Thursday, November 6, 2014


I want you to take a moment and reflect/meditate on what I'm about to tell you. I felt God urging me to write this tonight. Its to all my beloved, and all lost souls out there.
Stop limiting yourself by saying "I don't have this so I can't even think about doing this or that right now. Once I have this then I'll think about it then."

Don't stop DREAMING, don't loose your imagination!

Stop limiting yourself, dare to see the bigger picture. If you truly know what you want and have a clear vision, and intention to achieve it regardless of your present TEMPORARY circumstances, God and the universe will bring it. Manifestation is real, leave the other "details" of how you will achieve it to the spiritual realm, let it go and have FAITH in God and the angels and spirit guides because they WILL bless you if you just open your eyes and ears and senses to their guidance. Accept it as reality because it is!

WE ALL HAVE A DIVINE PURPOSE, we must search inward to truly find what that is. Once you discover your potential and choose to change your life on a mental level, all else falls into place and you can live the life of a love warrior. We CAN gain access to everything our hearts desire, if only we open our hearts and allow ourselves to RECEIVE it! We deserve it, I don't care how you where raised, what your told or conditioned to believe. YOU ARE WORTHY!
STOP LIMITING YOURSELF AND CHANGE YOUR MIND! IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND AND YOUR CURRENT NEGATIVE THOUGHT PATTERNS. (Or possibly in your mind you think your focusing on "THE TRUE REALITY OF SITUATIONS" which honestly is only reality because THAT'S what your settling for. Your living in doubting mode. Your accepting it when you do not have to. imagine BIGGER and BELIEVE it will happen, otherwise you continually manifest the negative outcome regardless until you learn this lesson and change your mind). If you change your mind, and produce only POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND LOVING VIBRATIONS of abundance and prosperity and have confidence, and truly have FAITH, YOU WILL receive it. Remember, with faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell mountains to move. Usally in a way you never could have thought of or expected, you will receive blessings and when people ask how you achieved it your story will inspire them.

TURN THE SOIL, dig out the weeds in your mind that are creating blocks and making you accept your current circumstances. Break away from the thought that things will always be the way they are, because that's all you've ever seen or known. You expect the worst outcome. CHOOSE to venture out of this little box you've created, its ALL an illusion. Dare and take a risk to open it up and discover your own Pandora mysteries.  After you've prepared the soil, PLANT THE SEEDS THAT ARE NEEDED FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF YOURSELVES, EVERYONE AND OUR PLANET. And continue to water these with positive affirmations and self talk and thoughts so they can REALLY take root and sprout in your life. Don't expect it to be instant, you can't go pull on the stocks to make it grow faster, you can only relax and let it naturally grow and flow with the process of its growth. Enjoy the full beauty once spring time arrives. Then marvel at the beauty and miracles you co-created in love with God. Have gratitude for what you are given in the moment you are right now, for everything as is, is already blessings in and of themselves. Be aware that better is on its way, but appreciate your present now. If you can do that and give yourself permission to awaken, the bigger the miracles that follow, once you allow the abundance.

Simply put, envision what you truly desire, (that is not worldly or selfish, do not allow ego to interfere), paint a picture of what you want in your life NOW if nothing was standing in your way, what you want to help the people you love. stop focusing on how its going to come about, just have faith that it WILL, live as if all your dreams are already coming true because they will. Stop allowing FEAR or DOUBT to rule you, don't think small anymore. STOP LIMITING YOURSELF!!!! if you could do or be ANYTHING right now, what would it be?! Once you can answer that, then actually create it in your life and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve it, even yourself. Don't succumb to the negative opinions or feelings that a temporary illusion or obstacle can bring. Shed that, break the curse and bondage it has had over you up until now. It is not truth and you must look past it to realize this. See the illusion/lie for what it is. Because that's all it is and its temporary. Flow around the boulder like a river would. Using all your energy in attempts to control and figure it all out yourself, trying to force it to move isn't going to be beneficial, you've wasted your energy for nothing and who doesn't get upset when something had wasted their "time"? 

People are allowing themselves to live and accept the limitations of this matrix and allow it to manipulate and control them, and they remain unconscious of it and when made conscious and presented an opportunity for change, to have an open mind, they refuse. usually out of fear and they continue to choose those same untruthful thought patterns and beliefs. They cling to and continue down the same monotonous  believe systems that do not serve anyone for their highest good or benefit.

Break free.... And see how your life changes. Don't THINK about it. Just flow with life and  have assertiveness in your choices and decisions, do not give up on the mission you where given when you chose to come here. Wake up from your amnesia! Don't just float around and remain stagnant, in that wilderness, because you are greatly needed on the other side of the veil. You do not have to wander aimlessly anymore. Find peace inside, allow God to heal you and embrace the dark night of the soul, its part of the initiation you must go through for transformation.  Baptism is a process, a continual intention, not just a one time thing. Rebirth is a lifetime experience as we are all always shifting and changing.

We all have a home, home is where your heart is. We've all heard this, and it is TRUE. real health, happiness, joy, peace and love and TRUTH can only be found within! You will never find it outwardly in anyone or anything. Homelessness is a part of your past, heal from the lessons learned and have gratitude and be thankful for being given opportunities to make mistakes and move forward NOW. Stop living in the anxiety and set belief and expectation that this cycle will continue going. Stop expecting to be screwed. Dont let these limitations abuse your mind until you eventually give up and start the reincarnation process again. END the cycle by consciously demanding it to end this moment. Sever the ties and attachments you have to anything and everything in your life that do not serve your higher good or divine purpose.

Envision yourself as a brilliant ray of light that produces only love towards ALL living creatures, even those that have harmed, hurt and betrayed you. forgive them, forgive yourself, see how these people mirrored you, drop ego and wash away the guilt and shame and pain, see that we are all beings of love, we are ALL One and must unconditionally love one another as we should unconditionally love ourselves. Drop your damn judgments. THERE IS MEANT TO BE NO CONDEMNATION. CONDEMNATION OR "SIN" WAS MADE UP SO THE ELITES AND POWER HUNGRY HYBRIDS COULD CONTROL YOU AND FEED OFF OF YOUR FEAR AND EMOTIONS. IF you find and accept your own power, they cannot stop you, they fear and envy you for breaking free of their illusions and will fight against you, you cant give in to their tourcherment.

We are called to unconditionally love ourselves and others and animals and nature just as God loves every piece of himself or his "children" and creation. We are a piece of God so in essence we are ALL children of God, we are all ONE. We are all DIVINE. We come from royalty, now reach out and grab the benefits of the royal! No one can be singled out. God does not have favorites. We are all equal! We come from the same source and must learn to coexist and accept who each individual is. Accept who YOU are and help assist and support in one another's chosen individual journeys. don't try to conform anyone to your ideals or lifestyle. We aren't all meant to learn lessons or grow in the same way.
You are more than your past, your finances, your jobs, your personality, what you do or don't have. You are a wonderful SPIRITUAL BEING, living in an amazing eternal existence. You are a piece of God, the Universe, experiencing itself in multiple different interpretations. You have infinite abundance, are loved, supported and worthy to live a peaceful, happy and healthy life!

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