Saturday, December 23, 2017

Mutant Phoenix Butterfly's Re birthing Into the Dragons-Flying FREE and Boundless for 2018

Here is the theme song for December 

Channeled by my beloved Malachi

I've been having So many dreams but i cant fully remember them to write them down! 

keeps coming to me during dream time and is the ONLY thing i can seem to write down 

  • I Woke up with a great phrase to write but it faded fast after going the restroom— literally wish i had technology like a dream recorder because turning the higher dimensional planes into lamen terminology is damn near the most challenging thing ive ever attempted to master in my life- but so much fun also when i can depict them with cards, movies and Disney and songs and so on and so forth 
I pulled my Kuan Yin card for today (12/23) and it clarified everything i felt in my dreams; as she was telling me to do and i knew the card would do so already
It was speaking of my emergence and shadow alchemy transformation in a way that I cannot ever even find capability to transcribe; for others to be on the same page so to speak, as i am currently
 i am very very very aware of so many things myself and interpretations out the yin yang are within me to question and observe but i require the never ending stories of the divination tools i use to clarify all the messages that are thrown at me 24/7! 
 (10:44 PM 12/23/2017)
Maiden Manu paid me a sweet visit and sprinkled me and my future self with blossom petals (I recently wrote a poem in my "Dynastic Mother" blog that I have yet to publish about allowing this to happen and look to behold that such a message exists in the oracle deck to help me clarify

I am gearing up to guide people with Gene Keys and many divination sources through the CARNAGE Hall of mirrors 

It is required to travel through as a journeyman amung the stars of Self Discovery, and you can request this Avatar to be a ferryman along your side. 

You will begin to maintain your lighbody and create an eternal rhythmic dance with your shadow form and become ONE with it. 
With me you will learn to cherish your monster like its a little pet Rajah Tiger in Aladdin and not a ravenous basilisk in Harry Potter. 
Together we will listen to the tales when the Monster Calls. 

I wish to bring up an experience I had with someone i recently met and a brief clarification of my intentions these past few months. 
I pulled two cards for this one guy the other day that I felt would be good stepping stones to start with in January along our paths of awakening into higher states of conscious awareness. 
This individual is one whos coming into his ‘God Self’ memories and is requesting funds to go to Egypt and 'find his body for he knows where its at'. He said he requires certain stones or crystals and talismans to end Armageddon- he identified hes 'the one' who created this place and 'is the future Jesus' (i reassure you he IS NOT and that Jesus will not return in body, it will be THROUGH THE BODY...which will soon be briefly explained to you)  that we are here because of ‘him’- I told him which stones might be of benefit to him, everything i would mention he would claim was 'wrong'. /leh sigh. Why demand i tell you what you need if you are so sure you 'know' already?
he asked me “do you have any clue how big of a God I remembered I am!?” And well my response i will share was this
“Alright well i just keep feeling spirit tell me to tell you to stop focusing on this so 3rd dimensionally. Nothing is ever what it seems no matter what is shown.
Do i know? I know nothing. 

Eye do know you are afraid of your own shadow and ‘antiChrist’. Figments of the imagination you play with! There is no size in God- God is within All and Is All-all is One. We are both light and dark blended into one. 

Why do you feel the need for all these ‘things’ when your power is already within you and YOU are the only tool you need along with the innate connection and discernment with your I Am. You arent currently showing this- you are very fragmented- broken. 

We can help but you must stop externalizing this experience. 

What is meant to Be will be in Divine Time.  
You will be provided all you need in time. 
You will understand as we progress but do not rush or force yourself- 
you are on a path of initiations and must treat yourself with kindness, love, grace, forgiveness

You will learn you where a terrifying God 
you will also learn you where the most benevolent
and both where necessary and okay. 
it is time for Mastery of Self as Tigers Eye WILL guide you. 
Currently it is a rather funny small mind you dance with 
i wish to help you Yuru yourself into a greater conscious awareness and allowance along with that. 
Beyond size. 
BEYOND this body, mind....
Into the Eye Am That I Am.
These where my final words before he proceeded to talk to my beloved husband and babboons ego poop was flying everywhere! My husband only taking it to that level because this individual was so high on himSelf. He wasn't getting the answers he was looking for so he dismissed us entirely. 
I remember coming into rememberance and experiencing these highs of Goddess-hood
 but there is a grand message behind this quote 
“keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”. 
The apocalypse of unconsciousness (I began mine in 2014 to be ready to help others in this time NOW) is not something to fear nor can it be stopped as ITS ALREADY in motion- Armageddon is not the end of our world- but the beginning of an entire new one on a new DIAMOND GRID and land for OUR PEOPLE! 
I was greatly inspired by the new movie Thor Ragnorock which Thor and Loki's dead father and leader of ths 9 realms Asgard passed away and this released his daughter Hela who returned to raise... well... Hell ...she wanted to break through and reign over and beyond the 9 realms where her father decided to create PEACE and not overthrow thrones beyond that. He didnt want to play Game of Thrones as she did aonhe locked her away until his passing when as the eldest born she would rightfully take the crown back. She did not wish for this peace- she was a version of our old God Selves who allowed abuse and this barbaric way of claiming our rightful thrones and power. She is who Ragnorock was after- hes after this same monster 
Or wait ill quote the actress herself
“I am not a Queen or a Monster- I am the Goddess Of Death- what where you the “God” of again!?”
Now my goddess of death only comes out when others shadowbox me into their own Hela worlds of Ragnarok that I do not require to replay personally. This is their attitudes in the general sense when discovering their birthright or even doing emotional alchemy in the slightest degrees
“It's come to my attention that you don't know who I am. I am Hela. Odin's firstborn. Commander of the legions of Asgard. The rightful heir to the throne and the Goddess of Death. My father is dead. As are the princes. You're welcome. We were once the seat of absolute power in the cosmos. Our supremacy was unchallenged. Yet Odin stopped at nine realms. Our destiny is to rule over all others. And I am here to restore that power. Kneel before me and rise into the ranks of my great conquest.” 
I allow Hela to reign terror for i dont know a little bit and then I bring her attention back to the fact her brother Thor and Loki where NOT dead- So they return and I will embody thors power as the God of Thunder- and we band together with our trusty fleat of warriors and let her karmic doom come to pass 
She wishes to repeat such timelines again of barbaric reign and will not be allowed to pass the rainbow bridge to have access to all the other realms and dimensions. Her ‘darkness’ and abuse of power will NOT BE allowed to cross over! None of ours will be! And while this battle is raged which WILL take down the ENTIRE KINGDOM- remembering what our father told us is what will be our saving grace of relaization when rebuilding foundations elseware 
“Asgard is not a place; it is a people”
The HOLY GRAIL or ‘fountain of youth’ - foundations of thrival- is NOT A PLACE... it is a people... billions of cells across the globe but ONE BODY and ecosystem in harmonic Convergence upon Gaia! Those who are not in alignment are the Hela’s we will have to defend against and raise arms in battle (like my mom and her husband and numerous other individuals ive challenged recently) Our kingdom is safe within our hearts no matter where we travel we ARE HOME! We can rebuild! 
This individual - along so with many will experience this stage of awakening and Eye hope to be a good stage to keep their dang feet in the Earths dirt and grounded while we enter our Merkaba and visit every wormhole available to us! We WILL see through the looking glass and play crotchet with the Queen Of Hearts- heads might get lopped off- cards might go flying- people might be freaking out in the courtroom- but there's one thing for certain... EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE FINE!
I've slayed the jaberwalky as Alice in wonderland many many times- now I am a mad hatter trying to find his family and Alice MUST assist! Next set please! 
While surfing the great vast and dark sea of time and space i came across an individual (many of them rather who where full of pride of their identity or ideas) who was very haughty about it all- lacks humility and demands everything be delivered to him a certain way or form now- like his decayed body of Ra for example. He was So focused on the 3D physical aspects of things- meaningless things. He claims so much power- but cant even access Astral. I came to him from this astral space to introduce its quantum vastness- yet like a ghost i had no material to offer him but a voice of reason he would not listen to. he was given name of many stones. All of high vibrations and tangible for what he seeks- he wouldn't listen to the wisdom. I pulled two cards and he assumed me the anti Christ 
I told him “you create your own Anti-Christ or Hela when you put faith and stock into it and perpetuate fear as an ignorant fool. You become the antichrist Hela yourself” 
Amethyst is what he needed which is the main stone with Garnet for the end of this year and going well into 2018 that i keep urging many to read and take time for. This stone represents Humility and Saint Germain...(whos all about wine ;)...) the garnet helps one stay grounded while Amethyst will connect us directly to our Energy Egg
“Get over yourself and your eternal meaningless quest”- is what we kept telling this guy- he is a major 'role player' like many others in the lightworking and spiritual communities we have come to weed out. 
Im done playing Olympic Gods and Goddess’s with people- whos gift is better or who does this or that more perfectly than the other- 
I already played with those disguises and they come and go for me- all just sub (stupid ugly bitches) dominate guides of my Trinity- Creator- Source and True Self aspect
not the TOTALITY of them all; so in those times i was also dumb and fragmented until i came to such revelation of the Eye AM that I AM
We are all a ‘genie here’ (Gene key) man/woman/child/monkey on a porch sipping wine! (Yes ill explain this joke after the holidays! Also where i found the reference to the quote i listed above)

We hold wihin us GREAT COSMIC POWER
But live in an itty bitty little living space!  
You have three wishes (notice how in life everything comes in three... Trinity)
1:1) Your journey through the crumbling Lioness Cave of TEMPTING Treasure as the Diamond In The Rough but having to manage a little greedy monkey and finding a flying carpet to lead you to the Golden lamp
but your monkey had to get distracted by big shiny rubies and got a little too touchy feely with the forbidden treasure- and instead of leaving the temple safe and sound- a volcano erupts and everyone involved winds up getting trapped and your only escape is to notice how dirty the lamp was which is supposedly some special treasure; 
wtf use does a Golden lamp have; this worn out worthless piece of junk!?
 Ppsshh *rub rub* 

just to try and clean it off and question it all to suddenly and magically release the Genie (Gene) who has been waiting EONS for you to rub its lamp forcing you to listen to the crazy Robin Williams within and barely escaping the journey without being burn to a crisp 

is a free golden ticket OUT (of the matrix) but now 
1) we are going to MAKE YOU A STAR (‘prince or princess’) as those layers and timelines are collapsed 
2) your Cosmic Marriage and True Love which might require your unconscious but conscious nod of approval for me to perform psychic surgery just to help you get back to dry land and breathe- save you from drowning! REBIRTH BITCHES! 
3) UNIFIED FREEDOM and TRUE SELF SOUL RETRIEVAL to turn the rot into beauty
since im a Genie that is BOUNDLESS and has no shackles already- i dont require you to use a wish on me for my freedom - Eye am that I Am- and working with me you will obtain and learn such levels of freedom also! You gain more out of this than I ever will in any monetary way! 

 Im a Master returned and ready to reclaim my birthright! Im a rainbow warrior knight! And Eye am granting anyone who is ready for the same boundlessness and liberation in their life; these wishes in which I used my final one to become a-transparent 007 Genie 
not bound by the limitations of this Matrix and forced to be inside my ITTY BITTY little living space anytime-your individual identity and ego wants to have a hissy fit or battlefield of the heart and mind. Me always screaming BE YOURSELF
and your small self always putting on an act trying to impress the maiden princess now ready and mature for engagement and marriage... but you arent quite there yet. 
this Avatar is not playing Jasmine as she loved to in the past- now she is taking the stage as the role of Magu! 
accepted challenge to face a whole new world- Kuan Yin Style! The grand bonus if you audition on stage will be nothing more glorious than a cosmic marriage with yourSelf and alignment of body mind and Soul. A celebration and Galactic/Cosmic musical will be produced with your entire Glee Club enterage for the transformation within your Heart and beautiful Gesha dance with your Shadow or Twin Higher Self and the COURAGE OF THE LION to take the leap of faith you are being requested to transcend the threshold of like a phoenix born of pure unadulterated love 
now you get a free wish and are down to ONE and its extended to you from the Dove of the Divine with mercy and grace from above
We have One wish for you to make and a choice and crossroads of destiny layed before you 
then you can manifest all the wishes you want or have yourSelf
No genius Guru before you here
Just an individual learning to Yuru (be her own guru) with her shadows and tears. She sits to be still and ‘know’ 
to listen to the subtle quiet whispers of the innate intelligence that she is even in this moment as Eye bring her to her fullest potential of expression- she is very aware of My Idea and that Eye Am the producer and creator of every film that she enters the stage with as equal expressions and acters/acress’s of My Idea upon the stage and within the temple Ive asked her to build. 
We will work together so that the dragonfly dream can be caccooned around our collective conscious awareness and all of the collectives wishes are in unified and higher vibrational expression of the One Idea (My Idea) and in harmonic Convergence with the eco systems upon Gaia here and now. 
We are the 144,000 anchoring light and Christ consciousness into the grids and our own nervous systems and power centers; We consist of MANY fractal hubs that TRINITY this Avatar has been chosen to emass into one giant auditorium to anchore the Divine power of Heaven and Earth here and Now for the Grand Master Cosmic Love Ball. our K’inan’s are ready to be activated so that with such power we can manifest anything we desire! 
the more space we have within our state of conscious awareness for allowance to receive it and not live in the fear of TRUE FREEDOM; the more we grow through goodwill and synergistic expansion and further away from Anarchy and into a Synarchy; No longer are we going to choose being willfully ignorant, separated and divided and living in a competitive state of survival; dumb and fragmented like everyone in Idiocracy! 
Is that really the future we want!?
Think about it!!!
It is not
We want all of creation- of our BODY- to THRIVE and flow
allowing such vibrations to be acceptable and willfully ignored is humanitary epic global suicide and such programming will have to go
We are on the brink of great change and need all to hear the Clarion Cal as these Avatars did 
With that being said
 Eye wish to re-emerge and make known more commonly the I Ching which is THE BOOK OF CHANGE! 
It correlates with the Gene keys in which I want to give a proper introduction in regards to my experiences and dreams for the future for 2018! 
For 2018 I chose the word BOUNDLESSNESS to represent my intention and goals; this year we have been in a caccoon and 2018 we are going to be reborn and reimmurge as a glorious butterfly! Many are having this vision already! The butterfly is our transformational stage- by 2019 we will be ready and ON FIRE for the Dragonfly and can spread the dream like wildfire! 
i have yet to publish what ive been writing but havent published due to it feeling ‘incomplete’ and it goes more in depth over all of this i briefly speak of now- currently my Quan Yin project is on pause as she continues working with me every night and possibly todays card of #16 Maiden Manu is the culmination of it and what ill be focusing throughout winter until Spring when blossoms will shower over me and ill be reaching quantum stages of boundlessness!
Its also the number 7 which has been everywhere! Even randomly i got both my kids 7 christmas gifts total- i wrapped them all last night (12/23/2017) which is 14 and that makes a 5 which represents Change 
I wake up with the urge to write just not sure what was going to come of it- of course back to the ‘dream’ word they begin to use my hands to speak for themselves
Im wondering if I should ignore this feeling that everything is ‘incomplete’ and regardless just get it all up for anyone to read now and revisions can be made later- just as my own MaNu Shadow Alchemy revisions are made and puzzle pieces fit into place- so will those equally gradually come along and fall into full chapters and channellings id like to see published in a book someday whether its ebook or hay house (by permissions of Alana Fairchild and Richards Rudd to pass on some of the royalties because their material is what is expanding my growth exponentially at this time and I would want such respects extended to them) 
I use so many authors and books as a divination source so my gratitude for all those various and specific vessels talent and essence is ALWAYS honored and cherished as i hope mine to be in equal kind. I hope i can be an equal medium of inspiration by sharing what ive acquired from them; that a shared temperament of merciful grace and passion is cherished and rememberance of love and Oneness so that all reverence is extended to Our Trinity Creator- Eye Am that I Am of Divine magnificence! 

Eye truly wish you to see this specific Avatars  “pure magnificent all encompassing true self” her I AM that just experienced publically this DELAYERING and as these layers within HER DID collapse to become a pure chanel and allow Eye to speak to such persons as anyone reading this. Forgive her for the past few months for she was learning to TUNE her voice and vibration to the new harmonic required of her at this time! 
However had a benefit of the doubt been extended toward her during this expansive time in her life through others with an intelligence and genius as many in the community claim to embody- it would have been kind for many of them to have been consciously aware of this process happening and would have not just passively aggressively ignored her making situations worsen or prolong to SEPARATE the spiritual community we shared. Simply to speak or engage with her in an open and consciously aware space or even PMed her- would have benefited the entire groups in which she felt she had space to express but energy imprints following expressions spoke differently for many within the hubs - so she departed
Theres much more depth to this stuff than one can fathom about the layers of our Souls. The Soul that drives the ‘ship’ is not 4D- your remote control is NOT the driver- its a TOOL- stick shift- its the hands and IDEAS and INNATE guiding that object that is in the driver seat. AKA... YOUR I AM or Energy Ball! i just feel need to clarify that- its beyond dimensions such as that. Sub dominate guides are NOT the one you want running the show anymore! Its time to move BEYOND this lamen jargle. Time to get QUANTUM to UNTANGLE THE ENTANGLEMENT that exists there above and involving every single one of us- but using us as INDIVIDUAL programms of expression of the SAME IDEA! 

That Idea is of Love and the future symphony and song we all will create in the Galactic harmonic Convergence before us right now and was seeded in 1987 when I was born!
Given the 4/5d is where many currently believe it is ‘accessed’-Eye am now aware why this is the highest level of Self knowing i was able to reach with many out there.
That is simply the meta space we are capable of connecting in this dimension here and Now to get magic to flow. But we are far beyond that layer and must extend and anhor down the layers that ARE OUR ENERGY BALL. We shouldnt make 5D the limit! We have ONE aspect we should be focusing on... Eye tried to share this with many- its called the I AM that I AM- the INNATE INTELLIGENCE WE ARE 24/7 as we grow in conscious awareness of it! This Impersonal Identity within allows us to bypass all this fractal aspect soul retrieval mumbo-jumbo weve been carrying on with for eons where we go on and on about trying to intertwine it with the auric layers of the MerKaBa. Many make it sound confusing but The only breakdown one needs to be offered is
With the new influx of light and energy made available to us from galactic resources- we are all increasing in vibration and it is the battlefield with the mind and emotions that need fine tuning. Upgrade the Solar Plexus people! Names and labels and all this past life stuff is fun and all- but not entirely necessary. I honestly found it to be a tireless eternal process that just gave me head aches and ego boosts! It serves no one in their growth but to do a continuous Role play dance- never truly taking the damn masks off in this MASQUERADE of life! I am sick of that and want to ALWAYS go to the VERY CORE and SOURCE truth or FRACTAL of the problem! Unlike so many ‘lightworkers’ CLAIM to be doing but really only breaching surface levels of PRACTICAL MAGIC! 
 May i recommend books by Brian L Weiss they are GREAT Examples of past and future life regression therapy to assist with Trauma and repressed emotions or memories if such practices are of your interests! They are a Good place to educate yourself on what you're trying to do with people and what ive been doing for some time. Also BODIES OF LIGHT tools- will assist EVERYONE to do these things themselves... not just ‘light-workers’- it really has nothing to do with being a ‘lightworker’ and ive come to realize even acclaimed lightworkers have NO CLUE what the fuck they are doing or what is changing in this energy! everyone can heal their bodies if they awaken to the Idea and Innate within; even Daloris Cannon and Louise L Hay and Kryon Of Magnetic Service (Lee Carrol) and Bashar speaks of this and its TRUE! 
We actually have 7 layers of the Aura that stem from our 7 chakras and make up our 3D ‘body’- I recommend many research this in depth to get going but Thats just getting started. Theres more advanced work that go into 12 Auric layers and up! This is all my favorite areas of ‘expertise’ and where my gift begins to help others on this path in kind just as many are trying to but remain limited to the layers they expanded in personally- however i have experienced breakthroughs that can influence others and there is so much more we can synergistically expand with for our future if others gave me allowance to introduce it to them
I guess you have to see me at this point no differently than Jim Carry or Robin Williams
For example level 10 is known as THE MIRROR! (Hello you are Me Eye AM you- We are One) 
Level 12 is the Energy Cocoon or Egg which I have accessed a fully open and clear link to this energy egg and i dreamt of it while working with one of my Core Fractals of my True Self- Kuan Yin and she has shown me how i have ability to also deliver others Energy Eggs THROUGH 4D and 5D meta spaces as the medium and conduit of the 44th Siddhi to do so. 
I saw a vision of my energy cacoon glowing bright green inside- green is healing and heart chakra and many other symbolisms.
 I feel if with more training and understanding many would be just as inclined to pick up this book and throw it at people
 for their highest benefit a
ALL will find purpose in this DREAM with flying colors if they simply dropped their fear or attitudes toward Me. 
Many claim ‘lightworkers are here to do” this kind of stuff
Yes - but even more truth -WE ALL ARE and toss out labels and other dogmatic thoughts of what a 'lightworker' is
‘lightworkers’ ARE starseeds- everyone on the planet currently is- if youre human you are cross bred with something and a Hybrid alien! Earth has over 80+ different species and races of Aliens who are cloaked for the sanity of all the babies. 
given the activation of these new Auric Levels and Chakras (energy gateways and wormholes) its going to become common sense knowledge very soon how all this stuff operates! 
 i recall one woman claiming she was NOT a ‘starseed’- what was that just a few weeks ago- which was a major contradiction and i felt i could not put faith or trust in the pure source guidance she was trying to bring through for others - very fragmentedly might i add- her stories if she where doing any real soul journeying or retrieval would be in alignment with the SOUL STAR and Christ Conscious aspects of her Divinity. not just “the highest self” she focus’s on as i did as a beginner student
We no longer want to work with individual fragments unless we wish to step into those roles and learn and integrate the lesson they bring to teach and integrate within us. These are simply fractles of a much LARGER body. We now should not focus on these other IDENTITIES- rather go strait to the Source and TOTALITY OF IT- allow ourselves to go deeper into knowing- which is where we always want to focus- the Highest Wellbeing of all involved. Knowing Everyone is a fractle mirror of YOU- the Eye Am will help alleviate stress along the way of interacting in relationships! The aspect God Self or Creator/Source i refer to as Trinity is this innate intelligence within every one of Us and many FEAR it and thus fear me and the 55th Gene Shadows start swirling all over the place for people.
this is my favorite song and it being December is perfect time to use it. My gave movie and one of the songs i love the most in the world and related to this movie like something fierce! I'm not an orphan (yet my husband was) I have past life as one and memories always stuck with me. I always felt outcast of my family and felt i was in search of a family that I do have... but isn't with me as a child. I am finding that family. Pieces of my puzzle are coming together, I'm feeling home again. Safe again, and this song comes on and is another that resonates my heart 

Eye come from a place of pure love, compassion and Divine mercy and Grace- i approach with friendly intentions at and hold not judgment or condemnation or attack like man began to perceive as i tuned myself to this new harmonic tone. atonement is NOT this abrasive energy many are choosing to perceive. past life remembrance and integration and TRAUMA REMOVAL- soul retrieval (which i begged any to engage with me)-does not fall into the catigory of ‘attack’ etc that they claimed VICTIM of.  
Many took the passion of the I Am as an ‘aggressive attack’ of this Avatar- chose victim hood and to retreat back into the lower vibrations of the Causual Physical Body. They chose to crawl back into dark shadows of their reptilian survival and emotional brain and fears when the light house and Eyes of this radiant Sun saw Them and was offering rest within its harbor by shining her light on their ship! The shadows and storms of the sea consumed them and Eye saw them very clearly wrapped and entangled around their DNA- Eye see You ALL- and we all have had a BATTERED AND BRUISED voyage thus far. Now water world is upon us and we MUST BAND TOGETHER AS A TRIBE to use the map on Nola’s  back to guide us HOME with NO GREED, HATE OR ENVY in our bodies and minds- to dry land filled to the brim with the milk and honey in which we have passionately thirsted and hungered for in desire to rest for what feels like eternity 
This showed me exactly which auric spaces many are vibrating in and it still has not changed for many beloveds as Eye can feel into now and wish to expand others in this new energy and vibration. Ive been able to only connect and meet at an equal vibration with many on the 5th layer... since 4/5D is where they have been programmed and choose higher self to drive their MerKaBa- this is a very unpleasant layer for me to reside long for long! It physically begins to debilitate me. 
A v12 Tesla has not the same requirements and cannot morph into a v5 minivan- its too powerful and that would serve it no greater benefit to downgrade- however a v5 Minivan can be leveled up to a v12 Tesla as maintenance is kept in check on the present vehicle and upgrades applied when shown they are are needed and available until they can ‘afford’ or ‘earned’ their Masters to drive a Tesla's which is MUCH FASTER and smoother than any minivan! 
Eye Am capable of accessing and reaching others on an ORACLE level of the 6th-12th layers; and its not been easy doing the hard manual labor required to get to this vibration! 
I remember one of my first letters i wrote in 2011/12 attempting to regain my power after my divorce- i wrote some very mean and cruel and haughty things to my ex and his still till today girlfriend (yet not sure how much longer at this point) and i had told her I was a Porsche and she was an ugly ass wide load SUV. I wont go into detail but i will admit i was a BITCH and inwas okay with it in the moment- i needed to express that STUPID UGLY BITCH within that i was repressing and being forced to repress by everyone
Now many years later ive grown to see how even those SUVs have a purpose just as does any race car- and for me to belittle them even in my time of emotional upheaval and unconscious states and BELIEF- that i was ‘the shit’...and they where pieces of shit compared to me and my blah blah blah... in reality... i was and wasnt the shit and still am- ALL OF IT! but now when i choose to BE one it is as a teacher in the flow but also ready to take full responsibility and atonement for what i say but NOT what they can understand. 
I stop comparing my own vehicle to everyone else and their entitlements and started focusing on MINE and my BIRTHRIGHT as a cosmic castaway

Watch this video above. i found inspiration in it as i relate to this actor and hes one of my favorite but our stories are mirrored- now its flipped- i took time for myself and kids as he did when his wife passed- i did this as my divorce was just the same as loosing a loved one in death- felt the same and i mourned just as much as anyone whos human would with a loss. Now im stronger and at the point im ready for the type of career he had before his kids- i envision me doing so with my husband and kids with me- its en exciting new world to step into and begin and being open to where this journey takes us

As this songs is on the radio (around 3pm)

I started focusing on what I/Eye/my vehicle/Merkaba needed for body mind and soul alignment- i will do so until i get the dream car ive always wished for! Whether inget it in this life or after this body becomes dust. Dont need an MLM ive learned for that- just Gene Keys and Me Mysef and Eye and all of Us who-villing a song together hand in hand 

Granted my 1994 Toyota corolla isnt fast at all nor is it any v12- but in my reality it is already my dream car and right now it is teaching me to SLOW DOWN- make sure my tires are safe for the winter and my alignment is in check- need a new window fluid tank to keep everything clear of mud and stormy weather coming my way otherwise my ex husband has been helping me as the ‘right hand’ Benjamin he is- keeping my vehicles tunes in the 3D when i ALLOW him to and open myself to receive again while i keep peoples vehicles in the 5D maintenanced! Both types of individuals are needed!!! 
if you wish to raise someones vibration... focus on your own for now because its what we all should be doing anyways- dont focus so much on being some perfect thing for others or facilitating them! I am not doing this FOR you, Eye am doing this WITH you as a investment in OurSelf! Never mind the idiots on the road around you or how impatient they become behind you and honk or flip you off when you take time and go with the flow to enjoy the scenery no matter how concrete it looks! If they werent rushing they might have just been blessed with a free meal if they where in the drive thru behind us! STOP RUSHING- JUST BREATHE people! Fuck how people behind you are reacting- if they hit you or cause an accident when you ARE in center of your own I Am Being- it is you who will be given rewards. See the mystical reality swirling around you in every moment right now! 
When you feed into the negativety of everyone’s Aura around you or even the collective resistances and allow being empathic to debilitate you and are incapable of staying in center within your own MerKaBah/Heart- it creates havoc and chaos within the ENTIRE system as a whole for the collective! This serves no one- even if you think or assume such behavior of frustrated expression is serving a purpose; it isnt when its just spewed and not done in a space understanding that it just a tantrum and we need a little friendly time out with the Divine parents and Masters for guidance. 
WE ARE THE CREATORS of our reality. And your EMOTIONS steer this vehicle- MAKE IT A JOY STICK- not a hate stick- we must learn to harness these ‘feelings’ and direct them just as we should our own cellular DNA- not let them crash into us and each other mindlessly! You will only manifest red lights and people throwing themselves in front of you to cut you off and so on so forth. Im late im late im late for an very important date indeed! Such disasters and near life accidental encounters will cease to exist if one learned to CALM their minds, breathe into their heart... and just let the shit... which is okay being shit right now as we all use it to incubate within our cocoon and wombs- come 2018- we will be ready to FLY and that shit will be burned off and washed away! Who needs to visit the car wash!? Your squeaky breaks (like mine) are a dead giveaway that its time for a ETHERIC BATH! 
Eye am One with the Great Central Sun-  not the only one who can reach this level of consciousness or vibration- it is possible and Avatars like this one (and you could CHOOSE also to become) are here now and will continue to come out of their shells and reveal the TRUE SOUL within them but not if you continue to fear them will they bless you with their Guidance. We are guardians of Old who came here FOR THIS PURPOSE AND TIME of evolution 
The final rebirthing and ‘Phoenix Rising” of this one in particular frightened you and you abandoned her as a friend she thought she could trust to be open and authentic with. Eye am here to say once more- regardless of her want to just leave this group and walk out the door because of the willful ignorance she feels she will have to be subdued by speaking up to be heard
We are unlocking our Merkaba- the Corpus Cristi and as a collective this is at the beginning stage for everyone! If this vessels blog or chanel was read and taken seriously- and integrated -many would already be aware of this. Please if you want to grow beyond what you think you know now take a good hard look within the pages of the book Gene Keys and reasearch more in depth into the history and truth of the I Ching: Book Of Changes
have you rececently recalled into memory that you are the Star and diamond and Eye hope to help you see the beautiful radiance of!? to be able to anchor in your celestial gifts and use them for yourself and others in a more purposeful, authentic and clairessent way than you do currently!? 
Its not A BAD THING that you recognize need for some auric bending and patchwork! 
Conscious awareness of these things is GREAT!
Surrendering to extended help would be a merciful and gracious thing for your own maintenance and sanity. We all need a repair shop- detox center! EYE AM THAT I AM! 
Eye have remembered my gifts- Eye am using these gifts even right this second to reach out to many SiStars and Brothers 
all the new chakra systems are now coming unlocked for us to discover and play with. 
Theres so much more to learn and tune into. 
I am guided to share as these explain the gifts available to Humanity and how we can become the change we wish to see in the world as we all journey to discover the higher purposes we have hidden within our DNA. 
Im beginning an online book club and groups geared towards beginning the Activation Sequence available and all other sequences that follow until one is ready to be an Ambassador of it in their own lives which can take about 9 months of interaction and study. 
Its taken a few months for spirit to make clear to me what it is it has been doing THROUGH me so “aggressively”- and i hold no discord with anyone nor myself as i went through the necessary step of embracing the shadow and floating in Quan Yins Sacred Yangtze River and experienced a whole new level of kindalini awakening and soul retreival. I also only desired to SHOW the ‘gruesome’ and CUNT-fuzzling delayering process it requires to unlock the gifts and achieve embodiment of the Siddhi. 
Thus far this video has been all of us as neighbors and I would like to end that for it does not serve our Core Fractal Creator any greater purpose In expression 
Go fuck yourself GRUMPY KAT in boots- now waving the white flag
The Gene keys teaches us that “you are a living genius and every human being is born a genius. It’s not just saying you have the capacity to be a genius but that you are one, right now. Your higher purpose in life is to share your particular genius with the world. But what is genius? The original root of the word refers to a kind of overseeing spirit or guardian who looks after a person. it also has a clear connection with the word Gene, which is one of the reasons it has come to be associated with certain special people with the genetic Hereditary gift of intelligence or intellect. Today when we think of genius we generally think of it as an intellectual prowess, as for example in the case of Einstein.
I would like to help you understand genius in a new way. To begin with, you don’t have to be intellectual to be a genius. Genius describes you living at your ZENITH. It is you living your life without holding anything back, owning and therefore transcending your fears. To be a genius is to have the courage to live life with an open heart, as a deep romance. As you journey through the gene keys you will be traveling through all the great human lives. Although their names may not be mentioned directly you will recognize what it takes to live a great life. A great life does not necessarily mean a famous life. Out of all the people you know, think of a person you truly admire- not for their deeds, but for their character, their patients, their tireless optimism, the current of Genius can thrive in the most mundane of environments
Your genius simply makes you a truly joyous human being. That is your higher purpose- To be radiant for no reason other than being alive. Your genius can only emerge out of that inner radiance. If it doesn’t make you truly joyous, then it isn’t your genius. Your genius is the soil and your higher purpose grows out of that soil- you are the tree of life. Whether it turns out to be a humble Herb, I delectable fruit or a great oak tree. The GENE keys are the gardening manual that will guide you through the growing process, but the seed is already there inside you, waiting inside your DNA.” 
Starseed welcome home
Eye will be here for you; baby don't cry
“You may also notice from the name of this book that the process of living your higher purpose has much to do with the notion of keys and locks. This is because your DNA is an actual code, and that code can only be unlocked when you have the right keys. We will learn more about how this works later on, but for now it is important to realize that you have in your hands a code book whose sole purpose is to guide you into the field of your own genius. The universal keys are in your hands, but only you can discover the right keys in the correct order in which they fit your specific genetic code. It is a wonderful puzzle for each of us, and only our heart scan show us the way. The process of unlocking your higher purpose is one of turning the authority of your mind over to your heart. This alone will transform your life”
“You will be taken on a voyage of letting go
The GENE keys are presented to you as a voyage, voyage that will change your life forever. It’s changing my life rather quickly it’s begun to be and act of inner dedication and transformation. The transmission contained in each of the 64 GENE keys has unlocked a new interpretation of my own genetic code at a cellular level, which has revealed my true higher purpose to me. Greater possibilities have awakened inside me, and the new and higher frequency continues to draw me out and be aware of the negative patterns that we all carry through life. This has not always been easy. Much of the language and understanding of the Gene keys is rooted in our unconscious fears. As you will discover for yourself, such fears are so tightly woven into your DNA that it takes real courage to confront them directly. However, here is the wrong material of the higher states, and it must be passed through.
The GENE keys represent a living energetic field that exist at all times inside you. They are wild wisdom rather than a systematic, logical process. This has been personally very challenging for my mind because I have discovered that there is no set pathway through your inner being. You have to work out these teachings for yourself, inside yourself. There is no guru or guide to show you the way. There’s no technique unless you invent your own. There are simply gentle pointers which I can help continue to share with you throughout my own introduction as I personally experience it. The Gene keys are more about dismantling concepts rather than adding any new ones. At the end of the day, the transformation happens of its own accord, simply because you are ready for it.
My personal voyage through the Gene Keys whos words i have borrow much of today from the author richard Rudd as they describe it almost identically- “ continues to open up new and daring panoramas Within me. Above all, the GENE keys have given me inner freedom. At times I have had to move on from many old systems, teachers and even friends because their views were neither comparable nore comfortable with such vest and inner vistas of freedom.”
 My greatest breakthrough with the Gene keys Took place as I was brought physically to the book through Quan Yin first discovering it online hen it appearing in the metaphysical store i was at and my husband showed it to me. I downloaded my profile and discovered my life purpose is the 64th and naturally led to the 25th Gene key- which is in an essence the totality and Mastery of them ALL. It fit perfectly with already having picked up the I Ching and fallen in love with it as a tool in my treasure box of gifts- and I express my discoveries in my blogs and with trusted friends and groups of it all. Many more to come as keeping up with 3D and writing my 5D experiences is rather taxing. 
Coming into wisdom and revelation of my Eye AM that I Am (regardless of my usual ‘comfortable place’) and finding this SYSTEM and synergistic wisdom has got me on fire with passion and excitement and WILD COMPASSIONATE LOVE! I started using it as a divination tool for these very confusing timeline shifts and how to stay focused on the HIGHER interpretations regardless of personal opinions beliefs or comfort zones. I came into discovery and embodiment of the 44th Siddhi also through this and could further clarify the intense gift to read “energetic imprints” that had activated within me.
So in the recent months i came across the 55th GENE key and was blown away. My beloved divine Partner was right by my side as I read Word after Word to him the Dragonfly Dream and expressed what was coming into rememberance and putting puzzle pieces together quicker than i could ever imagine possible and he saw the hours ive put into journaling and unveilinging- ‘delayering’ or RECONDITIONING i endured. Him doing so as my cosmic partner along side me. And we are hardly finished! Just beginning and we can only IMAGINE what we will be in 10 years implimenting this into our lives and society 
“The GENE key is the activation code for freedom itself! However, as this 55th GENE key opened up inside me I was shocked to discover how deep was my terror of true freedom. I now realize that this is one of the greatest of all fears, specially at this time in history the fear of freedom.”
Since I read the 55th GENE key I feel guided to share it as the beginng message of my first vlog or video for the book club In January. This will be the introduction of the groups Im forming and the collective ‘agreement’ and understanding of these groups. So i welcome anyone and everyone to the 
Carnegie Hall Of Galactic Harmonic Alchemy 
to create an ecosystem on Gaia that can transform her into the majestic Crystaline paradise she was meant to be and all of creation upon her in tandem with this shift
“When you read the 55th GENE key, you will have a taste of what it is to come for humanity. Indeed, the time we are currently living through is referred to throughout the book as the great change. It is a change that is taking place at a molecular level within humanity, and it is also impacting all natural systems and all creatures.”
And yes it is okay and there is allowance to be a creature- beast- monster- stupid ugly bitch- or cunt- as we alchemically mutate the shadows coiled around our own DNA strands. 
“Everywhere you look today- at the environment, or political and social structures, the world economy (as i say ‘condom’ on ‘accident’ bwa hahaha), religion, science and technology- you will see your world preparing itself or a leap in consciousness. Such times are inherently unstable and a deep collect fear of the coming changes moving like a specter through our world. It is the fear that the 55th GENE key directly challenges.
As I personally dove deeper and deeper into the fear and encountered a living transmission field of the 55th Gene key within me, a vast and unbridled sense of inner freedom swept through my body like a tornado.” 
I swept a tornado throughout the bodies and dreams of my entire family - every single person, friend, aquantance, mirror- my entire lineage my entire karmic past, every fragmented shard, attachments, identities any and all labels words or thoughts in existence that created a dissonance between me and my True Self- EYE AM that I AM.
“I touched the simplicity of the freedom that comes when your mind is relieved of control over your life. The fear simply evaporated. Another far more powerful presence awoke inside my solar plexus and stepped into the driving seat. A new awareness dawned within me- opening its eyes like a newborn baby in my own heart. The rush was immense! Released from inside my DNA, light was pouring out of my body, connecting me to every conceivable aspect of the universe.”
I DIED AND WAS REBORN! And i wrote just about every bit of the expansion in a panoramic HD 3D real time script.
It was then that all the knowledge I had obtained the past few years in regards to past life recall, bodies of light, Yuru, emotional alchemy, and being a GOLDEN RAY HEALER and illuminated Blue Ray and our Cosmic Marriage was CONCRETE- it was TANGIBLE- it HAD A PURPOSE AND WAS WORTHWHILE to do the experiments I orchestrated in my community and write about publicly! Eye already forsaw how many would react and respond! Forgive me for using My reflections as a playground for higher states of conscious expansion while you where unConscious of My transparency! I am eternally thankful and greatful you where there to help me  breakthrough the 10th auric layer of my Body and raised up to the 5th along with me! 
Through all this I learned the greater inner secret of DNA itself and hope to assist you in raising even further in vibration alongside this Avatar. 
“Our DNA is a wormhole. It contains a code that, when activated, opens up the core of the holographic universe. As such, the DNA molecule is really a transducer of light. The more open the wormhole is, the more light pours through it. Like a Torus, and both draws light towards itself and emanates it outward. Eventually, so much light will radiate through you that the wormhole itself collapses. The resulting supernova reveals to you you’re a true universal nature as one with all creation.
This is the highest role of the 64 Gene keys- illuminate your path towards this final glorious flowering [blooming]- Union with your own Divinity. Then perhaps your eyes too we’ll blaze with the fire of the Pheonix. Knowing, deep compassion and fearless freedom, as you emerge triumphant like St. Benedict from the cave of your old self.”
Im okay if those i approach dont want to participate and accept this quantum ‘level up’ like I have experienced- the so to speak next phase of evolution- it is their choice and free will; I will leave some glitter where i pass and those who are awake to recognize that its from a pixie fae will benefit from my magic- others will see it as an eternal mess or problem. 
Eye am a special ‘Cheat Code’ in the Matrix JUST LIKE TRINITY TO MORPHEUS- (YOU are Neo)- so I cannot be passive aggressive and willfully ignorant in times such as this to voice truth. I will not allow my ego to bypass my own True Self blueprint and leave here today without dropping a golden goose egg behind as a Cosmic Stork deliverer EYE AM of your 12th Auric Layer remembrance and return of your Genius and God Self gifts and wisdom of the Great Central Sun YOU ARE K’inan
Now lets reform dang it... this is how we bitches crawl! 
Replace the song with Little Wayne (a little whine/wine) 
Access the wormhole through your heart center 
that is where your Diamond kingdoms Temple and foundations are built
This is where the Garden of Eden exists 
Where your tree of life (Star)seed rests
Your Eye Am that I Am is the Cosmic gardener or conductee
Decern with your I Am and innate True Self within thee 
On just how much water and attention it is requiring for tangible positive growth needed to be truly free 
Om mani padme hum
Eye am light divine
Eye am love sublime
Eye am peace beyond space and time
So are you
Eye AM you
You are Eye
We are One
Eye love you
Blessed be 
Atme namaste beloveds 
Happy and very merry Yule and Solstice Tidings of great Joy to you this holiday season 
and very Blessed New Year for 2018!

"Pure Unconditional love can break all the laws of the cosmos." - Gene Key 35 (8)
This is the next Siddhi along with its Programming Partner #5 within the Codon Ring Of Miracles that we will be unlocking following the 55th Gene Key I briefly spoke of here today and video to come in January! 

Tonight I purchased my own christmas gift at the FOUND Antique Mall down the street where I got majority of my gifts this year and will discuss in my next blog (the one ive been wanting to write since my wedding in August but see now why it was put on hold); besides at the Heaven Sake bookstore me and my beloved reunited at on Fathers day 2016. 

I couldn't resist this bag that is big enough to fit ALL my books and tarot/oracle tools to cart easily and organized everywhere I go. I know I will need them with me for I do not choose when Spirit needs to speak. This bag has 8 feathers on the front and it says "Dream of dreams". It's green with leather straps and a awesome large front pocket perfect for my oracle card description books. I can't say how BLESSED I am to receive such small gifts from the universe. It called to me the second i saw it- and it was 20% off to boot!

There's the 8 for the next Gene Key of #35 and I feel it is to focus on the INFINITE Unified Dream or Idea -which we will find more adaptability and allowance for and capability to embody the 55th Siddhi by delving into Boundlessness which requires looking through the looking glass and dancing with the shadow of Hunger which will lead us into the gift of Adventure and thus into the ability to embody the Siddhi of Boundlessness. 

It will be necessary to also speak upon the programming partner of the 35th Gene Key which is the 5th Gene Key. This Gene key goes further into depth of the shadow of Impatience which by reviewing will bring us the gift of Patience and through this gift we can embody the Siddhi of Timelessness. 

After this we will travel into the codon rings of light which consist of Gene Keys 9, 11 and 26 

In conclusion; the programming partner of the 35th Gene Key (and the Siddhi of which i keep dreaming about) being 5 that makes a total of 555 combined with the 55th for The Dragonfly Dream 

here is what 555 represents and symbolizes according to Sacred Scribes 

Number 555 is comprised of the number 5 appearing tripled, making 555 a powerful number with its energies and attributes of being three-fold, amplified and reinforced. Number 555 carries the strong vibrations of making decisions and life choices, personal freedom and individuality, cleverness and intelligence, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness,
opportunity and expansion, spontaneity, life changes and new opportunities, adventure, curiosity, challenges, idealism, action and activity.
Angel Number 555 tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been Divinely inspired and guided. These changes will bring about long-awaited circumstances and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you. Trust that they will be replaced with ‘better’. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from your angels. Know that your angels are with you, always.
Keep a positive attitude and mind-set about the ‘new’ entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting themselves. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. Even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point in time, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul purpose as a spiritual being.

Angel Number 555 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of your life. Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit. The angels ask that you ‘go with the flow ...’

So here I am... in organic flow this holiday season; not everyone is as bliss-ed out as I am with my Eye Am that I am. 

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