

I won't be told to 'stop rabetting' by anyone; stop acting as if you're some damn entitled Madam of the place- you wouldn't even know it existed without MUAH! And the business owner already banned you from it once- probably would've take much other than a letter to convince her to make that an eternal promise. Or you can make a few calls that don't make you sound entirely full of yourself and pig headed... offer me a pearl I'm willing to bargain for... and I will no longer have to throw my own radiant pearls to swine. Then we might be able to have a decent conversation... oh and begin to build a relationship that someday maybe one of your retreats and workshops will  be WORTH $2,000 and you will have manifest people to service who have such wealth and not be peddling in pond scum of broken women who are neck deep in victim consciousness at some Denver Spa. Now I am taking actions because i don't need to settle for that vibration. My HOME is where my heart is and my heart HURTS around you. That is my honest truth. Until you stop telling me I'm creating this reality... and not taking accountability for what YOU are creating... because I KNOW my ROLE... i have journeyed every curve of my own BEING... and I don't need validation from anyone to say I AM FREE. 

 I can help one perfect their words-their affirmations to manifest miracles! To be impeccable with their language. I dont need these women educating me on how to speak such language- i do already if they would engage more CARE-FULLY with me. I want to KNOW people to help them fix themselves- i cant do it for them- and neither can some outside "source or angelic being"... You and ONLY YOU must reclaim your inheritance as a DIVINE BEING. 

Me of all the dyslexic alive- the one most afraid to be a public speaker or use her voice when told to shut up- yes i speak light language through autowriting and then reading of the word or singing of a song. I tried to say my awareness is MASSIVE- is not my ego and im not full of bull shit. I have my husband with me everywhere for a reason because he is my strong authoritative voice when i cant muster one up- and HE CAN channel this language in other tongues physically! I carry books around so that i can even GIVE THE WORDS to the vibrations i rabbit in passionate attempts to try to explain otherwise and sound like an idiot! So people take me as such. my beloved speaks this language of light in totality and reminds us what it was like to be immortal and as we remember who we are as creators- One with Source- we can finally UNIFY and continue with fun and games, free as little rabbits not needing fear if a ravaged dog, bird of prey, or any other beast is going to bite our heads off and be mean or not! Im here to show what meanness is vs niceness. It seems I am facing this shadow both in the online meta space and in my own reality... being challenged to evolved greater into Universal Love

lowering your voice to match the deep tone of my beloved when you are a woman- shows sheer insecurity and that one felt intimidated by another’s talents that surpass their own! This is what the ‘yuru master’ did when she met my beloved for the first time and her girlfriend was appalled i requested if he could possibly come to the fair the weekend prior. These women avoid him like hes a plague of ‘death’- hes just a sin eater- and he sees the darkness consuming their light soon to extinguish  anyways and then he retrieves the soul and releases it from the avatar when the body finally dies. When and where or how- depends upon their own resistance to the awakening process here for this planet and the repercussion of choosing to remain ignorant to the change that is happening and going to continue happening- until humanity is annihilated again or - they wake up and see it is themselves creating the discord and ‘evil’ and that yes- they too are creating their own reality 

lots of it is focused upon money and thus they are starting to see a dwindling down of clients- as i remove my arm of Grace around them and place it over others who where told they where going to die by the words spoken through this old hags mouth- speaking projection of HER OWN fears- 
I know a handful of others who where influenced by her- and they too felt the reality of such a curse spoken over them of 'unworthiness and lack and felt encased in a fog of stupidity but when away from her feeling completely clear and empowered again.

 I have found the seed of cancer inflicting many at this time- and a cell is only cancerous when one does no trust in the Divine or their own ‘safety’- when one is in the survival mentality- and i can promise people- ‘cancer’ never showed up in my body before i met her and her dog- though it was a future concern as my family and relatives all struggle with such dis-ease and ‘surviving it but i refused to fear and was beginning to asses a life change so it didnt become of me also. I do have heart problems- and its hard to breath at times- but this doesnt weaken me. 

my last LIFE SYSTEM scan with her showed cancer becoming encased around my heart - in the actual facial tissue that wraps around the heart! I had been waiting two years to join ‘forces’ with this woman and change peoples lives- but she wants to be the ‘ring leader’. How can one lead a life as a programming partner when they dont even know what codon ring needs to be addressed!? As i said this woman came to collect money from me at the end of the day- not to just check as an empathic healer- but i knew she wanted one thing only- that was money. I told her she would receive ‘it’ on monday. She left and returned to ask why i never called her girlfriend back... i wished to say so much but all i could muster up was a white lie that id make time to talk to them both soon- ive been busy- but that we did have things we needed to talk about. I tried to be honest as i could be without opening a can of worms before my last client. The encounter with her however really sent a lot of anxiety through me- i shouldn't be ‘afraid’ to talk to them but the fact i am speaks for itself that i can't trust them. And i listen to my body. Im not the only one to fall ill after engaging with her or being around her. I came to realize during my 8 pm a client named kim (my name) said she has breast cancer- is getting treatment and i noticed a butterfly tattooed on her left hip/top butt and spirit spoke to me saying 

‘Fear not my beloved- you are safe. you are recovering too and the feminine yin is rising within you- you will not die- be strong and fly through this storm with the gift of the 8th key - Style!!! You are no longer a victim to the mundane. this is you journeying into the channel of originality- do it with glee so you can breath again! the codon ring of water is blessed upon you by the Shekina! You are holding it all together with exquisiteness and coming into the diamond of self realization for the purpose to walk as and be an example unto others! May you now become the water over earth that is needed to bring Competence to the surface of many and dare them to receive the bounteousness you have to offer them of Grace that you have obtained by showering mercy, forgiveness and compassion upon yourself first and therefor to many others with a purified heart!"

My invitation now is this- there are MANY WOUNDED healers amungst us... and  I am guardian of them all. I know when I see one and I extend keys. let us find equilibrium and sing in praise that WE ARE free and eternally connected to Source no matter the movement we make with the body. But moving the body FEELS GOOD, because it gets the DNA flowing and breaking up! Breathing, tantra, dancing, chanting, singing, painting, drawing, playing an instrument or even sleeping are the greatest joys in life! Enjoying the sun anytime of the day and the moon as it phases are magical moments. making effort of putting our feet in the dirt and creating a twin heart with Gaia- are all conscious things to do to remain present and in balance with our own Being. 

I will help all make this a daily practice in their lives as i also step forward into the sun and allow it to fill me up with quintessence. I chose during the Yuru weekend to spin all the judgment of the past 3 years - against myself or ANYONE- out of my body. But this woman is now making me spin back into constriction and i am not allowed to express the freedom ive obtained and connection to source- but wasnt able to share this because she doesnt believe obtaining such a Siddhi state is possible! Regardless of HER limitations of the mind- I gleefully danced on the church hill with their reincarnated puppy and we jumped in Joy into the new Golden Ray of the dawn! as my soul echoes through every being that stood before me- i witnessed a miracle in motion! All while paying notice and awareness of the the fear and shadow archetypes we hold to bugs of all kinds beneath our feet- or who bite us for no logical reason! But there is one and i spoke to them about it all- every animal plant and insect- even the Sun that snuck behind the clouds to show my own feelings as i am the storm bringing and boy did a storm come in when the weekend was over- a storm i didnt even know was brewing up as the grass prickled my feet making them go numb and i surrendered to allow the raindrop dews hit my cheeks even though the cold takes me out of my comfort bubble- i allow such to be blown up. Such was a cocoon blocking me from obtaining my dreams! I was ready to be reborn as a butterfly!

Bugs are here to teach us great lessons and bring us glorious blessings if we hold them gently with tenderness in our hearts. If we dont you may find they haunt or visit you in your dreams- with a whole array of others in the animal kingdom!  if you flick or shoo them away onto the floor they may find it necessary to have a vendetta against you and a little spider like the little black one that bit my butt and told me he was going to after i rudely swept him off my bed- will not hesitate to teach your a vibrational lesson in regards to your own frequency in any moment! 

This little dude fell directly on me and landed on my left arm- startled me and i brushed it away- then it landed on the bed and started to charge me instantly! I felt its intention of ‘attack’- and as a giant i was very mean and in a moment of irritation and misunderstanding i blew him onto the floor as the codon ring of the whirlwind passed through me! I heard his little voice ‘ima get you when you are sleeping for that- i just wanted to say hi!’ And i woke up with three little bite marks on my right bum. 

This is pretty much how i felt ‘attacked and brushed off’ by these women. I feel ignored and im just trying to kiss you on the cheek- or find time to! 

“Little Miss Muffet.
Sat on a tuffet,
eating her Curds and whey;
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away”

They are Miss Muffet- i am the spider. However at times they where the spider and i was Miss Muffet. I can willing atone for when i was Miss Muffet- and i believe i have been. Now as a spider weaving a web for a greater dragonfly dream- i hope not to frighten these Miss’s away. 
Okay so gist to this story- this is my paradoxical predicament with these very women! I was a white spider- the one i saw during that weekend in their healing room and it was above my table watching me- and one black fly buzzed about on the window. the spider who bit me at home was black one and reminded me to be mindful of when i am playing the victim- and the other night being even temporarily afraid when normally im not- i got bit in the ass for it! Fear IS POWERFUL! But so is love

I was now weaving a web of lies- but total transparency. Hence the white color of the spider encountered over the weekend. I chose to remain with intentions not to pay another dime but after further meditation and contemplation upon the entire drama fest- would pay them a letter of my two cents and That was Zen this is Tao now about it. I did this To prove how present i am already to see and cut through bull shit. I did not do this in judgment or with arrogance and am hoping to be a way shower of a new form of arrogance- a more respectable and AUTHENTIC forms- i brought with the gift of Totality and it was preconceived labeled as a ‘conclusion’ and told to shut up so it couldnt even be spoken further upon! I refuse to throw my pearls to swine. My impeccability comes through letters as i learn to speak such poetic truth with my voice in time.  

The coded transmissions i received at this moment is that the feminine is rising and i received it through the butterfly on kim who has cancer. such was a symbol that much fear still is also present within me of this being a reality for my own physical vessel if i dont take my health seriously. Its not just time for myself but many around me i pay witness to- to begin reprogramming the DNA to heal their life. my ass hole BITCH CUNT of a masculine ego and codon ring of fire has a potential- if i dont remain balanced- of making a massive chaotic storm and whirlwind of a problem when it gets in the way of the feminine codon ring of water and tries to over power it. Which isn’t possible such water doesn’t have a carrier oil for the fire to effect it- even then water over powers fire BY NATURE! There is much pressure upon everyone involved with me because i am ushering in the 8th key as i am daring to be Divine! 

“One of the deepest fear is emerging from the eighth GENE key is the fear of success. This fear is reinforced through its programming Partner), the 14th shadow of compromise. You compromise your dreams not because you fear you will fail, but because you know that to succeed you will have to rebel against the whole of society and its expectations of you.”- 8th Gene Key 
All therapists who I employ as independent contractors or refer one to will be verified PURE HEARTS and be incorporating concepts of the human design and the Gene Keys into their own lifestyles. Whether that be for meditation, mental/emotional wellness and self being or Yuruing practice; they will find alignment through its vast wisdom of the spectrums of consciousness we are accessing! 

Come little children ill take the away; Into a world of enchantment; Come little children the times come to play; Here in my garden of shadows; Follow sweet children; Ill show thee the way; Through all the pain and the sorrow; Weep not poor children; For life is this way; Murdering beauty and passions; Hush now dear children; It must be this way; Too weary of life and deceptions; Rest now my children; For soon we’ll away; Into the calm and quiet; Come little children; Ill take thee away; into a land Of enchantment;
Come little children
The times come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows
-Erutan Come Little Children-

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