Friday, August 25, 2017

Trinity Lightbody MerKaBah ACT-ivation Aug 2017-Aug 2018 IMPORTANT ENERGETIC REPORT NEXT ***DECADE*** FORCAST PROPHECY OF 2017-2027 BEYOND

Eye am a clear channel and conduit of unconditional light and love. A gateway and portal of Divine Transmission. Step through me now - And receive the Trinity Lightbody MerKaBah ACT-ivation. WE ARE GETTING NEW CHAKRA'S. Not new but DORMANT one's that are now being unlocked. OUR ANGELIC CHAKRA'S. If you feel out of body, it is because we are getting cosmic downloads from the heart of Source. Listen to this; our old 7 chakra system is BEING PURIFIED! Stepping into rapid awakening.

You might be feeling these Ascension symptoms
and experiencing these Symptoms Of Kundalini Awakening 

We have been experiencing a very high energetic time. We're experiencing multiple planets in retrograde including Mercury (our most daunting but necessary but goes direct on the September 5th). So far the Angels have saved me by putting a nail through my tire, to put me on alert that the last balance and oil change i had a month or so ago, they installed the nuts on backwards and I was lucky my tires didn't come off!

Before that on July 22nd I attempted driving to the Renaissance Festival that back roads would cause this to happen and it made my newly fixed Exhaust blow out halfway there. I had to la week later have my ex husband weld it and fix it better than the shop did 6 months ago (LOUSY JOB)! I'm lucky he's still in state to have done it! This at least gave us a chance to talk a bit about the past and future and finally let it all go. That was actually really nice. Afterwords my twin flame, him and his fiance and our son all went out to dinner and let everything truly go.

After I wrote this blog *Etheric Liberation Through Glee* I released a lot of judgement and old heavy crap that was weighing me down and fogging my vision of the future or the ability to move any further into this future i saw. I've done a lot of shadow work and inner clearning and in doing so my meaningful sacrifice that Yeshua and many Ascended beings guided me through: opened a gateway for us to forgive and come to a place to communicate again without our past and emotions getting involved. I was able to open my heart and detach enough from his past betrayal with his current fiance and how my children played a roll in my identity. I feared that giving my ex custody would presume me to be a failure as a mother or human being in general. I had to drop a lot of BSG&F and surrender to God fully and into the knowing that my identity rests only on my Oversoul. No one or thing else. No attachment here in the 3D will steer me off course of my Divine Life Mission. I am able to surrender custody of my kids to their father for them to move to Oregon and start a new life and go to school out there and visit me during the summer. I'm happy as long as they are away from his parents/their grandparents who have been terrible influences on them and their dysfunction. In the meanwhile I will be rebuilding my life here and forming a community of Synergistic Expansion for our future stability as a family and hopefully one day my daughter can return to us full time.

Just yesterday I paid $44 for a random windshield chip fix - I had been wondering if and when it would finally cause a crack and wanting to fix this before that happens. Could have happened any day and I'd have to pay $300 for a new window. now the original car's window has a warranty on it if that chip ever defaults after it's fill!

I often see my car as an extension of myself. I treat it that way anyways because its the vehicle that gets me EVERYWHERE and I'm highly dependent on it. My cars and myself have been through a lot. 5 different accidents since 2008 not my fault leaving me in chronic pain. I've learned to see that when my car is acting up- something within me needs worked on or paid attention to.

For example my exhaust can represent how exhausted I have been and how I can tend to over do on things and never relax so i blow out a bunch of toxic air. The fact my windshield needed fixing is showing me a sign to keep my own eyes open - so i can see clearly and safely forward away from Toxic situations and people or foods in my case. The issues with my tires can just be that I am taking on more ware and tare than necessary and I should watch where it is i am focusing my energy and make sure to take it easy on my suspension. My twin flame has been having one HELL of a ride with his jeep which I will talk about in my next blog!

I love the Leo King when it comes to getting my Astrology Facts. He pretty much explains all of what the energy is doing perfectly here so I recommend you watch it! Its funny on 9/2 i listened to this video and the past week I've been watching Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail- he ends up referencing the same movie and I've been talking all about the Holy Grail since my wedding, also to come in my next blog!

We just came out of a very rare Total Solar Eclipse. For me I experienced in the daytime on my way to work, my coworker STAR was able to get some amazing photos. I just watched it with the little time I had. What a beautiful COSMIC FLOWER energy it was radiating. WOW... the Divine Feminine uplifting the Masculine is SO BRILLIANT.

It was on this day that I began this channeling. It took me until 8/25 to finish it (honestly even longer it didn't want to end)! Sadly that was the day of Hurricane Harvey - I now know why I had so much rage and anxiety and frustration welling up in me that was explainable and I knew not "mine". It came at me like a "hurricane/Tsunami" But being an anchor of the cosmic mother I knew something was up and affecting my children. Harvey isn't the only thing I'm feeling. So much is happening on Gaia right now... such a massive cleansing. Forgiveness is needed all across the nations. Love is what will save us. All I've wanted to do is cry this week and I've been sensitive as heck.
My heart and prayers is with everyone and my heart is also being extended to those who will soon be effected by Irma who is visiting Florida soon (added 9/3). Get to safety while you still can!

Lightworkers read this blog to help with the storms! HELP MOTHER EARTH

Many of us here in Colorado are BLESSED to not being effected by the weather so traumatically but we are able to hold space and love for those who are! We are very aware that there is fires burning up a storm also because all the smoke is now here in Denver, making our son look rather crazy. But here is something i came across that I thought was pretty mind boggling in light of all of this. We are really being shown something by Gaia right now. She is cleansing as we are individually doing so ourselves.

The Solar Eclipse was on the 21st and Harvey showed up on the 25th and started flooding on the 26th. Look up Luke 21: 25-26 "And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. and here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then everyone will see the Son of Man[a] coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!"

How about that. Indeed are we being shaken up by the Heavens. for good blessed reasons, tragic as they are. on 9/6 we are experiencing a very large 9.3 solar flare and Solar Storms began on the 4th!! SHITS GOING DOWN YA ALL. What I thought and predicted to happen September of 2015 - is happening now. I was just being prepared! My own biological sister kept telling me "to come back to reality" but i told her I was IN REALITY... and that she needed to WAKE UP! Now everything I said was going to happen about Earthquakes and storms is happening.

 A friend had shared a beautiful blog that I resonated with completely on her Eclipse description. I will link her blog but share her words as she said what this spread speaks perfectly

We see this shift happening in the world around us. Global, political, and cosmic events point to a break down in the old traditions that are no longer able to withstand the patriarchal systems where men hold all the power and the women are repressed because it did not serve the highest good for either gender. This is reflected in the energies of the solar eclipse, where the moon (feminine energy) comes into alignment with the sun (masculine energy). Here, we have these two polar opposites coming together in their power. The masculine sun shines his light on the feminine moon, and the moon casts her shadow of darkness onto the Earth. The feminine/moon is taking her place in the spotlight in a historical cosmic event and receiving reverence, respect and acknowledgement more than ever before. She is celebrating her femininity and her power in a way that is impacting, not only the Earth, but the entire Universe!

More and more, as we begin to see women celebrating their true nature; not by taking on masculine traits and characteristics, but by reconnecting with Source and reclaiming the true power of the feminine, we will see new values emerge in society where qualities such as intuition, feeling & emotion, community, vulnerability, creativity, receptivity, fertility, and non-action will take a seat in their rightful throne as an equal companion along side the masculine values of logic, reason, providing, destruction, and action. A bridge will unite the historical gap between men and woman, and unity consciousness will prevail!

Not only is this occurring but I want to mention my birthday is coming up. That is September 23rd and I'm turning 30. and since about September of 2015 I have been on high alert for this date here in 2017 specifically. It is marking one "hell" of a timeline shift here on Earth! An event our old souls are lucky to be here to witness! What Christians like to refer to as the Apocalypse or Return Of The Beast/Dragon or Christs second coming. To me and my very first blog I ever wrote here in 2014 was labeled "The Apocalypse of Unconsciousness". That's is what's coming into manifestation NOW, not to say that I wasn't in my own paradigm of undergoing that myself early.

 I woke up on 9/4 to a conversation about the date of my birthday on facebook. Days prior already feeling something stirring under the surface - a message I have for years have been attempting to get out into the open and only now are people seeming interested. This is no joke. check it out by clicking the picture below!

I channeled 12 cards which will represent Each month of the coming year. I also acquired 15 wisdom advice cards. Adding the 12 and 15 we come to 9. The number vibration of 9 can be explained further down in the reading but it basically means we are coming into completion! 

And Eye am TRINITY the TRIPLE Infinity 888. Oracle/Seer and scribe of Mother Goddess and Queen of Angels Isis and her incarnation Mary Magdalene. Read my blog "About The Author" to read more about my journey and who Eye am; not fully finished but there's a few video's you can check out that expanded my own perceptions. 

I am a pure channel for the messages I receive...I put in the intention to clear away any of my personal energy, and to be shown what message could reach the most people, at this time

I was guided to do a Universal energy reading for the Twin Flames and Collective. It seems through this process that my higher self Trinity wanted to bestow upon me a very unique spread that I am to begin using for readings such as this. By the time I was finished I was quite shocked at what was created!

The layout looks like the photo below but add a 12th card within the Trinity Union spread as the Middle Road between the 5D and 3D which was added on 9/3 during the channel of the numerological reading for these cards. It's the TNT card; Trinity Numerology Timebomb that blows the reading over the top Trinity style. It is my favorite part of a reading but takes me TIME to calculate every card so it's the last Love Bomb to follow suit but is the one that is brought in by me completely without the aid of other author's. Numbers are how I can intuitively read cards without having to read within the books for the messages entirely for every single card although I do this for the readers as it the first message. The numerical messages however just kind of flow information to me innately. I speak through numbers better than anything else. I have come to discover that Eye am a Quantum Numerologist and this is the form in which I will relay guidance to individuals and will work further into the future.  

This is the "Trinity Lightbody MerKaBah ACT-ivation" reading PRESENTING you today using the newly invented 
Trinity Alignment Sacred Healing Spread 

This spread is a guide for the next 12 months and also in specific for the Divine feminine and divine masculine whether in relationship to another or with just your self and bringing it into Trinity Alignment. It is including an as above (5D) above the masculine and so below (3D)  below the Feminine; This is TRINITY guidance along with all cards marked with a 3! The Numerological card in the very middle (not present in photo as it was added as a 12th card later on Sept 3rd) is the main energetic card known as the TNT card (Trinity Numerology Timebomb) bringing together both the cards representing as above and below creating a MIDDLE GROUND. That follows suit with the 3 cards representing the union as a whole. The Mind, Body and Soul completed, and Trinity Alignment activation.

Example and main message of this reading: We are working with the vibration of 87 or 6.

This represents the harmony and balance that follows after great change (5). in the 5D we are experiencing a dramatic paradigm shift (all the masculine energy in particular) which we need to anchor down into the third dimension with the feminine energy in nurturment and we can assist with this HEART shift through the different messages that we are sent through Numbers and other various means such as this reading and what this reading will teach you in numerology. Together the divine masculine and Divine feminine need to stand together and defend to the end the worthwhile between them and the union or their own personal individual liberation's! STAND IN YOUR PERSONAL POWER AND INDEPENDENCE. All has purpose! Love is all that matters now and we are stepping into a whole new world of possibilities. This September is gearing up to be the change of our lives we all have been (or maybe some of us not; depends where you perception lies) have been waiting for.

This picture depicts whats happening this September and if you click it you can read a very informative article on the process. It goes well into the month of September explaining all the moon and planet phases. Not only will a Timeline Shift occur on MY 30th BIRTHDAY on the 23rd, but so WILL THE ENTIRE PLANET AND HUMANITY. ITS A COSMIC REBIRTH! I personally am stepping into my 3 and 30 Vibration which is my life path number in numerology, and it shows up multiple times in my name. it is also the creation number, expression number, there are ton's of famous individuals like Bruce Springsteen born on my same date who are a #3 - I hope to become just as successful someday with my talents! Most importantly it is the number of Mastery, the number of Trinity. The year of 2018 won't be a bland one... it equals an 11 which steps us even deeper into the energies available to us in new beginnings. 


Welcome to the *MAD HATTER GARDEN TEA PARTY*  Where we ALL will be "MARRIED" or united during this DIVINE SACRED CONVERGENCE OF SOULS
(click the link *coming soon* to read the blog to read the channeling that came through for my wedding on 8/11 from Rumi and Quan Yin)

(There is a message from Mary at the end through the Beetle/Lady Bug)

I actually was physically being wedded with my twin flame Malachi with some of my tribe family (will be pictured at the end) on August 11th during the Lionsgate Portal and I'll be sharing that SYNCHRONICITY throughout this blog of our experience! I will also be writing a few other blogs that will be  linked at a later time. 

You can share in the fun we had a little bit now by reading a piece I wrote for our marital dinner toast. 

This reading I present to you today ALSO has my specific birthday numbers throughout it and that is why Eye am mentioning it all today and why its so significant. 

23/32 or 5 (explained further on and in the numerology reading) along with the number 87 or 6 are the underlying and MAIN energies of this reading. 
Together this makes an 11 Which is another number and card emphasized. 
The 23/32 mirror makes a 5:5 which also creates a 10 or 1 
ALL these numbers will be explained throughout this blog but we'll start with the MAIN one

I want to mention a synchronicity that I was born in 1987 (7). Later in the reading it talks about the Divine Feminines coming into their Mystical powers which represents #7, the same as my birth year numbers added up and also correlates into some of my previous blogs. (All of this will be explained throughout this reading and has deep meaning or are "signs" to me that have importance) 

The very in depth numerological reading I did boils it down to a 1 representing KARMIC COMPLETION, NEW BEGINNINGS, AND DISCOVERING OUR INDIVIDUALITY. 

You can read how I came to this calculation HERE. This is a big reason why we are working with Garnet and Moonstone; they will help us ground at this time and stabilize those lower chakra's, clearing away all the Karmic residue stored there.

The six vibration is that of LOVE.  Why so many Christians fear this number of the 666 boggles my mind. It is a part of my mission to really help them see the truth in this number!

When we see this number there is an indication that We need to see the world through the eyes of love, and to remember at all times that only love is real. When you look be on the allusion to see the beauty in the world, you align yourself with source in the intentions of your soul. But you attract what you are, when you see through the eyes of love, that's what will surround you in all areas of your life. There is a need at this time to go with In to recognize an address any limiting thoughts and believes that are holding you back from experiencing love. 

This is a time when you must ask yourself, am I truly open to giving and receiving love? Do I truly believe I am worthy of love? And do I really believe that love exists for me? Because Love only comes when you believe that it exists, when you're open to giving and receiving it, and when you know that you are worthy. In order to improve your current situation you're being asked to adjust to and harmonize with the natural rhythm in cycles of your life, cycles that are encouraging you to see and believe in love. When you believe in yourself and cherish your life as it is today, Love will embrace you in ways you've never known unconditional love of self and others will attract more love into your life.

It is now a time to focus on your healing abilities and being of service to others. You are being encouraged to expand your understanding of the healing arts in the many different ways to heal. Perhaps you feel drawn to massage, Reiki, Kinesiology, physical therapy, Homeopathy, acupuncture, nursing, Counseling, or life coaching.  Which ever path you choose, it's time to set the wheels in motion and take ACTion. It may also be a time that you need to receive body work or healing such as massage, reiki, kinesiology, acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy, or herbal medicine to help shift any stagnant or toxic energy held in your body. Your energy field or aura absorb some stores energy from other people, electrical equipment, every illness and trauma and your surroundings, and your own negative thoughts and emotions. Therefore, it is important to clear your regularly to elevate your health and well-being, and your overall quality of life. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythms and cycles of your life, cycles that are encouraging you to expand your understanding of the healing arts. You're an energetic being with the natural ability to heal, so when you focus on being of service, the universe will guide you where you're needed most. Set the intention to healer be healed and he will be shown the next logical step to take.
These cards have blue strait across the board. So we need to focus our healing on the Throat Chakra. We're working on communication, especially just coming out of mercury retrograde. To enhance our healing we need to work with blue stones such as Celestite (The Blue Ray Stone), Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate and Angelite. 

My personal favorite blue stone I use to work with my Throat Chakra that was gifted to me last year on my birthday is the Andaura stone. I will talk about this stone in my next blog.

 You can help anchor this vibration of the 6 by affirming the following

I see through the eyes of love, and attract more love into my life. 
As I heal myself and others, I raise the vibration of the world.

Which brings me to explain the very first card presented to us. The numerology card also known as the 
It also represents August both 2017 and 2018 and what we can look forward to the coming year.

We are working heavily with the crown chakra at this time, really tapping into our connection with
the Divine or being guided to open up and connect to that paradigm. We are integrating from the newly activated high heart Chakra all we need to begin manifesting abundance and creating Synergistic Expansion within our Spiritual Career's. This is where Malachite comes in handy, or Moldavite! We'll be working with Amethyst and Rose Quarts as well. We are experiencing spirituality on a whole new level and with that comes personal and independent growth and these stones will come in handy during those transformations. This leads to what I LOVE WRITING ABOUT.... SYNCHRONICITY! I experience it 24/7 with my beloved husband (Twin flame) and everyday with the Divine and Tribe. I live and breath off of its existence in my life

Number 87 is the frequency of synchronicity. It indicates the need to have faith in the universe order of events. Even in the pits of hopelessness and uncertainty. There's no such thing as an accident or coincidence in the universe, (no "irony") and the perfect people and opportunities will appear miraculously when least expected. Even when you can't logically comprehend all your dreams could possibly come true, you must trust in the magical power of synchronicity to deliver what you need. Remember, it isn't your job to know how things will unfold; it is simply your job to believe and know that all is well. The how's whens wheres and who's do not matter when placed in the hands of the divine and God; but once you surrender the outcome, you are shown the next logical step. In order to improve your current situation you're being asked to adjust to and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life. Cycles that are encouraging you to trust in the power of synchronicity. By living in constant alignment with source through positive thoughts, emotions, and prayer, you Will automatically attractive miraculous synchronicity's into your life. Begin this by reciting the following affirmation
I have faith that synchronicity will lead me where I need to be

Here is an Illumined Blue Ray Twin Flame just like myself: bringing some prevalent info to us today.

~ Just like this beautiful soul: As I continue to integrate and receive new transmissions from my Higher Self & Source I will write & share more insights & create new videos

~ We will continue to feel the SOLAR ECLIPSE CHANGES FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS & many of you have changed FREQUENCY & are now on a HIGHER VIBRATIONAL TIMELINE

~ The ROOT~ SACRAL & SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRAS have yet again been purified & recalibrated  This is to purify our Souls preparing us for a HUGE HEART CHAKRA HEALING & EXPANSION in SEPTEMBER



To receive this message I used the "Four" Agreements of Toltec Wisdom

My aunt Annette (who is someone I may be disconnecting and dropping away from at this time including my entire Father's side of the family and my sister Taura) got me when i was a teenager but i did not "know or understand" how these cards worked at the time but my higher self guided me to keep the cards in which i recently found before my wedding on 8/11!- even though i knew my mother would hate them and think they are of the devil i held onto these cards and i see them in shops often and am glad to add them to the pile i need to channel Divine messages. It helped here!

The message from this deck in synchronistic dance with the Rebels card and many of the other cards that shine through!

The underlying message is that All people live in their own dream, in their own mind. They are in a completely different world from the one you live in. Your own opinions and point of view reflect your own agreements and are personal to you. It is no one's truth but yours. Whatever people do, feel, think, or say, don't take it personally. Others are going to have their own opinion according to their belief system, so whatever they think about you is not about you, but is about them. Even the opinions you have about yourself are not necessarily true. Therefore you don't need to take whatever you here in your own mind personally. Personal importance or taking things personally is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make this ASSumption that everything is about "me." When you see other people as they are without taking it personally, you can never be hurt by what they say or do. Even if others lie to you. It is OK, they are lying to you because they are afraid you'll discover that they are not perfect. When you speak openly and honestly, you won't have to make assumptions. The day you stop making assumptions you will communicate cleanly and clearly, and achieve impeccability with your word. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. If all humans would communicate with impeccability of the word, all of our relationships would change.

There would be no wars, no violence, and no
misunderstandings. Regardless of what language you speak, your intent will manifest through the word. What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are will all be manifested through the word. Your word can create the most beautiful dream or your word can destroy everything around you. Impeccability of the word creates beauty, love, and heaven on earth. I am being told to include the scripture John 1:1 (11!) in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the words of Yeshua "I Am that I Am". This why you will always hear me saying "Word Eye Am Word with this intention"
You do not need the acceptance of others and you do not need knowledge of great philosophical concepts. You need the right to be you, and you express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others. Doing your best means to take action. You can have many great ideas in your head, but without action upon any idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward. For example today and the last week I have taken action upon putting this message out into the world, I expect nothing in the return; I do so out of love an humanities concern. Do your best and take action simply because you love it, not because you expect a reward.

When you take action without expecting reward, you enjoy every action, and you can even receive greater rewards than you imagined. Always do your best, but don't overdo! When you overdo, you deplete your body and go against yourself, and it will take you longer to accomplish your goal. So it's easiest to keep your attention on today. And stay in the present moment.

Om Namah Shivaya- I bow to the inner self.

This is the beginning of a new understanding and a new dream together as a collective forces let's step into it, Step into your true self! Om Mani Padme Hum! So be it!"

My twin flame friend Katherine pulled this mudra the other day and it goes perfectly well with this

Through mantra, we no longer cling to the reality of the speech and sound encountered in life, but experience it as essentially empty. Then confusion of the speech aspect of our being is transformed into enlightened awareness. The enlightened awareness includes whatever we might need to understand in order to save any beings, including ourselves, from suffering. For that reason the entire Dharma, the entire truth about the nature of suffering and the many ways of removing it's cause, is said to be contained in these six syllables
Om Mani Padme Hum

Eye am guided to explain the historical background to Om Mani Padme Hum

"There is not a single aspect of the eighty-four (12/3 or 444 or Infinite angelic support) thousand sections of the Buddha's teachings which is not contained in Avalokiteshvara's six syllable mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum", and as such the qualities of the "mani" are praised again and again in the Sutras and Tantras.... Whether happy or sad, if we take the "mani" as our refuge, Chenrezig will never forsake us, spontaneous devotion will arise in our minds and the Great Vehicle (MerKaBah) will effortlessly be realized."

All of the Dharma is based on Buddha's discovery that suffering is unnecessary: Like a disease, once we really face the fact that suffering exists, we can look more deeply and discover it's cause; and when we discover that the cause is dependent on certain conditions, we can explore the possibility of removing those conditions.

Buddha taught many very different methods for removing the cause of suffering, methods appropriate for the very different types and conditions and aptitudes of suffering beings. For those who had the capacity to understand it, he taught the most powerful method of all, a method based on the practice of compassion. It is known as the Mahayana, or Great Vehicle (MerKaBah), because practicing it benefits all beings, without partiality. It is likened to a vast boat that carries all the beings in the universe across the sea of suffering.

Within the Mahayana the Buddha revealed the possibility of very quickly benefiting all beings, including oneself, by entering directly into the awakened state of mind, or Buddhahood, without delay. Again, there are different ways of accomplishing this, but the most powerful, and at the same time the most accessible, is to link ones own mind with the mind of a Buddha.
In visualization practice we imagine ourselves to be a Buddha, in this case the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. By replacing the thought of yourself as you with the thought of yourself as Chenrezig, you gradually reduce and eventually remove the fixation on your personal self, which expands your loving kindness and compassion, toward yourself and toward others, and your intelligence and wisdom becomes enhanced, allowing you to see clearly what someone really needs and to communicate with them clearly and accurately.

In most religious traditions one prays to the deities of the tradition in the hopes of receiving their blessing, which will benefit one in some way. In the vajrayana Buddhist tradition, however, the blessing and the power and the superlative qualities of the enlightened beings are not considered as coming from an outside source, but are believed to be innate, to be aspects of our own true nature. Chenrezig and his love and compassion are within us.

In doing the visualization practice we connect with the body and voice and mind of the Buddha by the three aspects of the practice. By our posture and certain gestures we connect with the body, by reciting the words of the liturgy and by repeating the mantra we connect with the voice, and by imagining the visual form of the Buddha we connect with the mind.

"Word Eye am Word. Buddha/Yeshua/Krishna of great compassion, hold me fast in your compassion. From time without beginning, beings have wandered in samsara, undergoing unendurable suffering. They have no other protector than you. Please bless them that they may achieve the omniscient state of buddahood. With the power of evil karma gathered from beginningless time, Sentient beings, through the force of anger are born as hell beings and experience the suffering of heat and cold. May all be born in your presence, perfect diety! So mote it be Om Mani Padme Hum Word Eye Am Word with this intention"

Here is a little humor - On our way to visit my beloveds parents on Sunday (8/20) for his step dad's 48th birthday party in the springs, MK (my beloveds initials) wanted a cigar, sometimes he likes the, so he picked up these Imported Cherry Dreams. I got a kick out of it given the message about our dreams and we where venturing to see family he doesn't always get along with. I put this pack of Cigars in my crotch and told him I'd be his personal "imported" (Since im not from Earth) cherry dream and my cherry was all ripe for his taking! LOL

Why don't we ALL import our dreams now, create heaven on Earth. CHOOSE to join us in the New Earth that is awaiting us. ITS RIPE FOR OUR TAKING.

End short version.

If you prefer healing and meditations and some deeper insight for the next 6 months keep listening/reading.

I recommend you don't get lazy with this reading because the entire thing is jam packed with guidance to help during this time period. Take your time to read it if you must, or listen to the soon to come video. 

I did a crystal grid for the energetic foundation of this time and the coming year and the card that was chosen for the Mind/Emotions of the Divine Masculine (position 2) or August position was the MerKaBah! We are focusing on our MerKaBah as the grid: and I know why the Light-worker Oracle wanted to include the MerKaBah Spiritual PROTECTION guidance card. 

Here We have a jade heart (I was previously using Malachite) and 12 carnelians in our grid! This grid is set up with the energy and intention to help us craft and expand Our MerKaBah light bodies and broaden our perceptions! This reading will begin that activation and initiation! 

This card is number 32 making five representing the great changes coming upon us. It mirrors the Heart/Body Space of the Trinity Union position and card number 23! Polar opposites of one another and my favorite number and my birthday number: also making a 5:5 which is an emphasis of the #5 frequency! This is showing me the heart alignment the masculine is achieving with the divine feminine toward unity! What everyone is experiencing in their journey of self love and finding their individuality.

Here is a video of a Twin Flame I follow emphasizing the 555 showing up in her own life.  (added 9/2)

The frequency of MerKaBah or number 32/5 also supports our ability to use our consciousness to transverse into other layers of reality and dimensions it activates or access to our Akashic inheritance as well, merging the totality of our experiences into our present to serve our highest purpose. The word it can be loosely translated as is chariot.

It Refers to the human Light body, the energy field around all humans that is generated by the quantum parts of our DNA. Therefore, this field is quantum as well. It is in this field that we communicate with our consciousness and where our Akashic Records are stored. The human Akasha can't be described as the total history of everything that a human being has experienced on planet earth, held as energy in the Etheric field around the human being. This energy field has a geometric shape of a star tetrahedron, which consists of two equally size, interlocking fields of tetrahedron or pyramids with a common center. Through the counter spinning of these fields, while breathing and certain patterns, it is believed that we can change your move our perception of reality and two other dimensions. It is why the Merkabah is believed to be the vehicle that allows us to travel through different times and dimensions.

The upward tetrahedron of this activation refers to the masculine aspect, it's fiery colors indicating power, presence, and direction. The light coming out of its corners refers to the capacity to direct energy and presence.

The downward Tetrahedron refers to the feminine aspect-deep, dark, and mysterious. With spirals that indicate the flowing nature of the feminine (369) When these two opposing forces come together in perfect union, the MerKaBah activates its full potential. (And thus was created the Trinity MerKaBah Spread!)

This process is outwardly express through our searching and manifestation of a twin flame or a love relationship with another; and inwardly through the equally powerful love relationship with ourselves. Both hold the potential of supporting our eternal and infinite capacity to create our reality according to our consciousness. The arrowhead pattern refers to our ancient past (Like Egypt and beyond) as well as our alien and off planet connection to other realities. The water in the background indicates the emotional realm and the guidance system that helps us navigate through the world of energy in relation to our physical bodies. The green and turquoise indicate our heart based truth, and the surrounding square represents the physical world in which our reality is now based.
To connect deeper to this card and gain energy during this time please close your eyes and move your awareness away from your body. Can you fill the space around it? Now forget about your body, forget that you have one! Think of nobody, no thing, no place, no time. Open your focus and allow your conscious mind to get out of the way. Linger in this place often see how this changes your perception in your daily life

As I was flipping to the page of the book I needed to write the first card number 32, the number 35, kept flashing in my minds eye and I Heard it clear as a bell to turn to that page and include this card! 35 is 8 representing infinity and union. The frequency of eight asks us to step up into leadership that is not a part from others, but among them. Others may look to you as a role model of authority figure. Except this with humility and remember to encourage others to find their own power)  Number 8 is a number I will follow head, with along with the number 11. 8/11 is one of My twin flame and I's lucky numbers and it is the date of our marriage this year! Just 3 weeks ago! It represents the infinity flipped and a gateway/portal we just entered through.

I Kymberly Kay Kula am an illuminated Blue Ray Twin Flame and I awoke to my true self Trinity during the 8.8.8 Gateway of 2015. I was working with Isis and she told me I would be embodying a specific Goddess to whom's name would come to me in Divine Time. She indeed did around September 3rd 2015 in the Goddess Isis Bookstore on Broadway. I will explain this story and synchronicity in depth another time but for now the pictures I took that day and the book I was reading should suffice. I embody the Grace Of Emotional Magnification to awaken your hearts today and offer you the holy grail of remembrance your soul has been waiting lifetimes for.

Eye embody the Divine Mother energy: The Mother, Maiden, And Crone. Father, Son, And Holy Spirit. Creatrix herself: and work in tandem with Goddess Isis and her like Essence known as Mary Magdalene and all of those who are in the vibration of Unconditional Love and the Melchizedek order of whom have been by my side since I was 3 years old. I have incarnated in many forms in many lifetimes and have a very special love to share now through this ascension. I first birthed in Andromeda and have had many travelings amungst the stars. I am also connected to the Vegan Lyran star system. I paid witness to the galactic wars on Orion. I grew up terrified of this world I am now so in joy with and had to break through the very barriers I am here to discuss with you today to get where Eye now am.  I am here as the Grace Of Emotional Magnification and
Eye am here to Re-Enchant the Earth and sing alive your bodies! Come along and dance with me, this is a grand COSMIC PARTY!

 I was curious as to see what the card was and skipped right to #35 and it's the card "Perception." The very last thing mentioned in the MerKaBah description.

I'm guided to go into further depth of Perception this card representing the Heart/Body space of the Divine Masculine (position 1) or September. Their heart is changing perceptions, moving into a paradigm shift to view the Divine Feminine in her true authentic, and "naked" form, himself also and to open his heart to feel again.

The frequency of perception supports our natural curiosity, moving us beyond our comfort zone to find the edges of what we perceive is real and to take a good hard deep look at it. Perception can be described as interpretation of that which has entered into our awareness upon first glance, the perception activation presents what seems to be chaos in motion. But when we take a better look, we find perfect alignment and synchronicity between the different aspects; we find balance and harmony. The sharp blades of clear perception cut through the layers of illusion that cover the space between the world of spirit in the world matter. Together, the blades are neither round or square, indicating that they are effective in both worlds. Conceptually, Circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom. Within this image, they also represent our connection to a larger universe and the many planets that revolve around the reality is that exist be on our own. (Which all these planets are playing a huge key in the energy were experiencing right now! Refer to the Leo Kings videos in the beginning)

 We think we have a clear perception of the reality that lives behind the blades, but we discover that the waters of our emotional and physical World or mirror perfectly by the sky, our spiritual nature. They are exactly the same as above so below. The square border represents the form based reality of the earthbound life, while the lights on the corners remind us of our ability to reach far beyond these illusionary three-dimensional boundaries at any time we choose when combined with awareness, skill, Precision, these perception blades can cut through illusions that otherwise keep us locked in place. 

The energy of perception reminds us that the concept itself is biased. Our consciousness determines our perception, and there is no absolute truth in what we perceive. There are always more layers to uncover more insights to be revealed. The blades of clarity cut through illusions and expand our perception of reality, revealing a path toward harmony and peace within us and in our world around us. The dark border around the edge indicates the vest and deep universe that often times seems mysterious and dark. The blues indicate the clarity of expression that is need to cut through the illusions of our perceived reality. The red edges indicator solid foundation in the physical world world body here on earth. The yellow and gold syndicate inner power that is needed to create a reality that matches our perception of our inner and outer worlds combined.

Think about where the edges of your comfort zone lie. Are you willing to try something new or do you prefer to stay in your familiar routines? Do you have limiting religious belief systems? When is the last time you did something completely out of your comfort zone? Stay within yourself and witness how your perception of reality can change by just changing your point of focus from the outer to the inner.

As you are brought into this knowledge of the MerKaBah there is spiritual guidance (October) available to clarify further what this is and an invocation to fully integrate its wisdom! Its number 25 making ANOTHER 7! Which 7 is always a good sign that we're going in the right direction or that we are following divine guidance and accepting it's Assistance. Now before this spread was created, as I was preparing to finish up the written reading on the blog that I originally began, I was guided to stop on this particular card in the Lightworker Oracle Book. As i was flipping through the book i HAD to stop on this one. This card speaks about spiritual protection and represents position 3 under the Soul/Divine Guidance to the Divine Masculine. 

Being open to receive is a way to gain empowerment, strength and all manner of assistance. To enhance receptivity it can be helpful to De-clutter and cleanse your energy field. this allows for that which is not rightfully yours to be shed. Sometimes, this will include the disowned thoughts and feelings of others. When you release these thoughts and feelings, the spaciousness will grow within you. Then you can then receive more of what is rightfully meant to be for you- your divine good, in all ways.

An open, sensitive person can easily become energetically overloaded. From physical pain too emotional and psychological tension, an overload does not feel good! You may even feel like you're caring others on your back or in your head! The added weight can drag your naturally light vibration down into anguish, doubt, fear or despair. Your inner vision, too, maybe obscured by the overload. I can make it hard to discern what is yours and what belongs to another. Whether experiencing overload to your system is an unusual occurrence for you, or you have a tendency to absorb and process others energies; this is common for healers, psychics and mediums, artist another sensitive, open people- you will benefit from a spiritual cleansing. Afterwards, you may feel less inclined to connect with particular people work on certain ideas, even if they seemed very important before the cleanse. This means that you're freeing yourself from others input and discerning the true priorities of your own heart. To except a spiritual cleansing now, repeat the invocation below and then relax for as long as you need, focusing on this card you can repeat this process daily for three days or up to three weeks if you feel that you need it. Your rest can be for several minutes, or up to half hour or more. If you fall sleep during your cleansing, that can allow for even deeper clearing. Doing this while in conjunction with the meditation could be highly beneficial! 

Pay particular attention to what you sense immediately after your cleansing. It is a time when you may become very aware of just who or what has been draining you, and be able to lovingly but firmly say "you must leave my energy Field now, and not return without my express verbal permission. Of my own free will, so be it". 

This is also a confirmation from the divine for those of you who have been questioning if a relationship, person or situation has been draining you were transferring negative energies are thoughts into your energy field. Your insights are correct, and you can now use this energy clearing process to remove the cords of attachment to release any negative energy from that person or situation.

"Word I am word. I call upon unconditionally loving divine protection. The secret chamber of light, the MerKaBah of divine light, is around me now. I choose, of my own free will, under divine authority and Grace, to release any and all connections, content and contaminants that do not serve me, through unconditional love. I choose, of my own free will, to take my life journey in the most joyful and loving way possible. I opened the divine grace for cleansing and protection of my integrity at all times. I am free to simply be in the truth of me. May all beings be blessed and protected! May all beings be happy and free. Through my own free will, so be it. Word I am word through this intention."

Here is an amazing video by one of my most favorite twin flame blue rays who is able to describe this MerKaBah activation we're really going through in a way that I cannot at this time. As I am so new at this journey I will likely be purchasing some of her webinar's to help my twin and I out at this time also!

Also while doing the final touches to the written reading I
was guided to take the Lightworker Oracle card #4 Paradigm Shift and place it in the "As Above" position (November) which brings to notice that The Masculine are undergoing radical growth in their belief systems. The frequency of 4 brings angelic healing, divine order and an influx of energy into the physical plane. It is a 'get things done' energy, which can help you materialize desires. More than one 4 in a row means the angels are speaking to you. Call upon their loving assistance to help you manifest your divine destiny. Now is the time to challenge old attitudes and question previous expectations. You are in an extraordinary time. Great leaps forwards can be made in a moment. The world you thought you knew can suddenly break open, and a new world can become your reality.

As I spoke above in the beginning about the Buddhist tradition, they also sometimes speak of the 'beginners mind', that which assumes nothing and therefore is open to everything. A spiritual psychologist might call it the inner Child, as it is innocent, curious, and fixed and always learning. It doesn't get stuck on an answer having to be one way. There is openness to the Unknown with curiosity instead. Old souls can sometimes find it hard to recapture there 'not knowingness'. Asking someone with a lot of life experience, who may have become a bit world-weary, to drop expectations and look at the world through fresh eyes can be challenging. Yet life becomes much more interesting when you are open and don't hold expectations about what will be. Suddenly, you are receptive to the universe helping you in ways that, in the past, you didn't believe possible. All because you kept an open mind. 

If you are feeling that you don't really know yourself, your relationships or your place in the world as you want did, if you're feeling that what you wants held to be certain now seems to be a little shaky, these are signs that you going through a paradigm shift. This will bring your new perceptions that will free you to be in the world in new ways. You will find yourself sitting old limits, fears and misconceptions. You are stepping beyond what you have known. You are a bit like a traveler in a new city feeling awkward until she gets the 'lay of the land' and how things operate in that new place. As you trust the unexpected and known, the universe will be able to help you and unexpected and previously unknown ways. If you find yourself questioning the views in mass media or spoken in the conversations that those around you are having, take heart and know that you are awakening from a fear-based world into a love filled reality. Your confusion will soon transform into joy at discovering that you are free and have no reason to be afraid.

You are encouraged by the universe to embrace the power you have to be a free thinker. Except the accelerated mental shift happening for you, even if it creates temporary uncertainty or discomfort. Dare to think thoughts of love rather than lower your vibration by choosing thoughts of fear. Trust, for something helpful and empowering is happening in your soul.

You can repeat this invocation and accept the invitation send it to you to further integrate this Energy frequency into your life now.

"Word Eye am word.Through divine grace and unconditional love, I open my mind to the higher truth of love. May my mind be cleansed from conditioning and gently open to the light of love. I am willing to unlearn what no longer serves me. I am willing to receive teachings and information, guidance and assistance from those beings of pure light and unconditional love such as Trinity that can assist me on my life journey, now. May my paradigm shift bring me closer to peace, love, empowerment and happiness. May this process be held in guardianship by the universe, with Grace, mercy and tenderness. Through my own free will, so be it. But I am word with this intention."

Here is another video by Bella: she actually uses the same cards as I and our reading blended nicely together in regards to working with the Crown, Throat, Solar Plexus - Root chakra's and the various stones that are facilitating at this time. For the past few months I have been feeling the stone Emerald and pulling this same card along with the Empowerment card. I am always working with Malachite for heart healing (have it as a stone on one of my main necklaces). I have been feeling multiple stones for the Solar Plexus and in here I go over a few different stones that help from Root to the Solar Plexus in conjunction. 
She is speaking about the "Emerald Heart Gateway" which can be explained more in depth below

MAIN CARD OF THE SPREAD AND TRINITY UNION CARD #1- the united Heart/Body (December)

We are being guided to defend until the end- the worthwhile by the divine rebels deck and card number 23 (my fave number and another 5 synchronicity - The frequency of five announces change in acceleration. Initially was resolving transformation is happening through divine alchemy. If you see a five, let go. Allow what is happening to happen. Trust in the goodness behind all unfolding in your life)

The main Trinity Union Card: Divine rebels card #23 "Defend to the end, the worthwhile"

says that if others lie to you, it is okay. They are lying to you because they are afraid you will discover that they are not perfect. Beneath the illusions,pretty as  they may seem, or ugly, you know what is real for you. Beneath the lies, sweet though they may sound, or taste sour; you know what is worthwhile. All that is genuinely and truly essential for the heart to throb with life, is worthwhile. Anything that dulls it or suffocates its vibrant aliveness, must be questioned, challenged, and more than likely, cast aside, for the heart is our key to living an authentic life. What is there once that is compromised? Without its foundation of truth, we are to be forever lost in confusion, doubt and despair!

Today you are a sacred warrior! a defender of the heart. The Trinity Union of Oneness! You have cried genuine tears of your own grief, and also the grief of the world. You have raged at injustice and oppression in your own life, and in the world. You have felt the need to protect the presence of love, for whilst it is exceptionally powerful, it can too easily be smothered under lies and fear. The sacred warrior must not heed the the dangerous voices that say. "Oh, stop being so sensitive! Stop making such a deal out of things!"


What else is worth being so sensitive about?

We need to focus on our SACRED HEART SPACE. Our high heart!

The sacred warrior is vigilant that the presence of love is not chipped away by fear, criticism, doubt or untruths. Even if others find the unflinching honesty of your feelings difficult to handle, even if those feelings are expressed with gentleness and compassion, the sacred warrior honors the task of being more faithful to love, than to anything at all.

Guidance comes to you today telling you to honor even the smallest steps in your path of the sacred warrior. They are no less important than the more noticeable or dramatic actions on the path. One single misstep can begin a landslide of great devastation. Being vigilant with what is meaningful and what is truthful, even in the smallest and seemingly most insignificant ways, strengthens the sacred warrior and prevents darkness from gaining a stronghold from the inside. The darkness will be intelligent and sneaky. It will tell you that it doesn't matter, that this one time you can forget what you promised, that you are just one person and that you cant make a difference anyway. That darkness will lure you into sleepy ambivalence and dull your light, if you allow it to. The sacred warrior within will fight with love and honor to be to true to what has meaning; and to never, ever, allow it to be cast aside; even if it seems easier in the moment. The sacred warrior finds joy and humor in life, to prevent the seriousness of the task from stifling the heart that just wants to live and be free. That joy brings strengths to the warrior and an expanded,  relaxed awareness that can sense the presence of fear (whether it is masked as anger, hate or doubt) and immediately respond to it with fierce compassion. The sacred warrior will not allow fear to gain a stronghold within the heart.

There is special guidance requesting that you stay strong and stand your ground. This might be in a big emotional journey that feels like the fight of your life. It might be a matter that does not seem to hold much importance. Perhaps, for example, you are contemplating an idea that you feel could be something, but those around you declare it is nothing much, impractical, too little or too much. However, what is happening or soon will be happening, IS WORTHWHILE. So, hold tight! Ask for help through the healing process below, stay true to the sacred warrior of love that you are and defend to the end all that is worthwhile.

Put your hand on your heart and say

"Word Eye am Word. I call upon the sacred warriors of unconditional love (and jesus or any being you prefer) I ask for support, protection, assistance an intervention on my behalf through unconditional love, that what is truly worthwhile for the light and life of the heart be protected and preserved, within me and in the world, for the greater good. Through my own free will, so be it! Word Eye am Word with this intention!"

Repeat this three times once or twice daily when you feel you are fighting to be heard, fighting to salvage your creative ideas from critical voices of others, or fighting for your right to simply be yourself and live your truth in the world. These declarations have power; use that power freely and with great joy.


During this transitional phase we are going to be working with the stone Garnet Representing #11 and all the beings associated to this stones frequency. This stone falls in the Divine Feminine Mind/ Emotions (position 2) (January)

This stone comes in various colors and there are various types of Garnet but it should be noted that Red is the most plentiful coloration. (Though to me it looks more metallic) Due to this color This is a highly grounding stone and with it comes a very special message.

"Welcome to my embrace, I am the fire of Ra embraced by the earth, an ancient one. You and I have stood as one in times past. On the journey back to that which you are, I have come to guide you in the sacred space of inner strength, the temple of your personal gifts.

In my presence, caster wheels of others aside, breed my green ray of love and black light of truth, let my red fires encourage and nurture you and to activation, let your gifts come forth in a creative manner and you will find New paths to fulfill your purpose and gently awaken the serpent to its journey upward. 

Using the active stabilized heart as a filter, we will now physically manifest a divine legacy, which will define the commitment to self that is required of you within the only perception that is valid, your own."

The energy of the stone gives purpose to all things and has not come into your life to correct, turn around or heal your current surroundings, but simply to deliver the purpose behind them. In life, we all undertake tasks that at the time seem perfect, Then as time progresses, we learn and realize they may not be for us and should be released. Garnet is letting you know there is a reason behind all your choices and soon it will be known. However, no matter how tough the path, never surrender until you know why you begun the journey. For if you turn your back to early, there's a great possibility you will just re-create the same picture with different paints. Garnet asked us to filter all that we will do through our hearts, as it is there that the voice of truth echoes in the souls halls a purpose and manifest our path in the world. Listen to your heart speak, for between the words is hidden the glory of the universe. Garnet especially applies to creativity, sexuality, relationships, work, diet, children and other sacral and base chakra activities. You're about to understand your life at a much deeper level. Meditate and find space to see all that you are!

You can use the following information to help anchor Garnet and Garnet's frequency more into your life

"I manifest my purpose with Love as my guide."

Garnet is the keystone of the Manu Allah Gobi, Lord of the first ray of creation, it demonstrates and carries fourth the pure vitality and power of the red frequency in all its actions. It's simple healing directive with humanity is the manifestation of purpose, a path it activates unblocking creativity and channeling it through the heart and emotional body bringing inspiration, devotion and imagination. Garnet has the ability to carry all creative energies found in the lower areas of the chakra system up to the heart, where their actions are stabilized be a love and magnified on their journey into physicality. It is via the same path that Garnet is able to activate the survival instincts, magnify courage and instill commitment to purpose.

Garnet has been known to increase the sexual appetite and it is a master stone of the Tantric practices, alongside stones such as Crocite to the right and Carnelians to the left.

A week ago on my wedding day; at the Dragon Fest Merchant Market, I purchased 12 small Carnelians and used them for my Sacred Geometry Activation grid cards for this New moon etc when we returned home. So synchronistic thing there with that stone although Garnet has been present since The Capricorn full moon in July and Garnet is the Capricorn's birthstone (Read blog *here*). Carnelian is very prominent in my own life as well and is the stone my Malla Bead necklace consists of.

Garnet is a Contact stone of the ascended masters El Morya, Sanat kumara, and Allah Gobi and will allow contact with a divine being known only as the lady of the sun! at a more physical level ground it is a potent blood purifier that aids the function of the heart and lungs. And since we are working diligently with these physical attributes at this time this stone will aid in their upgrades. Lungs are what give us the capacity to breath and to speak- accessing our throat chakra. It is also a powerful healer of infertility sterility and frigidity. The animal totem you can go research or look out for in representation of the energy of the stone is a kookaburra!

This is a cool meditation you can join in on to connect to this bird 

According to Thrive On News Kookaburra's are infamous for songs of laughter in the morning and is a sign for the sky people to light the great fire that illuminates and warms the earth by day, the sun. King Kookaburra is a sun god of sorts and bursts with male energy. There is an opposite element assigned to the Kookaburra as rain and creeks become the Kookaburras day spa because they love the water. With fire and water at the heart of the Kookaburra's spirit, this animal totem is a powerful one, bringing change and sentimental memories to the forefront of our lives. the kookaburra is a healer, a healer of the past, helping to close and open new and old doors in our lives. He is not the bringer of change but the orchestra that accompany you on your new journeys of the self.

This Animal represents Laughter, Family, Wooing your partner, Sibling rivalry, Healing others and the self, Conquering fear, Ending old patterns, Turning hurt into happiness, Hunting down your own truths, Signals, God energy, Teaching and sharing your truths with others.

The presence of kookaburra in a reading (or in your observations) indicates that it is a time of signals and omens. Kookaburra is a strong, bold energy which tends to resonate with god energies. Pay attention to opportunities around you, and listen to nature and to the world around you, you may find that you are being given some important messages at this time.

The kookaburra encourages us to use laughter as a form of healing. Laughter can be a positive force for the body, even when we force it and we don't really 'feel' it. Laughter between people is a way that reinforces bonding and helps us to enjoy life even when things are very tough. Look at how much you laugh every day, chances are if kookaburra has flown into your life you could stand to laugh a little more. It is time to turn your hurt into happiness, and the power of laughter is a great road to doing just that.

Kookaburra draws our attention to family, and our family relationships. Often kookaburra energy suggests that family connections are important in our lives at this time, either because of rivalry (particularly amongst siblings) or because we are looking at our role within the family unit. Ask yourself what your responsibilities are to your family, and what their responsibilities are to you. If you feel you are not being honoured or respected enough by your blood relations, ask yourself if you have given them the honour and respect you feel you deserve.

Kookaburra has a very powerful healing energy, and its presence in a reading or in your life can indicate a time when profound healing is occurring. This healing is not just happening to you, but to people around you, and creates a more healthful ripple effect that creates positive changes to come. Kookaburra can indicate that the querent has reached the end of a difficult journey, and new healthful growth has already begun.

The best way to end old patterns that no longer help us, is by confronting why we developed them in the first place. Often we develop bad habits or negative thought patterns because of fear and insecurities. Kookaburra is the energy of conquering fears and in turn, ending old patterns that aren't nourishing. If there is a particular habit that you're not happy with, working with kookaburra energy can help to dissolve it.

Everyone has personal truths, these might be thoughts, or ethics that particularly resonate with who you are as a person. A personal truth for example, might involve recognizing that you are an artist or a healer at heart, or could indicate that you will stand up for your beliefs, gender, race or sexuality. Kookaburra helps you to hunt down your truths, and these truths enable you to recognize your own inner strength. In turn, you are able to teach your truths to others, and also aid others in finding and recognizing their own truths. You may find yourself teaching others in an informal setting, by sharing your passions and your beliefs with others.

From a light-hearted position, kookaburra encourages us to better woo our partners and our friends. It is time to shower them with presents even if it is not their birthday! If you have no money, you can hand-make cards or presents, cook them sweets or food, or even just gift them with your presence and attention. Let the people around you know that they are loved.

Kookaburra's shadow energy is very confrontational, and can teach harsh and abrasive lessons. (So many planets being retrograde right now is doing that to everyone so this Totem animal is presenting itself perfectly) Kookaburra teaches us the value of family. We cannot take our children, or our parents for granted, even if they do not seem to 'nourish' us on the surface. Family should be respected no matter what, no matter what arguments take place, no matter how you have been deceived, no matter how you have deceived others. Kookaburra forces you to confront issues relating to 'family,' either by constantly bringing family drama to the surface, or by highlighting how lonely you feel without a strong sense of what it is to have a family.

I have been heavily confronted with everything I feel in regards to relatives and family the past few months, as has my twin flame. It's sort of what sparked this post to begin with and why I was making a grid. In the moment i pulled the main cards: i was having emotional memories regarding them and contemplating cutting off the majority of my dad's family because of how i feel treated by them including my biological sister.

But I view myself as the Kookaburra. They are Excellent divers, the kookaburra is extremely focused. They go after what they want when they want it. Those with this totem have the ability to achieve their goals if they stay centered and maintain their focus. If the kookaburra suddenly dives into your life its telling you to manifest your dreams instead of day dreaming about them. The kookaburra has many personalities to fit a variety of situations and is known as the master of illusion. Acquiring master ship is hard work. Because of this the kookaburra demands respect and it usually gets it! Individuals with this totem often achieve prominent roles in society that demand respect and recognition. They make excellent leaders and diplomats.

Garnets closest friend would have to be the moonstone (pic to the left), who in magical practice represents the feminine component, and garnet represents the masculine. It would make sense at this time with all the moon and sun activity with the new moon Total Solar Eclipse and both being in the same Virgo stations that both garnet and moonstone would be essential. (Again refer to the Leo King's video he explains all this) Union is upon us, both masculine and feminine will be coming into balance. The Kookaburra will dance in the waters.

I eventually was personally wanting to invest in a ring for both middle fingers one of moonstone (though i think i have one i received in 8th grade in the shape of a turtle- which the totem animal represents the mother goddess and feminine energy ironically discovered this again today!) and one of Garnet to have the balance within my own hands. I'm waiting for a specific jeweler to craft the garnet or Perhaps someday I'll make these rings myself as I have a creative spark to become a jeweler and make talisman jewelry infused with Reiki and good fortune! I've had inquiries with the personal pieces I've created for myself so far; And hold great significance. You can learn about moonstone and it's animal totem; Turtle, in my next blog *link*

I suppose I get this idea for the rings from the fact that the stone is most commonly put into practice when Garnet was worn on the middle finger of the dominant or power hand, and moonstone as worn on the middle finger of the receiving hand and magical world, this has the effect of polarizing the body and facilitating manifestation into the physical, an ancient Atlantean practice still in practice today. In ancient Atlantis, priests and priestesses of these two Crystals would visit young children in the 10th century, En Kai Pan, to determine their gifts and help in the choosing of life direction.(ironic "Kai" is my twin flame and my name combined and together we and symbolically make the trinity of (1)En (2)Kai (3)Pan. When I met my beloved I saw immediately the aspects of Pan, Cernunnos. Anyways; A child would simply stand between a priest and a priestess, the masculine and feminine and recognize the principal Crystal that defined their path back to oneness. I will explain later on in this blog what my twin and my own principal crystals are and how mine came to my conscious recollection.

Garnet is showing up at this time; I feel because it is a governing stone of the 11:11 Gateway and the second initiation on the path to ascension. It shows the light language number 11 on the bottom left and right corners creating 11:11. This represents dissonance.

"Stripped down to essence, marrow of light, beyond definition your soul takes flight"

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11 Is the ray of dissonance, the foundation is self combined with the foundation of Essence Self, catalyzed by the point of unity. 11 is the process of disintegration, stripping away the layers down to your core essence. Unity, the great illustrator, is transforming patterns and structures, freeing you from things that no longer serve your emerging wholeness. Look through the surface appearance of your process. Let complexity dissipate, becoming the blessing of simplicity. Cherished ideals, beliefs, and images of all kinds are being brought to surface for you to reexamine, illuminate and transform. Given the fact mercury is in retrograde right now, it's the perfect time for introspection. Examine what appears dissonant in your life. Let go! Embrace the disintegration process without resisting or judging it. The rigid walls of your resistances are being broken down. going through your resistances and boundaries prepares a space for greater wisdom. You are becoming an open system. You are being called to be an innovator, a system buster, and agent for change! Anything that is over defined or inflexible is fair game for change. Likewise, anything that presently defines and limits you is being stripped away. Expect clearing and change. As your facade crumbles and your walls come tumbling down, the true illumination of self bursts through!

I drew from the Lightworkers Oracle and we received #33 Master Healing for the Divine Feminine Spirit position (February). The message it brings falls in line with the message I often receive when Amethyst presents itself to me: that is to meditate and receive healing.

As you meditate, and you remain true to what inspires your heart and commit to your spiritual path, you become an increasingly powerful healer. You are here to live your own life, to be true to what genuinely moves you. The unconditionally loving guide and Ascended Master Serapis Bey comes to you now with a blessing of master healing to further your success on your path.

The Master Serepis Bey is a beloved guide for those who feel a strong soul connection to ancient Egypt (Ra came through the Garnet stone so this may be relevant to you!), for healers who are developing their own modalities, and those who love to work with high frequency concepts. He also assists with the translations of spiritual inspiration into practical worldly plans. He comes to confirm that the ascended masters are aware of you. You are an integral part of a powerful spiritual team that has taken physical incarnation to help awaken consciousness into love. You are asked at this time to tune into your heart. What do you love enough to overcome any obstacle to attain it? What motivates and inspires you? Now what seems possible of practical, but what is authentic? we are most powerful when we serve authentically from the heart. A bird might learn how to dive under water from time to time, but it is never going to be at its most powerful if it has to live under water. It would struggle to thrive if it were to force itself in such unnatural expressions of its life energy. The bird yearns to fly because that is its divine nature and purpose. You to have divine nature and purpose and your heart holds the clue.

What feels most like you!? It is difficult to access the truth of our own nature when we believe we should live up to the expectations of others. If we are attached to an outcome or afraid of an answer, we can unintentionally block our perceptive faculties - a spiritual version of sticking our fingers in our ears and shouting "blah blah blah!" The blessing of Serapis Bey includes his clear flame of divine cleansing light (similar to the violet fire of Saint Germaine). This can assist us in letting go of whatever blocks us from knowing the truth of our nature. When we are willing to be who we are, the Universe can more easily guide us to fulfill our destinies, Serapis Bey will help you see yourself truthfully. You may gain feedback from others that helps you understand the value of what you share. Of you may simply find it easier to view yourself objectively, with a compassionate, appreciative and discerning inner eye. As you learn and accept who you are, you become a more powerful vibration for masters to put to use in the plan of love.

If you have a dream in your heart, know that it has been placed there for divine purpose. What you dream and desire contains the seed of divinity. It is meant to help attract your life mission and fulfill it with love, joy, creativity and pleasure. If we are willing to go through what is necessary for an outcome, it will happen for us. The details may appear different from what we imagined they would, but the truth remains: if you ask for something, and are willing togo through the process required to have that come to life, it will happen for you. The Universe is that generous, unconditionally supportive and loving of you. It is your creative partner. it will provide you with all that you need to manifest your dreams, desires and destiny.

You can do the following invocation to call upon Serapis Bey for support and healing

"Word Eye am word. I call upon loving master Serapis Bey and his master healing through the clear flame of truth and Grace. I ask to know, in the perfect time and the perfect way, according to divine wisdom, the truth in all matters of importance to me and my divine life journey, now, including (here you may ask any particular questions). I ask to be lovingly shown my true nature, my deepest desires and most inspired dreams. Please help me know myself so that I know how best to live my divine destiny. May all beings on the path of self knowledge be assisted and supported with unconditional love. Through my own free will and divine grace, so be it. Word Eye am word with this intention. "

#33 is a great indication that any Ascended masters Even Jesus/Yeshua are guiding us and supporting us at this time. The frequency of the 3 indicates a time to learn, right, teacher develop new ideas. Collaborate with others to create win win situations. It is also the number representing Ascended masters particularly multiple threes affirm their connection with you

According to the Sacred Scribes website Number 33 is made up of the vibrations of the number 3 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 3 relates to the attributes of expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, self-expression and communication, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher or as this card indicated Master  HEALER) and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 tells us that ‘all things are possible’. 33 is also the number that symbolizes ‘guidance’. The Master Number 33 is connected to the Ascended Masters, and the repeating Angel Number 33 is a message that many Ascended Masters surround you and are offering their assistance. All you need to do is ask, as the Ascended Masters are waiting to answer your prayers.

Angel Number 33 is a message from your angels that any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in the undertaking. Angel Number 33 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness.


*If you pay attention to the Card Garnet it represents the #11 and shows the 11:11 gateway- add those master numbers together and you get master number 33! Repeating this number in a Trinity. And if you leave 1 as #1 it gives the energy of new beginnings, taking the initiative, believing in yourself and accepting a leadership role in which you step ahead of the curve, beyond the consciousness of those around you, to guide the human race forward into love. This is plastered ALL over this reading. The fact that I will be 30 by the year 2018 is a huge sign to me. I am stepping into my 3 life purpose in the 11 year. on my way to personal mastery*

Like Bella I offer similar packages and readings so if you wish to purchase a reading or crystal activation and reiki love from me; Just send me a quick message or leave a comment! I do readings by donation and have affordable flexible pricing.

Spirit had me directly fall into the 11.) 11.11 (33) card within the light worker Oracle. Page 47 (11) given I'm a quantum numerologist they seem to want me to explain a little bit about How these numbers can benefit you and it happens to represent the "so blow" placement for the Divine Feminine (March). This is the accumulation of all 3 DF cards

This card teaches us that Numbers are energetic medicine. I personally work with them 24/7 and get most of my messages through license plates and numbers that show up all around me no matter where I'm at at any given time. They are particular frequencies in a universal language of love that helps heal and guide you and connect you to Divine Spirit. There are no negative numbers.

Healing vibrations of numbers are working for your soul, now. Which numbers do you notice most often at this time? The Universe is speaking to you through numbers. From 11:11 on your phone, to the repeating number patterns that catch your eye, information is being transmitted from the creative universal intelligence into your cellular awareness. You may feel energetic healing as you receive these transmissions of number frequencies. They will help you integrate the master healing being transmitted through today's reading.

For me personally forms of 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, 5:11, 6:11, 7:11, 8:11, 9:11, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11, and 10:10 is a big one. Or a specific Number repeating three times in a row like 333. I often see 74 and 47 which both equal 11 or 25 and 52 which equal 7. or the pattern 369.

Use the invocation below when you feel the numbers are talking to you and you want to absorb their loving message.

"Word Eye Am Word. I give thanks for the messages, energetic, healing, support, and encouragement given to me now and always through unconditional love. I give permission to unconditional love to heal my body, mind and soul through the healing frequencies of the numbers. May all beings feel the love and guiding intelligence o this supportive, nurturing Universe. Through loving grace and my won free will, so be it! Word Eye am word through this intention"

Speaking of numbers I was guided to pull a card from my Mayan Oracle Deck originally to clarify The Lighworker card and it now holds the position 1 representing the Heart/Body space for the Divine Feminine (April). we received another Lightcode/number. #7 representing Mystical Power which is what the divine feminine is anchoring at this time!

"May your mystical power, lotus of light, ignite your cascading crystalis of travel among the stars"

This number follows me everywhere - It is as I like to say one of my SOUL numbers! A part of this poem (since this is one of my main decks) is written on my personal Buffalo drum (odd thing just happened 8:03pm (11) I was proof reading and instead of where it says buffalo it said "hello" buffalo is introducing himself!) that was birthed aka created on the flower (Lotus) full moon this year. You can check a picture of it out in my other blog posts Grace Of Emotional Magnification. Funny that one of the main stones mentioned in this reading is an Amethyst and that is what resides in the tip of my drum's beater (The purple felt).

When a Buffalo appears in your life, it means you are in the process of manifesting a wish or goal, don’t get angry or impatient and “force the issue” know that your determination to make it will meet with success. The Buffalo teaches us to stay grounded and reminds us that when we are on the right path it is an easy one to follow.

Open your heart and allow yourself to receive. Gratitude from the heart will open the flow


The frequency of 7 (card for May)
indicates healing abilities, channeling of spiritual wisdom and the sage or teacher

(this is what Eye am as Trinity- the Oracle and Scribe of Isis/ Mary Mag).

It is a sign to accept what makes you unique and to balance your social life with restorative solitude. If you have asked about your life mission, the 7 indicates it is, at least in part, self-healing and very likely the healing of others, too. (I have stepped into this role within my own life, started my journey after 2007 when I became a massage therapist and then a Reiki practitioner in 2014 and Pranic Healer in 2016).

7 Is the ray of mystical power, the foundation of the individual self freed within the two points of polarity. Your soul calls forth your ability to decode the hidden mysteries. Claim your mystical wisdom by acknowledging your personal relationship to the Source. Catalyze the mystical force of your 2 chakra's to propel you to the region of divine illumination within.

The consciousness of 7 puts theory to test, asking for practical application of your mystical power. As a technician of the sacred, you integrate the polarity of worlds into an operant foundation. You wear the seven pointed star, symbol of the master Artisan. Combine your feelings and intellect to transmute matter into mystical consciousness. Standing in simple self acceptance, craft a light body (MerKaBah) from the column of light in your spine (33 vertebra).

Open your lotus to the world. You are a gift! Accept yourself unconditionally. Freed from the need for outside confirmation, stand open to your full mystical power. Align with the spinning mystery of the 7: Seven chakra's, 7 Planets, 7 Rays, 7 Steps of the pyramid - The seven stages of consciousness conjoined.

This is a message that is embedded within my DNA as a blue ray illuminated twin flame to give to the world. Since i began this journey it has been a constant in my own personal experience with these cards and in reading for others as well, also universal ones such as this. It is SO important to step into this vibration! Read Grace Of Emotional Magnification to feel my energy and what can be expected in the New World and how I can assist you in your awakening process.

It is pertinent that we take this giant leap! this step into a new paradigm. We can gently do so with our beloved Saint Germaine with his glorious Violet Fire of transmutation utilizing the Mandala and Amethyst that Alana Fairchild was able to craft for our spiritual connection to him to be established.

Two of my decks: The Liquid Crystal (Which the Garnet was drawn from) and the Crystal Mandala Oracles Mention Saint Germaine as a dominant Guide associated to Amethyst. I was drawn to use both cards together the mandala representing the Mind/Emotions and the 3rd Trinity Union Card as the Soul Guidance card

Saint Germaine is a part of my own personal entourage and has a very in depth message to bring at this time and has been rather urgent with it (As his version of Merlin often comes to me and he's rather feisty and pushy and a little "grouchy" or short as I like to say). I see him within the #33 Master Healing Lightworker Oracle Card also as the old man! He holds the 3 frequency firmly!

33 also equates to 6 and that brings its own benefits. Remember also that this is THE MAIN FREQUENCY OF THE READING!

The frequency of 6 is love, money, beauty and abundance. Many people are afraid of the 6 vibration, especially multiples of it like 666, which some teach are a sign of evil. There are no negative numbers, however! The 6 is a sign of material abundance and healing, of prosperity, love and and romance, harmony and balance.

This number often comes to us and even presented itself to us multiple times in August through the Black Widow on 8/15 (6) during my beloveds court date. We where grabbing a bite at Quiznoe's around 9:36 AM and made the joke knowing that the black widows represents the 666 energy; that "Satan" was "Quizzing us on something; or didn't we not already know?". We where being guided to watch out for "Toxins and poisons in our life". LOL Then the DAY OF the eclipse on the 21st we got 666 from the water spirits

The black widow is symbolic for illness or poison that can last very briefly yet however has a long term effect. That makes one instantly feel as though one is passing from life unto death. Take cautious steps in regard to your health, eating habits or consuming food or beverages from those you do not know very well. Take caution in trusting even those you know or think you know. Right now will not be the time to let down your guard in order to be more sociable or explore (in the sense of dining, drinking or change of any kind in what you prefer eating). Follow the instructions of your instincts or intuition.You need to look further into your signs at this time + make sure it’s specific, is it yes, no or maybe so. It can only be one of them.Consider your weaknesses, keep an open eye out for harm in this manner. Especially in this time, to which the immune system is quite vulnerable.Take caution in any relations as well. You do not need to become more concerned with hindsight, rather with fore-thought and knowledge. Even if you think nothing may be wrong it is best to check + take cautious steps to avoid such processes of stress, loss + turmoil. The black widow can also be symbolic of some mental + emotional pain one should experience.

I think Charlot here is just warning us of all the retrograde craziness afoot and just to be super cautious as the next cycles beginning are no joke. Watch out for the spiders in your life.

This card represents June. The frequency of 27/ 9 is a highly spiritual energy indicating blessings, compassion, and an ending of a cycle. It comes when resolution of unfinished business is taking place so a new cycle can begin in due course. It also indicates the Christ Consciousness and can be a message from any master that resonates with that energy such as Saint Germaine and Jesus/Yeshua/Senanda. It is reminding you to trust your heart and ask for love to bless and assist you!

Right in a row we get the synchronicity of 3-6-9. This represents the spiral or web of life we are all a part of. It shows up in nature as a very common spiral, my favorite being in Shells and Plants and our very own DNA. It's made itself known to me for many years now but I wrote a special blog about it in March

Energy Report 3/8-15: A Gift From The Goddess; Learning How To Return To Center and Achieve Trinity

Picture above is my nautilus shells I bought on our wedding day 8/11 (been wanting a set since he day I wrote that blog) on top of our wedding candles with many of the stones we're working with right now including my pocket Amethyst and Garnet and Malachite for the heart centered healing.

10 is a special number to us and this is a weight (represents an "anchor" to me also) i found a few years back at both our childhood vacationing spot in Lake Powell Utah; that you will see in many photo's i take. It is also the number we get when we add the 5:5 from the card #23 and card #32. It is also the number on the back of my Amethyst geode being emphasized today!

My beloved and I where married during a 10:10 (11) portal also 8/11/2017. so This number is a staple in our ascension codes and in many others on this path and their light codes at this time. I often will channel a message or do a reading like this one close to those gateway portal dates.

 If you have resonated with any of this channeling so far you will vibe with my experiences around it also so I will be sharing that with you today. I'm Not trying to make anything impersonal; but you can share in the synchronicity (vibration of the reading) with me by reading my experience in this blog

As libra's we stand strong to the Omega sign. 10:10 is the Alpha and Omega number. Together we create this balance and harmony between both as do all twin flames and the new love paradigm "relationships". Divine Fems as the Alpha's and our amazing Divine Mascs as the Omega's

The relevancy to this number started to be come clear especially when we visited Mount Shasta together last September for two weeks; celebrating both our birthdays! Below is a picture of me by the mountain and lake. I added a few of the scenery itself and of when we arrived together. While we where there: we got a major transmission/healing and message from Saint Germaine on the mountain and my twin flame allowed himself to connect to him for the very first time after 5 years of skepticism.

Aside from back home when we went for a hike at Garden Of The God's with his family *ironic name and that while we where here a 12 year old named Michael told my twin "YOU ARE A GOD! and SHE IS YOUR GODDESS!" He labeled us as "Not the adult ADULTS*

The first mountain "retreat" we visited together was that of Saint Germaine in California. He was beckoning me to visit him there for MONTHS prior to meeting my Twin flame fathers day of 2016 and I was waiting upon the divine to present the right timing and conditions to travel.

This invitation happened exactly two weeks prior to my Pranic Healing retreat, when I met Malachi. This Pranic retreat was the first adventure I had partaken on after our reunion. Around July 3rd 2016, maybe two weeks after I met my twin flame I ventured up highway 285 with my Pranic Healing community. I became a Basic healer on February 29th 2016.
This was a very fun and transformative time. I witnessed 4 different rainbows on the trip also which a few where also present in Shasta when we visted there. Rainbows follow me everywhere. I could really start to sense the synchronicity and magnetism and power my twin and I have together. I had some pretty crazy dreams and visions happen to me and got to have a good spa day adventure with my friends though i missed my twin. I did a card reading for the group and the energy we where working with at the time using the same Deck i used in this reading - One of my faves and most consistently used. It looks like I was also doing some coloring meditation- working on my RAINBOW LOTUS FLOWER. We all stayed at a friends cabin and visited the hot springs the following day after some healing sessions. Lots of driving but like I said I got to see rainbows and beautiful mountains! 

The thing is the day I met my twin flame (Sunday June 19th) I was attempting to go to the weekly meditation but traffic was at an all time high and parking was null and void, everything blocked off for Pride Fest. I decided to hell with it and started driving home, while exiting left off of Sheridan I decide I'm just going to go to the gym to work out. All of a sudden i get the urge to go down the street to my favorite metaphysical store I hadn't been to in quite some time to pick up a few ritual items (I was beginning this stage of manifestation in my life) and I was wanting a new scarf that I can use during meditation. I was in the store for no less than lets say 20 minutes before this stunning young man with a bright blue shirt (I recognized his voice first, mistaking him for someone else he had similar facial structure with). Being shy I wasn't even going to approach said guy, but he started talking and had a very deep and loud distinct voice, he had said 

"I come here when I feel like I need to get grounded and feel better". (That day he was on the verge of suicide though you wouldn't have guessed it)

I was reading a book about Virgo-Libra cusps and wasn't sure exactly how to approach him so I had chimed in 

"I come here for the exact same reason. It's one of my favorite places in town" 

He seemed  to want to ignore me as most women shy away from him but I eventually strike up conversation with him (spirit forced me, every chakra propelled me) when he said something about "meeting others like him soon". I told him I knew exactly what he was talking about, I knew exactly what he was and I told him he was a Blue Ray Starseed. 

From this moment on synchronicity and telepathy began to form at an exceptional rate between us. we where inseparable, our link included. While on this retreat I seemed to be the ONLY one able to get cell phone service and remain in constant communication with MK. Being away from him was a struggle also. I never felt such a magnetic pull before and I could feel him even being so far away (as i had before we met but it was now much stronger of a pull). It wasn't long after this retreat that I channeled Goddess Sophia and a new perspective of the Creation Story and what is happening now in September and beyond.  

Click the picture below to go to the video's that explain the Twin Flame Union and are educational. 

Ever since I came into Reiki and Pranic Healing I have been aware of Ascended Master Saint Germaine and his powers of the Violet Flame. On the day I met my beloved I was practically extended invitation to go with them to Mount Shasta, no more than 4 hours after meeting. Years Before all of this I came into the knowing I was a twin flame and began to record syncronistic experiences of my own journey so I can share them with others, and eventually formulate a book that will help others become courageous on their own ascension journeys and what to look out for similarly on this journey. A guidebook from the mother Mary herself so to speak.

The reason I include my own twin flame experience within these readings is not to take the spotlight
or divert from the personal appeal, if you prefer a simple message; this isn't one of those at this time. I can provide you with a personalized one by request but this is what is needed at this time to be heard by the collective so it is rather lengthy and verbal. I hope each individual can feel how it is personal to them in between..

I explain and include my journey so that others can know that such a connection exists, its my "proof" so to speak of the information i channel today: to show how i truly am taking on the roll as my illuminated blue ray twin flame self and serving a purpose here to be a gateway into love for all of humanity that is ready. I learned I was a blue ray and in very close connection with Archangel Michael on April 3rd 2014 during the first energetic healing I've experienced in my entire life. Since then I discovered I was a twin flame and starseed and so forth and have manifested many beautiful soul tribe members into my life. Now I work to help humanity ascend and to bring my tribe together. We are part of the 144,000/288,000 that is even biblically mentioned. An angelic messengers and I know many many more here in Colorado and around the globe.

We are not a figment of ones imagination. We are not demonic or evil. We are very possible and very real if you make the choice to open your eyes step into the new world. It doesn't have to be scary. It's part of my message and purpose to teach and raise awareness and consciousness around this new love paradigm and new earth that is immuring right now and being created and that Eye am working with many other Light beings to anchor into the present as a Alchemical grid worker and healer. This is not just a "simple message" but one that will last for over 6 months and far into history. Take your time to read it or read it in one sitting - it's up to your leisure. Please have patience with me as i learn to express myself and do all this and bring in such large amounts of information that will help ALL other hearts opening up. No sweet simple message today - but a galactic transmission autowritten by this beloved being willing and open to transmitting it and then speak the words into motion.

Mount Shasta is supposedly the CROWN Chakra of Gaia. It has a very powerful vortex on the top of it's peak that offers tons of lucrative energy! When I was there I participated in a spirit walk, shamanic journey and I received visions of me as a little Buddha and then I saw Goddess Isis with her outstretched wings as a beautiful Egyptian Priestess and then I saw Quan Yin on her beautiful Lotus and I was filled with immense amounts of LOVE I can't even describe how magical it was in words! The warm sun was beating down on my face and I got up and danced all over the mountain singing in praise! At that time i got to experience a glimpse of what is now showering down upon us. I got to see a glimpse of what Eye am transforming into as an illuminated blue ray twin flame and Oracle/Seer and scribe of Isis/Mary Magdalene. I got to see my true self and purpose unfolding as Trinity.

Earth chakra points are where energy spirals and flows down like a faucet. The general essence of the Earth’s chakra points are to magnify the energy correlated to the body’s chakras. When you immerse yourself in these energy fields you will find that your own physical electromagnetic field will become aligned with the frequency of the chakra point you are in.

Chakra points pour, radiate and give off energy by tapping into a variety of dimensional planes. They balance and regulate the electromagnetheric field of Earth to stabilize our planet’s energy. They connect with Earth’s vortices, working together as an energetic, crystalline grid around our planet. Chakra points are often Volcanoes or other Earth active areas, due to the rich crystal deposits, electromagnetic volcanic material and increased ormus from Inner Earth.

Everyone will have their own experiences, and receive particular frequencies and downloads designed for you. These places will bubble up any energies or beliefs that are out of alignment with your natural self so that you can integrate them and become more of your true essence. You may have the most positive and connective experience of your life or the most painful. As the locals say in Sedona, whatever energy you bring to the vortex (or chakra point) will be magnified.  Chakra points are more lucid and dreaming whereas vortices are clarifying amplifiers. All of Earth’s chakra points and vortices are connected in an energy grid around the planet. When you are at one energy point you will likely feel other energy points through the wormhole-like dimensional gates, such as feeling Mt. Fuji in Mt. Shasta. The following descriptions are brief energetic overviews of the Earth’s chakra points that I have lived and visited, and the general energies I researched and downloaded.
Mount Shasta is the locational access point to “All That Is” and connection with your higher self. It is a place where you are bathed in knowingness and powerfully nurtured by divine support. The “I AM” presence.  It delivers the realization and frequency of oneness and your connection to everything.
Many know Mt. Shasta as the root chakra. It is a very grounded place being atop the volcano. One of the reasons for this labeling could be the 8th chakra energy that streams through here.  The 8th chakra is where the root and crown chakra meet, the place of heaven and Earth.

It is often associated with the “The Violet Flame” or Saint Germain, the purifying violet energy which transmutes denser energies and reignites the flame of your divine purpose. The symbol and energy are also represented in Shasta’s en
ergy of being the meeting place of the high council, the place where humans step into their roles as ascended masters and physicalize Christ Consciousness on Earth.  Mount Shasta is in the geographic region that was once, and always is because everything is now, “ancient” Lemuria.  It is a dimensional gate to the Lemurian civilization, reminding us of how we can live in harmony on Earth.

Mount Shasta co-creates an energetic Vesica Pisces with the Sedona Vortex. Together, they are connected by a line of energy and their radiating electromagnetic fields combine, immersing the geographic locations between them in a resonance of 33 cycles per second.

The second time visited the mountains here at home; 6 months later, and took highway 285 to visit my friend Krystal on valentines day Feb 14th, my twin flame was in tow with me. I had written about it previously so I won't go into depth as i will have a blog but this is when we experienced what I want to call our "711 Resting Station Synchronicity". We basically got "Engaged" on this adventure and the universe was asking us both "WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" Asking us if we where willing to catch our spirit bodies and seal them within the gates of our hearts which we are still working on accomplishing. We experienced a rather weird "dark knight" on our drive home that expanded us both quantumly and through this process. I also wrote a special blog that will be delved into much deeper later on but this was the beginning of a "series". 711 IS ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!

Below is a video from Patricia that helped me even explain the process we went through and are continuing to go through right now.

Our 2nd trip together (my 3rd) was down the same exact 285 highway instead it was in July another 6 months later around the 8th-11th to visit where my twin grew up for some time at his dad's house in South Fork. We arrived to a rainstorm my Twin procured and left home with a BEAUTIFUL sunrise! We where prospecting land his dad owns in Crestone as a future cabin/home. It was beautiful and that is where we experienced our "911 Healing The Inner Child" synchronistic event which was also the weekend I pulled Garnet and Amethyst in a spread I was doing for my beloved again using the Liquid Crystal as I did my last trip- he was doing a LOT of necessary purging of his heart chakra, like many are doing right now also and battling it out a bit with his Inner Child (pictured above)! Utilizing his own "name" and the stone Malachi-te. Crestone is considered the "Shasta of Colorado"... It's a very spiritual based place and referred to as The Shambala Of The Rockies. 

 (repeat of Amethyst and Garnet in a personal reading for my Beloved to the right of the universal reading I'd done that day, blog still in progress)

Our 3rd (my 4th) Encounter going up highway 285 is what I will describe as our "811 Trinity Mad Hatter Garden Tea Party". This was the day we just visited what we celebrate as the Dragon Festival
Retreat and it's up near Bailey Colorado. I will explain more about this and why it coincides with this universal message after I finally explain Germaine's message to us.

Saint Germaine brings you the blessing of spiritual connection. There are times on your life path when you will feel alone. If you are working on an issue or going through a challenging time and don't feel particular supported or that others understand, even though they may love you, then that sense of loneliness may increase for a time. Or perhaps you wonder if you are a spiritually connected as you could be. Perhaps you have been asking for confirmation of your divine connection or for some sort of sign that what you think might be divine guidance is genuine. St. Germaine comes with the message that you're capable of spiritual connection and that connection is growing in power every time you talk to the universe through prayer or any active devotion. You're also being asked to release any barriers around your heart and mind so you can allow them conditionally loving voice of spirit to be heard in your heart and see with your mind.
Walking a spiritual path is very important for your soul. It is what you were meant to do this lifetime, and you have in fact on this many lifetimes previously. You have developed a strong spiritual connection during the passing of those lifetimes, with an ability to feel, know and connect with spirit consciously,  even Wells living in this physical world where the clear voices of spirit can sometimes be distorted through fear, doubt or anger. You will have different ways you can best tune in to your strong spirit connection and what works best for you may be different for another you may tap into your spiritual connection through meditation, dance, being in nature, relaxing or switching off your mind with exercise, through prayer or creating art, music or some other offering of devotion to love in life. What is being a firm through this message is that your spiritual connection is established; it is considerable, and you have the ability to tune in to it this lifetime.

Your asked to rely upon your spiritual connection unconditionally, ask for help with all things in your life. There's nothing too small, for in allowing your spiritual connection to assist you in resolving the small, apparently insignificant, every day matters more swiftly, you free up vital energy is to deal with the bigger tasks on your divine life journey. From parking spaces to overall timing for your day, for assistance and always while traveling, for help in making good choices while shopping, to inspiration for better relationships, and in matters of finance, health and professional development, divine guidance will help you in all ways with one purpose- to help you reside in the frequency of love and truth!!!

Sometimes there can be fear about opening up further to spirit. You may want it and fear it at the same time. If you have heard a message or someone else told you something they believe has come from the spiritual world, and it makes you feel bad, if what you see, feel, here where are told is based in fear and anyway, it is not from the higher spiritual world. Genuine divine guidance is loving, and anything that makes you feel disconnected from Love, Or that causes you to feel bad about yourself, is not and I repeat not higher guidance.

The fear of opening up further to spirit can be so deep that you don't realize it is there. You attend development classes and work hard to perceive spiritual connection and yet frustratingly, it may not come through as clearly as you would like. Perhaps you feel like you are the only person who doesn't get something while others seem to have connection you envy. You may feel like spirit has forgotten you, or you are not important Enough to deserve attention, or that there is something wrong with you, that you cannot receive as you wish. Or perhaps you're stuck with in the limiting believes of any certain religion and you're in fear of the unknown that goes beyond that. All of those reactions and frustration is understandable, but they are not reflective of a higher truth.

Your spiritual task is to be kind to yourself. Be with your feelings and complete the following healing process as often as you feel you need it. Know that issues can arise even in those working cautiously with spirit for a long time, testing them to trust and open up even more so. you're releasing a barrier between you and spirit. You never need to be ashamed of your fear. It has been conditioned into bodies over life times! It can take a little while to cleanse it out of the soul. There can be a stubborn stain, but the Divine has all sorts of tricks to dislodge it! (Eye as a Pranic and Reiki healer can help assist and teach you how to heal and cleans these things)

Spirit wants to connect with you just as much is you want to connect with it. More even! Because you are so loved. Set aside any frustrations with yourself for the divine as you realize that even if you don't see or hear or some other seem to do, spirit still talks to you every day. Can you see the signs? The numbers, the white feathers, The song on the radio that seems right for you, the books you were drawn to read, or the Oracle card that keeps popping up. Spirit loves you so much and has created all these ways for you to hear it's loving voice within your heart!

You question what other ways open up for you in due course. Yes of course they will, but even now, your spiritual connection is already real. To grow more, set aside time every day, at least two minutes, to speak to it. Imagine it has your daily phone call to your divine mother. During that daily divine time, talk to the universe. You don't need any special words. Just tell the universe allowed if you can what you would like help with and what you are grateful for in your life in this present moment.

To integrate this guidance you might like to say the Invocation now:

"Word Eye am word. I call upon the crystal angel of amethyst and ascended Master St. Germain who love me unconditionally. thank you for the divine healing blessing of spiritual connection. May the fullness of my spiritual connection become consciously knowing to me now. May I be inspired by spirit daily, to connect, to talk to the universe openly, from my heart. May all beings KNOW The extent of their spiritual connection and the depth of love that spirit holds for them. May peace enter the world through my spiritual connection, assisting the plan of love and light. Through divine grace in my own free will, so be it. Word Eye am word with this intention"

 If you focus upon the Mandala within the picture you can further integrate this guidance while focusing on your crown chakra; relax and breathe in and out several times and say aloud

"Word Eye am word. I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release any experience, memory or associated believe system connected to spiritual abuse, manipulation, feeling of disconnection or dissonance from the spiritual world, feelings of being abandoned by the divine in anyway, and of being harmed, humiliated or criticized in anyway for my spiritual connection. May the healing power of the loving worlds of divine grace cleanse be completely now and restore the full vibrancy of my spiritual connection to hire guidance. Their divine grace and unconditional love, so be it thank you

                                                     Om mani padme hum
                                                     Om shanti shanti shanti
                                                     Word Eye am word with this intention"

With your hands in a prayer position and your intentions upon the card repeat the following prayer

"Word Eye Am Word. May divine love awake in the force of spiritual connection in the hearts of all living beings. According to divine compassion and Service to the great divine plan of love and folding, so be it."

Now repeat three times "Word Eye Am Word; I trust and rely upon my spiritual connection and conditionally. It is safe for me to be fully open the spirit, to receive unconditionally loving and uplifting messages that are truly helpful!"

I found this woman, I loved her channeling of Kryon Of Magnetic Service. She inspires me and works with this same Violet Flame energy. Melchizedek/Metatron is the governing oversoul. 

Now the message from our beautiful Amethyst aka Amerayel-Ra (Garnet is Ra) herself and the Trinity Union Spiritual Guidance being offered is Humility.This is also what we will work with July 2018

"Call forth and open yourself to the light of Adhara. Let it activate your heart in my blinding Aura, for I have come with the lesson of humility, a gift only held by a peaceful heart and truthful mind. Breathe deep now and Enter the center of your being, let your world roam free from the mortal focuses that carry attachment. Let go of physicality, trust and allow the universe to be your guide to all that you are. Infinite child a violet embrace, hear the will of united mind and filter it free through the endless heart. Our journey completes at the beginning like the infinity symbol, a place of sacred peace that many have only known in the body before birth. I am the 7th Son of the 7th Sun, Know me."

Notice how we drew the light language number seven before we drew this card and it speaks of the 7th Son/Sun. What a beautiful synchronicity!

Now if you have any crystals at home at all, there's a good chance that you have an amethyst. She is a beautiful purple color quartz crystal that varies in her depth, transparency and intensity. In modern times she has often been abused, cooked to change her color to burnt orange and then sold as citrine which often fetches a higher price. Amethyst is one of the most plentiful Crystals on the earth and as always when this occurs, her simple purpose with humanity as the stone of humility is an important one. We would certainly do with a dose of it as a race.

She is able to teach this lesson of humility mainly due to the presence of the red color gray that is often unnoticed deep within this Crystal. I would guess this is what amethyst and Garnet have in common. They hide their red hues. We seem to be really working with the roots and sacral chakra is at this time and amethyst and Garnet are the best to get a hold of.

This red color allows amethyst ability to ground, stabilize and increase vitality, characteristics that are often overlooked due to the overall purple color which, for many people, defines it as a spiritual stone. However, when the purples and reds tonight, amethyst like no other can allow the physical, human mind and body to brace the spirit, it's concepts and directives, at the forefront of which are found unity, equality and oneness, the master teachers of humility!

I personally own a red tipped amethyst alongside my geode and it is one of the most potent grounding stones I have within my collection and one of my prized pieces!

When the mind directs life without the true guidance of spirit an illusionary self is created that is often known as the ego. It's purpose is whatever the mind sees as important at the time, limited to the physical world. One is quite simply functioning at 50% pretending they were 100%, but hidden, buried deep inside is the truth, a feeling of nill purpose, isolation and lower self-esteem that eventually leads to anger and fear, a person in desperate need of amethyst and the guidance of spirit.

As the mind embraces the spiritual, amethyst delivers self-awareness, peace, security in life direction which allows one to feel part of the world again. Amethyst is a potent Meditation stone; able to teach true breath control and altered states and induce visions, it can raise Kundalini Energy and established a good Earth link allowing memory of that which takes place. It should also be noted that the stone was known as an Euthanasia stone in Atlantis times and can facilitate the released from physical when asked to do so.

This is a master Stone of the ascended Master St. Germaine utilizes its frequency to anchor the purple flame of transmutation on the earth. At the physical level amethyst has been useful with tension and migraine headaches, insomnia and mine based disorders such as autism (Many in my family have these traits), dyslexia (which I have) and epilepsy (my father has this).
Amethyst has presented itself to us today because our spirit is asking for a pathway of creation into our physical life. The higher self is about to enter your world and help direct your choices, look for signs everywhere and they will be there. To really receive the messages that amethyst as for you, the mind will have to be disciplined into a positive state and you will have to step away from your mortal side that is concerned about money and other physical stuff. This is a time of transformation and transmutation, meaning that nothing is wasted, I was utilized only changed from one state to another that is more useful to the Totality of you. Truth with self and your world in the coming weeks will be a measure of a potential depth of amethyst work with you. Be humble, seek balance, and unity inequality, she will fill the gap's with the blinding light of your individual spirit. Your path is within you, meditate, take time and breathe, don't seek to change the world or of people around you, change yourself and then the world will change around you due to the law of attraction.

The animal totem of amethyst is GOAT. there's no coincidence that my past life mother-sister brother/ beautiful soul family Sarah who is a Scorpio along with her Twin Flame Mikel who took our beautiful photos (Sarah in the middle on left picture) goes by the name of "Goat woman" often times and she is who wedded my twin flame and I in a hand fasting with our High Priest Shane and his Priestess Amanda (same photo) on 8/11 (I already posted a lot above about this auspicious number)! My beloved Cathy (pictured below on the left) also joined us and she is like a Soul Sister-Mother to us also. She is the one who gifted us our EYE AM 811 bracelets pictured below for our Union and brought our very yummy and very devoured cake LOL.

"Yes - you are on the right path even though it looks like you can't get there from here. Just know that if you keep moving forward you WILL get to where you are going. The footing is there." 
It is letting you know that this is a time to begin new climbs and new endeavors. Take your time and plan your course. Look closely at what is ahead so that you can be surefooted along your course. This animal can also be letting you know that perhaps its time to stretch and reach for new heights. Are your goals high enough? Do you deserve more? Alternatively this creature can be letting you know that you have to trust your own ability to land on your feet. Having faith in yourself and your own abilities is a very powerful tool that is available to you at all times. Move forward one step at a time. 

I have personally come to discover over the years that my Crystal of principal (That Garnet previously mentioned) is Amethyst and my twin flame's is Moldavite and combined together I carry the Energy of Moonstone and he carry's the energy of Malachite and that is why I resonate with this message being given today on very deep levels.

But stones not far behind would be Sapphire, Opal, Selenite, Herkimer/Diamond, malachite, Celestite, carnelian, rose/Aura/Tibetan quartz, black or any form of Kayanite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone, ammazonite/Nautilus shell, imperial topaz, petrified wood, fluorite and various Jaspers. Needless to say I'm a crystal/skull keeper and connect to them all as the Triple Goddess embodiment! This is why you will always, ALWAYS, hear me giving in depth insight into stones and their metaphysical properties and working in tandem with them in everyday practices and habits.

To me there is no irony that Amethyst along with Saint Germaine are making themselves present for this energetic time also and presented our Mandala to meditate on!

Its most recent validation of it is that it came to me directly marking our Twin Flame Union - gifted within a antique ring his mom- my new mother in law- passed down and gifted to me in celebration of our marriage. I just received it on Sunday! This ring has one single diamond and 3 weaves making it look like a Trinity Heart.

And on our wedding day when I was purchasing our Wine Goblets I was gifted a pair of beautiful earrings of Moldavite, Moonstone and a 5 pointed silver star, with trinity spirals of life decorating it. I am wearing them in the wedding photo's though they are hard to see. (a picture of my beloved and i will come when they are finished being perfected). You can actually read about this in my next blog, what an experience we had! *link*

It was also gifted to me in a large cluster from one of my most dearest soul sisters named Divinity (Pictured above on the right side, blonde)
for my year 2014 birthday but a month "late" on 10/23- the stone has the tracking number on the back of it which gave us goosebumps when it matched the date to the T as 1023 (The last "day" of my birthday year cycle. My birthday being 9/23) when we where in Temple together! we both got goosebumps! She had previously had visions of this date also but until that moment we hadn't put it all together yet! This wasn't a stone she was wanting to easily part with but was urged to. This number is also the one being emphasized in this reading and is why I am talking about it!

This was around the same time I was drawn to an amethyst pendulum which I purchased at Heaven Sake Bookstore (the store on June 19 2016 that I returned to and met my twin on the day of "pride fest") that seems to have disappeared in the past

year or so and I have to find it again if I'm lucky to but if not there is a different one waiting for me (I don't use the pendulum much so it probably was upset with me); but it also came through a simple pocket stone from an ex-boyfriend on my year 2014 birthday that I used on the Mandala card (but it bought with my own money through him at Heaven Sake along with my first stone of Malachite LOL). It will often pop up on my Facebook in photos and shows itself when I really need to meditate and connect my higher intelligence and guides and this stone is infused with so much loving energy from my siStar that it is amazing to work with!

During our retreat I did a personal card reading and I pulled a card that really validated the energy happening and what is going on with the twin flame community and the collective at this time. It is the union Card. During the moment I was sitting at the Kiosk and a beautiful butterfly floated into my space. I also saw to me what looked like Butterfly's and Phoenix in the clouds that weekend. You can read more about the butterfly in this blog *write and provide link*

This card along with the wine we drank at our ceremony out of our "Until death do we part" Goblets", talked more about in this blog *write and link*: was blessed by Saint Germaine and infused by the full moons energy- the energy of Empowerment- He is so very involved at this time and Amethyst is a very important tool to utilize right now!

The main reason that I went into detail explaining the different mountain trips is because it holds a very deep message with it. it's my whole purpose to write and do what I do and bring the messages that I am guided in the forms available to me at this time.

It's the process of mastery and taking a journey up different mountains into greater awakening and discovery of your I/EYE AM essence! Coming into the knowing that with faith as small as a mustard seed, you can MOVE mountains, and you do not have to continue to carry them as burdens. This is the process of you coming into union with Your higher self and Over-soul: TRUE SELF.

It could be seen as new multidimensional levels of your MerKaBah. Goals you are creating to ascend to. Each mountain is holding a very important message waiting for you to discover. You hold the key to them all to unlock the mystical door in the resting place that awaits at the peak. a hike that will lead you to a new perspective, a new view... or as I can visualize it a journey similar to one the Father in the movie "The Shack" had to take after the traumatic loss of his daughter. Our journey of forgiveness and compassion, and humility, and understanding. non judgement, Loss of ego and the need to be right and justified.

These are what I personally describe as my "711, 811 and 911 Ray synchronicities". I described them above as my twin and I's different wilderness retreats.  More will follow suit Eye am sure for we have future plans to visit all the main chakra's points of Gaia. Our next trip soon will hopefully be to the Red Woods where my beloved left his heart, then the Lake Powell where I left mine and finally to Sedona where I know we both are destined to be soon.

These are the healing processes necessary to catapult you to your next destination. It the giant steps you are taking to reach union and to become United with God/Source/Creator - who IS you. To journey deeper into unconditional and boundless self love, joy, peace and humility and bliss we where promised. Bringing heaven to Earth and living As Above, So Below.

The mountains can represent our struggles with the BSGF (Blame, shame and guilt and fear) boulders that come crashing down on us as occasional mud and rock slides are natural. Each mountain, is a new soil, a new land filled with milk and honey where you are to plant seeds and make a forest and garden of Eden. To lay foundation upon and build an empire and temple of light, of success, abundance and Synergistic Expansion to transform into a brilliant lighthouse which will point those lurking in the shadows around you in the direction to their highest good and well being also.

If you resonate with this mission please continue to follow my blog and reach out to me anytime you need love and support. If you have support to extend as Eye am putting my entire soul into this mission, it is appreciated in kind through my gofundme and other forms of Donations. I am here as a gateway/portal to assist any souls experiencing the dark night of the soul or just need some empowerment and direction. I have much advice and many tools to offer you through such periods of pain and resistance.

Affirmation "I walk The Eternal path of truth, the purple flame burns in my heart."

"The greatest things in the universes happened outside of human kinds mortal embrace. The stars of the night sky sit in a greater mystery that often goes unseen by humankind, their blinding light is your distraction, the mind dare not wonder long between them lest it continue eternally in the wonder in glory of emptiness"

The Amethyst card represents the number 4 in light language: this number through light language represents measure.

"In alignment with the natural cycles, may the sacred take form in the great mystery revealed through you."

Four has shown up quite a few times and I've pointed out where previously that it it reminds up that the Angels are speaking directly to us.

Four is the ray (link to Sept Monthly reading) of measure, the alignment with natural cycles. It is the square, the base of the pyramid, the solid foundation that unifies the lines of directional force. Four is the diamond asking you to utilize the tool of discrimination. Now is the time to manifest your dream or vision. (My body just pulsed and shivered as i read out loud which is a sign of truth) Look to natural logic, order, and definition. These gifts support the whisperings of your creative spirit. You are the architect to manifest your dreams! Open the door and call forth the sacred for. You're being brought into meaningful alignment, bringing Healing into the cycle of your life. The four directions offer you assistance in understanding universal physical laws. Use measure as a tool of consciousness to more time, form, and space. Now is the time to focus, to connect tangibly with the undefined. Take your ideas and give them discipline and form. Develop the ability to be clear and discriminate without creating separation or judgment. Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation! Consider the possibility of a potential or manifested gift as an organizer, planner. You may find yourself called to be in the forward scouting party of any mystic quest or pattern because of your gifts in this area. You're being extended a gift of clear mental discrimination, definition, and bringing organization in order to processes and patterns. In conclusion you are directed to Pay attention to right timing.

Again thank you for your time please pass this along and if you have time visit my blog and facebook, send me some likes, shares and support! I love to hear feedback on what I write so I can improve upon it. I am pretty free form and I write a lot of things on facebook and here.

 if you wish to donate to me or get a reading my time is becoming more open to schedule beautiful individuals ready to step into the path of love and i believe i will offer very affordable rates! I'm looking for the universe to throw some abundance my way to grow my business and stabilize my life; so please come support me if you wish to. Veshuda to you will bring Veshuda to me 3 fold :)

Concluding Message from the Beetle (I keep seeing them EVERYWHERE)

The most basic symbolism that beetles offer us come in the form of their physical make-up. They’re comprised of three main parts (head, abdomen, thorax), which directly correlates to the natural law of threes: you will receive three times the energy that you put out into the environment. Essentially, the beetle animal totem suggests that you reap what you sow, threefold. When you consider this, it seems awfully important for you to ensure that this energy is positive, productive, and favorable to others. What are you putting out into the world. If it is helpful and valuable in an honest sense, the rule of three suggests that help and prosperity will be returned to you. If you are honest and just, you will be rewarded. What goes around comes around, in a nutshell.

While the antennae are mostly used for smell, they also play an important role in mating rituals and defensive tactics, which are important in human social interaction, as well. They serve as a prompt for humans to expand our own perceptions beyond the basic five senses. To accomplish this, we must exercise constant concentration and awareness throughout our lives.

If you come across a beetle, whether in your dreams or in real life, the first thing that you should take note of is its color. The rainbow of colors that beetles come in are perhaps the most symbolic and spiritual aspect of them. Color, in general, acts as the ultimate medium for symbolism and connection to nature, and considering it alone can have profound meanings and insight. Each color has a meaning that will give you something to examine and be thankful for in your life. I keep seeing black ones

The color black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world. In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress.

It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort while protecting its emotions and feelings, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence.
Black is the absorption of all color and the absence of light. Black hides, while white brings to light.
What black covers, white uncovers. We all use black at various times to hide from the world around us in one way or another. Some of us use it to hide our weight; others among us use it to hide our feelings, our fears or our insecurities. In color psychology, black means power and control, hanging on to information and things rather than giving out to others. Black is intimidating, unfriendly and unapproachable because of the power it exudes. It can prevent two-way communication because of its intimidation. The salesman wearing all black will make a lot of sales, but no friends! It radiates authority, but creates fear in the process. Black implies self-control and discipline, independence and a strong will, and giving an impression of authority and power. Black absorbs negative energy. It is useful to carry something black with you to protect you from harm and negativity when traveling or when going about your usual daily activities outside your home

People who like black may be conventional, conservative and serious, or they may think of themselves as being sophisticated or very dignified. And finally I'd like to mention that my Groom wore a black coat for our wedding. He looked so sexy in it and this is what is stated about that: Black is often associated with sexiness and seduction, as in the temptress in sexy black lingerie creating an air of mystery and intrigue (my undies where black ironically LOL). It can also imply submission to another (including a sexual partner), similar to the priest wearing black robes in submission to God( or Goddess)

Black is the end (haha she came at the END of this channeling), but the end always implies a new beginning. When the light appears, black becomes white, the color of new beginnings.

Back to Beetles:
As with most insects, beetles as spirit guides are proactive and recognize the necessity of adapting to one’s environment. They are meant to teach you to utilize your strong internal abilities to accept coming changes in your life while practicing discernment when necessary. Basically, beetles are there to give you the correct perspective.
Beetles as a general species also commonly symbolize different forms of healthy, natural, and proactive change, such as transformation, changes, regeneration, and rebirth. In this way, they are considered to be very wise creatures, meaning you can trust in the processes that they guide you toward.

The beetle symbolism inspires you to be an independent thinker with an honest communication system with yourself. They also have a protective quality about them, particularly for those who struggle with honest, straight-forward communication and socialization. They are said to assist you in effectively communicating with yourself and others by illuminating difficult problems and situations in the correct light.

The beetle animal totem serve as a reminder that now is the time to examine your daily habits. There is no time like the present, after all. If you are struggling to identify where you are in your life or what you should be doing, you can turn to the beetle for guidance.

To put it simply, we can form our own meditation through taking cues from the bodies and behavior of beetles. With their guidance, your spirit is enabled to experience the regeneration it needs to prosper and grow.

Because of the vast array of types of this insect and their roles in nature, beetles have an extensive list of symbolic meanings: time management, underestimated strength, structure, creativity, adaptation, the importance of community and teamwork, resourcefulness, living in a purely and eco-conscious way…the list goes on.

I want to mention that LADY BUGS are a form of beetle and these are one of my MAIN animal totems representing MOTHER MARY and THE DIVINE MOTHER energy. I have seen a few Lady Bugs this month also so check their symbology out sometime! I've been synching up with this beautiful Awakened Warrioress Twin Flame


I'm here to support you and show you that I love you and hope that we can all move forward in a very peaceful ascension together! GO and try out these meditations to kick start you in your journey to of connection!

Eye am also guided to leave you with a Meditation to work with directly; one you can help support fellow starseeds by passing along and joining in on! I will be using it and signing up for the other Angel Attunments to use on August 21st for a mass meditation! So worth $22! Golden Ticket to ascension? YES PLEASE! *sings ive got a golden ticket; from willie wanka*

A great friend I am joyfully collaborating with created these and they are very high vibrational and effective. Both Malachi and I loved it! He was able to get some seriously awesome feedback from the music people he connected with over the last few days, on his attunement video for Archangel Cassiel! I also loved it!

I'm stoked to be a part of it and full of joy for him! I am excited that I will start to do webinars with this individual and speak passionately outside of just writing  on these topics with my twin!

I highly recommend that you listen to the free meditation below with headphones, then pre order all twelve. You get one free album for your purchase, and five angel meditations at the time of payment. Pm Robert Vilches (Raven) on facebook for preorder details. Preorder today for just $22 for all twelve and get a free 5 track meditation album for Stress Relief, Divine Connection, Ascension, Heart Space Activation, Wealth and Prosperity.

Thank you so much for sticking this reading out with me it was just as long for me as it was for all of you but it seems that is what I'm here to do and I was able to create my own unique and authentic spread to start using for my videos so Eye am happy! And this is a pretty good introduction/description to the work i procure! I am here to bring very deep and expansive messages and readings to the world- after all I am a shapeshifter and carry more than one face! that's who Eye am and I embrace that as one of my gifts.

Feel free to like subscribe and share to my videos and blogs; this is my very first video. I'm honored to be able to have time to do it and for time in my life to be opening up for me to continue doing these sorts of things in the future. I hope to move forward and also start doing some webinars in collaboration with other great friends and start doing some little classes and workshops where I can help you guys learn what I have been able to learn about numerology and astrology and Tarot readings and hopefully get hearts to open up to the allowance that such tools are not here for us to be in fear of or to think it is of some deep dark satanic thing because your Bible is contradicting (many use it for divination purposes and i use many books not just one!) to say so but to see it as an avenue that God can utilize to bring through very helpful advice and guidance when you just feel like you're banging your head on the wall and can't put into words what it is that's going on and energies of the Cosmos just got you all messed up , its an avenue for you to sit down and listen to God and your higher self on positive ways how to deal with your shit and create SOUL- utions. We have to acknowledge and offer gratitude while we ask for help from God and our angels and other guides otherwise they really can't do anything for us and alone we can manifest a lot of crap with our BSG&F (blame shame and guilt aka FEAR)

These tools are a doorway to open space to ask beings of unconditional love for help. We are not meddling with lower vibration entities that just want to consume your energy and mess with us- I am and I can aid you also to become a clear channel of divine light and love. These tools can clearly get those other messages so you can understand and hear them and integrate them whilst putting aside all the monkey noises that goes on in our brain day in and day out and learning to do self-care and self-love.

Atma Namaste Beloveds! Goddess Bless

7:36pm Major high pitch ringing in right ear after finishing this post.

Yeshua/Jesus and Mary Magdalene or Lady Nada and Saint Germaine supporting the Earth with their Christ Light and Twin Flame Lotus; 
Together creating their Mer-Ka-Ba; 
journeying up the mountain through their hearts to the Temple of God: 
where sweet love resides and transforms through the mystical 7
And with that Legacy left on Earth/Tara will forever be a Pillar of Light

The ideology of the word "FEAR"; to most would be
in the Light Yin "Face Everything And Rise"
in the Dark Yang "Forget Everything And Run
I go by "Face everything and [w]rite whats right" assisting them to Unite
-  Twin Flames Kymberly Kula and Malachi Kaiser

Spirit of Isis enduring and bright; Your love more powerful than might; Your triumph assured in any fight; I center myself in the truth of your light; Your love makes the impossible real; I go into my heart and feel; The success coming to me at this time; I give thanks for you blessing Divine

Star of Sothis, you bless me with abundance and peace; My wealth on all levels does increase; through many channels I receive your flow; With wonder and gratitude I watch my wealth grow; I release all fear and doubt that would block your grace; Instead of focus on your shining stellar face; And realize the love and safety within; The flow of great abundance now does begin


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