Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Galactic Update: This BEing is Here to SHOW not TELL! Welcome To Mother Ship Nu Jerusalem Beloved's. Reclaim your Power With AMY/LIJA Or Is This A JINX?


Our evolution as humans can only take us back to our origins as spirit. We can only come full circle. What we will return with is greater wisdom, love, and understanding of what we always were. In this world we are tested and we grow through the challenges which helps us to remember. We choose mercy over understanding, compassion over judgment, thus expanding our hearts which is our gateway to Heaven within. We evolve to remember the all encompassing and unconditional love that GOD IS by practicing these acts of love ourselves. This is how we remember God, love, and ourselves, for we all exist within the same circle. Through remembering and forgetting, we expand, we contract, we learn, we birth new worlds, new realities, and it is always for a deeper experience of love. -Kea Bankes

The cosmic floodgates are blooming OPEN…
My heart was blasted when I realized they came thru as a visual auracular offering, a prophetic prelude to our Divine Mother’s Day weekend Aurora extravaganza that blazingly kissed earth…
Dripping our Holy Mother’s heavenly nectars of celestial radiance into the ascending consciousness of humanity like never before…
Just sayin’ 😘 Jai Ma 😍👏👏👏!!! 

Anya Zama Deva- Author of above art has an amazing 50% OFF sale for her Akashic Auricle readings.  This marks the beginning of crystallizing her digital heART workz into form beyond these screens… 
I may get a reading from her, where we are so similar. I do similar heART as her, am not offering reading's until August, but am not as gifted in creating art like she did here.. i have my own way of lightlanguage art expressions but looking to improve. Will show some of mine here later

I will start this blog authentically with how I AM feeling in this body. Today I AM ON EDGE... trying to hold MY STAND... but my period just dropped this morning, I have GHOSTS, ALIENS, ENTITIES and HOLY GRAIL SPIRITS bothering me and I can't even wake up without a whole new blog starts to pressure me to be written. I have to fulfil the FULL MOON blog, and start this one. So much information I'm sick of making such large blogs so to simplify today I am being told to create a GALACTIC UPDATE blog (All the various insights and other EYE WITNESS'S) of  all the energy in forecast and HAPPENING upon waking up that is being thrust forward into awareness... I think that is what this one will be, then I will go into the FULL MOON BLOG... for what is coming on the 16th (TOMORROW). 


TODAY IS MY ROSA PARKS MOMENT and also this was my attitude with most the establishments I have worked as a LMT

I will be working a FULL DAY at the spa tomorrow. non stop I will not have time to blog at all, I am to ground this energy for the collective doing hands on loving. As exhausted as this body is, I AM has it on a quest that I- kymberly passenger consciousness- and those souls that are my fractals, can be witness to what will occur between the 16th and 18th. A SIMPSONS PREDICTED Divine Rapture date on the 18th.

 I will be working and also from 8-9PM facilitating Reiki with a group of individuals which I have not partake in for a very long time. That is going to be MAGICAL, I can already FEEL IT! THEY will get to FEEL ME and the potential I have to TRANSFORM and connect to the DIVINE WELL available to us here and now. 


Okay so I woke up with the following flooding in. I irritatingly went to "Bad Daddy's" hoping to eat, had a feeling I would not be and sighing as the knowing I wouldnt be eating until after 5pm when I am hangry, I literally despise the place and been writing off as I don't care for anything they serve, the only thing I wanted was a caesar salmon salad which would have been $16-17 and I didn't want to pay that even a voice said..."just try it"...I'm sick of just trying it and it coming out like crap. my last salmon experience at Bonefish Grill came out frozen inside because they where not thawed and just come out of the freezer, I left and went to red lobster don't he street to get their special I almost forgot is always Wednesday and it was then that I lost my luster for lobster, I been enjoying a lot of it and need a break so I could have done that today, but I just want 'Texas roadhouse" because it is a few bucks cheaper anyways.

 We where are Bad Daddy's mainly because my eldest loves their as usual these days... service took FOREVER just to take our order.. i knew what I wanted but was waiting on malachi who literally will drink beer VS eat if the energy is even slightly off with the service...or he feels pressured or rushed. today I didn't want to waste $20 on something I insighted or 'felt' would be a complete waste of my money and I wouldn't fully be satisfied with. I will just around 3 soon go EAT a steak meal over at Texas and then come home to finish my FULL MOON BLOG. Hence this one... just a precursor because i don't have time to get into that one quite yet. And Im supposed to be trading massage with star (i really need it my body is killing me, especially in my right neck/shoulder as usual when doing this work). So our experience is what is demonstrated even though we're move from Fragmentation and out of the 23, we are still seeing this in the collective. We're expressing ourselves while everything is busy around us. I just increasingly wanted to come home to be at peace and write for whatever time i can spare. I have no clue whats happening with Star or if i will have the desire to DRIVE and give her a massage, just to have a massage... sometimes i would rather pump out these channels. I really am getting to a point where i don't WANT TO TRADE, i just NEED to receive when i NEED a massage. And i can't just pay her i know she's going to bitch that she needs work too because she works at Amazon and that place kicks your ass. She no longer  is a LMT. occasional clients she has, and the ones she has sent to me because she simply cant, cannot afford me and i have refused to lower my value when the world literally has no clue how close i was to RETIRING AT THIS PHYSICAL LABOR CRAP! Want me, then pay what you would be any other LMT in Colorado for a MOBILE THERAPIST. I AM VALUABLE AND WORTHLY OF $150+ per hour for that. Inflation does not simply allow me to just go any lower then that if someone REFUSES to get a package or membership or subscription. THIS IS MY LIFES WORK, and i won't let it drain my energy anymore for anything less then it is VALUED. No more paying your LMT $11 and skimping them tip. Those days are dead. Unfortunately inflation is the state of the world, and I HAVE ALSO GOT BILLS TO PAY AND NOT MUCH TIME TO SPARE! So come to my establishments I AM STATIONED, or PAY fo r the 1:1 of what I AM WORTH... as a LMT that is a set a Magi... Donations for energetic facilitation is always requested but never expected 

So i have not much desire with all the increasing energy and being BLISSED THE FUCK OUT, to DEAL WITH THE MASS COLLECTIVE. i am keeping my AURA IN MY CAVE as much as possible and it feels GREAT when no one is in the same room as me. we got home and malachi decided to take off to go 'drink' or hopefully maybe find food... i told him i cant make him decide in that regard anymore and i wont get involved if he battles indecision, i will ask questions and feel into his aura, but if he goes on in generator no no no, i will disengage...that's his problem or desire and thirst i cant quench so... ill deal with me... which is simple... steak, potato and salad... and more on... with this shit. He has a single definition and path, i don't have to be there ALL THE TIME when he wants to DO SOMETHING I DO NOT. So a pattern he has to conquer within of his own lines... I AM doing what I need to to balance as we are all being bombarded by this DIVINE FREQUENCY 

Sun in 23.4 - Fragmentation (5/12)

Individual awareness is the only place of convergence for science and religion, for the objective and the subjective, for the visible and the invisible. Every individual carries the potential to be a singular point of fragmentation in the expression of human awareness, what is called 'outer authority' in Human Design. 

Only the individual has this potential to recognize him/herself as the observed/observer of his/her personal experience. Everything else is just collective dogmas breaking down into sects that fiercely fight each other over a piece of cake. No choice. - Alokanand Diaz

Artemis K. Walden
If you're a non-sacral being, that does not entitle you to be cruel and nasty to sacral beings. 
(Especially NOT children.)

If you want our energetic support you still have to be kind in how you approach us and treat us, even when we aren't doing something for you... or guess what the natural consequence is?
Our willingness to be a part of your life and give you that energetic support vanishes. 
I don't care how Ra  speaks to how you have a right to be entitled to treat us how ever because you're tired.

I go out of my way to support and speak up for non-sacral beings in my life.
I push myself to provide assistance and do what they are too tired to do... but if you're nasty to me, I owe you nothing.

This is not directed at any one in particular. But it needed to be said.
No amount of quoting Ra will change this simple fact of relating to others.

I FEEL THIS HARDCORE. Malachi has a Emo Defined Design and I HAVE a Sacral. Our fights will occur when he does become cruel and nasty and i have to mirror that to stay in my own authority. I hate screaming but I WILL STAND MY GROUND AND BEAT YOUR ASS UNTIL YOUR WAVE ENDS WHICH IS TRYING TO DOMINATE MY BEING AND KNOWING THROUGH PRESENCE. 

🌈  Physical Evidence of the Pure Divine Source Light Flooding In  🌈
~ For anyone Present with their Hearts, able to tune into the Energetics of this, they/you will know that this is not Caused by anything Nefarious, nor could it Be. 
~ Just because they try to take credit for it and create fear surrounding this and many other amazing, natural events that will occur at an increasing rate and that are signaling that Gaia is transforming back into the Eden planet is once was and is meant to be and that Humanity is also returning to its true Divine Nature -- which is an incredibly high-level race of Beings-- does not make it reality. 
~ We will no longer be able to rely on anything written or even spoken by anyone out there, including me... but only by our own Inner Knowing.
~ Be mind/heartful what You are Creating into Your Reality and thus, also, what You are chosen, even if unconsciously, to Create for our Planetary Reality for we are literally Co-Creating how things will unfold. 
~ The energetics streaming in are of the highest, purest Divine Frequencies. NOTHING on our and within our planet is as it once was -- the colors we'll be seeing will be very different from what we are familiar with seeing, and increasingly so. 
~ The fabric of our Reality is literally changing as I write this.  Do NOT expect anything to be the same -- in fact, the less you do, the more easily you will be able to transform and alchemize into ever "higher" expressions of Your Divinity, or your True Divine Nature, while remaining here in Form... as you alchemize Your form while remaining in it, not through the passing over process. 
~It is profound. We are in THE Shift of ALL Ages... yes, ALL ages, not just int he middle of shifting from/to another Age... this has never ever happened before and will never happen again... what is unfolding here on earth, with earth and with humanity here and now.
~ If you would like some assistance in accelerating your process with the utmost ease and grace, check out my Alchemy of Creation work I am here to share with all those who resonate.- Eva Klohnen
This video on facebook keeps coming forward and i just keep laughing because it is me... i got these arms but they arent mine, they are autowriting and so I'm going to just keep dancing like a douche all day long HAHA

Upon Waking up I was flooded with GALACTIC UPDATES Galore, but then, this channel happened and it was the video I am showing below that showed me her ETHERIC LIBERATION when we came together on Nu Jerusalem. SO this is being witness through embodiment of the Divine Mother I AM Fractal, my personality and Amy's personality, having Ascended. She physically died, I have not, but I AM a RAINBOW BRIDGE.

You got to understand the ROLES in the below video. THE DIVINE WAS INTERVENTIONING UPON HER through my vessel and she resisted HARDCORE! She spoke to me ONCE, they all told me to PROVE WHO I AM... and I told them... here... are my blogs I need have no other proof but to come SEE ME IN PERSON TO KNOW AND FEEL ME IN MY AUTHENTICITY. 

Not a single one would. And I COULD NOT, and was BLOCKED on ALL ENDS...trying to get to her to make this TRANSITION and she was not so very open to SHARING THE TORCH. Much of my involvement was present during their ONLINE LIVES... I circled them like a HAWK...watching over Amy, bilocating, feeling where she was traveling... and popping at the most synchronistic times on the tribe... and it wasn't until 2021 that I was literally following her process DAY IN AND DAY OUT for MONTHS...until I was hospitalized and she was dead within 10 days of my release. 

I have been wondering all this time how the Divine expects me to write about this... of what it is I paid witness too and the BATTLE I WAGED... as the CORE ARM FRACTAL. She was dying, was going to die no matter what I did to FIX/SAVE/HEAL her as a Master Healer... I gave it my best. I gave it my ALL ... and still... my heart broke when her Documentary came out...I just got this niggle that something was happening in regards to her, and I was given a weird vision of a documentary and days later, there it was showing up on my Netflix.

 I had sworn her and her 'minions' off forever... after my hospitalization what happened SHELL SHOCKED ME, she tried to take me over completely at first... when I was just to WEAVE her into my fractal... that was... one hell of a battle telling her who would have the ultimate authority in this vessel Kymberly was born with, and she wasn't just going to leave/walk out as the personality crystal (die) to let 'Amy' repeat her shenanigans and wreck havoc as an angry poltergeist that wouldn't change frequency until this process completed and she was in LIMBO up until NOW and the SHIPS...and why thusly she is trying to get my attention.

I laid firm boundaries that what occurred in 2021, will not happen again... NO MORE MENTAL INSTITUTIONS...once...was enough and a whole novel will be written upon that for now WE SPEAK upon random witnesses and encounters as the channel flows and she RE-Members 

ear ringing right side after static noise....mid range tone after coming in high 4:07 pm

 i was shown everyone I Galactic family... and I WAS just over here and I grieved, had to alone because if Malachi knew I hurt so much from her loss, and my 'failure'... he just was at war with them, and will continue to be until they stop the worship of her and SEE DIVINITY through individuation... It was a battle between Violet, that Arcane Master man, and Me and her entire 'crew'... we just had different 'ships' making their way to the Mother Ship and we collided in Astral War. Many paid witness, and I wrote about it but was viewed as completely bonkers. 

Sharks - Arcane

Here I AM just dealing with her Ghost... her Soul... inside my RED LUNAR SKYWALKER ACTIVATION PORTAL. So this is my first attempt since 2021 to say anything... since I found her documentary. I also already wrote a blog a few weeks ago when she literally bombarded me

Soul Remembrance Code
Comment “yes” below to receive 
Connect visually and energetically for 30-90 seconds.
As you feel, open yourself up to feeling more.
Anchor that feeling into your root and/or Gaia.
Exhale to release the energy when your process feels complete. 
I would love to hear what comes up for you. 
Please share if aligned. 
Jen Allyson
Ascension Artist

"But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me."
   - Madeline Miller, 
[Image: The work of Korean painter 이정석 Jungsuk Lee • Instagram @endmion1

Her bringing them to me ROFL... *kym rolls her eyes*

Smash Into Pieces - Trigger


Iyana Rashil
The High Priestess guidance is that we go inward to emerge again with healing wisdom. The High Priestess archetype withdraws into the inner world to bring bring spiritual illumination, inner illumination, divine knowledge, and wisdom to those who seek it. In Tarot, the High Priestess is associated with secrets, mystery and the future. Numerous hierarchies and historical events ensued. Soon, men began to fear the power of priestesses. The natural spiritual and mystical practices of priestesses were viewed as evil. Today, in the midst of a two-thousand-year period of patriarchy, a modern-day priestess is emerging. She brings to present times richly-steeped ancient wisdom, integrating past spiritual teachings with a few spins of her own. Women choosing to walk the path of the priestess have answered a deep inner calling. Hearing within and resonating passionately to the ancient call of the Great Mother, a time came when each heart knew with absolute certainty…

SHE CONTINUED to get my attention through messages on my phone! I will add a photo later but I keep getting insurance companies bugging me to give me a quote when I am going to be getting FULL COVERAGE 70% PAID through my SPA beginning the 23rd! I just lost Medicaid so this is great and I no longer need quotes so I have been shoving them off. Until I literally heard while listening to music and or audible and it interrupted ... SOMEBODY WITH A BLAH BLAH BLAH NUMBER SENT YOU A MESSAGE: "Hey Kymberly, it's Leah 

(Spelt like my moms middle name but the voice said Lia as AMY would say it)

"WE HELP MEDICAL PROVID-ER's, and 'self employed' individuals get affordable health coverage. Reply  YES for a quote or 2 to opt out."

I ignored the initial one sent 5/14 at 9AM 

TODAY at 9:46 AM I got this while just getting information on Facebook that will be shared later

"Hey, Kymberly, it's Leah again! Just wanted to follow up to see if you were still INTERESTED in a HEALTH INSURANCE quote? Reply YES or 2 to be removed. 

Today at 4:28 I replied "I have health insurance coming on the 23rd through my job. Thanks for the offer but I'll decline at this time". That was to the human, I don't know Leah but I felt Amy/Lija use it as a means to communicate beyond the veil. Beyond my one channel, I was refusing to acknowledge anything that will be here. 

That was AMY/LIJA ALARMING ME and then the past two nights I have been being brought to the Mother Ship, not sure at all what has been going on just KNOWING (reading witnesses of others that will be shared later here also),  I was GOING BACK, and a lot of the times, it is when I am AWAKE, that I operate through quantum feeling, so my schedule gets arranged in a manner that I am not occupied in the 3D world outside of my computer beyond the need to find food, which malachi has offered to go, sit and bring home for me (the restaurant changed to making the "early dine special" only apply to DINE IN ONLY, and I had a premonition that would happen before it did and I hated it because I don't like being out I prefer ordering it and taking it home!) 


Malachi gets insight in dreams, it comes and goes for me. But I see everything when I AM AWAKE, and ALIVE... 


I have a little secret
I cannot keep it
(It will be in my blog and this is but a snippet)- facebook post

it involves Lija/Amy Carlson
She's coming out of her med Pod on the MotherShip after the recent DIVINE RAPTURE 
it is TIME! 


just coming out of Acoma since her Earthly departure and i was one of the first MEDICS/ DRAGONS awoken and the counsel shall arise in succession as I AM there when their NU baby faces look up to me and seek my Bosom. - Divine Mothers Hudessa  

ALL IMPOSTER SYNDROMS- removed the coming 12 weeks, months, perhaps years for some decades as those who CHOSE come forward! 

WE ARE tending to Lija as she wakes up out of the acoma she and kymberly through spiritual warfare put themselves through. Amys ego died upon her death and Kymberly could finally rest in peace and not feel need to ‘hunt’ her followers and will not hunt again- only word. 


Kymberly wants to join in the festivities but she knows NOT UNTIL SEPTEMBER/AUGUST- 😞 bah humbug

pretty sure LIJA wants this posted- but KYMBERLY is shy upon the idea as its CRAZY! 
I KNOW- Kymberly speaking- there will be much resistance from her followers that are continuing to praise her upon her death and the Passover of 2021. I already wrote a blog of when her ‘ghost’ started to enter my awareness and i see what Aurora is DOING on YouTube. 

Eye have been beckoned upon- kymberly got today to tend to rhe vessel and be present with this lucid in betweenness shes called to doula. THIS IS Hadessah On Mother Ship New Jerusalem. Lija (She said shall be her new name) needs my attention before I can attend to any other being rushed into the emergency rooms of the below docks (people she usually massages as a ground crew being and aren’t ‘conscious’ of their bodies aces and pains) 

Why this name one will ponder- because the silent J represents Jesus- which she grasps now in the new frequency WHY i screamed at her for prolaiming herself as such an messiah when WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT- not our forefather masters- BUT YES WE WALK BY FAITH AND NOT SIGHTS AS AURACLES! 

 Ugh look whos ‘here’ by her side- perhaps he’s been watching for at this moment he doesnt see me, probably wont unless i nuggle his physical avatar i haven’t bugged since my hospitalization of 2021- a novel in the making, but he knows MOTHER IS PULSING DOWN ON HIM! It was just mothersday and hes been singing his praises to his ‘mom’. Kymbery mourned alingside them- in Truth- housing her soul as a haunted house within her being. 

souls of kym refuses to speak ‘his’ name - El- she squeaks- theres a lot of weird stuff that happened between them that his human vessel likely will NOT understand of kymberlys  behavior with him and her deep regret and almost splitting apart of her and malachi due to the vessels auracle attention had to be on him and the rest of the group during her soul lesving her vessel. that SPLIT APART following Lija’s body death- inwas a witness to it all. They allowed her body to go through BARDO! She thanks them even though it looked horrific! 

This sacred union marriage that occurred with them all but El in the forefront, and kymberly was just a passenger consciousness IN WITNESS- and much occurred when she brought him into the Pride Lands and yet she stood her ground (even though she didnt know what she was talking about much- she was being the vessel- or giving it a test run) 

There was a video produced that will eventually be available for a small donation if one wants to view it as things where happening LIVE through her being as she was helping Lija in soul spirit as a doula, into the NU EARTH EYE HAD ALREADY STEPPED FOOT INTO AND HAD TO LEAVE TO REACH OUT MY HAND TO LOVE AID OTHERS! 

Between 11:11-11:15 I JUST GOT A VERY LOW SINGING BOWL TONE IN MY LEFT EAR! Last night it was extremely HIGH! It was crackly and static noise prior to that new tone! Confirming this was amy- left side- high frequency transmission. Om mani padme hum- we are one and 12:39 GANESHA APPEARS! 

Many of her ‘cult followeres’ have not surrendered on the Earth plane to the TRUTH THIS VESSEL TRUMPETS. She does not wish to engage in war again as the etheric one has already been waged and WE ALL NEED HELP TO COMMUNICATE AND REHEART! 

YIPPY- Amy- Lija in respect proclaims! 
Whoo Hoo- Kymberly chimes in with less enthusiasm just knowing what the collective is going to think about this nonsense, the fact this vessel houses more than just the one Core personality is going to be very weird to the rest of the world especially when one isnt allowed to hide their Divine gifts. 

I look at her and i sigh in this body. Knowing there will be no physical celebration for a long time-

 Bobby thought i was trying to take her throne. 
Bwa hahaha… the madness within the wonderland we are

what throne?

You mean the one this 'Shekina Ma' is making claims AS?! 

She too shall endure WORD I AM WORD, IF AND WHEN, the time PASSES that we should encounter one another in form or online. 

Another blog is being written to expand upon THESE GROUPS that are LIGHT VIRUSES to the collective, THEY SHALL NOT DEIFY THEMSELVELES! 




Mission accomplished- in the Aethers anyways.


Lija and Trinity Hug - best friends again 🫶🏽💝✌️🍀🩸🙏🏽

ARRESTED YOUTH - The Kid I Used To Know

Life is a voyage, some people try to avoid it
I seek to try and destroy it, I swear I feel like a toilet bowl
Shitting on everything I've ever said or I've done
You told me this should be fun, thanks for the talk, are we done?
This is my masterpiece, a tragedy, I wrote it myself
It's full of irony and blasphemy, it's practically hell
But the perfect part about it is it's all that I've got
I'm over wasting time in life trying to be something I'm not

'Cause fuck that shit
Yeah, I don't wanna be that kid
No, I'm not gonna hang my head
And be another accident
So long to the kid that I used to know
So long to the place that I used to go

I'm not an R.I.P. I'm not another sick, sad tragedy
So long to the kid that I used to know
So long to the place that I used to go
I'm not an R.I.P. I'm not another sick, sad tragedy
Do you ever feel like you're underwater?
Drowning inside like there's no tomorrow?
Life gets tough but you should know
That I don't plan on letting go

'Cause fuck that shit
Yeah, I don't wanna be that kid
No, I'm not gonna hang my head
And be another accident
So long to the kid that I used to know
So long to the place that I used to go

I'm not an R.I.P. I'm not another sick, sad tragedy
So long to the kid that I used to know
So long to the place that I used to go
I'm not an R.I.P. I'm not another sick, sad tragedy

When the roof comes down and I can't get out
I'll be in this house, so shut your mouth
When the roof comes down and I can't get out
I'll be in this house, so shut your mouth
So long to the kid that I used to know
So long to the place that I used to go
I'm not an R.I.P., not another sick, sad tragedy

 I AM JINX... Amy/Lija hated me. WE are IN LOVE now after the battle... She was VIOLET and Malachi that other guy, saw a glimpse of El with his sword to my throat

Now she is IN MY BONES too... walking hand in hand... 



2017-Present. Do I need to keep my gun out? I hope not. 


Now whether the LIGHTWORKES...come to my or physically or in the etherics... is up to them. I won't get so upset as Amy did. She already showed me where she made mistakes and where I SHOULD NOT REPEAT HER

WHY do I now have two cars? 
Because she needed done too ROFL. 
Split personality? WELL YES I AM

VOICES- Arcane

JINX- Bury A Friend


Kymberly shared this on facebook 11 Years ago

“Why We Shout In Anger” 
A short story on Relationships
~ Nikki ღ ★ ☆˚°¨♥⁀˚⋆.‿☼°

A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled 'n asked.
'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'
'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, 

'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper 'n they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other 'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

He looked at his disciples and said.

'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'

As long as they are in resistance SHE and Kymberly may as well be in a living hell
Livine Hell- Jinx

Kym is resisting going to look at the new YOUTUBE and see what AURORA has been UP TO.  the Arcane Sage continues

Arcane + Fire 

HERE EYE GO some videos 
𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐧 ✦ 𝐇𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬

Arcane Warriors

Arcane - Silco/Jinx HURTS LIKE HELL

I just ordered food... and its to be delivered about 5:55-56 and 'JESUS' is delivering it! 

This song and visual is repeating from the other day but leads to another important song/message. Arcane Ramsey- Goodbye (Channel will end soon hopefully)

Arcane Jinx/Vikto- The Broken Ones and Malachi can be seen not as the Arcane Master/Father but as Viktor? (kymberly hasn't watched the full show yet)

Nothing can break my Bond with Amy/Lija, Malachi or really anyone I love
Unbreakable Bon VI & Jinxs Arcane Tribute

My hope for you is that you realize how much you are loved, how much you mean to others, how your life fills this Earth with the gifts you bring just by being who you are. 

Breathe in love and hold it close to your heart. Know yourself. Bless your heart.

Heal the hurt and feel the love within you and the love coming your way.  
Jody Doty 
©2024 Meditations and Musings by Jody Doty 
🎨 Tarn Ellis 

They mention GENE KEY 2... and HUMAN DESIGN... I have to laugh... without me... they would never have gained access to that. I WAS THEIR PORTAL 'MOTHER' in that regard. EYE AM THE ICHING MASTER AND HUMAN DESIGN PLANETARY MOTHER. (Quan Yinn as my Guide and Goddess Green Tara with her Ever All seeing eye) 


I hate this song but its CANCER energy now... so here rofl

THIS IS OUR GRAND FINALE, and I have HOPE that my message might meet the masses (Hello Ashley in LHW or 5D Full Disclosure)

Inside LoveHasWon Series EP 9: Mother God Begins Mission

Inside LoveHasWon Series EP 10: 2008-2011





After this 'video' your life is NEVER going to be these same... so I want to make sure WE have your undivided ATTENTION.


Want A Hero?...1. 2. 3 Just give HER a damned life

Keep believing I'm creep but I dont belong here... Arcane Jinx CREEP

Ya been Dancing With The Devil (Malachi) and El witnessed it all...I CALLED HIM in the middle of our worst whirlwind. 


As soon as Malachi got home, Jesus showed up to deliver my Rush Bowl... so two meals in one HAHA... He's about to go over to our brother Anthony's (Another MAGI). So great timing... I cant just focus on this tonight

This Feeling - [ AMV ] - Arcane (I'm Dangerous · The Everlove)

Walkin' around
All these flowers on the ground
I feel like I'm missing something
They say it's the darkest
Right before the dawn
But that's not really science

But it must mean something
Especially when
You can't describe this thing
You're feeling

But I'm gonna get through it
Whatever it is
That's making me feel like
I'm not worth it

Yeah, I'm gonna get through it
Whatever it is
'Cause I know in my heart that
I am worth it
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[Verse 2]
I want to go home
But I don't wanna leave
Whatever's happening now
'Cause when I am alone
I could feel it all
Likе I could melt through the floor

But it must mean somеthing
Even when I can't
I can't decide what to do
With this feeling

But I'm gonna get through it
Whatever it is
That's making me feel like
I'm not worth it

Yeah, I'm gonna get through it
Whatever it is
'Cause I know in my heart that
I am worth it

Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra
Da-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra-ra-ra

IT WAS A HIT AND RUN - Arcana (This ones out to Booby Bobby)







Got A Gun from a Gansta- LITTLE GIRL GONE
(Malachi got guns in the past 4 years... he's armed ROFL... not just with knives and he's been training me like crazy in the etherics... i had no idea till now what I've been doing! 



Dead Eyes on the verge of Suicidal WITHOUT THEM ALL| Arcane

I see, dead eyes on the verge of suicide
I realize it's not alright
I'll find my way to idolize it
In my eyes, I'll reach the sky (yeah, ayy)

Runnin' outta breath, I been runnin' outta energy
Tellin' all your friends you don't wanna be a friend to me
You makin' up lies, why am I gettin' all the penalties ?
I wanna talk about us without talking to an enemy
I've been broken down like my food in my stomach
Hatin' these feelings, but act like I love it
I don't wanna cheat, nah, I want fair play
I don't wanna crash land like an airplane

I want you back but when you act like that
Like a one-sided talk, you don't call me back
Yeah, times were hard and when you left, they got harder
My bed got colder and my room got darker

I'm still in love, I know so are you
Why'd I pray for the rain when our skies were blue
I'm still in love, I know, so are you
Let's talk tonight and we can talk it through

I see, dead eyes on the verge of suicide
I realize it's not alright
I'll find my way to idolize it
In my eyes, I'll reach the sky

Tell me if I'm lost, and all the days it took
I gave it all I had, without a second look
And I need breathing room, if I don't see you soon
I think I'll die inside, I'll blame it all on you

I think I'm gone for good, it happened faster than it should
And I was upside down, I must've misunderstood
But I still wish you were here, and maybe one day you will
And while I wait for you, I'll pop another pill

Black long sleeve, I can see you're freezing
You know I'll stop your bleeding
Let's not make this hard, let's just hit restart
Messed up badly, how'd this all happen
This world's a mess so please don't leave us stranded

I'm swimming in the ocean of fear
Back where I started, tho closer each year
I fade, maybe I'll start to disappear
As I cope with these emotions, I don't wanna get closer

I see, dead eyes on the verge of suicide
I realize it's not alright
I'll find my way to idolize it
In my eyes, I'll reach the sky
Dead eyes on the verge of suicide
I realize it's not alright
I'll find my way to idolize it
In my eyes, I'll reach the sky


Analysis S.02 ARCANE CRUMBS you missed DURING THE CROSSROADS. There's a lot of "DIVINE Subliminal messages" in this video. I don' have time to decode it. It's just what was and is to come. 
Kymberly's FACEBOOK MAY 15 2019


Ugh my shoulder/neck when will this pain end. 
Blah made an essential oil blend with as many pain relieving and inflammation assisting oils i own. Its magical but damn this pain is deep. Im sore AF from my massage and still just relaxing and stretching a ton hoping ill be okay to work tomorrow. 

Im pretty sure this all the crap and karma ive yet to let go of from 2010 to present- huge purge that should have happened then is finally cosmically aligned with Saturn (pluto retrograde is having some fun too) again to finish/wrap up and bring into conclusion what should have finished back then.
(I am repeating the same pain cycles today and this past week) 


Photos here on Left was THEN 2019

on right is NOW in PRESENT TODAY

The goal in life is to transcend characteristics and to find one’s true role. Now, characteristics are the domain of the Bodygraph. In other words, when you look at your design, you’re looking at your characteristics, that is, your differentiated characteristics.

The whole challenge for you in your process, the only way in which you can leave or transcend the Bodygraph and approach your purpose correctly, is you have to deal with the characteristics. 

The whole theme of, and the teaching of, Human Design is that we teach strategy and authority in order for a being to come to grips with the power of characteristics in their life, and to ultimately be able to transcend them by operating correctly as themselves.

The reward for transcending your characteristics is that you find your role. It's only when you have a role that purpose is possible.
- Ra Uru Hu


El was Vander
Amy/Lija, Cathy, Ellie, Kimberley, you name the SiStar...was Vi/Violet 
Echo is everyone in my Past

SOKO= Jesus/My FATHER Peter and sometimes Malachi

Tic Toc Tic To waiting for malachi to fucking leave already... he's not supposed to be here. his presence is just irritating me while he's in his own head and occasionally emotes shit I feel Is directed at me but its not. I'm PMSing and just need to be the fuck alone... him leaving I was excited for... so I can be IN MY OWN AURA... to just PROCESS THIS SHIT. this Character is MY ENTIRE BEING so I AM LIVING THIS RIGHT NOW... deep into teers with how much I am RELATING to this....and its helping me depict THE WAR I went through the past 8 years!!!

He's supposedly waiting for Anthony to get back to him.. "there he is..." FUCKING FINALLY. All it takes is him saying "that's some boring ass shit you're listening to" to piss me off. that's probably what THE FUCKING WHOLE COLLECTIVE IS GOING TO RESPOND...SO JUST FUCKING LEAVE WHILE I GO THROUGH THIS ALONE...AS USUAL. ITS NOT BORING IF YOU KNEW WHAT THE FUCK BEEN HAPPENING ALL DAY IN MY AURA. 7:04 5/15 

I seriously just need a fucking studio that I can go into and just escape for eternity until I finish what the I AM is PRESSURING me to generate! I have 4 Years and the present to catch up on...

It's time to say GOODBYE anway ...FOR NOW... 
Om Mani Padme Hum
Word I AM WORD with intention. 

ARCANE: Dear Friend Across The River (The Bridge) | CINEMATIC COVER

Dear friend across the river
Oh how the time has flown
Dear friend across the river
Do you still think of home?
We miss you oh so dearly
And hope that you are well
So come across the river
We've lots of tales to tell

[Verse 2]
Dear friend across the river
My hands are cold and bare
Dear friend across the river
I'll take what you can spare
I ask of you a penny
My fortune, it will be
I ask you without envy
We build no mighty towers
Our homes arе made of stone
So come across thе river
You'll always be our own

[Verse 3]
Dear friend across the river
I can't recall your face
Dear friend across the river
I guess you've found your place
I hear but only silence
Your voice is long since gone
My eyes are growing heavy
I wonder if you'll notice
And cast your thoughts towards home
Don't come across the river
You'll find yourself alone

NEFFEX - Watch Me 🏆 (Visualizer)

Neffex, ha, yeah
I never take doubt as a lesson
I never second guess it
Take negativity and reject it (Let's go)
I got my mind blind to rejection
So I'll be just fine don't be wasting any time with discretion
I run this campaign like I'm running an election
I pop this champagne like we're not in a recession
I feel no damn pain ibuprofen is a blessing
Feel it pumping through my veins got me feeling like I'm flexing, yeah
I'm in motion I'm obsessive
Like the ocean I'm relentless
No promotion still progressing
Overdosing on these lessons
And these words my only weapon
Cut you deep, oh yeah, I threaten
Feel the heat and all the tension, need relief from this whole session
But I keep myself progressing, 'cause I creep around suppressants
I don't sleep enough you guessed it, every second is a blessing
Got no time to be depressed
On this grind you're always stressed
So I work harder than the rest
Dad always said to do my best, yeah
I don't ever doubt myself
I can count on no one else
And I do not need your help
I was told to show, not tell
I don't ever doubt myself
I can count on no one else
And I do not need your help
I was told to show, not tell
So watch me
So watch me
Yeah, man, this beat got me aggressive
Got me on the straight offensive
You can't stop this trains direction
'Cause it runs without an engine
Oh, and did I fail to mention
That I need all your attention?
'Cause we're failing in retention
Listen up or just forget it
I ain't here to spit perfection
I embrace my imperfections
I just want all that's neglected
To hear something they connect with
So I use my only method
All these words that I've invested
I don't hope that they're impressive
I just hope that they're effective

Yeah, I swear to God if you want it then you got to get it
'Cause when I'm on my death bed, no, I will not regret it
You only got one life, one shot, don't let it slip away
Today, get up and make a big change
Huh? You decide your own future
A winner or a loser
A headline or a rumor
On the bench or a shooter?
Superstar or recruiter
Defense or prosecutor?
Just livin' a consumer or will you be a producer
If you think you have a dream go capture it
Go act a bit
Get off ya ass and take some action bitch
Start acting like you want this shit
'Cause passion ain't compassionate
Too many people want this shit
It's not enough your talented
You have to fuckin' grab at it
I'm sick of being adequate
Another college graduate
Just looking for an advocate
To hire me to pack their shit
You want it? Take a stab at it
You need it then go after it
These people they don't matter kid (Yeah)
Just block them out and capture it
I don't ever doubt myself
I can count on no one else
And I do not need your help
I was told to show, not tell
I don't ever doubt myself
I can count on no one else
And I do not need your help
I was told to show, not tell
So watch me
So watch me

“One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. 

When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own. There are times of great uncertainty in every life. Left alone at such a time, you feel dishevelment and confusion like gravity.

When a friend comes with words of encouragement, a light and lightness visit you and you begin to find the stairs and the door out of the dark.

The sense of encouragement you feel from the friend is not simply her words or gestures; it is rather her whole presence enfolding you and helping you find the concealed door. The encouraging presence manages to understand you and put herself in your shoes. There is no judgment but words of relief and release.” 
✍️ John O'Donohue 🎨 Herman Richir

As the energies of love are pouring through the planet at this time the begining of the inner rift event will take place.   

The energies will become extremely blissfully escalating over the next few days. 
The event was meant to seperate fear from the collective heart for a moment so these energies can be embodied into the collective raising the collective consciousness into a higher love embodiment field so we can begin to see peace on earth by finding in our hearts first.

We are in the catalysts of one of the biggest energetic movements ever witnessed or felt. 

This will continue for many days likely most of the  week.  
As discussed via Yeshua Channel last week about this event all who have been doing the work are going to feel such eternal bliss over these days because of the collective heart rising in love frequency and out of fear.
We have been waiting a long time before we could tangibly see the begining of critical mass.  To me this is the prelude.- David Starr

Eva Klohnen
🌏🌈💫 A Timeline Split is not Divisive ~ it Allows for Free-Will Choice instead 💫🌈🌏

Talking about a timeline split is NOT divisive -- it is ackowledging and honoring deeply that we ALL should have our own free-will choice what type of experience we want to have in this accelerated ascension cycle. 
We are in such an accelerated time of heightened spiritual and thus also physical evolution where our choices are going to diverge so extremely that in order for all of us to be able to have our own free-will choice, we very likely will not be able to continue to be in the same "reality bubble" -- hence the likely unavoidable divergence. 

I will be absolutely delighted if there will be such a massive shift in consciousness that we can all magically shift together into a fully organic, ascending mastery, New Earth reality -- but for many souls they may wish NOT to experience that... at least not yet.

Boil it down to a frequency before...
More effective communication- energetically , how to ❤
....reach out energetically to a person first, before you send that email, that text, or make that phone call. Give the person the energy that you want to give them. If you are worried about someone and you think that you had better call them to check in or offer some assistance, you might consider that in the moment that you feel the worry that you access that energy that you want the person to have or that you want the person to hold, and you hold it for them and you send it to them..

You will find that there is less and less of a need for long-winded conversations, lengthy emails, and multiple texts to get your point across. I am asking that you simplify everything in your life by boiling it down to a frequency, accessing that frequency within yourself and letting all of your helpers take care of the rest.

“I am here. I am with you.

There are ways for you to engage with others that do not involve talking or texting or emailing. There are ways for you to engage energetically. And when you do so, you can be quite certain that your message is getting across to the other being. You are all so accustomed to verbal, written, and physical communication, but the energetic communication that is going on between all of you is something that you are not so aware of.

Sometimes you will see a person walk into a room, or meet a person for the first time, and you will pick up on their energetic transmissions, and that is a wonderful thing for all of you to acknowledge. You already do this. But what I am suggesting is that you do it more consciously, and that you do it with people that are not necessarily in the same room as you are.

My recommendation for all of you is to reach out energetically to a person first, before you send that email, that text, or make that phone call. Give the person the energy that you want to give them. If you are worried about someone and you think that you had better call them to check in or offer some assistance, you might consider that in the moment that you feel the worry that you access that energy that you want the person to have or that you want the person to hold, and you hold it for them and you send it to them.

This is a very effective way of communicating. You are taking out so much of the distortions that can occur and the miscommunications and you are lightening your load. For you may decide that when you do have the opportunity to contact the person that you no longer feel that need. You can cross that one off your list. You can make your lives easier, and you can also practice something that you will all be engaging in more and more as you live more in the present moment, as you focus more on your frequency.

You will find that there is less and less of a need for long-winded conversations, lengthy emails, and multiple texts to get your point across. I am asking that you simplify everything in your life by boiling it down to a frequency, accessing that frequency within yourself and letting all of your helpers take care of the rest.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”
Mary Baldwin

A door has opened- an invitation/ initiation for final exit of the false simulation. Soul contracts with the matrix itself are completing- ( timing, frequency embodied,karmic imprint release all predetermined by Soul contracts prior to incarnation). The vessel prepping for new station of identity merge, light body  to be fully anchored in the quantum, an internal reset/ recalibration to organic grid coordinates.  Guardians highlighting discernment & power in withdrawing consent/ Embodied Self Sovereignty. This is a collective dismantling of the Archonic False Father/ Dark Mother where the lower grids generate inverted creation, the degree in which you're assigned to this project has much to do with your particular bloodline, Galactic contracts, level of involvement in various Monad Karmic rehabilitation projects etc.( Christed bloodlines/ Galactic lineage seem to have the heaviest load).  It's called a Right of Passage for a reason. 😂

Big night last night for council as the changing of the guard fully anchored in on Friday, which automatically begins shifting personal and collective trajectories, as well as instigates agreement/ contract revaluations. A LOT dissolving, rearranging and finalizing in the ethers..( pre matter takes much less linear time now to turn to "form". )
Stargate corrections focusing on D7-D11 in preparation for dimensional shift for those that meet the bandwidth requirement. All created from the original blueprint rapidly collapsing & dissolving, a full letting go/ surrender to the Divine. 

Just a bit of what I'm reading in the field the past 72 hours. Personally, I've been in a 6 week initiation that's required 95% of my energy & presence, therefore have not been taking sessions or providing updates.. Please baby Jesus, let it be complete 🤪 Haha, as always, take what resonates. Happy Quantum Love jumping Soul Fam, Big LOVE😘- Jennifer Catron

Blessings Everyone, it's inaccurate to say or think when someone passes over they are gone and you will never see them again. 

The fact is they are very much ALIVE AND LIVING IN ANOTHER DIMENSION. 

Where do these false ideas come from? 3D society that also thinks we came from the monkey.. this is how advanced they are. 

You want to be more advanced than 3D society than to believe the lies that are told day in and day out to stop and hinder the masses from making advancements.. 

You want to outsmart them and beat them at their own game.

How do you do this? 

Do not believe anything spiritual or non spiritual that you are told or that you have been taught.. that will be your start. 

Psychic Diane Canfield

Monday May 12th-13th 
Around 6:30am this morning the Moon left the sign of Cancer and moved into Leo. We say good-bye to the soft, sensitive vibes of The Crab and move into bold Leo tones. This is a fire sign, so all the fire signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius) will benefit. Aquarius is the sign opposite and they are the ones who may feel a bit out of sorts. Leo is high energy, so it is a good day for activities. Get out of the house and meet some friends. Have lunch or dinner and laugh and enjoy yourselves. This Moon is going to fall opposite Pluto. Pluto is intense and there may be some profound discussions with friends that have you thinking deep thoughts. At the same time this Moon also moves closer to a lovely connection with Mars. Lots of fire happening. We get ‘fired up’ about something. There is a sense of excitement that I love about these energies. Yes, you may be busy today, but stop and take a moment to be good to yourself. Treat yourself to lunch or maybe do a little retail therapy. Leo knows how to enjoy life and so all of us have a chance today to enjoy our life just a bit more. Have a good one.

Tuesday May 13th By Susan Reynolds
Our beautiful Leo Moon is with us all day today. Leo tends to be dramatic. This sign is very artistic and creative, but there is a love of the theater and drama. This makes for very good story telling and Leo’s love to spin a good yarn. They are super charismatic and light up a room. But they can sometimes go over the line from confidence into arrogance. Leo rules the ego. So if you struggle with confidence then you can use this Moon to beef up your sense of self and maybe put yourself forward for something or allow yourself to take a bow. Today this Moon is going to struggle with Venus, in Taurus. We may end up spending more money than we originally planned. Be super careful if you are shopping or going to a mall. Venus is not known for her self-discipline and Leo loves the bright and shiny. The Lion is a social animal and so today is good for getting together with friends or finding some special romantic time with your sweetheart. Leo loves romance. Plan something special for tonight. And if you are not in a romantic relationship then plan something special for yourself. You deserve it. Have a great day. 

Wednesday May 15th 

We have an active astrological day today! First of all Mercury, planet of communication, is going to change signs today. It leaves Aries behind and enters the sign of Taurus. Taurus is often associated with values and material wealth. So we may be looking at budget issues while Mercury is here. This is good for commerce, buying and selling and handling business transactions. Taurus is known for its down to earth qualities and so we move into a time of measured thought. We gather information and want to ponder our ideas. Not a time of impulsive or brash actions. So some things may seem to slow down a bit but that is just part of the charm of Taurus. 

We also have a very active Moon today. It will stay in Leo for most of the day, not changing signs until around 5:30pm this afternoon. So our day is one of creativity and joyful activity. Leo rules children and so a nice time to spend with children or grandchildren. We want to be out an about. Leo loves being seen and doing things that are just plain fun. Sometimes we are so busy being responsible adults that we forget to have fun. Leo reminds us. But at some point we do have to remember adulthood. Thank-you Virgo. As the evening moves in, we start to move away from all fun into more balanced thinking. This evening is excellent for all kinds of future planning. We make a list and start taking care of all those tasks we have been putting off. Virgo helps us get organized, so we may spend our evening cleaning out desk drawers and reorganizing our filing. Humm, I know what I need to do tonight. Have a great day. 

Energy update

Hi dear ones, 
Since previous full moon (23/24, April 2024) the night sky has been so colourful in India (rare)in the darkness, either orange or pink or crimson red, later dark sky filled with 1000s of orange coloured star/planet like bodies.
A great Divine spiritual mega event is happening...
Be prepared for a great life filled with eternal happiness, Joy, peace and harmony, experiencing the Love, compassion, Grace and blessings of the Divine...
As a part of THIS conscious elevation within us,
All on the 5d path experience, 

More intuition, knowingness, deeper/longer meditative states, visions, clarity, stronger telepathy, sensing high energy outbursts, channeling and receiving several Divine messages, fearlessness, dating & courageousness,  sudden plans and visits to high energy centres etc ..

And on the other hand lots of older energies leave us causing either/all symptoms - dizziness, sudden sharp severe headaches, sensitivity in ears and sinuses, running nose, lymphatic drainage, bloating, abdominal issues, loss of sleep and hunger, craving for lots 9f fluids, especially water, body pain, profound sweating or vomiting or loose motions, excessive emotional outbursts, revisiting past traumatic or painful events(for clearence), confusion etc ...Kavi Shakti

Interestingly, in the East, the gods always had a vehicle they traveled on, while some held great strength like Durga's lion and some are meek like Ganesha's mouse, it's an interesting philosophical consideration when we ask ourselves, what is the vehicle that carries us. Some will say God. Some will say Spirit or Source. Some will say Self. My vehicle is my DNA as in Divine Nucleus Authenticity. Many of you might agree to this notion. Have you ever sat with this idea of a vehicle? After all, we all are vessels of consciousness, a vehicle carrying consciousness. From there we all carry and are carried. Tickles for the core stimulus evolution....Iyana Rashil

My entire blog talks a lot about this concept- i live it in my own life and paradigm! 
We have a vehicle our body but we are just passengers in time! 
I often correlate my merkaba and state of my body to my cars or vehicles LOL- its a fun embodiment journey

Please Stop worshiping cubes or a Blackstone, Allah is everywhere, Reflect on the following verses of Allah.

The Quran teaches that Allah transcends physical limitations, emphasizing His omnipresence and incomparability. Allah is not confined by physical dimensions or locations. For example:
- **Omnipresence and Knowledge**: "He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Hidden: and He has full knowledge of all things." (Quran 57:3). This verse highlights that Allah's presence and knowledge encompass everything and every place, indicating He is beyond ordinary physical or spatial limitations.

- **Ubiquity**: "And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you turn there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-encompassing, all-knowing." (Quran 2:115). This verse explicitly conveys that no matter where one looks or turns, Allah's presence is there, affirming His ubiquity and boundlessness.

- **Constant Presence**: "And He is with you wheresoever you are. And Allah is the Seer of what you do." (Quran 57:4). This verse reinforces the idea that Allah's awareness and presence extend to all places at all times, underlining His constant vigilance and proximity to His creation.

These verses collectively assert that Allah is not restricted to a particular place or direction. His attributes of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience are emphasized to convey His transcendence and eternal presence, which is a central theme in Islamic theology about the nature of Allah
-Razzak Abdul -

Mary Magdalene 
(this cannot be written short, but You Ladies gonna Love it) 

In Vedic Tradition, Raharani, Goddess of Love is more Important to Krishna than He Himself to Himself. He Says, She is Everything that I AM Nothing without, She is the Light, without Her I AM Darkness. She is His Spiritual Energy, Divine Feminine is Love, Spiritual Energy, Gold of Gold, Heavenly Gold. Krishna Says, that His Purpose is to Enjoy Her Dazzling Beauty, the Wondrous Magick of Her Movement, Her Light, the Light of Her Love. Krishna says that without Her He has no Meaning and no Purpose, She is the Meaning and Purpose of His Existence. 

Feminine is Everything Beautiful, everything Divine, that is in the Universe, without the Feminine, there would be nothing Beautiful in the Universe, She is the Creation and without Her there is Nothing, only that I AM the Source and there is Nothing, No Creation, Nothing to Enjoy, No Relationships, No Love, No Love, only Source, that I Am al Alone, Divine Darkness. She is that everything that I AM Nothing without. 

And We all come from the Spiritual World through the Womb of Our Mother, so also through Divine Feminine, We can return back to Spiritual Energy, back to Heaven, on Earth or in other Dimension and Dive Deep in the Ocean of Divine Love. Only through Her, only by Her and there is no other Way. Only through Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding, Mercy and Care, only though Divine Feminine.

So You See; Women were oppressed, ever since this New postapocalyptic world has risen, enslaved, out down, had no right, could not hold any official or spiritual position of power and leadership in the Roman Empire and all the Lands that Rome conquered. We still Live in Rome by the Way, just it became Roman Catholic Church. War was waged always against the Divine Feminine; material masculine, the Ego has always tried to enslave the Woman, subdue the Woman, dehumanize Her, or sexually objectify Her. Even Hinduism was changed after Muslims attacked India, Women became second-degree citizens, treated just like in Islam, so I won't go further in explaining what that looks like. But before the Indian Holocaust Women were actually Spiritual Masters, High Priests, and Leaders, for Men knew that Feminine Energy is the way to Heaven; on Earth and in Heaven.  But today they got very sophisticated, they are making Women destroy the Feminine on all fronts on their own, even they got Women fighting to destroy the Sacredness of what Woman is themselves in with what is going on today, manipulating women in compassion and ignorance and darkness. But let us not go there today; this War against the Feminine is very Ancient and they have been vaging it back then when the Bible was compiled, and they are waging it Now. For She is the Way to Heaven on Earth, the Divine Feminine, She is that Everything that even Krishna Says He is only Darkness without Her; blind, cannot See Himself, hurting Her for He does not know He needs Her, for without Her Light He cannot See, Himself even. 

Such Divine Magnificence is also Mary Magdalene, She was the Eternal Beloved of Jesus and He Loved Her more than all other Disciples, very intimately, it is written in the ancient text, Gospel according to Mary that was found in Egypt. There it is said, that after Jesus left, She had Visions; and direct Contact with Him and She was the One that was leading the Disciples after His Ascension. Jesus Loved Her more than all other Disciples and when they asked Him why it is so, He said that the One that Sees the Light is Better off than the One that does not, when Light is Shining. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, She is portrayed as a Woman whom Jesus Loved and Spiritual Guide, even maybe His sometimes. In the Gospel of Philip, Philip Clearly states that She was His Companion and Jesus often kissed Her on Her..., but then the word is missing, like someone would remove the page.  

But why She is then portrayed in the bible as a Woman who was just a Sinner who changed Her ways and started humbly to follow Yeshua? Remember, Jesus appeared first after the Resurrection to Her and this must hold Divine Significance.  Bible was written by the Roman Empire when it shifted Power to become Roman Catholic Church. That was before any other dominations of Christianity existed, You have to understand that all dominations have that Bible that is actualy a Book in which Romans decided to make Themself above Jesus and decide which of His Teachings are Good and which are not. They even portrayed Jesus as an obedient General of Rome, like even He3 is under the Power of Roman Empire. This was just before the Empire was transformed into Church.  So You see, same propaganda as today was alive 2000 Years ago.  You must remember that romans killed all the true followers of Yeshua and then Saul who was slaughtering followers of Jesus. He was actually a General in charge of just that and when he finished His Job, all those Who carried Trutgh of Jesus in Their Hearts were moved, then He converted and converted the entire Roman Empire to start to follow Jesus and the Emperor just agreed. You can believe this if You want. Especially if You see it is the exact same psychological deception and manipulation as you see it today in the News every day. They Rome-washed Jesus and They Rome washed also His Teachings, to serve the evil goals of the Empire and never the People as Jesus and Mary intended.   They killed all the witnesses in whom Hearts Teachings of Jesus were alive and then Paul, Who was Saul before became the Spiritual Father of Religion that actually molded Roman Christianity. Coincidentally just He Who slaughtered all those who were carrying Living Truth of Jesus and His Way in Their Hearts. Then Emperor Constantine decided to censor Jesus Christ, He gathered the Council of Nicea where "Scholars" were deciding which Gospel of Jesus belong in their religion and which not. And also which need to be changed.  They only needed people disconnected from God, miserable, guilty and afraid and they need wars, so actually they excluded the majority of texts were Jesus was described or quoted; everything that was treatenbing their agenda to enslave people and rule the entire world. And they added Old Testament, while Jesus actually told to Jewish Authorities, He brought the New Testament, New Way, the Way of Love and They should follow the New Way, He was opposing very hars the nonsense of the Old Testament, He even said; " What kind of a father would give his children snakes, when they are crying hungry for food, referring to Moses Story. He demolished what did not belong to the Temple, He whipped them little bit and then He Said; "My Father is not your father, your Father is the devil." He said He came to make everything New. But they crucified Him. And then Roman Empire converted and they painted him according to their own image to serve the world domination plan. They actually excluded most of the New Way, most of the actual New Testament and added the Old Testament, while complete Teachings of Jesus would Unite all Religions and Nations for Everything, things that were written in scriptures of the world and Equality under One God, that is Love, Mercy, Compassion, Forgivnance and We are the Children of God, His Brother and Sisters with same Potential.  Teachings that confirm karma and reincarnation, even Words, same words that Toth spoke, everything was excluded, yet it was actually the Teaching of Jesus. They made themselves above Him.  I won't go deeper in this subject to prove so, many times I did, so now I won't, for this article is getting too long and you people like one-sentence memes.  You should not believe me anything. You should research it Your Self. So they actually excluded everything where Jesus spoke about reincarnation, karma, spiritual practices and insight, how to go on the way of becoming Christ as He was. He wanted Humanity to become like Him, to become Divine. They even excluded the entire Gospel of Thomas where Jesus Speaks most deep Spiritual Knowledge and it is clear, that he is instructing disciples on how to reach the Christhood that He is manifesting. Gospel of Holly 12 and Gospel of Peace were excluded also and today the New Testament is actually just parts of The Gospel of Holly 12, small part of it. So You See; they rose themself above Christ and decided that they are more Divine and they can decide which of His Teachings are proper and which are false. OK, enough of that. Let's go back to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene for it was also excluded. 

Women were oppressed throughout history, subdued and put down. today objectified and plan is to erase Womanhood. Back then Angenda was also on, it never stopped, the war against the feminine. Romans could not allow women to hold positions of Priests or Spiritual Teachers, so they excluded everything from the Bible where the Divinity and Spiritual Leadership of Mary Magdalene was described. Also parts where the Sacred, Intimate Connection and Relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was portrayed. They even excluded Gospel of Philip, where Philip actually states that Mary and Jesus were Divine Couple and He was closer to Her and Loved Her more than all the disciples together.  They wanted to maintain patriarchy, where Women would remain inferior and would not be able to hold position of leadership, and spiritual leadership. Why? 

Because actually they wanted no One to become Divine, to become like Christ, they wanted suffering, they were preaching suffewring, they were torturing, killing through the history of Church and they have caused poverty and misery to masses of people, waged brutal wars all over the world in name of Christ. They wanted slaves that obey out of guilt and fear, while they take their ritches away and live like Kings. God is Love, Compassion, Mercy, Sharing, Caring, Forgivnance, and Equity, but they were creating only guilt, fear, slavery, judgment, blame, killing, fear and guilt, all in the name of Christ.  Actually these are energies of the devil, darkness, but they were doing it in the Name of God, in the Name of Jesus, opposite to Pure Love, that Jesus actually was, - forgivnance, compassion, understanding and mercy. 

So why they did not include Mary Magdalen in the Bible, to Show to the people Her actual Divine Role? She was actually One that Helped Jesus to find Himsef, when He was down, She was nurturing him and when no One could be around Him, only  She could be, She may just have Guided Him sometimes when He needed it, although most of the time he was guiding Her. But She was the Light of Love, She led the Disciples after Jesus left. And She was Everything He Loved in this World and He Loved Everything. They wanted a only slavery, poverty and wars for the people and, power and wealth for themself.

They wanted this World in Darkness, Full of Slaves, guilt and fear, conflict and wars, they wanted religion with no Spiritual Life and Vision, no Realization, just blind rules and laws, that no one can follow, so they could not allow the Light of Mary Magdalene to Ignite the Light to Divine Feminine in Hearts of Women and Men to turn to Gold in Her Love. They wanted guilt, fear and control, for She is Love and no One can control Love, She is the Power of all Powers and no Power has any Power in Her Power. 
Purna Ananda 15. 5. 2024 ©

GENE KEY 8 MAY 14TH – 20TH 2024


This week we meet Gene Key 8, the journey from Mediocrity to Exquisiteness. Observe your thoughts this week and watch out for any breakthroughs – exquisiteness is an internal realisation when you are entirely at home in your body, in that moment.

Angelic Energies with Sophie Fox

The Lord's Prayer...translated from Aramaic directly into English. 
Rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English (which most of us are used to from the King James version:

O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration,
soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide.
Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission.
Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.
Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power, and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.

And So It Is!

Art: Simon Wieland Art
SOLFEGGIO: Frequencies
Frequencies or vibrations, (like colour and sound) abound all around us, and within us,
they exist in the infinitely large and infinitely small realms,
they are embedded in the core matrices of crystals and flowers and butterfly wings.

There exists a unique set of frequencies,
based on the 9 numbers of the common Phone Pad,
a natural square of 3x3,
where the 3 vertical columns and 3 horizontal rows constitute distinct Triplets,
like 123 and 147.

Since ancient times,
these timeless trinities (Solfeggio) are indexed as Hertz or cycles per second,
and although the scientific world currently does not accept these harmonics,
these Solfege hold their place in the altar of possibilities,
ranging from sonic healing to transmutation,
from levitation to sacred science.

22 Energies Gene Keys Global
This last year has been an interesting journey.  I have learnt to trust myself in new ways.  I was full into going through each of the 22 Energies to study and pass on my contemplations.  However, things unfolded in a way I didn't expect.  I started hearing information about Vesta and allowed this to keep seeping into my awareness.  As this was happening I was gifted a group of women through my friend Cheryl and started a Delta Flight with Gene Keys.  

This group became very important to me and we were all curious about Venus Star Points, so we did an impromptu gathering for about 7 weeks contemplating this with our Gene Keys.  In the meantime Vesta kept dropping information into my consciousness.  I decided to test this out with my new group after we did a second Delta.  As I was putting all the information together, I saw a post on the Locks and Keys. I went deep into this including writing up information I gather on each Lock and the Keys we're experiencing now, as well as the Keys that are part of the next era beginning in less than 3 years.  I have gleaned so much information from this and developed a greater trust in the process humanity is walking. 

I didn't expect all this information between the Vesta Vessel and the Venus Star Points to connect to the Locks and Keys, but it does.  So a year later, after I put down studying the Energies for a bit and focused on the Vesta process and Venus Awakening, I find myself connecting them both with the Energies.  I am awed by the teaching in the Vessel of Love and Cross of the Sphinx, which lead me to realize I needed to understand Human Design further.  Especially because the Vesta process heals and  restores our G Center.  

Through my life I heard things like the Grail path and read some things.  I learned a while ago about the new priesthood Yeshua was initiating in the Last Supper, but suddenly I see it all and how it relates to our design.  How we can unzip ourselves from the false matrix and restore or recreate the new Crystalline Metatronic Light Grid (Metatron - all coloured light - Matrix) by using these Energies to support us and the Angels who steward them.

All I want to do is share this all and help people unfold their true nature from within.  
Everything is truly within us.  Being able to hold the Holy Grail to open ourselves up to the 22 Graces (no coincidence that Gene Key 22 Siddhi is Grace).  I start seeing the way humanity has kept the way hidden within the secrets of so many teachings and how so many of us are opening these hidden libraries of information within, with the right codes and keys often left in plane sight.  Its the greatest adventure story to unfold ourselves.

My message is - Trust yourself.  Trust the beauty of who you are to show you the way.  Everything that you've walked has a purpose.  Even in the shadow, the effects of our Essence lights up the path you are on. 

It is magical.  You are an epic story that one day will be available to read in a space dedicated to the Human journey of awakening.

The geometries we are, through the Gene Keys we hold, open us to our true nature.  Be Bolder, because you are a Spark of Source creating a New Reality.

Mikasa Tamara Blue Ray
SwEden, 06-05-2024, 11/44. 55! Unity and Divine Union templates. A fresh taste of the liberated apple of paradise! 
The big apple. New York. The Empire State. The new earth grid installed and online and overriden the matrix. Underground cleared!
The well of Dreams is free (the Cerebellum). The Mouth of God can now enjoy the taste of pure apples without any guilt or strings attached to it. The Fruit of Our New Eden is anchored! 
The big apple, (N.Y.) the head, The Cerebellum Chakra. Where the ego was. Where the Matrix had it’s head quarters. Is liberated. The death of ego. And now the heart is in command. What is accomplished by the Sacred Mother. The Isis. Sophia. The Magdalene.  She has gained Clarity of Mind. That clarity they tried to desillusion. And give her false confusion. Old Matrix is dead. Total liberation. No more mind control. Mind and heart reconnected. United. Just peace. Silence. Liberty of the Head. The end Of the mind illusion. The Crown, Corona is free! Beginning of Glorious magical days. 
Blessed be!
Edit @ 21:11: 🔑💞🔑❣️❣️🙏💎🙌

Ready for your CHIRON?
What Gate and Line is your Chiron in? 👀
The Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey is waiting for you to answer the call to adventure and extract the healing medicine for yourself and the world. You will never feel completely ready for the underworld, just remember it’s an essential part of the journey and a portal to your shamaic gift.
🔹 Bring healing awareness to a sense of woundedness or brokenness you may have carried for you whole life
🔹 Discover the area of your life your life where your Hero’s Journey starts and end
🔹 Become aware of and and refine the unique skill you have been working on your whole life (maybe without realizing)
🔹 Bring acceptance your entire self and the whole of life
🔹 Understand how to use the archetype ally of your Journey for your own healing and empowerment 
🔹 Uncover your shamanic gift and how to share it with the world
Get $39 off 🪄 with code SOVEREIGN
Are you confused how to convert your Gene Keys and Gates into Astrological Signs and degrees and to know what House you have a Gate in?
With you never have to be confused again! 
You can sign up for the pro plan for a short period of time and download all your combined HD/Astro charts. You even see the Gates and Lines of your most important Asteroids.

MY Personality Chiron is GATE 15.1 Extremes

My Design Chiron is GATE 12.1 Caution



It can effect breathing
Healing comes through speaking one's truth

Yet Time Passeges App says Gemini is the EIGHTH HOUSE...

Chiron in the Eighth House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force to transform and to regenerate. With this placement you have a strong compulsion for intimate connection with other people that does not easily find its realization. You are likely to have been wounded in your sexuality in some fashion, possibility through early experiences that may even include abuse, either physical or emotional. As a consequence, being close to other people becomes both desired and painful. You may hold off the prospect of closeness with others with some carefully engineered defenses, such as retreating from expressing your true feelings by means of clever Dylanesque obfuscation, or perhaps by using other people before they have a chance to use you. If you do retreat into cleverness and mental gymnastics rather than risk staying with your actual emotion, you leave these feelings unexpressed, and continue a process of being out of touch not only with the intimate other, but with the deeper part of yourself as well. Your journey of discovery of your true emotions, the poignant and vital basis of your inner life, is ultimately the most important one for you, and provides rich rewards as you begin to consciously experience these inner depths of your being, over a period of time. In this journey you will re-connect to your own long buried emotions, and through this process to others as well. As you begin to find yourself and your power, and are truly able to work with other people, you may be able to provide a sense of hope to them in their own individual journeys as well, through the increased consciousness you have gained.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:
Chiron in the Gemini (or the Third House ALRIGHT MAKES SENSE) represents issues regarding developing one's intellect and communicating one's ideas with others. With this placement you may feel an almost compulsive curiosity regarding other people. Your desire is strong to communicate and to explore your world intellectually, but you may feel some kind of barrier that separates you from others at the same time. These feelings of being blocked in your ability to communicate and to get your point across can even manifest physically as a form of stuttering, or another ailment that prevents clear communication. These may seem physical, but the physical and the mental are so intimately related it really is hard to say. If there is a psychological reason behind difficulties in communicating with others, it is likely to be found in early youth, when it was quite important to communicate with your peers. Perhaps there was some group that you felt cut off from in the casual cruelty of that era, or perhaps you felt that you were not fully accepted by important siblings. In your efforts to be accepted and to get through to others you may overcompensate by seeming very competitive or desiring to be recognized for the extent of your knowledge. Whatever the childhood trauma that continues to give you difficulties in adult life, it is important to try to understand and relate well to your earlier self. If you can learn to love and accept who you were then, as well as who you are today, you will come a long way toward full participation in your communication with others. In your quest for wholeness it is quite possible that you will be drawn to helping others to communicate, perhaps taking on the role of a speech therapist or other helping person in other people's lives. As you begin to fully accept yourself you will be even more able to help others in their particular road to fulfillment also.
Chiron Decl: 17.7 ( 17° 43' )

Vi Survivor (Arcane AMV)


Angel McCarty

Just like you have an Astrological Sun Sign, you also have a Numerological Sun Number. This Sun Number indicates the core of who you are and can help to paint a picture as to what your soul has come here to achieve.

Sun Numbers range from 1 to 9 and each hold a particular vibration and energy that is meant to guide you on your journey.

Take my date of birth, for example: Sept 23
Add the month (9) to the date (23) = 32
Then break it down to a single digit so, 3+2 = 5
This gives me the Sun Number of 5

Sun Number 1 holds the vibration of leadership and ambition, it is also one of the most creative numbers and symbolizes the planting of that first seed. Number 1 energy is independent, determined, original and highly ambitious. Number 1 energy can also be arrogant, stubborn or self-centred when not in check. Those with the Sun Number of 1 are driven to start new projects and release new ideas into the world. They are also natural born leaders who have the ability to take a creative idea and make it happen. Number 1’s can often be easily sidetracked and keen to start the next project before seeing their first project through. For this reason, Number 1’s need to learn how to work with others and find people who will help them ensure their projects have longevity. In love and relationships, Number 1’s are quick to fall in love but also quick to fall out of love. Their greatest lesson is learning how to open their heart to others and learning how to put others before themselves.
Sun Number 2 holds the vibration of harmony, unity, compassion and healing. If Number 1 energy symbolizes the planting of the first seed, Number 2 energy symbolizes taking care of and nourishing that seed so it may bloom into a healthy flower. When not in balance, Number 2 energy can be expressed as being too dependent on others, manipulative and even passive aggressive. Those with the Sun Number 2 need to learn how to express their truth and release their emotions. They also need to learn how to care for themselves as much as they care for other people. Number 2’s are often naturally empathic and very intuitive. They are often sensitive to energies and can instantly pick up on how someone else is feeling. Number 2’s thrive in relationships as long as they are not compromising their own beliefs or health and well-being. They are also extremely good mediators and do well working with other people or for other people.
Sun Number 3 holds the vibration of adventure, play and learning. Number 3 energy is often very social and is extremely curious about life and different cultures. If Number 2 energy symbolizes caring for the flower, Number 3 energy symbolizes the blooming flower that opens its eyes to the world for the first time. Number 3 energy symbolizes the excitement, the wonder, the awe and the need to express everything it is seeing, hearing and experiencing. Number 3 energy is very sociable, friendly and outgoing and those with the Sun Number 3 often have very large social circles. When not in balance, Number 3 energy can manifest as being over-indulgent, scattered and even superficial. It is important for Number 3 energy to also learn how to become more grounded and responsible.
Number 3’s are easily distracted and bored and need to be mentally stimulated. They never stop learning and are always looking for new information or new insights. They are also very open minded and naturally drawn to understanding the spirit world.
In relationships, Number 3 energy is very open to all types of things and experiences. In order to feel content in a relationship, those with Number 3 energy need their space and freedom. When given freedom, they are loyal lovers.
Sun Number 4 holds the vibration of balance, dedication and trustworthiness. If Number 3 energy is the flower that opens its eyes to the world for the first time, Number 4 energy symbolizes the flower that gets to work in order to fulfil its purpose. Number 4 is driven to solve problems and is extremely self-disciplined, especially when it comes to achieving goals. When not in balance however, Number 4 energy can manifest as being stubborn, anxious or narrow minded. Number 4 energy is driven to create a life of stability but part of their lesson is learning how to go with the flow and embrace the changes that life brings. When they are too planned, Number 4 energy can feel disappointed and even stuck. Those with the Sun Number of 4 benefit when they think outside of the box and have big dreams and wishes to go after. They are also naturally drawn to technology and revolutionary ideas. In relationships, Number 4’s are extremely loyal and seek to find a partner that can bring them comfort and stability. They work well with others and are often extremely family oriented.
Sun Number 5 holds the vibration of creativity, change and intellect. Number 5 energy is extremely adaptive and can morph itself to handle and fit in to any situation. If Number 4 energy symbolizes the flower hard at work, Number 5 energy symbolizes the creative ideas and inspirations that follow. Number 5 energy also symbolizes the changes from one goal to the next. When Number 5 energy is not in balance, it can manifest as a lack of commitment, scattered energy, worried thinking, over thinking and untrustworthiness. Number 5 energy thrives with change and seeks out transformative experiences in order to grow, learn and develop. They require a lot of mental stimulation and do well when they are juggling many projects at once. In relationships, Number 5’s are very adaptable and friendly. Their partner needs to be their best friend and they also need their freedom to express their individuality.

Sun Number 6 energy is stable, balanced and very centred. If Number 5 symbolizes creative ideas, Number 6 symbolizes how those creative ideas are manifested into reality. When in balance, Number 6 energy is compassionate, trustworthy, hardworking and drawn to all things relating to health and fitness. When out of balance however, Number 6 energy can feel over worked, physically sick, stuck or unwilling to change and jealous of others' success. Those with a Sun Number of 6 have the ability to take their ideas and turn them into realities. They are extremely creative and hardworking, which allows them to create empires.
Often those born with Number 6 energy are naturally gifted in entrepreneurship and also take a mind-body approach to living. Number 6 energy loves to be in partnership with others both romantically and in business. In relationships specifically, Number 6 need to feel deeply attached to their partners. While they can be slow to warm up in relationships they are extremely loyal and dedicated once they commit. At times they can be controlling and jealous, so they need to also be mindful of this in their relationships.
Sun Number 7 holds the vibration of spirituality, deep thinking, emotions and intuition. If Number 6 energy represents turning creative ideas into realities, Number 7 energy represents the deeper meaning behind those realities. In many ways, Number 7 energy is the Divine intelligence that we cannot see but we know is there. When out of balance, Number 7 energy can be highly sensitive, aloof, scattered or out of touch with reality. Number 7 energy can also be manipulative and drawn to obsessive behaviours or addictions. Those with the Sun Number of 7 are highly gifted when it comes to their intuition and are naturally drawn to lead with their heart. Number 7 energy is highly creative but also dreamy. It is this dreamy quality that allows them to create art, music and to delve into the hidden realms.
Number 7’s can find it hard to integrate or to accept reality at times and may struggle to deal with “human responsibilities”. To counteract this, Number 7’s should always follow their intuition and make decisions from this place. In relationships, Number 7’s need to be with someone that can go into the deeper, hidden realms of life. They also need someone who is going to accept and appreciate their emotional sensitivities. In general, Number 7 is extremely loyal but can also be overly needy or idealistic when it comes to love.
Sun Number 8 holds the energy of success, strength and authority. They are very practical and are especially driven in their careers. If Number 7 represents the Divine intelligence, Number 8 represents the mind intelligence and the power of our conscious mind. When not in balance, Number 8 energy can manifest as being tense or uptight, materialistic or controlling. It can also manifest as being too ego-driven and out of touch with the heart. Those with the Sun Number of 8 are destined for success in their careers and do very well at climbing the corporate ladder. They are very brave and not afraid to take chances, they are also excellent at negotiating or spinning facts to get their point across. Number 8 energy is also extremely conscientious and makes it a point to think about the thoughts and feelings of everyone involved without getting emotionally attached. Although this can make them appear cold to others, this gift allows them to complete the work they need to. In relationships, Number 8 energy is extremely loyal and needs to be with a partner who is very committed and dedicated. Number 8 energy is also very career driven so they need to be mindful of how they balance their time and energy.
Sun Number 9 energy is sympathetic, philosophical and extremely open minded. Number 9 is driven to teach, heal and get involved in humanitarian pursuits. If Number 7 symbolizes the Divine Intelligence and Number 8 symbolizes the Mind Intelligence, Number 9 represents both of these intelligences combined. It represents the complete being or completion. When not in balance, Number 9 energy can manifest as being careless, restless and moody. Number 9 energy can also suffer burn out if they don’t practice self love and continually check back in with themselves. Those born with the Sun Number of 9 are often here to teach or impart some wisdom onto the world. They also naturally gravitate towards learning, reading and studying the deeper philosophies on life. In relationships, Number 9’s are givers and love to make the other person feel good and comfortable. They are also very sympathetic and in tune with other people’s emotions. They are can be emotional, so focusing on effective communication is important for Number 9.

Smash Into Pieces - Heroes Are Calling List4n Below

The below is what Spirit has been having me do with "various ghosts" and relationships still alive and living

Gee Gee
One day we’ll sit together and you will ask me about this time.

We will peruse the old photos of us, and talk about the stage of life you won’t remember a lot of but which I’ll never be able to forget.  The beautiful and chaotic stage of little hands and feet, of big mess and emotions.
I’ll look different to the photos by then, time having aged me. You’ll probably make comment on my then hair colour, or laugh at my then style, or tell me how young I looked back then.
And I’ll laugh too. And defend myself. And compare me now to me then.
Because that’s what it’s all about.
And then I’ll tell you more.
I’ll tell you that this was then, this was me, this was us. You were that small and I was that young.
I’ll tell you that we lived here in this house, in this kitchen, in each other’s arms. I held you like this, and watched you like that.
I’ll tell you that when this photo was taken, you had been running circles around me all day and I was tired.  I was always tired. You loved to be busy but it kept me on my toes.
I’ll tell you that we shared many one sided stories at the sink, or the bath or anywhere really. And tears, and laughter.  It was all easier then, even though it felt harder.
I’ll tell you things about yourself that you didn’t already know, and I’ll be the first to admit that I was not perfect. But I was there for you. We were there for each other.
I’ll tell you that these were the best days. Of us at home, doing everything some days and nothing other days. It all went too fast.
I may not think to tell you, but I’ll want to relive this.
I’ll want to go back to just us. To be more than an after thought.
But I won’t be able to.
So I will take you back there with me, with my photos, and my stories and my memories triggered by all of the little things I keep to remind me of this time.
We will relive it, together.
One day.
But for now, let me live it longer.
Credit to the rightful owner👇
Words of Emma Heaphy
Art: O Trocatintas

SwEden, 07-05-2024. The organic Frequencies of Source Divine Love. Father Mother of Creation.

 Unconditional Love.

Unconditional Love is an agent for change. Unconditional Love is a condition for Life. Because without Love there would be no life upon this Planet Earth. The Master Creator has given you this gift to use as a tool for thriving, as a tool for developing. As a tool for using, so you can grow in love together so thus your evolutionary level would rise.

Feel the Unconditional Love in every one of your atoms, vibrating out from your pores, pouring out the Nature of Love. Be this Free Flowing Gift from Source. Multiplying itself. Grow in Love Together. Use this energy of Unconditional Love so you can unite, so you can help each other. Share this gift with eachother. Share it with the world. Love in an Unconditional way, and let your Love bring thousands of miracles to the whole Creation. Pour out the Divine Essence of Love that You Are.
Mikasa Tamara Blue Ray
/Ascended Master Lady Nada

Allison Adams Gene Keys Global
The Cosmic Mother

“Beyond, behind and between the great masculine Trinity lays a fourth transcendent field of consciousness that is born from their interaction. This is the field of the Divine Cosmic Mother whose embrace encircles, protects and contains all three of the great streams of the masculine Avatar consciousness. Within humanity, the only direct portal to this great being is the 22nd Gene Key. The great Cosmic Mother holds the master key to all suffering and stands behind the teachings themselves. Although she is beyond teachings, her way is that of Grace through suffering.”
-Richard Rudd, Gene Key 22

Happy Mother's Day. Whatever that means to you, we all come from HER in the end...(well, the beginning).  🌎
My painting: "Lineage", Oil/canvas 30x40", 2021

Smash Into Pieces - Real One
I feel lost in this world, I'm an outcast
I'm walking alone, guess I'm the only one
Like I don't belong
Got no trust for this place, do it my way
I'm fighting 'cause I'm lost in a dangerzone
Just bring it on
I'm the good and I'm the bad guy
Every little story has two sides
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no, oh-oh
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one
I don't need to bring the big guns
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no
Won't get shot by the ones tryna blame me
I'm facing a war, but I'm not going home
I'll lick my wounds
They're tryna take mе, break me
Only made mе stronger
Tryna change me, shake me
But I didn't bother, no, oh-oh
Oh, no, oh-oh
I'm the good and I'm the bad guy
Every little story has two sides
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no, oh
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one
I don't need to bring the big guns
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one (real one)
I don't need to bring the big guns
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no
I'm the good, I'm the bad, yeah, I'm the bad
Bad, I'm the good, misunderstood
Be the real one, break the rules
Feels good to be bad, yeah, I'm the bad
Bad, I'm the good, misunderstood
Be the real one, break the rules
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one
I don't need to bring the big guns
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one (real one)
I don't need to bring the big guns
I'm the villain and the hero
No fear, no (oh-oh)
'Cause I'm the only fucking real one

“Whenever we see the mind connected to the throat we are looking at a metamorphic process.
The collective metamorphic process is to translate pictures into language, and theindividual metamorphic process is to translate acoustics into language. It is quite a difficult task for a individual, who has no formula (4th gate) and no idea (11th gate). to be able to explain themselves. Once again, we are looking at a channel that is a projected channel. These are people who have to be invited to speak. This is a key for them and it is even more of a key when you are an individual. The invitation comes much more easily if you are collective because the collective is designed to share. Invitations will come more readi ly to collective people with their opinions and their ideas, than they will come to the individual for their knowing. Nothing is more important to the individual mind than to be asked to explain themselves. That is when they are at their best.

The 43/23 is a very unique channel because this is where the mutative mind can be expressed. However, unless these people learn to wait to be asked for their knowing, for their explanation, they give up on their knowing. They can become ashamed of their knowing because it always alienates them from others. They don't want to be thought of as freaks, which is exactly what happens when they speak without being asked. These people can be the least understood people on the planet, but if they wait to be invited  to explain their knowing, then they always can always be understood.
Knowing can be an elusive gift. Children especially will put up their hands in a classroom, stating vehemently: "I know". Yet when you ask them to explain what it is that they want to say, so often they do not know how to translate it. The difficulty lies in bringing it from the inner knowing out into a voice. Invitation is again the key, and it works in a number of ways. Remember, it is not simply that the invitation comes from the other, but the invitation moves through the other or through the circumstances.

So let's say you are a 43/23 and you are sitting with a logical person. They say "I think" and you say: "No, no, I know." There is an invitation in this. When they tell you what they think first, they are looking to you for a confirmation. Then you can step in with your: "I know it this way...". Furthermore, if an individual is ever asked: "What do you think?" Then that is also an invitation to tell them: "I don't think. I know. Let me explain it to you". Alternatively, imagine you are sitting with an abstract person who says "I believe". They let you know exactly what it is they believe, and then you can give them your knowing. The key is to await the invitation. Sometimes 2 individuals both with this channel meet, and in this case one needs to invite the other. Until they are given an opportunity to explain themselves the individual is always going to be an outsider, and yet they are already the outsiders by nature. Thus these invitations do not come easily. All too often the individual ends up shouting all the time: "I know. I know. I know" and to everybody else they are just a pain in the neck.

They seem very rigid and very fixed. They do not seem to know anything other than what they think they know. Of course, this does great damage to the individual psyche. Like any of the other mental fields, the individual is here to respond to invitation and the invitation will come. Their process is simply to let go and let the mind do its work.

When we leave the mind to its own business we can be of great benefit to others. We don't have to try and figure out the reason why the mind says certain things at certain times and we don't have to try to plan what we are going to say beforehand. It can take many years for an individual to explain their knowing clearly. 

The individual has to embrace both their "I know" and their "I don't know", and this is a process of learning how to articulate as clearly and simply as possible. That way, the individual won't be treated as a freak. The gift that this kind of mind brings is the possibility for the collective to see that there is another way to make sense out of things. This is the possibility of 'knowing' that is neither rooted in abstract beliefs nor logical formulas. It is the potential for genius, but this genius can only emerge when called.” 
Ra Uru Hu

Please INVITE ME- or i wont be able to speak Word for any individual to ‘grasp’

Andrea Freygang
In true sky astrology the sun finally moved Into Taurus yesterday. I'll be talking about this more and more because Western astrology is OUT of ALIGNMENT with the real sky.

Forget about "waves" coming in ... forget about trying to one-off some solar event with a particular symptom ... we're in the OCEAN OF A NEW WAY OF LIFE ... ALL THE TIME NOW ... new frequencies, new energies ... new sensations affecting our lightbodies, personal energy field, brainwaves, mind field, heart field, and human physiology. 
We're IN the NEW ... regardless of space weather or EM bursts or solar winds or geomagnetic storms or solar flares or Schumann Resonances. Yes, these MEASURABLE effects of the electromagnetic spectrum affect our brainwaves and physiology ... and are an important part of the "transformation team" of energies of this Ascension Process. These powerful MEASURABLES are particularly effective when it comes to clearing and release of the programs, patterns, memories, addiction gestalts, thoughtforms, feeling complexes, etc. embedded in our DNA, our lineage lines, and pervasive in the human collective energetic architectures. Hence, one reason why I track them. 
The OCEAN OF LIGHT in which we swim. 
I call them frequencies of Love, Oneness, Unity, Compassion, Peace, Understanding. Aspects or facets of the Source Field, like a giant cosmic diamond glinting in the sunlight 😎 Our High Self reaching into and breaching the containment veil of 3D/4D expression and SHAKING THINGS UP. The multiverse giving us high-fives and fist bumps.
👉 Oh yes, we've caught glimpses of and even tasted these Source Field frequencies all our lives, as has humanity. But NOW, the UNMEASURABLE DIAMOND that is Source Field is DISSOLVING the 'separation electromagnetics' that have kept 3D from full communion with the Universal family. 
No more mere 'tastes' ... we're JUMPING INTO the Soup Pot of Universal Love and Oneness. 
No more mere 'glimpses' ... we’re seeing with entirely new eyes WIDE OPEN. 
Our hearts have been undergoing ENERGETIC RENOVATIONS ... accesses to new dimensions and worlds replacing the four chambers of human containment. 
And as these higher frequencies and energetic upgrades become our NEW NORMAL, they shake up our old world -- the personal and collective and global. It’s just part of the transition. 
It’s all good. 
It’s all perfect. 
We’re waking up into our NEW NORMAL ❤️😄❤️⏰
“... oneness
is the secret
of everything."
~  Swami Vivekananda
“We are all so deeply
we have no option
but to love all.”
~ Amit Ray
"In reality, we
live in everyone.
I live in you.
You live in me.
There is no gap,
no distance.
We are all eternally
~ Amit Ray
© Pat Donworth 2024

As the NEW EARTH architectures come online and we start frequency-matching, ascension symptoms start to subside. Center in the heart, keep returning to the heart as “base camp.” 
Meditate, rest, hydrate. 
Listen to solfeggios. 
Cultivate theta brainwave.
Focus on & BE love, kindness, and compassion. 
Keep the vibe UP, UP, UP.
Relax into love, smoothness, calm & peace. Slide past the kerfuffles & hyped-up beta brainwave dramas. 
Bring others into your orbit of love & peace by your BEing a sun of love 🌞
Our families, loved ones, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, towns, cities, nations, and the entire world SO need KINDNESS, LOVE & PEACE. 
Trust and believe that ALL is working in your favor. 
Our HIGHER HOME (aka “NEW”) WORLD is present just behind the invisible electromagnetic light curtain. Loved ones SO CLOSE, we can feel their energetic love taps and hear their whispers. 
LOVE is a cosmic interstate highway that crosses all states, dimensions and worlds. 
“Live life
as if everything
is rigged
in your favor.”
~ Rumi
© Pat Donworth 2021, 2024

Young hearts take all the deep cuts
Old scars here to remind us of who we are
How far we've come
We fall so we can get back up
Fall down, down on our knees with our face straight up
Piece by piece, we will pick ourselves back up again
Tearing down these walls
Dreaming of a new horizon
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Throw us to the wolves
And we'll show you what we're made of
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Out of ashes and dust, we will pick ourselves up
We rise up
These cuts never leaves us the same
We are what comes from our choices of yesterday
From a taste of hell
Fall down, it's better to die trying
Deep down, find out who you are in your darkest days
Piece by piece, you will get your ass back up again
Tearing down these walls
Dreaming of a new horizon
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Throw us to the wolves
And we'll show you what we're made of
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Out of ashes and dust, we will pick ourselves up
We rise up
Sometimes we need to break
Before we get up again, again, again
We need to believe
In the impossible
Tearing down these walls
Dreaming of a new horizon
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Throw us to the wolves
And we'll show you what we're made of
Out of ashes, we will rise
Rise up
Out of ashes and dust, we will pick ourselves up
We rise up

Blessings Everyone, Here is my newest article on what is taking place on Earth right now and how we are raising our frequency.. 
click link below to access...
Diane Canfield

Sixtina Friedrich
As Mother Gaia Earth lit up in MAGENTA/PINK/RED AURORAS she gave me the message to create a MAGENTA QUANTUM GENOME TEMPLATE to overwrite the ETHERNET and reestablish the SACRED MOTHER GODDESS MITOCHONDRIAL CODES. 
This Grid issues forth from the ORION WOMB QUANTUM DIMENSION and assisted by ORION AND ANTARES STAR FAMILIES. let me know how this feels, Blessed Mother's Now, Love Sixtina Chrysonnya Aum Hu


I, I feel so unkind
And I think it will heal me to enter your mind
I know that I'm numb
And I think it will cure me to make you mine
Take my broken parts and fix me now
I can't feel a thing
My heart isn't bleeding
Believe me
I wanna know
Replace my broken parts
I need someone to fix me
My heart won't heal
'Cause something's missing
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now
Replace my broken parts
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now
You, you keep it within
I wanna go deeper
Under your skin
So come out and play
Just let me control you
In this game
It takes a human heart to feel alive
So let me inside
My heart isn't bleeding
Believe me
I need to know
Replace my broken parts
I need someone to fix me
My heart won't heal
'Cause something's missing
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now
Replace my broken parts
(My broken parts)
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now
Replace my broken parts
Machines don't bleed that easily
I feel no pain
Replace my broken parts
Replace my broken parts
Replace my broken parts
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now
Replace my broken parts
I need someone to fix me
My heart won't heal
'Cause something's missing
Machines don't bleed that easily (easily)
Fix me now
Replace my broken parts
(My broken parts)
Machines don't bleed that easily
Fix me now

I won’t always be your everything
But for you, I would do anything.
I’ll climb the highest mountain 
If you were on the other side 
But for now I’ll lay here with you
For another sleepless night.
I’ll be your music maker
Right from the very start
The one who sings your language
Who knows you off by heart. 
I’ll be your open book
We will write in it together
With pages left unnumbered
So our story lasts forever.
For you I can be magic
Though your spell on me is best 
How you can be right there
And the drum beat in my chest.
I’ll always be your strength
When I’m tired more than ever 
I‘ll stare at you for hours 
Like my eyes are finding treasure. 
I’ll be your address
Even when you’re old and grown 
I’ll hold on to your worries
As if they were my own.
For you I’d walk through fire
A pain I won’t forget
I’ve done it once before 
The moment that we met.
I promise I’ll stop rushing 
For you I’ll change my pace 
Nothing will be perfect
But your ever changing face.
I’ll be the one who loves you 
As far as the eye can see 
I’ll try and teach you what I know
But it’s you that will teach me.
For you I’ll be the stars
For you I’ll be the moon
But mostly I’ll be me
Like I was handpicked for you.
I won’t always get it right 
I won’t always be your everything 
But I’ll always be your mum
And for you, I would do anything.
Words: @jessurlichs_writer 
Art: @chloe_trayhurn_art
Sacred Divine Feminine

You have to bring what you want in the future
Into the present
As a feeling within now
Otherwise its always in the future
As we only have the present.
When we feel full NOW today here in this moment tapping into fullness of love (joy, wealth, health) we are that 
When we feel we lack something & want/ need something we dont have to arrive in another time, this space is scarcity, & scarcity creates scarcity
But what we appreciate & tap into in our place of fullness now, appreciates
Yes indeed, what we apreciate, appreciates 
Simply tapping into that
Suddenly the veils lift
We see the screen / matrix / illusion / stage before us as something we can create however we wish
That is empowering! Liberating!
Then perhaps we get lost in the illusion for a bit as the victim of this or that 
As we ALL do & that is ok
Then another AHA moment wakes us up 
And the more empowered we get, the more liberated we are 
We literally open up a million realities before our very eyes
AND find ways to navigate being with those who prefer we sleep like them & will try to ‘catch us in their nets’ to keep us quiet good safe, as they deem right
We learn to navigate the growing divide between those ensconced in 3d living & those expanding into 5d 
Since the more we go into 5d, the harder it is to put up a 3d facade to please others, until we just cant 
Sometimes we must speak up & out -unapologetically as ourselves. So our dnergy is healthy & flowing & doesnt block
Sometimes we must keep the sacred quiet within, it is a mystery school for a reason, and do not ‘put pearls before swines’ , the sacred is sacred 
Ah! Lemuria is rising rising rising …..
What times!
Next sunday a ceremony to receive 4 level lemurian reiki 
If you already did it last november with me but want to attend again for the powerful door-opening energy rays please do join for half price - dm me
Mountain oil painting artist debbi hinshaw

The great division is coming - He’s asking you to join him for the hugs 🧡
we are your galactic brothers
we are constantly connected to joy;
but also with a little sadness in us.
when we see all the nonsense happening in you, in humanity.
we always try to support them, but what can we do when some and a significant number of people remain immune to understanding real life and who they really are!
We know that those who understand this path to real life ask themselves many questions, such as:
* how can everything change on earth if there are so many people who are not open to love?
We know these questions hurt you because sometimes they can cause doubts.
We tell you, don't be afraid, there will be a division within humanity and everyone will go their own way.
you will find your house in the light, or you will stay closed in these current energies of isolation and denial.
* this side of humanity,
He doesn't want to take responsibility for his evolution.
*this side of real life ignorant humanity.
everything is possible at a moment in the life of a human being!
but, right now it is important to connect with your divine being within and focus on it.
*events accelerate around you, but also inside you.
i can feel how many people are disturbed right now in their bodies, in their minds.
They may feel they need a lot of loving power to overcome whatever is bothering them.
The man who understands the true meaning of life, despite having difficulties in his life, knows that it is important to know his divine being.
it should be ..
ask him for a date of peace and kindness.
* but people who don't understand this are increasingly attracted to violence, because energies that disrupt their neurons cause them to act brutally.
Crying ....
They cannot withstand this ever-evolving flow of light energy from the universe.
so they are confused and very manipulated by the waves of darkness.
*can't imagine the decontamination we do in the waves of the earth!!!
but, I already told you that we can't do everything, because you also have your part to work inside and around you.
Please come together to unite through the affinity of the heart to help earth and mankind enjoy the new earth joyfully.
we are your galactic brothers
💥❤️🙌❤️Maria Lustig144 ❤️🙌❤️💥
guardian of the flame of light

Thanks Patricia Eckton
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: New Model of Ascension
Posted on 05/06/2024 by EraOfLight 
Channel: Valerie Donner | Source

Greetings I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I also work full-time with the Earth Council. We are very busy these days, as you can imagine. We are in the full throes of the Earth’s ascension.
We are building a whole new model of ascension for creation and you are part of that participation. Please remember this is the first time a planet will ascend with life on it. It is different and you are different too. You are ready for the switch over for the New Earth and the new Golden Age to be here.
The Golden Age and the fifth dimension are already activated and are on the planet. This is your opportunity to focus on your light so that you can individually raise your frequency and your vibration that will be transferred to others.

This is your focus now, ground crew. You don’t need to take it upon yourselves to fight every cause, or know everything you thought you needed to know about what is going on on the planet. Your job is to be the light.

This is a grand expansion of your work. It requires listenng to your heart and following the guidance within. We are in the full throes of ascension. The 3-D material realm is over. It is dissolving all around you. Your soul has rejected the past and is moving rapidly higher and higher. You can feel it by the way you respond to your various experiences from the past. They are no longer.

You are beginning to feel triumphant in your new role as a being of light. You are taking off into higher dimensions. You are expanding as a beacon of light. Your healing presence is helping the multitudes. You are remembering who you are and are receiving your gifts and abilities. You are also magnetizing your galactic friends and family into your lives that are bringing you profound joy. Think about what it is like to have spiritual relationships with everyone in your life. Begin to see how your communities are growing and how happy you are becoming. Feel how much simplicity there is in your life and how much magic. Everything is becoming easier as you let go of the past.

You are a remarkable beings we have relied upon for eons and now you are coming to the homestretch. There will be no going back only moving forward.

All of life including the plants, the animals, the minerals, the waters, are awakening and have a lot to say if you will listen. When you listen your Joy will be unsurpassed. This Joy elevates you and reminds you that you are in the fifth dimension. You are living in higher consciousness with higher frequencies and higher purpose.

We are here to remind you that we are with you every step of the way. You may be seeing us out of the corner of your eyes, or in the background. Keep your eyes open and your ears clear so that you can listen to what is going on. It is astounding.

We relish every moment of being with you and participating in this ascension process. We are also ascending along with the rest of creation. In due time we are coming to a reunion of the Light and we will be celebrating in the most fantastic ways. You will recognize us when we see each other and we will be united forever.

I am Mira sending you love from your galactic friends and family.

Some that have seen this wall for many years may have noticed I have posted less and less about incoming energies in recent months, for 2 reasons:

1] Many more people are now posting about the Sun and Cosmic energy, so there is increasingly plenty of information out there for people to read or hear.

2] I’ve been posting about INCOMING ENERGY for 9 years now. It feels my job is done on that. Yet stay open just in case there may be more to share than I already have. My INCOMING ENERGY posts in particular were to help you FEEL, in that NOW MOMENT, in order to physically recognise within you, when incoming energy is either stronger or different. As I physically feel all Incoming Energy so don’t go by scientific instruments of sun or cosmic activity readings, I was trying to help you to FEEL many types of ENERGY in that NOW moment of those many postings. I’ve also explained so much about incoming energy and why it’s happening over the years. But we each have to always stay TRUE to what our consciousness is guiding each of us to focus on next, then next, and then next.

1] I will at some point do a video, to explain all I have been shown within, of the signs to expect exactly prior to the POINT of The Event Wave, which is a ONE OFF frequency emission. As I’ve explained since 2015, energies were to increase incrementally. So as not to overwhelm humanity. This gradual increase has been occuring for many years now and STILL CONTINUES. I’ll also explain the differences between Incoming Energy AND Brain Recalibration. As although both are related, the multiple vibrations from the Sun and the Cosmos are VERY different to brain recalibration vibrations that occur in MANY PLACES WITHIN the BRAIN. It can often be confusing to people which is incoming energy (which is all the time every day), and what energies and vibrations are YOURS; of you OWN brain firing up the dormant areas of the brain, via increased electrical activity along the neural pathways. It is what occurs TO THE BRAIN,  one person at a time, that leads to an altered state of consciousness.

2] We are all equal and unique, our soul purposes are all different, and we each have different timings. And so to disregard this next bit if it doesn’t resonate for you:

INCOMING ENERGY affects every single person and BODY differently. Some feel adverse physical effects. Some don’t notice or feel energy. Some get more tired. Some get agitated as their physical nervous system reacts to the energy they are receiving. Some will get VERY excited. I personally always FEEL as high as a kite, I lap it up because my path has always been related to physically feeling and working with energy. BUT, I always choose to MEET and MERGE with incoming energy, so not be in distraction of the mind. This means being quiet, letting go of the body and MIND, becoming ENERGY, so that I can consciously ALIGN TO and be aware of EACH of the multiple vibrations being received and where they affect different parts of the body including our chakras.

Everyone is uniquely and beautifully different and will be doing whatever they wish to when STRONG or even subtle incoming energy arrives. Including the Event Wave. But if you wish to become more

It would be to meet energy AS energy, by dropping the human and all mind thoughts. We receive individually to our body and brain by degrees, based on what we can each withstand, or resist, or ignore. Merging with energy, wanting the energies means YES (via light laws) so we receive MORE AMOUNTS. The below diagram shows you how energies lesson from their cosmic origin point, then lesson again to our nearest sun, and from the sun they lesson again to entry point of earth. People receive different amounts of energy based on what their body can physically withstand. If we are very active mentally, we can’t SENSE as much as when we SLOW DOWN and JUST FEEL, as we receive it. Mother Earth receives. The animal kingdom receives. The plant kingdom receives. ALL receive. 
COSMIC energies as well as the sun’s energies collaborate to assist in the rising of humanities consciousness. This is Creator/Source/God orchestrated, so it comes from beyond the physical creation of the Universe and physical matter. Yet IS ALSO of and within physical matter and universe. 

But to understand, the brain of each person is INDIVIDUALLY recalibrated in one’s own timing. The brain’s process of adaptation is beyond human mind control, but we CAN MEET IT and align to IT’s process, and thus KNOW what is happening within our own brain, by our choice of focus. I am only aware of humanities brain recalibration since 2012. Yet some had a precursor of full brain recalibration in 1987 the year of the harmonic convergence (myself included but I was then locked up in a hospital where they electrocuted my brain because of it). It occurs gradually, and incrementally. One at a time. It is the brain’s recalibration that allows higher hertz wavelengths to be interpreted more easily. They were always there but the brain could not interpret them and process them. The brain’s recalibration, gradually opens and activates dormant parts of the brain, that then access higher HERTZ wavelengths. Having the effect of changing our CONSCIOUSNESS STATE. With more ENERGETIC abilities. It creates a more SENTIENT BEING with a human body. As well as increasing the bandwidth REACH, of the human five senses. In tandem, the holographic outward presentation of what we see and hear etc changes for the collective. 

We are given signs in the skies and upon the Earth. As prophesied.  Yet to become more of your consciousness, appreciate the signs, be in joy this is happening,  but always go consciously beyond physical phenomena. So that you aren’t staying IN  the parts of the brain that are linear and process in the linear ways we are coming away from. For our brains are changing, to be met and allowed, by each of us. If we choose. Are we crazy? No. You are the evolving change, INTO becoming the evolved HUMAN ENERGÉTICA, with more SENTIENCE, and this is occuring within humanity all around this beloved Mother Earth.
Always with Love
Amanda Lorence
11 May 2024

Just for fun, although I’d never choose those words myself, the second pic light heartedly sums up the embodiment process 😜

A good read… YOU ARE…
You are not your age, nor the size of clothes you wear,
You are not a weight, or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name, or the dimples in your cheeks.
You are all the books you read, and all the words you speak.
You are your croaky morning voice, and the smiles you try to hide.
You’re the sweetness in your laughter, and every tear you’ve cried.
You’re the songs you sing so loudly when you know you’re all alone.
You’re the places that you’ve been to, and the one that you call home.
You’re the things that you believe in, and the people whom you love.
You’re the photos in your bedroom, and the future you dream of.
You’re made of so much beauty, but it seems that you forgot
When you decided that you were defined by all the things you’re not."
Erin Hanson

"Wtf is going’s 4.30 am woke up 2 twice from crazy and total lucid dreaming first at 2:30 and now. All about manipulation amd control exercised by others (terrestial humans)! Big stuff exposed! Though personal I sense this is collective issue! Time to call out all deceit … all and everyone is being revealed discernment is required. Trust your heart and intuition if and when you feel compromised. Time to get real. Time for full disclosure. I will probably write more about this.  If I can go to sleep again (2 more hrs before I must get up)…probably more is going to be revealed. The last two dreamtime parts were each 1 and a half 2 hrs full lucid. "
Amma Grace
5 DAYS AGO: OMG massive download today on the ship. I was suddenly very very tired and could hardly keep an eye open and just jawning, jawning and jawning, so I knew I was called to the higher realms. I was being teleported to the Andromedan ship, which happens a lot lately. I was told that the relocation is initiated... I heard the words.. "you are being relocated" (plural) I understand it is a smooth gradual process layer by layer as groups of ascended beings are ready to transition, it is a dimensional shift like layers of consciousness that holds the earth consciousness into form lifts. 

Again as I wrote in a post of late. Do not try to comprehend with your mind the incomprehensible and how this exactly is going to happen. We cannot conceive this with our linear mindset and see it from a 3d perspective. It will be fruitless and only create frustration and lower your frequency and take you out of divine alignment.

I felt the new earth... I could feel her moving thru space, (also felt this earlier today in meditation this morning) I could feel the crystaline incredibly sparkly energy and lightness of a feather... a lot of unicorn energy (they hold the purity codes of christ consciousness).
I had shortness of breath because of the rapid shift in frequency, as I was teleported on the ship. The shortness of breath is due to the rapid and radical rise in frequency, that causes the cells to spin at a faster rate, this again demands a higher amount of oxygen to the cells. I also had heart palpitations/flutter-like sensations... and extreme pulsations throughout my body and extreme expansion, so I could not tell where my body begins or ends. I had a sense of loosing control but managed to surrender as I do not hold fear, bc I am used to extreme high energies, activations, initiations etc. . I have had multiple extremely powerful initiations and activations, but this was really really powerful. 

The last time I had the sense of actually loosing control and had to consciously surrender and let go in a similar way was in 2010 when I merged with the Elohim and my angelic higher aspect. When I was on the ship tears just kept pouring down, I was touched within the deepest core of my being still am... the remembrance... it´s time.... it´s time. 

Oh dear the waiting.... but I heard you come prepared, all will happen gracefully and with ease. What wonderous time we are living in. The grand shift is here. The return of messiah en masse and the birth of a star, the ascended earth, is finding her new home in the higher dimensions in the Andromeda galaxy dancing and spinning in her new gown of christed light as the star she is destined to be and soon we will walk as One with our extended family of light. We are meeting our self from the "future". Our galactic family of light is only higher expressions of our self, extensions of our infinite self. Christ is within and no where else to be found. Beloved Jeshua went ahead and showed the way to guide us home to christ within. 

Until further notice celebrate, be in gratitude for each moment of this very sacred moment in eternity, remember there is NO DEATH, there is only a transition of one form into another of a different frequency and form. And there are various options on how this transition and transfiguration will take place. So just give in and say yes and be ready for the ride of life times thru time and space in an eternal love making with creation. Hallelujah ❤
Amma Grace  

I had similar stuff happen Saturday 4 AM (literally yesterday mourning) and we got a weird phone call from my beloved's brother by accident ...he hit a wrong button on his way to work or something we later found out. but it was some sort of 'alarm/warning' regardless. i was already lucid in and out cuz my cat begged for food and I got up and got her some around 4am... and then the phone happened making my beloved jump up... i was just sensing something weird and disruptive was going to come but reassured it was more like you said for the collective then for us. somethings coming between now and the 23rd is what I felt and given insight

Mary Long
Arcturian Group Message 
Welcome to our message dear readers.
At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions but it is important to remember that before incarnating every person with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person's need to experience the "other side" of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.
Earth and all creation can never be fully understood or explained through human thinking regardless of how educated or brilliant the human mind is because human minds only see and study concepts of reality. Divine Consciousness is the only reality and is infinitely expressing ITself, but when seen and understood from limited three dimensional states of consciousness, its expressions appear solid, dense, and material--conditioned, mind formed concepts of reality.
As a person's state of consciousness expands and spiritually evolves he/she begins to see with new eyes and starts to understand that the experiences, forms, and even activities of a three dimensional world are dense representations / mind formed interpretations of the real Divine Essence that is actually there. Learn to see through all appearances rather than empowering them with good or bad reality.
Mind is an avenue of awareness continually translating a person's consciousness into form as their outer life. All often see the same thing because there is only ONE Consciousness, individualized. World situations are opening many hearts and minds to oneness and as a result increasingly more are beginning to see how energy aligns with like energy both personally and globally.
Death is the world's grandest illusion. The belief in separation continues to hold many locked into blindly accepting that life forms die, are gone forever, and there is nothing more. Your real home is on the other side, not on earth. Souls chose to incarnate on earth in order to learn and eventually evolve beyond further need for three dimensional experiences, but no one is meant to stay in three dimensional energy forever.
Nothing ever dies or ever can die because there is only one life and that LIFE is infinite and self sustained, always has been and always will be. Material forms die and dissolve when the Divine Essence that has maintained and sustained them is no longer present. Concepts of have no spiritual law to uphold them.
Never excessively mourn the loss of anything for the spiritual reality that originally brought it into expression always remains intact. Those who build altars and shrines to departed loved ones do them no favor for this only serves to keep the loved one somewhat tied to old energy. Old forms of everything automatically fade away when the substance from which they were created (consciousness) changes and evolves to new levels. This is causing a great deal of anger, worry, and turmoil for those struggling to hold on to the past in the belief that it was better.
Evolution can never be stopped because it is every soul's destiny to wake up to the reality of being Divine Consciousness individualized. Earth is a spiritual universe not material, and its people are Divine beings, not limited human bodies. Animals, plants, devas, fairies, elementals, etc. carry the same Life force as perfect expressions of the infinity of ideas in Divine Mind. Animals were never created to be compared, used, or abused by human egos. Even rocks have consciousness because Consciousness is all that exists.
Energy is the vibrational frequency of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in reality is pure light unable to be seen or even experienced with human eyes. As individuals spiritually evolve their energy becomes increasingly lighter and faster, reflecting more of their true being-God.
The energy that emanates from states of consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers vibrates at a slower and denser resonance the result of which is matter/material form. This is why most people can not see those on the other side--the energetic frequencies of material consciousness are too heavy and dense to align with the more refined vibrations of those no longer in material form.
Because there is only ONE, all energy regardless of how fast or slow the frequency, seeks to align with like energy in order to once again become ONE. This is how the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" came about and is why individuals and groups with a collective consciousness attract the people and situations they are in alignment with. When lives are filled with negative experiences, most blame outside sources for their problems rather than looking within to what they themselves are creating through their beliefs.
It serves no purpose to pray to God for that which is already fully present within. Praying, begging, beseeching some concept of God for what God has already fully given as ITself only brings about a deeper sense of separation and perpetuates the human condition. Pray only for more Light and not for what you falsely believe you do not have. God individualized ITself and all ITs qualities in the beginning and as you attain the consciousness of this it will begin to appear outwardly as...
It is time to live in the truth of who and what you really are. It is time to stop making excuses about how impractical, hard, or impossible it is to live truth. It is time to let go of all religious programming based in "power over" and money. It is time to move beyond outgrown traditions and beliefs simply because they are comfortable and expected of you. It is time to separate yourselves from collective beliefs that strive to keep you in the status quo. It is time to stop looking to family, friends, politicians, experts, or priests, rabbis, or ministers to tell you what to believe. It is time to claim your power. It is time to fully and honestly let go of the past and embrace...
I am a Divine Being having human experiences in order to learn, clear old energy, and more fully attain conscious oneness with Source.
Allow the process. It is time.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/5/24
via Marilyn Raffaele © 2024


4 CAUAC - KIN 199
7 MAY 2024
I  DEFINE in order to CATALYZE 
Measuring energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation  
With the Self-existing tone of FORM 
I AM guided by the power of VISION
7/5/2024 = 7/5/8 =7/13=7/4=11=2
7- Mystic/Majik/Solitude/Initiation/Test
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 199 = 19 = 10 = 1 - New Beginnings/Leadership/Manifestation
Today this STORM is heralding in the final run of these closing tumultuous energies-  counting down ready for a BRIGHT NEW CHAPTER!!!    
Day 4 in the YELLOW WARRIOR  WAVESPELL 🏹🌈of  fearlessly QUEST-I-ON-ing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World. 
Today we are DEFINING CHANGE.  Using our MINDS to intelligently QUEST-I-ON everything, so that we may define what it is, to go beyond FEAR, to the core of our planetary missions, so that we can find our TRUE PATH.   
SELF-EXISTING -🎁 Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION - measures, POWER - defines, ESSENCE - form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦 and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining , very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. 
Today we are using our MINDS to define our QUEST and measure the energy that is needed to catalyze this transformation.   Defining how we can transform our lives through building a solid Divine structure for our Mission. 
Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY⚛ and majikal manifestations💫 through your clarity and FUTURE VISION👁👁..Go forth and BUILD this new more EXPANSIVE foundation! 
 CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM 📦🌀 🌪CAUAC  - brings transformation, change, purification and self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. 
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the 'body temple' and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension.  SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE - Ariel Spilsbury 🙏🙏🙏
We are currently PERMANENTLY CLOSING this old artificial paradigm, which is in its final DEATH throes. Generally BLUE STORM highlights disharmony and chaos🌪, however the SELF-EXISTING STORM seeks to FORM and CREATE, through the MIND's NEW imaginings. Rebuilding from the crumbling ashes as the NEW PHOENIX rises. 
Today we are defining our QUEST, by releasing any out-moded thoughts and belief systems, allowing them to transform into pure catalyzing energy which we can access to fuel our Mission. 
❓❓QUEST-I-ON-ing WHAT it is, that is keeping you contained in your box, 📦 the old paradigm and unable to FLY FREE!   
Our creative MIND is harnessed using appropriate QUEST-I-ONs to define our Mission, measuring the infinite possibilities that exist and are available to us.  Defining FEARLESSNESS and allowing our MINDS to flex and change, once we can SEE the greater VISION👁 or the bigger picture, 🏔catalysing far-reaching transformation. 
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything in your MIND that is not in alignment with your Highest future VISION.  👁👁🏔❤
This brilliant LIBERATING STORM🌀🎆 has tremendous POWER and CHARGE behind it, which can be focused on transporting your MIND from one Reality to the next. Leaving behind the old paradigm and finding yourself in a brilliant prosperous new REALITY. 
 "We ain't in Kansas anymore, Toto!" 🌪 hold on to your red slippers👠👠 and get ready for great change!  There is no going back now! 
BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE📦 👁- MEN  flies HIGH above the STORM clouds, unaffected by the tumultuous thunder, lightning and gale force wind currents.  BLUE EAGLE has a prime position high above the chaos with a "bird's EYE view" able to SEE the whole panoramic landscape, being in the pilot's position. Knowing where and when to ride the prevailing currents, to arrive safely and effortlessly at his desired destination, safe from the storm's fury. 
Today BLUE EAGLE gifts you with the power of future vision, 👁 and reveals the BIGGER PICTURE,🖼 the GRANDE VISION 🏔for your life. Catalysing change guided by the higher vision, of a world where harmony is our first choice. We are AWAKENING to the TRUTH and the BIG PICTURE through the 11 illumination portal... A beautiful synergy of codes to ACCELERATE our MIND'S ability to grasp the TRUE VISION for our world. 
Using our intelligent MIND we can uncover solutions during these tumultuous times, that allow the change to take FORM, in order to define the New World.  By trusting in the VISIONS that the EAGLE reveals to our creative MINDS, we can ascertain the next step to take in our evolutionary journey.   Keeping an OPEN mind that is ready to transform, and be the catalyst for change, guided by a greater VISION of harmony on our beautiful planet. 
BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND which is BRILLIANT as the higher guide today. Our collective MIND is on the HIGHEST TIMELINE, headed towards our beautiful UTOPIAN future. This VISION is extra STRONG in its formation today as our PLANETARY MIND is focused on building this NEW WORLD powerfully over this current DREAMSPELL YEAR.  
SUPPORT: YELLOW SELF- EXISTING SUN📦 🌞 AHAU peeks through the STORM ⛅clouds as the radiant light🌤 codes streaming forth from our CENTRAL SUN☀ activating our evolution through grounding greater intelligence, compassion, humility, grace and LOVE, through en-LIGHTEN -ment!☀🌞🎆 
By fearlessly questioning, then listening for the messages that are revealed, our illumined MIND is able to define the FORM the New Earth will take. A world where we all have the potential of embodying the SOPHIA/CHRIST SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS.🌞🌞🌞
The SELF EXISTING SUN 🌞- carries the evolutionary SOLAR☀ codes for humans to transform their DNA.  UPGRADING to the New Divine HU-man, that will create the HARMONY through ONENESS, that defines the new TIME.  
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY WIND 🌏 🌬IK provides the energies of Spirit to MANIFEST greater awakening 🎆 on a PLANETARY 🌎 scale, through the whisperings of the wind. This is a hugely transformative WIND as it can POWERFULLY MANIFEST the VISION in the MIND'S EYE which is aligned with the DIVINE PLAN for our Planet. 🌏🌎🌍 
BLUE EAGLE - the higher guide holds the codings for Planetary Mind, and when accompanied by BLUE STORM and the superpower of WHITE WIND - we have incredible potential for tremendous planetary transformation through the DIVINE PLAN for humanity. Sweeping changes!! 
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater PEACE and clarity within your soul. .  Catalysing great change, with the communication of  Spirit, guiding our journey back to wholeness. 
LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through your knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us, as we align with our Divine Missions and allow Spirit to express itself through us, as Divine conduits. 
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON📦🌜 MULUC.. today's GIFT🎁  - KIN 69 was the seal of the last DREAMSPELL YEAR!!! We KNOW the AGENDA of this GODDESS very well as we have journeyed far with her guidance. Today she is BACK and we are AGAIN being DRIVEN by this GODDESS, to transform our reality through LOVE and compassion. This HEART and MIND ALCHEMY will lay the foundation for the new template we are collectively creating. HUGE BUILDER codes today beloveds!
MULUC brings forth yet ANOTHER LAYER of PURIFICATION power!!! Working synergistically with BLUE STORM, to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, MIND or life. A purified and clear MIND is able to initiate a greater FLOW of pure information and consciousness from SPIRIT, accessing answers and solutions to the questions the Warrior is asking.  
Allow the FLOW and purification of  your MIND and thoughts today, manifesting greater FLOW and MAJIK💫  in your life. Opening up to allow the LOVE❤ of the GODDESS 👸energy to FLOW through your being. 
To reap the gifts🎁 MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the  beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT☀ the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!🏆 
Open and ACTIVATE the flow of great transformation through self-generation today.✨🌟☀
So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today, and the winds of change, to catalyze the tremendous evolutionary changes our souls are seeking. We are FEARLESSLY AWAKENING to the GREATER VISION 👁 for our lives to TRANS-FORM our World. 🌏🌎🌍
Today's question is "How can I harness the POWER of the STORM 🌀🌪to catalyze great transformation and manifest my highest VISION👁 for my life and our world?"   ❤🌈🌏                
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for DEFINING and forming a wonderful new foundation for your Mission! 🌊 😊😄☺🌞😎💕💞
Namaste'  🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak'ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger - KIN 66  🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS:  Eagle flying through STORM  DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artists  🙏❤🙏❤🙏
LOVE OFFERING ❤❤❤ If you would like to support the continuation of these daily DREAMSPELL offerings you can BUY me a COFFEE☕ here 🙏🙏

SwEden, 07-05-2024.
Beloved co-creators on this earthly journey! Carry hope for the development of humanity. Our tireless employees and miracle workers. Your light shines brighter than it did yesterday. Stronger than ever in any of your previous lifetimes. You are revolutionizing the earth with your progress to expand in love. With your determination to be the purest form of love through your embodied forms. 

Although we know how tough this journey looks in a bodily incarnation. But you manage it so beautifully. You are creating new templates of the unity’s nature that have not yet been seen in this lifetime. 

You surprise yourselves in your growth through your choices based on tenderness of heart. In your determination to choose the best good. The true way. The way of the heart. 

You have raised mother earth to a new level through your faithful service to her. You have given her wings. Restored her energy through your love for her. The love she always gave so unconditionally through the eons. You have shown her your heartfelt devotion. That you love her back the way she loves you. By choosing to make choices based in love.
Mother Earth rejoices at this development. Creation rejoices. And your inner children jump happily when you free them from the burden of the yoke. When you allow them to sing. To dance. To play. To enjoy. And to create freely.
When you recognize their innocence just as you recognize your own children's innocent nature of being innocent. When you let them remain children without burdens of things that do no one any good. When the burdens that society has placed on you through generations you have seen through, removed, so skilfully dismantled and burned up in the transforming flames of the Mayfire. 
We are so proud of you and the new energy you have anchored. You are not only liberating yourselves. Not just your children and inner children. Not just mother earth and humanity. But your heroic deeds spread like a tender wave of expansion out into other universes that are shaped by your choice to choose love. 

Carry on courageously for your earthly world has not yet seen such a transformation. You have all recovered Cinderella's crystal slipper which gives you unity entry into divine level of cosmic love. For you are all gods and goddesses creating a better world in harmony with all. We bow before these new times you bring about with your conscious progress to stand up for the glory of love! Get ready for the ball dance. Your ballroom is being prepared.
/With gratitude your galactic soul family

SwEden, 14-05-2024. 
”From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

SwEden, 10-05-2024. The Rose and The Sun. It all unfolds within…
 another X3.98 flare and another timeline shift! Blessed be!

SwEden, 11/12-05-2024. 11/88. Sunrise At 04:48 am. A New Golden Dawn has come. The solar orb of resurrected new earth. Kingdom and Queendom come! The Edenic Codes anchored. Heaven on Earth. Lemuria Paradise Re-Turned! Sophia/Christ Conciousness anchored. Codes of Resurrection. Gigantic Victory of the Light. Anti Christ energy sent to Source. The Code of the X. The Sun SOLar Crowning. Global Liberation. Freedom in the collective field: healing of the crucifixion trauma. Blessed be! We did it soul family!

Dancing multidimensionally
Holy Fire
Sacred Flames
Igniting all the Planes
Connected to the Holy Spirit
There is no Limit
Coming into every Place
With Unconditional Love Space
Love Dancing
Delightful Entrancing
Flowing Firmly yet Lightly
Beaming Brightly
Into the Time of Passion
Heartfelt Compassion
And everything in Between
Is allowed to be opened and Seen
Bringing In Resonance 
No matter the Physical Distance
Melting Together
Into that Blessed Garden of Eden
/Mika Sa Ta MaRa, february 2023.
”This story is my truth
I, I went to Hell and back
To find myself on track
I broke the code, whoa-oh-oh
Now I found paradise
I broke the code, whoa-oh-oh
Let me tell you a tale about life
'Bout the good and the bad, better hold on tight
Who decides what's wrong, what's right?
Everything is balance, everything's light
Somewhere between the O's and ones
That's where I found my kingdom come
My heart beats like a drum…”
/Nemo, ”The Code”, Switzerland 🇨🇭 winner of Eurovision song contest 2024, held in Sweden.

Kindred Spirits are feeling The Pull of Sacredness to Become All that They Are, a Harrowing Experience for some, Sensitivities can Create Unexpected Barrier's for One's Progress, Only The Tough Minded Conquer Unexpected Challenges in One's Path..The Path of Newness does Not Open for All, One must Rally Within for All Truth to Be Known before a Reality of Truth can be Experienced, hence the Term No Fakes or Frauds will be Permitted into The Higher Realm of Sacred Service..The Law of Attraction that so many depend on is now Classed as Old Paradigm Techniques..if something is Not One's Soul Truth then All the wishing and wanting One musters up in One's mind will not bring the Desired Outcome into Being..these are Unique Times and Only One's Eternal Morontia Soul can Create Newness..Soulplan Fruition of The Highest Calibre..Internal Truth is our Weapon and The Sacred Key to Morontia Magic!!! May Truth Saturate All Peaceful, Loving Finaliter Soul's..Warrior's are Rising Rapidly!!! Tick Tock!!! 💖 Artist Thanked for this Image 💖Lukes Prime

Sunspot AR3664 is still amping up on the western limb of the Sun. 
It is showering us with Photon Energy, flowing in through our atmosphere.  
I read on Space Weather that this is causing radio blackouts and that it will continue.  
Never have we ever experienced the intensity of the Sun in this manner during our time. 
Mother Earth is still connected to the Sun magnetically.  

How long this will last, I am not sure, and I don't think the Scientists at this point know.
Don't be fretting on all those out there spreading fear about this, it is part of the process of this planet shifting as well as ourselves to higher dimensional planes. 
We knew this was coming since 2012.  

This will cause a lot of humans to create more chaos, especially if they are listening to the fear porn.  
Stay within your Heart Space, know that all is well and we are climbing higher and higher on the ascension ladder.  This is why it is important to keep doing your inner work.

Don't let your minds run away with you.  Life is beautiful and so many blessings are upon us.  
I feel it deeply within my heart.  

If the energies get to you, take a warm or hot bath with some Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender. Light some candles and just lay back and rest.  You will feel much better.  
The powers that were will continue to lose themselves in the madness of their minds.   Which is quite evident.  

We are going through a grand purification process; Mother Earth and the Sun are helping to reset this entire planet.   Still may take a few more years, at this point I feel it may be sooner. 
If you want to know what it is going on with the Sun, Space Weather is the place to go.  Or listen to Ben on suspicious observers but sometimes he is a bit salty to take.  SOHO is pretty good too. 

Keep elevating the Love.  There are a lot more humans waking up  as more of our DNA strands are reconnected and Consciousness continues to expand.  

Have a Lovely Evening Dear Ones. 
Sending Love and Healing Light wherever it is needed. Mary Long ❤ 💫

MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL:- The record of the creation of the Real Man as an androgynous being possessed with spiritual dominion and destined to multiply the gifts of God’s consciousness is complete in the first chapter of Genesis. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion....” In the second chapter we read of the creation of the second half of the duality and of the projection of the Spirit-park into Matter. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Wish you a Great day to all my Divine Souls with love and light. Tercy Lonan

Poetry, Tea and Me

"The dance between darkness and light will always remain— the stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen, the darkness will just not be worth having without the moon and the stars."
   - C. JoyBell C.

[Image: The Day Dying in the Arms of Night (1900) oil on canvas by French painter Léon Printemps (1871-1945).]

By Wolfram Lange
Possibilities of our galactic friends. 💙
The materialization of an idea, form, or a tangible, lively, intelligent substance is one of the most common objects of science. To enter and exit the different dimensions of spacetime, they use the so-called “frequency vibrational modifications” which are capable of compressing astral matter to the extent necessary, or resembling it to visible or invisible light, with unlimited possibilities for humanoid consciousness, along with the body and even with the entire spaceship to penetrate through any kind of matter, be it solid, liquid or gas-like. Therefore, one shouldn’t wonder too much about their unlimited possibilities of entering into complete union with every person and merging with our astral bodies.

When long and fast movements in space are required, very compact devices are used in the form of a shiny “player” which is attached sideways to the belt of each humanoid – these are individual aircrafts that work on the principle of immediate change of individual frequency and overcoming gravity. With the help of such a device, you can move almost immediately in space to any point on the planet or even to one of the planets of both stars. Everyone is capable of too ordinary levitation - targeted flights in the "air" - from birth.

They asked once again to draw people's attention to this situation, because it will become increasingly difficult for people with low spiritual levels to survive under the conditions of the new vibrations of the condensation of the Earth's spacetime, as it will be possible to approach the inevitably approaching, most difficult tests for to sustain all of humanity only for people with high moral and high spirituality due to growing dissonance between inner and outer energy structures. Any act of violence or irritation creates very dangerous psychological tension in the space around it, which primarily destroy the actual source of these psychologically negative vibrations.

Activating the energy of your heart by expressing what is in your heart ....

"Mastery ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
As you practice holding your vibration in the frequency where you want it to be, you are practicing mastery. You give yourselves opportunities for mastery at several points throughout your day, and you do like a challenge, after all. You are masters, of course, living in the illusion that you are not. And that gives you the opportunity to achieve mastery, or to make that journey from feeling quite lacking in mastery to becoming quite masterful.

So what is the trick to holding a high vibration no matter what is going on around you? Well, for one thing, you can tune yourself to your heart instead of your mind. You can allow your heart to take command of the situation.

You can activate the energy of your heart, and you can come from your heart to whatever it is you are facing. It is always a good practice to lead with your heart. So even if you are having a conversation about what is happening, you do so from your heart. You do so by expressing what is in your heart.

And as you offer a higher vibration than what you would expect, given the circumstances, you are shifting not only yourself, but also everyone around you has that opportunity. You become the beacon, the light, the wayshower, and isn’t that precisely what a master does and is? He or she grounds high-frequency energy into the space so that anyone who is interested in joining that vibration is welcome to do so.

You can all be masters, and there is nothing pretentious or egoic about it. It is the easiest and most effective way to be of service to all others. And of course, when you maintain a high frequency, no matter what is going on around you, you benefit from that as well. You get to feel however you want to feel. You get to create whatever experience you want to create, and you get to be masters no matter what is going on around you.

Just be determined. Be heart-centered. And be certain that in your moments of mastery, you are in service to all of humanity.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” MARY BALDWIN

13 LAMAT - KIN 208
16 MAY 2024
I  ENDURE in order to BEAUTIFY
Transcending Art
I seal the store of elegance  
With the Cosmic tone of presence
I AM guided by the power of Free will
16/5/2024 = 7/5/8 = 7/13= 7/4=11=2
16- The TOWER/Sudden unexpected changes
7- Majik/Mystery/Solitude/Initiation/Test
11- portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination/Twins
2- Twins/Duality/Cooperation/Alliances
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 208 = 10 = 1 - Manifestation/Leadership/Authority/New Beginnings
An EXPANSIVE day of DIVINE elegance and creativity.  Beauty is calling you to walk through the doorways to a better world!
18 moons ago - 2 Galactic spins, KIN 208 occurred on the 12:12 COSMIC STARGATE 🍥🌟 on 12 DECEMBER 2022...
And so the weary RAINBOW WARRIORS NOW arrive at the 🌟SECOND STARGATE🌟  
 KIN 188 opened the first 🌟STARGATE🌟  20 days ago, as the YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR on 26 th APRIL 2024, enabling the authentic STAR travellers to walk through the doors, as we ORGANIZE for the NEW TIME to be laid and anchored as the TRUE PATH for humanity to follow from this day forth. 
 NOW is the RIGHT TIME for the authentic GALACTIC travellers, to be admitted to the NEW TIME, as GAIA ASCENDS into a STAR pulsing out WAVES of BLISS... very exciting. 🌊❤🌊❤🌊❤🌊 
Day 13 is the final day in the YELLOW WARRIOR  WAVESPELL🏹🌈, of  fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path, with a profound intelligence. We are disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World. 
Today as we close this 13 day journey with CIB, our fearless YELLOW WARRIOR, we hold the pure presence of FEARLESS intelligence.  Reflecting upon our place in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation.✨✨✨ 
🌟🌞🌟We have journeyed FAR,  from a place of battling  from ✨ HARM, to a NEW HARMONY! ✨☺ 
Our QUEST led us back to our original Divine state of Harmony and elegance, as part of this beautiful creation. Our Yellow Warrior has fearlessly forged a new path to the new world and now LAMAT 🌟 OPENS the second door and beckons us to walk through! ✨🚶✨
COSMIC🎆 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave.  Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time.  COSMIC ACTION - transcends  POWER - endures  ESSENCE - presence  
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality on through this ELEGANT DIVINE PORTAL.💥💥💥   
They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists!🍥 We can transform them by our pure intelligent presence, translating into pure Harmony and beauty.  So many DIVINE CODINGS today that you have NO CHOICE but to become a DIVINE SPIRITUAL BEING through OSMOSIS, absorbing these stellar codes into every cell of your being! 
We have arrived - ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.  Today we can be still, and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace, through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose in our Harmonic Matrix.✨✨✨
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC STAR🍥 🌟 LAMAT is the VENUS🌟 STAR ✨of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we revel in the pure presence of what such a world of beauty would look and feel like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love,💓 compassion, harmony and peace. 🕊
This COSMIC STAR-GATE is reflecting the ordered HARMONY, coded into our natural HARMONIC MATRIX. DIVINE CREATOR has a PLAN for GAIA'S ASCENSION and it is absolutely BRILLIANT in every detail!  
🌟THY WILL BE DONE🌟 and we are all along for the RIDE of our eternal LIVES!
✨That beautiful world is HERE NOW - the foundation has been laid... now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives.  ✨🌈🌍🌈🌎🌈🌏🌈
Our collective consciousness is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE✨ and SHINE 🌟  through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, 🎨 through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into.
Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM. ✨ Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS! ✨✨✨
🌟🌟🌟Use the portal of LAMAT🌟 to call forth (with sincere intention)  your Higher Universal Self to merge and unite in your Galactic Mission to humanity.🙏🕊
It is time to CELEBRATE with our COSMIC 🍥 STAR🌟 FAMILY! ✨🌟🌠👫👬👭
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN 🍥😊 EB the intelligent and wise Yellow Human☺ beckons us to evolve into our pure Divine presence through alignment with Harmonic wisdom. The COSMIC HU-MAN is the higher guide today and the highest level of the human, - evolving through Divine Wisdom into attaining Cosmic Consciousness.. 
✨When the WARRIOR transcends his egoic desires, and aligns with the greater QUEST for humanity, he discovers the Holy Grail within his pure presence, merging into ALL THAT IS.🏆❤🍥
The COSMIC HU-MAN receives the wisdom from his experience, by aligning his free will to the harmonic path, revealed in the beautiful elegant patterns of creation itself. The fractals, the matrices and the harmonic woven web of interconnectedness, through the web of life itself, as a SPARK 🎇of the Divine.✨🌟✨ 
Each spark of the Divine, can in turn influence, and truly impact, the depths of creation, just as a pebble dropped in the ocean creates a ripple effect.💦  It is from this we learn, that when we truly are in HARMONY with the patterns of creation, then we too can influence the movement of those patterns, by co-creating consciously the greatest beauty that there is. 
It is in our deepest WISDOM that we are able to influence the HARMONY of the SPHERES, to greater and greater harmonic revelations🎵…pure symphonic music to our ears!   🎵 🎶🎵
We are collectively orchestrating a New song for Nova Terra, so that we can dance to the rhythm of a new drum!💃🎶
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY 🍥🐒 - CHUEN brings forth the presence of pure MAJIK today💫💫 The infinite MAJIK of CREATION, accessible throughout the vast infinite COSMOS.✨🍥✨.  The supreme MAJIK of feeling the beauty of being connected, as part of the Harmonic symphony🎵🎶 that is being orchestrated on our beautiful planet.  
CHUEN is the great Magician, illusionist, trickstar and time traveller.. who can brilliantly utilize and apply the  MAJIK flowing from SOURCE through the COSMIC🍥 STARGATE🌟 today. CHUEN is a MASTER alchemist, and manifests his desired reality through the ART of PLAY.  Playing with his kin, pure heartedly in a joyous and beautiful new adventure playground. 
As we receive the majikal vision of what is possible for us and our planet, we can endure and transcend the limitations. Holding presence as our pure innocent Divine child, trusting in the MAJIK of our Divine Father to lead the way home again.  
Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. ✨  Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us, to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER ☁🚶- BEN beckons us to AWAKEN, EXPLORE and EXPAND beyond all perceived limits. The fearless Warrior joins with BEN to lead us bravely to step out of our comfort zone and boldly go into new territory, revealing untold beauty and adventure. 
MAGNETIC BEN enables us to attract all that is needed, to elevate our Consciousness, to embody the entire Cosmic web 🕸 of Creation. 🌐
BEN shows us that the SKY'S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is NO LIMIT, in this endless infinite Galaxy of bountiful creation. EXPAND your presence and REACH for the STARS. ✨ ✨✨
It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness.  As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life, here on our divine planet, anchoring the BLISS 💞 through bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.💒
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR 🍥🛡- ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY🌹 in all things, and to hold the presence of pure POSITIVE, high vibrational frequencies in our LIGHT bodies.  Surrendering to being a pure reflection of pure consciousness! 
Allow the YELLOW WARRIOR and ETZNAB to use the sword of TRUTH,🗡 to cut away all that is extraneous to the endless order of consciousness. Reflecting the divine patterns of pure unadulterated TRUTH. 
The TRUTH shall set you FREE! 🕊🕊🕊 
The COSMIC MIRROR reveals the path, to ESCAPE the broken glass from the shattering MATRIX. 
As we can now SEE and REMEMBER our COSMIC ORIGINS we are FREE to soar into new realms - endlessly floating on a SEA of BLISS. Infinite multi-dimensional realms to explore with BEN. 
The brave and honourable YELLOW WARRIOR has now completed his QUEST, much stronger and wiser. And now a beautiful new adventure beckons, as we enter this beautiful new world filled with infinite Cosmic LOVE.... ❤🌹💕💞💟💌
Today's question is "How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY that enfolds me, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix and ascending into the NEW TIME, through pure Cosmic presence!"✨🌹❤🕊✨
And so we bid adieu to CIB - the courageous YELLOW WARRIOR who has guided our QUEST through this arduous Spiritual initiation. 
Through facing our greatest FEARS, and setting a true course to New Earth, finding our true North, to claim our Divine destiny. The RAINBOW WARRIOR comes home VICTORIOUS, finding the Holy Grail within his own precious HEART. 🏆❤
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with MULUC🌛 the sensitive and intuitive feminine RED MOON 👸Goddess, who will soften us into yielding to her Universal Waters,💦 finding our pure HARMONIC FLOW 🌫 in this New World we are collectively creating.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues.......
Divine blessings for your trance-send-dance💃 into pure Harmonic wisdom and FULL COSMIC🍥 ethereal PRESENCE! ✨🌟✨🌟
Aho...dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now. 🌹🌹🌹
Namaste'  🙏💟🙏💟🙏
In Lak'ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger - KIN 66  🌏🌈
LOVE OFFERING ❤❤❤ If you would like to support the continuation of these daily DREAMSPELL offerings you can BUY me a COFFEE☕ here 🙏🙏

Blog Written 5/15/2024 11:55PM comleted by MagiKula Kymberly K3 Trinity Alignment Therapeutics 

“Every human being through their Personality Crystal is linked through a fractal line to other Personality Crystals. Fractal lines formed at the Big Bang when the prime Crystal of Consciousness shattered. Information moves down our individual fractal lines. There are 66 fractal lines, 66 archetypal ways in which information moves, and each have nuances that are fundamentally different from each other. These fractal lines are each associated with a star in our universe (including our sun) as stars produce neutrinos. Every single star is a data bank of consciousness, and through its neutrino stream establishes specific lines of moving information. Every human being is connected to one of these fractals, and to all of the others who share that fractal line. This creates a sense of familiarity between people the closer they are to each other on the fractal line.” (Ra Uru Hu)


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