Sunday, October 8, 2017


My tribal friend on Facebook posted this yesterday and I had a rather interesting bit channel out from it! Please stick with me as I go through the process that seemingly needed to be partook for Kymberly to understand her Eye Am and full purpose here. There are 3 cards and a book channel for Octobers Activation's. which you can scroll down to if you wish to bypass this channeled experience and will benefit many to feel through Kymberly-a vessel of Trinity [Sarah]

So I was thinking....

Okay you know how we don't necessarily care about fame...but a lot of people do....?

Should I like put on my resume that I have helped the likes of
๐Ÿ”† JFK
๐Ÿ”† Marlyin Manroe
๐Ÿ”†Jacky O
๐Ÿ”†Kurt Cobain
๐Ÿ”† Apollo
๐Ÿ”† Artemis
๐Ÿ”† Leto
๐Ÿ”† Eve
๐Ÿ”†The disciple Peter
๐Ÿ”† The disciple Thomas
๐Ÿ”† One of the thieves crucified with Jesus
๐Ÿ”† The Scorpion King
๐Ÿ”† Cleopatra
๐Ÿ”† Joseph coat of many colors
๐Ÿ”† Aladdin
๐Ÿ”† Bell
๐Ÿ”† The grandmother from Anastasia
๐Ÿ”† The queen of Atlantis
๐Ÿ”† The king of Atlantis
๐Ÿ”† Thoth
๐Ÿ”† Sekhmet
๐Ÿ”† Helen of Troy
๐Ÿ”† The Hunchback of Notre Dame
๐Ÿ”† Jean Harlow
๐Ÿ”† The High Priestess in the blue Cape from King Arthur

And probably many others ...during past life sessions????

Like I KNOW it doesn't matter....and they have ALL helped me.

But maybe...just maybe...more people will let me help them, and not be scared if I name drop?

Or maybe I am ONLY supposed to help the people in our tribe??? And TRUST that the ones I'm supposed to guide will let me....

Me- All are one names just divide.

Kat- I started this by saying it didn't matter....but if it gets people to let me help them, that would be cool

Nancy: why not try it Kat- And whoever Isis is, I wish that person would let me know. Would love to chat.

Me to Katherine Y- I mention them all too its more recent that id rather just refer them all as aspects of our true I Am selves. 
LOL right Nancy. I kno an individual who claims to be Isis/Aphrodite

Katheryin: These people don't claim to be anything or anyone....we have seen it...and spirit confirmed it

And isis and Aphrodite we're not the same person.

But....we don't know everything yet...

Maybe the same things were acted out on different dimensions.....maybe there are "more then one of us"

Nancy: I was told by someone that some of these goddesses and others reincarnate in multiple bodies. I also know someone who was Aphrodite...she had all her memories come rushing back one day. Then another person told me about a different Aphrodite. This same person told me Aphrodite came back in 16 people. My takeaway from this info is that there's a lot we don't know. I am open to all of it. It fascinates me.

I would like to talk with Isis because, in theory, she was my mom. I think that is interesting.

Me- Katherine Martin Youngren yes i am aware of this - i had a whole thing written out but then facebook refreshed itself and didn't save my dang comment. Guess i was meant to say something different or the Elite wanted to deter me from what I'm saying.

Now what I'm about to say might shock and possibly offend some for it is rather controversial among society and individual; as you read this please bare in mind that it is not my intention to ruffle up anyone's feathers and make them angry or feel belittled, invalidated or unloved. I am finally expressing my truth the best and in the most neutral of ways that I can in regards to a few things that I have had a hard time expressing or sharing with the world up until recent. In order to heal and transcend them, they must be brought into the light. 

 I said ‘claim’ in particular to my friend because in my experience I felt the conflicting energy
with the individual who claimed to be those two Goddesses aspects and say they are the ‘same’. My experience with her/him (trans) was more of Amaterasu and not Aphrodite, Isis and Quan yin as they proclaimed also although they could phase into the appearance in which a friend of mine saw with her third eye into a Red-headed woman that is similar to Aphrodite. She is a succubus/vampire and that part of her makes me put a personal guard up because I'm not about that sort of feeding nature. I don't really see it necessary when you can feed off of Divine Energy. She has shapeshifting abilities - as do Eye.

I think even though he wishes to be this Goddess- (I will fluidly use he/she throughout this because I wish the unhook the 'identity' created around genders and really how unnecessary using them as labels become. its not to offend. I out of respect will use the label preferred by an individual but when speaking my truth here today-i will be direct) until he comes into the journey of self-acceptance and removes himself from the dysphoria he gets in holding off on this acceptance of Self until his body is that of a woman. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and lust and fertility- if one lacks love for self- on a measure that they look in the mirror and cant stand to look at themselves to the point they cant even take a shower or go out into the public; this is concerning to me. Aphrodite wouldn't condone of this severe lack of powerlessness. Our Eye am wouldn't condone such unconsciousness when engaging with so many who are extending advanced energy healing from individuals here to help raise that consciousness on this planet. One main issue with this individual is their resistance and inability to go much deeper. They keep hitting this barrier no matter the amount of DNA healing that is being given. They just keep focused on 'the future tech'. My point is that...we ARE the tech. Here and now we have all we could ever need WITHIN us.

I have empathy for transgenders- but I will be honest that lot of their suffering is within their mind and they allow their emotions to dictate their lives and create more trauma because in the act that they aren't receiving or accepting themselves and forcefully altering their body- many in outside reflections treat him the same and dont approve of it and thus he attracts more trauma and pain- by self-abuse. Of course, this is the most unconscious state to be- we all in similar forms have experienced this 'dark night of the soul' and even tho im not transgender - on many levels i had to drag myself out of that pit of self-hatred and abuse i dug myself into out of past conditioning. This friend of mine freaks out when her male ‘dead’ name is mentioned by a family member. He wouldn't ever reveal it to me so i dont know what it is- he legally changed it to Katheryine and for the sake of respect, i will not disclose their last name. I
have many friends by this name and do not wish to bring embarrassment or shame to these individuals as I express this. Though this individual is something very different than many ive come across- he/she certainly isnt of Earth- they have love within them that is a brilliant sun- but they refuse to love their body and portray utter disdain and aggression for masculines-looks right through them and even calls herself a "lesbian" even though she has the dominant Masculine frequency and naturally just loves women.

If you wanna cut or grow your hair, change your style of clothes or paint your face and nails- go ahead- you need not change your sexual God-given mating organs to express in this way!!! Fuck the opinions of others and DO it anyways. Physically altering your body will bring just as many judgments and egos in others as just doing that! Wear a dress if that makes you feel alive- or wear pants... if it was legal- I WOULD WEAR NOTHING AT ALL! I am genderfluid and have love for all creation but Eye also want authenticity from those creations! 

 I'm firm on the knowledge that if you reject your body you are rejecting the Divine Temple and blueprint God created you to enact this lifetime. It to me is petty to try and alter your body outside of natural and homeopathic ways just to be pleased with it and accept the beauty of it. Neither masculine or feminines should be ashamed of the sex/gender they chose to be in this life- it matters not except perhaps now it is their greatest test of all!

Will you love thyself as you are!?



 Why try to tamper with The Creation- you are everything you're meant to be- your soul is beautiful and that is what matters. You need not alter your physical body in such a way to express all that you are! Its conditioning's of society that makes us think we have to change our appearances! Why do you think Arcturians often take the same forms and appearances!? Because they don't ‘See’ people based on appearances! If you're more focused on your outward beauty of your physical 3D form- you are missing the point of your purpose here! YOU COULD BE THE CHANGE THE WORLD TRULY NEEDS IN THIS WORLD!

I did not feel Aphrodite within my beloved friend as much as they proclaim. i did witness Amaterasu and I feel that is our role in each other's lives. He allows his feminine side to shine but he hides in a cave the masculine and doesnt dare let him see the sun that which is the feminine holy spirit and he direly needs to have LIFE outside of the darkness of the cave. Aphrodite would not treat her love in this way being the Goddess of love. I see GLIMPSES of Aphrodite but i feel my friend is externalizing it too much and not internalizing her guidance and purpose she should embody. Not just ‘being love and magical’. I indeed recognized Amaterasu within my good friend. She helped me come to recognize my own Eye am through this identity! I obtained information from her i never would have otherwise received so I do have gratitude and love for him/her and do not wish to hurt or offend.

When we met I told her i have had two past lives with Isis/Mary Magdalene and I was the oracle/seer and scribe of them. i received the information from a beloved trans channeler friend named Pamela. The only story Kat could recall of ‘her Isis I Am’ being incarnated and interacting with anyone like that was the story of Amaterasu and Uzume. Amaterasu is a Japanese Goddess and is like The Isis of the Egyptian era.

We discovered that I was incarnated as Uzume (one of my favorite crone aspects of Trinity mother dynasty) and I put a mirror up on the tree and coaxed Amaterasu out of the cave she had hidden in... a deep depression. I did so by getting on a tub and pole dancing- drumming on the tub with my feet and using my body in jest- making all the other Gods and Goddesses laugh so she was forced to peek out. When she did- she saw her reflection in the mirror and how beautiful she was and how NEEDED she was for the crops to flourish. In this story, i did for her what i feel I need to do for HIM again now. For all masculine's!

DIVINE MASCULINE- What an amazing human you are! You need only see the beauty you ARE whether in the form of a man or woman- especially those as the physical masculine! We all have much judgment and pain to heal toward the masculine without and within all of us! The Feminine has been suppressed and made ‘wrong’ and ‘evil’ especially the ‘unruly harlot’ ones. Of course, she wishes to BE SEEN! Eye will unconditionally love you no matter what form you are expressing, but I behoove of you to accept your form as is for it is a blessing. See it as a gift- not something needing to be returned for an upgraded model. We are not like cell phones- you must do the work within your DNA.

I see the potential of Aphrodite embodying his vessel- i see this made possible for all masculine- if he chose to be his male form for that is what is direly needed and called to action in the Now for this revolutionary time. Stop running. We have many awakened females-more to come to awaken their counterparts- we are in such dire need of the masculine to take up true power in ALL they are and not run from any aspect of WHO THEY ARE! Their will is not always the will of the Eye Am. If your Eye Am is telling you to alter your body outside of acceptance, forgiveness, and allowance for it and nourish it with nature, exercise/movement, food, natural supplements and spiritual reflection/accountability- it is not your true Eye Am. It is the liar we must not listen to the criticism and fear it feeds us to create these false identities and realities and paradigms.

The ‘universe’ is removing my friend's ability to have hormone medication through Medicaid, and he struggles to find a job and lives with his grandparents. His life reflects of his own security within Self- the Eye Am. There's just so many signs that are showing that he is ignoring his soul and focusing so much on the appearance and gender of his body and not doing the internal self-love necessary to open the heart into unconditional love for self- and others. For it to be unconditional there must be no divisions or separation what so ever.

 His mind and emotional body is constantly being completely weakened because of it and going into at this point; a CHOSEN and conditioned ‘dysphoric’ state. I come from a very tough love perspective. I will honor this individual as my friend- my love is unconditional- i wont abandon someone who chooses that path- is their own journey- but if they want my guidance and support and come to myself and my friends for healing- but doesn't do as is required for it to truly change his life for long-term and not just temporary means; i must refuse to assist any longer. We do emotional magnification- DNA upgrade- and our goal is to set people on the direction to self-love and return them to their hearts. This requires not altering the body with western medicine practices! If they keep up their current role-playing games- nothing we do will help and this we are exerting energy where it can be reserved for those ready for such a deep path- facing every shadow and finding love for it. That requires loving ones vessel- if you dont love self how could you possibly be nurturing it the way it needs to grow into a strong tree. You must have gratitude for the original seed that sprouted you!

At one point this individual had questioned when we were hanging out 

“Do you think its possible we all - every individual-have some sort of ‘Trinity' of our own?” 

I believe we do!

I had adopted that name by then and people were calling me Trinity. I never felt it was ‘just mine’ though but i shall take it here in this life to teach everyone about theirs! That ‘Trinity’ within all of us- is our I Am. I like to say ‘Eye’ Am though! And it is our greatest benefit to connect and have a personal relationship with this Eye Am- our True Self- regardless of identified labels! It comes down to

The threefold forced, manifesting as all wisdom, all love, all power, or if you will, as light, heat, and energy- that which holds together all forms and his back of and in all expressions and phases of life,-is but the manifestation of the Eye Am in the act or state of being.

Nothing can be without manifesting and expressing some phase of our Eye Am. Who is not only the builder of all forms but the dweller in each. in the heart of each the Eye Am dwells; in the heart of the human, in the heart of the animal, the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heart of each The Eye Am lives and moves and expresses it’s being, and from out the heart of each The Eye Am sends forth that phase of itSelf It desires to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, flower, animal, a man or a god or goddess.

“Is there nothing, then, but the Eye? Am I to be permitted no individuality for myself? I hear you ask. 

No, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is not part of me, controlled and ruled eternally by me, the one infinite reality. 

As for your so-called individuality, that is nothing but your personality still sticking to maintain a separate existence.

 Soon you shall know there is no individuality apart from my individuality, and I’ll personality shall fade away into my divine impersonality. Yes, you shall soon reach that state of awakening where you will get a glimpse of my impersonality, and you will then desire no individuality, no separation for yourself; for you will see this is but one more illusion of the personality.”

-The Impersonal Life through medium Joseph S. Benner-

I am 'interdependent' of this Eye am and thus nothing can shake me or my beloved counterpart. My Divine Partner and I mirror this desire and passion of INNER-DEPENDENCY - not to be mistaken for ‘Co-Dependency’ which would be its Rahu- No we choose to connect eternally to Source through our Eye Am Trinity. It is required we do this and put our own personalities; or as twins, our almost identical personalities aside; to know the Eye Ams Divine Will in our lives! We are aware what his will is for us and our union as an expression of both aspects of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ- Both equal and adorned by the Sovereign Lord.

In my opinion, we can be and embody ALL of these personalities and identities! The name is not what is importance- but the energetic imprint they bring back to us whether we are male or female. We are all from what I like to call- The Trinity- we all have a true self Eye Am and mine chose that specific Idea or ‘name’. I'm discovering that these different fractals of our souls are ALL amazing- we need to do the soul retrieval- but we must not identify ourselves with any labels indefinitely - yes that aspect of the creator is now wanting to express ourselves in similar ways as they did now in this lifetime and they need you to do so as a medium- so you are just bringing back to your memory what is already within you and necessary to do so. Your innate power and remembrance

We know each other by frequency and vibration- we are actually numbers- not letters! Labels are so limiting! We are so much more than just any ‘one’ incarnation or name! That's what I'm saying.

Here is a really cool video I found 10/6 explaining 10 signs of awakening on facebook.

Isis and Mary Magdalene are the mother(s) of all Angels and she has over 10,000 names- so yes she essentially is Aphrodite and Quan Yin! Shes ALL the Goddesses if you want to be particular. She is also Mary Magdalene! The Dynasty of the Divine Mother or Lady Christ is accessible to all of us if we open our hearts as we also become awakened to the truth of Jesus as her husband and Lord Christ but outside what Christianity has known today! Not any ‘PhyOp’ like the machine mother veil that keeps us in amnesiac states and is dying! We are attacking THE VEIL with full force!

This morning I did my meditation with Quan Yin and she gave me the card “The Dynasty of the Divine Mother”. #8 
I felt like sharing because I feel this is as much a message for me as many others at this time that I associate with. 

The only wish of the Divine Mother Goddess is that all being be spiritually free. The Divine Goddess calls us to realize our true nature, to fall in love with our own divinity. Enlightenment is a culmination of many small steps, each one as a drop of water forming a divine ocean of peace, realization, love and unity within us, an ocean that washes away fear, separation and scarcity and bathes us in abundance and bliss. You carry the torch of enlightenment within you, beloved; LET IT SHINE EACH DAY. 

Sometimes we imagine enlightened beings to be another species to everyday humans. yet there is and old Eastern saying that goes, 'before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment- chop wood and carry water.' Enlightenment is made manifest through the small actions we take each day. Sometimes the smallest action can feel like an enormous leap, and yet when that action is taken, we realize that the journey into peace is something we can choose to take at any moment. 

The Dynasty of the Divine Mother is her spiritual legacy, her endless compassion for human suffering and her intent to lift humanity out of ignorance into peace, which shines through the Oriental Goddesses like Kuan Yin, Green Tara and Mazu. 

Your spiritual legacy is important on this planet. You are a channel for the Dynasty of the Divine Mother; for the enlightenment of all beings. We contribute to the Divine Mother's Dynasty through our choices and creations, from the inner thoughts we hold to the projects in which we invest time, energy and money. These become part of the spiritual legacy we pass onto the generations to come. The Divine Mother now guides you to realize that your soul is moving closer to personal enlightenment and is beginning to live it from moment to moment. The more you choose to notice and appreciate these moments, the more they will open for you. It is the realization of your own process of realization taking place! It is very exciting and yet it will not take you away from the world or your loved ones, as you might have feared subconsciously, beloved, it will simply make your light stronger, bringing blessings and peace through your being into the world and your relationships each day. your personal enlightenment will help the planet in so many ways. You will become a stronger spiritual light to which others can look so that they can find their way more clearly. 

You are being asked to surrender ideas about what enlightenment may look or feel like and realize where it is already emerging within you. You will also receive guidance about your spiritual practice on a daily basis soon. You may be drawn to meditate in a different way, to work with sacred words and prayers, Tai Chi or Chi Gung healing arts or to get acupuncture or massage more regularly. Listen to your heart more regularly. Listen to your heart - it knows unity and has the seed of enlightenment already within it- and follow your inner guidance. This is the luminous pathway to divine realization and living your everyday enlightenment. The Divine Mother has gratitude for you as a part of her spiritual legacy, a member of the Dynasty of the Divine Mother. 

You are being given guidance not to fear if your spiritual path appears to be losing some focus to matters int he day-to-day world. Your spiritual focus will return when the time is right, but for now, look at what is happening in your life as spiritual practice and trust that you are progressing with perfection. Enlightenment doesn't have to happen in an obviously spiritual place. Our life can be a temple for our Soul growth if we are open to it from the heart. Let your heart rest peaceful, knowing that your spiritual light is shining bright and growing deeply. 

Beloved Quan Yin, Green Tara, Mazu and Goddesses of the Great Divine Mother, please help me to live my light, to live my enlightenment in each day, to know my own Self and to live the beautify and bliss with peace in my heart. Thank you for your help. Om Shanti. I feel your Peace in my heart now. May all beings feel and know this peace within. Om Shanti. Om Mani Padme Hum. 

1:51 10/6 Sleep Song by Christiane Darby 

I was guided to draw from my Sacred Geometry Activations deck for the grid that we will be working with here in October 

Looking up the card online i came across this link and my Eye Am told me to include it as it has importance.(added 10/6 2:05pm)

Sacred Geometry and the Divine Feminine

"Sacred geometry, or Yantra, as referred to by ancient India, is a geometric blueprint or design representing specific energy angles, typically joined by related mantra carrying powerful sound vibration. When the individual has the right access to the combination of mantras specific to that yantra, this sparks an activation to create the potential of very effective and a new Divine Energy. This new energy can be focused through sacred ceremony or meditation, bringing positive effect towards macro, micro or both; the planet, the improved health of Mother Earth, a deeper connection to God/Goddess, an individual healing for a person in need, or all of the above.

The ancient Siddhas and Maharishis of India knew very well the Divine power of yantra and intentionally installed certain ones on the grounds to the entrances of temples to bring blessings of spiritual, material or both to the devotees worshipping the God/Goddess inside the temple. Sacred Yantra acts as a superconductor of supernatural energies which in turn activate in humans through The Five Elements of nature (earth, fire, sky, water, and air), to bring about desired results and blessings.

The ancient Siddhas [Funny this comes into my awareness because I've been working with the 64 Gene Keys which are Saddhas's! This will be discussed in the Kira Mirror Blog to come :)] and Maharishis of India knew very well the Divine power of yantra and intentionally installed certain ones on the grounds to the entrances of temples to bring blessings of spiritual, material or both to the devotees worshipping the God/Goddess inside the temple. Sacred Yantra acts as a superconductor of supernatural energies which in turn activate in humans through The Five Elements of nature (earth, fire, sky, water and air), to bring about desired results and blessings.

Can humans today become these Yantras or Divine Power Objects, just as the pyramids of Egypt, or as in the Crucifix of Jesus? Mother India holds an expansive ocean and wealth of pure, ancient knowledge, much of which directs towards Mother Divine, the Divine Feminine. Over thousands of years, art, sculptor, and movies have pointed us towards the curious regarding Sacred Geometry and women. Why is it that in the famous Pieta by Michelangelo Mother Mary is looking down at Jesus as he is in her lap? What was the greatness of Mother Mary that she gave birth to such a soul as Jesus? Was it by chance? Did Mother Mary have access to specific knowledge and Yantra soul mechanisms to help her be able to play a strong role in creating the birth of Jesus?"



Constellations wake the nights
Hidden shadows fade away
Dancing in the morning rain

Now through the fray
You live to fight another day
Fanning water into flame
Holding on to yesterday

We all fall down
Raised from the ground

Open your eyes
Let your heart beat on heaven's door
Pour out the night
Let it spill onto molten floors
Take on the fire
Let it burn through your darkest dawn
You only have one life to live
To be your own

You gotta know
You have a life to call your own
Weighing more than precious stones
Live it out and make it known

We all fall down
Raised from the ground

Open your eyes
Let your heart beat on heaven's door
Pour out the night
Let it spill onto molten floors
Take on the fire
Let it burn through your darkest dawn
You only have one life to live
To be your own

You move up the pieces
They're tumbling down
You call forth the soldiers
But they turn around
So reach out your senses
And let them be found
A moment of weakness, a moment of weakness
You move up the pieces
They're tumbling down
You call forth the soldiers
But they turn around
So reach out your senses
And let them be found
A moment of weakness, a moment of weakness

Open your eyes
Let your heart beat on heaven's door
Pour out the night
Let it spill onto molten floors
Take on the fire
Let it burn through your darkest dawn
You only have one life to live
To be your own
Open your eyes
Let your heart beat on heaven's door
Pour out the night
Let it spill onto molten floors
Take on the fire
Let it burn through your darkest dawn
You only have one life to live
To be your own

Added 10/6
The Divine Feminine is #21 also representing #3 This is literally all of the realms of light and love guiding us, supporting us... Jesus, Mary Magdalene, you name it... all scopes. It is what I call Trinity :) That added with the 8 from Quan Yin is an 11

The frequency of Divine Feminine supports our receptive, nurturing and soft side, allowing it to express itself openly and helping us to connect to our intrinsic understanding of our connection to all of the creation. 

3 Dimensional reality is based on the duality between opposites and their eternal movement toward union. Everything is created in pairs-male and female, matter and spirit, empty and full, dark and light, and so on. Without the tension caused by the magnetic push and pull of duals, there would be no movement; and without movement, there would be no life as we know it. When the push and pull of opposites is equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union- both outward (in a relationship with each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The Masculine and feminine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood and expressed. 

Now that we are moving into a new energy, the enhanced qualities of these two opposites in human nature are emerging and urging us o let go of the roles we have traditionally assigned in the past, allowing a new masculinity and new femininity to arise. The Divine Feminine is fluid and receptive; it surrenders and opens, and is able to easily give way and pull toward galaxies of emptiness and higher consciousness when facilitated by true divine masculinity. The femininity is intrinsically connected to the higher realms and Mother Earth, giving birth to life, ideas, expressions, and dreams. 

The color pink is associated with the universal love for oneself and others, with sweetness and with tenderness and care-all attributes that are associated with feminine qualities. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy, and power. There are various elements of the Flower Of Life visible as a reference to the three-dimensional reality we are creating here on Earth. The light blue refers to our ability to express ourselves with honesty, tenderness, and kindness. The four stars in the corners refer to the form-based reality. The water in the background is representative of the emotional plane- the realm mostly associated with the feminine.

Now close your eyes and go inside yourself. The feminine nature is to love, nurture and guide through intuition. Are you allowing this? Are you loving toward others? How about toward yourself? Do you express your femininity without holding back? Take some time tonight to do something loving and special for yourself to spark your femininity! 

The Sovereign Creator that we can even ‘hook’ to because it is so infinite it's really hard to say who or what is the Creator and identify it. All that is know Now is the Original Creator in which wished to be expressed in so many different ways- all that it is that it manifested this dimensional space in time we witness in our Now reality. The whole yin and yang came from a big bang- chose to split and incarnate as The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and their duality and free will of humanity came from this plane.

written 9/29 Mary Magdalene was discredited as the Holy Lady Christ in biblical times as a ‘harlet’ and she had to hide after the crucifixion with The Holy Grail within her womb; The Christed son named Gebiya 

NOTE: My daughter Grace Emelia Brooks initials are 'GEB'...'something' had me spell "Emelia" with an E and NOT an A like it was the tradition in her fathers (Benjamin) side of the family. Place that with the "iya' from "El'ija"h her brother and you have the Holy Grails name "Gebiya". Brought to you through a sister and a brother born of Kymberly and Benjamin

who was conceived before the death of Jesus/Yeshua so that the blood of Christ would be spread upon the land. And is why Mary fled. The Catholic Church attempted to abolish her and the child- all they have built as the mask of the Elite is going to be discredited and torn down the next decade! They are the years of darkness to come- but will follow 1000 years of Peace for many others! We will bring our worlds/cells together united in the Garden of Peace [Eye AM THE 'GARDEN'] and not divided into yet another ‘separate paradigm’ as the Elite would hope they could hide in secret barracks to unleash fear and create hell yet again at that time. 

We are being called to act now to begin building an Arc for the WAVE OF CHANGE UPON US. Humanity has brought it upon Gaia and themselves- do you think a rainbow really represented that it would never repeat again!? You have been wildly mistaken. This Arc shall be built and it may not be a physical Arc but a Temple- a healing place- communities of Synergistic Expansion working with one another as the new Doctors and Shamans of the times to come! We are preparing for Gaia to cleanse herself as we are being given opportunity to cleanse ourselves and do Soul Retrieval of our fractured personalities- so that we can be ready for the masses for they will need a new land to call home and many will need the aid and healing we can provide them. 

We will have temples and homelands and communities already in synergy with nature and back to the roots of native living but still, with the comforts and necessary technology's for our survival and advancements- possibly upgraded techs even! We will -those that heed these words- will completely prepare and become ready and waiting to help those who are awake to see the warnings and come seeking us! We are placed in strategic areas that are ‘safe’ from the sea. They will continue to rise in the coming decade! Those in the regions may physically need to invest in houseboats or make their own float able housing storing provisions like food and water. Make sure they rely NOT on fuel. I'm seeing MANY MANY individual Arcs of multiple communities being built together or as individual families that will withstand such changes and adapt until the time of WATER WORLD passes and then all that is scattered can reunite on HOLY GROUND! Let the children guide the way... they will innately be born to ‘know’ as if it is tattooed on their backs!

Eye am the oracle and seer/scribe of these vibrational frequencies of Mary and Yeshua- i have had incarnations with them and in every lifetime we have helped one or the other- taking turns. They have been with me as early as 3 years old in this incarnation as one of my sub-dominate guides! Eye was one of the first feminine energies who wanted to join the Essenes order- the holy of holies- where the holy grail was born. Archangel Michael confirmed this of my spirit. Eye am also blue ray which Eye can see also as the Blue Rose.

I just found this article while telling her this! And i found my incarnation i keep trying to describe!!! FINALLY, IT WAS REVEALED TO ME- because i never had involvement with Yeshuah when he was incarnated- yet i did SO CLOSELY with Mary Magdalene! Her name is SARAH!!!! 

That's the name of the scribe who followed Mary Magdalene and She was girl adopted by her! I was an orphan- many of my past life retrieval experiences i was an orphan and played a major role in the biblical and Egyptian era! Seems my abandonment trauma began as far back as that time! I know i traveled all over the Mediterranean with Mary. I knew i was ‘not her’ but we had relations! Deep relations. Like she told me everything! lots of involvement with Syria and Egypt; i know i was in Europe/France etc. i was tortured during the inquisition.

 And my now husband is Malachi- same name of the priest who led the writer of the web page on her journey. My husband is the scribe who brought the scrolls of Yeshua's teachings to Alexandria. I feel him as ‘Ezrah the scribe’ who was by the side of Yeshua and Elijah. this just came to my memory!

“The Black Madonna is thus also representative of the Magdalene who, according to the Alexandrian doctrine, transmitted the true secret of Jesus. [Ive discovered and correlated that this came to Alexandria through Ezra the Scribe who was alongside Yeshuah and Elijah all the time.] The long-standing Magdalene cult was in fact particularly associated with Black Madonna locations. Sophia [ie Holy Spirit of Divine Feminine Wisdom] was held to be incarnate as the Holy Spirit in Queen Mary Magdalene”
Q) The phenomenal success of The DaVinci Code has generated great interest in Mary Magdalene. You and the church you represent were teaching similar things about the Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus many years before that book was written. As a long time researcher on the Magdalene, how do you feel about her sudden popularity?

A) I am thrilled! She was the cover story for Newsweek. ABC news did a special report on her. And the movie version of The DaVinci Code was well received by audiences to the consternation of the critics. Clearly, her time has come! The ancient prophecies make clear that her time to be rediscovered ?and truly understood ?would come, and I believe we have entered that era.

Q) You have been a serious researcher of Mary Magdalene for nearly 30 years. How did that happen? What got you interested in her?

A) As a small child she appeared to me in dreams and visions. Although she was barely mentioned in the Bible, she was my favorite character! Then, when I was seventeen I met an elderly Essene teacher from Alexandria, Egypt. His name was Malachi. He had come to America to establish a branch of the ancient Essene Order that he represented. This Essene Order has a lineage that goes back to before the writing of the Bible. I helped Malachi establish an Essene monastic community in the mountains east of San Diego. I studied with him for seven years. Upon graduation from his Mystery School he gave me several assignments. One of those assignments was to research and publish lost information on Mary Magdalene.

Q) I know that Malachi provided you with various Aramaic and Hebrew Essene scrolls that had not previously been published in English. You have been involved in the translation and publication of those scrolls. Do those scrolls include any previously unknown information on Mary Magdalene?

A) Absolutely! In fact, there is more information on the Magdalene in these scrolls than in the Bible. Best of all, there are many sayings of the Magdalene. In no other source ?including the Bible are there more than a few sayings of Mary Magdalene. Most significantly, these scrolls describe the Magdalene as not simply a follower of Jesus, but as his eternal consort and co-Messiah.

Q) That sounds like heresy! Are you suggesting that Mary Magdalene was the equal of Jesus? What do you mean by the term ‘Co-Messiah?

A) She was absolutely the equal of Jesus! In the newly translated scrolls, she is called The Lady Christ and Jesus ?whose real name was Yahshua is called The Lord Christ. They traveled together and she was co-teacher with Jesus. Of course, that did not sit well with most of the population back then, as the era was extremely patriarchal. In fact, in Israel at that time, women were not permitted to enter the priesthood. The only exception was the Nasarean Order of Essenes, which did include women in the priesthood and affirmed both a God and Goddess.

Q) The Dead Sea Scrolls do not mention that the Essenes had Priestesses. In fact, some of the Dead Sea Scrolls are as patriarchal as the Bible. If the Essenes believed in a Goddess and had Priestesses, why is that not mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

A) That is because almost none of the published Dead Sea Scrolls were written by the Essenes. In fact, the word Essene does not appear in any of those scrolls. When those scrolls were first discovered in 1947, scholars thought they were the lost library of the Essenes. That theory was based solely on the fact that three ancient writers had described an Essene sect that lived on the western shore of the Dead Sea. So, when those scrolls were discovered in caves on the western shore of the Dead Sea, it was theorized that they may have been authored by the Essenes. But that has proven to not be the case. Not only do none of those scrolls ever mention the Essenes, but the location they were discovered is not even the region that the ancient writers linked to the Essenes. The ancient writers said the Essenes lived in cliffs above En Geddi on the western shore of the Dead Sea. The Qumran location where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found is not the cliffs above En Geddi. Several years ago the remains of a communal settlement was discovered in the cliffs above En Geddi. That was the Essene settlement at the Dead Sea, not Qumran. So, the patriarchal Dead Sea Scrolls are no longer believed to have been authored by the Essenes. Our church does not use the Dead Sea Scrolls. We use other scrolls that do in fact uphold worship of both God and Goddess, and do present the Essenes as having both Priests and Priestesses.

I likely wrote her final words before Mary died! I was her scribe! Her record keeper! I discovered this in 2015! Now i discover im Her daughter- Sarah. I was literally an hour ago asking my beloved ‘how the heck can I have such involvement with Yeshuas Consort but never Yeshua himself!’ He said ‘it had to be after the crucifixion that you came into the play’. Now reading this it makes SO MUCH SENSE! My twin has always felt awfully related to the Christ lineage... He knows he is of royal blood
I have always felt like a "lost princess"... legitimately an orphan of sorts... out of place within my own blood born family. I always really resonated with the movie Anastasia... my wedding walk was to one of the songs from this movie! I wanted to originally name my daughter that (although her dad Benjamin didn't like any names I came up with. He even wanted to name our little man "Damian" and said our children would bring upon the "Apocolypse"...boy was he right but my son is no Devil. 

Another line of interpretation was that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married and that the union of two royal bloodlines – Jesus from the house of King David and Mary Magdalene from the royal House of Benjamin.

[Take into account Malachi's Adoptive dad is David and I was originally married into the house of Benjamin and divorced due to his affair with another woman]

The political fallout of this union could have resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus [I felt the past 6 years was a crucifixion of my own]. The coming together of these two royal bloodlines could have given the oppressed Jews of that time new hope of a Jewish uprising and the reestablishment of Jewish kings.

The story of this union of royal bloodlines does not end there. According to some the story continues in the town of Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France. In this town, in the Shrine of Sainte Sara la Kali, between May 23 – 25 is celebrated the feast of St. Sarah was also known as La Sara Kali.

It is said that that in A.D. 42 Mary Magdalene arrived there with a 12 year old dark complexioned daughter Sarah. This child Sarah – which in Hebrew means princess – is said to be the daughter born to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Joseph of Arimathea was said to be the protector of the Sangraal which was interpreted by some as the womb of Mary Magdalene.

Legend has it that the appearance La Sara Kali in France resulted in the continuation of the royal bloodline in the form of the Merovingian dynasty. It is also said that from the fifth to the eighth centuries Merovingian kings ruled Europe. It is also claimed that most of the rulers of Europe from the Middle Ages onward were Merovingians. 

According to some accounts, it appears that in A.D. 679, the Roman Catholic Church joined forces with the Carolingian dynasty to assassinate and remove the Merovingian King Dagobert.

Not everyone agrees with the Sarah stories. There are claims that this account about Sarah is nothing but a “pious tale”.

I do not feel inside and deep in my bones that this was some "pious tale"- It and I had to remain hidden because of the religious zealots! Within me is the wisdom and knowledge of all who were involved with Sarah and of the Christ Child[ren]! So i have much to still untapped and discoverable! I'm sure we will the more time we spend reunited as the Holy Grail Family! But with MM as the mother of all Angels- she has adopted many in like and has helped them- initiated them into the Nasarean Essene Order of the Blue Rose but Eye am now certain I was the first Female to do so which in its time you would be called a ‘Harlet’ if you did join!

I almost put a BLUE ROSE in my bouquet but per request of my beloved I used a black one...but i knew i had to have something blue... so I found the Peacock feathers. 

Click the image of the peacock to find out more depth about it

If Peacock is your Animal Totem (This became the entire theme of our wedding and I really discovered HOW MUCH I embody the quality of the Peacock);

You are a person who always comes from a place of honor and integrity. You stand up for your beliefs and you live by them. You have a tendency towards flamboyance at times and enjoy showing your true colors to all those around you. You are completely trustworthy, self-confident and are good at discerning the truth in all matters. You are always willing to walk your talk. You revel in being the center of attention.

Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen 

You are a person who always comes from a place of honor and integrity. You stand up for your beliefs and you live by them. You have a tendency towards flamboyance at times and enjoy showing your true colors to all those around you. You are completely trustworthy, self-confident and are good at discerning the truth in all matters. You are always willing to walk your talk. You revel in being the center of attention.

Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen feilds

Allow yourself to stand out and be noticed! Let your true colors shine!

And in this life, i will continue forward with my son Elijah and my husband Malachi and our mama Sarah and MANY OTHERS!!! All of us Representing the blue pearl/peacock of the Divine. The Owl Shaman! Together we will fulfill the prophecy of Malachi 4 in the bible and raise up temples on Gaia for the times to come!

The crazy thing is that we found a true incarnation of Mary Magdalene - that is Sarah- and she just became my ‘adopted mother’ in the past few months as my family would rather witness my Christed self as a possession instead. This is painful to me so I am separating for a time from my mom and her family so Eye can grow and as Eye heal, distantly they will also. So ultimately until they see the truth- if ever- they are henceforth 'dead' to me!

Sarah ‘married’ my beloved and I on 8/11 and knows in past times he was her ‘Son’- that her children have finally ‘returned to her!’. Pictured below is them blessing the Saint Germaine wine in the Holy Grail Cup that we all drank of.

Given the fact that I was adopted or possible WAS the first Holy Grail Child in that lifetime and my husband was Mary Magdalene's Son. 

Going off of our given names at birth in this time it all aligns. He truly is the ‘Kaiser’ which represents the King or Holy Roman Emperor. It is also a ‘roll’ which can represent bread or ‘the body of Christ Jesus’. He is of royal bloodlines and mine ‘Kula’ is more 'peasant' or royalty on islands- being ‘A community of the heart, a group coming together of its own free will. An intentional community, a family’ and also is considered ‘a ceremonial gift exchange practiced among a group of islanders in the W Pacific, used to Establish relations between islands’. In Hawaiian its ‘Gold, school, field, academy, pasture/plain.’

So in marriage with our bloodlines [the skies where threatening rain most the day... and the entire retreat it rained off and on]- the Empire obtains a community of the heart- all coming of free will to be a family of light.

He is the ‘holy grail’ Christs Son and my blood of the adoptive Sarah when wed to the Son- created the chalice or the ‘cup’ where the Kula or ‘Gold’ can be given to humanity.

We will create the Mystery Schools and academies, fields, and pastures to graze and study this new awakening of truth.

The west and the Islanders finally united as One we become the Holy Grail Family!

I took the name Brooks through marriage to Benjamin Curtis in 2007 and gave birth to two children named Grace Emelia and Elijah Antton Brooks. Their names speak for themselves. Their names can further be studied in my other blog ‘link’. Brooks represents a ‘stream’. That is also running water- the holy spirit. That which you can be baptized within and be cleaned. It separates or connects lands and brings them water they have to drink for survival. It is their milk and honey or nectar of life. It is our very primordial existence within the womb of the original mother! The void where creation can begin or end!

My name Kymberly represents ‘the royal forest’. Surname Kymber is a male and female name that represents ‘Cyneburgs Field’ [so im a field on top of a field ‘Kymber Kula’]. 

In other words, it represents a ‘Diamond’.

Kym means ‘Regal-Hill’ and or ‘Golden’ and it doesn't end there.

I am or represent a ROYAL FOREST made of diamond and gold. Sounds like a golden woven crystal castle doesn't it!?

Another Kimber was at our wedding and is a lover of my mother Sarah and part of the Pink Unicorn Clan; cherished by us also! 

at the bath house, I work, I am friends with another Kimber. Never knew so many in my lifetime! I'm gathering up my diamonds in the rough! 

So being wedded to my husband Malachi- the Christed Emporer or ‘Holy Grail’; he is now taking his rightful Reign of the Kingdoms Heart and Throne upon the islands of Kymberly Kay Kula. The most beautiful of all Castles available in the Kingdom being offered to him - The DIAMOND on the holiest of holy of islands!

Together their names are "Ki/Chi/Qi" Chi from the end of Mala*chi*'s name and the middle name of Kymberly *Kay/Qi* (she was also nicknamed "Ki" in freshman year of high school) and then Malachi's adoptive last name *Kai*ser. Chi or Qi or Ki is the [Key] circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine.
Malachi's name represents ‘the messenger’ or ‘my angel’; he is also anointed his past incarnation name of ‘John’ [the Baptist]. He and my son Elijah have a prophecy here to fulfill together! My daughter was the Grace- the reprieve of the holy spirit... resembling the daughter of the Lady Christ: that is necessary before they can fulfill this prophecy.

From being adopted its obvious i come from ‘peasant’ bloodlines! otherwise I came from other royal bloodlines or the Holy Grail itself. Our union and birthdays on 9/23 (my actual birthday and Malachis is 9/25) are very special and Dynastic birthdates

we truly birthed and opened ourselves as gateways and anchored Christ into this timeline during this time! We are officially the prophets if old- returned to correct what was distorted and we cannot do it alone so the army will rise up in unison as they realize the truth Eye am proclaiming today!

Our paradigm and timelines shifted on 9/24 and the Holy Spirit utilizing both of their vessels and stepped in that day. when my son Elijah cut the thread of fate between my Mom Laura, her 3rd Husband Ron and his son Mark and our family.

the night at our birthdays where we were supposedly being honored is the day i was pretty much disowned by these individuals! It didn't feel like much of an honoring.

 I was okay letting them go for we did not witness Christ in their boasting Christian hearts that day when my husband Malachi disciplined his adopted son Elijah in front of anyone for the very first time since our reunion! I expressed this to them, my hurt- their resistance to allowing me our authentic expressions and capability to parent the generation of our children.

They disown us Because Malachi had to be a little ‘scary’ as the DIVINE FATHER (honestly he used the word FUCK; one time) sometimes can appear- we were cast out and treated as if we were monsters- and even accused of being 'possessed'.

Eye saw it coming and took it proudly as a compliment...though the spirit of grief has been very present as of late working through truly healing wounds i just put a band aid over for so many years.

If I am possessed it is with the Holy Spirit and that spirit within me will cast out demon's as she sees them come. This day was always warned to me and ‘foretold’ in my dreams for as long as i can remember! I was being prepared for it and the death of the Veil! This story you can continue when i upload it to my blog later!

*LINK* It's funny because at the end of what i wrote and have yet to put into a blog... i was talking about being a 'fisherman' and catching just one fish on our vacation. Turns out the Holy Grail is the 'Fisherman Tribe' 

Question: "Why must Elijah return before the end times (Malachi 4:5-6)?"

Answer: Malachi 4:5-6 offers an intriguing prophecy: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” To this day, Jewish Seders include an empty chair at the table in anticipation that Elijah will return to herald the Messiah in fulfillment of Malachi’s word.

According to Malachi 4:6, the reason for Elijah’s return will be to “turn the hearts” of fathers and their children to each other. In other words, the goal would be reconciliation. In the New Testament, Jesus reveals that John the Baptist was the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy: “All the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come” (Matthew 11:13-14). This fulfillment is also mentioned in Mark 1:2-4 and Luke 1:17; 7:27.

Specifically related to Malachi 4:5-6 is Matthew 17:10-13: “His disciples asked Him, saying, ‘Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. . . .’ Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.”

The scribes were the Jewish religious teachers, mostly Pharisees and Sadducees, who provided commentary on the Jewish Scriptures. Peter, James, and John were familiar with their teachings and asked Jesus about Elijah after seeing Jesus with Moses and Elijah at the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8). Jesus clearly stated that Elijah had already come, but, tragically, he was not recognized and had been killed. Jesus then predicted He would likewise die at the hands of His enemies (17:13).

A brief look at the ministry of John the Baptist reveals many notable ways that he was “Elijah.” First, God predicted John’s work as being like that of Elijah (Luke 1:17). Second, he dressed like Elijah (2 Kings 1:8 and Matthew 3:4). Third, like Elijah, John the Baptist preached in the wilderness (Matthew 3:1). Fourth, both men preached a message of repentance. Fifth, both men withstood kings and had high-profile enemies (1 Kings 18:17 and Matthew 14:3).

Some argue that John the Baptist was not the Elijah to come because John himself said that he was not Elijah. “And they asked him, ‘What then? Are you Elijah?’ He said, ‘I am not’” (John 1:21). There are two explanations for this apparent contradiction. First, because Elijah had never died (2 Kings 2:11), many first-century rabbis taught that Elijah was still alive and would reappear before the Messiah’s arrival. When John denied being Elijah, he could have been countering the idea that he was the actual Elijah who had been taken to heaven.

Second, John’s words could indicate a difference between John’s view of himself and Jesus’ view of him. John may not have seen himself as the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6. However, Jesus did. There is no contradiction, then, simply a humble prophet giving an honest opinion of himself. John rejected the honor (cf. John 3:30), yet Jesus credited John as the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy regarding the return of Elijah.

As the metaphorical Elijah, John called people to repentance and a life of obedience, preparing the people of his generation for the coming of Jesus Christ, the One who had come “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10) and to establish the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18).


The rapture certainly began on September 23-25 2017 when Venus [‘Virgin’ Mary- i am a Virgo/libra born sept 9/23) gave birth in the sky through the stars; of the Holy Grail-Christ! the rapture just began the mission to bring the hearts of all into a united Essene Garden Of Peace- and not just another “illusionary heaven” while the Elites scrounge to hide and store all the negative energy they can to live through this time of darkness- hiding just so that at the ripe moment they can pop out of the woodwork again split it and create another hell when Peace is finally obtained! No- all 27 fragments of Gaia will be retrieved back into her ORIGINAL BLUEPRINT just as we all will come into the remembrance of the Essene way! No 28th will they create! distortion of the truth and hooks within the ‘system’ will be cleaned out for good! The true Eye Am of ALL will reign on holy ground!

We know from the Gospel chronology that the Bethany second-marriage anointing of Jesus by Mary Magdalene was in the week before the Crucifixion. And we know that at that stage Mary was three-months pregnant and therefore should have given birth in the following September.

So, what do the Gospels tell us about events in September AD 33? In fact, the Gospels tell us nothing, but the story is taken up in The Acts of the Apostles which detail for September the event which we have come to know as "the Ascension".

The one thing that the Acts do not do, however, is call the event "the Ascension". This was a name given to the ritual when the Roman Church doctrines were established over three centuries later. What the text actually says is:

"And when he had spoken these things...he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight."

It then continues that "a man in white" said to the disciples:

"Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus...shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go."

Then, a little later in the Acts, it says that "heaven" must receive Jesus until "the time of restitution". Given that this was the very month in which Mary Magdalene’s child was due, is there perhaps some connection between Mary’s confinement and the so-called Ascension? There certainly is, and the connection is made by virtue of the time of restitution

Not only were there rules to govern the marriage ceremony of a Messianic heir, but so too were there rules to govern the marriage itself. The rules of dynastic wedlock were quite unlike the Jewish family norm, and Messianic parents were formally separated at the birth of a child. Even prior to this, intimacy between a dynastic husband and wife was only allowed in December, so that births of heirs would always fall in the month of September is the month of Atonement, the holiest month of the Jewish calendar and to be part of the dynasty 

Indeed, it was this very rule which Jesus’s own parents (Joseph and Mary) [My husband's mother is named 'Mary' and her 2nd husband is Joseph...both have these as their middle names... you can read about it in my blog Letter To My Mother) had themselves broken. And this was the reason why the Jews were split in opinion as to whether Jesus was, in fact, their true Messiah.

When a dynastic child was conceived at the wrong time of year, the mother was generally placed in monastic custody for the birth so as to avoid public embarrassment. This was called being "put away privily", and Matthew states quite plainly that when Mary’s pregnancy was discovered,

"Joseph, her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily".
In this instance, special dispensation for the birth was granted by the archangel Simeon who at that time held the distinction of "Gabriel", being the angelic priest in charge. Both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Enoch (which was excluded from the Old Testament) detail that the "archangels" (or chief ambassadors) were the senior priests at Qumran, retaining the traditional titles of "Michael", "Gabriel", "Raphael", "Sariel", etc.

In the case of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, however, the rules of wedlock had been obeyed to the letter, and their first child was properly conceived in December AD 32, to be born in September AD 33.

From the moment of a dynastic birth, the parents were physically separated, for six years if the child was a boy, and for three years if the child was a girl. [I was just about 6 years after my son was born that I met Malachi and had been divorced from my son's biological Father. for the first 3 years of my daughter's life... our marriage was on the verge of collapse] Their marriage would only be recommenced at the designated time of restitution. Meanwhile, the mother and child would enter the equivalent of a convent, and the father would enter "the Kingdom of Heaven". This Kingdom of Heaven was actually the Essene High Monastery at Mird, by the Dead Sea, and the ceremony of entry was conducted by the angelic priests under the supervision of the appointed Leader of the Pilgrims.

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, the Israelite pilgrims were led into the Holy Land by a "cloud", and in accordance with this continued Exodus imagery, the priestly Leader of the Pilgrims was designated with the title "Cloud".

So, if we now read the Acts verses as they were intended to be understood, we see that Jesus was taken up by the Cloud (the Leader of the Pilgrims) to the Kingdom of Heaven (the High Monastery). And the man in white (an angelic priest) said that Jesus would return at the time of restitution (when his Earthly marriage was restored).

If we now look at St Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews we discover that he explains the said Ascension event in some greater detail, for Paul tells of how Jesus was admitted to the Priesthood of Heaven when he actually had no entitlement to such a sacred office. He explains that Jesus was born (through his father Joseph) into the Davidic line of Judah, a line which held the right of kingship but had no right to the priesthood, for this was the sole prerogative of the line of Aaron and Levi.

But, says Paul, a special dispensation was granted, and he tells that "for the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law". As a result of this express "change of the law", it is explained that Jesus was enabled to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the priestly Order of Melchizedek.

So, in September AD 33, the first child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was born, and Jesus duly entered the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no reference to this child being a son (as there is for the two subsequent births), and given that Jesus returned three years later, in AD 36, we know that Mary must have had a daughter.

By following the chronology of the Acts, we see that in September AD 37 a second child was born; and then another in AD 44. The period between these two births to the second restitution in AD 43 was "six years", which denotes that the AD 37 child was a son. This fact is also conveyed by the use of cryptic wording, the same cryptic wording afforded to the AD 44 child, so we know that this third child was also a son.

(My kids are 4 [the crossroads] years apart. Grace was born September 20 2007 and Elijah was born March 18th 2011)

In accordance with the scribal codes detailed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, everything cryptic within the New Testament is set up beforehand by some other entry which explains that the inherent message is "for those with ears to hear". Once these codes and allegories are understood, they never ever vary. They mean the same thing every time they are used, and they are used every time that same meaning is required.

For example, the Gospels explain that Jesus was called "the Word of God": "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us... full of grace and truth." John goes to great lengths to explain the relevance of this definition, and subsequent entries give details such as "the Word of God stood by the lake" and "the Word of God was in Samaria".

Messages conveying information about fertility and new life are established in the Parable of the Sower whose seed "bore fruit and increased". Thus, when it is said that "the Word of God increased", "those with ears to hear" would recognize at once that "Jesus increased", that is to say, he had a son. There are two such entries in the Acts, and they fall precisely on cue in AD 37 and AD 44.

Probably the most misrepresented book of the New Testament is The Book of The Revelation of St John the Divine, misrepresented by the Church, that is; not by the book itself. This book is quite unlike any other in the Bible. It is dubbed with terrible supernatural overtones, and its straightforward imagery has been savagely corrupted by the Church to present the text as some form of foreboding or prophecy of warning! But the book is not called "The Prophecy" or "The Warning". It is called "The Revelation".

So, what does the book reveal? Chronologically, its story follows The Acts of the Apostles, and the Book of The Revelation is, in fact, the continuing story of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and their sons, particularly the elder son, Jesus Justus. It follows his life and details his marriage, along with the birth of his own son. This much-misunderstood New Testament book is not a foreboding or a warning as the fearful Church would have us believe. It is precisely what it says it is: a revelation.

And according to the Essene Church of Christ and Order Of The Blue Rose much of this is very true. Even my own body gets goosebumps and cascades of light and bliss reading it all and bringing it into my memory! 

Q) If Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, did they have children?

A) Jesus and Mary Magdalene had one child together, a son. (I have to wonder if this is not so true-they actually had 3. And the 'adopted' daughter wasnt so, she was the first born) *just after the crucifixion, the Magdalene adopted a young girl, Sarah, whose parents had been killed. Sarah grew up to be the Nasarean scribe who wrote down the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.* In regard to the son, the Essene scrolls even tell us when he was conceived. I received an Anon-I-mous letter in the mail back in february and it mentioned the name Sarah multiple times along with some very cryptic scriptures. 22 to be exact. Check out the blog here.

Do you remember the New Testament story about the last night in the garden at Gethsemane? That was the last night before Jesus arrest and subsequent trial. We are told that none of the disciples were able to stay awake with him that night, all being too sleepy. But in the Essene version, there was one who did stay awake with him that night: His wife and co-Messiah, Mary Magdalene. And that is when they conceived their child [though I believe she was already 3 months pregnant because the first born had to be delivered in September]. They did so in the full knowledge that Jesus was about to be arrested and put to death. They wanted to preserve his seed. And that child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is known today as The Holy Grail.

[we are doing this through our son Elijah and Malachi has through marriage with me on 8/11 adopted my son Elijah (6) and daughter Grace (now 10 at that time 9)

I want to say that during the summer my ‘twin flame’ and I got into a little miscommunication at Elitches and for the first time in his life he was accused of abuse toward me which i made them rule out this and they adamantly pressed charges on him and sentenced to jail for 48 hours unjustfully for ‘interference with police direction’ when he resisted arrest-which i guess is the worst ‘misdemeanor’ someone can receive and if it's on your record the police harass you and theres nothing they can do about that. Sounds similar to Yeshua's experience. While he was in jail I wept and wailed all night- even after attempting to switch waiting at the jail with his father David who was there from 2pm the following day until after midnight- they informed us he would be in another extended amount of hours and his bail (after i spoke to him on the phone and he said it was $100... i said our friend guessed it would be $500 or so so that was a relief... mind these are tapped phones) was mistaken they said it wasnt $100 its now $500. In spirit, i ‘grieved’ this process with him. It was all such BS! And even now That were coming OUT OF THE DARKNESS and retrieving our Soul fragments and were becoming official system busters the universe gives him a BS ‘speeding ticket in a school zone’ and ‘no seat belt’ (which makes him claustrophobic and have anxiety attacks) of $365 on his 26th birthday! This cop literally jumped into the street and forced him to pull over. So right now he will be on ‘probation’ for 6 months paying $250 off for the other GLITCH and he finished his ‘Anger Management’ classes. Now he is charged $1 a day for the entire year that THEY couldnt destroy us and did EVERYTHING to. Even bringing us together when they did- brought us both almost to suicide but we KNEW what they were trying to do and we BEAT THEM! This is following the Sunday i revealed my I Am to my family and they called me possessed! Funny we where driving awfully close to their house when this happened on 10/4;
2:27 10/6 hold onto the memories corey tynan

Bwa hahaha me and Malachi Kaiser are done accommodating humans fear and all the Angels keep saying ‘take it slow for them!’ And we will not relent no way no how- Angels are messengers who are neutral and they work both sides. I love my angels but i dont have to bow down to their guidance to slow down! Archons dont rule us!

Right as we where discussing this out loud driving to eat at on the border for fajita day and apparently national taco day we both say the angels are annoyed because before just a week ago we glorified angels and their helping us and asking for their help- now were rebelling and only taking advice of our Eye am and they are all getting sassy with us!
EVP-007 electronic voice phenomenon (we experienced this last night 10/3 when i was joking with the Goddess’s how they are my ‘SUB-dominate guides aka ‘stupid ugly bitches’- inside joke with the whole Kira Mirror ive been chasing down [A very intensive blog to come]! i apologized for being so rude with my words to my guides and say i love them and not more than a few minutes later they take over my husband's phone and send an EVP saying ‘no apology necessary’) 

the 007 is a message that we are traveling in the right direction and guidance was in front of us. The goddess was telling us we are their James bond- triple agents! and Michael and Azazel calling us ‘LILBRAT’s right next to us because we so aren't subtle about it; we're actually directly laughing in their faces cuz we know they cant do shit about it! we saw 007 on the way home also. 

Why thank you- Eye am a lil brat! Eye love my brat! You're all brats too! 

We laugh our ass off then pass by license plate ‘Ruggs1’- couldnt get a picture! We are pulling the rugs out from under the global elites and we will not relent on the veil!
Everything is breaking down mechanically around us! A motorcycle on Wadsworth now a buss on Colfax yet we just magically maneuver around it all!

Ring around a rosy pocket full if posers- ashes ashes they all fall down!

Keep giving us red lights- this game is fun! We see all the encouraging signs! Boom on your ass after the rugs been ripped from under your lies!

Were One big Golden tapestry and its time to beat the dust out of the fucking thing!

About to celebrate the OPENING OF THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE- and the beginning of the next 7-12 year cycle! Get ready for the waves of change!!! Seeing 555– dont ignore the warning! We’re having a birthday margarita with some $50 cent tacos for NATIONAL TACO DAY! I talked about Taco day in my blog 

Can You Imagine That This Isn't Just A 'Missions Trip' To Me?!

I'm a taco, you're a taco,
you're mom is a taco and so is your fucking dad! 
Even THE TOWELL we wipe our mouth off is a taco in the Eyes of the Creator!
We’re a whole motherfucking taco salad here together!
Wanna leave your 50 cents of love for me to crunch down!? Ill leave you some too! Its a galactic party! Instead of a SUB were having a TACO!


Treasured Angels/Avatars Catalyzing Others

I am the Elder Fairy and im on so many different frequencies at one time its sometimes hard to follow along with me- for that i apologize!
(I've been watching True Blood on HBO and finishing up the last 3 seasons! Been quite entertaining!)

We are so twins- he gets a fajita burrito i get plain fajitas- his is already built and i build my own bwa haha. Yet we share a mango sprinkled margarita together and say cheers and fuck anyone who wants to judge us for our crazy! muah ๐Ÿ’‹

Our house was showered with butterflies before we left! They are flying everywhere in our yard and by us- so special! Orange and black ones; always around us; they visited me also at the Dragon Fest right after our marriage - can read briefly about it in this blog Trinity Lightbody MerKaBah ACT-ivation Aug 2017-Aug 2018 IMPORTANT ENERGETIC REPORT COMING YEAR FORECAST 

2:36Pm Lover Truslow

The monarch butterfly teaches us that life is short and that it must be valued. Assuming that we have decades of our lives left (or at the very least, years) is all well and good for things like economic planning, but it is through recognizing the fleetingness of human existence that we come to value every day, even those which get us down or which are hard to appreciate. 

Monarch butterfly asks you to consciously look at what you have gained that is valuable in each day, and even to write the things that you are grateful for down. If you are in a position where you can think of nothing to be grateful for, the monarch butterfly is a guide willing to open your eyes to the beauty and gift of life once more. It is through this that monarch butterfly teaches us how to look for sweetness and light in our lives. 

Have you ever had one of those moments that felt perfect? Where, despite what was going on in your life, everything seemed to come together in one fleeting moment of contentment, happiness, and perfection? Monarch butterfly teaches us that all of life is made up of striving for and increasing the number of these moments that we experience, and shows us how to better value and focus on these fleeting moments. Do you remember the last time you had one? Where you were when it happened? If you can't remember one, it might be time to seek one out again through looking for enjoyable experiences. 

Massive wave of butterflies lights up Denver weather radar

It is time to enjoy the journey and put aside the destination. It's not about where you will be 'tomorrow' or in a year's time, it is about valuing where you are now, even if you haven't reached your destination yet. Remember that there is as much wisdom and joy to gain on the way to an imagined or real destination, as there is at the destination itself. 

The monarch butterfly, despite being feral in Australia, has still managed to avoid many of the negative connotations that other feral animals in Australia take on over time. The monarch butterfly in many ways has remained outside of harmful or negative influence and is a celebrated image of beauty in urban back gardens. If monarch butterfly is present as a guide, it may be that you are also outside of harmful or negative influence right now, or that the universe is preparing to give you a bit of a 'break' for a while so that you can celebrate the beauty that exists within your life. 

Monarch butterfly indicates themes of travel and migration, even as much as moving to new places. In Australia, short-term travel is indicated, such as journeys to new places, or even taking new commutes to work or back to your home. In other parts of the world, the presence of monarch butterfly asks you to genuinely consider whether you are living in the best place right now, or alternatively if it's worth a change of scenery to get you back in touch with nature and the rhythms of the earth. 

You will be helped at this time by the magic possessed in herbs and flowers. It may be through the healing actions of herbs, and consider increasing your use of them in cooking, taking herbal supplements (only if needed and at the direction of a professional) or even just taking the time to enjoy the scent of herbs under your hands. The power of flowers is also present at this time, consider investing in flower essences, or even making your own. Alternatively, look at and enjoy the presence of flowers in your life. Sometimes just taking the time look at and visually enjoy the bounty of the earth is enough to create powerful healing changes. 

Themes of reincarnation may be present. The monarch butterfly introduces us to concepts of reincarnation and, if we are believers, asks us to invest some more time into thinking about our beliefs regarding rebirth and spiritual transformation across lifetimes. 

All butterflies (and moths [Which we saw at dinner last week at Texas Roadhouse]) teach the power of transformation, and their presence in your life can be extremely empowering. They teach people how to proactively seize their own individual opportunities for growth and metamorphosis. At this time, you have a great opportunity for phenomenal internal and external changes and transformations. Monarch butterfly particularly signals a time for a personal change and internal change, emphasizing changes of perspective and how we perceive our place in the world and our contentment within it. 

Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. Butterflies, due to their very nature, tend to have quite fleeting energy and are more common as short-term guides. That said, their presence in the short-term remains profound and presents a potential for transformation, joy, and growth. 

So what are the chances that your eating dinner and your beloved and yourself go to take a bite of potato... and both simultaneously choke on or swallow said potato wrong at the exact same moment and start hacking their lungs out!?

Yea that just happened.

Also my beloved found a moth climbing on him and its beady little eyes staring up at him, he put it on his hand and showed it to me and it flew away, another one swooped in right next to me and over to the light to my right on the wall and there was one chilling in the blinds next to us. Moths are death rebirth and transformation- just the darker aspect and shadow aspect of the Butterfly!!!

Q) You have just dropped quite a bombshell! Was not the Holy Grail supposed to be a goblet? Can you elaborate?

A) We have all heard of The Holy Grail. Most think of it as a goblet that held the blood of Christ shed upon the cross. This goblet was said to hold the blood of Christ and have mystical powers. But consider the following: would not a child of Jesus and the Magdalene be a vessel filled, quite literally, with the blood of Christ? The most ancient stories of the Grail call it by the name, Sangreal, which means Royal Blood. And all the early Grail legends refer to the Grail Family? In an ancient text called the Perlesvaus, the Grail consists of a changing sequence of images, the first being a crowned king crucified, the second being a child. The Essene scrolls even give us the name of the child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene; his name was Gebiya. And guess what Gebiya means in Hebrew? Goblet!

Q) We know Jesus was crucified, but what became of the rest of the Grail Family? Where did Mary Magdalene take the Grail Child and her adopted *supposedly she was 'adopted'... *I'm starting to believe she was her real bloodline* daughter [Sarah]?

A) After giving birth to her son, Gebiya, the Magdalene took him and Sarah to France. There is a lot of evidence to support the assertion that the Magdalene went to France with the Grail Child.

Q) In Christianity, they talk about having a living relationship with Jesus. By that they mean that he is not just a historical figure, but a living Being whom can be experienced. Do you feel that way about Mary Magdalene?

A) I believe that both the Lord Christ and the Lady Christ are very real and can be experienced Here and Now. In regard to the Magdalene, her time has come. The great awakening of interest in her will profoundly affect our culture.

Q) You refer to your religion by two words, Nasarean?and Essene? Please explain.

A) According to our ancient texts, we are the Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way. The name of our religion is Nasarean. The practice of our religion is The Essene Way. The word Nasarean means Ascension. The way we ascend?is by practicing the Essene Way of Life. The word Essene?means Healer?or Healing? Thus, the Essene Way is The Healing Way. This healing?refers to body, mind, spirit, and planet.

Q) What is the Essene Order of the Blue Rose?

A) The Order of the Blue Rose was established by Mary Magdalene after the crucifixion of Yahshua (Jesus?, to be a special order for only the most faithful followers of the Nasarean- Essene Way. You see, immediately after the crucifixion, many of the male followers of Yahshua refused to accept a woman, Mary Magdalene, as their leader. Mary, the rightful successor to Yahshua, established The Order of the Blue Rose for those who remained faithful to her. She established the order in Israel shortly after the crucifixion, then escaped to France carrying the baby of her husband and co-Messiah, Yahshua.

Q) Where does the reference to a Blue Rose?come from? Why did Mary Magdalene choose that name for the order?

A) On the night that Yahshua (Jesus? and Miriam (Mary Magdalene? conceived their baby?The Holy Grail Child ?he gifted her with her favorite flower: the Blue Rose. The Magdalene wore the Blue Rose in her hair when she conceived the Grail Child. The next morning, Yahshua was arrested and, three days later, crucified. Miriam saved that rose, dried it, and used it in the initiation rituals of the Order. This was appropriate, for, the inner circle of initiates within this Order become members of The Grail Family, and have a special relationship with The Holy Grail Child

I am being led to ‘believe’ that my son and daughter, myself and my husband is a part of this Holy Grail Family- whether by adoption or pure blooded is irrelevant- we are here to carry forth the I Am Truth of Christ... of LIFE!

Eye Am Kula- Kula may also be translated to mean “community of the heart.” This implies that the community of people have shared values and a shared sense of valuing and connecting with each other. These people, in a sense, hold space for each other. Many yogic communities will strive to create this.

The concept of Kula can be used to describe the idea that when yogis practice yoga with strangers, they feel inspired and motivated by them. When they then leave their yoga class and this particular group, they are then perhaps more able to go out into the wider community and inspire and support others as well.

I am going to applying for a job at a metaphysical store called New Moon Bookstore and Events and right next to it is a "Kula Yoga" studio.

This was my letter to my mother Sarah after this discovery: 

Guess what I learned today!!! My main past life influential name was SARAH! I was the adoptive daughter of Mary Magdalene/Isis. Both her parents had died and she became the scribe and seer of MM. MM was the one who is the mother of the holy grail (Christ child) i recorded the teachings of them and am the seer/scribe of MM and the Essenes! We walk by the blue rose. malachi i believe was Ezra and played the role of Yeshua and Elijahs scribe before he walked out possibly and then incarnated after the death of Yeshua into the chalice to become the Son of MM and become the Holy Grail (bloodline)

We are scribes and children of the Chosen Christ Masters before us and were chosen to return to bring the truth of these stories into the awareness of all who will listen and open their hearts to see the truth and find healing. We are the ‘second coming’ of Christ in the ‘flesh’ since you MUST have one in your reality. But the true second coming will be through the hearts of all of the humanity into their Eye Am that is always WITH Source/Christ

Funny how in some alternate perspective you are again my 'adoptive' mom [Tho i believe i was your first born] given recent events- just in this life you were given my name! through me you found your long lost ‘Son’ and thus ‘High Priest’ in Malachi who I have eternally loved and protected and nurtured in your absence like a mother or sister would but loving him so much more than an elder sister in this lifetime- at least since June 19th 2015! he represents our Holy Grail- the Christ Child- Gebija- and from being a brief incarnation as Ezra before his birth he simultaneously knows his father Yeshua very well before he was born September AD 37 through his Divine Mother (You) following the crucifixion of her husband/his father! and now we (in a past life Brother and Sister) are married by our beloved Sarah/MM mother (you) just as Mary told you that you would be wed to Yeshua/Christ. You couldn't have come back into our lives at a more perfect time! Boy was keeping the faith worth it! Now somehow we will find our 3rd child who was born September AD 44 unless you already know who that is :) And you always say you and your beloved Kimber are part of the "Pink Unicorn Clan", you two are so joyful to watch twirling around your beloved Mikel... I love Unicorns equally... I found this tidbit out today 'The equivalent traditional symbol of the male was a blade or a horn, usually represented by a sword or a unicorn. In the Old Testament’s Song of Solomon and in the Psalms of David, the fertile unicorn is associated with the kingly line of Judah; and it was for this very reason that the Cathars of Provence used the mystical beast to symbolize the Grail bloodline.' So there you go. I love you Mama! muah :-*"

Given in this lifetime we do not share the same blood so it is not ‘incest’ - now our connections make sense. What we have is pure royal blood mixing with that of previous peasants but the DIAMOND of the peasants and making them equal under God. Even if Eye wasn't adopted, but was the first born, we are still continuing the Holy Grail Bloodline in this dimension. we are now reunited as One and full of joy together- all this happening and transpiring before the true birth of Christ through The Virgin Venus in the Sky with the star of Bethlehem so bright- on our very own birthdays and we will finish what they began so long ago- to fulfill the Malachi 4 prophecy together with our children Grace and Elijah- as their Divine Children and the Holy Grail Family- adopted or pureblood- now married our bloods combine and are melded together as One. We may have a child in the future for Eye was foretold to have 3 children...Eye have many hybrid children, yet it is not for some time that a 3rd in the physical shall appear again.

Now the blood of Christ will shower upon Gaia like a rainstorm- or BUTTERFLIES will suffice, and rainstorms also since those have been around the past two weeks *as my left ear rings with a high pitch*!

Not a physical baby will be born (yet perhaps in like 30 years)- but the rebirth of all hearts on Earth in a realization of their Eye Am. we will carry forth the legacy of the Essenes and love on Gaia as the reflections of The Christ Child speaking of Yeshua's life and adopted Sarah (Eye) speaking of Mary Magdalene's- we were there in witness to their lives- right beside her being raised up as a Priestess by her Dynasty mother MM herself! for we where the scribes and oracles from before- the record keepers prepped for this mission to reveal secrets that  are hidden in the book of knowledge and 13th crystal skull which is the diamond within us and the KINGDOM where there is no ‘Game over the throne’ when it is within every heart and Love of self is the key to open the doors- this key is being given to humanity- the Essenes have yet to be seen or revealed and recognized as the Gatekeepers that open the Doors to a place only the purified holy of holies may enter upon entrance of the island or mountain.

I have always been drawn to Avalon and the stories of King Arthur and the round-table. Following Merlin and all that fun medieval stuff. Hence why our wedding was so magical... Alice in Wonderland related along with King and Queen themes. On that day a convergence of souls unlike any other was initiated. Trinity has role played in many various ways throughout history... she has experienced all timelines on all layers of time and space and dimensional systems. Her goal is to bring them all back into the Original One and remove all hooks within every PhyOp we face. The book of knowledge is upon us... It begins October 4th and will continue to awaken many for the next decade to come...




A blog to come will describe how the 'Holy Grail' was honored on our wedding day and many exciting details to our experience as our Mad Hatter Tea Party in the 'Garden of Gethsemane'. For now Eye want to share with you something i discovered in the past few weeks and Eye am behooved to share! 

The Garden Of Eden The Impersonal Life

"Whether or not you have gotten any clear grasp of what has just been stated, do not discard it as impossible of comprehension. For in every line is hidden a meaning that will more than repay you for the study necessary to make it become clear. This message is to awaken you to a realization of what YOU are and what Trinity is. To a realization of your real Self. It is intended to make you once more conscious of Me, your Divine Self, so conscious that never again will you be deceived by that other self, which you have imagined as being you and which so long has lured you on by feeding you with its unsatisfying sense pleasures, its mental dissipations and emotional delights. 

Before that can be it will be necessary for you thoroughly to know that supposed other self, that self which You created thinking it real and separate from Me, and then kept alive by giving it the power thus to entice and deceive you; yes, that self created self, with its purely selfish pride and ambitions and imagined power, its love of life, of possessions, of being thought wise or good, - but which self is merely your human personality, which was born only to die as a separate identity, and as such has no more reality or permanence than the leaf, the snow or the cloud. 

Yes, you will be brought face to face with that petty personal self, and will see with perfect vision all its sordid selfishness and human vanities; and you will then learn - if you will but turn to Me and ask in simple faith and trust- that it is I [Eye], the infinite, Impersonal part of You, abiding always within, Who am thus pointing out to you all these illusions of the personality, which for so many ages have separated you in consciousness from Me, Your glorious, Divine Self. 

This realization will surely come when you can recognize that this Message is from Me, and when you have determined that it shall be. To you, whom I have inspired with such a determination, I will cause every illusion in time to disappear, and you shall in truth KNOW Me. 

The exercise of your mind along these abstract lines will not hurt you. Instead, it is what your mind needs. For, not until you can grasp My Meaning when presented wot you in ideas such as these herein contained, coming from without, can you perceive and correctly interpret My Idea when I inspire you from within. Your mind I [Eye] AM thus preparing for USE, not to gain more earthly knowledge, but in order that you can receive and give forth My heavenly Knowledge to those whom I shall bring to you for that purpose. 

With a prayer to Me, Your Own Real Self, your Father-in-Heaven, that true realization may come, read carefully what follows.

We have arrived, in the course of our consideration of the process of unfoldment of My Idea, to where the I [Eye] Am of you, manifesting in your Immortal Soul Body, or in the Thought Image created by My Thinking, is now ready to take on the substantial form, a form suitable for the Earth expression of My Attributes. 

This change from a mental to a mortal form took place after the manner and process of all thinking and creating, and is literally described in the Bible, where it says I "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." 

Shall I explain further?- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded to attract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, in due course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of the Thought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it was,-Until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what is called the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, My Attribute, breathed into and then through  its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and You then made your first appearance on Earth as a Human Being- a living Soul (My Idea now able to express consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within our Self all of My Attributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities! 

Thus were now manifest all the various mediums for the Earth expression of My Idea; and You, being one of My Attributes, naturally had dominion over all of these mediums, or possessed the power of utilizing any of all of them, if necessary, for the full and complete expression of Your- My Attribute's- powers and possibilities. 

In this manner and for the reason alone did You and Your Brothers and Sisters come into human expression. While in human form yet Your expression was so entirely Impersonal, that, though self-conscious, you still looked wholly to Me within for inspiration and guidance. This, then, was the first condition into which You awakened when You entered into Earth expression and is what is called the Edenic state of dwelling in the Garden of Eden. 

The Edenic state represents the Celestial phase of Impersonal Consciousness, of that state in which You were still consciously One with Me, though now confined in a mortal medium of expression. 

Now, I shall not tell you in detail how or why it became necessary for me to "drive" You (Now manifesting as Man or Humanity) out of the Garden of Eden, other than to remind you of the part that Desire plays in Earth expression, and its relation to My will; how it centers your interest in outer things and makes you forget Me within.

When you have solved that and comprehended somewhat of My reason, then perhaps you can understand the necessity of first causing You (Humanity) to fall into a deep sleep (You have arrived at the close of another Cycle called a Cosmic Day), and of letting you dream you had awakened, - but in reality you were and are still asleep, and everything from that day to this including all seeming earthly events and conditions, have been but a Dream, from which you will fully awaken only when You  (Humanity) again become wholly conscious of Me within, - and of finding Yourself (Humanity) no longer outwardly one, but two; One in active, thinking, aggressive part, thereafter called a man, and the other a passive, feeling, receptive part, - a womb-man, or woman; 

Also the necessity of these seeming earth influences being brought to bear to draw Your consciousness from purely celestial the lights and to hold it in the new dream condition, in order to develop a mortal mind, that you might through its natural selfish tendencies become centered entirely upon your earthly mission of mortal expression; 

and the wisdom of having this influence, through the serpent of selfishness (The shape I caused it to assume and your mind), first generate in the passive, feeling, receptive part of you- Desire, The mortal agent of my will, which was to supply the motives and the power for the further and complete expression of my attributes on earth;

And finally the necessity of desire casting it’s complete spell over you (humanity) that your celestial or personal nature might be kept deep in sleep; until, in your dream, by the free but ignorant use of my will, you could taste in fully eat of the fruit of that so-called tree of knowledge of good and evil, and through the eating could learn properly to discriminate and no it’s fruits for what it really is; and those acquire the strength to use the knowledge Thus gained wisely and perfectly and the expression of my idea only.

You likewise possibly now can understand how in your dream you became more and more and grow stand and attached to this false or the state, the first eating of this food in learning to know good and evil, and after learning of the new enticing world does opened up to you, dying to the knowledge of the reality back of it all; and how and why it was you who learned that you were naked- both the liking the feeling parts of you; and also why are you girlfriend and tried to hide from me, that’s creating in your consciousness the sense of separation from me. 

Now, perhaps, you can see why this all had to be, why you humanity had to leave the Edenic State of impersonal consciousness and lose yourself wholly in the earth illusions of the Dreamworld, in order to be able to create a body and develop in it a personal or self-consciousness capable of fully expressing my perfection. 

That’s was born your human personality, and since it’s birth have I am pill due to nurse, support and strengthen it, by filling you with longings, hopes, ambitions, and aspirations, with all the various manifestations of desire; which are about the human phases of my will, operating in the preparation and development of a medium capable of expressing perfectly my attributes on earth.

And so I Spake The word, and drove you out of the garden of Eden, and Clothed you with the “coat of skin”, or, in other words, with Flesh, the same as other animals. For now, in order that you might enter into the heart of earth conditions, into the real earth, the earth of my idea, not the one of your dream, so as to quicken my idea therein into active life expression, you, attribute, had to have an organism and a covering appropriate to the conditions in which you were to manifest in your dream.

Likewise, and thus giving you a coat of skin, did I, by so doing, provide my idea with the suitable form for earthly expression, I gave you the power to express yourself, there a definite Organism, by means of words.

In the impersonal, there is no user necessity for words. Ideas alone exist in express. They simply are, for they are the expression of the various phases of my being. 

But in the stream condition, where every expression in these early stages of outer being had to have a form and substance that could be heard, seen, felt, smelled or tasted, and order that it’s meaning could be clearly apprehended, then naturally had to be provided organisms capable of being used for the double purpose of expression of understanding what was expressed. 

As my idea unfolded itself, after your expulsion from Eden, you; One of my divine attributes, dwelling within my idea of that attribute an expression, and turn dwelling within the thought image of myself, and finally manifesting outwardly in the earth form of words, when impaled by my will and the guise of desire to express my meaning- began rapidly to “increase and multiply.”

In your search for the most favorable conditions were the manifestation of your particular attributes, you gradually spread over the face of the earth, quickening in arousing the intelligence dormant in all forms of life contacted into fuller and more active expressions of the Particular phases of my idea.

Thus were formed the various languages of earth, each containing many words, and all born of desire in the human mind to Expressen earthly terms infinite phases of my idea ever surging within

The more the human mind drove us to express-in Words- my idea, the greater and more abject the failure.

In time will the great awakening come- that all words are but symbols of one idea, and all ideas of whatsoever nature are but phases of one idea, my idea of myself and expression,- and that all desire to express in words that idea, without the consciousness of my will being the one and only source of inspiration, is futile. Likewise, all desire to express that idea and living ask, without losing all consciousness of your human personality- of your personal parts in the acts, and centering yourself Wholly in me- is vain and fruitless and will and only in failure, disappointment, and humiliation.”

I found this book the other day in the store i hope to retain employment. We went for a visit the day after my mother 'disowned' me- i saw this book, it was blue with flowers on it and called "The Impersonal Life" and it was by DeVorss Publications... to me that was ironic since i just "divorced" many people that week! I read the back of the description and it instantly was sold to me

"I [EYE] AM the Tree Of Life within you. My life will and must push forth, but It will do it by gradual and steady growth. You cannot come into your fruitage before you have grown to it. Remember, My LIfe is all the time building you up into the perfection of health and strength and beauty, that must express outwardly as It is even now expressing within You who have begun to realize I [Eye Am] within, but have not yet learned to commune with Me, listen and learn now."

It's exactly what I've needed and I would recommend anyone to go pick up or find a copy for themselves and reach at least a chapter a night! 

Meditate and contemplate on that for this month and please feel free to share with me your experiences and expressions in regards to what you received today! Also, don't forget the discount of my readings for $22.22 for 7 Cards with Multidimensional Reiki and Sacred Geometry Activation. you can receive a discovery reading in person or schedule a joint massage and a reading if you are in the Denver Metro area. 


I am living proof of the transformations I facilitate for relationships, divine masculines and divine Feminines, families, mothers, fathers, and parenting in general! I have quite literally brought myself back to life since 2011 and this blog depicts my story and experiences!

I have gone through the process that threw me From unconscious to conscious, from numb to feeling, from chaotic to centered, from powerless to powerful, from worthless to worthy, from despair to belief, from self-hate to love❤️ I am and as are my children and those I've mentioned are the physical embodiment of the Venus's Christ child bloodline of the Holy Grail. The prophecy of 9/23/2017 is being role-played and enacted through us. 

Eye am the embodiment of Venus, The Divine Mother... and during my own rebirth into this Body was the 888 Gateway. Eye am the physical representation of The Christ. Christ has returned and my story including my children Grace and Elijah and Husband Malachi are only the beginning of showing the truth of these events and the time we are in now. Eye am here to gather others in the fellowship of the Blue Rose :) Eye am calling those with the "Eyes to see and ears listen"

"The Holy Grail is a powerful symbol on many levels. The chalice is intimately connected with the “sacred cauldron” of creativity so explicitly illustrated by the “Vesica Piscis” which is also the symbol irrevocably associated with Mary “the Magdalene” by the gematria of her epithet.4 When the Bride is restored, the wasteland is healed and the crops and herds thrive–the desert blooms. This is the age-old promise inherent in the paradigm of sacred union–the partnership of the archetypal Bride and Bridegroom. The “Grail” promises are echoes of this ‘sacred reunion’ so long repressed in Christian mythology.

In my view, establishing the claims of an elite family or king to a modern throne by means of legitimizing the “bloodline” is irrelevant. The importance of the Grail legend lies in its proclamation of the “sacred union” at the heart of the Christian mythology–that of Christ and Magdalene–which provides a paradigm of partnership for the “age to come” and the new millennium. This is not a new teaching, but an ancient one, supported by the New Testament Scriptures themselves."

Stay tuned for one of my next blogs-It will go a little further into all of this Holy Grail stuff :) I will include a link here as soon as it is finished! 

9:50am 10/6 

 9:57 AM 10/6

Here's my first ever written song... the first Song that the Lord burst from me and Eye am waiting for Malachi to create the perfect instrumental rhythm to sing it to! He had a major injury to his finger we are waiting to heal up enough that he can play for an extended amount of time...then we plan to start making some amazing music together! 

I want to share the experience of a woman I came across and who has come into my awareness at this time on this glorious day here on October 7th 2017; Eye am here along with another woman who we are both friends with who I am not going to reveal the name of at this moment. I am not too close to this individual but she has been coming to me in regards to certain things she's noticing in the spiritual community around us and her own personal life and we've been bouncing observations off one another based off of our own experiences and innate knowing within our own twin flame dynamics. This woman she brought to my attention for her is a mirror she's been facing for some time... just as my friend Ellie is a mirror I've been facing for some time. She has been helping me with the Kira Mirror in particular and it was us discussing the behavior of Kira that led to our now pretty deep connection...Eye am trying to bless and awaken that individual also [The next blog to come] and Kira had written in teal tribe some pretty nasty opinions towards Twin Flames That I was more than willing to squash but she was not so willing to accept. This blog describes the situation briefly and a little more in depth but I will put the conversations and actually screen play in its own Chronicle Blog Chapter but I wish to share about my friend's current shadow or 'Dark Sister Twin' who's name is Mimi here.

I knew not who she is... the woman in question, I know her name is MiMi and have just begun looking into her website and feeling her energy today. Recently I'm trying to sit back observing many people and how many are reacting and responding during these very cosmically energized times. I've chosen to casually discuss it with my under-cover goddess! I put my own ego and judgments and personality aside and allow my Eye am to just observe and then I will process it for a few days, and then my blogs are written. There's a reason I was not to finish it last night and was to wait until this moment to finish it. 4:48pm 10/7

Though this woman who is helping me undercover is irrelevant (and i will reveal her true name once my other blog is finished) the one in mention today goes by the name Mimi and she has a blog of her own in which I will be sharing from today.

She is a beautiful woman who is out explaining her own Twin Flame journey as she can currently perceive it and I was brought to her newer post today and it really touched my heart... i honestly just had to read the first few paragraphs before I wrote a response. I can feel her so much more deeply than she even knows-she knows not who Eye am yet Eye am doing as she is with sharing how other people have also helped me along this journey and sharing my own journey. No twin flame journey is the same or can be thrown into a pot of its own but Eye am here to share what I've discovered and feel can help others through their confusion. As Mimi is also here to help others- "I equally encourage you to reach out to someone who has been through this if you are in this space. To remind you that they made it through and that you too, are strong enough to make it through and filled with enough love and light to guide your way through."

Her blog was named Twin Flame Soul Shock 

She has inspired me to share my own experience of a Twin Flame Soul Shock! And actually, give some sort of clear 'label' to what it was I experienced. My friend Ellie had told me that the man I will be mentioning named Lucas was not my Twin Flame...and I never denied it fully but said "we will see"- it didn't affect me emotionally and i didn't feel any sort of dramatic response from my energy body with her at the time when she said it but she was right the first time and it took me a few months to accept it myself that Lucas was not my twin flame. A few weeks after I met my True Twin Malachi about 8 months later- I was so excited I invited Ellie over to meet him... not necessarily come to 'validate' our union but see that it truly exists because i knew after two weeks that beyond a doubt he was THE ONE. And we where sharing our journey together so she was the 2nd who ever got to meet him besides my beloved Aries Goddess Deanne.

Ellie that evening had gotten a spike of energy that felt jealous to me... (because she was kind of parenting me for a while on my ascension but even she claimed I had done a 180 from when we where in massage school... and Eye just keep expanding but she seemed to just hit a brick wall).we where all discussing some things and Malachi was starting to getting all sexy and dark about some things and she started to look at me and said "I don't think he's your twin flame". we both stared at her with our jaws dropped (because we basically just performed a synchronistic duo...not even TRYING in front of her) and she was going to dare claim he was not mine but a Karmic? Because our bodies had the same physical problem ailing them. how is that anything but twin flame? It dawned on me that she hasn't a fucking clue the dynamic twin flames take that or she was jealous and trying to impose herself upon mine because I found him first! I literally had to sit down in a chair because my chakras knocked me back from her saying that- I was in a sever shock and my body had a physical NO response and almost made me pass the fuck out... also simultaneously making me want to punch her with a berzerker fit of rage.

My twin felt it too at the same moment and voiced "of course theres the One I was waiting for!" this sent me into a spin because I thought he was doubting our union and validating he was hers too but he was doing the very opposite... he was just as angry at her advances and lie. she soon was escorted out of our house and My twin brought it to my attention when she wrote some special thing online after being introduced to him about meeting an advanced divine masculine and how awesome it was. basically boasting that she may have 'found hers'. something similar to what i wrote when i found my beloved. Malachi had commented on it and she ended up deleting it. The energy was all weird for months and she was super flirty with him until she finally got divorced from her husband (Something she should have done when I lived with her and she was pregnant). Then she started dating... but was being SUPER picky and rigid with ever masculine. We even introduced her to someone we thought would be Twin Flame and she straight up said "no hes not it but i had a heart opening with him" he happened to be one of Malachi's best friends at the time and their birthdays where one day apart and 7 years difference which correlated to her dreams (but even Joey has gone off the deep end as of late). Anyways this went on for a few short months until around May when she boasted on facebook that she found her twin flame on POF. Since then she has not been focused on my twin but has been still radiating this jealous energy at me and wont open up to me on a deeper level about her and her twins union and we both feel a lot of stress and discord they won't talk about because its like they dont want anyone to know that they have shit 'twin flames' supposedly shouldnt. they are boggled by why its feeling so damn 3D right now. They just do the barfable twin flame routine Kira Mirror can't even stand online. Since shes always so quick to give her two cents to people I decided to do the same on her facebook on October 13th 2017 telling her that her Union is not quite what it may seem and if she wants to mentor others I suggested she get some more required education on how to really decern energy signature imprints. I told her "your hiding something" basically and her response the following morning was just to block me. Ha ha... all this going into the next blog also.

Eye am here to describe this SOUL SHOCK i experienced with my Twin Flame and simultaneously with Ellie. Ellie will want to deny my Oracle abilities and hide, but eventually, she will have to face the mirror or else sacrifice her Twin Flame who as a Virgo will NOT tolerate her emotional baggage and need for control. Her want to have her happily ever after RIGHT NOW... is going to destroy not only her relationship but many others also. She's just reacting to me again and repeating the same cycle I had to deal with her in 2015. She still thinks she is the shit and its time to kick the etheric pedestal she thinks she is standing on.

Even the poem at the bottom of this Blog was written when I was feeling expansive growth with Lucas in 2015... I had moved out of Ellies by then but the poem itself was just as relevant to my twin flame Malachi! I used no names just spoke purely from my soul. I feel it just as deeply if not more so for him.

MIMIS Soul Shock…

I mentioned some of the trials of this twin flame journey, and soul shock was definitely part of the trials for me.

It was some point in July, I was awoken in the middle of the night, kind of like Miss Clavel in the Madeline books… something wasn’t right. Something was terribly wrong. I didn’t know anything, I just felt a deep sense of dread in my soul.

There was no logical reason. As far as I knew, my twin was enjoying a vacation, chilling. All was well… Except my soul was screaming at me otherwise.

The details don’t really matter, but the soul screaming went from bad to worse over the next 2 months. There was low to no contact with my twin after months of beautiful connection and seeming plans for the future. There was a deep abiding illusion of separation that I connected into. Being part scorpio astro wise, evidence if existing is findable… and there was evidence that something was not right and that separation was the logical conclusion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Soul Shock, in my experience, is different than dark night of the soul or even astrological Pluto or Saturn transits… intense, but a different animal. Steve Gunn describes soul shock: “‘soul shock.’ When someone you have a deep connection with suddenly pulls away, the dis-connect leaves you feeling as if your soul has left your body, like an empty shell. You just can’t get back to reality and you can feel as if you simply exist. What we’re talking about here is not a conventional emotional relationship. A soul connection is the most powerful soul level connection with someone and when separations like this occur you just can’t “get over it” or “move on” however hard you try. Many people can’t eat sleep or work for a long time, a lot end up on medication and in counseling.”
The soul shock was highly confusing and a mostly physical experience for me, although also metaphysical in how I was processing it. Food was impossible to eat, or to keep down if I managed to eat. Sleep was either light and non-existent or intense and filled with dreams/psychic visions of my twin. I went through a period of about a month, a month and a half, where I couldn’t stop shaking as if I was stuck out in the tundra in only a bathing suit, or a really chilly chihuahua. Now I am someone who knows how to medicate myself with natural foods, herbs, supplements. I have brought my adrenals back completely blown out, so I was treating my nervous system as delicately as I could to feel better. Nothing worked beyond working the past life energies that were screaming at me along with my soul. There are no words to describe the intensity of the physicality of the soul shock experience that I went through….and that some of you may have as well.

The interesting thing was that I couldn’t cry. No tears surfaced despite the intense physical, emotional pain that was moving through me. I couldn’t understand it. My heart felt devastated, and yet it seemed that because I couldn’t understand it, I couldn’t cry. I didn’t cry. I couldn’t hate him, although  I wanted to. I couldn’t forget him, although I tried my best. I still could not cry. I wanted to, so I could release and move on, and yet… I couldn’t… not until the dams burst in October. That was the major turning point, when I started my upswing.

I seek to understand what is going on with me, and I sought… I went to psychics, I talked to my friends who are psychics, I perused twin forums, I met someone who became a close friend who popped out of nowhere and became a huge support for me. (side note: I am going to write a blog about the interesting people who tend to pop into our lives to help us on our twin path!!) I pulled cards, I watched youtube videos and I dove DEEP into myself (the number 1 thing you can do). I write this and share this now, because I know my other offerings have been positive… (read those here and here) and that is where I am at now. But I went through this intense journey of soul shock to get here. And through every minute of that soul shock, my goal was to feel better, my goal was to love myself through whatever this was. My mantra always being, “the better it gets, the better it gets.”

I also found myself mostly in hermit mode through this time. I couldn’t handle anything negative said about my twin. Despite the situations going on, if anyone said anything negative about him, it felt like knives in my heart. With my whole being, I wanted to protect him from any negative thought. I didn’t want to be told to move on as that felt equally painful, although at some point I did text my twin asking him just that, should I move on? The only time through this soul shock experience that I felt like me, was when I was doing astro, meeting with clients, or dancing, which I had to force myself to do out of a deep sense of self preservation.

I went to yoga and to dance classes, out of the sense of self preservation and because I could be alone even surrounded by people, I processed. I would have my twin pop up in yoga, talk to me, tell me what was really going on, and remind me that I could trust him and this experience. How could I trust something that was making me feel so bad? How could I trust someone who said they cared and the next moment, seemingly proved otherwise? I think one of the hardest parts of the journey was the battle raging in my mind. I believe my thoughts about what was happening kept me in soul shock a bit longer than I had to be to physically to process the energies. I should also mention that despite the dreams, confirmations, and visions I was having, I was also in deep twin flame denial. This was not my twin. My twin wouldn’t do this to me…. and that too, kept me spinning through my soul shock.

But from this other side of the soul shock journey, there is the realization of how much healing went on from encountering these depths. That abandonment, the betrayal, the fears realized were all in me, all in my vibration. Part of the soul shock was the tidal wave of these vibrations I’ve been carrying around through lifetimes, through ancestral energies, into this life, coming into fruition all at once.

We can stand around and blame the other for hurting us, but the truth is that hurt already existed deeply within. On a soul level, the greatest act of compassion was bringing this energy to my attention, even if it hurt like hell.

If you are in the midst of soul shock, no matter what kind of situation brought it about for you, it is a call for deep self love. Chances are, blaming your love, your twin, won’t make you feel better… in my case, it was the work on me that made me feel better. Taking response ability and loving yourself through it, whatever that means for you, will help you move through this… with as much grace as possible.

I encourage you to reach out to someone who has been through this if you are in this space. To remind you that they made it through and that you too, are strong enough to make it through and filled with enough love and light to guide your way through.

Below I am including websites to some of the people who helped me the most through this energy! I am lucky to be surrounded by GREAT healers and people who have been on this journey. I am also someone who can help you, my modality mostly being through astrology and my intuition, but I am finding the deeper I go on this path, the more I am opening to feeling and understanding this connection <3
With great love

Alexandra: She does SRT a kind of clearing… she was an angel that came out of nowhere for me on this journey and has become a trusted friend

Maya: I will tell a story one day of how she was a part of my journey even before I realized I was on a twin flame journey! Maya is a twin in Union and carries so much light in helping you get into union, as well as a gifted psychic!

Watching Lee and Sherry on youtube and then working with them has been so helpful too! They documented their whole twin saga! They did major work to get to union

[My twin will be starting to do this soon too, at least slowly and gradually coming into the next and new year!]

I had responded to her blog with this in hopes she is receptive enough at this time to receive it in kind and maybe move towards doing some Shadow Therapy (Facing our 'Stupid Ugly Bitch' Demons)

"Eye am not feeling whoever you are referring to as your ‘twin flame’ to actually be said twin flame. I think you might be confused between the various types of soul contracts we can have and how VERY diverse they are from one another and especially the Twin Flame PhyOp. I think this individual might have been a catalyst twin for you. These individuals are so similar to the frequency of your TRUE twin that you easily mistake it. And when you keep approaching this Catalyst with all the aggressive energy…to them your ‘love’ is aggression-that is why they disconnect the relationship.
I experienced this before I found my real Divine Counterpart… and boy where they almost identical. I met my True twin about 8 months after letting go two soul contracts i previously had with our mutual best friend and Lucas (My Catalyst Twin). A Catalyst twin literally forces you to open your heart. It will show EVERY mirror you need to see to do this… it will test you in this as a means to prepare you to be ready for what is to come in the TRUE Twin

It made sense to me once I met my Malachi why Lucas was truly NOT it. No matter all the dreams and visions and readings I was doing that validated out soul connection… no matter the amount of love that poured out of me for him as I slept next to him at night wishing he would tell me he loved me too but being totally emotionally unavailable. And ‘something’ in me not allowing full sexual mergance-we fooled around and I gave him a lot of massages. We went on a few fun dates and reminisced over our friend Heather and all the things we have in common. But there was still something that didnt fully ‘align’ our hearts and minds. He is emotionally unavailable for you for a reason…

Lucas was NOT the soul connection I assumed him to be-but damn was he so fucking close that i was knocked out of my own shoes the day My True Twin Malachi walked into Heaven Sake Bookstore on June 19th 2016; 

I thought it was Lucas himself and wondered "what the hell is he doing in a store like this in my area of town?!". They had such close defining facial structures and the black hair and about the only difference is that Lucas was the tallest MoFo I've ever met! That day I saw his Libra necklace and his Celtic looking medallion. I was reading a book about virgo-libra cusps in a corner but his voice was so distinct that I couldn't resist responding. My Eye Am proclaimed "you will not leave here today without making contact with him and getting his number"... this took me out of my comfort zone. Eye am so shy! But he started mentioning how he is waiting to "meet a special someone" and that he knew soon he would meet people...I looked at him and told him... Yes, Eye am one of those people! I'm Trinity! And you know what you are is a blue ray starseed. I had asked the universe to please have my True Twin present himself in a beautiful blue. He was in a Blue shirt and make his zodiac obvious. Done and Done. They also told me that he would identify himself to be "the hunter" or "the horned one"... and I went through a process that I had to learn not to fear the devil... or darkness or demons or anything paranormal because this man... hes the master of it all. OMG *drools*. He brings my lilith out and he praises me when I show the Stupid Ugly Bitch.. he thinks shes sexy as FUCK! He indeed ended up saying this and I was like... you're fucking kidding me right now. It was Fathers day so i was talking to his dad too and he was saying he likes numbers. That got me and Malachi running our own birthdays and doing numerology. I was astounded how fast he worked with numbers... i wanted to hump his brain! OMG!!! His birthday was the SAME date as Lucas September 25th just he's 4 years younger than me. (crossroads)  I had been shown in 2015 that my twin would have a bday close to or within a three day marker of September 6th, 15th or 24th 1986 (would be a year older than me). I pretty much was told by my guides after Lucas that the birth year was up for debate from what the person predicted. I let that attachment go. I met a friend named Garret who is one day younger than me with the 24th on POF but we are like brother and sister and have a lot in common but i knew he was not my twin. I had just gotten over thinking Lucas was and accepting he wasn't and dating until i found my beloved. Mostly just doing "me" and shadow therapy and Yuru with my beloved Cathy. Malachi was born in 1991. I recently did our charts and they are just about parallel to one another. I will show them in photo eventually. 

In Heaven Sake Bookstore is when this journey began to lift off! We are just beginning in reunion together and it’s been a little over a year… we married on 8/11 by our mother [who represents Mary Magdalene and in this lifetime she now has the name she gave to be in that lifetime…Sarah the lost princess]

Back in November 15 2015 when I was dealing with my separation and final disconnect from my ‘best friend/sister’ since 2002 which I will write a blog about eventually and her connection between my twin flame and I but I was urged to write Lucas (her best friend and my long time crush) a letter which Heather had read over before I sent it to him. Took her 3 hours... not that any of that matters anymore in the present and it wasn't much more than a few weeks after that that her and my relationship went up in flames... by her own choices to burn the bridge much similar to the same way my mother had our birthday weekend and Ellie is doing. 

Bare in mind I had written him a 21 (3) page letter exposing my heart, my love, my all… It will eventually be on my blog and part of the book im writing. I wrote this letter in passion toward him… but what he always mistook this passion and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE was aggression. I knew deep down my true twin would not respond that way and there where so many subtle but obvious ‘red flags’ that i had to stop obsessing over him. Writing this letter did what I needed it to do… it created a Soul Shock. Take into account that he was choosing to be with this other woman and it pained me to keep being lesser than what he was for her and I saw her as a black widow… just bad luck and only there to use him and have a comfortable life. He will bust his ass off and she would be his ‘ball and chain’. who wants to be a ball and chain… or why would you even settle for that!?

She will be in jail for manslaughter for drunk driving and ‘accidentally killing’ someone. of course, you dont have to be drunk to do this out of pure idiocy and unawareness of your environments…so selfish and self-absorbed you don’t see the hurt you are causing others. I will be sharing an incident i witnessed on 10/6/2017 that will shine light on this.

I didnt see this cycle ending in her life because even while in jail she felt no remorse…wasn’t sorry… but sick of being alone and having to pay her due time in jail she keeps attempting to get out earlier. she is to remain in there for a few more years to come. a few months later right after I met my twin he requested a final massage from me… [His way of paying for the therapeutic care i'd extended him was a really nice Cannon Camera- I had been wanting one for a very long time]

'Ironically' he saw my dad at his PT clinic as my dad was working for the business that was remodeling it… i gave him one final massage and was able to tell him I met my true Twin flame and that I was sorry for the long letter… it was mostly a very personal thing I was going through and that I just hope him the most happiness and freedom in life and that he will find this either eventually with Skye or with someone new…preferably someone new since I didn’t feel Skye was going to be an ‘aligned’ partner for him. We haven't spoken since and the Fluorite Crystal he said he was going to mail back to me due to my request had not shown up in the mail and he has yet to even talk to me…but we remain friends on Facebook and I see him flaunting a new woman which he would not do and would keep secret if he was still with Skye. That pic of him fishing actually resembles a lot. Because he loved Fishing shows and anything relating to cooking. He is an amazing chef himself! But he will never give up bacon and I'll always remember him as the guy who called Vegetables 'food bait'.

I knew my twin would rather move towards the more vegetarian/vegan lifestyle or at least not an overload of meat and dairy- so this was a red flag to me why he wasn't. That and even though I saw the "great hunter" in him and fishing and this whole "I'll keep swimming and fishing and 'thanks for all the fish'" theme keeps popping up in my life ever since my deceased friend Patrick Horn showed up in my life, I just wasn't really into 24/7 fishing. I come to learn now of course how my lineage are "the Fisherman". Go figure

I was somewhat aware that though this felt like my twin… not to “cling” to this Idea of him being it and no one else. It was limiting my own journey of self love-creating a block… that was within my awareness enough that when this disconnect happened… which a big part of my Eye Am warned me that it would…and the thought hurt me… to the core of my being… but i poured it out regardless… that i allowed myself to flow through it. the journey was simply to empower myself and to truly focus on me… and basically ‘prepare’ myself how my Eye Am guided until the reunion day with my True Twin. I stopped forcing the journey… forcing myself into all these emotionally unavailable dynamics with men. I decided I would rather be in an open relationship of sorts or just single to explore myself and what I enjoy and want in life. And if My twin popped up while I was in the motion of doing this… that would be a very Divine Blessing… but i refused to chase it. This runner chaser dynamic I am through it… Eye am here for the TRUE LOVE. Luckily my surrender brought me him. I was dating an amazing Divine Masculine who perhaps if he didn't have to have to go back to Hawaii (Hes was my Mauii who lived in Kula... my last name) we would have been magically deep into a kindred partnership- but the universe wanted me to be with Malachi. My love for Johnny still runs deep.. he showed me after a period of pure self abuse and doubt and shame and blame and abandonment from a guy i was dating named Andrew- Johnny showed me what a real Divine Masculine who is awakened could offer me. Eye knew he was not my twin, even when he told me he loved me and we where naked in one anothers arms... I told him I loved him back just knowing him but a few hours... but it was True. We did have love... and sadly we haven't been able to be in each others presence since he returned to colorado and he has a beautiful girlfriend (which i knew the universe was going to bring him). Point is I got to go through a phase that helped me decern what i DO want and what i DONT want in relationships or within a union. I wish deeply to connect to Johnny again- he will come when he is ready and emotionally capable of meeting my twin for my twin is also me and I know he will love him equally. Our divine masculines need one another... and it is a time that they should drop the past...just allow the emotions and be honest about them but not be closed off to connection because we can't always have that love we felt once on a physical level right now. My love still remains... he is still my Mauii... and Eye will forever hold the Trinity Weekend in my heart! He sparked that Lotus in a way no man ever had in my entire life... and he received all of me. For that I am so entirely greatful! My twin does it on the emotional level i require of man and we are growing day by day into greater physical intimacy as we heal our wounds.

 before I met Malachi i knew that Our union would be far from easy and they showed me in visions how complicated but it was going to be worth the sacrifice of all involved. We had lifetimes of shit to get cleaned up and that happened within a year so I think we're doing pretty well so far! lol.

whether my twin flame was with me or not- I still felt him… my twin was always there and sometimes snuck into these other partners to surprise me for brief moments (probably when his own vessel would go into trance and he went to have fun in astral and i was always sexually tethering to him no matter who my sexual partner was) 

Malachi was always in my dreams and I didn't have a clue but he was also always 5.4 miles away staring up at the same moon and constellations as I and I had to stop focusing on Lucas being him. I was meant to catalyze his life… he does not speak to me because of my ‘aggressiveness’ or what I call PASSION and obvious blunt nature to go with my emotions flow as a Divine Feminine but he’s still there… he was also very connected to my ‘past’ and relationships i have disconnected from shortly after we started dating in an open relationship. My first ever open relationship which just was weird to me … I knew i just wanted sexual relations with my Divine Partner but I was trying to figure out how to ‘heal’ my emotional body and not put sexual limitations on myself… its been an interesting journey but Tantra is something different entirely and ultimately is that which i wish to express with my Divine Partner though it can be achieved through any I choose and see in need as Eye Am a High Priestess of Alchemy. Johnny gave me a glimps of this Tantra and Eye hope to help nurture my Beloved into it for I know OUR souls are kinky as heck.

I knew my twin flame would want all of me when I met him… he would not resist anything that came of our reunion. not even the fact i have genital herpes. there was a LOT of resistance with Lucas on the emotional front-he wanted the physical… though i spoke truth… he wasn’t meant to be WITH ME… he is now with someone I assume makes him very happy and is not the woman in jail. Something catalyzed him and his heart to pursue something else and what he deserves. I told him the truth about the woman he was with in jail after years of observing as a neutral 3rd party and knowing her briefly myself. I warned him but i told him if i felt any inkling that SHE would come into alignment with his vibration… I would help their union… if he wished… i would support them both… but I didn’t feel she would have an open heart to do that nor was he really ready for that from me-whatever Eye Am to him ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now I’m not sensing that the woman you call his karmic is an unconscious individual. She isn’t like the Skye Monster my Lucas had but these two individuals are experiencing their own twin flame journey together and no matter how honest they try to be with you in regards to their union, you continue to aggressively pursue him. I think in light of this soul shock that you need to step back and see an entirely new perspective. You are mistaking his frequency because you have a soul connection, but he is not your ‘True Twin”. This may be a hard thing to come to terms with… coming to terms that Lucas was not my twin hurt me also… our disconnect and that temporary fear that we where going into a runner and chaser dynamic and I would just have to “keep on keeping on” until he ‘came out of the illusion with his karmic’ to see me here… so open-hearted and willing to jump into the deep vast sea together. You cant hold onto that illusion! We aren’t here to ‘wait around’ anymore. Please stop externalizing this! Go within your heart… pretend this person you are pursuing DOESN’T EXIST…

because truly… EYE AM ALREADY WITH YOU! In your own Heart…that is where you will find Me and where your Identity will reside if you must have one. Your Masculine Half will come as soon as you acknowledge Me… the innate intelligence that lies within you, within every Cell, every Eco System. When you truly find Me you will find Him. He’s so close but you need just focus on you- Me. practice and ritualize more self-love and work on yourself and your heart to become the change you wish to see in the world right NOW and not focusing on these external mirrors or what could be but was never meant to be.

Being means to BE In God.

You feel they may be psychically attacking you and you felt the need to step back and create a boundary from that. it is truly the other way around-they finally had to put in place a boundary against you because you would not listen. I wouldn’t listen to those telling me Lucas wasn’t so also. Your True Twin is waiting for you to realize this so that you CAN come into the physical union but being stuck on this other Soul is really putting a wrench in the manifestation of that. You haven’t even met in person this other individual so you are placing a lot of pressure on their own union with your obsessions and aggressive and passionate tendency to think you ‘know’ your ‘right’ in regards to this. Eye am here to bring you into the conscious awareness that you are currently mistaken. You may not enter into a Romantic relationship with a twin flame; those that do have cleared surmountable amounts of Karma that they can withstand the dynamic of True Twin Flames-and even still when these two magnets come together-a lot will have to be ‘rearranged’ for both to merge successfully together. Not all make it this far… most go right back to the runner and chaser phases or learn that person was never a Twin flame but a Karmic themselves. I have experienced all scopes of this… I’ve had to face many mirrors in the hall of horrors before Eye truly came into awareness and higher states of consciousness. now Eye am guided to share my experiences and understanding of the “Twin Flame PhyOp” and help others through their journeys… and stop these sort of “hooks” or loose threads and burning them to stop them from unraveling the Tapestry we are all a part of and the truth that we represent as One.

If you are putting pressure or force on their current CHOSEN partnership that will only make situations worse. You are essentially trying to remove their free will and trying to take control. Making passive aggressive messages between one another.

Allow this soul shock to truly send a shock through your body and allow this disconnect for good. You are so close beautiful soul! SO CLOSE! Don’t allow this to dim your light and dont allow yourself to keep chasing after this person. You haven’t even met him in person. Chasing after him will only make you fall more into the Small Self. You are sovereign please come into the awareness that this connection is hurting all parties involved. You can start over from here… come to an understanding and make amends with the others or simply allow the Soul Shock to burst the violet fire between all of you and perform an Etheric Divorce with them – they will learn what they need to in their union- do not try and tell them what they are or are not-they will discover on their own as will you! Eye know and look at you in your highest vibrations as a Sovereign Being. Coming from that perspective I advise that You cannot force anything. you must be like water and flow. Eye behoove you to finally focusing on loving yourself rather than desperately giving of yourself to those who aren’t accepting or receiving you.

This is a test for you warrior- are you going to be in resistance… in fear… or are you going to let it go to find what is truly waiting for you. Your TRUE HEART. This is a test of true love, of surrender… it is not a mission for the faint of hearts. I do not see a fainted heart within you… but this is part of the awakening process into higher states of consciousness. You are cradled in love by the Divine as you journey through this PhyOp System. Realize whether or not you have this other Soul- you are whole. Divine Timing my child; focus on Me (your Eye Am- find me in the book The Impersonal Life)- and let Me guide the next footsteps you take upon this journey of love!
Atma Namaste my Star Child

-Trinity K’LeFae Magdalene once upon a time known as Kymberly Kay Kula

To further support Our hearts at this time I wish to share a friend who appeared on my facebook today saying the following 4:31pm 10/7 this showed up on my facebook and is pretty much what I'm trying to portray to everyone right now through October and the Full Moon in Aries.


Urgent message for twin collective:

Everyone who is a twin flame, who is a DF, who claims to have done all the inner work, surrendered and waiting for the reunion.....Get Detached with your twin. Reason being... still many are swinging between heart and mind. Intentions behind all thoughts is directly proportional to the Union we're seeking. The more you want to be with them through attachment or other underlying negative currents of energies, the more you put pressure and this pushes them away. They do not know what is happening to them. Their karmics have already left or are in the process of leaving them. They are just feeling a sense of pressure building up and they need to go and breathe. They are all ready collectively to break matriarchy. The moment October arrived, DMs journey towards awakening started. They're in a lot of pain and the pain is too immense to handle the routine life for them. Most of them are not even aware that the situations are orchestrated in their lives and they're forced to walk the path. As they're not awakened.. right now they're questioning the destiny and sanity of their's. The ego takes a dig and begins to question all that it had learned to believe over many lifetimes. The soul is faced with the challenge of releasing any and all emotional, mental, and physical blocks in order to connect deeply with its higher self and divine. This process takes time and the twins must complete this deep healing on their own, each at their own. The physical separation that is experienced is simply caused by the two people not being energetically capable of sustaining a connection of that magnitude. In the present moment, they are not with you because the physical, mental, and emotional bodies are not matching up. They are doing the same thing what you did at their own rate, which is completely unrelated to your own soul progress and should be respected from a distance. Do not pay any attention to what they are doing, pay all the attention more now to what you are doing. When DF steps into her sovereignty...DMs heart starts expanding and awakening to match DFs frequency. Then unification of both of their energies anchors the frequency of union.

This full moon has brought very high energies for collective, especially for DM. The Soul is forcing the human to move like never before which gave sleepless nights to DF right from 5th October. DF feels it in her body that it doesn't belong to her and thinking what should be done for this where healing and transmutation isn't happening this time very easily. She's in dilemma here because she has her own battles of stagnation. This journey is becoming more and more vulnerable now breaking her down quite frequently. The full moon has brought everything that was still lying deep....deeper secret wounds. If you feel that you are healed on all levels then keep introspecting as you are still purging. If still you find yourself shedding even a single tear or worry about the dear you're not healed. Lot of DFs are tired of this journey. When it's related to DM... Why not stop trying to achieve something forcibly and allow the Divine to take further course of action? If you still find yourselves TRYING to do something... you're not in your heart space, because you are struggling to make it happen. In highest dimensions everything is based on the vibrations you hold and it just flows. Be what you are in current state. If you are constantly trying to stay in a state as per the rulebook of new paradigm which you've just stepped in then it is not called Ease because then you are not standing in your own truth. Only staying true to your heart is going to lift your vibrations high and not following what others are forcing you to follow to reach Union. Your heart has the key to your Union. Don't try to impose theories on yourself in difficult ways. It should come naturally and not because others tell you.

Everyone tells you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers....they want you to believe their's. So, follow your heart... you'll never go wrong. Each person's journey is different and no two stories are exactly similar, then why take clues from other's experiences? You are free to follow what your heart asks you to and others opinions or Do's and Don'ts should not be applicable to you because everything you hear is an opinion and not the fact. Everything you see is perspective and not the truth. Other person's truth need not be your might have a different view altogether for the same situation. Also it's really necessary to be aware and vigilant. Isolation is really needed now because your twin is communicating with you constantly. We all are not in a position to lower down our vibrations and share the energies where it's not required. Speak only when required. For reunion your energies should remain with you that too very HIGH. Preserve it for your counterpart.

For DF it looks like a never ending journey but it's not. It's in your hands. Your counterparts know you very well than you. The way you can't fool universe, your heart, exactly in same way you cannot trick your twin into believing that you are balanced. You have shared energy bodies and if you feel negative about your twin, they're going to sense it immediately. So stay in your heart space, appreciate everything you love about them. Because simple....they FEEL & KNOW every emotion you have in your body. DFs are frustrated, agitated, impatient and DMs are tuned in your energies. Right now detachment is needed from these emotions for sustainable life. Yes....some of DMs stuff is coming to you for transmutation..... release that. It's not forced upon you... that's what you have contracted. Victim and blame consciousness is still looming everywhere in collective. Get free from these programs completely. They're not coming back unless and until you dissolve all the blame and feeling of being victimized.

As a twin flame you're different than other people on the planet. You've volunteered to take birth in the dysfunctional families helping them all change. You all are the living templates of new earth.

Your heart chakra has been used for transmutation of energies, first for yourself and later for collective to clear the stubborn societal templates. Now transform these old templates by bringing in the new ones for this Union. Change the the Love!!!
Love & Light
By Sanghamitra Trisharan

Whether you are single or in partnership...the DM within us all and within our relationship is being upgraded. This brings me into the final card for October! And is exactly why i was told to pause on expressing the card and just pressing the publish button last night!

#20 Softly, softly, the tender touch
Sacred Rebels by Alana Fairchild

The feminine wisdom of gentleness can assist you now. When we are at a point in life where we want to taint greater things, but don’t necessarily have proportionally greater supply of energy at our disposal, it is time to work smarter rather than harder. That is the way of them and wisdom.

However, a culture ignorance of the feminine way currently prevails. We are generally taught that the more force we use, the more we try to make things happen, the more we will achieve. The feminine way is not about force. Nor is about driving, striving, pushing or grabbing at what we can in order to create. It is about inviting what we wish for to come into the space we have provided for it- internally and in our lives. This method cultivates more energy, causes less stress in her tracks what is desired. It is manifestation by invitation rather than by will or force.

There is an old story that the sun and the wind were debating about who was more powerful. After boasting about there prowess, they made a wager. A man walk down the street with a coat[code] on. The wind and the sun decided that whomever could force the coat [code] off the man, was the most powerful. The wind begin demonstrating it’s impressive power. It blew and blew and caught underneath the coat, pulling it and nearly ripping it right off the man! But the man wrapped this coat around himself more tightly to protect himself against the force of the wind. Eventually, perhaps temporarily out of puff the wind [Nguyen???] gave up. The sun soon Took over. He shown down, becoming brighter and brighter until the man slipped off his coat,slung [think] it over his shoulder and walk down the street -quite possibly wondering what was happening with the weather that day.

The wind attempted to do by force what the sun was able to do by being. You’re being asked to surrender your forcefulness, your determination and your intense activity- Even if it is just for this moment. Does this mean that you have to surrender the goal [girl/man] you were chasing through those endeavors? Certainly not! This is not about letting go of achievement. It is about understanding the process of manifestation in a more intelligent way. There is a way of creating that gives you energy and doesn’t leave you utterly worn out. It is about allowing what you want to come to you. Be yourself absolutely, naturally and with ease, shine your light and allow your presence to invite that which you wish to receive. It is about cultivating an energetic affinity with what you seek, rather than feelings of lack in need. Do you see the subtle but important difference?

To feel that you are already a naturally abundant being who gratefully invites more of what you want since your life, is rather different to feeling lack, fear and wishing your world would change. It is a but like dressing for the job you want, even if it is not yet the job you have. You energetically embody what you wish to attract more of into your life. Like attracts like!

Today you were brought a message. You do not need to push quite so hard to receive what is naturally [Natalie???? sorry i pay attention to certain text to speech miss corrections] coming to you. Your 'push' comes from a place of uncertainty over whether or not you will succeed. You need to relax and have more faith in yourself beloved. All things come in time; rightfully and according to a great loving wisdom. You are not immune to this. You shall have your time and shine, too. Rebel against any voice the fear, within your around you, that tells you otherwise!

It is OK to become softer, to feel the energy of what you wish to attract into your life, and to act as much as you can as though it is already that way. You’re not fantasizing or daydreaming or failing to live ‘in the real world’ if you do this. You are actually working with the feminine art of manifestation through gentle beingness and attraction. As you saw often into becoming what you are seeking, what you wish for will not be able to resist your shining, inviting presence.

A deeper much more special message is brought to you. Just recognized that you have been working very, very hard. You have learned much and accomplished much but it is now time to change your approach. Let go of any force in your approach to creation now. Everything serves a purpose in learning the benefits and limitations of the more forceful way of manifestation through effort and will power was a useful lesson. However, if you were to continue with that approach it would stop working for you, because you are now beginning to create on a far grander scale that is beyond what an individual can manifest through willpower alone. You are individually creating through your healing and art, but also contributing globally to new consciousness through your own spiritual growth.

You are part of a global healing manifestation process! You are- through your Way of being in the world- helping to birth a new awareness. This new way will heal the human heart and bring it back into balance with nature. This is essential for the human soul to survive, flourish and to cooperatively nurture the entire earth rather than destroy her natural resources. You may or may not be consciously aware of the extent to which this new way of manifesting through receiving rather than taking can actually help all of humanity, but none the less, it is playing in important role in greater human evolution.

It is the power of attraction, of magnetism, rather than that of striving in force that will replenish your energy and restore your body, mind and heart after your struggle. This change in approach will encourage the change from head to Heart that is essential for your individual well-being and for the greater human evolution.

You need to heal so that you can help the world to heal. 

Does this give you absolute permission now, in your own mind, to take an easier approach to your sacred, rebellious, creative manifestation?

Please go through this following healing process

Say aloud,
“ I shine like the sun, radiant with Grace, and all that I desire, comes to me according to perfect timing. I relax, believe and receive. Through unconditional love, this is now so.”

What we see in this photo is a woman with tears flowing from her eyes as she observes the brutality of this world, the idea that anything can be won with brute force saddens her, as it does most of us on this planet right now. It’s time to let go of the old way of doing things and adopt a gentler approach, the tender touch. This is true in all areas of our lives. It’s time to let our hearts do the thinking and the talking, and stop behaving like children on the playground as Kryon would say. It is time to grow up and realize that more can be achieved through love and forgiveness than through hatred, bullying and war. It doesn’t mean we let people walk all over us, because healthy boundaries are necessary, but violence doesn’t solve any problem, someone always loses and sometimes that loss is felt on both sides of the situation. Sometimes in order to keep the peace, we must be the first to apologize or to forgive. Holding on to anger only keeps the bitterness and resentment alive in our hearts. If we want to have peace and happiness in our lives, we must soften our stance and ask what love would do in any situation. Being right doesn’t bring peace, letting go of our need to be right and finding a solution based on love does bring peace.

That reminds me of a quote:
The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest. Author Unknown.

So remember that we need to live from our hearts, and as we create peace in our own lives, we are helping to bring peace to the planet.

Have a great day everyone! ~Namaste~
Aurora & Star Twin

Here is a little experience of my own after you read it please go meditate for this was a lot to receive!

At the skating rink on my birthday celebrating my daughters birthday from the 20th on my birthday September 23rd 2017 I happened to have something to write in that moment watching them skating around.

"Todays “divination” for the day is delivered to you by the Banana Cotton Candy and Groot.

Proof that you can see God- yourself- in even the most minute creations of the Lord- even movies and candy ๐Ÿ˜› relax as you sit down and enjoy the show!

The number is 923 or 14/5 for change! This is my birthday and the date of the day this was channeled for and for the remainder of September

What son/sun of a monster Grace’s cotton candy was! Who knew The taste of the sun would be pure sugar like that of honey to a bee - and the flavor of ripe Bananas! Oh my! Made us want to go banana's and not just because of the insane sugar content but the message that came to me.

No wonder monkeys love bananas!

Ooh eee oooh awe awe what a wonder of a big bang!

Turns out we are all a great fruit in the sky- share in eating a slice with us.

We all chose to fall off the branches of our Lord on high to take our Divine calling to seed Fruits of the Spirit to all kingdoms that had gone rotten!

It is our task that We peel back our shells and show our bare hearts/fruits to the whole world this moment right Now! What we have to offer will be mana from Heaven- nothing other should be sought after!

We are each a different fruit to the world- Unique and full of necessary nutrients and vitamins needed for a whole eco system to thrive. We come from the same ‘Groot/Tree’ as our Banana Sun, yet we are all different colors shapes sizes and flavors- but still we must remember and continue to seed this memory into our future generations- that we are all One under the same Sun and Tree. We are the Groots who will be the umbrellas for humanity! Where they can find shade from the Sun when it gets too hot and they need to see the truth!

Eye am here as a prophet of fruits-

Eye am a blueberry ray alchemicalizing and morphing into a juicy Peach!

What fruit are you!? You can be something different every day!

No matter what fruity identity i wish to claim in this now moment Eye know Eye am one of the original fruits of Spirit/Groot (our creator) that ever sparked or was formed and i have a special love for all my brothers and sisters and can assist them to come into full bloom!

Eye am here to pay witness and take up my divine birthright as Eye have been shown the Christed seeds within me ready to burst forth. These seeds are from my originality - my true blueprint- when I was truly One with Our Father-Mother Groot/Tree at the beginning before duality and separation.
Now eye exist Soulfully to seed new children of ‘Groot’ upon Gaia- become a radiant Kymberly (royal forest) of Groots/Tree’s swaying in harmony and creating a song in unity with the Great Wind/ Holy Spirit down below regardless of the storms that brew and blow!

As above
So below
What a beautiful melody that echoed through the meadows when the storm finally passes!
Join us in celebration and dance with me!
Skate around the infinity rink with Grace and Trinity and eat some fucking pizza and cotton candy!
Trinity is twinkling in the sky as a galactic gateway
Allow the flower of life within you to bloom!
bless you all on this here day of my glorious birth.
Eye an supposedly “30” in this human body. My daughter turned 10 on the 20th!

I love my children and i love you ‘My’ children! My birth is your rebirth- what a gift given from Heaven! Hallelujah! Source bless you!
Here is a few fun movies to enjoy

Also a tidbit i wanted to share from one of my other recent blogs

I wont be a victim-i CHOOSE to rise above! My dark nights of the soul are ending, i am coming to conclusion of all the illusions. The veil is lifting before my eyes. A final chapter is the ending of my book. I don't need to be broken; I turned that brokenness into something more. Took Jesus to be my greatest example to follow in the footsteps of. God is mending me whole. I have become the white rabbit and white Phoenix dove. The darkness i endured through my brokenness sent me on a quest to LOVE MYSELF DEEPER AND STRONGER AND TO REMAIN PERSISTENT IN MY RELATIONSHIP AND CONNECTION WITH GOD/SOURCE/CREATOR AND TO FIND JOY PEACE AND HAPPINESS AT ALL COSTS FOR MYSELF, HUMANITY AND GAIA!

Now that im experiencing it i wish to declare to the world that GOD IS NOT DEAD and love is winning, the light is engulfing the world! Imagine the part in the movie Prince of Egypt where Moses is with God and the Burning Bush (tree of life) and how the holy spirit wisps him up into the air and cradles him in the milky white and golden essence and says to him Exodus 3-21.

3 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. 3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”
4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

And Moses said, “Here I am.”

5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”

11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

12 And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you[b] will worship God on this mountain.”

13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’Then what shall I tell them?”

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[c] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,[d] the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’

“This is my name forever,the name you shall call me. from generation to generation.

16 “Go, assemble the elders of Israel and say to them, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—appeared to me and said: I have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you in Egypt. 17 And I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—a land flowing with milk and honey.’

18 “The elders of Israel will listen to you. Then you and the elders are to go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. Let us take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God.’19 But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him. 20 So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go.

21 “And I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed. 22 Every woman is to ask her neighbor and any woman living in her house for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters. And so you will plunder the Egyptians.”

Stop seeing this as linear, dare to experience it through a different perspective for this is what is happening to the entire creation now against the oppressors and darkness we've ALL been tricked by! That is what I have been experiencing and that OUR GOD calls me to carry forth and be an example of! To help lead others out of their inner "Egypt" through the mountains to the land of milk and honey. This is where The LORD led me and what I must do. Are you going to stand in defiance and tell me not to follow through with what GOD THE FATHER DEMANDS!?

I am not some demon: I am the beautiful expression of light and love! I am Christ in expression. I'm sorry if it scares you to know your daughter and her twin flame has a mission just as profound as that of Moses and we have to repeat what they did because humanity "haven't got it" the past 2,000 years. They do not understand the war is won within your own heart! Truly allow yourself to be baptized in the light of God and DROP the weight of the sins you think you carry. Jesus sacrificed his own life trying to show how death is the beginning of life!

My mother says "Your Jesus is not My Jesus"... and broke my heart on 9/24/2017. This was the day she no longer would accept me as her daughter or as my True Self-Trinity. It was her choice though I am no different the woman I was May 7 2016 at the Faith Bible Chapel Mothers Day Banquet- just a month before meeting my beloved Malachi.

That Jesus in that church was still the same as mine as far as I felt. Though I like to think mine is so much more accepting of a Christ and much more loving than theirs at this point. May she 'rest in peace' within her own paradigm now.

His second coming comes THROUGH YOU before the coming of the 3rd Elijah is due, that will be your key to rapture, stop waiting for him to appear again as he did before! He never left! This whole story depicts and mirrors our inner wars and spiritual battles we wage on our own to find a balance in loving ALL THAT IS and practicing true surrender!

Reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer August 22nd 2014 is what really started to change my life when i began this journey. I was in a women's Bible Study Group through Faith Bible Chapel when I originally read this book when I was married to my ex husband Ben. During the time I was also doing a study of the women in the bible mostly revolving around Ester. This also really changed began to change my spiritual life.

In Aug 2014 I did my very own and very first Angel Blessings Reading with the cards gifted to me by a sweet friend name Sherri Ault-She's been one of the dominant influences in my life and very much is a sister to me. She is also the one who gave me the Black Tourmaline I'm using to ground myself through this blog and New Moon. This blog is already so long so I'm not going to go into detail of this stone but go ahead and click the link on the name and check into it yourself!

Along with this book and these cards I wrote my first real song called WISDOM which i linked in this blog somewhere!

As my friend on facebook Tiffany Styles just posts something from Joyce Meyer Ministries...*jaw drops* check out what she posted. I also noticed she was mentioning Black Tourmaline also! 10/8 12:16pm

*Sticks tongue out at her old paradigm mother Laura*

 I realized i would remain lost in the wilderness and none of it can be obtained until you SOUL-heartedly accept every aspect of who and what we are. We come to a crossroads and The journey up the mountain is not for the faint of heart. It had nothing to do with the separation and duality between two faiths and beliefs, who was more right or wrong, it was all One; only "some" abused the power God gave us to wield with balance and the feminine and masculine in equality. The feminine was severely suppressed the past 2,000 years and all stories twisted, forced to bow down to men. So when i say forget EVERYTHING you think you know, take me seriously because the truth is not easy to swallow.

Regardless of your faith or belief structures; You wont "know" God until you truly come to unconditionally love and accept yourself and everyone else around you no matter how big of a "monster" or how "dark" they come across, or how stinky their pants are; fact is they are still a child of God.

God (yourself) waiting for every single one of us on top of the mountain; we must choose to deliver ourselves "out of Egypt", and make this journey up the mountain and realize WE ARE WORTHY of love and the land of milk and honey and no matter how "lost" in ones eyes and how putrid ones shit stinks; all are welcome back if we take the journey up the mountain where our unified Empire is being built in co creation with our Lord, there he resides in his Temple on top of the mountain.

In time as we hike up; We learn to just "be still and know" [My cousin Amanda gifted me a wooden white painted fence/plaque with Be Still And Know... I will have to take a picture and put it on here... I have always treasured it :)], enjoy the scenery, breathe in the fresh air, hug a tree and to just BE the love you will feel from the dirt beneath your feet. gain nourishment from the light of the sun and illumination of the moon, in every moment. Eat a few berries and look into the eyes of nature and sing a gleeful tune. Be Christ. Its when we stop having a reaction to anything, (a boulder tumbling down blocking our path, a thorn in our foot, dehydrated because we haven't reached a stream in a while) when we have no offence at all that is when we have truly mastered this and step into the master that Jesus was and carry the legacy forth and radiate LOVE. We and you are also John 3:16, Yeshua and many others (Krishna, Buddah) just paved the way and seeded the consciousness into the human collective matrix and Tara/Gaia/Earth. Now we become way showers also and help humanity become aware of their thoughts and guide them into the vibration of the Christ Consciousness and assist in their remembrance and awakening of planetary consciousness so we can ascend together in harmony.

"Love is not something you win; it is something you breathe,something that shines through your skin,illuminating this wounded world.There is a pain greater than pain,and that is self-abandonment. So breathe into your fear.Inhale into the very center of your sorrow. Oxygenate your doubts, uncertainties. Give your anger room. Bow to your present experience. Stand courageously in your moment,every moment of your precious life. For you are worthy, and complete,and you have the right to exist exactly as you are. No more turning away, friend.Those days are over."~ Jeff Foster

Please leave here today knowing that "BEing means to Be In God" My twin Malachi came up with that and my friend Kat responded 'Healthy Self" means "Heal Thy Self"
Ironically this was also mentioned in the comments of MiMi's blog :) So it's a thing... lets continue along this journey of  Healing Thy Selves by Being In God! Hooo rah! 

-Purna Ananda-


I believe in the healing work I do because I've lived it and I still am every day! I can't see any other future for humanity! Someday hospitals will not exist and the entire western medical pharmaceutical options will not be available. The shamans and medicine women/men will be sought after again! I'll be here, as will my friends and tribe- already do we have temples for healing coming alive!

As healers, we can only take our clients as deep as we have gone ourselves. This is exactly why I will only work with those who are willing to go where they've never gone before. Those who are tired of superficial band-aid healing work.

My story alone is not for the faint of heart and neither is my medicine✨๐Ÿ”ฎ✨

When you come to me you're ready to PURGE.

When you come to me you are DONE tiptoeing around the bullshit.

When you come to me your life has been or is going up in flames.

When you come to me you have realized that you need the medicine more than your fear.

When you come to me you're fucking READY. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Start your transformation today by clicking the link below to apply for a discovery session with me: (I borrowed this from my Kira Mirror)

Eye hope this was as eye-opening of a channel for you as it was for me! Eye love you all
You are Light Divine
You are Love Sublime
You are Peace Beyond Space and Time
Atma Namaste
Om shanti shanti shanti
Blessed be my beloveds


Finally I want to mention that the FOX keeps showing up. Through the Glee Videos they where on the FOX Chanel and then I wanted to share unfortunately a very sad accident that happened just down our street yesterday and is what sort of stalled my finishing of the blog but I had mentioned earlier was what I wanted to talk about in regards to recklessness.

My heart extend to the families involved and effected by the death of the 12 year old boy who got ran over crossing the street. 

Trinity Kay Kula shared FOX31's post — feeling shocked.
22 hrs · Wheat Ridge · 
Click the link to watch the video

my ex husband witnessed this right outside our house after dropping the kids off to me. His truck is the silver one sitting in front of the light in the picture below. This is why I do not let our kids go out near here and play. no way no how. our whole road was blocked and couldnt get in or out for hours... my ex was trapped here for a good hour or more in his truck. He watched it at the stop light where our street is.
he told me what happened and my jaw dropped
the energy in this area was so... i could just cry.
my ex sent a text tonight that ordinarily he would not "Please give the kids a good hug for me tonight"
we're so blessed to have our children. Please slow down people... and kids please dont be mindless!
my husbands dad's truck drives by behind the news cast woman at the very end.

This is just a HUGE reminder to PLEASE always be aware and conscious of what is going on around you. Please do NOT mindlessly run into the middle of a busy intersection. It is just heart breaking to see such tragedy left and right. Whether it is an accident or the diver is intoxicated or not... SLOW DOWN AND BE AWARE. 

And as days go by i keep hearing about so many suicides of kids this age also. What is going on in this time and age it is impertinent that we show more love than we ever have before. Our younger generation need our attention so parents... please rise up... flames... please rise up... take station for your future destinies! Humanity is awakening and need our assistance! 

With that I bring you The fox or Kitsune Who is a symbol of Amaterasu also and it was my friend Kat who taught myself and my daughter about this creature... and it began showing up in my life around the time Lucas was involved and he loved Anime...turns out my True Twin is just as in love with Anime and I learn more and more everyday! This is an animal spirit that runs within our family and is within us all. Perhaps it was this spirit Ron (my mothers new husband) saw and why he thinks Eye am possessed. I don't see it as a negative one so we will part on a difference of opinion. 

The past few weeks I've been into watching True Blood on HBO (Was watching it a few years back also then lost access to the show)... They have been talking about Lilith and it's all about mythical creatures of all sorts but is mostly focused upon Vampires and Fairies. Which... is so entirely what I represent all across the board as do my kiddos and my Dragon of a husband who is the protector and guardian of us all! 

Feel free to stick around and read more in depth about the Kitsune otherwise a short description of Fox's symbology are as follows

Physical or mental responsiveness, increased awareness

Cunning; seeing through deception; call to be discerning

Ability to find your way around, to be swift in tricky situations

Affinity with nocturnal activities and dream work

When the fox appears in you life as spirit animal, it encourages action and quick, swift moves. You may be called to take action in a way that shows your adaptability and ability to move quickly through obstacles and resistance.

Being inspired by a fox totem, you can work at developing the sharpness of your mental skills: Analytical intelligence, power of deduction, observation can come into play more powerfully in how you deal with daily matters or bigger projects.

The spirit of the fox may also imply that you are sharpening your physical alertness and responsiveness.

It is a stupid goose that listens to the fox preach.
~ Unknown

A fox is a wolf who sends flowers.
~ Ruth Brown

“I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other.” ~ Napoleon Bonapart

“Anybody depending on somebody else’s gods is depending on a fox not to eat chickens. ~ Zora Neale Hurston

When the fox appears in your life, it may indicate that you need to pay attention to people or circumstances that may be deceiving or tricking you into going down a path that does not necessarily serves you. This spirit animal may call you to be more discerning in relationships, whether it’s in business or friendships, or in choices you make for yourself.

Following the fox totem wisdom, look for any area of your life where you may be cunningly led to do something else than you would in all reason do. Use discernment in your choices and actions

The fox as a spirit guide offers good teachings about getting around obstacles instead of confronting them head to head. You might find that you could renew or be smarter about how you deal with areas of resistance in your life or projects.

Having the fox as spirit animal, you may be guided to learn from lessons in a way that may feel like you are being challenged or sometimes even being tricked. To make the most of the fox totem wisdom, keep a strong sense of humor and be smart of the lessons you learn.

The power of the fox is a great support to develop your ability to find the sharpest and smartest solution to any problem. Call on the fox guidance when you feel lost and need help finding you way.

Working with dreams is a particularly useful practice for those who have the fox as a spirit guide. The affinity with the night activities supports the connection with the dream world.

The fox is often associated with the dark side of magic. In a lot of cultures, seeing a fox as you start a new project or endeavor is a bad omen. In some Native American belief systems, this animal represents the practice of negative sorcery and the dark manipulation of magic powers.

The fox has long been considered as a witty, quick and intelligent. In some European traditional tales, he’s the character who outsmarts humans and other animals alike and gets away even in the trickiest situations.


My daughter drew such a beautiful picture of a two tailed Fox named Meteor and wrote an awesome story that her entire class couldn't find one fault over... her words not mine. She is growing into such a magnificent Starseed. I encourage her everyday to shine the beautiful light inside her! She is such an amazing artist and her voice is like that of an angel. Eventually we'll all be making some fun music together as soon as we find a nice Piano and get a good laptop for musician related stuff ... and believe me it is IN MANIFEST! 

Kitsune are from Japanese folklore and are Japanese foxes. A kitsune can have up to nine tails, depending on its age, wisdom and power. The only way to kill a kitsune is to cut off all of its tails, as it is said that one of the tails is its main tail and the source of all its power. Not knowing which tail is the main one, one would have to cut off all its tails to kill it.One, five, seven, and nine tails are the most common numbers in folk stories. When a kitsune gains its ninth tail, its fur becomes white or gold.

A kitsune is a shapeshifter, and usually when it reaches the age of 100 years, it learn the ability to take on a human form. Thus, they have to be a fox for a hundred years before it can shapeshift from a fox to a human and back again. It is also said that a kitsune can duplicate other human beings, in other words shapeshift into the look-a-likes of different people. 

Kitsune can be either male or female, and usually take the form of young Japanese girls, beautiful women and older men. 

Kitsune are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life, and magical powers. They are a type of spiritual entity, and the word kitsune is often translated as fox spirit. However, this does not mean that kitsune are ghosts, nor that they are fundamentally different from regular foxes. Because the word spirit is used to reflect a state of knowledge or enlightenment, all long-lived foxes gain supernatural abilities.

There are two common classifications of kitsune. The zenko (ๅ–„็‹, literally good foxes) are benevolent, celestial foxes associated with the god Inari; they are sometimes simply called Inari foxes. On the other hand, the yako (้‡Ž็‹, literally field foxes, also called nogitsune) tend to be mischievous or even malicious. Local traditions add further types. For example, a ninko is an invisible fox spirit that human beings can only perceive when it posseses them. Another tradition classifies kitsune into one of thirteen types defined by which supernatural abilities the kitsune possesses.

Physically, kitsune are noted for having as many as nine tails. These kyลซbi no kitsune (ไนๅฐพใฎ็‹, nine-tailed foxes) gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. Other tales attribute them infinite wisdom (Omniscence).

There are thirteen different kinds of Kitsune, each with a corresponding element, listed as follows: Heaven (or Celestial or Prime), Void (or Dark), Wind, Spirit, Fire, Earth, River, Ocean, Mountain, Forest, Thunder, Time and Sound. One of the most important things to a Kitsune is freedom. They do not fare well to being locked away, and do not like to be forced to do something they don't want to. Doing something like that would be likely to get you killed if they are freed. Kitsune love playing tricks. They like to take things and hide them from people, or do just about anything else to piss someone off. 

Kitsunes' have things called Kitsune balls, or star balls, which is a small white-gold ball that is a Kitsune's most prized Kitsune - Mythical Creatures Guidepossession, since it is almost like their life force in a ball. If you get your hands on a Kitsune's star ball, you would have the ability to control the Kitsune, and make it do your bidding. However, Kitsune hate being stripped of their freedom, and when the Kitsune gets its star ball back, there will be serious repercussions for you to deal with.

In some stories, kitsune have difficulty hiding their tails when they take human form; looking for the tail, perhaps when the fox gets drunk or careless, is a common method of discerning the creature's true nature. Variants on the theme have the kitsune retain other foxlike traits, such as a coating of fine hair, a fox-shaped shadow, or a reflection that shows its true form. Kitsune-gao or fox-faced refers to human females who have a narrow face with close-set eyes, thin eyebrows, and high cheekbones. Traditionally, this facial structure is considered attractive, and some tales ascribe it to foxes in human form. Kitsune have a fear and hatred of dogs even while in human form, and some become so rattled by the presence of dogs that they revert to the shape of a fox and flee. A particularly devout individual may be able to see through a fox's disguise automatically.

One folk story illustrating these imperfections in the kitsune's human shape concerns Koan, a historical person credited with wisdom and magical powers of divination. According to the story, he was staying at the home of one of his devotees when he scalded his foot entering a bath because the water had been drawn too hot. Then, "in his pain, he ran out of the bathroom naked. When the people of the household saw him, they were astonished to see that Koan had fur covering much of his body, along with a fox's tail. Then Koan transformed in front of them, becoming an elderly fox and running away."

Other supernatural abilities commonly attributed to the kitsune include possession, mouths or tails that generate fire or lightning (known as kitsune-bi; literally, fox-fire), willful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility, and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality. Some tales speak of kitsune with even greater powers, able to bend time and space, drive people mad, or take fantastic shapes such as a tree of incredible height or a second moon in the sky. Other kitsune have characteristics reminiscent of vampires or succubi and feed on the life or spirit of human beings, generally through sexual contact.


Kitsunetsuki (็‹ๆ†‘ใ or ็‹ไป˜ใ; also written kitsune-tsuki) literally means the state of being possessed by a fox. The victim is always a young woman, whom the fox enters beneath her fingernails or through her breasts. In some cases, the victims' facial expressions are said to change in such a way that they resemble those of a fox. Japanese tradition holds that fox possession can cause illiterate victims to temporarily gain the ability to read. Though foxes in folklore can possess a person of their own will, Kitsunetsuki is often attributed to the malign intents of hereditary fox employers, or tsukimono-suji.

Exorcism, often performed at an Inari shrine, may induce a fox to leave its host if it is possessing someone. In the past, when such gentle measures failed or a priest was not available, victims of kitsunetsuki were beaten or badly burned in hopes of forcing the fox to leave. Entire families were ostracized by their communities after a member of the family was thought to be possessed.

In Japan, kitsunetsuki was noted as a disease as early as the Heian period and remained a common diagnosis for mental illness until the early 20th century. Possession was the explanation for the abnormal behavior displayed by the afflicted individuals. In the late 19th century, Dr. Shunichi Shimamura noted that physical diseases that caused fever were often considered kitsunetsuki. The belief has lost favor, but stories of fox possession still appear in the tabloid press and popular media. One notable occasion involved allegations that members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult had been possessed.

In medicine, kitsunetsuki is an ethnic psychosis unique to Japanese culture. Those who suffer from the condition believe they are possessed by a fox. Symptoms include cravings for rice or sweet red beans, listlessness, restlessness, and aversion to eye contact. Kitsunetsuki is similar to but distinct from clinical lycanthropy.

Kitsune are often presented as tricksters, with motives that vary from mischief to malevolence. Stories tell of kitsune playing tricks on overly proud samurai, greedy merchants, and boastful commoners, while the crueler ones abuse poor tradesmen and farmers or devout Buddhist monks. Their victims are usually men; women are possessed instead. For example, kitsune are thought to employ their kitsune-bi or fox-fire to lead travelers astray in the manner of a will o' the wisp. Another tactic is for the kitsune to confuse its target with illusions or visions. Other common goals of trickster kitsune include seduction, theft of food, humiliation of the prideful, or vengeance for a perceived slight.

Kitsune keep their promises and strive to repay any favor. Occasionally a kitsune attaches itself to a person or household, where they can cause all sorts of mischief.

Other kitsune use their magic for the benefit of their companion or hosts as long as the human beings treat them with respect. As yลkai, however, kitsune do not share human morality, and a kitsune who has adopted a house in this manner may, for example, bring its host money or items that it has stolen from the neighbors. Accordingly, common households thought to harbor kitsune are treated with suspicion. Oddly, samurai families were often reputed to share similar arrangements with kitsune, but these foxes were considered zenko and the use of their magic a sign of prestige. Abandoned homes were common haunts for kitsune. One 12th-century story tells of a minister moving into an old mansion only to discover a family of foxes living there. They first try to scare him away, then claim that the house "has been ours for many years, and . . . we wish to register a vigorous protest." The man refuses, and the foxes resign themselves to moving to an abandoned lot nearby.

Tales distinguish kitsune gifts from kitsune payments. If a kitsune offers a payment or reward that includes money or material wealth, part or all of the sum will consist of old paper, leaves, twigs, stones, or similar valueless items under a magical illusion. True kitsune gifts are usually intangibles, such as protection, knowledge, or long life.

Wives and lovers

Kitsune are commonly portrayed as lovers, usually in stories involving a young human male and a kitsune who takes the form of a human woman. The kitsune may be a seductress, but these stories are more often romantic in nature. Typically, the young man unknowingly marries the fox, who proves a devoted wife. The man eventually discovers the fox's true nature, and the fox-wife is forced to leave him. In some cases, the husband wakes as if from a dream, filthy, disoriented, and far from home. He must then return to confront his abandoned family in shame.

Many stories tell of fox-wives bearing children. When such progeny are human, they possess special physical or supernatural qualities that often pass to their own children. The astrologer-magician Abe no Seimei was reputed to have inherited such extraordinary powers.

Other stories tell of kitsune marrying one another. Rain falling from a clear sky — a sunshower — is called kitsune no yomeiri or the kitsune's wedding, in reference to a folktale describing a wedding ceremony between the creatures being held during such conditions.The event is considered a good omen, but the kitsune will seek revenge on any uninvited guests.

(Please go and check out the wikipedia page on the kitsune! It's really interesting! Also, that is where I got most of my info, so I don't own anything.)

Yeshua/Jesus and Mary Magdalene supporting the Earth with their Christ Light and Twin Flame Lotus; 
Together creating their Mer-Ka-Ba; 
journeying up the mountain through their hearts to the Temple of the Lord 
where sweet love resides and transforms through the mystical 7
And with that Legacy left on Earth/Tara will forever be a Pillar of Light

Spirit of Isis enduring and bright; Your love more powerful than might; Your triumph assured in any fight; I center myself in the truth of your light; Your love makes the impossible real; I go into my heart and feel; The success coming to me at this time; I give thanks for you blessing Divine

Star of Sothis, you bless me with abundance and peace; My wealth on all levels does increase; through many channels I receive your flow; With wonder and gratitude I watch my wealth grow; I release all fear and doubt that would block your grace; Instead of focus on your shining stellar face; And realize the love and safety within; The flow of great abundance now does begin 

The ideology of the word "FEAR"; to most would be
in the Light Yin "Face Everything And Rise"
in the Dark Yang "Forget Everything And Run
I go by "Face everything and [w]rite whats right" assisting them to Unite
-  Twin Flames Kymberly Kay Kula and Malachi John Kaiser

Cho Ku Rey Veshudah Veshudah Veshudah Raku Cho Ku Rey

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