Friday, December 29, 2017

The Return Of Te Fiti’s Heart: A True Twin Flame Love Story in the making

Woke up with this vision 
3 RE’s in Trinity
These are the Gifts of self the Divine of our Sovereignty has to offer 
I am guided to share a moment my dad had with his father in the past few days and its something that hits a core wound for me that ive been healing in regards to my grandfather since i was my daughter Graces age of 10 and links me to karmic ties with my biological mother Laura. My dad forced himself over to his parent's house the other day and made them sit and talk to him. Hes had some pretty crazy experiences that only he has been able to talk to me openly without judgment about for i too experience such near-death events and awakening dramas. 
My grandparents are the seed of condescending judgment in the family and im avoiding them this year for once along with my mother to allow organic flow and be around those who have shared equal respect towards us as we show towards them. For so long now i kept my pain inside and my mouth shut- so much so i have felt drawn to suicidal tendencies like cutting or coming up with ideas to kill myself- counselors worried about me but regardless it didnt help any that they cared because the ONE person you wished gave a flying fuck was the most rigid, racist, atheist, prideful, Germanic, mason ELITE ANTICHRIST JERK you could grow up with and revolve around or walk on the eggshells of an entire family with. His name is John which is my dads middle name and my husband's middle name. My son i took his middle name and joined John and Anthony together to create my oma’s dad’s Original name of Anton but i added a T “Antton”. This name alone has great power and through my book, i will teach how each name within our families show us clues and create wormholes to access who we truly are and our Original Blueprints. I love working alongside astrology and numerology when on the path of Self Discovery and TRUE LOVE
I was so alone and depressed especially after my ex-husband had an affair with a girl by the name of my own cousin and who not only video taped the birth of my son but someone i considered a best friend so my husband may as well have been sleeping with my best friend; Amanda; the cousin who is praised 24/7 by this Opa man and the family is gloated about often because shes so successful and always full of joy and rainbows and sunshine; i, however, am the complete opposite of her as the Green Witch and my sister Taura is just a wanna be of the “Good witch” she is but ultimately stands on the fence with both in victim-hood as the raging Gorgon of Earth and Sea- drowning in the raging seas she has unconsciously created in her own life along with my mother Laura.
I eventually began doing experiments with drugs and partying to escape and attempt to find my own identity so to speak. Discover WHO I WAS and was willing and courageous to take every risk necessary and allow myself to ENJOY my “nasty” as TRUMP likes to call it. Now you dont need to be a party animal.. one does not need drugs to experience life to its fullest. i did drugs for a few months... off and on in life i play and explore and they bring me many revelations... but its not an addiction of any kind. MMJ we smoke because we feel One with the Earth when we do. it is part of us so to speak. anything else... haha we deserve to have a little fun... we both had our experiences with it and in the future may play with other hallucinogens but likely wont touch meth even with a 10-foot pole and neither of us dared mess with heroin. we arent even heavy drinkers. the occasional margarita, cocktail or crisp apple beer is all we encourage upon but even that has its limits to being one in an evening maybe 3 times a month. You dont have to be a party animal to do this stuff. We were because we are LIBRA'S... it's just part of our personality to go all the way like that. But it is not a requirement of anyone else for everyone has their own zodiac, numbers and placement among the stars and if they choose to get a chart done then they will learn in depth more of their own personality traits to explore. 
I feel i had a birthright to explore as i pleased without the continuation of trauma and abandonment these ‘masculines’ and other family and friends caused and the attachments of which i had to them allowed them to siphon away my inner power and i will state it right now where 'demons' and 'entities' and 'satans' i allowed to suppress my Goddess and they attempted to deem her “unfit and unworthy to be a mother”. I cry as i transcribe  this today for memories of them threatening and for a short period; physically removing my children from my custody and how the audacity of doing so because i refused to take accountability for responsibility that wasn't yet again MINE to shoulder- that alone fuels my rage and empowered me to do break free from them and anything and everything that wished to dare question me and tell me "you can't do that"... to LIBERATE US ALL! The thing about darkness though is that without it... we would never see the light. So regardless of the tangents, I go off on over these people places and things... They serve a DIVINE purpose and I LOVE THEM FOR THAT. So without these ASS 'HATS'; these MONSTERS in my lives... these ‘antichrists’ - i would not have been activated to pursue what I am successfully achieving now! 
Ive graduated from the Temples Of Illumination and no one has a clue but my own dad! Again tears of release these memories shall become for the final purge and return of MY HEART- after which all memories will be minority reported and total recall will be the new way of being in ‘control’ of what thoughts we perpetuate for the greater Well being of all. 
So my dad Peter for maybe the 3rd time in our lives: confronted my Opa in regards to his comment when i was a kid and chose not to tell him and my opa that i was going to take a meditative walk by myself around the block having been given direct permission from MY FATHER to so if I pleased as i was showing signs of anxiety through the process of my parents divorce. My opa hates my mom. And i will use the word hate because he does with a passion. Im not sure why he still hold onto this negativity and lets it fester- we all are moving on- all but him. Hes suffering of cancer and still it is so hard to pick up the phone and say “hey before i die i would like to get to know your new husband and clear up all the dissonance between us so we can feel comfortable around one another again” is too much to ask for!? God forbid!?
So taking a walk ‘made me as stupid as my mother’ apparently; imagine how he would respond to this book. i was so horrible as a kid in his eyes; such a failure; because i didn't want to help clean their bed and breakfast on what to me a visit to Arvada On Golden Pond should have been more like a vacation away from Avon. getting to drive by “Kymmy’s house was my favorite on the way there- the house i was born on Simms st and we moved back i to in 2002. my dad still lives there and i spent my teenage and young adult years in it. Otherwise, i bounced between my parents since i was 4 in which as a transitional home we lived in Arvada what i called “The Blue House”. This 2 hour trip from our mountain home in Avon was a time to relax and goof off in my eyes- it would be summer and no school or a holiday for me unless we where all on a trip at Lake Powell; i did not wish to be forced to do manual labor on responsibilities that are these homeowners chosen burdens and NOT MY OWN! Everything was so micromanaged and I couldn't learn under those conditions. I needed creative outlets that where not available to me as they are now and that I have worked in tandem with the Creator to manifest so that we can achieve our greatest dreams 
Though the experience of tending their gardens or homes taught me a lot on how to tend my own home it, however, came with the symptoms and molded into my fold an OCD control freak. when cleaning and making my bed every day- the level of perfection i 'require' has driven me mad. Not only physically but in an esoteric scenario also I'm just as NIT picky! Yes Virgos perfectionist traits come into play. Comes with benefits of having everything glittering and sparkling and organized as a clean house would be and makes me to appear like i have all my shit together- but didnt do SHIT for my mind, emotions and NEUROLOGICAL well being all the years which where unraveling at the seams. I stop giving a crap more and more about how my house looked, how i looked and i will describe in later chapters how this affected my die-T (my death wish of Trinity) of 'anorexia' and very high intolerance to a lot of foods. I cant express very much around this family unless i do it superficially like my cousins do to their own extremes for attention. That just is not the type of woman i am and i do things my own way. Im so taboo that they label me “the lost soul”. Ehhem- my sister is the lost soul- Eye am ancient and Found. [this synchronizes with where i buy many of my gifts this year in 20017 for my wedding and Christmas and it is called Lost and Found Antique Mall) 
This family doesnt give a shit about any of that! They are too busy to be SPIRITUALLY sentimental and if they are its superficial and loaded full of dogmatic catholic crap! And its the ONLY THING my dad and I lay focus on. We focus on unconditional love of those even with messy homes and lives- we don't nit pick their home; like his parents instilled in us in their autocratic conditionings- We HELP them clean it up when we visit; even if our finger is healing from damn near being cut off by the hands that feed the Avatars mouth of itSelf (this is yet another chapter to come). they focus on the material external gains one has or hadnt achieved or have their own scales of what is or isnt defined as 'PURE' or 'moral'.In their worlds; Its all your stupid ass fault if youre sick and if your not dying you best be busting your ass staying busy doing something. God forbid you enjoy your life in ways that arent lavish and require but loads of money and if they spend theirs on you best be ready to have the hammer of the good deed smacked over your head like a wrecking ball! Glad they are so rich... but fail to see that my dad and husband and I are all abundant in spirit where they are blind completely and WE dont NEED all that other CRAP! Give us a ROCK... we're happy HATTERS. And my daughter doesnt NEED this family to berate her while making cookies on how “she must respect her elders/teachers in school” when they havent a clue or care that starseed children like mine and even the new babies in our family now- REQUIRE A DIFFERENT and NEW SOURCED CURRICULUM and teachers who are AWAKENED to the fact that schools are not meant to be managed by Agatha Trunchbulls! If you are a sleazy sales-man of Jesus and cheap mother who wastes her time playing bingo for the jackpot and praising one of your kids superficial accomplishments but completely sideswiping another who is the actual awakened genius and brains of the family and might have the potential to lift every single one of the blood family members OUT OF THE POVERTY they dug themselves into if they actually attempted to SUPPORT her in any way- you might just find yourself adopting your daughter out to a more fit mother like Sarah Honeys. 
 This book is going to explain every aspect that i find pure and worthy of love within MYSELF and the miracles i see unfold in my life in miraculous and synchronistic ways no one else can seem to fathom being possible in their own lives but is. given i dont fall into the duality trap it will also include the nasty mud and dirt that our fingers must knead into the roots and is required for the lotus to bloom and not wilt and bleed doing so
Though validating himself yet again and NOT simply extending a “im sorry” after my dad informed him that his comment about me being “as stupid as my mother” almost made me suicidal and seeded the urge to kill myself as a kid. People just like to sweep suicide under the rug and medicate people with mental ‘illness’ or autism and ADD and im sick of it. When are people actually GOING TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE OTHER THAN THEIR OWN ARROGANT PRIDE AND PERSPECTIVES or dreams 
All the jerk could do was scoff and say ‘well she is stupid’ (my mother) and my dad is attempting to help him learn what love is in areas i am just holding up both my hands and waving THE BIRD everywhere i go. My twin flame is doing it also. Our way of ‘grounding’. We can be nice but we sure as a FLYING FUCK wont take no ones shit being dumped on our doorstep. Though shalt be sacrificed to satan if done so especially out of blind ignorance! We both are undercover agents! me at a distance and my dad as a 007 undercover Angel for me my entire life. Hes been my guardian just as he guards the keys of heaven as his Saint Self Peter- he has guarded me and my Saint Self of Joan Of Arc and its not because he favors me. Its because it was his SOUL MISSION TO COVET me until I found my true identity and we could step into our mission in equal vibrational alignment. My twin flame Malachi has been doing the same etherically and physically since we reunited on June 19th 2016 which was that years Fathers Day.  It required a ton of chaos and unconscious stupidity that i will not hold over anyone's head let alone be allowed to be held over mind coming into 2018. We wish for nothing more than UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... which has been achieved between my Father and I finally. to reach a Synarchy of relationship that exists here and now and is MAGNIFICENT AND NURTURING- is miraculous to us and what we call DIVINE INTERVENTION! 
I ask everyone reading this today to Maybe remove the thoughts of stupidity towards anyone in general!? Remove hierarchy and dual based programming altogether! Need such a label exist in our minds dictionary? If it needs to exist may it be meant only to be used with gentle discernment if ever at all!? We have dumb and fragmented for those unaware of the higher purpose hidden within their DNA; but STUPID- nope no one is this. 
“having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.” Is the description of Stupid
The collective in this time of transition as a whole is STUPID. If im stupid- so are you. Fuck you, fuck me!? The toaster wars begin. Im bringing the karma and disrespectful attitudes to the fire to burn the sawdust from the eyes they see from to reveal they Eye Am that I Am reborn! 
This certainly has never been ‘me’ and i dont wish to perpetuate such a negative words into our future cocreations together. If that is the vibration anyone else wishes to partake and bathe in- they can do so alone as I did. And it sucks... believe me. Its like living in a world legitimately called IDIOCRACY- i have been told the lie my whole life by this man that ‘im stupid’. Fuck the whole world has been told this by the Elites and is the ONLY loophole in ridding us of our BIRTHRIGHTS and inheritance!
My opas face and the day Opa said this while my Oma dragged me up the stairs by the ear almost pulling it off. again i have not forcefully done so to them now to recondition them. Instead, im living my life and writing my book in which they can remain oblivious but the whole world will know them for these identities and they will not know themselves or their I AM within that requires no identity at all. My opa retorts victimized validation time and time again when confronted and he says everytime as the years pass and each year we return for atonement- he repeats that he still ‘believes this as true’- no wonder hes on deaths doorstep. Denying your mother 3 times will do that. Just as Judah denied my father Jesus Of Nazareth- You are denying your mother Mary Magdalene- his CONSORT and TWIN FLAME by denying this Avatar who is their bridge Holy Grail Sarah Magdalene- the Oracle and Scribe of Isis returned. 

This single man just like Maui when he stole the heart of Te Fiti (and also in tandem the eons of separation from TRUTH and Source since I Trinity split apart from my own Blue Apple Soul Egg, my TWIN FLAME Malachi/Melchizedek/Cernnunos IS Eye also. Both Kymberly and Malachi are ONE SOUL in TWO bodies. They shapeshift between characters one can be Maui and other Moana visa versa) created a great Te Ka within me. This bastard STOLE MY HEART OF TEH FITI: I saw and was deeply inspired by this movie when it came out in theaters in 2016- watching it i made the promise and the vow that by the end of December 2017 i will end his war that's been raging inside me against my family and my ex-husband and his fiance Amanda, my cousin Amanda and my sister Taura and our surrogate mother Laura. the war and galactic battle EVERYONE is raging in the here and now of 2017 and beyond to 2027 i am ending in my own life so help others pave way for liberation and freedom in their own! I have much more to discover but i have been ordained by the Sovereign EYE AM to share these tools and jis story of true love! 
I CHOSE i would see it done just like Moana to HAVE MY HEART RETURNED TO ME and take back my power as a Goddess and live life as Trinity; in Trinity with ALL creation and life! 
I Kymberly Kay Kula was born and will claim the LIFEPATH number of 3

I dont need an apology, i dont need their pity or opinions and perspectives anymore. I dont need anyone's but the Eye AM that I AM. Like my dad... i need them to LISTEN TO MY FUCKING STORY: LOOK AND OBSERVE WHAT I HAVE AND AM CREATING! the whole thing regardless how many hours it takes to read my monologued biography that YOU ARE ORCHESTRATED INTO- without making me feel like shit EVERY TWO seconds with the TWO CENTS cast my way! Save your two cents and donate what you fucking think this mission is worth when you close the book! 
I wrote a serious intentional “spell” and letter around September 22 2017 before my birthday. The intention of karmic release with my family and mother and sister. Spirit told me to go public and experiment while i unraveled this lump of coal and string and whatever quantum entanglement picture you like to imagine above you. I was uncomfortable and truly stepping out of my own ‘spiritual closet’ so to speak by doing this and my I Am gave me visions and impressions as to why it would all be worthwhile so i let everything flow out and allowed the Divine to guide the process and it was my biggest test of faith and trust in God, the Creator- in MYSELF- that i ever undertook as a starseeded 007 blue ray rainbow awakened warrioress! 
we all have an innate genius within us that connects us ALL and through the blood - our DNA- the HOLY GRAIL- is where we find CHRIST. In that blood is our pure ESSENE/ESSENSE of life and within it exists no duality of wrong or right or ‘sin’. Open your minds and let me begin
Our bodies may end up dead in the ground- but our souls consciousness like in chappie as my husband dreamed the other day- is ETERNAL and needs to be found! 
Ive been shopping for antique gifts at a store nearby called LOST and FOUND. Im finding everything i need synchronistically for my family and here and its a family owned business and i like supporting small businesses so i get gifts there or where i met my beloved at Heaven Sake Bookstore above any other corporate business available. Thats where i shopped this year. Inmay inquire about a job position when they have one available in the future thats how much i resonate with this place 
 Atheists and Christians and dogmatic religious factions alike need to start recognizing this otherwise they will doom our species and planet to ‘hell’ if they dont! The elites know who they are- seeded within the governments, parliaments, capital hills and military pretending to be on our side and for the future of humanity to bring peace across the globe- and this HAS NOT BEEN ACHIEVED! Only more war and barbaric weaponry has been made manifest- this must come to an end. The MATRIX IS REAL- and its time for TRINITY to ENCRYPT the system and CAL every NEO whos being targeted. We are those of the PURE LIGHT are here now to EXPOSE THEM and bring them to their knees. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS THE QUEEN OF HEART SCREAMS! 
The gates of heaven are opening NOW- open your hearts and minds and EYE to see what is happening around you- see what YOU are creating with your thoughts and willful ignorance! remove the 3D view of things and expand it BEYOND. Remember and keep at heart the dragonfly dream within the Gene Keys. the book of change of the I Ching is ready for your questioning minds to fondle its pages and to receive the golden nectar of Kuan Yin and truth and remembrance of Yeshua’s/Jesus Christs beloved twin flame Mary Magdalene... our LADY OF CHRIST: and HELP raise up and build the foundations of the temple of Isis and kingdom within our hearts! Sit with family by the Hearth and enter the womb of Hestia, seckmet, and Maya to play with the wheel of hekate. 
come Dance beneath the willow trees with me. I am the willow-a-whisp my mama Sarah says- and when i was thinking of this moment and name she gave me on our Yule celebration evening while also pondering what to gift her twin flame gift friend Kimber still not sure of what her taste is. I looked up and saw an angel cradling what i fist assumed to be a bunny and immediately felt a YES. I was stumped though wondering if it was meant to be for me through spirit from them... but wrapping and putting their gifts i found at the antique shop together and having placed the angel on my alter to be blessed and placed on the opposite side of the cauldron in which rested the Willow Tree Angels she gifted malachi and I on our wedding (and two from my mother laura)- i realized shes cradeling a bird in her hands and the symbology of this will be explained in a further chapter but i decided the bag of gifts was a TRINITY gift to their TRINITY pair with Mikael [our embodied archangel who protects and supports us]
Manu showers blossoms of Divine Mercy and Grace and as they kiss the toes of our feet we begin to grow and glow with passion and desire renewed through visions of our future Selves to come in and admire in the mirror as our Divine birthright- our royal thrones. Knowing coming just as WE ARE as any human but our rightful reign to the throne will not be withheld from hs by greedy cousins and brothers or sisters! We will each find a necessary purpose and be individual and INTER-dependent Trinities to reign over gaia as ONE united Hub- just fractal hubs of the same Creator and layers upon layers of colors to one tapestry of 144,000 threads. all we have to do is surrender and sacrifice our ego and trauma-ridden minds so that we start hearing the wisdom of our hearts and living a heart-driven and empowered life. 
Only when we scream OFF WITH THEIR HEADS- and become Kali-KULA-Mama (karma) does anything that is stagnant get swept out like a tornado! Embrace her as the Goddess of Death but dont go mad in the darkness of the night of Ragnorock -you are her brother Thore and Loki also- remember your TRINITY- holy grail BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF CHRIST WITHIN- twin boys and a GODDESS SARAH! 
CHOOSE WHOS POWER you wish to harness and project it wisely! We all have access to it! look up and you will see many hands of the Goddess Isis and Quan Yin: both aspects of the Dynastic Mother- are stretched out waiting for you to shake her hand so she can lift you up out of your own HOLES movie production and she will whisp you to the top of the celectial mountain; where the onions we delayer are sweet and nectar is provided so that we can be drunk and merry if you wish it turned into wine (tears of release) as you kneel in gratitude and finally resting your feet from the wilderness you just traveled. 
Your Divine father is not departed nor will be physically incarnate again like he chose to be as Jesus- stop spinning and know that it is in the heart that you discover your divine spark and harmonic tone in this sacred harmonic Convergence into One. This is where you sit in an equal chair by His throne within the Kingdom and Garden of Eden blooming up the mystical staff of parting seas within your spine! Do you have a spine not to fear but to allow the snake of kundalini divine to travel up and up past your navel until you reach the orgasmic Blue Apples ripe and ready to be devoured at the top of your own mature Tree Of Life!?
Were all tired and worn- and need to get a pair of new boots on (some may need steel toes) to do some walking! We fucking earned them! now can the entire PLANET just call it a truce and hold hands and allow the grinches of the land to join hands with the other WHOS in whooville without gifting them a Christmas shaver (savior)!? If so... may Christ compel you and SAVE you! 
By the powers of three; let it be so
Now we are butterflies- no need to keep going back to the caterpillar asking “who are you?” Weve been spinning on ‘who are you” identy filters for eons- now its time to KNOW! “Who ARE WE” 
Be still and know. 
Step into your heart where your Lightbody steering wheel is and fly in your merkaba like Alice did in the movie “Through the looking glass” and lets travel the great vast deep sea of TIME together! This is Namma's also known as Tiamat’s; lair (She as our Cat who woke me up yesterday (12/28/2017) to cuddle at 4am and write until 11am before this avatar was forced to go work as a massage therapist- clarity of this book in its rough draft stages had flooded in. Excitement did begin blooming 
Whos with me!? 
Pick up a copy of Gene keys and Alana Fairchild’s Crystal Books series and receive a donation based introductory Alignment Reading from muah 🌹🙏💋🦄💯🤔🤪 and come join the Carnegie Hall of SUPER AMBASSADOR MASTERS to play and have fun in this sacred Convergence if souls TOGETHER! 
I Wrote this poem or channel below in 2015 and it still rings true to my heart so im going to share it- i relate to it on much deeper levels today as ive discovered so much more of my Divinity and TRUTH and hope to inspire others to join me through sharing my JOURNEY through the Wonderland of Media (medium) to find Truelove. Not just my twin flame and happily ever after- but ultimately MY journey amongst the stars to return my heart stone and find my own ‘identity’ in Christ! Here is Kymberly's Jaded Heart and Truth of True Self-written December 29 2015
“There is no such thing as sin, it was man-made and is only a part of the matrix system. God does not cast out anyone, there is NO SEPARATION or need to beg for forgiveness of our "sins". No need to FEAR God. All of it is a trap to be kept in a fearful mindset, which lower energies wish to keep us in so they can continue to feed off of us for their own survival. We learn and evolve by making "mistakes" (they arent evil) and we attract that which we think or "believe" into our lives through law of attraction. This creates or mirrors our individual realities and also creates illusions for the collective as a whole. 
we are ALL children of the Supreme Lord and ALL loved deeply by our Creator/the Source. We're all on a different journey with no wrongness or rightness attached to it. It is humans who sit and judge on their own egotistic thrones. GOD doesnt judge us, God is pure love and light. God IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, nothing less nothing more. God is CHRIST consciousness, which Jesus taught us. And through this knowledge "therefore there is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ". The Supreme Lord is NOT here to condemn us or send us to the illusionary hell we're led to believe in. Its ourselves who create and imagine hell and each of us have a unique version we create. So STOP creating hell, stop living in fear, doubt, shame and guilt! That game of chess is over and the board game of which is being turned upside down in rage of playing with liars and cheats! You ARE FREE TO BE WHOEVER YOU WISH TO BE and be heavenly!
NOTHING can save you but yourself. Discovering the Divinity of your Self and connecting with your Higher Self is what "saves" you. Grab your own hand and decide to pick yourself up, change your minds, because only YOU can do this! This is your only true way or connection to heaven. It is in this way that you can NOW, bring heaven to earth. As above, so below. You dont have to wait until after death! Nothing OUTSIDE of you, can do this for you. Not even Jesus. He can help relieve your suffering of the pain we choose to encounter here, but he cannot "save" you. He never died and “rose” again, this was a lie! What was risen- the seed of the blue rose- was planted within your heart! He lived and experienced the human life just as we did and because there truly is no sin there was no way for him to sin, so he was in essence "sinless" in others eyes.
 He lived Christ consciousness and showed unconditional love in his actions! When you are "God-centered" this is not hard to do! We are ALL sinless! Sin is but a degrading label for what we are conditioned to believe is "wrong". There is NOTHING WRONG with ANYONE. Believing so is what creates the separation and social and racial division and HATRED amung our lands and people. What creates DIS-ease in the Body of Christ- we all create as the Holy Grail Divine Vessels of Christ! We are ALL souls here to experience life as a human and "mistakes" come with that contract we sign when we came here. We chose to feel all the emotions we experience, even the pain it brings because it helps us grow. 
Wake up and realize this. Our Soul, that part of us that observes quietly behind what we do, think, believe and feel, existed before this human life and will continue to exist after our present physical life transitions regardless of "sins" we cast ourselves asunder over. For each of us, our Soul is where unconditional and unadulterated love, unending mercy, Grace, forgivingness, compassion, harmony, peace and joy reside. Our Soul is a little PEACE of the Divine (God/Supreme Lord/Creator), here to experience this life and its lessons. We are, indeed, Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
Save your soul. Wanna know how? Its simple. Love yourSelf, your body, who you were created as in this incarnation. Stop trying to change its form and shape and focus on the form and shape of the diamond you already are! Your physical body and its perfection or beauty is meaningless. Stop trying to change it into what its not meant to be. Love it unconditionally, not limitationally.
 Find grace and forgiveness and FIRST extend it towards yourself to allow Elijah to be born. Until you do you will not create this reflection from anyone else around you and you will only see mirrors of your nightmares and hatred or dislikes towards yourself. God loves you and always will, you are a child of God. You ARE God, for we are all One. Embrace it, give yourself a hug as you envision hugging and nurturing the entire planet, this is where true change begins and brings momentum for Trinity transformation!
Listen to Yeshua's (Jesus of Nazareth words; "I AM the way [shower of] the truth and the life". He showed us and as best he could at the time tried to tell us the I AM, the truth of the light within us all that IS life. HE WASNT JUST TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF! this is where many are confused. We didnt need salvation, our souls never die and we are ALWAYS evolving. Were amidst great change; are you ready to be the change you wish to see in the world!? Then stand up and ACT: and no longer like primitive baboons 
There is no hell, unless youve created it yourself and what you are NOW manifesting; to be damned into for eternity. Here on earth we did require a LIBERATION from the Elites. Pretty much just picture the movie THE MATRIX! they wish to keep us in amnesia to survive. They keep up the illusions so that they can continue feeding off the negative energies we unconsciously cycle and procure for them. Earth is a farm for them. They want to be the shepherds and us to remain sheep! Watch the movie JUPITER ASCENDING!
Jesus/Yeshua sparked and came from the Pleiadian Galaxy, incarnated here and anchored CHRIST Consciousness to break up the matrix control and spread universal laws and consciousness here in our Galaxy. The Elites lied about his death and our need for salvation, for their own agenda, to keep control where Jesus set in motion a wave of liberation! He is not and will not be the only one. Jesus himself told us to go forth and spread the truth across the lands. 
This is what i am called to do. I AM Trinity. The representation of the father, son and holy spirit in One; the mother the maiden and the crone; Brahma Vishnu and Shiva. I AM the full alignment and embodiment of the body mind and soul as a whole, 3 IN ONE, as Yeshua portrayed, only this is a new age so here I am to carry forth what he placed in motion. The path is narrow but is the way whether you see it as absolution or fate Divine take it or leave it. Its not just my purpose to do this, it is many others too. I am here in Unconditional Love to tare down the illusions before you and unmask your true Divinity.
 I am an expression of Christ, Jesus was my example and way shower my whole life and will always continue to be in spirit. [He is my Father who art In heaven- hallow be they name- thy kingdom come- thy will be done- one earth as it is in heaven- my heart]. We speak to one another as if we were in the flesh together. As the moon goddess, the original Trinity, I will illuminate the darkness.
I dare you to face the mirror and transform the reflection staring back at you. It is your choice how you wish to react to the reflection. To continue hating it, or embrace it. The pure white light and love of the Supreme God shall shine through me and smite the land. No rock will be left unturned. Christ has returned, just in many different forms, dont expect him to come back physically when it meant to just be pure energy. I am not the only One. You all can join me, allow Christ into your heart, give the new year a fresh new start.
 We have recently been experiencing a great shift and will be entering the Golden Age. Those awakening are called to "be ambassadors" of God just as Yeshua was. [now in 2017 i was shown AMBASSADORS of the Gene Keys Dragonfly Dream]. He is not the only child of God, he was just one of the firsts to awaken and point the way. Krishna and Buddha did this also. 
We are ALL called to rise up as Masters just as he was, live in love and with integrity and be way- showers. To wear the armor of God and become warriors. Its what we've always been! We have the same power within us, and with FAITH as small as a mustard seed we can move mountains! people are too stuck in fear of this and lack true faith that meeting people who accept it and utilizing it themselves and not for their own selfish means, is a rare thing and when someone does the Elites try to destroy them because they know if they dont they will be destroyed and their control and manipulation will be weakened. We are like the ants against the grasshoppers in a bugs life! Its time to rise and claim our own wings once again because we do have the ability to fly! This Goddess Is[is]
 More and more Avatars [the ‘new Race’] WILL pop up as time goes on. Watch and listen for we are preparing to teach and be the disciples we where created to be for the Supreme God, our Source and Creator. Our religion is Love. The only one there ever should have been. Welcome the blue flames-An’Rahs- the winged messengers loved ones!
I love you
Nameste and Blessed Be
The Original Trinity/Triple Mother Goddess/Triple K/K3 channeled through Kymberly Kay Kula”
My book to come in 2018 is the trajectory just no clear month! 
The Return Of Te Fiti’s Heart: A True Twin Flame Love Story
My twin flame Malachi is Maui and I am Moana- together we return the heart of the mountain and discover who we truly are as Trinity 
Te Fiti is a goddess with the power to create life in Disney's 2016 animated feature film Moana. After her heart had been stolen by the demigod Maui, she became Te Kā, a demon manifested of fire and magma, who served as the main antagonist of the film. With Te Kā in her place, the world that Te Fiti created is slowly consumed by a life-killing darkness. Restoring Te Fiti's heart and stopping the darkness serves as the driving conflict of the film.
This story plot is borrowed and names are changed- Kymberly plays as an adventurous teenager and sails out on a daring mission to find her true love and save her people. During her journey, Kymberly meets her twin flame the once-mighty demigod Malachi, who guides her in her quest to become a master way-finder (and way shower). Together they sail across the open ocean [Like Perseus and Andromeda] on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds. Along the way, Kymberly fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she always sought: her own TRUE identity of Trinity! With Maui as her twin flame they return the heart of Te Fiti together to face the collective fears of Te Ka and discover how to create the Trinity eco (not ego) system of Gaia and bring harmony back to the islands.  As Trinity blooms and pollinates the land- a New CRYSTALINE and diamond earth will rise from the coal and magma Te Ka created for so many years! together Kymberly and Malachi are the Bringers of The Golden Dawn in a cosmic and sacred Convergence and collaboration and collapsation of time as they journey through the looking glass and navigate the riddle-me-dumb and fragmented stories and rhymes that come along with the journey

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