Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Apocalypse of Unconsciousness

Dec 28 2014


I am SO sicked for this new year to start! With it starts a turning leaf. A largely significant change and ALL bad luck and negativity that has encircled our lives, this huge veil of darkness that has settled upon everyone, will be turned around, and cleared. In multiple tarot readings I've done for myself showed up with the card Death, this isn't a bad thing. That's a sign of tables turning. Death for someone living "in death" for a long time, I would say is a good sign. Things are finally changing! And God is working in so many ways and setting my path again. This is the year of success, if that is what you choose for your life! All the hard work you did the past few years, well now you get to reap the rewards. The seeds planted a year ago, are going to bloom into glorious beauty! At least for me personally I believe this will happen in my own life. I'm speaking mostly from experience, and hope for everyone else to be open to experience themselves!

I have been through a tough and very dark period of life the past few years. I've come into the realization that, I am generally a lucky person, but have been followed around by a mischievous influence since the day of my birth that has blocked me from accessing the success I'm supposed to achieve. This is because I'm MEANT to achieve AMAZING things in the name of God. Of course negative forces are going to try to stop me from this. Coming to FULL CONSCIOUS awareness of this now and not allowing its influence in my life anymore, and being prepared for it, has really helped me. I also believe and know that this mischievous influence is also known as "the devil" and he has a way of steering us all off our path's. I realize he did this in my own life, for a much longer time then I should have allowed him to control me. But now, being certain in my faith, and the strength Christ has given me, I finally have my armor of God fully on, and my sword of truth ready in hand!

This is about to turn into a very LUCKY transit. I honestly don't like the word luck. I don't believe in luck. I believe in God. And His will to bless us.So I believe this is the year God will reveal himself the most and bless us insurmountably. I've believed my entire life that He wants to bless me. And even when I truly accepted Jesus's sacrifice as truth, while praising his name, a boy leaned over to me and told me clearly "God is going to bless you significantly. I felt I was supposed to tell you this!". At that time I didn't fully understand the meaning in needing to hear that at that given moment. This was a prophesy for years down the road to manifest. I was whatever age you are in the 6th grade going onto 7th. Needless to say, I haven't received all my blessing in the route I wished they would have come, but in the few blessings I've been bestowed in life, it's come along with a lot of heartbreak, pain, and agony and self realizations. Those moments made me feel like I had no blessings, that God would never bless someone like me, Simply because I didn't deserve it, if I did why was the pain continual. I wanted to give up, going in and out of depression and anxiety attacks, feeling like a failure, being filled with negativity, anger, hatred, revenge, everything opposite of my own nature of a nice, humble, gracious, and loving spirit, it seemed. How could God love a monster, after all that's what I had become, instead of an angel?

Remembering that boy at that moment telling me that, kept FAITH inside me, faith to persurvier, and have faith and to BELIEVE, without that I probably wouldn't have come as far as I have, I would have committed suicide. I would have remained a 9%er or worse. I've been stuck in the mind frame that I've made far too many mistakes in the eyes of so many people it would seem, that everyone has lost hope in me, and even though everything I say is truth, no one will believe me. When you reach that point in life and your only purpose in life is to make a difference with your "story", and you aren't given the opportunity to, you get filled with a deep hopelessness, at least i did or have. But no, even after all I've endured, every emotion i dive in and out of, I've had this spirit inside me that WON'T give up. I'm an ACE and I'm meant to shine through with GRACE! A deep part of me desperately wants to give up, and longs to go "home" (as this is not my true home, I'm more than just "human". I am a starseed that chose to be a human, for the experience, and ability to bring people to the same plane i live on. I'm merely here to be a inspiration to others and bring this world back into contentiousness and how to live by love and just to become aligned with your higher self and the universe and where we find the truth of God and his unbounding love for us), sometimes it seems it would be easier on everyone else if i just did, but I absolutely will not, and cannot. I have this strong willfulness and passion to make a difference in this world. My time here is precious, I have been placed here for a divine purpose, and in the past year I have truly become awakened and activated to my destiny. I have known this since the moment I was born, I came into this world with a very dramatic and story telling entrance, and I'll leave with the same in my Exit.

I'm in the process of an AMAZING transformation and I have the special opportunity to use the transitions of the stars to work in my favor, and the time isnt fortunate enough. It's come to my realization that I am not aligned or "insync" much myself right now, my chakra's have been way out of balance, hence the monster that would come out once and a while all these years, but I've been working diligently on this and bringing it back on track. Life is going to change dramatically, it's going to come fast and be magnanimous, and I'll be ready for everything, nothing will be allowed to catch me off guard this year! I'm going to have true reasons to smile! :-D come on 2014 I'm ready for you! I'll grasp the opportunities placed before me, and run with them. There's no giving up, ESPECIALLY not now. The turning point I've been praying for for a very long time is here, and I'm breaking free of the shell I've lived in for so long. I'm READY. Question is, are you!?

This isn't just accessible for me! It's open to everyone. God wants to bless us all and this is the year He's showing up with a big BANG. Maybe not in the way everyone ever expected, but expect it. I'm calling it The Apocalypse of Unconsciousness!!! It's not the end, but the start of a very big beginning. The love Jesus came, proclaimed, and died to prove, is about to EXPLODE this world in a very atomic way! You can either choose to take part of it and change your life, or continue to drag you heels in the mud fighting it, either way it's coming and there's no stopping it!

Watch me, I'm going to shine. No more living in the dark, with un-clarity and fear and doubt. No more guilt and shame, I WILL overcome the battlefield in my mind! Only acceptance and unconditional love on a global level will be energized! That dark shadow in my life isn't going to effect me anymore, the sunshine will beat it away. No more living in the past. The Year of the snake is over, we're shedding out skin, on with the the year of The Green Horse. It's going to be wild and bring us freedom! There are thousands of doors opening, I get to choose which one I walk through, and wherever I choose to go, I will flourish, and rise those by my side up along with me. In the blessings the Lord bestows upon me, I will share with everyone I care about around me. And I pray their lives are changed so drastically as well, that they will then change others as well and realize their worthiness, ability to love and be loved and be successful and happy and truly, completely blessed :-D God is so AMAZING.

AMEN to the 2014, you'll be the best ever!

Feel free to follow my blog if you find what i write to intrigue you! Comment, as i love hearing others thoughts!
If not and you think I'm entirely crazy, I'm fine with that too. I may seem crazy, but wasn't Einstein considered "crazy" too?! I'm okay being the not so ordinary one! It's in the deep mysterious caves that you find the shining diamonds hiding.

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely feel it too something bigis going to happen.. You can actually see it
